French color song
french song about colors | TikTok Search
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Emme Risbrudt👩🏼💜
Nick Jr. Sings: Colors (French subtitles and lyrics version) #nickjrsings #frenchlanguage #subtitles #lyrics #nickjr #colors #sings #french
TikTok video from Emme Risbrudt👩🏼💜 (@emmerisbrudt25): "Nick Jr. Sings: Colors (French subtitles and lyrics version) #nickjrsings #frenchlanguage #subtitles #lyrics #nickjr #colors #sings #french". original sound.
original sound - Emme Risbrudt👩🏼💜
French lyrics 🤦🏽♂️😂😂😂 #couleurs #mwanakinmusic #fallyipupa
TikTok video from RandyAmKin🥵👑🇨🇩🇿🇲🇺🇸 (@randyamkin): "French lyrics 🤦🏽♂️😂😂😂 #couleurs #mwanakinmusic #fallyipupa". French lyrics 🤦🏽♂️😂😂😂. Couleurs.
Couleurs - Fally Ipupa
Learn French colors with a Song. #vocabulary
TikTok video from BonjourKidsTv (@bonjourkidstv): "Learn French colors with a Song. #vocabulary". Learn With Fun on BonjourKids -Youtube. original sound.
original sound - BonjourKidsTv
French sounds that foreigners don't know / Couleur menthe a l’eau by Isaac delusion #french #cloudmusic #fyp #pourtoi #discover #classic
TikTok video from french_bif (@french_bif): "French sounds that foreigners don't know / Couleur menthe a l’eau by Isaac delusion #french #cloudmusic #fyp #pourtoi #discover #classic".
Choose the next songs in comments : | Songs made by french you must know part 2: . couleur menthe à l'eau.
couleur menthe à l'eau - Isaac Delusion
French sounds that foreigners don't know La Vie by Ichon #french #cloudmusic #fyp #pourtoi #discover #summervibes
218 Likes, 9 Comments. TikTok video from french_bif (@french_bif): "French sounds that foreigners don't know La Vie by Ichon #french #cloudmusic #fyp #pourtoi #discover #summervibes". Song in french underrated part 19: . La vie - A COLORS SHOW.
La vie - A COLORS SHOW - Ichon
Songs in French underrated part 17: Baby - Muddy Monk #fyp #pourtoi #music #frenchsong #baby #muddymonk
224 Likes, 8 Comments. TikTok video from french_bif (@french_bif): "Songs in French underrated part 17: Baby - Muddy Monk #fyp #pourtoi #music #frenchsong #baby #muddymonk". Songs in French underrated part 17: . Baby - A COLORS SHOW.
Baby - A COLORS SHOW - Muddy Monk
Magali RC
Doux=soft; l’amour=love; bleu=blue; ma vie=my life; mon cœur=my heart; le ciel=the sky; tes yeux=your eyes; l’eau=the water; gris=grey; pleurer=to cry; la pluie=the rain; le vent=the wind#bilingual #bleu #lamourestbleu #vickyleandros #french #frenchsong
TikTok video from Magali RC (@magalirc21): "Doux=soft; l’amour=love; bleu=blue; ma vie=my life; mon cœur=my heart; le ciel=the sky; tes yeux=your eyes; l’eau=the water; gris=grey; pleurer=to cry; la pluie=the rain; le vent=the wind#bilingual #bleu#lamourestbleu #vickyleandros #french #frenchsong". Practice with a French song:). original sound.
original sound - Magali RC
Enjoy the beauty of a sunset #sunsetlover #sunset #beautiful #skycolors #scenery #indila #frenchsong #fyp #fypシ
TikTok video from 20lifelover21 (@20lifelover21): "Enjoy the beauty of a sunset #sunsetlover #sunset #beautiful #skycolors #scenery #indila #frenchsong #fyp #fypシ". "True love never dies,it only gets stronger with time" | "True love never dies,it only gets stronger with time". original sound.
original sound - 20lifelover21
Free French Color Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
By Deb Chitwood Leave a Comment
You don’t have to be bilingual to have fun teaching (and learning) a foreign language with young children.
I loved teaching Spanish, French, and sign language as a Montessori teacher and then homeschooler. It’s easier to teach a foreign language now with YouTube! Today, I’ve searched for some fun YouTube videos with French color songs for a variety of ages.
This post is part of my series of free songs and rhymes for circle time! See a full list of my song posts at the bottom of this post.
French Color Songs – YouTube VideosFrench Color Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays with Lyrics- “Comptine des couleurs” – Rhyme of Colors from Mama Lisa’s World
- “Comptine des couleurs d’automne” – Colors of Autumn from Mama Lisa’s World
- French colors – Couleurs – Arc en ciel by alain le lait Lyrics from French Learning
Montessori-Inspired Little Passports Activities – France
All the Posts in the Free Song and Resources Video SeriesFree Songs about Skills and Concepts
- Free Educational Songs for Circle Time
- Free Baby Sign Language Videos {Signs and Songs}
- Free & Fun Toilet Learning Songs {Potty Songs} for Toddlers
- Favorite Clean Up Song
- Free Clean Up Songs (Tidy Up Songs) and Rhymes
- Free Kissing Hand Songs, Poems, and Videos to Ease Separation Anxiety
- Free Back-to-School Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Celebration of Life Songs and Printables for a Montessori Birthday
- Handwashing Activities for Kids – Free Songs and Lessons
- Reinforcing Letter Sounds with Phonics Songs
- Free Sign Language Alphabet and Phonics Songs
- Free Sign Language Color Songs for Circle Time
- Free Spanish Color Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free French Color Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Songs about 100 {Free Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time}
- Educational Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays Pinterest Board
Free Unit Study Songs
- Free Fire Safety Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Arctic Animal Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Penguin Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Arctic vs.
Antarctic Songs and Educational Videos
- Free Bird Sounds, Songs, and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Tree Songs and Educational Videos {Learn about Trees, Apple Trees, and Seasons}
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Patrick’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
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- Free Cinco de Mayo Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Mother’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Father’s Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
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- Free Respect Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Respect is one of the core Olympic values.
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- Free Excellence Songs and Resources {Character Education} – Excellence is one of the core Olympic values.
- Free Friendship Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Friendship is one of the core Olympic values.
- Free Songs about Virtues {with Character Education Themes and Unit Studies}
- Free Determination Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Determination is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Courage Songs {Character Education Resources} – Courage is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Equality and Fairness Songs {Character Education Resources} – Equality is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Inspirational Songs {Character Education Resources} – Inspiration is one of the Paralympic values.
- Free Taking Turns and Sharing Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources}
- Free Helping Hand and Helpfulness Songs {Character Education Resources}
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- Free Conservation Songs for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
- Free Relaxing Music for Studying and Concentration for Kids
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- Free Happy Songs for Kids {Contentment, Cheerfulness, Joyfulness Resources}
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- The Best Kids’ Songs for the Holidays {Traditional Holiday Songs + Character Education Songs}
- Free Reassuring and Comforting Songs to Help Ease Kids’ Anxiety
- Free Growth Mindset Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
- Free Guided Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free 9-1-1 Songs for Kids {Non-Scary Emergency Preparedness}
- Free Disaster Preparedness Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
- Free Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep and Relaxation {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
- Free Guided Christian Meditations for Teens and Adults
- Free Guided Christian Meditations for Kids
- Free Guided Gratitude Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Make a Difference Songs for Kids {Character Education Resources}
Have fun with Spanish color words!
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Filed Under: Circle Time Activities, Fantastic Finds, Homeschooling Tagged With: circle time, educational songs, free educational songs, free French color songs, free French songs, free songs and rhymes, French colors, kindergarten, lyrics, music, preschool
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French song and me - part 5. Memory of old technique: sova_f — LiveJournal
Beginning: 1, 2, 3, 4 Carried away by books, I couldn't fit descriptions of their instruments into the previous post about my "lectures". But this is good - now we will have such a separate and heartfelt obituary, in memory of everyone.
Coil Jupiter-202 has almost missed the era of lectures, its red cassette recorder "Romantic" caught it.
And here is Jupiter, let it be too:
“Romantic” was naturally not suitable for holding evenings, but the hall where the lecture was held usually had equipment with good speakers; in the apartments, too, as a rule, there was something. In 1989, I brought a Fischer double cassette recorder from France - and life sparkled with new colors, because its quality was decent, and you could carry it with you, as well as rewrite cassettes as much as you like. Otherwise, I still remember how we used to rewrite: we connected one tape recorder to another with a cord - and forward. It just didn't always work out.
Each lecture had its own work cassette. But some songs were added to the lecture later, and rewriting the cassette again so that everything was in a row is not good, the quality is lost. Therefore, these new songs were staged so directly from other cassettes. So, for example, the plan of the program "Under the Roofs of Paris" looked like this:
To prevent the disc jockey from relaxing at least and falling asleep at the most.
Slide projectors
Surprisingly, I threw away my first (manual-mechanical) slide projector - but what a noble she was. And I didn’t find it on the network - or didn’t recognize it. There was something similar to this ("Light", model DM-4T)
And then from the same blessed France in the same blessed 89th (or 90th) I brought an automatic Kindermann projector with a control panel, and then the buzz came. It was possible not to put a special person on the projector, but I could turn the songs on and off, and translate the slides with a light touch of a button.
Slides, diashops
There used to be such a store in Moscow called “Kinofotolyubitel” on Leninsky Prospekt - probably still exists now? There I bought diamagazines and slide frames.
Automatic and semi-automatic overhead projectors are designed to work with transparencies (slides) mounted in standard frames 50x50 mm in size GOST 17558-72. Break the frame into 2 parts. Install the film with the emulsion layer on the dark half of the frame and attach the second half (light). A reliable connection is achieved by squeezing both halves of the frame with your fingers around the entire perimeter. The frames are inserted into the cassette (magazine) upside down and emulsified to the lens. Each case contains 2 cassettes (magazines), 50 frames each. Pencil cases can be fixed between themselves vertically and have stickers for inscriptions. That's it!
And there were also such pencil cases:
And I also had a lonely magazine with 30 slides lying around, like this:
But that's okay! After all, before automatic projectors there were manual ones, and they had completely different diamags:
projector "Light". Wow! I have a hundred diamags of this rare type, but I didn’t know about the frequent one at all.
Slides, frames
At first, only cardboard frames were available to Soviet people
Later, plastic ones also appeared. At first, these plastic ones were some kind of scanty, they were held together inconveniently and strove to break into two halves, then much more modern and user-friendly appeared. They cost 6 kopecks, as you can clearly see in the photo
These slides and boxes are not mine, but a kind person from the network, but I had exactly the same ones, and this makes me extremely related to him
Composition number 27: two cardboard frames on the top left, two bad plastic frames on the right, and my treasures below. I mean, their typical representatives
I kept my slides in stores of the old type (the ones for 30 pieces, which are rare) in shoe boxes tied with ribbons. Each box contained eight such stores - just enough for one lecture. While the projector was mechanical, they were all inserted into the projector one by one - only some songs common to two lectures (“Song for Auvernets”, for example, was in both Brassens and in the survey), had to be shifted from one store in another. And with Kinderman, of course, all the slides had to be transferred to his big stores, and then back. These large stores were not enough for the whole lecture, so during the break I desperately pulled out the slides of the 1st part and replaced them with the slides for the second.
Texts and pictures for slides
I shot the lyrics on black and white film and the pictures on color. You had to know in advance what you would shoot on and buy a special film: negative for slides and positive for printed photographs. That is, imagine: there is one camera, and there are three types of films: black and white for text slides, color for picture slides and color for printing. I do not consider black and white for printing - it seems to me that they stopped using it when color printing appeared. That is, it was necessary to calculate in such a way in order to complete 36 frames, and only then switch to another view. And there were also films for 24 frames, with them it turned out more mobile. Do you want pictures? I have!
But this is not "Svema", but "Tasma" - remember, was there such a word too? this is a film of the Kazan plant.
And this is a color slide:
Nothing, nothing, which is obvious to some: a few years will pass and it will be forgotten, as it never happened.
In my video sequence there were a lot of color pictures that I took from art albums. It was necessary to reshoot them with high quality, so that there was enough light. And I caught the sun, jumped out into the yard and clicked them with my "Zenith". Okay in the summer, but in the winter I had to do it in the snow. It even happened to steal a book out of the "Foreigner" - and in the snow in the yard it cracked! And then indoors always turned out worse. Or it didn't work at all.
I took finished films to be developed and printed to the end of the world, to Izmailovo. It is very interesting why such a photo lab was not found closer - or were slides not developed everywhere then?
At the dawn of a foggy youth, part of the lyrics (for black-and-white slides) were written by Marinka Dubrovina in her architectural calligraphic style. And the other part I - in capital block letters, like a chicken paw.
Later, Vova Udalov appeared, who fell in love with Brassens and typed a significant part of his songs on a computer (that is, a computer). It was just great! It was possible to set bold and large type, print each verse on half a sheet - well, take a picture in the usual manner. And I switched completely to printed text only in Israel, when I computerized my lectures from beginning to end (although not all, but only four). But we will not get ahead of ourselves in any way - this is how much I still have to tell before Israel.
The posters that were in the last post, I carried with me in this tube, which miraculously survived to this day. All these twenty years, he steadfastly withstood shifting from cabinet to cabinet, but this time he could not stand washing and dripped with something sticky. Still waited until he was immortalized.
Lecture texts
Well, the texts of the lectures themselves were printed on this. Let me introduce you: UNIS Tbm de Luxe portable typewriter. Yugoslav, it seems, production. Pretty ... By God, I just want to shake the old days and with a ringing move the carriage - jin-la-la!
Oh yes! Well you haven't seen my texts yet! In order to obtain permission to give lectures in clubs, it was necessary to hand over the manuscript to the district committee for censorship. In fairness, it should be noted that they apparently were not read in the district committee, because not a word was corrected.
And yet you have not seen a certificate from the society "Knowledge" that I am not Khukhry-Mukhry, but there is their lecturer and I have the right to give my lectures wherever I please. To be honest, I myself haven't seen her for a hundred years
And you people, don't laugh at me. Soon you will completely forget about negatives and positives, about drawing paper and tubes, about squeaking machines and carbon papers, and about the Knowledge Society at the same time . .. Try to remember - and do not remember anything. And here I have it all, like in a museum and along the walls, black on white and with pictures.
"What did you mean?" — Germans puzzled by choice of Merkel's farewell song — InoTV
The music chosen by Angela Merkel for the solemn farewell ceremony from the post of chancellor made the Germans wonder if they knew her so well, writes the British newspaper The Guardian. Particularly lively discussions were caused by the song of the punk rock singer Nina Hagen, which gained popularity in East Germany in the 1970s: if earlier the composition was perceived as a hidden criticism of the socialist republic, now it was seen as an attempt by Merkel to reproach male colleagues for not being enough do their job well.
Angela Merkel's choice of music for the departure ceremony is surprising, writes the British newspaper The Guardian.
Angela Merkel made Germans wonder how well they know the chancellor who ruled them for 16 years when she chose a song by punk rocker Nina Hagen as the soundtrack to the army's exit ceremony.
Merkel's Social Democratic successor Olaf Scholz is expected to be sworn in as Chancellor next week. As for Merkel herself, a traditional military farewell ceremony will take place on Thursday evening in the courtyard in front of the Ministry of Defense.
The Chancellor's farewell ceremony "Evening Dawn" will be more modest than usual due to coronavirus restrictions. According to the article, only 200 guests will attend.
Like her predecessors, Merkel was allowed to commission three songs to be played by military musicians during the parade of military bands. But if Gerhard Schroeder and Helmut Kohl chose traditional pathetic pieces of music for the occasion - Frank Sinatra's My Way and Ludwig van Beethoven's Ode to Joy - then some of Merkel's choices hint at uncharted depths, writes The Guardian.
Großer Gott, wir loben Dich ("Holy God, we praise your name") is a popular 18th-century Christian hymn, a reference to her upbringing as the daughter of a Protestant pastor and the religious aspect of her party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Merkel's second choice - Für mich soll's rote Rosen regnen ("It will rain red roses for me") Hildegard Knef is a sad song about teenage ambition and youthful arrogance that suggests a spark of irony, the newspaper notes. "I had to conform, act," says in the lyrics. - Oh, I can't match, I can't be satisfied with what I have, I also always want to win.
However, the song Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen (“You forgot the color film”) by Nina Hagen attracted the attention of commentators who began to look for subtext and hidden messages.
First recorded in 1974 in the traditional hit style, the song hit the East German pop charts before Hagen emigrated to the other side of the Iron Curtain, where she immersed herself in London subcultures and became West Germany's preeminent punk figure 1980s.
But even acknowledging her East German identity is an uncharacteristic step for Merkel, whom her country has known for almost all of her 16 years in power as a politician who rarely drew attention to her East German upbringing.
The song, written by Kurt Demmler, is an angry lament in which Hagen reproaches his boyfriend Michael for taking only black and white film with him during their vacation to Hiddensee. As a result, she laments that "no one will believe how beautiful it was here."
Although the song was not subject to state censorship, its fans at the time perceived it as a covert criticism of the socialist republic and its gray and dreary everyday life, among which color films were a rare commodity.
Some commentators have suggested that the outgoing chancellor may have seen Hagen's song in a more contemporary sense: the howl of frustration at men not doing their job properly could also be seen as Merkel's farewell snipe at her male colleagues, explains The Guardian.