Free spelling games for 4th graders
Spelling Games for 4th Grade | LoonyLearn
In fourth grade, students become better readers and writers. They love to tell stories using their imagination and need more vocabulary to do so. The more words your child learns the more spelling practice they need. This is where we come in!
At LoonyLearn, we want students to get excited about spelling through gaming. Students engage in learning through our fun spelling games made for developing learners. Your child will race yetis and defeat alien invasions to spell fourth-grade words. As your child plays their confidence grows and so does their spelling ability.
We created our fourth-grade lists from words found in textbooks and reading tests. These lists meant to help students in other school subjects as well as free reading. Fourth-grade spelling words include tricky works like neighbor, omnivore, and temporary.
Our fourth-grade spelling lists are structured the same way our third-grade lists are. Each list includes similarly structured words and common words. These common words can be found in proficiency tests and popular elementary chapter books.
-le Words and Common Words | -ile / -il Words and Common Words | -edge / -idge Words and Common Words |
jungle | fragile | pledge |
crumble | hostile | bridge |
cable | mobile | ridge |
puzzle | tonsil | wedge |
ankle | evil | ledge |
freckle | juvenile | cartridge |
knuckle | reptile | partridge |
sprinkle | fifteen | porridge |
dimple | polite | lettuce |
globe | peanut | spinach |
public | soccer | slowly |
private | backpack | squash |
academic | decide | carrot |
listening | contain | onion |
skill | course | camouflage |
seventy | surface | habitat |
rhombus | produce | prey |
equation | sentence | imitate |
average | sketch | predator |
caution | dwelling | illustrate |
Each of the games below can be played with any of our LoonyLearn spelling lists and lists you create yourself. Just select the list you want to learn then choose the game you want to play.
Easy Spelling Games for 4th Grade
Oh no! The spell-animals are out of their cages! Help the zoo keeper dorp the good and bad spell-animals back to their correct cages.
In this game, the player is given a word and must decide if the word is correctly or incorrectly spelled. The player then places the word into the “good” or “bad” cages.
There are two kinds of water spelloons, good spelloons and mis-spelloons. Pop all the good water spelloons and move on to the next level.
In this game, the player is given six words and must select which of the words are correctly spelled. The player places the slingshot in front of the correctly spelled words to select them.
Watch out! The mean pirates are getting close to shore. Help destroy their ship before it’s too late.
In this game, the player must select the correct letter to complete the word on the ship’s sail. The player follows the ship with the canon and selects when to fire the canon to complete the word.
Normal Spelling Games for 4th Grade
Willy the Wizard loves casting spells but he can’t spell words. Help Willy put the letters back in order to spell the spelling word. Tap on the letters to put them back in order.
In this game, the player must use the wand to capture the letters in the correct order. Spell the entire word correctly to move to the next level.
Oh no! The mean monsters have mixed up all the letters and hid them around the maze. Help Molly the Monster find all the letters in the correct order to spell the spelling word. Make sure to watch out for the mean monsters! Ue your arrows to move around the cave.
In this game, the player navigates the maze to collect letters to spell the word. The player must avoid the purple monsters and the walls to grab the letters.
Help Freddy the Frog move around the busy road and river to collect letters in the correct order to spell the spelling word. Watch out for the cars and water!
In this game, the player uses the arrows to guide the frogs across the street to collect letters. The player must avoid the cars to spell the words.
Hard Spelling Games for 4th Grade
Yolo the Yeti loves the snow but he can’t spell words! Help Yolo collect all the letters to spell the spelling word.
In this game, the player moves the yeti across the screen using the control arrows to collect the letters. The player must avoid to flags and the snow mounds to spell the word.
Oh no! The aliens are attacking! Shoot down the correct letter and all the alien pods will explode.
In this game, the player moves the defender ship with the control arrows to shoot the correct letter. The player must spell the word letter-by-letter. Make sure to avoid the lasers from the alien invaders!
Help Speedy the dinosaur move around the race track to collect letters in the correct order to spell the spelling word.
Watch out for the bad letters!
In this game, the player moves the car around the track with the arrows to collect the letters. The player must collect the letters in the correct order while avoiding the incorrect letters.
The Spell-Adactyl is hungry, but he can’t see the difference between good letters and bad letters. Help the Spell-Adactyl eat all the good letters to spell the spelling word.
In this game, the player moves the Spell-Adactyl using the arrows to collect the letters in the correct order. The player must collect the letters in the correct order while avoiding the incorrect letters.
Problem: The website is blocked to my students
Do your students get a message similar to "website can't be reached"?
Solution: Contact your school's technology department, or someone at your school who's in charge of the internet, and tell them you wish to use this website with your class. They can simply unblock it by adding it to their list of approved websites within a couple of minutes.
How can I save my lists?
After you type your list, click the "Save list / Open saved list" button. Then, type a title for your list, and click the "Save" button.
You can save this way up to 24 lists. They will be stored locally in your browser's cache. Note that if you delete your browser's "history" then your saved lists might get deleted.
Problem: I can't save lists / Saved lists are erased
Your lists might not be saved due to the following reasons:
1. Too strict privacy settings in your browser. (try reducing it, or try another browser).
2. Too strict anti-virus or firewall settings. (try reducing it).
3. In schools, web administrators often disable some features of the computers such as the ability to save changes that you've made.
If you can't get your lists saved, you can always save your lists in a document, as described in the following section:
Saving lists permanently
You can save lists permanently in a text document.
Copy the sharing code (see the section below about sharing lists), and paste it inside a text document (such as MS Word or Google Docs). Type your title above it. You can paste this way as many lists as you wish. Save the document.
In most document types, when you click the sharing code it will automatically open the website with your list inside it.
How Can I share my list with my students?
After you type your list, click the "Share this list" button. An address that contains your list will appear. Copy it, and paste it in your class's website, or in your Google Classroom.
Problem: A game stopped working (can't hear sound, or the screen is black, or doesn't load)
Note that old computers (older than 4 years) might have trouble running some of the games.
1. Try reloading the page (use the "reload" button on the browser, or the F5 key on the keyboard).
Does it work now? If it doesn't, then try the following:
2. Close the browser, including all its open tabs (better save your word list before closing). If you can, close other computer programs that are open too.
Now wait a few seconds (to let the computer's memory get flushed).
Now open the browser again, get back into, go to the problematic page and reload it again.
If it still doesn't work, then:
3. Try the website with another browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.). If it doesn't work with one - it might work with the other.
If it still doesn't work - please tell me about it! Send me an email to: [email protected]
But also in the meantime, the following solution will probably work -
4. Try using the website from another computer.
Problem: Some games are suddenly missing (Rollercoaster, Dragon)
Solution: If you browse from a computer and this happens, try the following:
1. Maximize the browser's window size. The games might now reappear.
2. Try zooming out by clicking "Ctrl" with "-" (pressing Ctrl with the minus key). If you zoom out the missing games will appear.
Note that those 3d games (rollercoaster, dragon island, jungle speller etc.) won't appear on tablets and smartphones.
I didn't find an answer to my problem
If there is anything else that you need assistance with, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do my best to help you. My email is [email protected]
Didactic games at the Russian language lessons in elementary school
1. Guess the first sound.
In the words spoken by the teacher, the children should name the first sound, for example: house, grass, arch, whale, mushroom, etc. The correct answer gets a token. Whoever gets the most chips wins.
2. Catch the end of sentences.
The last syllable in the spoken word is the first in the next word. For example: gardens - hole - frames - mice - ....
3. Cities (flowers, animals).
The last sound in the spoken word is the first sound in the next word. For example: Moscow - Astrakhan - Novgorod - Donetsk ....
4. Miraculous squares structures.
Why are they miraculous? Think of the same.
Give a quick and accurate answer to each drawing-subject:
Who made it, from what and where is it most needed? (needle, thread, hook, etc.)
2. Say a word.
Tractor drives - …
Train - …
Will paint the walls - …
Planed board - …
He spent the light in the house - ...
Works in the mine - ...
In a hot forge - ...
Who knows everything - ...
3. The fourth extra.
Determine which word is superfluous. Why? Write this word in your notebook and match three more to it to get semantic group.
Autumn, winter, January, summer.
(Extra word "January", children write it down in notebooks and select words for it "February, March, August")
Girl, doll, boy, mother.
(Superfluous the word “doll”, we select the words naming toys for it)
Plate, saucepan, chair, kettle
Notebook, pencil case. textbook, axe.
Rose, fox, bell, lily of the valley.
Chicken, sheep, cow, horse.
4 . Missing.
B cells you need to enter a masculine noun, singular,
which designate the bottom covering, flooring in the room, in the house.
… no
5. A what is it with a person?
Write down the words - answers and identify in them gender and number.
Bird this wing is of a man…
of a beast paw - in a person . ..
In a dog muzzle - in a person ...
At a candy wrapper - in a person ...
U submarine periscope - for a man ...
For a lion mouth - in a person ...
U machine motor - in humans ...
In fish gills - in humans ...
In a birch juice - in a person ...
excavator bucket - for a person ...
6. Joking questions.
What do you have in common coats and rivers?
What do you have child, chair mushroom?
What do you have girls, by the sea and by the peasant?
She sparkles on the sky, floating in the water.
Porridge and poultry called…
Animal and fossa, but one word.
7. Find a definition.
a) As you know, some words, including names
adjectives, can be used both in direct and
in a figurative sense. Find a common definition for
each group of three nouns. For example:
bread, climate, pillows - general definition soft.
Village, black grouse, old woman - ... (deaf).
Maple, baby, wig - ... (curly).
Road, will, discipline - ... (iron).
b) Find in the first line the definition
to each word from the second line:
Clear, stubborn, slender, healthy, cunning, powerful.
Fox, day, bull, poplar, donkey, oak, cloud.
8. Who is faster.
Answer without hesitation, with lightning speed. Who is it? What's this?
Green, oblong, juicy -…
Small. gray, shy -…
White. fluffy. light -…
Branched, green. barbed -...
White, fragrant, forest -…
Clear, blue, mining -…
9. Restore justice.
The evil sorcerer changed the words definitions, and this is what happened:
Clumsy as mole as faithful as an elephant
Slow as dog Sly as a bull
Blind as dog Long as a hare
Cowardly as bear Thieving like a giraffe
Angry like a fox Stubborn like a magpie
Restore justice - return the definitions to their owners.
10. Oh, that nose!
Replace phrases with a verb:
Turn up your nose
Chop on your nose
Nod off
Hang your nose
Lead by the nose
11. Finish the proverb.
Task: to add missing verb with opposite meaning and explain
The world is building, but war……...
The brave wins, but a coward……..
Labor feeds, and laziness……...
Man from laziness sick, but from work…….
Summer is in store, but winter……..
Lazy man eats – warms up, but works -……...
Managed to tie, be smart and……..
Why scream in vain, better …….
December year cums, and winter ......
Easy friend to lose, but it is difficult ......
According to clothes meet, but in the mind .......
Swallow day starts, but the nightingale…..
12. Guess the word.
Decipher the words..
a) Twist fibers, making threads
- -i- - -
b) Territory country, together with its population, located behind the front line
c) Public performance of a number of musical works, ballet, variety and other numbers according to specific program
-on- - - -
d) Increasing and lowering the tone of the voice when pronouncing
- - -she- - - - - -
e) Deprived change, variety, monotonous, boring
-it- - - - - -
e) Such, o previously known, famous
- - - -we-
e) Pleasant in appearance, distinguished by harmony, regularity of lines
- - - - -you-
g) Produce, call, chime
1. Collect the words.
Read deformed words, write them down in two columns: animate and inanimate nouns.
a) Karoso, bereta, skazras, chibora, niravna, siyafespro, lomaso, poveiso, kasoba, latsa, tsanipshe, dagoya
b) Fersho, limifaya, telchiu, zhairou, rishvato, retsek, kerata, dormipo, tukhpe, zhirsapas , ragov, tsaov.
2. Magic transformations.
Post words that answer the question WHAT?
Axles one letter in words so that they begin to answer the question WHO?
3. Decipher the nouns.
Decode spring words and determine their gender and number:
4. The word in words.
Find the words in words (nouns), determine their gender and number.
Round dance (choir, ditch, gadfly)
5. From male to female.
each for the masculine word, add only one or two letters
to a new feminine word.
Guest - (handful) Shah - …
Club - …
Gender – … Cancer - …
Regiment - … growth - …
Chlorine - … ox - …
Varnish - … chalk - …
Sor - … Poppy - …
Tea - … Dock - …
Shower - …
6. The third is superfluous.
From list choose the extra words. Explain your choice.
oven snowy space
furnace snowflake cosmic
stove-maker snowman astronaut
wood boiled
forestry jam
wooded painful brew
7. The fourth is superfluous.
Me, him, both, you, you, you, herd
We, he, you, but you, wagon, weight, var
us, us, him, us They, him, him, the pit
I, I, I, me, think But, it, she, they
Me, me, think, me Nose, bottom, crust, us
Dunno played with words, making one word out of two. Check if
is correct the words?
Kol + wasps = colossi
Oak + b + i \u003d oak
Interactive games in the Russian language - Russian language and literature
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