How do you spell connect
Correct spelling for connect [Infographic]
I would have connected
you would have connected
he/she/it would have connected
we would have connected
they would have connected
I would have connect
you would have connect
he/she/it would have connect
we would have connect
they would have connect
I would have been connecting
you would have been connecting
he/she/it would have been connecting
we would have been connecting
they would have been connecting
I would connect
you would connect
he/she/it would connect
we would connect
they would connect
I would be connecting
you would be connecting
he/she/it would be connecting
we would be connecting
they would be connecting
I will connect
you will connect
he/she/it will connect
we will connect
they will connect
I will be connecting
you will be connecting
he/she/it will be connecting
we will be connecting
they will be connecting
I will have connected
you will have connected
he/she/it will have connected
we will have connected
they will have connected
I will have been connecting
you will have been connecting
he/she/it will have been connecting
we will have been connecting
they will have been connecting
you connect
we let´s connect
to connect
I was connecting
you were connecting
he/she/it was connecting
we were connecting
they were connecting
I had connected
you had connected
he/she/it had connected
we had connected
they had connected
I had been connecting
you had been connecting
he/she/it had been connecting
we had been connecting
they had been connecting
I connect
you connect
he/she/it connects
we connect
they connect
I am connecting
you are connecting
he/she/it is connecting
we are connecting
they are connecting
I have connected
you have connected
he/she/it has connected
we have connected
they have connected
I have been connecting
you have been connecting
he/she/it has been connecting
we have been connecting
they have been connecting
he/she/it connect
I connected
you connected
he/she/it connected
we connected
they connected
Connect Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
con·nect kə-ˈnekt
intransitive verb
: to become joined
The two rooms connect by a hallway.
ideas that connect easily to form a theory
: to meet for the transference of passengers
connecting flights
: to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination
passengers connecting with international flights
: to make a successful hit, shot, or throw
connected for a home run
He connected on 60 percent of his shots.
: to have or establish a rapport
tried to connect with the younger generation
: to establish a communications connection
connect to the Internet
transitive verb
: to join or fasten together usually by something intervening
A highway connects the two towns.
: to place or establish in relationship
Police were unable to connect her to the crime.
connectable adjective
or less commonly connectible
connector noun
or less commonly connecter
connect the dots
: to link together logically related elements in order to draw a conclusion
trying to connect the dots in the investigation
- catenate
- chain
- compound
- concatenate
- conjugate
- couple
- hitch
- hook
- interconnect
- interlink
- join
- link
- yoke
See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus
Example Sentences
Can you connect the hose to the sprinkler? Connect the cable to the battery.
A hallway connects the two rooms. It's the major highway connecting the two towns. A common theme connects the stories. The two bones connect at the elbow. The hose connects easily to the sprinkler. The bedroom connects to the kitchen. I never connected you with that group of people.
There's no evidence connecting the company directly to the scandal. See More
Recent Examples on the Web The East-West BRT system is a nine-mile project will that connect downtown Milwaukee, the near west side, Marquette University, Wauwatosa and the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center. Drake Bentley, Journal Sentinel, 11 Nov. 2022 Chartered flights will connect Israel and Qatar for the World Cup, allowing Israelis and Palestinians for a limited period to shuttle directly between two countries that have no diplomatic relations, FIFA said Thursday. Michael Amon, WSJ, 10 Nov. 2022 Among the world’s most trafficked animals, freshwater turtles are targeted by criminal networks that connect with buyers on the internet then transport the reptiles to black markets in Hong Kong and other Asian cities. Michael Casey, Fortune, 9 Nov. 2022 The system does not connect to TVs or monitors, does not come with a docking station, and does not support HD rumble or motion camera controls. Harry Rabinowitz, Popular Mechanics, 9 Nov. 2022 And then, there is the other side who really don’t connect with it at all. Margy Rochlin, Los Angeles Times, 8 Nov. 2022 The whole thing can be solved with figures, or graphs, which are networks of points (also called nodes) and edges (the lines that connect the points).
Manon Bischoff, Scientific American, 8 Nov. 2022 Doesn’t help that receiver Kendrick Bourne and quarterback Mac Jones couldn’t connect on third down. Christopher Price,, 6 Nov. 2022 And gave several examples of interstate highways that didn't connect to an interstate on both ends. Frank Fellone, Arkansas Online, 5 Nov. 2022 See More
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'connect. ' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
Word History
Middle English, from Latin conectere, connectere, from com- + nectere to bind
First Known Use
15th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of connect was in the 15th century
See more words from the same century
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Cite this Entry
“Connect. ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 19 Nov. 2022.
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Kids Definition
con·nect kə-ˈnekt
: to join or link together directly or by something coming between : unite
towns connected by a railroad
the two bones connect at the elbow
: to attach by personal relationship
connected by marriage
: to bring together in thought
connect the smell of burning leaves with childhood
: to be related
an event connected with our success
: to establish a means of communication
connect to the Internet
connector noun
also connecter
More from Merriam-Webster on
connectNglish: Translation of connect for Spanish Speakers
Britannica English: Translation of connect for Arabic Speakers
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How to write words related to the Internet?
How to write words related to the Internet?
What is the letter of the word Internet?
Internet can be used as a noun (independent part of speech) or as the first part of compound words. It depends on the writing.
When used independently, it is now possible to write with uppercase and lowercase letters : access to the Internet and access to the Internet, use the Internet and to use the Internet. But Runet - only with a capital: Runet Prize.
When used as the first part of compound words, it is correct only with lowercase and through a hyphen : Internet site, Internet user, Internet Olympiad, Internet addicted .
This spelling is established in the 4th edition of the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (M., 2012).
How did you write before?
In previous editions of the Russian Spelling Dictionary, a clear division was made: Internet as the first part of compound words - only with a lowercase letter, like now (Internet site), but Internet when used independently - only with capital letter (Internet access), spelling of this word with a lowercase letter when used independently was not .
0009 Internet , in accordance with the practice of writing and the decision of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, two options are proposed - with an initial capital and with a lowercase letter ”(quote from the preface to the 4th edition).
What letter to write other names of the Internet - network, web, web?
When used in the meaning of 'Internet', the words Network and Web are capitalized: access to the Web, find information on the Web. But if these words are preceded by an adjective Worldwide , then it is it that is written with a capital letter, and the words network and web - with a lowercase letter. Correct: World Wide Web, World Wide Web.
The spelling of web / web is similar to the spelling of internet / internet. When used independently, it is possible: Web and Web (Web Access and Web Access). The first part of compound words web - written in lower case and appended with a hyphen: website, webmaster, web design, web address, webcam. But the words weblog and webmaker are written together.
How do you spell online and offline?
The first parts of the compound words online and offline are written in lowercase letters (note the single letter f in the word offline ) and are appended with a hyphen: online discussion browser, offline directory., offline. Writing in lowercase is preserved even when these words are used independently: Are you online or offline now?
How many letters r are in the word blog(r)er?
In the word , blogger spells one . Here is how the chairman of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Lopatin explains this spelling:
anglicisms in the source language, which is characterized by doubling the root consonant before the suffix. Since this phenomenon is alien to Russian writing, one should write, for example, Shoping, But not shopping (cf. Cr. Shop , also borrowed from English), Blogger and Bloging (cf. Blog ), scanner (c. scan ), 9999 spammer (cf. spam ), rapper (cf. rap ), although in the English etymons of these derivatives the consonant is doubled before the suffixes - er and - ing . Settled spellings of long-loaned words stopper (sport.) and controller (tech.), moreover, pronounced with a long consonant, should not prevent the codification of new similar borrowings with a single consonant before the suffix.
What has been said, however, does not apply to borrowings-anglicisms such as banner, plotter, jogging , kidnapping , etc., which in Russian do not have single-root correspondences with a single consonant.
How are website names spelled?
When writing site names, general rules apply: names are written with a capital letter and enclosed in quotation marks: portals "Yandex", "Rambler", "Culture of written speech"; social networks "Facebook", "VKontakte" (the official name of this resource is exactly that, although it contradicts the norms of Russian writing; it should be: "Vkontakte ", compare: magazine "Behind the wheel" , not "ZaRulem »).
The component after the dot (if present in the name) is written in lower case:
We believe that in everyday use (when transmitting colloquial speech in writing) it is permissible to write in lowercase without quotes: Facebook post, check the word on the letter, Google advertising link, Instagram photo (an analogy with the rules that describe household use of brand names, products and goods).
Web addresses of sites (written both in Latin and Cyrillic) are written in lower case: ; president.rf.
Spelling and grammar checker on Mac
Many macOS applications check spelling as you type and correct errors automatically. You can turn off this feature and use other spell checking options when typing email messages, text messages, and documents.
Using auto correction
When checking spelling, the application underlines misspelled words with a red line and suggests replacements.
To change preferences, on your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Keyboard in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down).
Open Keyboard Settings
Go to the Text Entry section on the right and click Edit.
Turn on Fix Errors Automatically, then click Done.
To automatically capitalize the first word of a sentence or names (for example, St. Petersburg or Michael), turn on the Automatically Capitalize Words option.
Start typing in the application.
If misspelled words are recognized, do the following.
How to accept a suggestion: If the app only suggested one replacement, just continue typing and the word will be corrected automatically. If more than one option is offered, select the one you want.
To ignore suggestions: Press the Esc key, then continue typing.
How to undo an autocorrect: An autocorrected word is briefly underlined in blue.
To restore the original spelling, place the cursor directly after the corrected word - the original spelling will appear on the screen. Select it. You can also press the word while holding down the Control key. The original option will also appear on the screen and you can select it.
To turn off auto-correction in a particular application, open it, select the menu item Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Auto-correct errors (if this box is not displayed, auto-correct is turned off).
Even if the application's Edit menu doesn't have a spell checker or grammar checker, check the settings or menu of that application to see if it has its own spell checker.
Pressing F5 while entering text will display word suggestions (depending on your Mac model, you may also need to press the Fn key). If your Mac has a Touch Bar, you can choose to show input options in the Touch Bar in Settings.
Check spelling and grammar
You can do the following in apps on your Mac.
How to check spelling. Select Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Document Now. The first error is highlighted. To move to the next error, press Command-semicolon (;). Control-click a word to see suggested spellings for a word.
How to check grammar: Choose Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Grammar and Spelling (a check mark indicates that this feature is enabled). Grammar errors are underlined with a green line. Hover over the underlined word to read the description of the error.
Grammar check is not available in all languages or in all countries/regions. See the macOS feature availability webpage.
How to ignore misspelled words: Control-click the word, then choose Ignore Spelling. If the found word occurs several times, then it will be skipped in the current document, and highlighted in all other documents.
To add a word to the spelling dictionary: Control-click the word, then choose Remember Spelling.
This word will not be marked as erroneous in any documents.
Delete a word from the spelling dictionary. Control-click a word, then choose Don't Remember Spelling.
When checking long documents, it is sometimes more convenient to use the Spelling and Grammar window. Choose Edit > Spelling & Grammar > Show Spelling & Grammar.
Selecting Languages for Automatic Spell Checking
By default, spelling is checked automatically no matter what language you use on your Mac. Other languages can be added.
To change preferences, on your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Keyboard in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down).
Open Keyboard Settings
Go to the Text Entry section on the right and click Edit.
To do this, do the following:
Spell check for one language. Click the Spelling pop-up menu and select a language.
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