| 9000 900 roses." More about Bashlachev Article written on July 15, 2020 5:15 pm Posted: - in the i_bystander column
Submitted by a colleague neo smile , who remembered in the comments to the previous column “Everything from the screw!”, I had an idea to take a small step into the territory of Bashlachev's poetics. Last time, we seemed to be convinced that from the point of view of rhyme, Bashlachev can do just about everything. If someone is suddenly not convinced, then take my word for it, or something. At the same time, in the song “Everything from the screw!” for example, the following fragment is found: Cold April. Hot dreams. And viruses of new notes in the blood. And every target of the next war Laughing and waiting for love. Our attending physician will warm the solar syringe, And the needles of rays will find our blood again. Don't, don't cry. Sit and watch, How love goes through the throat. In just two quatrains, “blood-love” rhymes twice! One of the most banal rhymes in Russian poetry. To this pair, “carrots” are often added to heighten mockery. The question is, how is that? And like this. Obviously, Bashlachev could use a different rhyme. It is equally obvious that he himself could not help but feel that the rhymes "stick out" from the text. The conclusion suggests itself that this is approximately the expected effect. The pairing of these words is so important to Bashlachev that he is ready to emphasize it at any opportunity - even at the risk of running into rejection. nine0031 It is not so difficult to verify this statement and confirm it - the fact is that even from memory and offhand I am able to give many examples of the use of this rhyme in other songs. Cigarette filter stained with blood. I'm driving through the minefield of love. ("Train") Let him take it on the tooth, but not in kvass, but in blood. Short communions in Rus'. Do not judge us. In Rus', love From time immemorial is akin to any heresy. nine0031 ("Eternal Fast") But something white light in the blood Yes, something is the wind behind your back All sisters - for love Just be with me Yes, only you live ( “Everything will be fine”) And again you collect the loaf bit by bit. And drop by drop your blood into the boiling water again. Life… it will not forgive only those Who thought too badly of her. Baba takes revenge only for not taking, For not accepting love. nine0031 (“Triptych in memory of Vysotsky”) It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that this is the most common rhyme for Bashlachev. And that these two words are firmly connected for him, and, as it were, are not generally interchangeable. Actually, line "Eternal Fasting, wash yourself in my love!" is exactly about this, as is the last quoted line from "Everything from the screw!". Bashlachev generally has a lot of love, especially in pronouncedly light texts. Probably the most interesting example in this regard can be found in the song "Dough": Winter presses the earth. All the news - in the spring. In a second - through the centuries, through the dusty bottomholes Intoxicating wind of true love. This is not a new thing - to catch this Word, You again, and again, and again - catch. It's a simple matter - there are no those who are not worth it, There are no those who are not worth love. Love rhymes here - with love! Let and through the line. But he also has a lot of blood... Necessary forewarning - the discussion below will be highly amateurish, the quotation marks in the title primarily warn about this. Mistakes, respectively, are possible - both in terminology and in general in anything. But I promise to try. And, well, about a few words, of course, it is said with a certain coquetry, there will be a lot of letters. So, six lines: I would like to create a gate at three roads. [Yes] the sky to turn the hunt to convulsions. nine0031 Times crawl like reptiles, where everyone has their own head. Today - Terrible Itching. Here, take me, naked! Today is a Lean Day. Woe - mountain, but laughter in furs! With singing on the wattle fence - throat - of a red rooster. Close to the beginning of the song. It is known in several versions and versions, but these lines in them, if memory serves, more or less coincide. However, at one point below, I would prefer to exclude the "Yes" at the beginning of the second line from consideration. Why I allow myself to do this, I will try to explain in a note*. nine0031 So, to begin with, we will more or less evade the discussion of size. Again, there are well-known reasons for this, but this size is at least unequal. There is a temptation to call him dolnik and limit himself to that, especially since dolnik is quite a normal thing both for modern poetry in general and for “rock poetry”, to which Bashlachev is traditionally referred, in particular. It seems to me that everything is not so trivial, it makes sense to note that all six lines are made in the same complex meter, which, however, has undergone numerous local corrections - in particular, assonant rhymes. Let's move on to rhymes. nine0031 A superficial glance will tell us that these six lines are rhymed in parallel (in general, the rhyming scheme within the song changes several times). A little less superficial - that internal rhyme is also present, this is quite common for Bashlachev and not to say that it is a unique phenomenon in poetry in general, although it certainly adds beauty to the poetic text. Then we still dig deeper, but for now let's briefly dwell on the final rhymes of the first four lines. To the ear (and in the 3rd and 4th lines and to the eye) they seem to produce a strange, clumsy impression. That is, it turns out that the poetic technique declared in the title has changed the author here and is generally lame? Of course no. Before us are assonant, deliberately irregular rhymes - not too often used, but very effective means in modern (at least from the middle of the 20th century, or even earlier) poetry. And, of course, this is not an accidental negligence. So, in the first pair of lines we have a complete match of the last five letters: roads . This is the so-called "exact" and even very accurate rhyme, a double-edged technique - beautiful in itself, but when the rhyming words are in the same form, and in our case this is exactly the case, it threatens to slide into banality. Mismatched stress roads / (sU) roads just removes this banality, the effective rhyme remains. With the 3rd and 4th lines it is still more interesting, because the rhyme here is not just assonant, but also agraphic! Visually rhyme va/go does not look very good at all, but these words are pronounced, adjusted for the variability of unstressed vowels, head / head . That is, by ear, the rhyme is again both assonant and extremely accurate. Moreover, the coincidence here is no longer just letter-by-letter, but word-by-word - but the words are extremely different in form and meaning. In fact, what at first seemed clumsy, turns into a rather high degree of verbal gourmandism. Armed with the understanding that our text is very complicated, we look at it a little more closely and find that the internal rhyme in it is not ordinary, but double. The easiest way to notice this is in the last couple of lines: they rhyme Day/wattle (in matching positions) and either mountain/throat (position not matching) or mountain/throat in matching positions. This last ambiguity, of course, is a consequence of the pairing mountain - mountain , to which we will return in passing, here we note that the rhyme like mountain / throat belongs to the category, I don’t know - high-quality, or something. Accurate, because the endings match, non-banal, because different sounds immediately before the ending, and "deep", because the parts of the word outside the ending "rhyme" - in this case generally coincide. nine0031 In the 3rd and 4th lines, the first pair of internal rhymes crawl/Itch in matching positions is quite obvious, but knowing what to look for, we can easily find the second one: times/take me . And it is also spectacular - unexpectedness and a good coincidence of consonants, alliteration. Let's look at the first couple of lines, and then it remains to open your mouth. The internal rhyme here is triple! Moreover, the rhyming words are in the same positions, in fact, the first two thirds of each of the lines is one continuous giant rhyme. nine0077 I would / sky , create / turn , gate / hunt . The first of these rhymes is spectacular, albeit hardly original, the last is simply high-quality and unbanal (different forms of words). Between them is the only verbal rhyme in the entire fragment. In fact, it is customary to look askance at them, although an exception could be made for such a dense rhyme. So after all, it does not require any exception - the verbal banality is entirely redeemed by the fact that the rhyme is deep, the words rhyme in their entirety, moreover, they are generally anagrams! nine0031 As a result, we discovered that our fragment is literally rhymed through and through - and so far we have been talking exclusively about rhymes in the traditional sense of the word. And there is not a single “bad” in the trivial sense of the word - poor quality, poor, banal - among these rhymes at all. And what about the semantic pair Terrible Itching / Lean Day , in which the keyword in the phrases denoting the same event is played both times, and in different ways? About two consecutive alliterative pairs grief - mountain, but laughter in furs ? Here, by the way, it makes sense to also note the alliteration create a gate , at the same time adding shine to the internal rhyme create / turn . And the last line, where three idioms are strung one on top of the other at once - and the output is by no means nonsense, but a multi-layered picture? In particular, in combination with the previous line, the image of a village forge. It's up to you, dear reader, but I have never seen such a concentration of poetic technique on a square centimeter of text, and I don't hope to see it anywhere else. Of course, the technique of unified poetics (and even more so poetry) of Bashlachev is not exhausted, but this is a separate gigantic topic, where six lines are definitely not enough . .. ========== * Adding conjunctions and interjections at the beginning of lines to the text, which otherwise would have had a strictly consistent size - is also one of Bashlachev's characteristic techniques, I don't know for sure whether it should be classified as poetic or to songs. In principle, it can be seen in this way, but it can be illustrated conclusively. For example, “Eternal Fasting” begins with a quatrain: [Well] Roll up my sleeves, Lord. [Yes] Give me a staff on the right path. [And] I'll go watch your widow She twisted her dry chest in her fist. What is in square brackets is not in later performances and is not in the book “Like a Blade”, which, as I understand it, was proofread from manuscripts, although I am not sure about this particular song. And in perhaps my favorite performance - there is. |