Giant gold homer
Giant Gold Homer Meme Generator
The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or memes.
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What is the Meme Generator?
It's a free online image maker that lets you add custom resizable text, images, and much more to templates. People often use the generator to customize established memes, such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates. However, you can also upload your own templates or start from scratch with empty templates.
How to make a meme
- Choose a template. You can use one of the popular templates, search through more than 1 million user-uploaded templates using the search input, or hit "Upload new template" to upload your own template from your device or from a url.
For designing from scratch, try searching "empty" or "blank" templates.
- Add customizations. Add text, images, stickers, drawings, and spacing using the buttons beside your meme canvas.
- Create and share. Hit "Generate Meme" and then choose how to share and save your meme. You can share to social apps or through your phone, or share a link, or download to your device. You can also share with one of Imgflip's many meme communities.
How can I customize my meme?
- You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. If you're on a mobile device, you may have to first check "enable drag/drop" in the More Options section. You can add as many additional text boxes as you want with the Add Text button.
- You can customize the font color and outline color next to where you type your text.
- You can further customize the font for each text box using the gear icon next to the text input. Imgflip supports all fonts installed on your device including the default Windows, Mac, and web fonts, including bold and italic.
Over 1,300 free fonts are also supported for all devices. Any other font you want can be used if you first install it on your device and then type in the font name on Imgflip.
- You can insert popular or custom stickers and other images including scumbag hats, deal-with-it sunglasses, speech bubbles, and more. Opacity and resizing are supported, and you can copy/paste images using CMD/CTRL + C/V for quick creation.
- You can rotate, flip, and crop any templates you upload.
- You can draw, outline, or scribble on your meme using the panel just above the meme preview image.
- You can create "meme chains" of multiple images stacked vertically by adding new images with the "below current image" setting.
- You can add special image effects like posterize, jpeg artifacts, blur, sharpen, and color filters like grayscale, sepia, invert, and brightness.
- You can remove our subtle watermark (as well as remove ads and supercharge your image creation abilities) using Imgflip Pro or .
Can I use the generator for more than just memes?
Yes! The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes. By uploading custom images and using all the customizations, you can design many creative works including posters, banners, advertisements, and other custom graphics.
Can I make animated or video memes?
Yes! Animated meme templates will show up when you search in the Meme Generator above (try "party parrot"). If you don't find the meme you want, browse all the GIF Templates or upload and save your own animated template using the GIF Maker.
Do you have a wacky AI that can write memes for me?
Funny you ask. Why yes, we do. Here you go: (warning, may contain vulgarity)
Why Brandon Belt's 12-year Giants tenure should be remembered fondly
It was less than a week before the end of his 12th big league season and a few minutes after he had finished taping a wide-ranging interview with the other Brandon. The ballpark was empty and silent, and Brandon Belt took a moment to stand on the top step of the dugout and look around.
Belt softly said that he had a feeling his time in San Francisco might be coming to an end, and as usual, he had the right impression of his surroundings.
There are a lot of ways to remember Belt’s time in San Francisco, which officially came to an end Tuesday, but there’s a theme that runs through them. The Captain was one of the most confident players to ever put on a Giants uniform and also very self-aware, a trait that wasn’t easy to embrace as the Belt Wars swirled around him from just about the time he was offered that first beer.
Belt played over 1,300 games for the Giants and will go down as one of the best first basemen in the history of a franchise known for them, but he never won over the full crowd. Those who focused on what he didn’t do, though, missed all that he did.
After a meteoric rise to the big leagues, Belt posted a .356 on-base percentage in his 12 seasons as a Giant with an OPS+ that put him 23 percent above league average. He never hit 30 homers, but did have six seasons with at least 17.
In his prime, Belt should have won a couple of Gold Gloves, and Brandon Crawford credits Belt’s scoops around the bag for a lot of his own defensive success. It all added up to eight two-win seasons and four in which he was worth at least four WAR.
The early detractors loved to point to the slumpy-shoulders walk Belt would take back to the dugout, but often, Belt was right. Before the Giants built their whole organizational hitting philosophy around it, Belt focused on making good swing decisions.
That led to a lot of called strike threes and a lot of grumbles from fans and even some former Giants coaches, but it’s the way Belt is built, and he never changed. Belt seemed to know the strike zone better than most umps did, and on replays, he was generally proven to be the correct party.
When it came to the other major flaw on his Giants resume, there was often nothing to be done. Early in his career, as he started to become saddled with the “injury prone” label, Belt joked that he would be just fine if people just stopped throwing baseballs at him.
They never did.
Belt twice missed significant time with hand fractures caused by inside pitches, most notably at the end of a breakout 2021 season. After one concussion in college, he had three with the Giants, including one when a teammate’s throw somehow hit his head during batting practice and another when a looping curveball from a rookie pitcher found his helmet and ended his 2017 season with two months to go.
That last concussion briefly robbed Belt of his fun-loving nature, leaving him depressed and quiet. But for the last decade, Belt was the most entertaining member of the clubhouse.
He was a target at times, especially when a veteran or Crawford was looking for someone to turkey tap. He was also the player who most often talked of hitting the 69th homer into McCovey Cove — and then he actually did it.
For years, Belt insisted that he was an all-sports savant while growing up in tiny Nacogdoches, Texas. Behind the scenes, he claimed often that his large feet made him the best swimmer in town and also the best soccer player … from an area that also happened to produce a guy named Clint Dempsey.
The persona hit center stage in 2021, when Belt wore an electric tape “C” out onto the field in Chicago and all of a sudden became the team “captain.” He somehow kept a straight face during a postgame Zoom press conference.
“You know, somebody has got to step up,” he said. “And when you’re the alpha male on the team it’s got to be you.”
What got lost in all the jokes that day was that Belt knew exactly what he was doing. The Giants were entering one of the most pressure-packed months in franchise history and Belt picked the perfect time to add some levity to the room. He backed it up with his play on the field, too.
Belt was one of the streakier hitters the franchise has seen and never was he hotter than in the second half of 2021, when he posted a 1.085 OPS and hit 18 homers in 42 games. After getting drilled on the hand again, he wasn’t in the lineup for the 107th win or playoffs, but he worked hard in October in hopes of returning in the NLCS if the Giants advanced.
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Belt never got another chance at the playoffs with the Giants, but his best moment in orange and black did come in October. His solo homer in the 18th inning at Nationals Park in 2014 mercifully sent everyone home and helped the Giants win a title.
Less than two years later, Belt signed a lucrative extension that could have set him up to be a Giant for life. Buster Posey took that path and Crawford likely will, but Belt will finish in Toronto or possibly somewhere else. He came in with the other two but always seemed the most likely to finish in another uniform. Belt gave the Giants a dozen good years, though, and his impact on the organization shouldn’t be understated.
As he stood at Oracle Park in late September, another fresh surgery scar on a knee that has threatened his career at times, Belt said he was optimistic about his future, no matter where he would be playing. He was also grateful for a final season that, while difficult in a lot of ways, allowed him to make a few more memories with Crawford and others.
“I wanted to just take in all these cool moments of being together since we don’t know what’s going to happen next year,” Belt said that day. “I think I’ve been able to do that. It’s been a tough year, though, physically and team-wise, but for the most part, I’ve been able to take it all in and enjoy it.”
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The Simpsons animated series: with humor about serious
Homer Jay Simpson (eng. Homer Jay Simpson ) is the main character of the animated series The Simpsons and the father in the family of the same name.
As the breadwinner of the family, Homer works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, Homer embodies several American working-class stereotypes: he is unkempt, incompetent, clumsy, lazy, heavy drinker and ignorant, overweight, but, in essence, he is also a decent person, strongly devoted to his family.
In 2005 Men's Health named Homer Simpson Philosopher of the Decade.
Homer is one of the most influential fictional characters on television, being described in the British newspaper The Sunday Times as "the greatest comic character of the time". He was named the greatest fictional character "of the last 20 years" in 2011 by Entertainment Weekly .
According to a poll by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) ranked first among the people who had the greatest impact on American history (after Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Thomas Jefferson).
Homer was also the winner of British polls that determined who was the "greatest American" and what fictional character the British would like to see as President of the United States.
The character continues to work in media and advertising
The character of Homer Simpson is replicated on toys and other goods, which indicates his enduring popularity. The Homer Book , written about the personality and attributes of Homer, was released in 2004. It has been described as "an entertaining casual read" and was named one of the "Most Interesting Books of 2004" by Version The Chattanoogan . Other merchandise includes dolls, posters, figurines, baby dolls, mugs, alarm clocks, clothing such as slippers, T-shirts, baseball caps, and boxer shorts.
Homer has appeared in advertisements for Coca-Cola, Burger King, Butterfinger Domino's Pizza, Intel.
In June 2009, the Dutch manufacturer of GPS receivers, TomTom, announced that Homer's voice was available as a downloadable GPS voice.
Homer has appeared in other media related to the series. Along with the television series, Homer regularly appears in issues of Simpsons Comics.
It's a bright idea to use the insane popularity for good. Homer and other characters from The Simpsons continue to be featured in popular safety posters, with new original prints being released regularly.
These novelties are in today's review. It is curious to what extent they reflect the actual problems of industrial safety.
Occupational safety
Some of the most hazardous working conditions involve the handling and use of hazardous chemicals. A series of posters reflects this theme.
Applicable to any work: it is important to be attentive, to treat each movement responsibly, especially when working with a potentially dangerous tool. And this issue is played with humor:
Hearing protection is an eternal topic. It is worth contacting her again and again, because hearing loss is fatal, almost irreversible.
Occupational safety experts often turn to the topic of slippery floors in industrial environments. The precautions are simple and uncomplicated, but avoid serious loss of working time and insurance payments.
The poster is accompanied by a four-point instruction. For a Russian person, this may sound ridiculous, redundant, but think about it - everything is to the point:
1. “When you walk on a slippery surface, walk slowly and with small steps.
2. Match shoes to work conditions. Work shoes should prevent slipping as much as possible, have a tread with pronounced elements of engagement.
3. Report to housekeeping immediately if you notice spilled liquid on the floor near work stations and in common areas.
4. Pay attention to changing conditions as you walk. Be especially careful when working on ladders and elevations.
Another highly specialized topic is lifting. To save your back (its treatment can be very, very expensive!) It is enough to learn a simple rule - when lifting a load, strain the muscles of the legs, but not the back, smoothly performing the lift. Useful rule!
The important topic of marking and locks for organizing repairs, inspections, adjustments is still quite new and unusual for the Russian market. Although, it is worth recognizing that at the BIOT-2018 industry exhibition, several exhibitors actively demonstrated devices for locking the Lockout / Tagout on / off.
Interesting fact. Homer Simpson held 188 different jobs in the first 400 episodes of the series.
In most episodes, he works as Nuclear Safety Inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.
At the same time, the station holds the record as the person who has worked in the initial position for the longest time without promotion.
In the fifth episode of the third season, an emergency occurred, and Homer began to read the instructions for operating the station, which began with the words "Congratulations on purchasing the Fissionator 19 slow decay reactor52", which suggests that the station was built in 1952.
The station is in very poor condition, mainly due to the owner's stinginess, as it would cost him $57 million to bring it up to standard. The sanitary condition of the station is terrible. Various episodes show glowing rats in the basement of a building, radioactive waste dripping from pipes, uranium being used as a paperweight, cracks in cooling towers (in one episode they were sealed with chewing gum), extremely high readings of a Geiger counter around the perimeter of the station, and even giant spider. In the screensaver of the cartoon, the uranium rod falls by the collar of Homer, who later throws it out into the street.
Funny? But, perhaps, laughing, the audience comes to understand the important issues raised!
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Tags: MoodOccupational safety
16 main episodes of The Simpsons | Animation on 2x2
The first 8 seasons of The Simpsons are considered the "Golden Era" of the series, and for good reason. They are a treasure trove of clever humor without the tediousness and unnecessary "bubble" that showed how to properly deal with pop culture.
We have selected the best 2 episodes from the first 8 seasons: they contain all the glamor, brilliance and all the genius. We guarantee: after watching them, you will understand why humanity calls The Simpsons a masterpiece of animation and loves them so devotedly. Use this list wisely.
Source: FoxThe very first season of The Simpsons was very different from what it has become today. It still has a lot of quality humor that makes it clear why the series was so bombed in its day. But still, the action of season 1 drags on slowly: the creators in those years only felt the ground and tried to understand what was possible and what was not.
Episodes 11 and 12 are the most revealing. In the first, Bart goes to France on an exchange, and an Albanian boy called Sparrow (not a captain) arrives at the Simpsons' house, suspiciously interested in Homer's work at a nuclear plant. In the second episode, the crazy Six Bob appears for the first time, which in itself is a must see.
Source: Fox Turnover: This is where The Simpsons began its journey to where it is today. More satire and sarcasm, less restrictions and conventions.
"The Power of Art" is good with great moments between Marge and Mr. Burns (however unexpected it may sound) and a shock ending that can be parsed into quotes. We already wrote about "Replacement for Lisa" in the top of the tear-blowing series. In this episode, the creators managed to concentrate an impossible amount of sad and sentimental.
Source: FoxThe degree of absurdity is rising. Even those who watch The Simpsons lazily and in the background should have remembered "Fuel Moe", which reveals the whole essence of the relationship between Homer and Moe. In general, the series is good immediately for a bunch of reasons: the tradition of inviting celebrities to participate in the series was born here (Aerosmith was the first), here Bart's best phone joke on Mo sounded.
The second episode, about Burns and the power plant, is perhaps one of the most intense episodes in the history of The Simpsons. If we didn't know that 20+ years later, Homer would still be working at a nuclear power plant, we would have bitten a couple of dozen nails during this episode.
Source: Fox . But 16 and 17 are the most significant (in our biased opinion). In season 4, the show switched from Bart to Homer and made him the main character."Without Duff" can't be a bad episode if only because of its design: Homer tries to stop drinking in it. About "The Last Hope" we will only say that Wikipedia says about this episode: "By most fans, it was considered the best in the history of the show."
Source: FoxHomeric spoof series to watch when you're down. The first copies Martin Scorsese's film "Cape Fear" about a hardened criminal who craves revenge and destruction, and Six Bob plays the role of this very bad ass.
The second episode is one big nod to American college culture with its wild hangouts and crazy dorm roommates. Only here it's the other way around: the dean is the sweetest and most pleasant of people, study is synonymous with party-hard, and soda is evil and satanism. Incidentally, this was the last episode written by Conan O'Brien, a popular American comedian.
Source: FoxA season that strikingly balanced between good-natured family humor and dark frenzy for those who understand. In the first episode, Homer becomes a member of the guild of a secret society of Stonemasons, who enjoy special privileges such as free massage chairs and the right to park next to the elite.
The second episode is a flashback to the time when the Simpsons were just preparing for the arrival of 3 children. Lots of hopelessness and an incredibly warm ending that wins the "Most Touching Mimimi Ever" award.
Source: Fox Also a good balance, but between the other extremes - high-quality "haha" and heartbreaking sadness.