Funny kindergarten stories
Truth For Teachers - Hilarious kid stories shared by real teachers
This is a collection of stories teachers have emailed me that started with posts from the Primary Education chat board (which has since been divided into separate grade levels). Someone on the board came up with the idea to post the funniest classroom stories, and what follows are hilarious TRUE tales from classrooms all across America that I copied and pasted from the chat board, combined with the awesome stories that you all email to me. Because the teachers don’t use their real names on the boards (or often, any names at all), I haven’t been able to give credit to the contributors. If you recognize any of the anecdotes below and would like to add your name to it, please email me. (Many of these anecdotes could be incriminating, though, so anonymity is probably best!) Old posts are not archived at, so this is the only place you’ll find the collection of stories below. I’ve divided them into classic kid moments and classic parent moments (encounters with students’ parents). Enjoy!!
True teacher stories: Funny stuff kids say in the classroom
During the Christmas/holiday classroom party, a boy comes up to me with a gift bag (obviously re-used) and says: “Here teacher…my mom got this present and she didn’t want it and she called everyone in our family and they didn’t want it either so she said to just bring it to school and give it to you!” I love how they tell the truth! If their parents only knew how much they really tell us
Mine happened at the beginning of this year. At one point all the students were doing their assignments and on task. It was a lovely few minutes! LOL Anyway, this one girl all of a sudden yelled out “I’m tired of this! Raise your hand if you want to go home!” Well, of course most of the class raised their hands and that lovely time was over. She reminds me, in some ways, of Junie B Jones and I think that comment is something she might say. I try to laugh them off (in my head) but oh, how sometimes it’s really a challenge.
As Christmas approached, a boy announced that Santa Claus isn’t real. One of my bright students tearfully said, “Ms. A., he’s disrespecting my religious beliefs!”
Earlier this year I was approached by one of my kindergarteners in tears. I asked her what was wrong. “____ just called me a baby!” I called the other little girl over and said,” Did you just call ____a baby?” “No, no, no!” shouted the little girl. “I said ‘Hey baby!’ You know like the mom said to the dad when she calls him and wants him to come over for the night.”
Student A didn’t do her homework and told me that she couldn’t because her mom made her go buy a new cat that night and she wanted to play with the cat instead and her mom said it was okay… This story checked out. A phone call later, mom says yes, she was too tired from playing with her cat so she didn’t see the need for her to do her homework. She’ll do it another time.
This was definitely a classic moment that I heard through my cooperating teacher during my student teaching experience. I still laugh at the thought. While grading science tests for her third grade class, this teacher noticed a memorable response to one of the questions. It said: ‘Please list the three states of matter…’. The reply was, “North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky.” The three states THAT matter! HA!
I teach third grade. About a month ago we had a sick student who was out for a couple of weeks. I told my class that I would get some things for him, we would make some get well cards and send it all to the boy. I got some things from Wal-Mart and left them in my truck. I asked three of my boys to go to my truck (parked right outside our door) and get the items from the backseat. I gave one of the boys a list– model airplane, poster to color, crossword puzzle etc… When they came back into the room he was holding several sacks. I could see that one of the small sacks held a box of tampons. (I forgot they were back there.) My teaching partner was in my room and before I could do anything the boy took them out of the sack, held them up over his head and yells, “I guess this is the crossword puzzle. ” My co-teacher and I were both so red and trying not to laugh that I just said, “Uh-huh” and put the box back in the bag. His mom is an Assistant Principal on another campus. I emailed her to tell her the story and so that she would know if they were ever on the feminine product aisle and he asked for a crossword puzzle she would know what he meant. She thought it was too funny.
Many years ago, when I was teaching 5th grade, I was grading students’ science homework papers. One of the questions was “Who developed the system of naming organisms?” or something like that. Anyway, the correct answer was supposed to be Carl Linnaeus. One of my students wrote ‘Adam’ for his answer. When I questioned him about it, he said he was referring to Adam in the Bible. He had learned in Sunday School that Adam had named all the animals in the Garden of Eden. Guess what? I counted his answer correct!
I just remembered another one. I was teaching at a Christian school at the time, and we did a week-long study of Martin Luther. We learned all about the Protestant Reformation and Luther’s life. At the end of the unit, the book had a picture of Martin Luther. When one student saw it, his response was, “I always thought that guy was black.”
My first week of my first year of teaching, I turned my head for a moment during an art project and I had two students cut their hair!! I’ll never forget that! [I also had this happen. The child had about fifty braids on her head and one got snipped off. The parent was so furious that she demanded her child be removed from my class! The principal was so dumbfounded he just told her to think that over and if she still really wanted to take her out of my class the next day, he would do it. She called the next day and apologized, hehe. –Angela].
One I will NEVER forget… I was teaching kinder in South Los Angeles: rough neighborhood, gangs, prostitutes, drugs, etc. So, I never knew what was going to come out of my students’ mouths. We had a few tricycles on our little playground and only one red one. Well, one of my kids loved that red bike. We came out to recess and another little boy was on it. My student went up to this boy, put his hands on the handlebars, and said, “Get of the bike, b****!”
My first year of teaching I had a boy named Patrick who never hung up his coat. I was tired of it and I warned him that it was going in the trash can the next time I found it on the floor. Well, the next time it happened…I threw it in the trash, with the good intention of taking it out within a few minutes. Within that few minutes a student felt sick and vomited in the trash can! Did I have some explaining to do to the parents. I was very lucky because I knew the parent and had worked with him before I became a teacher. I called him to explain, and he laughed and said they had the same problem with him at home. Boy, was I lucky. I offered to get it dry cleaned, but they said “No. Send it home in a garbage bag!”
My students were sitting around talking about what their dads do for a living. One of mine said “My dad fixes boobies!” I later asked the mom what dad did. She replied, “He is an anesthesiologist”. I told her the comment, and she told us that relatives had recently asked dad what his favorite surgery was. He said boob jobs, because he sits at the patient’s eye level and gets to tell the dr. if they are even!!! Apparently junior overheard the conversation. I laugh about this every time I think about it!
I teach kindergarten and when I was urging a student to get down to work, he looked up and me and said, “You do know that I didn’t sign up for this. My dad did it.”
My first year of teaching I had a terribly naughty little boy (he tried to pull the fire alarm on the first day of school). About midway through the year he drew a picture at free time and brought it up to show me. He pointed to the pictures saying, “Look, this is me and on my shoulders I drew those two guys that tell you to do good things or bad things… I like to listen to the bad one!” It was so funny (and true) all I could do was hug him and laugh!
Another time we had been talking about healthy eating and our bodies and one boy raised his hand and said, “If you look at your arms you can see the VINES inside your body. ”
One moment happened several years ago when I taught grade one. Each primary class had received one of those colorful carpets with the seven continents on it. Well, day 2 of having this carpet, Andre got very sick, and threw up. When his dad came to take him home, Andre proudly says, “Daddy, I threw up all over North America AND South America!”
This one came from my then 4-year old grandson…I had promised to take him to the local ice cream shop one summer evening. He had been playing with some neighborhood friends and if we were going to get to the shop before it closed we needed to leave. As I put him in the car, he protested because he wanted to play some more. Well, we were driving and I turned to him and asked, “What kind of ice cream are you going to get tonight?’ He would not answer me. So I turned to my husband who was driving and said, “I guess I’m getting the silent treatment.” From the backseat we heard, “I don’t think they have that kind.”
I was teaching in a rural school district in a town of about 1200 people. It was 3rd grade. We were discussing Native American Indians. The kids were really into the discussion, when one little girl named Alysha raised her hand and said, “I know a whole lot about Native American Indians!” I said, “Oh you do? She said, “Yes, the reason I know so much about them is because my daddy is FULL BLOODED REDNECK!”
My favorite came from child in my pre-first grade class. He’d been gone for several days because his grandfather had passed away. When he returned I told him we’d missed him. He told me, “I had to go to Iowa because my grandpa died and I had to be at the back and be a polar bear.” When I called the mom to share that with her, she told me that indeed, all the grandsons ages six to adult had been the pallbearers. I’ve never been to a funeral since that I don’t think of that and smile.
It was the beginning of a new school year and it was still quite hot outside. I finally got my first graders on target one afternoon and was really quite happy with how the math lesson was going. At the same time one of my students who had a speech problem was scratching away at about 50 mosquito bites on his legs (I am not kidding). Right in the middle of the lesson, Christopher YELLS…”Mithuth. ____, theeth mothquito biteth are a pain in the ath.” Before I could think, I said, “Christopher, what did you say?” And, he repeated it again! I had a terrible time trying to keep from laughing! I sent him right to the nurse for some cream!
Just the other day in first… One of my shyest little boys wasn’t doing his work so I walked over to him and just as I bent down, he tells the little girl across from him, “You are just so beautiful, I can’t stop staring at you!” At least I knew why he wasn’t working!
I have a student whose father is a biology professor at a local college and is mother in a high school resource teacher. For Valentine’s Day he made a card for his dad with a beaker on it, saying “to a great biology teacher.” On the other side, for his mom, it said, “to whatever kind of teacher you are”.
Once while playing checkers with a 2nd grader, I was asked what my favorite things were. I wasn’t sure what to say, so just to be funny I said, “Oh, I think my favorite things are new shoes and clean socks!” “Well if you like clean socks,” he said with honest eyes, “you’re playing with the wrong kid!” I laughed till I cried and he laughed too!
After falling during morning recess and hurting his thumb, a boy told me during a math lesson “I can’t do math today.” When I asked why he said “Because it hurts when I make a 9.” (He was using his fingers to add!!!) I told him to make the “four” with his other hand!
This year, I worked with BSI [a special education program?], and would pull students out of classrooms to work with me. Many of the children would raise their hands and ask to go with me. One day, toward the end of the year, their classroom teacher said, “What, no one wants to stay here with me?” Well, one little girl that I worked with said, “Don’t worry Mrs. Smith, I like you better. ” Mrs. Smith said, “Oh no, don’t say that in front of Mrs. Morrison!” Then the little girl said, “Well, not by that much!” I could not stop laughing!
I have 10 girls and 5 boys in my 2nd grade class this year. All the girls are utterly and completely horse crazy! I found this note on the floor after school one day. Obviously someone was daydreaming and having a horse ranch owners fantasy… 9:00 – build barn, 10:00 – make a fence, 11:00 – catch horses, 12:00 – train horses, 1:00 – ride horses, 2:00 – brush horses. I had to show the other teachers. It was so well thought out, but maybe a bit ambitious! Did I mention we were doing a math unit on time?
One year, in a second grade classroom, we read a story about a little girl who flew around the world and saw many different things, one of which was the Statue of Liberty. When the students were asked to name something she saw on her journey, a little boy said the Spatula Delivery! Too cute!
[Love this one!] Last year’s class was probably the sweetest group of kids I’ve worked with. One day it was getting close to recess and I had a few kids off task. I reminded them that before we could go outside there were certain things that needed to be done and, just for emphasis, I held up my plan book and pointed to the day’s agenda. One little boy’s eyes widened in surprise and he blurted out, “Omigod! You mean you write this stuff down?!”
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20 Funny Picture Books for Kindergarten
Like to Laugh? Take a look at our list of teacher-approved funny picture books. Handpicked by experienced teachers. You’ll have your class giggling in no time. Super fun, read-aloud picture books to introduce your Kindergarten students to the joys of reading.
Every Kindergarten class library needs a great selection of funny picture books for kids. They are a great way to get even the most reluctant students interested in books. It is also a great way to send the message that reading is fun. Besides, laughing together is a fantastic way to build community, and it is fun for you, too! Recently teachers in the Simply Kinder Teachers Facebook group shared the names of their favorite laugh-out-loud reads. We’ve gathered them together in a fabulous book list that will get everyone giggling.
Teacher Approved List of Funny Picture Books
The Book Without Pictures by B.J. Novak
This book was the clear winner in the Facebook group! Who would think that a picture book with absolutely no pictures could be hysterically funny? Oh but it is! The trick to this is that the reader MUST say everything written on the page. No matter how silly! Kinders think that having their teacher read words like BORK or BLUUF is the funniest thing ever.
Ham it up and make weird noises- or pretend you can’t possibly read the next page aloud and suddenly blurt it out. Let the giggles begin!
My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasa
The story in this funny picture book unfolds in a very silly way and Kinders love it. Mr. Fox can barely believe his eyes when a lovely-looking piglet knocks on his door. He cannot believe that supper has just arrived. It must be his lucky day!
Or, is it?
Somehow, Mr. Fox ends up feeding his visitor, giving him a full spa treatment, and letting the piglet escape. In the end, it turns out to be Piglet’s lucky day. This is a funny story and gets everyone laughing
The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willems
No list of funny pictures books would be complete without something by Mo Willems. All children love his books and the Pigeon series gets everyone giggling. In this book, our Pigeon is VERY dirty. In fact, there are stinky waves coming from their body. Yet Pigeon insists they can’t possibly have a bath and comes up with every conceivable reason why. Classic Mo Willems and a lot of fun to read.
Wonkey Donkey By Craig Smith and Katz Cowley
This book rocketed to fame after a YouTube video showed a grandmother trying to read this book aloud. By the end she is laughing so hard, she can barely read.
This is a very silly book and kids love it. The book repeats the same phrase over and adds another word to the description of the donkey. Eventually, you end up with a spunky, hanky-panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honky-tonky, winky wonky, donkey!
What child wouldn’t love a farting donkey who wears an eye patch? Each page starts with “I was walking down the road and I saw a donkey, HEE-HAW!” Make the loudest, silliest rendition of Hee Haw you can and encourage your students to join in. They are going to love this book.
Here is that video
Parts by Tedd Arnold
This fun book follows a young boy who suddenly realizes that strange things are happening to his body. His hair is falling out, there is fuzz in his belly button, and something just fell out of his nose. Then one of his teeth starts wobbling.
He becomes convinced that his body is falling apart
Parts is a funny look at a subject that is fascinating to most Kinders. The stuff our bodies leaks, loses, and sheds. Kids love this book and it does warn them that their teeth will come loose. One of my early memories is the horror I felt when my first baby tooth started to wobble. I was the oldest child and had no idea that I would be losing any teeth!
You Don’t Want an Unicorn by Ame Dyckman
A young boy wishes for a unicorn and the narrator tries to tell him all the reasons this is a bad idea. Unicorns make the very worst pets. They poke holes in the ceiling, shed, and even poop cupcakes! Children love the silly illustrations that accompany the warnings and you can guarantee loads of giggles when you read this one aloud.
Don’t Press the Button by Bill Cotter
The rule is simple. Don’t push the button. It is not hard. You never know what will happen if you push the button. It could be awful. This fun book introduces the children to a lovable monster called Larry. Somehow, he will persuade your kids to push the button and chaos ensues. The only way to get things back to normal is to shake and poke the book. You also get to push the button again and again. Children love interacting with the story in this way. It is a fun book.
Monsters Love Underpants by Claire Freedman
As I’m sure you know, any book that even mentions underpants will be a hit with Kinders. This book is full of monsters. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are quite scary! However, they all agree on one thing. They love zany underpants. Every Saturday night they gather in a secret cave to show off their underpants.
Admit it, you are laughing already.
The illustrations are fabulous and there is so much to see in each picture. Your Kinders are going to love all the underpants.
I Need a New Butt by Dawn McMillan
Bums are the other topic guaranteed to cause hysterical giggles in your class! This book will have your students rolling off their chairs. It may take a while to get through! A young boy discovers he has a huge problem. His butt has a major crack in it. Did it happen when he got on his bike or slid down the banister? He goes in search of a new one. Will he choose a rocket butt? Maybe a robot one? Your kids will love this silly book! This story is loads of fun for kids who have discovered bathroom humor. Yet it manages to do it without being too gross. After all, what kid does not find bums hilarious?
Thomas’ Snowsuit by Robert Munsch
We couldn’t have a list of funny pictures books without at least one Robert Munsch. Thomas has a new snowsuit and it is the ugliest thing ever created. Thomas refuses to put it on. His mother, teacher, and principal all try and Thomas is adamant. Hilarity ensues when the adults try to get Thomas into his snowsuit.
My boys LOVED this book! They loved shouting out NOOOOO! They thought the antics of the adults were so funny. My oldest particularly loved the end of the book where the principal moves to a place where there is never any snow. It appealed to my son’s sense of humor.
Mother Bruce by Ryan Higgins
An adorably cute story of a grumpy bear called Bruce who just loves to eat eggs. But when 4 little goslings hatch from their shells in front of him and refuse to leave, Bruce must take on the role of mother goose. The illustrations make the book, showing the grumpy bear doing his best to be a mother to the demanding goslings. Kids (and adults) will both enjoy reading this story, which has a sweet ending- even if it does involve one very grouchy bear.
I want my Hat Back by Jon Klassen
The bear is looking for his missing hat. He asks all the woodland creatures he meets if they’ve seen it, but no one has. We follow along with bear as he goes on a quest to recover what’s gone. What will happen next? Told almost entirely in dialogue, this story is one that will entertain both adults and children alike. The ending is too mischievous to give away.
You say Ohh and I say Ahh by John Kane
This hilarious interactive read-aloud will have everyone giggling helplessly! The listeners help to tell the story by responding as instructed to simple cues. I say ooh and you say ahh; pat your head when you see red; yell underpants when you see an ant. There’s not much of a story or text, but that’s what makes it so fun! You can ham it up with goofy sound effects and expressions. Besides, no kid will object to yelling out the word underpants. It is guaranteed to have your class laughing aloud.
Walter the Farting Dog by William Kotzwinkle
Walter is a gray-colored dog with an apologetic face. Two children adopt him and bring him home. Walter is a great dog. He has one problem though: he has bad gas. Really bad gas! Nothing can stop it. Father says that the smelly dog cannot stay. Walter must go back to the adoption center the next day. Then, at night, the burglars strike. Walter’s farts save the day and earns him a reprieve. This book is a favorite of the children. Kinders love this book. At this age, even the mention of the word fart will get them giggling, so this book will be a firm favorite.
We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan Higgins
It is the first day of school and lovable dinosaur Penelope Rex can’t wait to go to school. Then she finds out that all her classmates are children. Everyone knows how delicious children are, so Penelope eats them and gets into trouble! The teacher even makes Penelope spit them out again! Poor Penelope doesn’t understand why everyone is so upset with her until the class goldfish bites her finger. This is a fun book to read aloud, and children enjoy the humor. I love the diversity that is included in the class. There are classmates of all ethnic and religious backgrounds.
The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach
The impatient caterpillar climbs up a tree with his friends to transform into a butterfly. But the long wait in his chrysalis is so long. He starts to complain, “Can I get a comic?” “What if I have to go to the bathroom?” “Anyone want to play a game?” This book is great for Kinders who understand what it’s like to wait impatiently. Eventually, the caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. All is well until it is time to migrate and the “are we there yet?” questions begin. This book is a lot of fun to read. The cartoon-like illustrations add to the humor. The caterpillar’s antics will tickle your student’s funny bones.
Click Clack Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
Farmer Brown is shocked when his cows send a typed note demanding electric blankets. The farmer refuses to provide blankets so the cows strike. Soon, the demands increase, and the chickens want electric blankets as well. They withhold their eggs! What is Farmer Brown to do? The farmers and their animals come to a settlement and peace is restored. This story is clever, offbeat, and silly. Colorful illustrations accompany the simple text, which introduces children to Farmer Brown’s and his lovable animals.
The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
Duncan, (who we never see) goes to do some coloring, finds a stack of letters from his crayons. They are all complaints. Purple is losing it and wants Duncan to color within the lines. Gray is tired from coloring large objects, and poor peach feels naked without his wrapper. Each page spread has the letter of complaint alongside a picture of the suffering crayon. The crayons use Duncan’s drawings to prove their points. This is a fun and creative book.
We Are in a Book by Mo Willems
Mo Willems’ Elephant and Piggie Series feature the return of his beloved characters, Gerald and Piggie. They discover that they are characters in a book! Mirth ensues when the two of them realize a new power: “If the reader reads out loud,” they can make the reader say what they want. Piggie chooses a word and the silliness ramps up as they figure out how to make the reader say “Banana”. However, there is trouble on the horizon. Gerald and Piggie discover to their horror that books end and there are only a few pages left. Nevertheless, Piggie comes up with a plan – they just need to ask, “Will you please read us again? A silly and creative book that will have your class laughing aloud.
Falling for Rapunzel by Leah Wilcox
The silliness of this book will have you and your students laughing from beginning to end. How can you resist a book that starts with the line “Once upon a bad hair day, a prince rode up Rapunzel’s way.” In rhyming text, the author tells a story of a hilarious misunderstanding. The prince hears Rapunzel’s whine (she is “upset her hair had lost its shine”) and mistakes it for a plea (after which he “sallied forth to set her free”). The hilarity continues when the prince asks her to throw down her hair and receives Rapunzel’s gaily-colored underwear—followed by dirty socks instead of curly locks, silky dresses for silky tresses, and pancake batter for a ladder. This is a hilarious re-telling of the traditional fairy tale! It also has a cute twist at the end that ends the story beautifully.
Looking For More Books?
- 50 Must- Have books for the Kindergarten Classroom
- Teacher Recommended Picture Books that Rhyme
- Best Picture Books about Diversity For Young Learners
- Awesome Books About Color Your Class Will Love
Your Turn
You have seen our list. Do you have any more titles to add? What are your favorite funny picture books to read aloud?
At Simply Kinder we work together to bring you ready-to-use resources to partner with great teaching for any curriculum, a Facebook community where teachers talk all things Kindergarten, and low-prep learning ideas that your students will love. Be sure to stay up to date with all things kindergarten on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and through email. Simply Kinder: where teaching Kinder is definitely better together!
Funny stories from life in kindergarten and at home: what children tell
photos from
In today's world, most children go to kindergarten. And of course, returning home, they share their impressions and emotions that they encountered during the day. And being in a preschool institution, children not only play, but communicate with their peers. From time to time, not only ridiculous pearls can be heard from kids, but also what is happening at home. Several stories from the life of the younger generation that took place in kindergarten. nine0003
There is a quiet hour in the younger group, but four-year-old Serezha can't sleep and he spins in bed, grunting, spinning the blanket. The teacher tells him I say:
- Stop spinning. Close your eyes and sleep!
- I can't do it on this side...
- Turn on the other side.
- Yes, I already turned around. And on one side, and on the second, and on the third… I've been in bed for eighteen sides and I can't fall asleep…
Sasha is 3 years old and he goes to kindergarten in a workers' settlement for about two months. And coming home every day he tells that they were fed pasta and given beer. nine0003
A mother with her baby daughter came to the kindergarten for her two sons. The teacher decided to play a joke and asked five-year-old Alyosha:
— Will you give me Katya or Nikita?
— No.
— What if I give you candy?
- I agree. take away.
Here Nikita pushes his older brother in the side and says indignantly:
— Are you supposed to give birth 100 times, or what?
Mom came to the kindergarten for four-year-old Misha and the teacher came up to her and said embarrassedly:
- Misha complains that every evening you put your finger in his ass and twist it there.
And it turned out that the night before the mother had threatened her child with an enema if she didn't go to the toilet before going to bed.
Vanya, 3.5 years old, the son of one of the employees of the preschool institution, tells the whole group:
— My dad was on the balcony yesterday, he farted so loudly, his mother said that his ass was torn.
Vanya's dad didn't come to kindergarten anymore. nine0003
In the middle group, two five-year-old boys are driving a car and the teacher asks them:
— Have you gone to the store?
“No,” the guys answered in unison.
— To nature?
— No.
— Where to?
- For women.
There is a lesson in the kindergarten where parents are present.
The children were given the task to build a phrase consisting of a noun and a verb. For example, “The bird is flying”, “The dog is barking”. One boy built the phrase: "Daddy farted." There was an awkward pause as everyone tried not to laugh out loud. But the father, who had blushed sharply, got up and went to the exit with words of indignation. Then the mother of another child said after him:
- Don't fart - the baby won't talk!
After that, no one could hold back laughter. The job had to end. And the boy's father stopped bringing and picking him up from kindergarten.
And these are the most harmless stories. Therefore, dear parents, educate not children, but yourself. And watch your tongue around the kids.
Kindergarten teachers from Vitebsk told funny stories about the kindergarten
For those who are not familiar with this, there are many anecdotes on this topic. The child went to kindergarten and copies what he saw at home. And at home he copies what he did in the garden ... In general, kindergarten teachers have something to tell about. Moreover, funny situations occur not only with children, but also with their parents. "Vitebsk courier n" talked to the workers through whose hands all the kids of our city pass (well, or even crawl). It turned out to be quite a funny collection. nine0003
How dad mixed up the group
Dad worked for one of my wards in Poland and was rarely at home, - remembered Daria , educator. - Accordingly, he took the baby from the garden infrequently. At first, Varya went to our nursery, and in September she was transferred to the younger group. And now, it was already November, dad comes for his daughter to the nursery group and demands to give his child. Educators cannot understand: among the children there are two Varyas, but both are not the same. And dad starts to panic and calls his wife that he came to the garden, but his daughter is gone, lost, guard, you have to declare to the police. Finally figured it out and sent him to the right group. nine0105
In a kindergarten with a pink pot
A boy Vanechka went to our nursery for adaptation, - told the teacher Elena . - For the first three days in the summer he was only taken for a walk in the street, then he was told to try to come to the group after breakfast. And now we see them go to the garden and carry in their hands a pink pot in the shape of an elephant's head. As my mother explained, Vanya can only write not in him and nowhere else, because at first the pot will be carried to the kindergarten for the day and home for the night. By the way, already on the third day, Vanya was doing his job perfectly with other children on our pots. nine0105
Raise your mugs. Let's have a drink
It was after the New Year holidays, - the teacher Ekaterina remembered. – My assistant and I just spread the porridge for breakfast and spilled tea. The children washed their hands, sat down at the tables, there was silence in the group, and then one boy said: “Raise your mugs. Let's drink". And, what is most interesting, many children supported him and began to clink glasses. So we realized that the New Year was a success for our parents. nine0105
Dad fell asleep in the locker room
One of our boys' dad worked either in the police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And so he came to pick up the child, and they just brought dinner from us, - said Daria. – Then the father told his son to eat, and he will wait in the locker room for now. The kid ate, we released him from the group to the parent, and he comes back and says: “Shh. Dad is sleeping there. We look out into the locker room, and the man is really sleeping: he took his son’s winter things out of the closet, put them on the windowsill, sat down next to him on a high chair and fell asleep. Barely woke him up then. It turns out that he was on daily duty, went from frost to warmth, and that's exhausted. nine0105
Dad, don't fart in the room
Dad came for Masha early, we just had an afternoon snack, - Ekaterina said. – And now the parent is standing at the door, urging his daughter to finish her meal faster, and then the child has an embarrassment with belching. It turned out quite loudly, dad made a remark to her that it was ugly to behave at the table like that, they say, how many times mom said about it.
But the girl was not at a loss and retorted: “And how many times did your mother tell you, dad, not to fart in the room, but go to the toilet.” At that moment it was pitiful to look at the man.