Functions of print

Python print() Function

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Print a message onto the screen:

 print("Hello World")

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Definition and Usage

The print() function prints the specified message to the screen, or other standard output device.

The message can be a string, or any other object, the object will be converted into a string before written to the screen.


print(object(s), sep=separator, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
object(s) Any object, and as many as you like. Will be converted to string before printed
sep='separator' Optional. Specify how to separate the objects, if there is more than one. Default is ' '
end='end' Optional. Specify what to print at the end. Default is '\n' (line feed)
file Optional. An object with a write method. Default is sys.stdout
flush Optional. A Boolean, specifying if the output is flushed (True) or buffered (False). Default is False

More Examples


Print more than one object:

print("Hello", "how are you?")

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Print a tuple:

x = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")

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Print two messages, and specify the separator:

print("Hello", "how are you?", sep="---")

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Concepts of Print Assessment | Reading Rockets

By: Reading Rockets

An informal assessment of the concepts of print, including what the assessment measures, when is should be assessed, examples of questions, and the age or grade at which the assessment should be mastered.

All assessments should be given one-on-one.

What it measures

If a student understands:

  • That print has meaning
  • That print can be used for different purposes
  • The relationship between print and speech
  • There is a difference between letters and words
  • That words are separated by spaces
  • There is a difference between words and sentences
  • That there are (punctuation) marks that signal the end of a sentence
  • That books have parts such as a front and back cover, title page, and spine
  • That stories have a beginning, middle, and end
  • That text is read from left to right and from top to bottom

When should it be assessed?

Assess concepts of print twice during kindergarten, at the start of school and at mid-year. In addition, as you model story reading techniques to help guide instruction, identify students who need additional support, and determine if the pace of instruction should be increased, decreased, or remain the same.

Examples of assessment questions

Give the student a book and ask the following questions:

  • Can you show me:
    • a letter?
    • a word?
    • a sentence?
    • the end of a sentence (punctuation mark)?
    • the front of the book?
    • the back of the book?
    • where I should start reading the story?
    • a space?
    • how I should hold the book?
    • the title of the book?
    • how many words are in this sentence?

Age or grade typically mastered

Some students enter kindergarten with an understanding of print concepts, but other will master it as the school year goes on.

See also this concepts of print assessment from Michigan's Mission: Literacy.

Reading Rockets (2004)


You are welcome to print copies or republish materials for non-commercial use as long as credit is given to Reading Rockets and the author(s). For commercial use, please contact [email protected]

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Print Features

(Mac OS X 10.3.9 to 10.4.x)

Feature Sets: Set 1

Print Quality

Install one of the following permission values:

300 dpi (300 t/d)

600 dpi (600 t/d)

HQ. 1200

1200 dpi (1202 t/d)

Media Type (type of medium)

In the device you can use print media of the following types. For optimal print quality, select the type of media you want to use.

Transparencies (Transfiguration films) 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Plain Paper

Thin Paper

Thick Paper (thick paper)

Thicker Paper (dense paper)

Bond Paper

Env. Thick

Env. Thin

Recycled Paper

Secure Print

The Secure Print feature allows you to secure documents that have been set with a password when they are sent to the machine. Only those who know the password can print secure documents. Since these documents are secured on the machine, you must enter the password using the machine's control panel. For a protected document, you must set a Password and a Job Name.


Select the password for the secure document being sent to the machine from the drop-down box.

Job Name

Select the job name for the secured document to be sent to the machine from the drop-down list.

Toner Save

This function saves toner. If you set Toner Save, printouts will be lighter. The default setting is Off.


We do not recommend using Toner Save when printing photos or grayscale images.

Feature Sets: Set 2

Halftone Screen Lock The default setting is “On”.

High Quality Image Printing

You can increase the print quality of images. Setting High Quality Image Printing to On will slow down printing.

Improve Print Output

Reduce Paper Curl

This setting can reduce paper curl.

This setting is not required for printing multiple pages. In the printer driver, change the Media Type setting to thin media.

Improve Toner Fixing

Checking this box can improve toner fixing on paper. If there is no significant improvement, select Thicker paper in the Media type settings.

Density Adjustment

Increase or decrease the print density.



Feature Sets: General 1

Print Quality (Print quality)

You can set one of the following resolution values:

300 dpi (300 tons DPI (600 T/d)

HQ 1200

1200 dpi (1202 t/d)

Media Type

The following media types can be used with the machine. For optimal print quality, select the type of media you want to use.

Plain Paper (conventional paper)

Thin Paper (thin paper)

Thicker (more

Bond Paper



Env. Thick

Env. Thin

Recycled Paper

Toner Save 9002 If you set Toner Save, printouts will be lighter. The default setting is Off.


We do not recommend using Toner Save when printing photos or grayscale images.

Halftone Screen Lock

Prevent other applications from changing the settings for halftone images. The default setting is “On”.

High Quality Image Printing

You can increase the print quality of images. Setting High Quality Image Printing to On will slow down printing.

Improve Print Output

Reduce Paper Curl

Paper curl can be reduced by setting this setting.

This setting is not required for printing multiple pages. In the printer driver, change the Media Type setting to thin media.

Improve Toner Fixing

Checking this box can improve toner fixing on paper. If there is no significant improvement, select Thicker paper in the Media type settings.

Feature Sets: General 2

Density Adjustment

Increase or decrease print density


Density Adjustment is not available when Print Quality is set to HQ 1200.

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[PRINTER]| SPECIAL PURPOSE PRINT FUNCTION|BP-70C65|04-05_005|manual download|MFP/Copier/Printers|Office solution: Sharp


For Windows

Front and back covers and single pages document can be printed on paper other than the one on which the rest of the pages are printed.
Use this function to print front and back covers on thick paper or use for printing individual pages of colored paper or other types of paper.
You can insert a different type of plain paper if needed as insert sheets.

For macOS

Front and back covers can be printed on paper that different from the one on which the rest of the pages are printed. This function can, for example, be used to print the front cover and the last pages on thick paper.


  1. Click the [Inserts] tab.
  2. Select [Covers/Inserts] under [Inserts Option] and click the [Options] button.
  3. Select the paste settings.
    • Select in the respective menus, insert position, paper source, print.
    • Click the [Add] button, to show the selected settings in the Info field.
    • After setting the settings, press the [Save] button in the "Favorites" section to save them.
  • If in "Paper Tray" is set to [Manual Feed], set value in the Paper Type field, and load that type of paper in the tray manual feed.
  • If in "Insert Position" field is set to [Other Page], to set insert position, specify the page number. If in the field "Print method" set to [2-Sided Print] specified and following pages will be printed on the front and back sides of the paper, so setting the insert for the page printed on the back side of the sheet will not work.


  1. Select [Printer Features].
  2. Select [Covers].
  3. Select settings for inserting cover sheets.
  4. Select print settings, paper tray, paper type front and back covers.


This function prevents bonding of film sheets to each other during printing due to sheet insertion paper between sheets of film. If necessary, an imprint on a transparent film can be duplicated on the inserted sheet of paper.


  1. Click the [Inserts] tab.
  2. Select the [Transparency] option and click the [Options] button.
  3. Select print settings, paper tray, paper type front and back covers.
  4. Select the transparency insertion settings.
  5. When the [Print] check box is selected ( ), the contents of the transparent film will duplicated on paper insert sheet. If necessary, select paper source and type.

Set for the paper type of the bypass tray [Film] and load transparencies in the bypass tray.


  1. Select [Printer Features].
  2. In the Feature Sets field, select [Transparency Inserts].
  3. Select the transparency insertion settings.
  4. If the "Transparency Inserts" field is set to [On (Printed)], the contents of the transparent film will be duplicated on paper sheet insert. Select the source and type, if necessary. paper.

Set the paper type for the bypass tray to [Transparency] and load transparencies in the manual feed tray.


Between jobs or specified number of copies, you can insert separator pages.

This feature is available in the Windows operating environment.


  1. Click the [Finisher] tab.
  2. Press the [Separation Page] button.
  3. Changing settings
    • Select tray and paper type in "Paper Selection" and specify the position of the separator page in the "Insert position" section.
    • To add a separator page each time after printing the specified number of copies, select in the "Insert Position" section [By Number of Copies] setting.
    • For example, if print 10 copies, select "5", the separator page will be inserted after the 5th and 10th copy.

If the bypass tray is selected, set in the Paper Type field.


This function allows you to print an additional copy of the image on paper of the same size supplied from another tray.
For example, if the special copy function is selected when the in Tray 1 with plain paper and color paper loaded in Tray 2, with a single print command, you can get a result similar to copying using carbon paper. If Tray 1 is loaded with plain paper paper and Tray 2 is recycled paper, the special copies allows you to print one high-quality copy at a time for transmission, and a second copy as a duplicate.

This feature is available in the Windows operating environment.


  1. Click the [Inserts] tab.
  2. Select [Special Copy] in "Inserts Option", and click the [Options] button.
  3. Select the tray for the first copy in the Top Copy section, then select the special copy tray in the Special Copy field.

If the bypass tray is selected, set in the Paper Type field.


There are two ways to print on the tabs of tabbed paper: "Offset tab" and "Printing tabbed paper".

Tab offset

Create in the application the text to be printed on tabular paper. In the [Print Position] section of the [Layout] tab in the printer driver properties window, set the text offset value. The text will be printed on the bookmarks.

Printing tab paper (PCL6 only)

Tab sheets will be printed when they are inserted between required pages.
Select [Tab Paper] under [Inserts Option] on the [Inserts] tab printer driver properties window and enter the text you want to print on bookmarks. Set settings such as bookmark size, initial position, distance between bookmarks, page numbers to insert tabulated sheets.

  • These functions are available in the Windows operating environment.
  • Tabbed paper must be loaded in the manual feed tray.


Shift bookmark

In the application, prepare the text to be printed bookmarks, then follow the steps below.

  1. Click the [Layout] tab.
  2. Press the [Print Position] button.
  3. Select [Shift Tab].
  4. To set the image offset value, enter a value or use the button.
  5. Press the [OK] button.
  6. Select the paper source and type.
  7. Select the [Paper Source] tab and select [Manual Feed] in "Paper Tray" and [Tab Paper] in "Paper type".

Set to paper type of the bypass tray [Tab Paper] and load tab paper in the tray manual feed.

Printing tab paper (PCL6 only)

Open the data where you want to insert a tab paper, then select settings.

  1. Click the [Inserts] tab.
  2. Select [Tab Paper] in "Inserts Option", and click the [Settings] button.
  3. Select bookmark position settings.
  4. For commercially available tab paper, use existing settings, such as [A4-5tab-D] under Favorites. For other types of tab paper, specify the position of the first bookmarks, distance between bookmarks, bookmark length and width with by entering a value or by pressing a button . Also, choose a tabbed format paper in the Output Size field.
  5. Select page settings.
  6. Select pages to insert tab paper and enter the text you want to print on bookmarks. Select font and layout.
  • Install paper type of the bypass tray is set to [Tab Paper] and load tab paper in the manual feed tray.
  • Settings tab paper can be saved. The saved file can then open in the "Favorites" section.


This function allows you to print certain pages on the front side of the sheet.
If the page is selected for printing on the front side (for example, a chapter cover page), it will be printed on the front part of the next sheet, even if it was supposed to be printed on back side of the sheet.

Example: When pages are selected as page settings 4 and 8.
(The 4th has a reverse side, while the 3rd and 8th have a blank side.)

  • This The function is available in the Windows operating environment.
  • This function available only when using the PCL6 printer driver.


  1. Click the [Layout] tab.
  2. Select duplex printing.
  3. For more information about the 2-Sided Printing setting see section " 2-SIDED PRINT".
  4. Enter the starting page numbers of the chapters, separating them with commas.


If the folding unit is installed, print paper can be folded.
For example, if A4 (8 1/2" × 11") print images are mixed and A3 (11" × 17"), A3 (11" × 17") paper can be folded up to receive A4 (8 1/2" × 11") size to adjust the width actual print paper up to A4 (8 1/2" × 11"). If necessary folded sheets can be stapled.

To use the single fold and saddle stitch functions folded (staple), you need to install a saddle stitch finisher.

Paper types for folding function

Folding type Print side Fold orientation Folding results Description

Folded Booklet



Multiple sheets are folded at the same time in the center.



Single fold



Paper folds in the center.

Copies are output sheet by sheet.



Fold - letter


Open right

For example, paper is folded into three times so that it can be placed in an envelope. Copies are output sheet by sheet.

Open left


Open right

Open left



Open right

For example, paper is folded into three times so that it can be placed in an envelope. Copies are output sheet by sheet.


Open left

Z-shaped. folds.


Open right

For example, if print images of the format A4 (8 1/2" × 11") and A3 (11" × 17"), A3 (11" × 17") paper only folds and changes to A4 (8 1/2" × 11") size paper. Copies are ejected sheet by sheet.


Open left

  • When printing data as a booklet You can use the Booklet feature to fold and staple prints to create a booklet. See section " CREATING A BOOKLET (WITH STAPLES)."
  • The folding function cannot be used together with punching and stapling functions. However, when a finisher (large stacker) or saddle stitch finisher is installed (large stacker), Z-fold function can be used together with punch and staple functions if one of the following is specified paper sizes.
    • B4, A3, 8K, Ledger (11" × 17")
  • When a saddle stitch finisher (with large stacker), when using the folded booklet function five sheets are added for each run. For example, if as original, 12 A4 size plain sheets are used, in total they will be fold three times: 5 sheets + 5 sheets + 2 sheets. However, for some types of paper, the number of papers folded at a time sheets may be smaller. For example, thick paper folds three sheets.
  • When a saddle stitch finisher is installed, when using the folded booklet function, the sheets are folded alone.



  1. Click the [Finisher] tab.
  2. Select the desired folding method in the "Fold" section and click [Settings] button.
  3. Select the desired folding method.

Fold (Z-fold)

  1. Click the [Finisher] tab.
  2. Select the desired fold method in the Z-fold section and press [Settings] button.
  3. Select the folded paper opening direction.

If "Z-Fold" is selected, select the size check box folding paper into position .



  1. Select [Printer Features].
  2. Select [Folding].
  3. Select the desired folding method.

Fold (Z-fold)

  1. Select [Printer Features], then select [Folding(Z-Fold)].
  2. Configure the folding settings.


This function allows you to to insert preset data between every two pages.
You can create documents that have left facing pages text will be located, and on the right - a place for notes.

  • This The function is available in the Windows operating environment.
  • This function available only when using the PCL6 printer driver.

First create a page that will be be inserted into the document.
The procedure for creating such a page is described in the section " Creating an Overlay Image File" chapter "OVERLAY OF FIXED FORM ON PRINTED DATA (OVERLAY)".


  1. Click the [Stamp] tab.
  2. Click the [Settings] button.
  3. Select [Nesting Pages] from the Print Method menu.
  4. Specify the overlay data and insertion position.


This feature allows you to print multiple copies of an image on a sheet. This is useful when printing business cards. and stickers.

  • This The function is available in the Windows operating environment.
  • This function available only when using the PCL6 printer driver.


  1. Click the [Main] tab.
  2. Select the number of copies in N in 1.


This feature allows you to print below the data, for example, the text "DO NOT COPY".
When copying an output with this template, the template text will be visible. This will help prevent information leakage in case of unauthorized copying a document.

  • This The function is available in the Windows operating environment.
  • This function available only when using the PCL6 printer driver.


  1. Click the [Stamp] tab.
  2. Click the [Hidden Pattern] button.
  3. Change the hidden form print settings and click [OK].

Hidden form printing function does not work if Print Mode is set to [1200 dpi].

  • Function "Hidden Pattern" is used to protect against unauthorized copying. This feature does not guarantee information leakage prevention.
  • Possibly template text will be visible on the print under certain conditions device. In this case, in "Settings (Administrator)", select [Security Settings] → [Hidden Pattern Print Setting] → [Contrast].
  • Hidden pattern may not appear on copies when used for copying sheets with a template for devices of certain types or certain copy settings.
  • If installed the color mode is [Black & White] or [Auto], and the original is recognized as black and white, the template will be printed with a black background even if cyan or magenta pattern selected.


Document containing images in JPEG format may not print correctly in some cases. To fix the situation, you can change the way images are processed in JPEG format.
This function allows you to select how the contents of the printed JPEG image document using the printer driver or using device.

  • This The function is available in the Windows operating environment.
  • If images processed by the printer driver, printing may take certain time.


  1. Click the [Detailed Settings] tab.
  2. Click the [More Settings] button.
  3. Select the [Use JPEG Driver] check box so that the icon appears .
  4. Press the [OK] button.


At maximum use printable area, you can print on the entire area of ​​the paper.

This feature is available in the Windows operating environment.

Even when using the maximum printable area edges may be cut off.


  1. Click the [Detailed Settings] tab.
  2. Click the [More Settings] button.
  3. Select [Maximum] in "Print area".
  4. Press the [OK] button.


Image contours are smoothed using resolution enhancement technologies (RET).

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