Games for learning math
Math Games for Kids Online
- Number Sense (387)
- Addition (341)
- Subtraction (238)
- Multiplication (199)
- Division (109)
- Fractions (173)
- Decimals (150)
- Geometry (128)
- Measurement (175)
- Time (35)
- Money (57)
- Algebra (35)
- Word Problems (57)
- Reading (2,209)
- Writing (184)
Pick your Child's grade
Number Sense Games for Kids (387)
View all 387 gamesNumber Recognition
Sing the Number Song from 1 to 3 Game
Ask your little one to sing the number song from 1 to 3 to play this game.
Number Sequence
Sing the Number Song from 11 to 15 Game
Sing the number song from 11 to 15 to practice numbers.
Count the Dots from 1 to 3 Game
Count the dots from 1 to 3 to begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard.
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number One Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number one.
Addition Games for Kids (341)
View all 341 gamesIntroduction to Addition
Model to Add Numbers Game
Dive deep into the world of math by modeling to add numbers.
Addition Strategies
Build the Model to Add Numbers Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to build the model to add numbers.
Addition Facts
Add Two Numbers (Up to 5) Game
Ask your little one to add two numbers (Up to 5) to play this game.
K K.OA.5
Addition Without Regrouping
Add Using Place Value Chart Game
Practice the superpower of addition by learning how to add using the place value chart.
2 2.NBT.5
Subtraction Games for Kids (238)
View all 238 gamesIntroduction to Subtraction
Remove and Match the Number Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to remove and match the number.
Subtraction Strategies
Count Backward From 10 Game
Ask your little one to count backward from 10 to play this game.
Subtraction Facts
Subtract Two Numbers (Up to 5) Game
Take a deep dive into the world of math by subtracting two numbers (up to 5).
K K.OA.5
Subtraction Without Regrouping
Subtract Multiples to 10 using Visuals Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to subtract multiples of 10 using visuals.
1 1.NBT.6
Multiplication Games for Kids (199)
View all 199 gamesIntroduction to Multiplication
Count Rows and Columns Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing to count rows and columns.
2 2.OA.4
Multi-digit Multiplication
Multiply 2-Digit Numbers Using Area Model Game
Use your multiplication skills to multiply 2-digit numbers using area models.
4 4.NBT.5
Multiplication Properties
Multiply Three Numbers Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to multiply three numbers.
3 3.OA.5
Advance Multiplication
Multiply and Answer in Unit Form Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to multiply and answer in unit form.
3 3.NBT.3
Division Games for Kids (109)
View all 109 gamesAdvance Division
Divide using a Related Fact Game
Shine bright in the math world by learning how to divide using a related fact.
Division Facts
Division facts of 10 Game
Explore the division facts of 10 with this game.
3 3.OA.7
Introduction to Division
Divide Objects into Equal Groups Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by helping them divide objects into equal groups.
3 3.OA.2
Multi-digit Division
Find the Quotient Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by learning to find the quotient.
4 4.NBT.6
Fraction Games for Kids (173)
View all 173 gamesIdentify Fractions
Understand Equal Parts Game
Let your child see the world through math-colored shades by understanding equal parts.
3 3.NF.1
Compare Fractions
Compare Fractions Using Fraction Strips Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to compare fractions using fraction strips.
3 3.NF.3.d
Equivalent Fractions
Identify Equivalent Fractions Game
Treat yourself to an immersive learning experience by identifying equivalent fractions.
3 3.NF.3.b
Convert Fractions
Choose the Fraction Represented by the Model Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to choose the fraction represented by the model.
4 4.NF.1
Decimal Games for Kids (150)
View all 150 gamesIdentify Decimals
Identify Tenths Using Fraction Models Game
Apply your knowledge of decimals to identify tenths using fraction models.
3 4 4.NF.5
Represent Decimals
Choose the Decimal Number Represented on The Number Line Game
Help kids practice decimals by learning to choose the decimal number represented on the number line.
4 4.NF.6
Read and Write Decimals
Decimals on the Place Value Chart Game
Use your skills to practice decimals on the place value chart.
5 5.NBT.3.a
Decimal Place Value
Identify the Place Value and Complete the Chart Game
Use your math skills to identify the place value and complete the chart.
3 4 4.NF.6
Geometry Games for Kids (128)
View all 128 gamesTerms in Geometry
Identify Objects Above and Below Game
Learn to solve problems by identifying objects 'above' and 'below'.
K K.G.1
Sort Real-World Shapes Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by sorting real-world shapes.
Coordinate Planes
Identify the Missing Coordinate Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by identifying the missing coordinate.
5 5.G.1
Terms in Geometry
Counting Objects Above and Below Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by counting objects 'above' and 'below'.
K K.G.1
Measurement Games for Kids (175)
View all 175 gamesCapacity
Guess the Correct Unit of Capacity Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning to identify the correct unit of capacity.
3 3.MD.2
Comparing Measurements
Identify the Object with Shorter Length Game
Use your measurement skills to identify the object with the shorter length.
Conversion of Measurement Units
Conversion Tables for Metric Units of Length Game
Help kids practice measurements with these conversion tables for metric units of length.
5 5.MD.1
Data Handling
Identify Objects by Color Game
Sharpen your skills by identifying objects by their colors.
Time Games for Kids (35)
View all 35 gamesAM and PM
Relate Activities with A.

Shine bright in the math world by learning how to relate activities with A.M. and P.M.
2 2.MD.7
Analog Clock
The Hour Hand Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by playing 'The Hour Hand' game.
1 1.MD.3
Elapsed Time
Find Elapsed Time Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by learning how to find elapsed time.
3 3.MD.1
Time in Half Hours
Read Time in Half Hours Game
Shine bright in the math world by learning how to read time in half hours.
1 1.MD.3
Money Games for Kids (57)
View all 57 gamesIdentify Coins
Different Types of Coins Game
Explore different types of coins with your little one.
Counting Money
Count Money with Coins of a Type Game
Help your child take flight by learning how to count money with coins of a type.
Operations With Money
Use Coins to Make the Given Amount Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to use coins to make the given amount.
2 2.MD.8
Identify Coins
Count Coins of a Type Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to count coins of a type.
Algebra Games for Kids (35)
View all 35 gamesPatterns
Fill in the Correct Number Using Additive Patterns Game
Fill in the correct number using additive patterns.
4 4.OA.5
Numerical Expressions
Simplify Expressions with Two Operations Game
Ask your little one to simplify expressions with two operations to play this game.
5 5.OA.1
Factors and Multiples
Select the First FIve Multiples of Various Numbers Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning to select the first five multiples of various numbers.
4 4.OA.4
Prime and Composite Numbers
Choose the Prime Number Out of the Given Numbers Game
Kids must choose the prime number out of the given numbers to practice algebra.
4 4.OA.4
Word Problems Games for Kids (57)
View all 57 gamesAddition and Subtraction Word Problems
Adding One by Making a Model Game
Treat yourself to an immersive learning experience with our 'Adding One by Making a Model' game.
K K.OA.2
Multiplication and Division Word Problems
Solve Word Problems on Division Game
Learn to solve math problems by solving word problems on division.
3 3.OA.3
Fraction Word Problems
Solve the Word Problems on Fraction Addition Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to solve the word problems on fraction addition.
4 4.NF.3.d
Money Word Problems
Find the Change Game
Use your counting money skills to find the change.
2 2.MD.8
All Math Games for Kids
Number Recognition
Count Along with the Stars from 1 to 3 Game
Shine bright in the math world by counting along with the stars from 1 to 3.
Number Sequence
Number Sequence from 1 to 20 Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by practicing the number sequence from 1 to 20.
Count to Tell How Many up to 3 Game
Ask your little one to count to tell 'how many' up to 3.
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number Two Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number two.
Compare and Order Numbers
Identify the Least and Greatest Blocks Game
Ask your little one to identify the least and the greatest number of blocks to play this game.
K 1 1.NBT.3
Skip Counting
Count up by 2s Game
Practice the superpower of counting by learning how to count up by 2s.
2 2.NBT.2
Even and Odd Numbers
Count Objects in Pairs Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to count objects in pairs.
2 2.OA.3
Place Value
Which Picture Shows 10 Game
Make math learning fun by choosing the picture that shows 10.
Number Recognition
Number Sequence from 1 to 3 Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by practicing the number sequence from 1 to 3.
Number Sequence
Sing the Number Song from 10 to 20 Game
Have your own math-themed party by singing the number song from 10 to 20.
Match Numbers up to 3 Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to match numbers up to 3.
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number Three Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number three.
Compare and Order Numbers
Identify the Least and Greatest Number Game
Kids must identify the least and the greatest number to practice number sense.
K 1 1.NBT.3
Skip Counting
Skip Count by 2s on Hundreds Charts Game
Take a look at how to skip count by 2s on the hundreds charts with this game.
2 2.NBT.2
Even and Odd Numbers
Identify Even or Odd Game
Kids must identify whether the given number is even or odd.
2 2.OA.3
Place Value
Complete the Ten-Frame Game
Apply your knowledge of place values to complete the ten-frame.
Number Recognition
Count and Tell Numbers from 1 to 3 Game
Kids must count and tell numbers from 1 to 3 to practice number sense.
Number Sequence
Let's Make the Number Song from 10 to 15 Game
Listen to the number song from 10 to 15 with your child.
Counting Sequence from 1 to 5 Game
Help your little one practice the counting sequence from 1 to 5.
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number Four Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number four.
Compare and Order Numbers
Order the Numbers Game
Take the pressure off by simplifying number sense by ordering the numbers.
K 1 1.NBT.3
Skip Counting
Skip Count by 2s Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to skip count by 2s.
2 2.NBT.2
Even and Odd Numbers
Check Even or Odd Game
Ask your little one to check even or odd to play this game.
2 2.OA.3
Place Value
Count Up to 15 Using Ten-Frames Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to count up to 15 using ten-frames.
Number Recognition
Hop and Count from 1 to 3 Game
Use your number sense skills to hop and count from 1 to 3.
Number Sequence
Let's Make the Number Song from 10 to 20 Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse with the number song from 10 to 20.
Count to 5 Game
Dive deep into the world of counting with our fun 'Count to 5' game.
PREK K K. CC.4.a
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number Five Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number five.
Compare and Order Numbers
Recognize Patterns Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to recognize patterns.
Skip Counting
Count On by 2s Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to count on by 2s.
2 2.NBT.2
Even and Odd Numbers
Select the Even or Odd Number Game
Dive deep into the world of math by selecting the even or odd number.
2 2.OA.3
Place Value
Count Up to 20 Using Ten-Frames Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to count up to 20 using ten-frames.
Number Recognition
Count and Match Numbers from 1 to 3 Game
Apply your knowledge of number sense to count and match numbers from 1 to 3.
Number Sequence
Connect the Number Stars from 1 to 3 Game
Kids must connect the number stars from 1 to 3 to practice number sense.
Count the Dots from 1 to 5 Game
Teach your little one to count the dots from 1 to 5.
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number Six Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number six.
Compare and Order Numbers
Match Number and Pattern Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to match numbers and patterns.
Skip Counting
Complete the Skip Count Game
Take the first step towards building your math castle by practicing how to complete the skip count.
2 2.NBT.2
Place Value
Model Teen Numbers on the Frame Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by exploring how to model teen numbers on the frame.
Number Recognition
Match Number Cards from 1 to 3 Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by matching number cards from 1 to 3.
Number Sequence
Sing the Number Song from 1 to 5 Game
Dive deep into the world of numbers by singing the number song from 1 to 5.
Subitize to Count within 5 Game
Learn to solve math problems by subitizing to count within 5.
Writing Numbers
Trace the Number Seven Game
Sharpen your number skills by tracing the number seven.
Compare and Order Numbers
Compare by Counting Game
Dive deep into the world of number sense with our 'Compare by Counting' game.
K K.CC.7
Skip Counting
Count Forward by 2s Game
Take a look at how to count forward by 2s with this game.
2 2.NBT.2
Place Value
Composing Teen Numbers Game
Let your child see the world through math-colored shades with our composing 'teen' numbers game!
K 1 K. NBT.1
Number Recognition
Identify Numbers from 1 to 3 Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by identifying numbers from 1 to 3.
Number Sequence
Count Along with the Stars from 1 to 5 Game
Count along with the stars from 1 to 5 with this number sense game.
Count Objects to 5 Game
Kids must count objects to 5 to practice counting.
Introduction to Addition
Count On to Add within 10 Game
Dive deep into the world of addition by counting on to add within 10.
PREK K 1 1.OA.5
Online Math Games for KidsMath can be hard sometimes, and it can be difficult for different types of learners at different stages. But playing games with math in them is different! Games are fun, and they don't take themselves too seriously. This means that they're a great way to develop necessary math skills without feeling like you're doing work at all.
Fun math games online add meaningful challenges to your child’s math practice which are both age and grade appropriate. Math learning games are visually pleasing and engage your child’s sensibilities in the best way possible.
These games include subtraction games, addition games, measurement games, counting games, number sense games, place value games, algebra games and much more that cater to all ages from preschoolers to K-5.
Benefits of Interactive Math Games Online- Mathematics games foster positive educational experiences by boosting student motivation and learning
- Math learning games stimulate mathematical reasoning by encouraging students to reason, wonder and explore
- They provide an alternative method of approach and assessment to mathematics
- Play on any device: Kids can play math games online on the device of their choice; iPad, laptop, iPod etc.
- Engaging and rewarding games: Children can buy their favorite animated pet and more with the coins they earn through practice.
- Parental Connect: Parents can get instant notifications of their child’s progress and skill completion through apps and websites.
- Offline access: Fun math games can also be played offline through various apps.
Math online games are extremely useful as they make learning fun and interactive! They not only engage the child but facilitate frequent practicing of math facts and increase math knowledge by focusing on logical areas of reasoning and questioning. They are very efficient in reinforcing mathematical concepts.
2. Do online games help in developing math skills?Ofcourse! Math games improve reasoning abilities, promote better comprehension of underlying concepts and allow children to feel confident in solving complex math problems based on real-world scenarios. They are practical and useful in developing key mathematical skills.
Yes! They come with a set of instructions that are engaging and easy to understand. They cater to all types of learners and provide an equal learning opportunity for every child. They challenge children in a way that is both exciting and appropriate which then increases their math learning and enhances their math skills.
4. How can I make teaching math fun?You can make teaching math fun with interesting games online by incorporating them in your classroom or your child’s routine.
5. What are the best math games websites for kids?A wide range of websites and apps are available online that cater to math learning and practice. To know more, read: Best Online Math Websites To Take The Math Blues Away
Try SplashLearn for Free
25+ Free Math Games for Kids • Kids Activities Blog
We have a collection of fun activities and interactive math games for children of all ages to give your child practice on important number skills in a playful way. If your kids HATE math, you are not alone. Here are some math games for kids to help them learn to love math one problem at a time.
What are Some Fun Math Games?
One of the easiest ways to reinforce a new skill is to practice it hands-on in a fun way. No matter the grade level – 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade or beyond…these cool math games are a fun way to practice what you learn.
That is where this fantastic list of fun math games comes in. There is something for everyone!
1. Fun Math Games Using Uno Flip Deck of Cards (Kindergarten & 1st grade)
Why use math worksheets when you can use game cards to review math skills! Check out how this mom plays and learns using the classic game, Uno. This Uno Flip game recommended for ages 5 and up creates simple math problems your child will need to solve! You could easily do this for addiction, subtraction, multiplication, or even division. via Childhood 101
2. Skip Counting Worksheets (1st grade, 2nd grade & 3rd grade)
Skip counting is one of the pre-requisites for a solid foundation in math skills that kids usually start learning around the age of 6 years old. Help your kids understand patterns in numbers with these skip counting worksheets and one of the best math games that you can create on the driveway or front porch with chalk…oh, and getting the correct answer is easy and fun!
3. Fraction Games (Intro: grade 1 & grade 2; 3rd grade and 4th grade)
Do your kids LOVE games, but hate fractions? Ours do! Practice and review fractions with the game Connect 4. This is one of my favorite fraction games because it is simple, but help familiarizes children with fractions, which generally are kind of difficult to learn. Kids are introduced to fractions in grade 1 and 2 and by grade 3 and 4 they are diving deep into learning fractions. via No Time for Flash Cards

Have a Math white board – I love this idea for a class opening activity! Kids race to see how many ways they can combine numbers to make the answer. It is great for multiple levels of learning and is a simple, but fun, math games for kids that don’t require worksheets. This game works really well for older students with more advanced math concepts like grades 3-grade 7, but it could be modified to be used with younger students as young as preschool. via Fun Games 4 Learning
Oh the fun we will have playing puzzle games with math!5. Video: Math Maze Game (1st grade)
Mazes are a great way to keep your child independently focused on math. Not only does it double as a STEM activity, but this Maze activity can also teach your child about size, geometry and speed.
6. Money Math Worksheets (Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade)
Money math – so easy to create a math money review lesson. All you need is a random handful of coins, a slip of paper with a total your kids need to reach and a jar of change. Then use these money math worksheets to help keep up with all the coins and their worth! Kids learning to count money and add their worth are perfect for this simple worksheet game.
7. Lego Math (Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade)
This Lego math is awesome! You can use Legos and toys to help explain the concepts of place value. Each row on the Lego math mat is a different place value whether it is ones, tens, or more via The Science Kiddo proving math skills is play! In fact, the concepts of place value can be comprehended by even younger kids like preschoolers when introduced through play.
This is so smart!Online Math Games Online (All grades)
Screen time isn’t always a bad thing. Your kids can learn while they play, on the iPad or android device with some of these Math Apps for Kids. There are so many different math apps for all ages!
Kids Math Games with Just a Pencil and Paper
These fun paper and pencil math games go WAY beyond math worksheets. Here are some free printable math games kids will love playing:
8. Expanded Form Dice Game (4th Grade)
You will need some scissors, glue and a pencil to play this expanded form dice game.
9. Math Crossword Puzzles (Kindergarten, 1st Grade)
Download, print & play these math crossword puzzles for addition and subtraction practice fun.
10. Abominable Snowball Math Equation Game (Grades K-3)
Abominable Snowball Math Equation Game uses printable worksheets and sparkly snow playdough to play!
11. Addition Color by Number Pages (Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade)
Let’s play with addition equations with these color by number pages:
- Unicorn addition worksheets
- Day of the Dead addition worksheets
- Shark addition worksheets
- Baby Shark easy math worksheets

Let’s play with subtraction equations with these color by number pages:
- Unicorn subtraction math worksheets
- Day of the Dead subtraction worksheets
- Halloween subtraction color by number worksheets
Math Games for Kids
You should not only know what you are doing. You should also know why and how.
-Harry Wong
13. Multiplication Graph (2nd and 3rd grade)
You can literally see in 3D how multiplication and powers work and grow rapidly with 3D graphing. This is another fun Lego math activity, but this one will require quite a few more small Legos. via Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls
14. Marshmallow Shapes (Intro: Pre-K, preschool, Kindergarten; Geometry learning for older students)
Who says you can’t play with your food? These marshmallow shapes are perfect for kiddos who struggle with corners versus verticals. They will understand quickly the importance of corners when they are made of marshmallows! Edible geometry! via Playdough to Plato
15. Fun Math Games For Kids (5th grade)
Play a math game with your whole body – great interaction for antsy kiddos while also learning about place values. There are a couple different fun math games for kids to choose from, but both will have your children entertained. via Two Sisters to Teach
16. Fun Mathematics For Kids (Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st grade)
Is skip counting “just a concept” to your kids? Help them see how multiplication works by skip counting with manipulatives. Don’t worry, these math games aren’t difficult, most of them involve sorting! via One Day at a Time
17. Times Table Tricks (2nd grade, 3rd grade & 4th grade)
Did you know there are times table tricks to improve the swiftness of math skills? Here is a trick to multiply the nines. Find the answer by folding down different fingers. This would have made multiplication so much easier when I was in school! via Come Together Kids
18. Hundreds Chart Puzzle (Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade)
Skip Counting puzzles are a great way to learn about the hundreds chart and number families/patterns. All you need are these free math worksheets, cardstock, and plastic baggies to create this hundreds chart puzzle. via Playdough to Plato
19. Types Of Graphs For Kids (5th grade, 6th grade)
This one will take a little effort to make, but your child can make a math journal more interactive by adding Pop-up bar graphs. Kids remember things they create and this is a great way to teach types of graphs for kids. via Runde’s Room
20. Number Flashcards (5th grade, 6th grade)
These number flashcards are perfect to teach any kid to count! Not only do they have the number written in numeral form, but also word form, and has different geometric shapes depicting the quantity! Perfect for reinforcing each number. via All Kids Network (Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten)
21. Math Puzzles For Middle School Kids (Grades 3-7)
This Craft Stick Math Station idea is awesome! It’s math puzzles for middle school kids. Each stick matches another. Make a chain from the problems. You could easily do the same for kids in elementary school or even use it to teach algebra and geometry to high school kids.
22. Paper Fortune Teller Math Game (1st Grade, 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade)
Review math facts with this paper fortune teller math game. Great game for learning multiplication facts or even matching fractions and checking your work.
I love playing with math!Fun Math for Kids Who Get Frustrated With Math
23. Food Fractions (Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade & 3rd grade)
Food fractions is a great way to learn math! I am definitely more motivated when food is involved! Cut up your lunch and learn about fractions and amounts at the same time! Older kids will catch on to this immediately and younger kids will play along while they learn.
24. Tenzi (Grades 2-5)
Tenzi the Math Dice Game is dice game that is addictive! You can adapt it for a wide range of kids learning levels. Best part is, it is simple to play and is great for multiple players 7 years and up! via What Do We Do All Day
25. Math Dice Games (All Grades)
Go big! Create a dice from a large cube box. Dice can be used in so many learning activities like quickly counting sums or subtracting! You could easily use these large dice for bigger kids learning multiplication as well. via Parents
26. Jenga Games For The Classroom (All Grades)
Looking for Jenga games for the classroom? Then this block game is perfect because it is super adaptable. Use it for Speed Math Review. Don’t worry, you don’t have to write on the blocks, instead use stickers so you can swap them out when needed. via The First Grade Parade
27. Math Using Hands (Pre-K, Preschool & Kindergarten)
Make hands for counting! That sounds super odd, but bare with me. You can learn math using hands. If you have a kiddo who needs just a little extra help understanding the concept of twenty or numbers after ten? Try this! It is an extra pair of hands to count on! via J Daniel 4s Mom
28. Fun Math For Kids (Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade and adapted for older kids)
Have a number of the day – this is great for homeschooling families with multiple age groups and also for classroom bell openers. via Well Nurtured Plants and Pillars
29. Math Sight Word Play (Kindergarten, 1st grade & 2nd grade)
Did you know there are math sight words? Make word problems easier for your kids to solve with word cards for them to memorize the common words.
30. More Lego Math (Pre-K, Kindergarten)
Pre-math skills – Symmetry. It is a great way to develop spatial awareness. You make one half and your child makes the other half. Plus, it is another fun Lego math project, learning math concepts with toys makes it much more fun I think. via Fun at Home with Kids
31. Coordinate Math (Grades 2-6)
Play the game Gridlock to help your kids learn graphing principles. They will literally be able to see the graphs and the lines. This is one of my favorite math activities for kids. via Mathwire
32. Number Line (Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten)
Number lines are a great way for kids to see the order that numbers occur. You can make your own number line. Remove clothespins and ask your kids what the missing number is. via Fantastic Fun and Learning
33. Multiplication Songs (Pre-K through Grade 3)
Skip counting songs! It is our kids favorite way to learn their times tables. Here are the BEST math songs, including fun multiplication songs. These are the cutest! via Imagination Soup
How Can I Learn Math Games?
If you do one of these activities every afternoon with your child, they will not only catch up to their peers and become more confident learners, they just might also discover a love of logic!
Using games to improve basic math skills is a great learning strategy for kids. Many math concepts require memorization, math drills and repeated practice to master. Kids can lose interest in the process and their ability to grasp later math concepts that build on this important foundation can cause serious scholastic issues.
Nearly any math activity can be turned into a game when you look at it and see how you can include a little friendly competition! Whether it is turning a worksheet into something kids can play with hands-on, creating a guessing game instead of a drill, having kids compete against each other or adding a timer so kids can compete against themselves.
Free Math Games
Not everyone learns the same and unfortunately math is one of those things you either really get it or don’t. And if you’re one of the ones who don’t catch on to math skills right away, it can be frustrating.
More Math Games & Printable Worksheets from Kids Activities Blog
- Check out these 10 Fun Math Games for Kids! I am your kids will love them.
- Looking for some Super Fun Math Games? We got you covered.
- Make math delicious with this Fraction Game: Cookie Math! Cookies make everything better.
- Need some math worksheets? Then check out these FREE Printable Math Activities.
- We have over 100 fun math games and activities to choose from.
more fun!
- Science for Kids
- Fun Fact of the Day
- Learning activities for 3 year olds
Which of the math games and interactive activities was your kids favorite? Did we miss any of your favorite ways to teach math basic skills and mental arithmetic to kids in a playful way?
Top 10 math games in the classroom for bored students K12
Learning is not easy in the world of Xbox and PlayStation. Math students, like all other students, experience all sorts of distractions, and with the digitization of just about everything around us, it's hard for them to focus on their numbers... cool games, anyway. If you're a math teacher and are struggling to capture the attention of students in the digital age, there are a few classroom math games that work. with rather than against the often innate desire of students to play
Here we have a list of 10 math games for class . It can be great icebreakers, brain breaks, or just games to play if you have some free time.
4 benefits of math games in the classroom
- math games in the classroom cover almost all topics in math, offering students fun regardless of the lesson. These games, from elementary to high school students, cover the whole gamut of simple concepts like addition and subtraction, to more complex ones like algebra and trigonometry.
- Teachers can use these games to make lessons boring more enjoyable . Younger students can play as cute colorful characters to solve problems, while older students can get more addicted to puzzles.
- Math games at school represent the curriculum in Novel, in a different way. At first glance, this looks like a normal fun game, but at each level of the game, students learn a new concept and a new strategy that helps to motivate and engage them in the subject.
- Math games and quizzes at the end of the lesson can help students practice what they just learned in class. This helps to better understand the concepts and makes a long learning process more productive .
- Country of Mathematics
- AgaSlides
- Math Game Prodigy
- Komodo Math
- Monster Math
- Master of Mathematics
- 2048
- Quento
- Cartoon Math
- Mental Math Master
10 Math Games to Play in the Classroom
Here is a list of 10 interactive math games for students to help develop problem solving skills by overcoming fun math problems. Just bring them to the big screen and play them with your class, live or online.
Let's dive into ...
#1 - Math Country
Best for: Ages 4 to 12
Math Country is a math game for high school students that combines adventure and learning. It features a compelling pirate storyline and a mission to restore the natural balance of the environment, using math, of course.
To complete the level, students must use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and counting to help the protagonist Ray navigate through different parts of the sea in search of hidden treasures.
MathLand has 25 levels full of surprises and challenges to help your students build basic concepts with 100% attention and participation. All the main features of the game are free and compatible with all Android and IOS devices.
#2 - AhaSlides
Best for: Age 7+
Naturally, there's always the option of making your own math game in class very quickly.
With the right quiz tool, you can create a math quiz for your students to complete together in class or alone at home.
The AgaSlides team math game that makes all your students buzz might be just what the doctor ordered for musty, unresponsive classrooms. All they need is a phone or tablet to send their responses in real time, just like Kahut.
As a bonus, AhaSlides has a free play tool. spinning wheel games, many of which are great for math. Use it to randomly select students, give random equations, or play tons of icebreaker math games together!
After a quiz or game, you can see how everyone did with a full class report showing the questions the students faced and the ones they did.
For teachers, AhaSlides has an exclusive offer for just $1.95 per month, or completely free if you teach in small classes.
Take a free math test!
#3 - Prodigy Math Game
Best for: Ages 4 to 14
This game has a variety of activities to help you learn an impressive 900 math skills.
The Prodigy Math Game is specifically designed to teach fundamental math concepts and not only covers a wide range of RPG math quests, but also provides the teacher with the ability to easily track the progress of the entire class at once, as well as individual students.
It comes with an automatic grading option that evaluates the student for their performance at any level of play. All of these assessments happen in real time, eliminating the need to submit grades or repeat homework.
#4 - Komodo Math
Best for: Ages 4 to 16
Komodo Math is specifically designed to help both teachers and parents build math foundations for their children. It works on a rewarding basis with personalized options that can be modified to suit student needs.
What's great about this classroom math game is that it's not just class-specific. Parents can also work with this app at home, and students can do math without having to be in the classroom.
It runs on a Duolingo-style leveling system and boasts a dashboard to help track progress. It shows how well the student is doing and also helps to highlight the categories in which the student is having difficulty.
Komodo Math is compatible with regular Android and IOS phones and does not require a special device.
#5 - Monster Math
Best for: Ages 4 to 12
Monster Math helps kids practice math while having fun and having fun with very well thought out storylines and characters.
The game allows students to play the role of a monster who must fight enemies to protect one of his friends. To complete a level, students must work within a limited time to find the correct answer, otherwise they will not be able to move on.
This is a simple game that teaches simple calculation and arithmetic problem solving skills under time constraints.
#6 - Math Master
Best for: Ages 12+
Math Master is perhaps the most appropriate interactive math game for learners of all ages: kids as young as 8 enjoy the simpler things while adults - global tasks.
It has categories of arithmetic problems that can be solved individually, such as division or subtraction problems, or if you want to mix it all up, you can get this as well.
It has true/false arithmetic problems, as well as equality and memory questions. While it doesn't have the same sense of adventure that other math games for learners on this list have, it's perfect for preparing for simple exams and helps overcome any difficulty students face when solving arithmetic problems.
#7 - 2048
Best for: Age 12 +
2048 is something of a wildcard in this list. It's more like a puzzle game, but addictive enough for students to learn multiplication as they go.
It works on a grid of tiles, each with a number that merges when you place two tiles with the same number. This game is perfect for most student ages, but perhaps best suited for older students as it requires a unique strategy to try and hit the total number of 2048. in the classroom and can act as a great icebreaker as students will likely be thinking about numbers for a long time.
2048 is a free game compatible with Android and IOS devices. You can also play it on a laptop using the link above for better viewing in class.
#8 - Quento
Best for: Age 12 +
Speaking of puzzles. Quento is a unique and fun math puzzle for learners of all age groups (but perhaps best for older learners).
In Quento, students must complete a number by adding or subtracting the various numbers available. It works with simple addition and subtraction of numbers, but like 2048, it works with moving tiles to available spaces.
If the sum of number tiles equals the target number, the player receives a star; once all the stars are unlocked, the player can move on to the next round. This is a colorful and addictive puzzle game with various tasks and arithmetic problems.
This is also a great logic game as it helps students think on multiple levels at once.
#9 - Cartoon Math
Best for: Ages 6 to 14
Cartoon Math is an interesting school math game, and not only in the sense that it is suspicious similar to the popular game Temple Run .
In the student's character game, a monster is chasing him, and the student must use the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication to get away from it. Specifically, the students encounter math problems along the way, and they must jump onto the track with the correct answer to keep the monster running.
This is a very cute, interesting and well structured game that is perfect for children from grades 1 to 5 learning basic arithmetic.
Aside from copyright infringement, it has a good balance of adventure, fun and a sense of learning that Temple Run certainly doesn't have.
Basic Toon Math features are free, but upgrades can cost up to $14.
#10 - Mental Math Master
Best for: Age 12 +
Mental Math Master, as it suggests, is a mental math game. There are no adventures, characters or storylines here, but the game has interesting and challenging levels, each requiring a new strategy and approach to problem solving.
This makes it better suited for older students than younger ones. This also applies to the content of the game, which focuses a bit more on higher levels of mathematics, including logarithms, square roots, factorials, and other more advanced topics.
The questions themselves are not so simple; they require a bit of sharp thinking. This makes it the perfect game for students who want to test their math skills and prepare for even more difficult arithmetic problems.
Get more advice
- Classroom game vocabulary
- ESL Cool Games
Top 10 math games in the classroom for bored students K12
Learning is not easy in the world of Xbox and PlayStation. Math students, like all other students, experience all sorts of distractions, and with the digitization of just about everything around us, it's hard for them to focus on their numbers. .. cool games, anyway. If you're a math teacher and are struggling to capture the attention of students in the digital age, there are a few classroom math games that work. with rather than against the often innate desire of students to play
Here we have a list of 10 math games for class . It can be great icebreakers, brain breaks, or just games to play if you have some free time.
4 benefits of math games in the classroom
- math games in the classroom cover almost all topics in math, offering students fun regardless of the lesson. These games, from elementary to high school students, cover the whole gamut of simple concepts like addition and subtraction, to more complex ones like algebra and trigonometry.
- Teachers can use these games to make lessons boring more enjoyable . Younger students can play as cute colorful characters to solve problems, while older students can get more addicted to puzzles.
- Math games at school represent the curriculum in Novel, in a different way. At first glance, this looks like a normal fun game, but at each level of the game, students learn a new concept and a new strategy that helps to motivate and engage them in the subject.
- Math games and quizzes at the end of the lesson can help students practice what they just learned in class. This helps to better understand the concepts and makes a long learning process more productive .
- Country of Mathematics
- AgaSlides
- Math Game Prodigy
- Komodo Math
- Monster Math
- Master of Mathematics
- 2048
- Quento
- Cartoon Math
- Mental Math Master
10 Math Games to Play in the Classroom
Here is a list of 10 interactive math games for students to help develop problem solving skills by overcoming fun math problems. Just bring them to the big screen and play them with your class, live or online.
Let's dive into ...
#1 - Math Country
Best for: Ages 4 to 12
Math Country is a math game for high school students that combines adventure and learning. It features a compelling pirate storyline and a mission to restore the natural balance of the environment, using math, of course.
To complete the level, students must use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and counting to help the protagonist Ray navigate through different parts of the sea in search of hidden treasures.
MathLand has 25 levels full of surprises and challenges to help your students build basic concepts with 100% attention and participation. All the main features of the game are free and compatible with all Android and IOS devices.
#2 - AhaSlides
Best for: Age 7+
Naturally, there's always the option of making your own math game in class very quickly.
With the right quiz tool, you can create a math quiz for your students to complete together in class or alone at home.
The AgaSlides team math game that makes all your students buzz might be just what the doctor ordered for musty, unresponsive classrooms. All they need is a phone or tablet to send their responses in real time, just like Kahut.
As a bonus, AhaSlides has a free play tool. spinning wheel games, many of which are great for math. Use it to randomly select students, give random equations, or play tons of icebreaker math games together!
After a quiz or game, you can see how everyone did with a full class report showing the questions the students faced and the ones they did.
For teachers, AhaSlides has an exclusive offer for just $1.95 per month, or completely free if you teach in small classes.
Take a free math test!
#3 - Prodigy Math Game
Best for: Ages 4 to 14
This game has a variety of activities to help you learn an impressive 900 math skills.
The Prodigy Math Game is specifically designed to teach fundamental math concepts and not only covers a wide range of RPG math quests, but also provides the teacher with the ability to easily track the progress of the entire class at once, as well as individual students.
It comes with an automatic grading option that evaluates the student for their performance at any level of play. All of these assessments happen in real time, eliminating the need to submit grades or repeat homework.
#4 - Komodo Math
Best for: Ages 4 to 16
Komodo Math is specifically designed to help both teachers and parents build math foundations for their children. It works on a rewarding basis with personalized options that can be modified to suit student needs.
What's great about this classroom math game is that it's not just class-specific. Parents can also work with this app at home, and students can do math without having to be in the classroom.
It runs on a Duolingo-style leveling system and boasts a dashboard to help track progress. It shows how well the student is doing and also helps to highlight the categories in which the student is having difficulty.
Komodo Math is compatible with regular Android and IOS phones and does not require a special device.
#5 - Monster Math
Best for: Ages 4 to 12
Monster Math helps kids practice math while having fun and having fun with very well thought out storylines and characters.
The game allows students to play the role of a monster who must fight enemies to protect one of his friends. To complete a level, students must work within a limited time to find the correct answer, otherwise they will not be able to move on.
This is a simple game that teaches simple calculation and arithmetic problem solving skills under time constraints.
#6 - Math Master
Best for: Ages 12+
Math Master is perhaps the most appropriate interactive math game for learners of all ages: kids as young as 8 enjoy the simpler things while adults - global tasks.
It has categories of arithmetic problems that can be solved individually, such as division or subtraction problems, or if you want to mix it all up, you can get this as well.
It has true/false arithmetic problems, as well as equality and memory questions. While it doesn't have the same sense of adventure that other math games for learners on this list have, it's perfect for preparing for simple exams and helps overcome any difficulty students face when solving arithmetic problems.
#7 - 2048
Best for: Age 12 +
2048 is something of a wildcard in this list. It's more like a puzzle game, but addictive enough for students to learn multiplication as they go.
It works on a grid of tiles, each with a number that merges when you place two tiles with the same number. This game is perfect for most student ages, but perhaps best suited for older students as it requires a unique strategy to try and hit the total number of 2048. in the classroom and can act as a great icebreaker as students will likely be thinking about numbers for a long time.
2048 is a free game compatible with Android and IOS devices. You can also play it on a laptop using the link above for better viewing in class.
#8 - Quento
Best for: Age 12 +
Speaking of puzzles. Quento is a unique and fun math puzzle for learners of all age groups (but perhaps best for older learners).
In Quento, students must complete a number by adding or subtracting the various numbers available. It works with simple addition and subtraction of numbers, but like 2048, it works with moving tiles to available spaces.
If the sum of number tiles equals the target number, the player receives a star; once all the stars are unlocked, the player can move on to the next round. This is a colorful and addictive puzzle game with various tasks and arithmetic problems.
This is also a great logic game as it helps students think on multiple levels at once.
#9 - Cartoon Math
Best for: Ages 6 to 14
Cartoon Math is an interesting school math game, and not only in the sense that it is suspicious similar to the popular game Temple Run .
In the student's character game, a monster is chasing him, and the student must use the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication to get away from it. Specifically, the students encounter math problems along the way, and they must jump onto the track with the correct answer to keep the monster running.
This is a very cute, interesting and well structured game that is perfect for children from grades 1 to 5 learning basic arithmetic.
Aside from copyright infringement, it has a good balance of adventure, fun and a sense of learning that Temple Run certainly doesn't have.
Basic Toon Math features are free, but upgrades can cost up to $14.
#10 - Mental Math Master
Best for: Age 12 +
Mental Math Master, as it suggests, is a mental math game.