Having a playdate
Tips for Setting Up Playdates — Encourage Play
You’re on the phone with the school counselor, talking about the concerns you have about your son’s social skills. You hear the words you’ve been dreading - “Mrs. Jackson, one of the best ways to work on these skills is on a play date with one other child. Maybe it makes sense to try to set up a few playdates for him”. But how do you do that? Where do you even begin?
Setting up and prepping for a playdate doesn’t need to be super complicated or take a lot of time. Check out these tips to help you set up and host a successful playdate for your child!
Arrange the dateFirst things first, you have to figure out who would be a good child to have over for a play date. Talk with your child about who they want to invite over. Help them choose one child who seems friendly and kind. Keep your eyes open when volunteering at the school, during after school activities or on the playground. Look for children who interact well with yours, or have a similar temperament to your child.
You never know where you could meet a potential friend.
Most likely, you're going to be the person who is reaching out to the other family to ask about arranging a time. Sometimes this is the hardest step. It’s hard to put yourself out there and see if others want to come over and play. Sometimes the answer may be no, but you'll never know unless you try!
Depending on the age and comfort level of your child, your child may want to ask about a playdate themselves. If your child feels comfortable, have them approach the other child to suggest a play date. You can role play it with your child beforehand, including what to do if the other child says no.
Start where they are comfortableIf you think your child may have difficulty on a play date, it will work best to have a first play date with a new friend at your own house. Your child will feel more comfortable in a familiar environment. You’ll be able to keep an eye and ear out during the play date so you can step in if things start to break down.
Remind your child to be polite and respectful to your guests. Talk through specifics - how can you show respect during a board game? How can you be polite even if you don’t agree with your friend? What happens if your friend wants to play a game and you don’t want to?
Special ItemsIf your child has special items/toys that they don’t want touched or broken, move them to a safe spot where they won’t be touched.
Keep it short and sweetIf your child is struggling on playdates, schedule the playdate to be short - 60 minutes is ideal, 90 minutes at the most. The goal is to have them experience a good playdate, and having the playtime run too long can lead to more challenging, difficult behaviors. Keep it short and sweet. Once your child is familiar with the other child and you have a few positive experiences under your belt, you can extend the length of the playdate.
Keep it smallThere should only be two children on the playdate, your child and your child’s potential friend.
Keep siblings occupied and out of the way as much as you possibly can. As a mom, I know this is super challenging, but also worth it. More socially adept siblings can take over a playdate and not even realize that they are doing it. Have something special for your other child to do at that time - or better yet, schedule a playdate for them at the same time.
In general, having 3 children on a playdate can be a recipe for disaster. With 3, it’s easy for someone to get left out. The whole point is to have your child have a good experience on a playdate.
Prep a couple of activitiesPick a couple of games or activities that the children might want to do together and have those ready to go when the playdate starts. Your child may really love LEGOs so you might want to have some out and ready to play. Or they may want to do some drawing and creating, so set out some arts and crafts supplies.
Be ready with a snackA good playdate can sometimes go south quickly if the participants are hungry or thirsty. Just be prepared with a little snack or drink. It can also serve as a break if they need one.
With these simple tips, your child will be more likely to have a positive and fun playdate experience. If things don't go so well, check out our tips for how to manage when a playdate goes wrong.
A couple of weeks later, you host a play date at your home. After a few shy minutes at the beginning, you see your son and this boy connect, laugh and play together. At the end of the playdate, now you hear the words you’ve been wanting to hear - “Mom, that was so much fun!! When can Bobby come over again?”
Looking for ideas of what to do on playdates? Check out the Ultimate Playdate Guide!
20 Playdate Rules No Mom Should Break
When a woman becomes a mom, there are a lot of things that she has to get used to: sleeping a little (or a lot) less, relying on coffee, and figuring out how this whole parenting thing works. One staple of parenting a little one is definitely figuring out playdates.
When one mom befriends other moms, it makes sense to get their adorable kids together; whether they're babies, toddlers, or in elementary school. Moms should try and teach their kids how to play well with others and want them to have a healthy social life. Playdates do way more for a child than just playing "pretend," after all.
There are rules about having playdates that some moms might not know at first. And while this might take a little bit of time to figure out, it'll get easier the more often they play. But once they have it down, they'll never forget the things that make a playdate successful and run smoothly. There are certain things that many moms feel passionately about, and luckily, many moms can agree upon.
The following 20 rules are ones that no mom should break when they host a playdate or bring their little one over someone else's house.
20/20 If Your Kid Is Over Four, You Can Leave
UnsplashIf a playdate is going on at a friend's home, it's safe for one parent to leave while the other one holds down the fort. It's nice for the two parents to catch up and say hi for a little, and then head off and do their own thing.
That's what this mom thinks on Reddit: "I'm so confused. You are talking about 6-year- olds, right? Why on earth are parents staying for playdates? My kids have playdates all the time and I would be thrown off it the parent of a child 4 or older tried to stay."
The general consensus is that if your kid is over the age of four, you don't need to stay.
19/20 Don't Be Late
UnsplashThis Reddit thread is all about how being late for playdates is a really frustrating thing to do.
No one likes a late person. Likewise, no one likes being late either. It causes a lot of stress for everyone involved and can turn a pleasant day into something full of chaos and negative thoughts and emotions.
When you set up a playdate, you need to bring your kid to that person's house when you say you will. And when you're hosting, you would expect the same from the other parent. It's just common courtesy.
18/20 You Have To Play Fair And Invite The Kid Over As Well
UnsplashYou expect your friends to have you and your partner over for dinner when you just hosted a dinner party yourselves, and the same thing is true when it comes to playdates. Playing fair, being polite, and inviting someone over when they just hosted you is a rule for playdates.
This mom wrote on Reddit, "Call me a fool, I was under the impression that playdate hosting was supposed to be a reciprocated activity. I thought that when you hosted a playdate or sleepover, the other parent was supposed to have your kid over for roughly the same number of times."
17/20 Talk To The Other Parent When Their Kid Is Having Behavior Problems
UnsplashAn awkward part about parenting is definitely talking to other parents about their own kids. Everyone wants their kids to be well-behaved and no one wants to hear that the opposite is true. This is particularly the case with playdates. Since your kids are playing with other children, all of the moms involved want things to go well.
As Pop Sugar says, when you're hosting a playdate and realize that the other child isn't behaving very nicely, or there's something that seems like it's worth talking about, you have to talk to their mom about it. No, you're not going to want to, but it's part of the whole playdate thing.
16/20 Don't Take It Seriously
UnsplashYes, it's a good idea to be organized, show up on time, and make the playdate run smoothly. That being said, you don't have to write a million things about the playdate down in your agenda and constantly contact the other moms about things, or worry about what happened at last week's playdate.
As the Huffington Post suggests, when a playdate doesn't go that well or something occurs, you have to "let it go" because that was one playdate. It's all going to be okay. It's not worth worrying about for much longer and you're only going to get upset. Things do happen and playdates aren't going to be perfect.
15/20 You Shouldn't Really ASK Someone To Host A Playdate
UnsplashIt only seems logical that when you host a kid for a playdate at your house, the other mom knows that it's her turn next. Within a reasonable time period, she should then ask your children to come over for a playdate.
Unfortunately, you can't force someone to invite your kid over... And moms agree that you really shouldn't. As this mom shared on Reddit, "You shouldn't expect, you shouldn't demand, and you should learn to say no." Yes, you want people to be as polite as you are, but as you know, not everyone is. It's just something that you have to accept.
14/20 Be Polite And Thankful
UnsplashBeing polite counts in every situation and playdates are no different.
This is one thing that moms follow when it comes to playdate rules: thanking the other mom for hosting and having their kid thank them, too. It's never a bad idea to be polite, and this is especially a crucial time to say "please" and "thank you." You want the other mom to think that your kid is really well-behaved and, of course, keep inviting them over — especially if your kids love playing together and get along really well. That's what this is all about, after all, and it's good to remember that.
13/20 You Should Make It Simple To Schedule Playdates
UnsplashDon't you dislike when that one friend never answers text messages or emails when you're just trying to schedule a dinner date? You wonder how people can make it so hard to make plans, vowing to never be like that. That's exactly the case with playdates, too. You should definitely make it easy to schedule playdates and try responding to the moms who want to have your kid over.
This frustration was brought up on Reddit: "It is so important to me that my kids have great social lives. Our family is fairly spread out, so I do all I can to schedule lots of play dates with friends and neighbors. We have two families we see regularly, but outside of that, I find that other moms are really bad at setting up playdates."
12/20 If Your Kid Is Allergic To Certain Foods, Pack Food For Them
PinterestIf your child has food allergies, like gluten, dairy, or maybe nuts, you're already used to bringing food with you wherever you go. You know that in certain situations, there won't be anything for your child to eat unless you're prepared and plan ahead. You're okay with this because, of course, you want them to be well-fed and to have something to munch on.
This applies to playdates, too. According to Pop Sugar, if your kid has food allergies, then it's definitely a good idea to bring some snacks when you're dropping them off at a playdate. That way, they have something they can eat and the host doesn't feel tons of pressure if they didn't know about the allergies.
11/20 It's Good To Have A Healthy Mix Of Good Foods And Junk Food
UnsplashMoms agree that making elaborate meals when hosting a playdate isn't something that should be done, but giving kids snacks is pretty common.
Thanks to Parenting.com, we know about this really smart rule for playdates: have both healthy food and junk food available. That way, the kids are getting something that is both good for them but also something fun.
The idea is that children might love different snacks and if one loves apples and the other likes a saltier snack, then everyone is happy with a mix of different foods. (Plus, you can enjoy the snacks, too! No one said that moms couldn't partake in them, right?)
10/20 Playdates Should Be Two Hours
UnsplashA mom on Momtastic says that "kids seem to magically fall apart" beyond the timeframe of two hours. Everyone has had that experience: hosting a playdate and seeing another child start crying or behaving differently than they did earlier.
It seems like moms know that two hours is the perfect timeframe for a playdate. You can totally relate to that as an adult since there are certain situations where you would love to leave after an hour or two (like maybe a certain holiday with some family members). When you start sticking to this rule, you can see that it's a great idea and should always be followed.
9/20 It's Okay To Have A One Hour Playdate For Younger Kids
UnsplashOn the other hand, when you have a baby or a toddler, it's totally okay for playdates to be an hour or shorter. This is advice from Pop Sugar and it definitely makes sense to me.
More than an hour could be a lot for your young child and they could start crying. And let's be honest, no parent wants to deal with someone else's screaming child. So while moms agree that older kids can have a two-hour playdate, younger kids can keep their playtime at an hour before heading home.
8/20 Don't Compete Your Kid Against Their Friends
UnsplashYou're proud of your children and think that they're the best, smartest, most wonderful kids ever. You would be happy to talk about them to basically anyone who will listen (and sometimes you do. Hey, you can't help it, you love being a mom).
When it comes to playdates, though, it's not the best idea to pit your children against other kids and act like your kids are more intelligent. You definitely know this, of course, and it's also a playdate rule that moms know to follow as Sittercity.com puts it.
7/20 You Should Teach Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves
UnsplashBefore you had kids, you might have once thought that it was easy to keep your house clean. You would put things away as soon as you were done using them, get rid of clutter, and even have time to do a deep clean in your bathroom and kitchen. Think Swiffers, vacuum cleaners, and cleaning products galore.
Nowadays... well, now you're a mom, and things are a little bit different. You care about cleanliness but kids make messes and that's just normal. Moms agree that teaching your kid to clean up after themselves when they are playing at another kid's house is part of a successful playdate.
6/20 Pick Your Kid Up When You Say You Will
PinterestMost people don't like when friends or partners are late for a plan or date night. It's common sense to say that being late is frustrating, right?
Being late to pick up your kid from a playdate? Well, that's even more annoying, and the other mother is definitely not going to be pleased. This is part of "playdate etiquette" that Mommyish is talking about. It's something that all moms know is important.
If you say that you'll be back at 4 pm to bring your kid home — then be there at 4 pm. It's not fair to the other mom and would also worry everyone if you were late and hadn't been in contact, either.
5/20 It's Polite To Talk To The Parent Before
PinterestWhen you host a playdate and you don't know the child who is coming over very well, it's good to talk to the parent beforehand. You can find out what the kid likes, what game they want to play, or what toys they love. You can still do this even if your kids are good friends! Kids do change their minds quite frequently, after all.
According to The Huffington Post, this will help the playdate go well, and it's definitely a great idea. You'll be confident that the child will have fun and that you did everything you could to make the playdate awesome.
4/20 You Should Make Sure Your Kids Know It's Not TV Time
PinterestWe all love relaxing and watching a good television show. Kids definitely have their favorite shows and would enjoy watching them any time during the day, and they would love to watch TV during a playdate, too. But that's definitely not the point of a platedate and as moms, we want to make sure that our children are actually playing with each other and having fun.
Scary Mommy suggests telling your kid that during this playdate, they're going to have a good time with their new friend and it's not the time to watch TV. Once everyone is on the same page, it'll be a lot easier.
3/20 Kids Should Follow The 'House Rules'
PinterestAccording to Momtastic, every house has "house rules" and moms know about these in their own household, so they should make it known to those visiting as well.
When you host a playdate, kids that are playing with your own children will know that it's a good idea to be polite and and go along with what you suggest. When you say that you would rather that the children eat at the kitchen table instead of while watching a movie, the kids who are over at your house will agree that this is your rule. The playdate will definitely be successful if kids know this and don't say, "Well, that's not what we do at my house..." (Even if that's what they're thinking).
2/20 When Your Kid Plays With Someone New, It's Fine To Stay A Little To Chat
UnsplashIt can be a little nerve-racking to schedule a playdate with a mom that you don't know very well and when your kid isn't familiar with their child. You want to make sure that everyone gets along and that everyone is happy with the playdate.
Sittercity.com has great advice on this situation: it's okay to stay for a little while and make sure that things are going smoothly. You can talk to the mom and see that your kid is doing well, and once you're confident that it's time to leave, you can head home and come back a little while later. While moms agree that there's no reason to stay behind for the entire playdate, it's okay to check in like this when it's a new child.
1/20 Don't Constantly Phone The Parent (Unless An Emergency)
UnsplashWhen you're a mom and your phone rings, you worry immediately. Is it your child's daycare center? School? Are they okay? When your kid is at someone's house for a playdate and the mom calls you, you worry it might be an emergency. That being said, if someone's mother keeps calling to check in — it can just be overwhelming.
Mommyish brings up this smart point: the mom hosting a playdate should never call the other mom unless it's definitely an emergency. This is one of those unspoken rules of playdates that moms know about, and it's one thing that will lead to a successful afternoon for both parents and children.
Sources: Reddit, Reddit,Reddit, Popsugar, Huffington Post, Momtastic, Reddit, Parenting.com, Sittercity.com, Mommyish.com, Scarymommy.com,
55 options for all occasions
It is unlikely that anyone wants to stoop to banalities and repeat the same scenario for all meetings with their couple. But there is a desire to impress with resourcefulness and creativity. Where to look for suitable date ideas? In this article, of course! Here there are ideas for the first meetings, and possible plans for those who are in long-term relationships. It's a matter of choice.
1. Active.
If a couple has a cheerful disposition and does not like to sit still for a long time, active adventures will suit her. Here are 10 great ways to have fun. nine0003
- Visit an amusement park. Take cotton candy, compete in a shooting range, jump on a trampoline and be sure to check out the roller coaster.
- Go to a dance party. It could be a night club, but the outdoor disco is better. Dancing on the evening beach is romance wrapped in fun.
- Go to a bike rental shop. It is better to take water with you in advance. You can ride around the city, but if the bike is still poorly mastered, it would be nice to find a place outside the city or away from the main roads. nine0012
- Use roller skates, skates or a skateboard. Find helmets and knee pads for insurance.
- Create a personal city tour and visit previously unfamiliar places. Take your cameras with you or use the cameras on your smartphones.
- Go swimming. Water parks, local natural or artificial reservoirs, swimming pools or even spas.
- Devote a day to volunteering. To do this, you can look for volunteers on the streets, look at the city website, arrange your own charity event.
- Play non-team games . Tennis (table and regular), badminton, squash. Bowling, billiards, darts are also suitable. If desired, you can arrange sports competitions, taking into account the capabilities of each other.
- Organize a flash mob . You can attract people through social networks, print ads and stick them around the city. Or it is enough just to involve close friends.
- Look at the city festival , fair, competition. Almost every locality has a page on social networks, which is maintained by active citizens. There are announcements of upcoming events. nine0012
2. With animals.
It is hardly possible to find a person who does not like animals at all. Their presence helps to relax, to behave more at ease on a date. Pets amuse, throw up new topics for conversation and help out with awkward silence.
- Go to the zoo . In some of them, you can feed the animals with food sold near the enclosures.
- Visit the animal show or go to a shelter to volunteer to take care of your little brothers. nine0012
- Organize a horse ride . In warm weather, cities often also offer donkey rides or a cart drawn by a pair of horses.
- Search the websites of your city for a vacancy for a dog sitter . His duties include taking care of dogs, including walking with them. You can also "borrow" pets from your friends. And the animals will be walked, and the owners will rest.
- Visit the circus . In addition to the performances of trainers, photography with exotic animals after the performance will also be an interesting activity. nine0012
- Visit pet store . Look at the animals there or even ask the seller to take care of them. Will it be allowed?
- Take pictures of street animals , birds. Look for them near reserves, botanical gardens, in forests or other natural areas.
- Feed the birds in the park . If you are lucky and there is a lake with swans in the city, this will be a great opportunity for romantic conversations.
- Attention: for especially risky people. nine0010 Arrange a tasting of cat and dog food . Grab a couple of plates of activated charcoal in a pharmacy beforehand.
- Draw each other make-up on the face in the form of animal muzzles.
Pass the temperament test
3. Cultural.
Sometimes the soul requires something high and developing. Then a date related to art and its manifestations will do. 10 ideas for this.
- Go to the museum or an art exhibition. If whole installations are organized in the city, even better. nine0012
- Visit opera, philharmonic, instrumental concert, other event with good music. You can also watch the performance of street musicians.
- Find an announcement about literary readings or apartment building.
If one of the couple or even both write poetry, you can perform with your own works.
- Sign up for pair dance courses . Ballroom, including classical and Latin American, modern, stage or even folk - it does not matter, as long as the choreography and movements bring pleasure. nine0012
- Walk around the city in search of street art . Capture beautiful pictures with your camera. You can paint your garage or yard.
- Take an interest in historical monuments of your locality, compare architecture, learn about the history of sculptures. It is a good idea to sign up for a tourist walk around the city with a guide.
- For those who don't mind having a date with long-term training, comparison of books and their adaptations is suitable . You can read the original both together and separately, but watching a film based on the work is mandatory together.
- Check out the karaoke club or live music bar.
Here you can listen to good compositions, especially if it is jazz, and test your own vocals.
- Visit quest room . It is advisable to know exactly the theme of the quests, because often they include horror elements. For people with a weak nervous system, such leisure is not suitable. nine0012
- Walk through the streets illuminated at night . Bright lights, a starry sky, silence and the absence of a crowd bring them together well.
4. For the home.
Bad weather, lack of mood, or temporary financial problems force people to refuse to go outside. Why force yourself when you can have a date at home? Of course, provided that the couple has known each other for quite a long time and the invitation to visit does not look strange or ambiguous.
- Play board games , twister, darts, table billiards, video games, cards, puzzles.
- Cooking together. Pampering, jokes and flirting are welcome.
- Dine together with a romantic comedy and a good bottle of wine or whiskey.
- Try to create things for the interior with your own hands. There are plenty of articles and video reviews on the Internet on this topic. nine0009 If the size of the bath allows, you can fill it with water, add foam, sea salt and comfortably sit in it together. Scented bath bombs are a great idea too.
- Bring albums of childhood photographs to and tell the story of each photograph, describing the people on it.
- Paint windows in the theme of the nearest holiday . For this, gouache, toothpaste, liquid eyeliner, varnish, ink or, at worst, watercolor are suitable. You can then erase the art with water with the addition of a few drops of acetone. nine0012
- Arrange an erotic massage session for each other . It is better to immediately stock up on essential oils or at least creams based on them.
- Let a guy do his girlfriend's makeup . Or ask your partner to choose clothes from the wardrobe that he likes the most. This is an occasion to laugh and at the same time get to know your partner better.
- Pass couple tests . They can be serious, funny or creative. Such an activity will allow you to get closer, create a trusting atmosphere. nine0012
Pass the compatibility test
5. Light.
Feel like adrenaline? Why not. Who said that you can't arrange such dates?
- Go see a horror movie or a thriller with emotional scenes.
- Sign up for paintball . Develop the skills of understanding and working with each other.
- Visit the fear room in the amusement park.
- Try 9 if possible0010 skydiving bungee jumping, diving or extreme sports.
- Join fireshow . Be sure to ask about safety.
- Spend time in rope park or climbing wall.
- Rent a motorcycle and ride around the city at night.
- Visit the big shooting gallery . Not in an amusement park, shooting elephants and giraffes, but a real institution where headphones and firearms are issued. nine0012
- Have a dinner on the roof of a high-rise building.
- Book a table at exotic cuisine restaurant . Work out the "poker face" first, otherwise you won't like the exotic.
6. Non-standard.
And if you suddenly want something completely unusual, then here are five more ideas on how to spend unforgettable and fun time together.
- Sign up for tantric sex training and then practice it at home in a comfortable environment. nine0012
- Randomly select on the map of the city (region or even country) a point for travel. On the spot, you can organize a picnic, arrange a photo session or just enjoy the view, taking wine or beer according to your mood.
- Create a collaborative video . It is possible that two people appear in the frames all the time. Or you can separately record answers to the same questions and ask friends or a specialist to mount it all in one video.
- Play a "demo wedding" . Pick up "wedding" dresses, a bridal bouquet, buy champagne, create "wedding" rings from improvised means. Instead of a priest, let a mutual friend speak.
- Complete the questionnaire of psychologist Arthur Aron together. It contains 36 questions that, according to the scientist, make the interlocutors fall in love. They can also deepen and strengthen feelings that have already arisen.
These date ideas can be used in full or in part. Perhaps you want to combine two ideas into one. Someone will find it funny to test themselves and try to complete ten points at once in one evening. The main thing is that the couple is comfortable and not bored together at a rendezvous. And what exactly it will be - everyone chooses for himself. However, this article will serve as a good helper in finding alternatives. nine0003
Pass the Freud test
25 budget date ideas
August 27, 2022 Relationship Get rich
Don't be afraid to spend the evening with your soul mate if you don't have money: emotions bring you closer than big expenses.
1. Go on a city tour
In any, even the smallest and newest settlement, there are places shrouded in legends. Make an interesting route through them, learn interesting facts and invite your soul mate for an unusual walk through familiar places. Of course, you need to end the tour in the most romantic of them. nine0003
If you've been together for a long time, take a tour of places you remember for the first time: here you first met, here you kissed. Even the most unsentimental will appreciate it.
2. Feed the ducks in the park
Childhood-inspiring fun, fun for all ages, and very inexpensive. If there are no ducks, some sparrow will definitely not refuse the treat.
But it's better not to buy the usual loaf: bakery products can lead to upset of the gastrointestinal tract in birds. Take with you finely chopped cabbage or non-thermally processed cereals. nine0003
3. Play the game in the hardware store
Many hardware stores have test game consoles with joysticks or motion sensors for customers to try out and get excited about buying. Go there and fight in a free duel.
This option is not for the shy, because all visitors will see your jumps in front of the screen.
4. Go to a free lecture or workshop
A partner who loves this kind of entertainment will appreciate that you take care of registering for a free event in advance, as the number of places for them is usually limited, and there are many people who want to. To be meticulous, you can find an event for every taste - from a scientific lecture to extreme sports. nine0003

And make everything look grown-up: not just a wet lump of sand, but a structure with turrets, a moat around and a drawbridge. Otherwise, how will the knight save the princess?
6. Dress up game
Dress up cards are an obvious idea, try the opposite. The loser must put on some piece of clothing until he can't move at all. It's more funny than romantic. But with what speed you will remove everything from yourself at the end of the game! nine0003
Explore different ideas 🎲🎲
- 10 board games for two to keep you entertained
7. DIY something
Find instructions on how to build a working Lamborghini out of, for example, glue and sticks. And try to realize the idea. At best, you will be happy with the result, at worst, you will have fun. nine0003
8. Set up a movie screening
Settling down at home in front of the TV is not the most original idea. So download a romantic movie on your laptop and go to the park or to the rooftop. Don't forget popcorn or cucumber sticks if you care about your figure.
9. Think of the roof
An open roof is not easy to find, but it's practically a safe bet when it comes to romance. Admire the sunset, look at the stars, connect them into your constellations, dance under the moon.
10. Start writing a book about your love
It is unlikely that you will be able to publish it, but it will help you remember many touching moments from your personal history.
11. Listen to street musicians
Instead of running past a band playing at a busy intersection, sit back and listen to the entire concert.
12. Ride bikes
Or roller skates or scooters. The main thing is to choose the transport that you already have, otherwise the rental will make the date not at all budget. nine0003
13. Organize a movie marathon
Choose a few films each to watch in a row. The secret to the success of movie marathons is to put your phones away, otherwise one of you will definitely get stuck on social networks and ruin the whole date.
14. Shake off the dust from the old console
Get cartridges with your favorite games from childhood from the mezzanine. Become Chip and Dale, or Mario and Luigi, or tankers. The inability to save will add spice to the entertainment. nine0003
15. Teach each other something new
You'd be surprised how many people don't know how to make basic things like a paper tulip. Teach each other these fun but useless skills.
16. Have a picnic
You will definitely find some snacks in the refrigerator, and you won't have to spend money. But pay attention to the surroundings. A cloth tablecloth, glass plates, and metal utensils will create a very different experience than their plastic counterparts. nine0003
If it's cold or cloudy outside, place a tablecloth directly on the floor in your apartment. Bad weather is no reason to cancel a picnic.
Find your match 🏠💖
- 21 date ideas at home
17. Cook dinner together
You don't have to claim to be a Michelin-starred restaurant chef - something simple will be enough. Because, as the cat Matroskin said, joint work unites. nine0003
18. Go to a dance party
Many dance schools host parties with workshops that are either free or have a nominal price. Even if you do not know how to dance at all, you will not be kicked out in disgrace, but, on the contrary, they will help you master the simplest steps.
19. Work out together
You can train your body in the street just as efficiently as in the gym. And doing it together is even more fun.
20. Walk home
In small towns this is not a challenge at all, but in some places such a trip can become a real journey, during which you will definitely discover something new.
Just in case, it is better to have money for a taxi with you.
21. Ride the long route on the tram
Some public transport trips can replace a sightseeing tour of the city. Choose a bus, trolleybus or tram that runs from end to end of the city and enjoy the views. Please note that rush hour is not suitable for this. nine0003
22. Take pictures of each other
Don't aim to fill up your gallery of perfect shots on Instagram*. Shoot each other on your phones, trying to capture real emotions. So you save photos in your gadget that will delight you and remind you why you are with this person.
23. Go to a small and unpopular museum
It won't be free, but it will be very cheap. And probably interesting enough if you carefully choose a museum in advance.
24. Go to the pet store
You don't have to buy a pet. Just look at the fish, hamsters and other furry store dwellers. It evokes tenderness and exacerbates the feeling of intimacy.
Avoid snake feeding times. A hamster in a snake's mouth will not cause joy.
25. Catch the rhythm of the city
Sit on a bench in a crowded place and watch what is happening around you. Make up stories for passers-by, guess if someone will come to the guy with a bouquet and if the dove will find a piece of loaf thrown to him.