Fun learning activities for kids at home
20 Best Learning Activities for Kids to Do at Home
Whether you're trying to avoid the dreaded "summer slide" or are just looking for a kid-sized mental tune-up, you need ideas to keep those little scholars' brains active. These learning activities for kids are so entertaining, they may not even realize how educational they are. Even better, the projects are low-prep, easy to clean up, and mostly involve common items you can find around the house. Dip into the old art-supply bin, gather up some toys, and you'll be able to whip up an educational activity in no time.
From practicing sight words to simple coding activities, these projects cover literacy, STEM, and social studies, among others, so you can focus in on your kids' particular area of interest (or subject where they need the most additional practice). The one thing they have in common is that there's some kind hands-on component to all of them, so kids can get really involved in their own learning. As they get older, they can even help set up the activities for themselves, too.
These are mostly geared for elementary school students, but if you have a toddler or a preschooler, you can check out these fun toddler activities, since even the tiniest students deserve a brain workout.
Sunflower Word Family
Happy Tot Shelf
Kids just learning to read can explore different sound combinations with a word-family sunflower. Write word endings on the petals, fill a paper-plate center with all the letters of the alphabet, then let kids spin and read the results.
Get the tutorial at Happy Tot Shelf »
RELATED: These 50 Fun Activities for Kids Will Keep Them Entertained for Hours
Pipe Cleaner Constellations
123 Homeschool 4 Me
Lots of classrooms make students create dioramas of the solar system, but what about mapping out other celestial bodies? This activity uses pipe cleaners and beads to give kids a hands-on way to learn how stars connect to form different consteallations.
Get the tutorial at 123 Homeschool 4 Me »
Chromatography Flowers
Steam Powered Family
This is a science experiment that turns into something you'd want to display on a desk or table. Draw stripes on coffee filters with markers, and then fold them up into triangles and dip the pointy end in water; the water will travel up the filter and separate the marker into different pigments, making a cool pattern on a flower-shaped filter.
Get the tutorial at Steam Powered Family »
RELATED: Easy Science Experiments for Kids You Can Do at Home With Everyday Items
Sight Word Craft-Stick Puzzles
And Next Comes L
If you're practicing sight words, go beyond the run-of-the-mill flash cards with a craft-stick matching puzzle. You can tailor the words by grade level, and add more pairs as your kids become stronger readers.
Get the tutorial at And Next Comes L »
LEGO Coding Maze
Research Parent
You don't need screens or apps to show kids the foundations of coding. Set up a simple LEGO maze, and give kids commands to get a minifigure to go through it. The mazes and concepts can get more sophisticated as the child gets older.
Get the tutorial (plus printable commands and maze templates) at Research Parent »
Backyard Treasure Hunt
Life Over C's
One way to sharpen those map-reading skills? Hide a treasure in the backyard and have the kids use a map to find it. It's even better if they can hide something from you and draw the map themselves.
Get the tutorial at Life Over C's »
RELATED: The Best Learning Activities for Toddlers to Get Them Ready for Kindergarten
Fraction Flowers
Teach Beside Me
Not only will these beautiful blooms help kids visualize their fractions, it'll teach them equivalents: Two one-eighth peals will be the same size as a one-fourth petal, for example. Not into flowers? Try pizza slices.
Get the tutorial at Teach Beside Me »
Sidewalk Chalk Letters
Buggy and Buddy
Get their brains and bodies working at the same time! Hop from letter to letter to spell out different sight words.
Get the tutorial at Buggy and Buddy »
Decoder Wheel
Dabbles and Babbles
Ready for some spy missions? An easy decoder wheel lets kids write and decipher secret messages. From there, you can move on to other types of codes, or talk about how cryptography has been used in history.
Get the tutorial at Dabbles and Babbles »
Word/Definition Memory Game
Diary of a Not-So-Wimpy Teacher
Practice two skills at once: Write new vocabulary words on one card, definitions on another, and then play a traditional Memory game. You can also do this with synonyms and antonyms.
Get the tutorial at Diary of a Not-So-Wimpy Teacher »
Color-Mixing Experiment
The Best Ideas for Kids
The classic vinegar-and-baking-soda experiment becomes extra exciting when food coloring is added to the mix.
In addition to using an eye dropper or baster to make more "explosions," kids can also see what happens when different colors combine.
Get the tutorial at The Best Ideas for Kids »
Pop Top Math Game
Crofts' Classroom
This game is so simple to set up: Stick math equations on the top of a bottle cap, and write the answers inside. Then, if a student answers a math fact correctly, they get to keep the top. If not, it stays in the pile. The player with the most caps at the end of the game wins!
Get the tutorial at Crofts' Classroom »
Story Map
Katie Byrd
If kids are going to grow up to be writers, it helps to know how stories are put together. A story map lets them dissect the parts a book. They can either make one for tales they know well (something like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"), or use them as an outline for an original creation.
Get the tutorial at Mrs. Byrd's Learning Tree »
Marshmallow Shapes
Teach Beside Me
A delicious lesson in geometry, you can use mini-marshmallows and toothpicks (or small pretzel rods) to build different shapes. As kids get more advanced, they can move from 2D to 3D creations.
Get the tutorial at Teach Beside Me »
Binary Code Jelwelry
Mama Smiles
Another coding-related activity that doesn't require a screen, this craft uses different colored beads to represent the 1s and 0s in binary numbers. Kids can convert letters into binary and "code" their names into a necklaces or bracelets.
Get the tutorial at Mama Smiles »
Fingerprint Forensics
Marisa LaScala
Forensics 101: Leave a fingerprint on a drinking glass — it helps if your fingers are a little greasy, so pizza night is the perfect time to try this out — then have your kids use flour and a paintbrush to "dust" the glass for prints. You can even try to "lift" the fingerprint with a piece of tape and transfer it to a piece of construction paper. You can talk about the common patterns found in fingerprints, and how prints are used by law enforcement.
Family Flag
JGI/Daniel GrillGetty Images
Tell your kids they're going to become vexillologists — it sounds super impressive! Vexillology is the study of flags, so talk about the symbols on the flags of different countries and what they represent. Then, they can design their own flag — show them the North American Vexillological Association's "Good Flag, Bad Flag" guidelines — or you can come together and create a flag for your family.
Mental Math
Lesson Plan Diva
The great thing about this activity is that kids can do it independently, whenever they have a few minutes (like in the car): Write out a series of math problems on craft sticks to give kids a chance to practice doing math in their heads. See how many sticks they can get through in a certain period of time.
Get the tutorial at Lesson Plan Diva »
Star Crystals
One Little Project
By growing crystals in a Borax solution, kids can learn science and make a new decoration for their rooms. (Just use extreme caution with the Borax, and make sure they know it's not sugar.)
Get the tutorial at One Little Project »
Pasta World Map
Parenting Chaos
Give the world map a 3D twist with this crafty learning activity. You can paint coffee filters for the oceans, or use different colors and shapes of pasta for different regions or geographical features.
Get the tutorial at Parenting Chaos »
Marisa LaScala Senior Parenting & Relationships Editor Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother.
Hundreds of Kids Activities that are Totally Awesome!
This is a list of our most popular activities for kids! There are tons of fun learning activities and fun for kids. Whether you are looking for kids activities for educational purposes or just for fun, these are sure to be a hit!
Super Cool Lava Lamp Experiment
Your kids will love exploring colored water and oil, but a surprise ingredient will make this science activity even more exciting!
Editable Name Spelling and Tracing Printables
Make learning names fun with these name spelling and tracing printables that are editable.
Easy Play Dough Recipe Without Cream of Tartar
This play dough recipe is super easy to make and requires no cream of tartar.
Printable Letter Sounds Alphabet Board Game
An effective way to teach letter sounds while developing counting skills and more.
Letter Matching Apple Tree Activity with Printable
This letter matching apple tree is a fun way for kids to learn letters this fall.
Magic Milk Science Experiment for Kids
This magic milk science experiment is perfect for you! It amazes the kids every time and it is super easy to do too! Just grab a few household supplies and have a blast with magic milk!
Super Fun Name Search Activity and Free Printable
Teach kids to recognize and spell their name with this hands-on name search activity and free printable!
Alphabet Printables and Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten
With over 300 pages of printable alphabet activities, this printable pack is sure to keep the kids engaged!
Make Your Own Dinosaur Dig Excavation Activity
Did you know that you can make your own dinosaur dig excavation activity? All you need is two household ingredients and a few sunny days. It couldn’t be easier!
Rain Cloud in a Jar Science Experiment
This rain cloud in a jar is a weather science experiment that gives young children a chance to explore clouds and rain in a hands-on and engaging way!
Leak Proof Bag Science Experiment
This leak proof bag science experiment is sure to WOW your kids! All you need is two household supplies and you can do this water experiment with your kids too.
Roll and Dot the Letter Alphabet Activity and Printable
This roll and dot the letter alphabet activity is a great way for kids to learn to identify letters.
Spider Web Fine Motor Activity
This spider web fine motor activity is so much fun! My son played with it over and over again. It is an excellent way to develop fine motor skills. Plus, it is one of our absolute favorite kids activities!
Oil and Water Science Exploration
We’re definitely adding this oil and water science exploration to our growing list of science experiments for preschoolers. But even older kids will enjoy it too!
Field Day Games that are Super Fun for Kids!
These field day games for kids are all super fun and exciting. They are outdoor games that will get the kids moving, playing and having fun outdoors!
Counting and Number Matching with Paper Cups
Practice number matching with paper cups! It’s a fun, hands-on way to learn numbers and counting.
Rainbow Hop Letter Sounds Game
This life-size board game is a fantastic way to move and learn alphabet sounds and counting!
Sand and Water Ocean Sensory Bin
My kids had a blast digging in the sand and playing in the water while learning about the ocean habitat. If you are looking for summer kids activities, you have to give this one a try!
Preschool Math Game: Roll and Dot the Number
A quick preschool math game that will teach kids to identify numbers and count while learning one to one correspondence.
Counting Bear Number Strips and Color Matching Activity
These counting bears number strips are a hands-on way for toddlers and preschoolers to learn numbers, counting and even colors.
Educational games for 2-year-olds with their parents at home
A game for a 2-year-old kid is not just fun. Through this type of activity, the child learns the world. He learns, remembers information, gets acquainted with new things. The task of parents at this stage is to choose games for harmonious physical and intellectual development.
Article content:
- Outdoor games
- Educational games
- Educational games
- Tips for parents
- Terminals
Outdoor games
The best place for active games is the street, but what to do in bad weather? It is not at all necessary to leave a two-year-old without movement. You can organize games in a city apartment. Take advantage of our advice. And the child will be happy, and the furniture in the house will not suffer.
2 years is the optimal age for outdoor games. The child already coordinates the body well, easily orients in space. He controls actions, likes to imitate adults and learns to be independent. The task of parents is to be an example for the baby and show all the movements.
✅ Who walks how
The game will help strengthen the body, and also give a good mood to both the child and adults. There are no hard rules. Just name different animals and try to draw them. Copy the walk and sounds. And let the two-year-old repeat after you. Or make it a little more difficult. Let the child try to guess the animals that you show.
✅ Hide-and-seek with a toy
Ordinary hide-and-seek is difficult to organize in an apartment, especially if there is not enough space. But the 2-year-old kid will definitely like the option with a toy. Take a plush animal or doll. Explain to the child that his task is to find a toy. Hide it first in a conspicuous place, then complicate the task. Be active. Clap your hands, count loudly while the baby is waiting with your eyes closed, comment on his actions, rejoice at the found toy together.
✅ Who is the first
What to do with a child whose energy is over the edge? If the walk is canceled, you can organize active entertainment at home. A great idea is to arrange mini-competitions. Come up with tasks: run to the opposite wall, jump to the closet, crawl to the door on all fours. The victory will be doubly pleasant if you prepare small prizes in advance.
Educational games
Active games are not the only way to entertain a two year old. There are many interesting quiet activities. Master them, and you will learn how to spend time at home with benefit.
Develop motor skills
✅Repeat after me
The easiest option for kids. You can play for up to two years, and as you develop, complicate the tasks. The essence of the game is to show the child various physical actions so that he can repeat. Squat, bend over, raise your hands, clap your hands. Combine two or even three actions at once. This is useful for both coordination and memory.
✅ Bead sorting
The development of fine motor skills is necessary to stimulate speech, so do not neglect finger exercises. Offer your child a fishing line and three types of beads of different sizes. Let him string small ones first, then medium ones, and then large ones. Remember safety. Do not leave the baby unattended when he plays with small parts.
✅ Creativity
Playing with plasticine, modeling dough, kinetic sand helps to develop motor skills. Guide the child. Show him how to make shapes correctly. Don't be upset if it doesn't work the first time. Praise for effort.
Developing logic
✅ Mother - baby
Prepare cards with animals and birds, divided according to the principle "mother and her baby". For example: a cat is a kitten. Let the child collect pairs. Do not forget to comment on the actions during the game. Talk about animals, describe them, demonstrate the sounds they make. So you not only develop logic, but also introduce the child to the outside world.
✅ Guess the object
Take a few things that are familiar to a two-year-old. It can be toys or fruits. Pack them in opaque bags. The task of the child is to determine by touch what is inside. If you can't guess, give hints. For example:
- edible or not;
- what it is used for; What color is
- .
It is easier to develop logical thinking with toys. Parents of two-year-old children should definitely buy mosaics, cubes, large puzzles, plastic construction sets. Collect the figures according to the schemes, repeat the drawings from the pictures with the children. Restrain yourself if the kid is wrong. You can gently guide him in the right direction, but you should not correct him.
Develop speech
✅ Rhymes
At the age of two, children already begin to actively talk. Passive vocabulary is also expanding. This must be used. Long poems are not yet subject to the baby, and short and sonorous rhymes are remembered well. Read the lines to the baby, repeat aloud with him, accompany with active gestures.
For example:
- The kids came running - ra-ra;
- A leg up, a step bolder - lei-lei.
If you can't remember the line, have the child repeat the last syllable. The louder and clearer the sound, the better.
✅ Yes or no
In this game you will be asking questions. Warn your child in advance that you can make mistakes so that he obviously does not agree with you, but listens carefully. Ask:
- Are chamomile and cornflower flowers?
- Are oak and birch trees?
- fox and hare are birds?
- Is a car and a bus transport?
Have the child answer what the objects really are if you make a mistake. Such a game is useful for the development of not only speech, but also hearing, attention, logical thinking.
✅ Articulation exercises
At two years old, many sounds are still unclear. This is not a problem now, but it may be difficult in the future. Game exercises will help to cope with sound pronunciation. You can start with simple actions - blow out a candle, blow on water, blow into liquid through a straw. Then you can connect other exercises for the articulatory apparatus.
- Watch. We move the outstretched tongue from side to side.
- Hide and Seek. Pull out the tongue and hide it back.
- Delicious jam. We lick our lips as if we are trying to reach the drops of sweetness.
- Horse. We click, imitating the sound of hooves.
- Fence. We show closed teeth as wide as possible.
To make the exercises feel like a game, do all the activities together with your child. Compete who does better.
Read also: speech development in children by age
Developing attention
✅ What is missing
All you need is your favorite children's toys. Take 4-5 pieces and lay them out on the table. Let the child look carefully, and then turn away. You remove one item. The task of the baby is to understand what has disappeared. You can complicate the game by adding a number of items, or do not remove the toys, but simply swap them or put new ones.
✅ Thimbles
Feel like a magician. Take three glasses, turn them over, and hide a candy under one. Move the glasses across the table. Let the baby follow where you hid the treat. Guessed the first time - deserved a sweet prize.
This simple game develops attention, reaction speed, coordination and hearing. Discuss the rules ahead of time. Come up with a code word. As soon as it sounds, the child should clap his hands loudly. Make sure he remembers it, and then start listing other words. Name any until you get to the right one.
Read also: how to develop a child's attention
Educational games
Two years is the age when you can connect learning elements to play activities. The child is already ready for basic knowledge. If you take the time to learn now, in the future it will be easier for the baby to cope with large amounts of information.
Learning Numbers
✅ Animal Treats
Use the plush toys you probably have in abundance. Place the animals at a makeshift table by counting them. Call the numbers loudly, clearly, slowly. So it will be easier for the baby to repeat and remember. Next, put a plate in front of each toy. Treat the animals with sweets, not forgetting to count.
✅ One - many
Need balls. Put them in the basket and ask the child how many there are. At two years old, children already operate with the concept of "a lot. " Then distribute the balls one by one to the toys. Take it for yourself, give it to the baby. Ask how many items you currently have in your hands. Return the balls to the basket and ask how many there are. No balls? No problem. Count apples, tangerines, sweets.
✅ Butterflies
It is easier to memorize numbers if there is a good example in front of your eyes. Prepare five cardboard daisies and the same number of butterflies. Place the flowers in front of you and count them with your child. Plant a butterfly on each daisy and count the insects. Come up with different combinations. Plant two or three butterflies per flower. Speak out loud as the numbers change.
Learning colors
✅Ball game
Take colorful balls. Show them one at a time to your child and name the color. Let the two-year-old repeat after you. Sort the balls into groups together. Find other objects of the studied colors in the room. Do not rush to learn the whole spectrum at once. Start with 2-3 shades - the most juicy and brightest.
✅ Find a pair
For this game you need to prepare in advance. Cut out several houses of different colors from colored cardboard. Separately make roofs for them. Lay out the details and invite the child to assemble entire buildings by shades. Another option is to assemble the houses yourself, but with errors. Let the kid correct the inaccuracies.
✅ Hens and Eggs
Cut out chickens in different colors from cardboard. From paper of the same shades, make circles - eggs. The child will match the shades. Start with 3-4 colors. Wait until they are mastered and expand the palette. The more colors, the more difficult and interesting.
Tips for parents
Every child is different and develops at their own pace. Some will like these games even in a year or a year and a half, others will be interested a little later. Keep track of achievements, but do not compare the baby with other children.
Listen to the recommendations of psychologists and teachers on early development:
- Focus on the response of the child. Do not insist on continuing the game if the baby is already tired. Do not start training if he is not ready, naughty, wants to spend time differently.
- Remember the time. A two-year-old child holds attention for an average of 15 minutes. Then interest disappears, so it is better to change the type of activity.
- Do not exercise your baby during illness. Change plans if you feel unwell, wait until you get better. Do not worry. You will be able to make up for everything.
- Show your imagination. Ready-made templates and game scenarios are convenient. But it is not a fact that the proposed options, without exception, will please your child. Do not be afraid to deviate from the rules, come up with your own "chips". No one knows your baby and his preferences better than you.
Sometimes organizing outdoor or educational games for a child at home is more difficult than it seems. But lack of time or teaching skills should not be a problem. The Baby Club specialists will come to the rescue. Our network of kindergartens and centers is designed for the harmonious all-round development of children from 8 months. Here, each child is perceived as he is, revealing his individuality through classes.
Educational ☝️ activities for children aged 3-4, interesting activities and ✍️ development activities for a child at home ☀
- What features of this age group should be considered
- What is interesting for kids aged 3-4 years
- What types of activities can be used at home
- What to do with your baby outside
- What to do in the country
- What to do in the park
- How to play with your baby in the winter park
- How to captivate a child of 3-4 years old on the road
- Tips for parents on organizing classes
- What parents of a baby of 3-4 years old should know
- Development of speech
- Development of motor skills
- Mathematics
- Development of logical thinking
- Drawing
A child at the age of 3-4 becomes very active. Many mothers are tormented by the question: “What to do with your child?”. After all, the kid should spend time with benefit. At this age, children need to develop, instill in them communication skills.
Of course, children are all different in character and temperament. Someone aged can play with one toy all day, while someone needs variety in activities.
Please note! When taking a 3-4 year old child at home with something, be sure to be there. Babies at this age should not be left unattended. Be nearby, organize your affairs so that there is a small distance between you and the child.
So, let's take a look at what developmental activities for children aged 3 and 4 are most suitable.
What features of this age group should be taken into account
3-4 years is the period when the baby begins to realize himself. He has a more perfect system of coordination of movements, he begins to move more smoothly.
Children show musical talent, they like to dance and sing.
Babies can already play in company, keep themselves busy with games, they show interest in construction, vocabulary is growing rapidly. The child begins to use the words that he heard from adults, turns of speech become more difficult, he begins to express his opinion.
Children at the age of 3-4 already play with peersDuring this period, relationships with peers and adults are formed. He becomes a participant in joint games, begins to perceive the rules of behavior in games.
Children at this age have many questions, they gain life experience. The information that a child can absorb during this period is simply colossal in its volume.
And, of course, the task of parents and teachers is to choose such educational games that would help the formation of the personality and skills of the child, both in a children's institution and at home.
Things to do for 3-4 year olds
Age 3-4 is a great time to develop children's creativity. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. For a child aged 3-4 years, drawing classes are interesting. Young artists with the same pleasure draw with pencils and paint with paints, they like felt-tip pens and colored crayons.
Games for the development of hand motor skills and imaginationPay attention! Children themselves cannot draw at this age, but they can paint according to their liking and strength. There are special coloring books on sale, you can print coloring pages from the Internet.
Parents of artists need to be careful, because at the age of 3-4 years, children like to draw not only on paper. They like walls and doors. Drawing boards can be an interesting option. It is convenient to install such a board at home - it takes up little space.
A great idea - a mosaic - a game for creativity At this age, children can be occupied with constructors. For 3-4 years, constructors made of plastic parts are suitable. Children are especially interested in towers and houses, which they build with pleasure. At home, you can allow children to create houses from improvised materials - pillows, chairs, blankets.
When a child reaches 3-4 years of age, parents begin to think about additional developmental education.
Moms and dads choose developing activities, circles or sections for their crumbs. Children are taken to swimming, gymnastics. If you start studying a foreign language, the result will be very good.
But you can work with children outside the home. A child of 3-4 years old is useful to stay in the air.
All children love sandbox gamesOutdoor activities are varied. Children of this age are attracted to the sandbox, where they play and build with pleasure. A playground is a place where a child can play and relax in comfort.
Fine motor skills: 3-4 year olds enjoy laying out mosaic patterns and looking at pictures in books.
They are interested in moving toys.
Activities you can use at home
Here are some educational activities for 3 and 4 year olds you can use at home:
- Children at the age of three and four love to reproduce the world around them on paper. Prepare pencils or felt-tip pens for drawing with your child. Discuss what he wants to draw, ask what color the objects in his drawing will be. Give him large sheets of paper or even a piece of unwanted wallpaper. The scale will capture your baby, and he will be busy for a long time.
- Before you give pencils, offer him to work with a sharpener - then he will draw more enthusiastically.
- You can keep your child busy with a hole punch. Show how a hole puncher works, let him make confetti from old magazines for the New Year holidays.
- Fun for kids and cutting with scissors. By the age of four, children can cut out simple figures. Make stencils of geometric shapes. Let it cut. And then build an application with it.
This is a great activity for a child of 3 years old at home - developing.
Developing board can keep a child busy for a long time
- You can give the child stencils of various objects (available on sale, you can make your own from cardboard) or letters. The kid circles the stencil, and then paints.
- It is difficult to force children to sculpt from plasticine alone. Roll up a lot of sausages for him - let him cut into pieces, and then lay out the pattern on a sheet of cardboard.
- Pull the rope, give clothespins and let him hang his things, and then collect them.
- Children are fascinated by working with carbon paper. Show him the technology. Be sure - your child will be engaged in work with interest.
- Kinetic sand will help out parents, children like this activity.
- You can buy stickers for children and give them an album - the child will stick until he uses all the stickers.
- More children can be occupied with drawing by dots.
Download these pictures from the Internet.
- Children may be interested in the magnifying glass. Give him small pictures - let him look through a magnifying glass.
- There is an interesting invention - puzzles. Pick up your baby sets according to age and interests. It will take a very long time, rest assured.
Wooden puzzles for children 3-4 years old
Almost all the proposed options are educational: kids are not only busy with exciting and useful activities.
If mom is cooking something out of dough, then give the child a piece - let him make his contribution.
There is another interesting activity: take large beans, pasta and some peas, move them and let your child sort them into three containers. Play as needed help around the house. Be sure to praise.
In general, the kitchen attracts both girls and boys - fantasize, and your little helper will be happy to complete tasks.
Children in the kitchen will be happy to helpWhat to do with the baby outside the home
Often, being away from home, kids are tormented by the fact that they do not know what to do. Here are some options for developing activities for children 4 years old and 3 years old.
In the summer, children aged 3-4 are attracted to the sandbox. All sand games are educational. Building different figures, breaking through the grooves, the baby learns shapes and volumes through the hands. Exposure through the hands has a beneficial effect on speech activity. It is interesting and very convenient to play on the sand:
- Wet sand can be molded into many figures using molds. For example, invite your child to create a sand park or make pies for a puppet dinner;
- on a flat surface, you can "draw" a picture of the sand.
Place plastic skittles or bottles in the clearing and let the child learn to "dribble" the ball between them.
A great idea for a cottage - homemade tracksThere is a mini-ring on the playgrounds, give the ball and offer to throw it into the basket, moreover, from different distances.
Give your child crayons to draw on the pavement.
Show how to draw cells - the kid will be happy to jump on them.
What to do with a baby in the country
It is easy to keep your baby busy in the summer:
What to do in the park
In the autumn park, invite your child to collect a collection of autumn leaves. Before the walk, prepare a bag or box where he will put his treasures.
Another variant of an outdoor game is to offer the kid jogging, for example, to a green bench, to a large stone, to a mountain ash, etc.
How to play with your baby in the winter park
Here are a few options:
- Draw a circle in the snow, mark the center and arrange a competition to hit the target with snowballs.
- Play as a sly little fox that covers its tracks with its tail. Together with the child, find a branch. The kid will walk in the snow and cover his tracks with a twig.
- There is also an interesting game "Who walks how" - the kid depicts the gait of different animals, jumps like a hare, runs like a wolf or a bear.
- Draw patterns or bird tracks on the snow.
- You can run along the paths of the park and look for trees that look like different animals.
- At this age, kids begin to learn letters - trample them on fresh snow.
Winter activities - snowballs, sledges, snow removal
How to captivate a child of 3-4 years old on the road
It happens that a family with a child of this age must go on a trip. It is difficult for restless kids to sit still in transport. What can distract him?
- In the car, you can play like this: who will be the first to see the car, for example, red or blue roof.
- You can simply ask to name the objects that he sees.
- Invite your child to observe the clouds - what they look like, how they change.
- Prepare a box of small toys for him to sort and play with. Ask to talk about each.
- Play yes-no. For example, does the kitten bark? The child answers "no".
- Read poems on the way, remember songs for children.
You can safely take felt-tip pens and albums on the train - let the child draw what he sees through the window or depict the train. Give your child a wet wipe to wipe the table and doors.
On the plane let the child look around. It is better to choose places for children near the aisle. So there will be room to stand up if needed. Show him the pillow, the straps, the porthole, the folding table.
You can keep your baby busy with magnetic puzzles - they are designed specifically for trips - they will not crumble. Look in children's stores for games on the road - these are cards and special tasks.
Must Read: How to Develop Creative ⚱️ Imagination in Preschoolers
Tips for Parents on Organizing Classes
Here are some good tips for parents:

The playing area must be comfortable
What parents of a 3-4 year old baby should know
This is:
- For a baby at this age, peace is an opportunity to move, be active.
- Of course, classes and tasks should be gradually made more difficult, but still, we should also return to simple-type exercises. For example, if a child is sick, he feels unwell, then there is no need to come up with difficult tasks for him.
- Please note that the child in this period of life endows inanimate objects with consciousness.
- The child is developing an understanding of the world, so try to ensure that the fundamental concepts are formed correctly.
- Do not rush the baby - he will gradually understand and learn everything.
Speech development
At the age of 3-4, children develop intensive speech - it becomes more complex and expanded, its vocabulary changes. The sentences are getting longer and more complicated. Speech development classes are necessary to expand vocabulary, improve conversational skills, develop the ability to formulate and coherently express one's thoughts. Children learn to build grammatically correct sentences, including complex ones, use prepositions and decline words. At 3-4 years old, many children know and use polite words in speech - “thank you”, “please”, “hello”, etc.
Exercises for the development of speech of younger preschoolers:
- compiling a short story based on a plot picture;
- description of the item from the picture;
- grouping items by feature;
- games using prepositions - moving an object on the table, under the table, etc.
- study of the characteristics, signs and properties of objects from pictures;
- grouping of objects by purpose;
- retelling of a short fairy tale.
Also, the speech development program for 3-4-year-old children should include games that introduce the child to the forms of words in the plural, develop skills in the correct use of verb forms, pronouns and prepositions. Assignments should be interesting and appropriate for the age of the child.
At the age of 3-4, children may experience problems in the pronunciation of certain sounds, so articulation exercises will be very useful. You can study at home, with the help of special literature.
Classes for speech development:
9000 It is desirable to start developing fine motor skills from an early age, as it has a significant impact on the development of speech, which in turn is one of the most powerful factors in the overall development of children. Moreover, fine motor skills are closely related to such mental processes as attention, thinking, coordination, imagination and memory. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children aged 3-4 years are very important, since in the future accurate, well-coordinated actions of the fingers and hands will be necessary to master the skill of writing, drawing, household needs (dressing, combing, etc. ).
Exercises for the development of motor skills of preschoolers:
- finger gymnastics;
- modeling;
- applications;
- drawing;
- various graphic tasks - hatching, stroke;
- games with lacing.
Children aged 3-4 usually pay attention to bright objects and pictures, so it is advisable to use interesting didactic material in the process of working with children both in preschool institutions and at home.
Motor activity in pictures
Interesting: How to help your child speak. If you have already tried everything, but nothing helps
At 3-4 years old, most children can count to 5, understand the concepts of “big”, “small”, “top”, “bottom”, they know simple geometric figures.
- count the number of certain objects in the picture and find the corresponding graphic representation of the number;
- selectively count only apples or only pencils;
- show the smallest and largest object in the picture;
- indicate shapes in the picture - a circle, a square and a triangle.
Tasks that require perseverance and concentration of attention from children should be alternated with active, outdoor games in order to avoid overworking the child and maintain interest in classes. At 3-4 years old, it is difficult for children to keep their attention in one lesson. It is necessary to take this feature into account and develop a training program in accordance with it. At home, you can teach a young child elementary mathematical operations by doing everyday things and using improvised materials.
Activities for developing math skills.
Interesting: How to help your child fall in love with mathematics: 8 ways to turn boring into exciting
Music lessons
Music lessons are very important for the full and comprehensive development of children 3-4 years old. They develop auditory attention, the ability to feel the rhythm and navigate in space. Children learn to express the character and mood of music through movements and facial expressions. The musculoskeletal system, plasticity, and coordination of movements develop.
While dancing, children not only master various movements, but also create a certain artistic image, taking into account the nature and mood of the piece of music. Dance is an excellent means of early aesthetic and artistic development of a child. Rhythm classes are recommended to be included in the training program for 3-4 year old children with intellectual disabilities and speech problems. Classes include:
- simple speech and movement exercises;
- songs, poems;
- finger and articulation gymnastics;
- dances with a well-defined rhythm;
- the study of musical instruments and their sound;
- outdoor games.
Dancing and simple dance exercises are effective methods for training the child's body. They help relieve emotional stress, relax, develop a sense of rhythm, contribute to the formation of good posture and gait, dexterity and smoothness of movement. Almost all children love to dance from an early age, so classes bring them a lot of positive emotions and cheer up.
Read on the topic: The influence of music on child development
The development of logical thinking
logical thinking develops. At 3-4 years old, children, as a rule, are able to assemble puzzles or cut pictures from 3-4 parts, identify an extra object in a group or find a pair for an object, know some professions, types of transport, navigate the time of day.
Exercises for the development of logical thinking:
- find differences in two similar pictures;
- identify items in the pictures that belong to the same group - dishes, clothes or toys;
- compare objects by size, color and shape;
- assemble a simple picture from 3-4 parts;
- identify the similarities and differences between two subjects.
Logic games teach a child to compare objects, analyze their properties, establish cause-and-effect relationships and make their own conclusions about various phenomena. During the game, the child learns to calculate the course of events and draw conclusions.
Interesting: The development of logic in children 5-8 years old. Oral activities that can be done on the go
Drawing activities are good for developing motor skills, imagination, creativity, fantasy and imagination. In the process of drawing, the child gets acquainted with different colors, experiments with lines and shapes, and studies the properties of materials. For children aged 3-4, this is especially important, since it is at this age that children learn the simplest mathematical concepts, get acquainted with the shape, size and color of objects.
- draw in dots;
- color according to the pattern;
- hatch.
Drawing is an exciting, interesting activity that develops artistic taste and enriches children's knowledge. It helps to prepare the child's hand for writing and introduce him to the basic geometric shapes.
Classes with children of 3-4 years old, both in a preschool institution and at home, should be held in a playful and friendly atmosphere. Assignments must be age appropriate. It is very important to encourage efforts and help the baby if some tasks cause him difficulties. It is necessary to form a positive attitude towards classes in the child in order to maintain cognitive activity. In view of the peculiarities of the development of children aged 3-4 years, it is recommended to alternate mental, creative and physical activities in order to prevent overwork of the child.