How do you spell 9
What is 9 spelling?
Generally numbers in words are written using English alphabets. Therefore, in English, the number 9 is written as Nine.
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Which is correct nineth or ninth?
9th written as a word: The ninth letter of the alphabet is I. The spring semester ends on the ninth (of May). UK She was/came ninth in the national finals.
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How is 9th written in words?
Spell out ordinal numbers from 'first' to 'ninth'. Use numerals for ordinals from '10th' onwards.
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How do you spell numbers in words?
The Chicago Manual of Style recommends spelling out the numbers zero through one hundred and using figures thereafter—except for whole numbers used in combination with hundred, thousand, hundred thousand, million, billion, and beyond (e. g., two hundred; twenty-eight thousand; three hundred thousand; one million).
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What is 4 spelling?
4 in words is written as Four. In both the International System of Numerals and the Indian System of Numerals, 4 is written as Four. The number 4 is a Cardinal Number as it could represent some quantity.
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Lesson 9 - Spelling - Learn English with Jennifer
Do you spell 23?
Twenty-three Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster.
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How is 7 spell?
7 in words is written as Seven.
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How do you spell 69?
69 in words is written as “Sixty-nine”.
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What is the 1234 spelling?
1234 in words is written as One thousand two hundred thirty-four. In both the International System of Numerals and the Indian System of Numerals, 1234 is written as One thousand two hundred thirty-four.
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How do you spell 777?
777 in words is written as Seven hundred seventy-seven.
In both the International System of Numerals and the Indian System of Numerals, 777 is written as Seven hundred seventy-seven.
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How do you write a 9th letter?
State your purpose clearly and briefly. State the purpose of your writing in the first or second sentence of the letter. Include all necessary information. Provide all the information your reader needs to understand and respond appropriately to your letter.
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Should 9th be spelled out?
Numerals should be used for numbers 10 and above, but numbers nine and below should be spelled out. 2.
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Does ninety-nine Need a hyphen?
NUMBERS: from twenty-one to ninety-nine, when spelled out, are hyphenated. FRACTIONS: Hyphenate a fraction when it is used as a adjective (e.g., a two-thirds majority). Write as two words when used as a noun (e.g. two thirds of the participants). Use figures for sums of money, except when they begin a sentence.
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Does ninety-nine have a hyphen?
Use a hyphen when writing two-word numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine (inclusive) as words. But don't use a hyphen for hundreds, thousands, millions and billions.
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How Do You Spell 1111?
1111 in words is written as One thousand one hundred eleven. In both the International System of Numerals and the Indian System of Numerals, 1111 is written as One thousand one hundred eleven.
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Do you spell 37?
Hence, 37 in words is written as Thirty-seven.
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How do you spell 444?
Therefore, 444 in words is written as Four Hundred Forty-Four.
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How do you spell 99?
The number 99 in words is Ninety-nine.
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Do you spell 71?
71 in words is written in words as Seventy-one. Writing the numbers in words is nothing but expressing the number names.
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Do you spell 96?
The name of the number 96 is Ninety-six.
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How is 1000 spell?
Therefore, 1000 in words is written as One thousand.
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Can you spell 80?
80 in words is Eighty.
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What is the 50 spelling?
The number 50 is fifty in words.
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Numbers 1 to 100 Counting Chart | English for Kids | Kids
You can scroll this chart sideways on mobile (and on desktop if necessary). It will print on an A4 sheet or as PDF. See also our 1-100 counting chart wallposter (download FREE).
1 one | 2 two | 3 three | 4 four | 5 five | 6 six | 7 seven | 8 eight | 9 nine | 10 ten |
11 eleven | 12 twelve | 13 thirteen | 14 fourteen | 15 fifteen | 16 sixteen | 17 seventeen | 18 eighteen | 19 nineteen | 20 twenty |
21 twenty- one | 22 twenty- two | 23 twenty- three | 24 twenty- four | 25 twenty- five | 26 twenty- six | 27 twenty- seven | 28 twenty- eight | 29 twenty- nine | 30 thirty |
31 thirty- one | 32 thirty- two | 33 thirty- three | 34 thirty- four | 35 thirty- five | 36 thirty- six | 37 thirty- seven | 38 thirty- eight | 39 thirty- nine | 40 forty |
41 forty- one | 42 forty- two | 43 forty- three | 44 forty- four | 45 forty- five | 46 forty- six | 47 forty- seven | 48 forty- eight | 49 forty- nine | 50 fifty |
51 fifty- one | 52 fifty- two | 53 fifty- three | 54 fifty- four | 55 fifty- five | 56 fifty- six | 57 fifty- seven | 58 fifty- eight | 59 fifty- nine | 60 sixty |
61 sixty- one | 62 sixty- two | 63 sixty- three | 64 sixty- four | 65 sixty- five | 66 sixty- six | 67 sixty- seven | 68 sixty- eight | 69 sixty- nine | 70 seventy |
71 seventy- one | 72 seventy- two | 73 seventy- three | 74 seventy- four | 75 seventy- five | 76 seventy- six | 77 seventy- seven | 78 seventy- eight | 79 seventy- nine | 80 eighty |
81 eighty- one | 82 eighty- two | 83 eighty- three | 84 eighty- four | 85 eighty- five | 86 eighty- six | 87 eighty- seven | 88 eighty- eight | 89 eighty- nine | 90 ninety |
91 ninety- one | 92 ninety- two | 93 ninety- three | 94 ninety- four | 95 ninety- five | 96 ninety- six | 97 ninety- seven | 98 ninety- eight | 99 ninety- nine | 100 one hundred |
"Number and figure 9".

Lesson objectives:
1. During practical activities and observations to form an idea of the number 9, its composition.
2. Learn to write the number 9.
3. Learn to perform addition and subtraction within 9.
4. Train the ability to compose expressions showing the relationship between addition and subtraction.
5. Train mental operations, speech, creative abilities of students.
Planned results: Personal UUD:
- Ability to self-assessment based on criterion for the success of educational activities.
- students are able to identify and formulate goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher; know how make a guess based on work with textbook material; evaluate correctness performing an action; plan their action in accordance with the task ( Regulatory UUD).
- are able to formulate their thoughts orally form; listen and understand the speech of others; learn to work in pairs and evaluate themselves and each other, formulate their own opinions and position ( Communicative UUD).
- know how to navigate their system knowledge: distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; acquire new knowledge: find Answering questions using the textbook life experiences and information from lesson. (Cognitive UUD).
- reproduce a sequence of numbers from 0 to 20 in both forward and reverse order, starting from any number; determine the place of the number 9 in natural series of numbers. Know the composition of the number 9. They know how to write the number 9.
Technology used: technology dialogue interaction with game elements.
Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially exploratory, research.
Organizational forms of work: group, frontal.
Lesson type: Learning new material.
Equipment: mathematics textbook 1 class, L.G. Peterson, ICT, magnets, sun s cloud, envelopes with cell phone template and words, glue, number line and color strip, cards for groups, fans.
Lesson progress
I. Motivational moment.
Greeting guests. Today we have an unusual lesson. We have guests. Let's how hospitable hosts say hello and welcome our guests. ( Students turn to the guests and greet).
We are glad to welcome you to our class.
Perhaps there are classes and better and more beautiful.
But let it be light in our class.
Let it be comfortable and very easy.
We are instructed to meet you today.
Well, let's start the lesson, let's not waste time in vain.
II. Self-determination to activity.
Guys, before I start the lesson, I want to ask, what mood are you in today to the lesson? Children choose emoticons - magnets and attach a smiley face to the sun, to a cloud simple. (Each has two on the desk. magnets: smiley and simple). I am very happy that you are in such a mood, because it will help us today in math class. motto on the board lessons:
Get to work in a good mood! (2 slide)
Read the wish for today's lesson.
- Why work should start with a good mood?
- What do you learn in every lesson? (We are learning learn.)
- Remind me what this means? (Learning is understanding that I don't know, and build a way myself.)
- What did you study in the last lessons? (We studied number 8.)
Today in the lesson you will continue to study numbers. Get ready for work.
Shake hands and wish each other good luck.
You said to write numbers correctly.
Why? Where can you be useful?
III. Knowledge update.
Let's start with repetition.
Teacher: Why do you need to repeat the past material?
Students: To learn new things.
Image opens on the board (3 slide)
1 ... 3 ... ... 6 7 ... |
Guess the entry. Between the numbers 1 and 3 is ellipsis. It denotes the omission of a number, which means you need to name the number that, when counting, is between 1 and 3. This number is 2. It consists of two units, its graphic model two points.
Missing numbers are explained in the same way and correlate with the graphical model.
1) Working with a fan.
- Show previous number 7. (6.)
- Show the next number 3. (4.)
- What is the number between 2 and 4? (3.)
- What is the number to the left of 3? (2.)
- What number is to the right of 4? (5.)
- Name the neighbors of number 6. (5 and 7.)
2) Repetition of the composition of the number 8 (slide 2)
The inhabitants of this house invite you to remember composition of the number 8. ( Pupils repeat the composition of the number 8). Interactive board.
IV. Statement of the problem for introduction to the topic lesson.
- Remember our journey through the numerical section
- At which station did we stop? (at station 8)
- Should we continue our journey through number line? (Worth)
- Why? (We did not get acquainted with all the numbers, to find out other numbers, their composition)
- Then let's continue our journey through the numerical cut and get ready to learn something new. Who of you guessed which next station should be on our way? Who will name the topic of our lesson?
- What will help us on this journey? (Our knowledge)
We have already studied a lot of numbers. Let's remember how we did it, and we will do the same study the number 9.
How? (first we will determine how to get the number 9, learn to write the number 9, and then open the composition numbers 9)
Further work is carried out frontally, in couples and groups.
1 ) Designation of the place of the number 9 on the numerical segment: (work in pairs). On the desk lies colored number line. Application 1.
Teacher: Show with an arrow on the numerical
In pairs, students glue the strip on number line, mark the number 9and from c. 8 draws arrow and write the number 9.
Teacher: Why is the arrow pointing to the right?
Students: Because the number is increasing, so as added 1. (Slide 4)
Teacher: Tell me everything you know about number 9.
Pupils: The number 9 is in the natural row numbers in ninth place. It is larger than the previous one. the number 8 by 1 and less than the subsequent number 10 by 1. It stands between the numbers 8 and 10.
2) Matching the number 9 entry.
Teacher: What are we going to do now?
Pupils: we will learn to write the number 9.
Teacher: What number does it look like with its elements?
Students: To number 6. (Slide 5)
Number six upside down
Became a different number.
Can You Believe -
Not six, but nine.
Teacher: And what should be done in order to write a number?
Students: Look at the sample in the textbook and find out how it is spelled in a cage.
Teacher: See how to write correctly number 9. (Slide 6)
Now write the number 9 in your notebook. Circle number that works best for you. Swap notebooks and select the most beautiful number 9.
3) Work on the composition of the number 9.
Teacher: To correctly solve examples with number 9, what should we know?
Students: Composition of number 9.
Teacher: Let's work in groups . Appendix 2 . (task for each group on sheet A4) You have white sheets on your desks with task.
Each group must be inserted in the empty boxes numbers and make four equalities, which help you get the number 9. A drawing will help you figures divided into groups according to the properties of objects
Students make equals, each group record the results, responsible from the group goes to the board, attaches and reads. If you study agree - clap, disagree - stomp, correct (slide 7)
Teacher: How did you get the number 9? The result is recorded in the house (slide 8)
Pupils say the result, and on the screen the composition of the number 9 appears
Teacher: Well done. And now you can decide example on the composition of the number 9?
What is the next step in our journey? (Practice.)
So we can solve examples.
V. Primary fixation with pronunciation in external speech (slide 9)
Where will knowledge of the number 9 come in handy? (When deciding examples, etc. )
No. 3, page . 19
- Find No. 3 on page 19. What to do in this task? (Find the value of expressions.)
- What will help you? (Numeric segment.)
Students go to the blackboard in a chain and do task with comments. Option comments:
It is more convenient to add 1 to 8, for this, on a numerical segment we take one step to the right of the number 8, we get the number 9, then we take 5 steps to the left, we get the number 4.
VI. Reflection of learning activities in the classroom.
- What was the purpose of your trip? (We have to were to learn how to write the number 9, learn the composition numbers 9.)
- Did you achieve your goal? Prove it.
- What was used in the lesson for education new number? (Numeric segment.)
- Were you able to complete the steps in the tutorial? activities?
- Who helped you the most during trips? To whom would you say "thank you"?
- Guys, I want you to send by cell phone SMS to your parents, how are you today worked at the lesson, did you get new knowledge. Children choose and stick a word (great, ok, you can do better). Appendix 3.
- The lesson is coming to an end. Now you will receive task to check how you worked today at the lesson. If you complete the task correctly, then you will receive my assessment of your performance on lesson. (slide 10)
(Children go to the board and arrange the numbers according to ascending and receive the word “excellent”). Thank you for the lesson!
How to spell numbers correctly
Reading 4 min Views 23k. Posted by
When a child goes to school, prescriptions begin. They even exist in mathematics. Then parents begin to wonder - how to write numbers in words correctly, what to learn on their own and then teach their child. Yes Yes! After all, parents write numbers at random, and not as required at school. Therefore, here are our recommendations for writing numbers.
How to spell the number 1
We start drawing a line from the center of the cell to its upper right corner, and then draw the stick down, trying not to go beyond the lower border of the cell.
Look at the picture and you will understand how the number 1 is written correctly.
If the child is still unable to write the number 1 correctly, practice the individual elements of the number and only then start writing the whole number 1.
How to write the number 2 correctly
Number 2 must first of all fit in the cage, so it is important that its head and tail are inside the cage. Well, if the number 2 does not fall forward or backward.
See how the artist drew the number 2 and repeat the same number 2 in the notebook.
How to spell the number 3 correctly
The rule is the same - the number must fit inside the cage, while the upper hook of the number 3 is approximately half as long as the lower one. In the figure you will see how to circle the number 3.
Practice the elements of the number 3 in your notebook, if it is difficult to deduce the number 3 at once.
How to spell the number 4 correctly
If in the textbook the number 3 looks like the written one, then the number 4 is completely different from the written one. The number 4 consists of two separate elements. When writing the number 4, the child can tear the pen off the paper. It is important to draw two elements - an inclined stick, like the number 1 and an angled stick to the left of it.
Look at the direction of writing the number 4. This is a real written number, and the child should be prohibited from drawing the same triangle as the printed number 4.
How to spell the number 5 correctly
You can write the number 5 without taking your hand off the notebook, or you can divide it into two elements - a tail and an inclined stick with a semicircle. The second spelling is studied at school. The child needs to be explained that the tail should not jump out of the cage, it should not be made too wavy, the main thing is that it should be inside the cage.
Usually the correct spelling of the number 5 does not cause any serious difficulties for children.
How to spell the number 6 9 correctly0387
Numbers 6 and 9 are often confused by children. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly indicate to the child that the numbers 6 and 9 are similar to each other, but the number 6 has a hook at the top, and the nine has it at the bottom. You can come up with some kind of associative series so that the child remembers it.
Start writing the number 6 from the top and, smoothly leading the line down, turn to the middle of the cage.
How to spell the number 7 correctly
The printed number 7 does not have a stick in the middle. However, children easily remember its necessity, otherwise there will be constant confusion with the number 1. However, for example, in England, children do not write a stick in the middle for seven. And the difference between 1 and 7 is only in the slope of the small upper elements, relative to the vertical slash.
How to write numbers in words - look at our pictures.
How to spell the number 8 correctly
The number 8 is the most disliked number among first-graders. It is written quite difficult - you need to bend the line twice, writing out this figure.
Usually, the difficulty of writing the number 8 lies in the fact that it is still difficult for a child to compare the sizes of the upper and lower ovals of this number.
Everything will come with writing experience. Practice writing the individual elements of this figure first, and then combine them into a single whole.
How to spell the number 9 correctly
The number 9 is a circle at the top and a squiggle at the bottom - see how it can be drawn in the picture.
It is important to remember in which direction to squiggle - to the right or to the left - all this is given with experience.