Girl bedtime stories

Bedtime Stories | Free 5 Min Bedtime Stories for Kids Online Bedtime Stories

The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.

The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!

A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth.  If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.

A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?

Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?

A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?

A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness.  Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.

A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?

The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.

A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?

This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.

A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning.  The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.

A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.

This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.

A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.

The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.

The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she  pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?

Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?

A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.

A Cinderella Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids

The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids

The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!

Pinocchio Story ~ Fairy Tale Bedtime Stories in English for Kids

A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth.  If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.

Beauty and the Beast Classic Tale ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids

The classic fairy tale of a beautiful woman and the monstrous beast.

Rumpelstiltskin ~ A Fairy Tale Bedtime Story for Kids

A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?

Hansel and Gretel ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids

Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?

Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm ~ Bedtime Stories

A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?

The Sword in the Stone: a King Arthur Legend of the Sword Story

A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness.  Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.

The Ugly Duckling Story ~ Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English

A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?

The Frog Prince: The Story of the Princess and the Frog ~ Bedtime Stories

The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.

The Little Mermaid Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English

A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp from The Arabian Nights ~ Bedtime Stories

This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.

Bambi Story: A Life in the Woods ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English

A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning.  The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.

Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids

A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.

Maui from Moana: Tales of the Demi-God ~ Legend Stories for Kids

This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.

The Velveteen Rabbit Story ~ Bedtime English Story for Kids

A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.

The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story ~Bedtime Story for Kids

The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.

Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids

The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she  pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?

The Gift of the Magi Story ~ A Holiday Story for Kids

Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?

Pocahontas and John Smith Story ~ Folktales Stories for Kids

A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.

The Emperor’s New Clothes Story ~ Bedtime Stories

A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. The Emperor is fooled into believing he is wearing magic clothes which can’t be “seen”.

Mulan Story ~ Tale of Hua Mulan Bedtime Stories | English Story for Kids

A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. Based on the “Ballad of Mulan” and Disney’s Mulan, this is a legend tale about a girl who goes in disguise as a boy and joins the army in her brother’s place.

Short Stories for Kids ~ Folk tales, Fairy Tales, Riddles, Legends, Poems


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4 Short Bedtime Stories Your Kids Will Love

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Need some new 5-minute bedtime stories? Your kids will love these.  

There’s a puppy who needs a name, animals who become unlikely friends in a forest, a chipmunk who is judged for his looks and a mischievous girl who visits her granny. 

These short bedtime stories are great for building young kids’ listening skills.

Puppy Dreams 

Written by Becky Ross Michael

Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic

Dad walked into the kitchen, followed by the scent of a cool autumn afternoon. He placed bags of groceries on the counter, which Mom started to unload. “Yum,” she said, “this will be great for dinner.”

Sister checked the bags, hoping for a special treat. But Brother stood still as stone, gazing at his father. “Um, Dad…why’s your jacket moving like that?”

With a smile, Dad unzipped his coat. Nestled in the pocket of his shirt lay a little, black creature. Speechless at first, everyone stared.

“You didn’t,” Mom finally said.

“A puppy?” guessed Brother.

Dad lifted the wiggly mass of fur from his pocket and set it on the dark kitchen rug.

“Oooh!” yelled Sister in delight. At the sound of her loud voice, the tiny animal froze.

“I think you’ve scared him,” said Mom, reaching to pick up the small dog. As she did, a patch of wet rug was revealed from underneath him.

“Oops,” Dad said. “He had a boo-boo on the floor. Looks like we’ve got some potty training to do. I couldn’t resist. Someone was selling puppies from the back of their pickup outside the store. It was either that or off to the shelter. When I walked over, this little guy practically jumped into my arms.”

“I can just imagine,” Mom said with a grin.

“What’s his name?” Brother asked.

“That’s for you and your sister to figure out.”

The afternoon passed in a whirl of fun. Mom set up a feeding and watering area in the kitchen. Dad placed a comfortable, new pet bed in a corner of the living room. They all took turns guiding the puppy outside to avoid more potty accidents.

“Chester might be a good name,” suggested Mom, while they watched the puppy nap.

“Blackie would fit him because of his color,” Brother said.

“When I was a kid, we had a dog named Roamer,” said Dad. “Maybe that could be his name.”

“Not sure,” said Sister. The puppy yipped. “I’ll take him outside this time, while I’m thinking about a good name.”


“Time for bed,” Mom later announced. The sky had turned dark, and the children were yawning.

“What about the puppy?” Brother asked. “Can he sleep with me?”

“No, meee!” pleaded Sister.

“I didn’t get him a crate for sleeping yet,” Dad said. “But I don’t think this guy should be on the loose during the night. Too many chances for accidents.”

“That’s for sure,” agreed Mom. “There’s a big, empty box in the garage. It would be open on the top for air, but he wouldn’t be free to wander around the house. The living room is the warmest, so we can set it up right here.”

Disappointed, the children agreed and wandered off to get ready for bed.


Mom and Dad awoke in the morning, surprised they had slept all night through, without interruption. Creeping down the stairs followed by Brother, they discovered how that had happened. Sister lay on the living room carpet with her head on the pet bed next to the puppy. Both stirred when the others came into the room.

“I heard him crying,” explained Sister with a sleepy smile. “So I took him from the box for a snuggle. And I just had a dream about his name,” she added.

“You dreamed a name for him?” asked Brother.

“Well, I was dreaming about yesterday. In my dream, I heard Dad saying the puppy had a ‘boo-boo’ on the floor. Don’t you see? That’s his name!” she declared, looking back and forth at their faces. “He’s Boo-Boo!”

The dog let out a happy, little yip. And “Boo-Boo” he was, from that day forward!

Friends in the Forest

Written by Becky Ross Michael

Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic

A tear slipped from Rosie the red fox cub’s eye. She tried to ignore it, as she walked lightly on her toes toward the family den. Mama fox heard Rosie and moved toward the entrance.

“Why so sad, Rosie?” her mother asked. “You’re usually happy when you return from chasing grasshoppers in the field with your fox friend, Scarlet.”

“Oh, Mama,” Rosie wailed. “She just told me the news! Scarlet and her family are moving to a different part of the forest to live by her grandma and grandpa. I may never see her again!” More tears filled Rosie’s eyes.

“I understand why you’re upset. But you’ll find a new friend before you know it,” her mother assured. “Now, come share some berries for dinner.”


The next day, Rosie decided to find a new friend. “Don’t go near the water, beyond the edge of the marsh,” warned her mother.

Catching sight of a grasshopper, Rosie moved quickly across the open field. While chasing and swatting at the insect, she came chin to chin with Russet, another red fox.

“Will you be my new best friend?” asked Rosie, swinging her bushy tail.

“I would, but I already have a best friend,” Russet answered, walking away.

Disappointed, Rosie moved toward the trees. Approaching a hollowed-out log, she saw Looney Raccoon, fast asleep. She gave him a nudge with a black-tipped paw. “Looney, will you be my new best friend?”

The raccoon yawned. “Go away; I’m trying to sleep. And no, I will not. I already have a best friend.”

So Rosie moved further into the trees, soon catching sight of Roberta Rabbit hopping along the trail. “Wait up,” called Rosie, but the rabbit continued to scamper. “Will you be my new best friend?” The rabbit stopped and twitched her nose.

“I already have a best friend,” Roberta said, turning to hop away.

Not ready to give up, Rosie the red fox moved toward the edge of the marsh. All of a sudden, she stopped and pricked up her ears at the sounds of moving leaves from above. Lifting her nose, Rosie saw Squiggy the black squirrel.

“Hellooo!” she called into the branches. “Will you be my new best friend?”

“Thanks for asking, but I already have a best friend,” he chattered.

Another animal hidden in the bushes listened and watched Rosie as she hung her head and walked to the edge of the marsh.

Blinded by tears, Rosie forgot to be careful about where she was stepping. Without warning, one of her black feet slipped into the water. Splash! Rosie suddenly wished she had paid more attention when Mama tried teaching her to swim. With four legs flailing this way and that, Rosie struggled to reach solid ground. Unexpectedly, she felt something grab the scruff of her neck, pulling her from the murky water.

“Who’s that?” cried Rosie, shaking water from her red fur. When her eyes finally cleared, she was surprised to see a gray fox cub.

“Are you okay?” the gray fox asked Rosie.

“Yes, and thanks for the help. I really need to practice my swimming.”

“I can assist with that. My name’s Pearl, and maybe I could be your new best friend.”

Rosie stared in surprise. “Gray foxes don’t usually like red foxes,” she said.

“My parents taught me to give everyone a chance,” Pearl answered. “So what if my coloring is different than yours and I’ll stay a bit smaller than you when I’m all grown up. What difference does any of that make?”

“You’re right!” answered Rosie. “I never really thought of it that way. I’d love for us to be best friends. Now, let’s go chase some grasshoppers!”

Sulky and Stubby

Written by Becky Ross Michael

Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic

From where he sat on a tree, the lone chipmunk watched animals moving around below. Sulky the chipmunk was searching for others with handsome stripes just like his own. But he didn’t see anyone who looked exactly like his reflection in the still waters of the pond.

That’s okay, Sulky thought. At least I’ve found some cousins. And he ran down the tree to join them. 

Skittering along the path, Sulky first spotted a ground squirrel. She wore dark brown and tan stripes along her sleek brown back. “Hello!” greeted Sulky. “I’m happy to meet you, cousin!”

“You don’t look it,” grumped the ground squirrel. “No wonder they call you Sulky. You don’t appear very friendly with all those dark stripes on your face. You look rather mean.” And the ground squirrel scurried farther into the woods.

Does my striped face look mean? wondered Sulky. Surely, his other cousins would feel differently! He scampered away and soon met a groundhog.

“Hello!” said Sulky. “I’m happy to meet you.” 

“Doesn’t seem like it,” said the dull brown groundhog. “You look anything but happy.”

“Really? I feel glad. And we’re cousins, you know,” the chipmunk pointed out.

“That may be, but I want nothing to do with you,” grouched the groundhog, waddling away.

Suddenly, something stirred up ahead. Sulky caught sight of a wispy red squirrel’s tail. “Hello,” said the hopeful chipmunk. “I’m happy to meet you.” 

“I wouldn’t have known it by looking at you,” sassed the squirrel. “If you want to be friendly, you need to look the part.” 

“But this is just how I look on the outside,” cried Sulky. “My face has nothing to do with what I think and feel. Besides, we’re cousins.”

“Doesn’t matter,” answered the red squirrel. “I spend time with those who look much nicer than you.” 

With drooping ears, Sulky the chipmunk headed toward his burrow.

As he walked, an acorn caught Sulky’s eye. Guess I’ll take it home to eat later, he thought. As he reached for the nut, Sulky came nose-to-nose with another animal. Hesitating, he pulled back a bit to examine this new arrival. Light stripes decorated his face. And he was marked with dark stripes along his brown back and tai…wait a minute. Where was the rest of his tail???

“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” chattered the other chipmunk. “What happened to him…am I right? They call me ‘Stubby’ because I lost part of my tail in an accident when I was just a little kit.” 

“Oh, I didn’t notice,” answered Sulky. 

“Thanks for your kindness, but it’s the very first thing everyone sees. Then they get embarrassed and don’t even try getting to know me.

“I understand perfectly. My cousins don’t like these dark stripes on my face. They say I look mean and call me ‘Sulky.’”

“Looks aren’t important,” said Stubby. “How we act should be what matters most.”

“That’s right!” Sulky agreed. “And you can have this acorn. I think you probably arrived one paw-length before I reached it.”

“So polite of you,” Stubby said, with a swish of his short tail. “But here’s a thought. Let’s work together and gather acorns for both our homes.”

“Great idea!” answered Sulky, with happy eyes.

The two chipmunks scurried about, filling their cheeks with acorns. Along the way, they also found time to race and play. They smiled beneath twitching whiskers when their cousins asked to join in the games!

Family Fireworks

Written by Becky Ross Michael

Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic

DING said the elevator as Ella, Rae Ann, and Mom arrived on the second floor. After the door slid open, they walked down the hallway toward Grandma’s apartment.  

“I love your new place!” said Ella. 

“Thanks,” Grandma answered. “And we can watch the fireworks from my balcony or go downstairs after they get started.” 

“Okay,” said Mom. “It will be a while before dark.”

“Could I play your piano while we’re waiting?” asked Rae Ann, the younger sister.

“Sure,” said Grandma, leading her into the next room.

“I need to use the bathroom,” Ella said.

Mom pointed down the hallway.

In the bathroom, Ella looked around. She knew better than to touch anything dangerous, like sharp things or medicines. Ella just wanted to peek in some of Grandma’s cabinets. She flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and quietly opened a drawer. After squirting a touch of scented lotion on her hands, Ella rubbed them together. I sure hope they don’t notice the smell! 

Rae Ann was playing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on the piano. Mom and Grandma chatted in the living room.

Quiet as a mouse, Ella opened another drawer. She found a hairdryer and curling irons of various sizes. Moving those aside, Ella discovered several kinds of hairbrushes. She picked up a narrow, rounded brush and gazed into the mirror over the sink. Maybe I could get my hair to curl a bit. 

Imagining how Grandma might use it, she twirled the brush through the straight ends of her fine hair. 

What? Oh, no!  Somehow, the brush had become tangled in her long hair. In alarm, Ella pulled harder, twisting the brush this way and that, only making things worse.

“Ella, let’s go,” said Mom through the door. “We’ve decided to watch the fireworks from downstairs.”

“Just a minute,” said Ella. She pulled at the hairbrush until her head hurt. In the mirror, she saw bright red cheeks and alarmed eyes.  

“Now!” demanded Mom. 

Gulping tears, Ella entered the living room with the brush dangling from her hair. “It’s stuck…”

“No!” Mom shrieked. “You were bald until you were three and can’t afford to lose any of that hair!”

Rae Ann giggled. A look of concern filled Grandma’s eyes. 

“Come here,” Mom ordered. “Let me see if I can get that out.” Her hands shook as she worked on Ella’s tangled locks. 

“No, I can’t get it,” said Mom. “Ella, I can’t believe you did this. We might have to cut your hair. And we’re going to be late for the fireworks show.”

“Here, let me try,” Grandma said in a calm voice. She led Ella back into the bathroom and closed the door. Grandma worked slowly, releasing a few strands at a time.

“Wow, your hair is sure twisted around this. From now on, please ask before using my things, okay?”

“I will,” answered Ella.

“There’s just this one little clump that’s too snarled. I’d rather trim it off than break the hairs.” Grandma reached into the cabinet for small scissors. SNIP, SNIP.

“There we go. You’re all set.”


Ella’s head tingled. It could have been from all the excitement in the air. Most likely, she had a sore scalp from all that tugging!

The outdoors was still and warm. Cicadas sang in the distance. The dark sky exploded with light.

“Ooh,” said Grandma, “that was beautiful!” Minutes later, “Aah,” Grandma remarked, “that one was even better.”

Color, noise, and energy surrounded the family. Ella looked Grandma’s way, and they shared a secret smile.

For the printable version of these short bedtime stories for kids, download the printables set at the end of the post.

If you loved these stories by author Becky Ross Michael, you’ll love her rhyming fairy tale poems too!

About the author:

Becky is a former preschool director and elementary teacher, who grew up and then raised her own family in Michigan. She now gardens and works on her sunny balcony in North Texas. Writing for kids and adults, her pieces appear in magazines, anthologies, blogs (she is a regular writer for Empowered Parents), and children’s readers. In addition, she enjoys the challenge of working as a freelance editor. Visit the author at her personal blog, Platform Number 4.

For more stories about animals, read these funny stories or try these other listening activities with your kids.

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Read online "Romantic bedtime stories (collection)" by Tatyana Antre-Litres

From the author

Since childhood, I love fairy tales. Probably the most beloved of them: Azerbaijani ones - they have so many feelings and romance that I definitely wanted to listen to each of them to the end. Now I have grown up, and the love for mysterious magical stories has remained with me.

Fairy tales are such uncomplicated stories that are described in a special language, as if you were small. But this does not hurt you at all, because it gives the impression that you and the author have some kind of extraordinary secret, which they will definitely tell you about.

I admire the world around me, I love the people who live in it. I like to find something unique in every, at first glance, inconspicuous thing - something that no one has noticed before (or maybe they just didn’t want to admit it to themselves?).

Fairy tales are not so ephemeral as you might think at first glance. After all, if you have never seen the planet Saturn with your own eyes (pictures and even videos do not count, because in our time everything can be faked and mounted) - this does not mean that it does not exist. So it is with any "magic" story. Of course, there are many different epithets, metaphors and “little” exaggerations in it, but its very essence is always very truthful.

Reading or listening to any fairy tales, we, imperceptibly for ourselves, involuntarily plunge into their plot. It develops our imagination, makes us think.

My fairy tales are very romantic and perhaps some would say idealistic. I absolutely agree with you. But if you have your own ideals, then you have something to strive for. You are on the right track. After all, only a sensitive heart will tell you where to go, what to believe in and how to behave in any situation.

Believe in yourself! Trust yourself! Feel free to create your future, because it begins here and now.

A fairy tale makes you better and kinder. It instills in a person hope for the best, makes you take a closer look at the world around you. After all, there are so many interesting, inexplicable and very, very touching things in life.

And who said that fairy tales can only be read to children?! Why not tell a beautiful romantic story to your beloved (beloved) before going to bed. She (he) will be very pleased.

And now let's get comfortable and plunge into the magical world of romantic fairy tales, where any obstacles can be overcome on the way to the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Little bright star

Beloved… My little Ray of Light… My Princess! I'm so glad that you and I are together.

It's so nice to feel such a dear, warm, fragile body next to you. Feel your breath. To inhale the fragrance of your hair...

I almost whisper to you so as not to frighten off your sweet half-asleep.

You smile at my words and my heart starts beating even faster.

I am grateful to you for bursting into my life so suddenly, charming me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And everything I do is for you.

In the meantime, you closed your eyes, enjoying the words that I whisper in your ear, I will tell you a fairy tale.

* * *

Once upon a time there lived a small but very bright star. She was so beautiful, almost like a diamond.

She really liked to appear in the sky when the sun went down below the horizon. She believed that she was of great benefit by illuminating the Earth at night. Although her friends, who were next to her in the sky, took it for granted.

The little star tried very hard to shine brighter than everyone else, except, of course, the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, she helped a lost evening traveler find his way home. Or if any little man could not sleep - he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his secret thoughts.

But lately she began to feel that something was wrong. Something darkened the joyful thoughts of the little star.

She began to think about what made her so sad.

And then the little bright star realized that she was very sorry for the beautiful girl with golden-red silky hair. Every evening, the little girl watched as the girl sat on the windowsill, turning her sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she did not yet know how.

From her celestial friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will surely come true.

“But then you will die…” her friends were saddened.

- But I will be of great benefit! she answered happily.

The little star really wanted to help the sad girl at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

After looking at the beautiful red-haired girl for the last time, the little star, breaking away from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She no longer felt anything, except for the noise of her own flight...

And then, suddenly, she was seized by an indescribable all-consuming frantic joy - this girl took advantage of the moment and made her cherished wish. The little star was very glad that she could help a beautiful stranger. Now this little girl knew that she had fulfilled her true destiny. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last thing the star thought about before disappearing into oblivion ...

The little star's act was not in vain - the stranger's wish soon came true...

And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one... * * *

You are already sleeping, My Charm… I will kiss the top of your head, gently touch your eyelids with my lips and fall asleep too, greedily wrapping you in my arms, guarding your sacred dream…

Sweet dreams, My Angel!..

A small New Year's miracle

This year the winter was especially beautiful: trees and roofs of houses were covered with snow, shimmering with silver in the gentle rays of the sun. Today was the last day of the year.

A girl was sitting by the window, peering into fluffy flakes of falling snow. She had long dark brown wavy hair and a graceful figure. The sun blinded her blue eyes, but transparent crystals of tears slowly flowed down her pale cheeks for a completely different reason. Today Leela will have to celebrate her favorite holiday all alone ...

It seemed like they had a fight with Dan for a very long time - she can't even remember how many nights she cried into her pillow in a row. But only two weeks had passed since he left, slamming the door loudly - then she jumped at that sound.

You can't even remember what they quarreled about. You know, it happens that you quarrel “to smithereens” with your loved one, firmly believing that, of course, HE is to blame. But, then, some time passes and you don’t fully understand: “What was that?” Now Lily was in the same state. She would be glad to apologize first, only he does not answer the phone, and no one opens his house. But the girl reassured herself that she at least tried to rectify the situation.

Now she was sitting alone in the apartment that THEY were decorating together with such tenderness and love. She did not want to go to celebrate the New Year with her friends, because this holiday was very personal for her. ..

She and Dan met a week before the New Year, when she was still in the 5th grade. Lilya was walking home with her friends after school that day. The girls chatted merrily, sharing their expectations of what they would give to whom for the holiday. Suddenly, the girl suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head from a blow with a blunt object, and her head quickly began to go cold. Lily lost her balance and fell. Next to her, a snowball drowned in a snowdrift, finally unsticking from the top of her head.

Suddenly, a tall, handsome boy with light brown hair and honey-colored eyes appeared next to her.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you,” he said, lowering his black fluffy eyelashes guiltily.

Lilya, from confusion, could neither move nor say anything in response. Then the guy extended his hand to her, prudently freeing her from the snow-covered glove and said:

- Let me help you up.

Lily's girlfriends were giggling and whispering to each other, surrounding the newly formed couple in a circle.

“My name is Denis, but my friends call me Dan,” said the young man, helping the girl shake the snow off her clothes.

“And I am Lilya,” she was finally able to answer.

A young man volunteered to help a girl who was hurt by his snowball by taking her home and making sure she was all right. Lily said goodbye to her envious friends, and Dan said goodbye to the boy he was playing with.

– How does such a lovely and fragile person manage to carry such a heavy backpack? - the guy was surprised, picking up her things.

Lilya loved to study and every day she took with her to school all the books she could need. She thought it was completely normal.

“If it’s very hard for you, I can carry it myself,” the girl answered offendedly and tried to take her backpack away from him.

“No, it won’t cause me much trouble,” Dan said, grabbing her arm with his free hand.

The girl felt herself blush at his sudden touch. The guy, it seems, sensing this, carefully lowered her palm . ..

So the young people walked through the snow-covered city, talking in general terms about themselves. Lilya was not verbose, because she was still embarrassed. She felt a little dizzy, but she no longer knew if the reason for this was the snowball that hit her or this handsome boy walking beside her.

From a conversation with Dan, the girl learned that he is in the 8th grade of her school, loves to create beautiful ice figures in winter, and when it gets warmer, he carves his masterpieces out of wood.

“Probably his creations are astonishingly beautiful, just like himself,” Lilya thought, and again she realized that she was starting to blush.

Dan smiled as he looked at the girl, and when they got to her house, he said:

“So this is where such a beautiful, a little embarrassed and very touching girl lives!

Lilya felt her whole face turn red.

“You make me blush…” she answered timidly.

“Wait, this is just the beginning,” he smiled a sly smile. “Besides, you have a healthy blush on your face.”

As they parted, they agreed that from that day on he would take her home every time after school.

The rest of the days before the New Year the young people spent almost without parting. Lily gradually began to get used to the beautiful compliments of this amazing guy and began to tell him more about herself. The more they got to know each other, the closer they became. It seemed that they were always together, and the time before meeting him simply did not exist in the girl's life.

Years passed, and young people constantly managed to find something new and interesting in each other. They have grown up, life went on as usual. Lilya was already in her final year at the University of Art, and Dan had opened his own antiques firm. Only their New Year's tradition did not change: before the stormy celebration of the holiday, they went out into the street and played snowballs - only they did it gently, kindly. And somehow they were always lucky on snowy winter days . ..

Lilya was distracted from her memories by the loud purring of a fluffy white Persian kitten, which was warming herself in her arms. Dan gave it to her about a month ago, they named him Snowball. The girl smiled at this little warm lump, who was only 3 months old.

The eyes of this creature seemed to say: “Calm down, everything will definitely be fine. Tonight is a magical evening and you can count on your Little Miracle.”

A little cheered up, the girl cleaned herself up and checked if everything was ready for the festive dinner.

“There won't be too many dishes this time, only the very best.”

When she finished laying the table, she noticed that she had arranged cutlery, as if two people would celebrate the New Year: “Me and …”.

Sighing sadly and shrugging off not to plunge into memories again, she decided to leave the extra devices in their places.

“What if they come in handy…” she thought for some reason.

Looking at her watch, the girl noticed that it was already 10 pm.

“At this time, Dan and I … always went outside and played snowballs,” she almost burst into tears. “Well, okay, this time I’ll go there myself. Yes, and it would not hurt me to ventilate. ”

Waving to Snowball, putting on a warm fur coat and boots, she quickly went down the stairs.

The weather was wonderful outside. The sky was clear and starry, and the snow crunched softly underfoot. Everything around seemed somehow magical in the lights of street lamps. Lily took a deep breath of fresh frosty air and turned into the park, which was not far from the house.

Here and there one could hear the noisy joyful cries of the youth who had already begun to celebrate. Passing by a small clearing, Lilya felt that something lightly hit her from behind, and cold snow began to fall down her collar. The girl turned around, peering into the darkness, and was ready to shout at the offender:

“No one dares to throw snowballs at me, no one except…”

“Defend yourself,” someone shouted from the darkness, throwing another portion of snow at her.

“…nobody but…Dan,” the girl finished her thought, deftly dodging another attack.

Dan stepped out of the gloom, smiling mischievously. Lily, without hesitation, rushed into his arms.

“Forgive me,” the girl said quietly, clinging tightly to his chest.

“Forgive me, too,” the young man replied, inhaling the scent of her hair.

Lily had so many emotions that it's impossible to express them all at once. She wanted to share so many thoughts with him:

– I was so worried… I don’t even know what happened… I’m so sorry… I…

The girl did not have time to finish, as Dan covered her mouth with his hand.

- I was also very wrong ... Only in separation from you, I realized that my love for you is a thousand times stronger than I thought before. Moreover, this business trip… It made me be even further away from you…

Lilya wanted to tell him something else, but he stopped her.

- You start to freeze. Let's go home, otherwise we'll miss everything. It's already half past eleven! Yes, and Snowball has his first New Year.

Dan grabbed a couple of packages from the tree. Winking at the girl in response to her curious look, he hurried in the direction of the house, holding her tightly by the hand.

When they entered the apartment, the kitten was already impatiently waiting for them at the door, as if he was afraid that they would be late. It seemed that he was not at all surprised to see two of his dearest people together again.

They had just undressed and opened the champagne, when the old clock in the other room began to strike 12 o'clock.

“For newfound love,” Dan said, raising his glass to the girl.

“For our love and for the fact that we are together again,” Lily said quietly.

Snowball sat comfortably on the girl's lap and meowed contentedly.

Young people talked about their passionate feelings for each other for a long time. They were happy and now both were sure that it was FOREVER. ..

Delicious dessert

Alika got a job as an illustrator almost immediately after graduation. She was infinitely happy about this event - after all, this is exactly what she always wanted to do.

Since childhood, she has been drawing beautiful pictures all the time, which were on the walls, notebooks, albums, napkins - on everything that unconsciously came into her hands. Alika was glad that her obsessive hobby would now benefit someone. Now she could draw pictures for book covers and their interior design. Her work was very liked by others, some approached her and praised her personally. In general, the girl was satisfied with both her position and the close-knit team.

And when, after some time, a new cafe “Delightful Dessert” was opened near her company, Alika was simply delighted. After all, sweets are her second favorite pleasure, right after work.

It was a special cafe: everything in it was somehow extraordinary. The building itself was in the form of a dome, the entrance to it was called an arch with two fanciful columns. The interior design of the Delicious Dessert was even more unusual: the whole interior was focused on the play of light and shadow. The dome of the ceiling resembled the sky, and skillfully made lighting created the illusion of clouds, stars, sunbeams, falling snow or dripping rain. The “weather” in this cafe has always been exactly the opposite of the real weather outside. That is, if there was a cloudy winter day outside the window, then in this room there was a summer starry night. Even the tablecloths on the round tables changed depending on it: the color of ripe cherries, young grass, golden, rich blue, intriguing purple.

On the walls of the “Delicious Dessert” there were very unusual paintings in bizarre frames. Some tables had “sweet” images in the form of toys and various decorations (rings, brooches). Near the other tables there were photographs of cocktails with "dizzying" splashes, which created a general picture of unreality and at the same time of some simple naturalness. There were also photos of huge cakes in the form of amazing dollhouses. And the hand-drawn pictures of desserts in the form of forest clearings simply excited the imagination with their “fabulousness”. Aliki's favorite table was adorned with coffee-themed photos of milk splashing in white cups against a black background.

The menu in this establishment was also ingenious compared to everything else. What was not there: apple-caramel pie “Tarte Tatin”, delicious “Magically delicious cheesecakes” with marzipan decorations, fried ice cream, cookies “Waiting for a salary”, “light as a cloud and fast as a deer dessert “Winter's Tale”. Moreover, the ingredients of favorite dishes changed periodically. For example, banana sorbet one day made with sugar syrup and fruit juice, the next day could be with the addition of champagne or wine. You never know what the surprise will be tomorrow! Moreover, all dishes were prepared in a certain quantity. Each time, the dish of the day was chosen, the portions of which were larger than the rest. And if the visitor got the last one, then he could choose a “delicious dessert” for the next day. There was something childlike and funny about it!

Alika has tried almost all the desserts in this cafe since it opened. But most of all she loved the triple chocolate cheesecake and Tarte Tatin, the dishes she ordered more often when she came here for her lunch break.

Today she had a bad day - she still couldn't think of a cover for a new book. Everything that came to her mind seemed somehow faded and inexpressive. With a sad expression, she sat down at her favorite table. The “weather” in the cafe was rainy, although at that time the sun was shining brightly outside.

Just like the state of my soul, she thought.

Already starting to absentmindedly paint a napkin on the table, Alika ordered herself a slice of a triple chocolate cheesecake. She was very surprised when the waiter told her that today this dish is a “delicious dessert” and that her portion is the last one. Such an event happened to the girl for the first time, and she was somewhat at a loss.

"Don't rush your choice of 'dessert' for tomorrow," the waiter reassured her. You can think about it while eating.

Alika was left alone at her table. She was in a slight confusion: all her thoughts were confused.

- Can I come to you for a "light"? A pleasant male voice interrupted her thoughts.

Alika looked at the stranger who asked her a question. He was a tall handsome young man with golden hair and dark green eyes. In all his appearance, grandeur and, at the same time, some kind of simplicity were felt.

“He has a very beautiful smile,” the girl thought as the boy smiled, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, of course,” she said. “I just booked a place for you here.

And then, looking around, Alika added with irony:

– Well, how can I leave a person to their fate in such a crowded place?.. There are so many people that there is nowhere to sit down.

- You are my savior! - supported her young man, sitting down opposite. By the way, I'm Roman.

- And I'm Alika.

“What a rare and beautiful name,” the new acquaintance remarked. “I'm sure this must belong to a very extraordinary person with many hidden talents.

There was a small glass partition next to their table, on which drops of “rain” flowed. The girl automatically looked at her reflection, which was clearly visible in the subdued lighting. Blonde short hair that reveals a graceful neck. Large almond-shaped dark blue eyes with fluffy black eyelashes, like a doll. Graceful fragile figure, like an elf.

“I look fabulous today!”

- Yes, I am! Alika smiled coquettishly. - Only my talents are not hidden at all ...

– I really hope to learn about them.

- Maybe...

A waiter came up to the table with their orders. He asked the girl if she had decided on the main course for the next day. Alika chose the “magic” syrniki that smelled so appetizing on Roman's plate. The girl was asked to formalize her wish in a beautiful old book. She had a whole page at her disposal, so she added a pile of cheesecakes to her inscription, which a pretty jug pours jam on top. The waiter smiled sweetly at this idea and added a gift “surprise treat” to her menu.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take a picture of you," he said politely. – We attach all photos of the “lucky ones” to the “Wish Book”, we give the second copy to the owner… If you want, the young man can join you…

Roman liked this idea, and he gladly agreed. Yes, and Alika did not resist much. Young people were photographed hugging in front of their desserts.

“I still don't have a single photo from here,” the girl thought.

The waiter once again congratulated the girl and hurried to leave the young people alone.

Alika and Roman started to unpack the “surprise treat”. Freeing it from the multi-colored foil with a shiny ribbon, the girl saw a beautiful wicker basket. In it, on a silk cloth napkin, there were chocolates in the form of “kissing” doves in an incredible custom-made package. And next to it was a cute little box with a postcard with an inscription...

The sweets were extraordinary! So you can’t immediately describe their magical taste, because you are completely at a loss to guess what is included in their composition. Only one thing is clear: on top they were covered with the most delicate dark chocolate. They were the size of Aliki's small palm.

The girl shared her treat with her new friend.

So they sat for a while, sharing food with each other and talking. Alika found out that Roman writes fantasy books. He was very happy when he found out that the girl works as an illustrator.

“Now it will be harder for you to get rid of me,” he joked.

It was such a pleasure to talk to this young man. He charmed the girl with his charm. She melted in his piercing attentive gaze.

While the girl was laughing merrily and sincerely at another joke of her new acquaintance, she was unexpectedly visited by images of illustrations for the book she was currently working on. Alika collected all the napkins lying next to her, and also took away the rest near Roman's plate and began to feverishly draw. Her companion sat in perplexity, afraid to interrupt the burst of sudden creativity. Suddenly, a girl with a joyful exclamation: “I figured it out!” ran out of the cafe, paying her bill and briefly kissing him on the cheek.

* * *

Two days have passed. Roman sat alone in his spacious empty apartment, remembering an unexpected pleasant acquaintance with a charming girl with a beautiful name - Alika.

"What a pity that our meeting ended so abruptly," he thought.

The young man was in despair because he did not have time to find out the phone number of this cute creature, or where to find her. He went crazy from the hopelessness of the situation and his own impotence.

In the last few days, Roman sat almost from morning till night in the “Delightful Dessert” in the hope of a new meeting with the girl who won his heart. His work as a writer allowed him to be in any place convenient for him during the day. He has already managed to communicate with almost all the staff of this institution in order to find out at least something about Alik.

After talking with Dima, the waiter who served them on the day they met, Roman managed to find out some details about the girl he was interested in. Alika came to Delicious Dessert almost every day at lunchtime and hardly talked to anyone. She always dreamily sat at her favorite table, enjoying her favorite sweets and enthusiastically painted almost all the napkins that came to her hand. The girl took some of them with her, and the rest remained abandoned in the cafe. Dima constantly collected all the drawings left to her, carefully storing them in a separate folder. Alika, most likely, did not even guess why her favorite table was almost always free - the “caring” waiter kept it for her beloved visitor. And quite recently, Dima managed to show the drawings of the young artist to his management - and now they wanted to offer Alika to draw a series of paintings for the cafe. So at the moment, the girl was waiting not only for Roman in love, but also for the enthusiastic Dima, who, by the way, was supposed to give her her photo, and the administrator of “Delicious Dessert”.

Roman, having learned these details about Alik, was sure that wherever this charming talented girl went, she had her enthusiastic admirers everywhere. He even got a little jealous of those around her. But this did not stop him from thinking about her with tenderness and admiration:

“She is so beautiful… delicate… fragile… She wants to be protected from everything that can hurt her, to take care of her well-being… If only I could meet her again…”

Since parting with Alika, Roman has not written a single line in his book: all his thoughts were occupied with the girl. He went crazy over her, the torments of uncertainty and expectations were simply unbearable for him.

The young man has left a surprise box with swan chocolates and a small box with a postcard inside, which Alika hastily forgot. There was the following inscription:

“Love is when separation drives you crazy, when you are waiting for a meeting, counting the moments, and being close, you forget about everything ... when you start to believe that everything is possible, that life is nothing compared to the happiness that you have…”

“How familiar I am…”, thought Roman, reading these words.

It was already about eleven o'clock. It has been raining almost non-stop this morning. On such days, you either sit at home or in some cozy cafe - which Roman did, sitting comfortably at the painfully familiar table of “Delightful Dessert” (Dima kindly “lent” Aliki's table to him). There were still no girls, but nothing, he is patient. So the young man sat until noon, pretending to be trying to work, buried in his laptop.

- Did you save a seat for me? A familiar voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

He looked up and saw… Alika! Roman simply could not believe his own eyes that this was really happening, that this was not the fruit of his fantasy.

- ...Where did you go? Finally, the gift of speech returned to him. – I have already lost my last hope of seeing you… I have been waiting for you to appear here again…

Alika was a little embarrassed by such pressure of the young man's feelings.

She told him that that day she finally figured out how to beautifully design the book she was working on. The girl explained that when she plunges into the creative process, she forgets about everything and everyone. Therefore, Alika then so suddenly left Roman alone, running to share her ideas with her superiors. Only in the evening did she realize that she did not know at all how to meet again with the young man she liked. The girl had no idea how much Roman liked her, and whether he wanted to see her again, especially after she broke up with him. Yes, and there was a lot of work, so she plunged into it with her head, so as not to torment herself with sad thoughts. And today was Saturday, the girl was completely free - so she came to the cafe in the hope of seeing Roman here. Although she didn't try to reassure herself much...

“Silly thing, I’ve been thinking only about you all this time, I couldn’t find a place for myself,” after listening to the girl, the young man said. “And you say you weren’t sure if I liked you… I’m just… crazy… about you.”

Alika felt an inner joy in her soul: “Their feelings are mutual!”, she said aloud:

– I like you very much too…

Roman handed the girl her surprise box left by her last time.

– Here… you forgot…

Alika re-read the inscription inside the postcard. The meaning of these words has only now become so understandable and close to her, because during these days she has felt them for herself. Looking into Roman's eyes, she realized that he, too, completely agreed with her.

Both of them were happy that they had found each other, both experienced mutual quivering feelings. Roman wanted to protect the girl from everything bad, wanted to be a support and support for her. Now it seemed to him that for her sake he was ready for anything. He caught her every move, tried to guess her desires in advance. The young man believed that now his life without her is nothing.

Alika wanted to give warmth and affection to Roman. She wanted to decorate his life, make it more fun. The girl decided to plunge into this “whirlpool” of feelings that she was now experiencing.

Young people generously shared their feelings towards each other so that none of them had any doubts: they really love each other.

While the guy and the girl were enjoying communication with each other, the waiter Dima approached them and asked Alika to go with her. Roman was left alone for a while. He had some time to reflect on recent events - everything that had happened to him. He was happy that he met such a talented, gentle and beautiful girl. Roman could not even trace when exactly his feelings for Alika became so strong, serious and all-consuming. The young man was simply drowning in his love for this delightful creature - but it was an indescribably pleasant feeling . ..

And then he remembered his book… Roman hasn't written a single line since SHE burst into his life.

“But then I was confused… But now I feel completely at peace.”

... And the right words flowed like a fountain in his head - as if someone had uncorked a champagne cork ...

21 short, romantic and funny bedtime stories for a girl

image: Shutterstock night for girlfriends

  • Short bedtime stories for girlfriend
  • Romantic bedtime stories for girlfriend
  • funny bedtime stories for girlfriend

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling and you will leave no stone unturned to pamper your partner. And if you are looking for exciting bedtime stories for your girlfriend to make her feel special, then your search ends with our post. A sweet and beautiful story allows you to convey your emotions with her and you will enjoy the sight of her sleeping with a smile on her face.

It also helps strengthen your bond and allows you to get an inch closer to it every day. So, read on for some great stories and add a wonderful twist to your love story to make it unforgettable.

Short Bedtime Stories for a Girlfriend

1. Love in Hard Times

Gerald watched as Elaine carefully picked up her muffin across the table and examined it. He looked at the clothes she was wearing and realized that her sweater was turned inside out. He used to make sure things like this didn't happen, but lately they've been happening more often.

how to put on a zipper again

Their waitress, Maria, approached them with a tray of sweet milk tea (just the way Elaine liked it), a bowl of delicious-looking butter cookies, and a big smile.

How are you today? she asked cheerfully. Elaine winced at the tone. Gerald gave Maria a warning look. When a person had dementia, it was impossible to tell how the day would go.

Maria took the hint, quietly put the tray on the table and left. Gerald offered Elaine a cup of tea, which she accepted with trembling hands.

When will we get married? she asked.

Gerald sighed. They have been married for the past forty years.

Soon my love, - he said, putting his hand on hers. Elaine looked at his hand, then at him, and smiled.

I love you, you know. You should talk to my father soon, she said happily.

I love you too dear. I love you too, - Gerald said.

After finishing their tea and cookies, they slowly walked away holding hands.

2. Love at first sight

Joseph did not believe in love at first sight. He thought it was necessary to know a person in order to fall in love with him. How could you fall in love with someone you just met?

But that was before he met Anna. It was raining cats and dogs that day, and Joseph was soaked to the skin during the short walk from the taxi to the entrance to his office block. Anna was in a similar state. As she ran to escape the rain, they collided in the doorway. Her bag fell to the floor and its contents spilled out. Joseph immediately apologized and leaned over to help her pack her things.

When he handed her the file and the makeup case, he looked at her and felt his world change. Her hair was the color of spun gold and her eyes were blue. He had never seen a lady more beautiful than her. Joseph did not yet know her name, but he knew that she was the perfect woman for him.


So, on a rainy day, a wonderful journey of friendship and love began.

3. Worthy love

Once a husband brought home a bouquet of beautiful roses to his wife.
The wife was pleasantly surprised and delighted, but before she could ask what they were for, their daughter squealed: What are they for, papa?

He smiled and said: All my colleagues were talking about how tired they were of their marriage. I'm so lucky to have your mommy in my life. She is the most understanding and charming woman in the world!

His wife beamed with joy, and they all gathered in a family hug. It was the perfect moment.

(Source: Upsmash )

4. Blindsight

Once upon a time there was a girl who loved a guy. She liked the way he cared about her and she liked the way he talked to her. The only obstacle, she thought, was that she was blind.

She wanted to see him as he could see her. She created in her mind the perfect image of what he might look like.

One day her parents told her the good news that they had found an eye donor for her and now she could get an eye to see the world.

After the operation, she told the doctors that the boy should be the first person she would see when she opened her eyes. As promised, the doctors brought the boy to the ward.

As soon as the bandages were unwrapped, she saw a boy standing in front of her. The mental image she had of him was wrong; he was even more perfect in real life.

That's when she found out that the boy gave her an eye just so she could see.

(Source: Upsmash )

5. Coincidence

The boy was single.
The girl was lonely.
They met.
And then they were no longer alone.
Because two singles sometimes become doubles, and that's no coincidence.

6. Night of Love

One night a girl decided to tell her boyfriend how much she loves him. She leaned into his ear and whispered, "I love you so much." I love you more than anything in the world and no one in my life.

She assumed that he was sleeping since it was quite late.
But she must have been surprised.
The boy opened his eyes and hugged her. He whispered, I love you too, my dear. I love you more than you can imagine!

Romantic bedtime stories for a friend

7. Love forever

One day a young student asked her teacher why she became a nun. The teacher shared his life story with her.

Many years ago, when she was much younger, she loved a boy. The boy loved her too. The only problem was that he was from a rich family and she was from a poor one.

The boy talked to his parents, but they were against his marrying the girl. Instead, they began to look for suitable girls among their acquaintances.

There was nothing else then, the young lovers thought. They decided to run away. They couldn't end their relationship for anything in the world.

The priest knew their history and supported them. With his help, the young lovers planned to escape. The priest arranged with another priest to hide them until the danger was over.

On the appointed day, the lovers silently said goodbye to their homes and families and traveled long and hard. Soon they were out of danger. They got married and lived happily.

Both of them were satisfied with the work done for them by the priests and began to take an active interest in the humanitarian missions of the Church.

After the man died, the woman took her vows and became a nun.

(Source: RazumDurak)

8. Unexpected love

"School romances don't last forever! he heard enough people talking. However, he never knew what to think about it. He has never been romantically involved with anyone.

One day Alexa entered the classroom with her teacher. Students, she is your new classmate, Alexa, the teacher announced.

Unfortunately, there was an empty seat next to him, and that's where Alexa sat. However, after the first official greetings and introductions, she didn't seem to want to talk to him at all.

He plunged back into his research and calmed his aching heart by looking at Alexa when she wasn't looking.

The year has come to an end. On the last day before the holidays, he plucked up the courage to approach Alexa. She was surprised to see him there. He cleared his throat and said: Alexa, I've wanted to tell you something for a long time.

Alexa was waiting.

He said, I like you. I did not know how to convey this to you because I was afraid that you would reject me. But now that we may never meet again, I want you to know this.

Alexa's eyes filled with tears. She said, I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I came over to sit next to you, I was so stunned that I had to intentionally keep my face aloof because I thought I didn't like you at all!

They laughed for the first time and held hands.”

Grandchildren applauded when their grandmother Alexa told them the story of how she met their grandfather.

9. Internet love

They met on Facebook. He was alone. She just had a break. He was a loner and an introvert. She was outgoing and extroverted. He loved to read. She loved watching movies and meeting people. They were very different from each other, but as they say, opposites attract.

When they overcame their inhibitions and shared details about themselves online, they realized they had more in common than they thought. Both of them loved pasta. Both danced to jazz. Both of them studied French. He loved to draw and she loved to draw.

Gradually they realized that they were falling in love with each other. They couldn't go a day without texting each other. They had to share with each other the events of the day.

The only obstacle between them was that they lived many miles apart.

A few months later they decided to meet. She was traveling to London with her parents, and their flight was a stopover. He agreed to meet her at the airport.

They met at the appointed time and place. Although they shared photos via Facebook, seeing each other face to face was different. He thought she looked prettier. She thought he looked more handsome.

He also met her parents. They seemed to him reasonable people. Too soon they heard the landing announcement.
I'll let you know as soon as we land, she promised him.
I'll be waiting for him, he said.

As she was leaving, she turned around and saw that he was looking at her. In his eyes was the promise of a better future.

10. Absolute love

The girl and the guy were best friends. But the boy considered the girl more than a friend. He fell in love with her, but could not find the right words to say to her.

One Sunday he decided that he would tell her about his feelings. He decided that even if she did not reciprocate his love, he would convince her to remain friends, as they already were.

He took her out of the house and they went on a long trip. After some silence, they both spoke at the same time.
I wanted... he said.
You know what... she started.
They laughed and he motioned for her to continue.

Well, I told you that I wanted to tell you something for a long time, she started again.

His heart began to beat faster.
What is it? he asked without looking at her.
I'm in love with this guy, but he doesn't know it, she said. His heart almost stopped beating. He looked at her for a second before focusing on the road again.

When he calmed down a bit and made sure that his voice would not tremble when he spoke, he asked: Who is the lucky one? I know him?
Of course you do! Do you know any of my friends? she asked, rolling her eyes. However, I won't tell you his name. I wrote his name on this one, , she said, handing him a sheet of paper.

He took it and put it in his pocket when all he wanted to do was rip it into a million pieces and throw it out the window. He was painfully aware of this. He felt like he was burning his skin through his shirt.

The moment he got home that evening, he pulled out a piece of paper and angrily unfolded it. He stopped when he saw that it was his name.
Under his name, she wrote: I could never find anyone as perfect as you, and no one could understand me like you.

He smiled, then laughed, and he was in a relationship with his best friend in the whole world.

(Source: Upsmash )

11. Truth or Dare

It was that time of year. Prom was coming up, and Mike didn't have anyone to go with him. All the girls seemed to go with some handsome boy, and Mike, neither handsome nor eloquent, seemed to attract no one.

Why don't you ask Rita out on a date? N Oh, looks like someone asked her, Mike's friend, Joe, said with a smirk. Mike knew why Joe was smirking. Rita was the most unpopular girl in school. She wore thick glasses and braces. Mike groaned, Oh no! Not Rita!

But time was fast running out and Mike knew he had to do something quickly or he would be the only boy without a date at prom. So, with an inner sigh and shudder, he invited Rita on a date. Rita agreed.

When Mike came up to Rita for prom, he noticed that she was wearing a beautiful dress. She also did something with her hair. If he chose to ignore her large glasses, he could tell she looked stunning.

When they got there, they were immediately drawn to the dance floor. As they danced, Mike realized that Rita was really good at dancing. She could also carry on a conversation without making anyone feel uncomfortable. He realized with some surprise that she could make him laugh, and her laugh was also light. He loved to hear her laugh.

That graduation party ended with something wonderful. Mike and Rita began dating each other, and they soon developed a serious relationship.

Mike loved Rita and was going to ask her a question this evening. He shuddered at the thought of what would have happened if he hadn't asked her to prom that night.

(Source: Think Out Loud)

12. Worst fight

Husband and wife had a big fight. She was furious that she packed his things into a bag and asked him to leave the house.

He slowly took the bag and left.

After a while the wife calmed down and began to worry. Where did he go?

She tried to call his friends, but no one knew his whereabouts.

Now the wife is worried. What if he did something bad? she thought.

She ran out of the house in the snow and walked along the sidewalk in search of a taxi. She didn't know where to go or what to do, but walking gave her a sense of purpose.

Suddenly she saw a hunched figure sitting under a street lamp on a street corner. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was her husband.

She slowly brushed the snow off his clothes and took him home. I'm sorry, she sobbed. I thought you were going to visit one of your friends. I didn't understand... she was speechless.

I couldn't leave knowing you'd be left here alone without me, he just said. Whatever you think of me, I care deeply about you.

She burst into tears as she repeatedly hugged and kissed him. She vowed to herself never to quarrel with him so much and never, ever kick him out of their house. She loved him.

(Source: Upsmash )

funny bedtime stories for girlfriend

Reasons to love

Once a friend asked her boyfriend to name at least one reason for her love for her. The guy was surprised; he did not expect such a question. Why do you want to know? Is it not enough that I love you? he asked. But the girl was persistent. She wanted to know.

The boy took out a sheet of paper from his bag and began to write on it. The girl was surprised, but held her tongue until he stopped writing and handed her the paper.

It was written, I wrote down 100 reasons why I love you. Now write down one reason why I shouldn't love you.

(Source: Think Out Loud)

14. A dozen flowers

When Jack gave his wife a dozen flowers, she looked at them in surprise. Among the others was one plastic flower.

What is this plastic flower doing here? she asked Jack.
Why do you think it is there? Jack replied.

But no matter how she thought about it, she could not understand the meaning of a single artificial flower.
Finally, when she gave up, Jack smiled and said: This flower is my love. I will love you until this flower dies.

Hearing this, she cried and hugged him with all the love she had for him.

(Source: Think Out Loud)

15. The best of the best

The boy and the girl were very much in love. One day a girl asked a boy0385 Do you think I'm beautiful?
The boy answered, No.
The girl was disappointed by his answer, but asked the following question anyway: Do you want to be with me forever?
The boy said No again.
The girl's eyes filled with tears. Will you be sad if I leave you? she asked.
The boy said: No.
The girl decided to leave. She only turned when the boy grabbed her arm and turned his tear-stained face towards him.

He said, You asked if you were beautiful and I said no, because you are not only beautiful, but also the most beautiful woman on this planet. You asked me if I wanted you and I said no because I don't want you but I need you like we need oxygen. You asked me if I would be sad if you left me and I said no because I won't be alive anymore when you leave me.

Hearing these passionate words, the girl smiled through her tears and hugged the boy tightly.

(Source: Think Out Loud)

16. Like or Like

One day a girl mustered up the courage to tell a boy about her feelings for him.

She told him, I like you very much. Do you like me too?
He replied, No, I don't like you.

The girl was sad to hear this answer and slowly turned away. But before she could leave, the boy grabbed her arm and said, I said I don't like you. It doesn't mean that I don't love you.

The girl turned to him in delight and hugged him.

(Source: Think Out Loud)

17. Mom-to-be

One morning a guy took a picture of his girlfriend when she had just woken up.

Ugh, I look terrible! Why are you taking pictures of me when I'm not wearing makeup and my hair is tousled? she asked.

The guy smiled and said: I want to show my children that their mother is beautiful even without makeup and combed hair. She is perfect; the most perfect woman on earth.

(Source: Upsmash )

18. Drunk boyfriend

One night a friend had to pick up a drunk guy from a bar. She was furious with him, but there was little she could do but drag him into the car.

Somehow she dragged him into her apartment and helped him to lie down on the bed. Then she began to take off his dirty clothes. First his shoes flew off, and then his shirt. But when she reached for the buckle of his jeans, he pushed her away, yelling: Go away, woman! I have a girlfriend whom I love very much! Don't you dare touch me!

A friend caught herself laughing when she changed and went to bed.

(Source: Upsmash )

Invited bride

The guy asked his girlfriend, Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?

My friend was shocked. She didn't expect this at all. In fact, she was expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!

She stuttered slightly, Wha.. what? Are you dating someone else? Did your parents find a match for you?
The guy laughed and said: No, my dear! I want to marry you and was going to invite you to my wedding as a bride. Will you accept the invitation?

Girlfriend could not believe that w Heard and answered loudly, YES! and a kiss.
(Source: Upsmash )

20. Impossible things

One girl had very low self-esteem due to some past problems. She considered herself ugly.

She liked the boy, but she never knew how to approach him. When he approached and spoke to her, she was surprised.

She once mentioned that she didn't think he should be with her. I'm too ugly, she said.
The boy immediately said: I am pregnant.
The girl's eyes widened. How can you talk like that? This is impossible! she exclaimed.
The boy smiled and replied: How impossible it is, so impossible to be ugly. You are beautiful.

what to say when you propose to your girlfriend

(Source: Upsmash)

21. I love potatoes

The woman felt insecure about her weight. She thought she looked awful in some of the dresses. She married the man she loved, but a few days after her marriage, she stopped wearing dresses and nightgowns and instead wore baggy T-shirts and pajamas.

Her husband asked her about her choice of clothes. She answered with tears in her eyes: I look like a potato in these clothes!

The husband looked at her in bewilderment and said: But I love potatoes! What's not to like about them?

This brought a smile to her face, and gradually, with the support of her husband, she overcame her insecurities.

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