How to find reading level
Assessing a Student's Level | Reading A-Z
Running Records
on Raz-Plus
With our online running record tool, Raz-Plus or Raz-Kids members can:
- Assign a Benchmark Book from Levels aa-J
- Assign a Benchmark Passage from Levels aa-Z2
- Listen to students' recordings from reading aloud a book or passage.
- Score all student recordings using an online running-record tool.
- Listen to students' recordings of retellings.
- Score retellings using an online rubric.
- See quiz questions missed and a report on which comprehension skills to support or re-teach with each student.
- Reward students' progress through awarding stars to spend in the RAZ Rocket.
- Track your students' progress over time.
Reading A-Z provides a three-part assessment process to help you place students in instructionally appropriate level texts.
- Find out at which level to start a student.
- Determine when a student is ready to move to the next level.
Part 1: Students read Benchmark Passages or Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J), and you capture their reading behavior on Running Records.
Part 2: Students retell the text, and you use Retelling Rubrics to score their comprehension.
Part 3: Students take an oral or written Comprehension Quick Check Quiz, and each question's answer tells what skill it assessed to help you identify comprehension skills for additional practice.
Part 1: Start with Benchmark Passages & Running Records or Benchmark Books & Running Records (Levels aa-J). Select a passage or book that best approximates a student's reading level. Use the running records that accompany each passage or book to score a student's reading behavior. (Initially you may have to take more than one running record to determine a student's instructional level.

Review About Running Records to learn about the details of taking, marking and scoring a running record.
Parts 2 & 3: Retelling Rubrics and Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes provide details about a student's understanding and comprehension of the Benchmark Passage or Book.
- Retelling Rubrics provide details that identify strengths and weaknesses students might have comprehending fiction or nonfiction texts; including analysis of text structures.
- Benchmark Passages and Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J) have multiple-choice Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes and answer keys. Use the skill tags on the answer key to see comprehension strengths and opportunities for additional instruction.
The three-part process establishes a baseline of your students' levels. Assign leveled books from Reading A-Z's extensive collection for small group practice at students' instructional levels.

How Do I Monitor Students' Reading Progress?
Use Benchmark Books or Benchmark Passages and their associated resources for progress monitoring as students' reading at their instructional levels improves.
Assessment Schedule
Developmental Level | Reading Level | Schedule |
Beginning readers | Levels aa-C | every 2 to 4 weeks |
Developing readers | Levels D-J | every 4 to 6 weeks |
Effective readers | Levels K-P | every 6 to 8 weeks |
Automatic readers | Levels Q-Z | every 8 to 10 weeks |
Students who are not progressing at the expected rate should be assessed even more frequently than the Assessment Schedule suggests.

The scores your students achieve on running records, retellings, and comprehension quizzes give you valuable information about their reading behavior and comprehension. Use it to inform your instruction in addition to placing students and monitoring their progress.
Use the chart below along with the other information you learn from the three-part assessment process to determine if students are ready to move up a level.
Running Record | Quick Check Comprehension Quiz | Action |
95% + | 100% | Advance Student a Level |
95% + | 80% | Instruct at this Level |
95% + | Lower a Level, Assess Again | |
90-94% | 80-100% | Instruct at this Level |
90-94% | Lower a Level, Assess Again | |
N/A | Lower a Level, Assess Again |
For Raz-Plus members, results from the printable running records can be entered to display in a student's Reading Rate report in your Kids A-Z management hub.

How Do I Match Learning A-Z Levels to Other Leveling Systems?
For your convenience, Learning A-Z correlates its levels to other leveling systems. If you've already placed students in levels according to another system, please reference the Level Correlation Chart to determine how another system's levels best match Learning A-Z's levels.
The correlations are not official levels assigned by the other leveling systems, but rather an approximate correlation based on a comparison of attributes in books assigned official levels by both the other leveling system and Learning A-Z.
How To Determine Your Child’s Reading Level And Choose The Best Books
When you sit down to read a book, you want to enjoy the story in front of you. The same is true for your child. That’s why uncovering your child’s reading level is an important step in fostering their love of words from a young age!
Consider the different factors that allow kids to enjoy the books they read. For example, does it tie into their interests, and is it slated as an appropriate option for their level? By answering these questions, you can make sure they’re reading books that are just right for them!
If your child is in school, you’re probably no stranger to jargon like “reading level.” But what exactly does Lexile Framework, Guided Reading Levels (GRL), or Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) actually mean?
Additionally, if your child is just starting to read on their own (or already reading independently) and is learning from home, how can you figure out what reading level is right for them? If any of these thoughts have crossed your mind, you’ve come to the right place.
We’re here to answer your questions so you and your child can sit down and enjoy a good book together!
What Is A Reading Level?
A reading level is simply a measure of your child’s ability to read text. It reflects how well your little one can read independently. Importantly, reading levels help you choose books that are a good match for your child while still presenting a challenge.
Keep in mind these levels are meant to be helpful, not stressful. They don’t limit your child, but, rather, help them blossom into a fluent, excited reader.
When your child reads books that are appropriate for their current reading level, it boosts their confidence so they can truly enjoy reading! Also, knowing what level your child is at allows you to work with them to improve their skills.
That being said, it’s important to remember that children are unique and develop differently. Comparing your child to their peers isn’t necessarily the best approach when trying to assess their reading ability.
Why Is Determining Reading Level Important?
It’s helpful to determine your child’s reading level so you can find books that are appropriate for them to read on their own: not too difficult but challenging enough to encourage growth.
Reading level classification is a convenient tool you can use when searching online or at the library. And when you provide books that are on your child’s level, you create excitement and build their confidence, which can lead to a lifetime love of learning and reading!
If you’re looking for ways to help your little one read at the best level for them, Our new app HOMER Learn & Grow has a Stories section that gives age-appropriate story recommendations!
This is a great resource that takes your child’s specific interests and recommends stories just for them. What’s more, your child can choose to read along or read on their own.
How Is Your Child’s Reading Level Measured?
Your child’s reading level is usually measured at their school in first or second grade, and we’ll show you how that’s done. Here’s a tip: since your child’s teacher knows their reading level, consider asking the teacher (or the school librarian) for books your child can read at home.
Don’t worry if your child isn’t in school yet or if they’re homeschooled. We’ll show you how you can measure their reading level at home, too!
Before we dive in, it’s important to note that we think of books for kids at three levels: independent reading, instructional reading, and frustrating to read.
As the names indicate, independent reading books are ones a child can read with ease and without support from an adult.
Instructional ones are the books just above independent that teachers might use to stretch a child’s reading as they offer support while the child makes that next step. Finally, frustrating books are too hard for a child to read even with adult guidance.
Now that you have an idea of how to think of the different books your child might encounter, let’s talk about the tools used for determining or describing reading levels.
Lexile Framework For Reading
Lexile Framework For Reading is an educational tool that ranks books by order of their difficulty using a scale called a Lexile. Usually, your child’s teacher will determine their Lexile reading level and then choose books that have a matching score.
The Lexile score, or measure, describes your child’s reading ability and matches them with books and other reading materials. This measure ranges anywhere from 0L to 2000L.
Kids are encouraged to read within their Lexile “range” — 50L above to 100L below their actual level. For instance, if your little one is reading with a Lexile measure of 500L, they would read books ranging anywhere from 400L to 550L.
Using standardized assessments, schools will often measure a child’s reading level several times a year to help them select books that are appropriate for independent reading.
Guided Reading Levels (GRL)
GRL is a guided reading system used in some schools.
To determine reading levels using GRL, children sit one-on-one with their teacher and read from a book that’s considered standard for their grade level — a “benchmark” book. GRL books range from A to Z with A being the easiest.
While reading these books, the teacher will take notes on any missed words and ask comprehension questions, such as, “When did the story take place?” or, “What was the problem in the story?”.
Through guided instruction, the teacher will gradually move children into more difficult books.
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)
DRA is a standardized reading test given by teachers or reading specialists. As with GRL, children sit individually with the test administrator and read a book.
Several factors are taken into consideration to determine reading level, including:
- Reading comprehension
- Phonemic awareness
- Fluency
DRA books are labeled with an A for the easiest books and then move into a numerical grading system. The levels range from 1 to 80 with 1-3 representing a kindergarten reading level and 80 representing an eighth-grade reading level.
Once a child has a DRA or a GRL level, a teacher or parent can search for the reading level of any particular book and can usually discover either the Lexile, DRA, or GRL of that particular text. Here’s a chart for your reference.
At-Home Reading Levels
If you’re looking for a way to find out your child’s reading level without using any of the methods listed above, you might try the five-finger rule.
For the five-finger rule, choose a book and flip to any page. If your child seems to have trouble reading more than five words on the page, it’s a good indicator that the book is too advanced for them.
To be sure, though, you can have your child try another page, especially if they seem eager to read a particular book.
This can be a helpful strategy, but it’s OK to let your child try a book and see how the reading goes. If a book is too hard, most kids will figure that out — and there is nothing wrong with reading books that are too easy!
Sometimes a child may be interested in a book that’s a little too hard for them. If this happens, we encourage you to read aloud to your child. You can also read together by alternating pages, paragraphs, or sentences.
It’s important not to completely avoid books that may be a little above your child’s reading level.
Even if your child struggles a bit to read them without assistance, these books can still be beneficial in helping build their vocabulary, improve comprehension, and increase general knowledge — not to mention, encourage their love of reading!
When your emerging reader seems overwhelmed by one book, you can always give the five-finger rule a try with other books until you find the right match. And if your child is particularly interested in a topic, you can always read the book to them and stop on words you know they can read.
Also remember that when a child is really enjoying a book and highly motivated to read it, they will read at a higher level than if the material is not as interesting to them.
Tip: Most libraries and bookstores have books arranged by reading level so you can easily choose the best one for your emerging reader!
Feel free to ask librarians and knowledgeable staff at bookstores to offer suggestions. You could even say something like, “My child happily read a Clifford book; can you suggest others at the same level?”
How To Help Your Child Become A Stronger Reader
As we mentioned earlier, you can easily determine your child’s reading level at home so that you can help them choose books that are just right! We suggest incorporating some of the tips below to help your child become a stronger reader.
Start With Clues
- Is your child using “sounding out” techniques to figure out unknown words?
- When your child reads, are they getting tripped up by sight words — common words that are hard to sound out?
- Is your child using pictures to help them understand what is written on the page?
- Is your child using context clues to figure out what word makes sense to come next as they read sentences?
Check Vocabulary
- Play games with your child to see what words they know.
For example, say a sentence and point out one word in the sentence. Then ask them if they can come up with a different word (synonym).
- Play synonym games to see what words your child knows. For example, challenge yourselves to think of 10 or more ways to describe speaking (shout, whisper, mumble).
While you’re talking with your child, describe something specific from your day. Make sure to use interesting adjectives, and don’t hold back from using sophisticated vocabulary when talking with your child.
You can help your child’s vocabulary grow through day-to-day conversations and activities!
Ask Comprehension Questions
Understanding what they read is an important part of your child’s reading journey.
- To check for reading comprehension, we suggest pausing every other page to talk about what you’ve just read. Make this a natural reaction to the story, like you’re thinking aloud about the story or characters, so that it doesn’t feel like a test.
- Consider encouraging your child to act out and retell the story (for younger children).
- Try discussing themes/lessons with your child (for older children). Remember: this isn’t a test, but a conversation between book lovers!
Talk To Your Child
When most people implement strategies to help their children improve their reading skills, they often forget about the importance of verbal communication. It’s essential to talk to your child frequently in short and simple sentences.
This includes singing songs, telling them wonderful stories, reciting fun nursery rhymes, and describing the world around them. All of this exposes children to lots of different words. It also helps them learn that language is a powerful tool for communication.
Discover Your Child’s Favorite Books
- Children often choose books that are a little below their actual reading level. At home, this is a good thing. It keeps reading fun and exciting!
- We recommend choosing books that interest your child — with a certain character or activity they like — so they’re curious and excited about reading.
Reading books your child enjoys together can encourage their love of reading. And letting them read those same books to you can boost their confidence over time.
Together, these two activities increase your child’s fluency and reading enjoyment!
Create A Reading Corner
Establishing a reading corner in your house can benefit your child. The setup doesn’t need to be elaborate. This can be a simple, quiet, private area where your child can confidently read independently or with you.
It’s also great for the spot to be well-lit and filled with lots of books your child enjoys reading.
Is Reading The Same Book Over And Over OK?
Just like you might pick up an old favorite book to read, your child may do the same, and that’s OK! At least you know they’re enjoying a good book and the process of reading!
Rereading books can have many benefits for a child, including:
It allows children to get more from the text. Have you ever developed a deeper understanding of a story after rereading it? That’s because the more you engage with a story, the more you can take away from it.
You can pick up on new information, establish connections between yourself and some of the characters, and even improve your understanding of the overall story.
Similarly, allowing your child to read their favorite books for the second, third, fourth (or more) time will enable them to get more from the story.
It also allows for bonding. Did you know that rereading books can help bring your family closer together?
Many of us remember a couple of books that our family read together regularly. This can be a holiday book or a favorite story. Rereading is a great way to get the whole family involved, as everyone can take turns reading and connecting on the same story.
What’s more, reading familiar books can actually help develop a young reader’s fluency. It allows them to learn the words and helps them become familiar with narrative structure or storylines (i.e. beginning, middle, and end), which builds reading comprehension later on.
So feel free to let your child choose the same book over and over!
FAQs About Reading Levels
What Reading Level Should My Child Be In Each Grade?
It’s challenging to answer this question because each child is different and will naturally develop at their own pace. For example, just because your child’s friend has started reading fluently doesn’t mean your child will be able to do that yet.
While no parent wants their own child to be a little behind compared to their peers, putting too much pressure on them to “catch up” might actually have an adverse effect. In fact, they might feel overwhelmed by the pressure and develop a negative attitude toward reading.
It’s also important to note that there’s no direct link between a certain Lexile measure and a specific grade level. When using any of the reading level measures we mentioned, remember that they are an estimate of a child’s performance and shouldn’t be interpreted literally.
Also, if you’re really concerned about your young learner’s development, you can always address those concerns with their teacher or another professional. They can offer tips and advice on how to best work with your child.
Finally, remember to be patient and positive no matter what. With lots of time and effort, your child will develop a lifetime love of reading!
Who Can Help Me Choose Books That Match My Child’s Reading Level?
The best place to start is to consult your child’s teacher. They will have the expertise to guide you in buying the right books for your child.
It’s also possible for you to look up most books online and find their reading levels. Furthermore, for beginner readers, there are publishers who label books in stages with age and/or grade suggestions attached.
If you’re homeschooling, you can also reach out to your local librarian or bookstores. As people who spend each day surrounded by books, they often have knowledge on this topic and may be able to recommend a few relevant books in your child’s reading level.
What If My Child Is Reading At A Lower Level?
The last thing a parent wants to hear is that their child’s reading level isn’t on par with their peers. But what can you do if, from the assessment used at your child’s school, you find out that your young learner is reading below the average grade level?
Firstly, it’s important not to panic. As mentioned earlier, kids develop reading skills at different stages of their development. Some children might be early readers, while others may take time to get there.
The most effective way to help your child improve their reading level is by continuing to encourage reading at home. While reading, remember to discuss the content to ensure comprehension.
Reading For Fun
From assessments to the five-finger rule, determining reading levels varies across the board. No matter which method you choose, remember these measurements are meant to be helpful and encouraging, not stressful and limiting.
Keep this in mind when assessing your young learner. You don’t want your child to sense any stress about their abilities, as this might overwhelm them and have an adverse effect on how they view reading.
While reading is an essential early learning (and lifelong) skill, you want your child to LOVE reading and not only view it as a test of their intelligence.
At the end of the day, the way reading makes your child feel is more important than their reading level. Each child learns in a way that’s special and unique to them.
The HOMER Road To Reading
The road to discovering how to read can be a fun ride, but sometimes it’s bumpy. This is why we’re more than a learning program. We’re your learning partner.
If you’re looking for a resource to help develop your child’s love of reading and learning, consider taking a look at the HOMER Learn & Grow app. It’s full of stories curated based on your child’s interests!
When your child develops a love for reading, they’ll move up to the next level before you can say “Developmental Reading Assessment”!
Read speed test. Online simulator for developing reading speed and awareness skills in 2021!
Reading speed is an important indicator not only for schoolchildren, who regularly check it. It is very important for an adult in the modern world to be able to navigate in huge flows of information. A reading speed test will help you determine your current level and see if you need to work on improving this skill or if you are reading fluently enough.
1. How to check reading speed?
2. How can I check my reading speed myself?
3. How to test a child's reading speed?
4. What reading speed is considered normal for adults and children?
5. How to choose the right text to test reading speed?
6. The book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask"
How to check reading speed?
The easiest way is to take a stopwatch (you can use the application on your phone), a text to check your reading speed and read it at a normal pace for one minute. It is important that the text is non-technical, does not contain highly specialized terms and concepts, and is not familiar to the reader. The text should not be too primitive. The testee must see the text for the first time so that the results are not artificially inflated.
But what do you care about speed, if you don't understand with what awareness you absorb the text? :)
A much better way to find out your reading speed is to take a free online test. To do this, sit back, enter your name in the form above, press the button and you will immediately see the text that you need to read, slowly, trying to understand everything that is written.
When the entire text is read - click on the button at the very bottom. The program will automatically determine the reading speed and prompt you to answer a few questions to understand the degree of assimilation of the material. As a result of testing, you will receive not only the result of your reading speed and awareness, but also recommendations for improving your reading technique in the format of the book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask." Enter a name. Click the button and find out your real reading speed. Have a good day.
How can I test my reading speed myself?
We have prepared for you a tool with which you can independently check the speed of reading. Our tool include a certain amount of text that you need to read as quickly as possible. You will then have the opportunity to answer a series of questions about the text, allowing the program to determine your level of understanding. Based on the data received, a result and a certificate are issued. This certificate can be shared with your friends on social networks and challenge them to a battle to test the speed and awareness of reading :).
If you want to do it yourself, you can do it according to the following scenario. A text of medium complexity is taken, located on one sheet. You will need an assistant who will keep track of the time and will be able to test the level of your understanding of the information. Check algorithm:
Simultaneously with the start command and the start of the stopwatch, you begin to silently read the text.
When the text is finished, you say stop - time stops.
Then you need to answer a few questions regarding the content (reading speed implies a full reading comprehension).
The last step is to count the words in the text and determine the average number of words per minute (words in the text can be counted before reading).
This is the certificate you can get based on the results of passing the test
How to check the reading speed of a child?
A child's reading speed can be tested in a similar way. The child should read aloud, at least in elementary school. Then you can switch to the usual way of checking for adults.
Schools often test reading skills by counting the number of words read per minute. This gives a small error, since words come in different sizes, but a similar verification method can also be used.
What reading speed is considered normal for adults and children?
The average reading speed for an adult is 200-230 words per minute. Below average, but an acceptable rate is 150-200 words per minute. Adults who read more than 230 words per minute are considered fast readers. For the speed reading technique, the optimal speed is 350-400 words per minute.
In children, the indicators are dynamic and change depending on age. Approximate norms used in elementary school:
20-30 words per minute for first grade;
45-60 words per minute for second grade;
70-85 words per minute for third grade;
90-125 words per minute for fourth grade.
How to choose the right text to test reading speed?
The criteria for selecting text to test reading speed are identical for adults and children. The only difference is the volume and complexity of the information. The text must match the following parameters:
medium difficulty appropriate for age;
the absence of specific unfamiliar words or their minimum number;
no dialogs;
location on one page;
large, comfortable to read font;
lack of pictures and other distracting elements.
In our tool for testing reading speed and comprehension, we tried to take into account all these factors so that the resulting tool would be convenient for both adults and children. At the same time, he gave a fairly clear answer to the question about the real reading speed.
It should be remembered that reading speed is a variable parameter, which decreases if a person rarely sits down at a book, and increases with constant reading. There are many special techniques aimed at significantly increasing the speed of reading text information.
Everything you wanted to know about speed reading but were afraid to ask test. So don't waste a second,
go back to the very top of the page and go take the test!Reading speed test online is simple, convenient and fast
We have already written so much here about how to correctly measure your reading speed, achieve awareness and interpret the results, that every second of delay before you pass the online reading speed test and receive a personal certificate is just like death. Return to the very beginning of the page, enter your name in the field under the video and go to the enchanting world of unfamiliar texts and tricky questions :).
📖 Reading speed Q&A section
📕 What formula is used to calculate reading speed?
If it’s very short, then the formula for calculating the reading speed is as follows: V = (Q / T) x K. This formula allows you to get a real figure for reading speed with a correlation to the coefficient of meaningfulness. You can read more about the formula here in this article .
📗 What books do you recommend reading to develop speed reading?
We have compiled a list of the most useful books for the development of speed reading and posted it in a separate post on the blog. The list is constantly updated and gives an idea of the main books with which you can develop speed reading skills.
📘 What if I want to increase my reading speed?
You can start by learning the theory, or you can download our workbooks , which we have created especially for those who who wants to start learning speed reading. There are two of them: one notebook for adults, the second for children. Contains some theory and practical exercises designed for several weeks of regular classes.
📙 How to check a child's reading speed?
The reading speed test, which is located on our website, is suitable for both adults, as well as for children. We specifically tried to choose mostly literary texts that will be easy to read. to understand the child. Just go to the reading speed test page from the link above, enter child's name and start reading. Then the program will do everything for you.
📔 I want to check my reading speed online for free. How to do it?
Easier nowhere. The tool, which is located at , was created just for this. You just enter your name, read the text and answer the questions. The program monitors the speed of your reading and its meaningfulness. After answering the questions, you will receive a certificate with your result. The certificate can be shared with friends in social networks :).
📓 What is the "Read Fast" project?
Read Fast is a project dedicated to the problem of fast and conscious reading. We believe that you can read 3-4 times faster. However, the quality of memory reading material will only increase. Let's try together :).
Measuring Reading Speed
Chapter 1 No Models
Genes and Memes
Whoever you are, your brain can change. Everything depends on you. It doesn’t matter what opinion you yourself or others about your creative abilities have: abilities can be developed. The task of revealing creative potential has been facing people for a long time. But if earlier creative gurus relied on their experience and intuition in their training, today the latest technologies have come to the rescue. The brain can learn and change until death. This ability is called neuroplasticity. No matter what you have experienced and what genes you have inherited, consciousness, that is, the way you think, can change the structure and anatomy of the brain. When you opened this book, your brain had a certain structure, certain neural connections. At the end of reading, other connections will appear, and this structure will change. Without a doubt, the brain will become better, because you will learn about its capabilities and limitations. If, in addition, you regularly apply the described techniques, your creativity will increase. Changes will be noticed not only by you, but also by colleagues, relatives and friends: I know this from myself (I am my main guinea pig) and from hundreds of people with whom I was lucky to work.
I want to share this knowledge with you, dear readers, to help you become a more creative and live a rich and happy life.
How did mankind come to its present position? We survived, in part, thanks to two continuous processes: biological evolution and cultural development. Evolution consists in the accumulation of such genetic mutations that make their carriers better adapted to their environment. This accumulation occurs as a result of natural selection, unconscious and uncontrollable. In culture, on the contrary, the main role is played by the creative forces of mankind, which radically change the cultural paradigm. And this is a completely conscious process.
It is possible to draw a parallel between creativity and gene mutations in the course of evolution
The nervous system is arranged in such a way that the discovery of something new, so important in creativity, stimulates pleasure centers. However, the passion for learning and research depends not only on genetics, but also on childhood experience. If this is true, then our ancestors recognized the importance of inventions, protected innovators and learned from them: the survival of society in the face of unforeseen circumstances and threats depended on the creative abilities of such people.
In addition, another much more primitive and effective force, peace, played an important role in our survival. For the most part, energy is stored when there is no active action, when the body and mind are at rest. The need to conserve energy is so strong that we associate free time with relaxation. Take a walk in the park, watch a movie, read a book, or just stare at the ceiling. Turn on autopilot. Don't waste energy. Thus, we humans strive to fulfill two mutually exclusive orders of the brain: on the one hand, to make as little effort as possible (peace), and on the other hand, to seek and explore new things (creativity).
For most of us, it seems that peace is stronger than the pleasure of new challenges and ideas. Fortunately, some are much more willing to succumb to the joy of discovery. But, even if it's not you, creativity will bring incredible pleasure no matter where and when you find a use for it. When we create, we feel great.
To recap. We are born with two conflicting commands. On the one hand, we are programmed to conserve energy - this manifests the instinct of self-preservation. On the other hand, we tend to strive to push boundaries, to explore, to enjoy discoveries, even to be in danger. So, curiosity is inherent in all children. The second impulse leads to creativity. We need both "programs", but the first does not require much effort, maintenance and motivation. Creativity is difficult to develop on your own. In adult life, at work and at home, there are not so many opportunities for curiosity and new discoveries, but there are many obstacles that prevent you from taking risks and exploring. Therefore, the motivation needed to be more creative quickly fades, and as a result, most do not consider or feel that they are creative individuals.
While genes are passed down automatically from generation to generation, things are different with inventions and ideas. Every child should learn from the very beginning how to use fire, the wheel, or atomic energy. The pieces of information that have to be learned in order for a culture to continue are called “memes,” a term from Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene*. All memes - from language and numbers to theories, songs and laws - must be passed on to children or will be lost. Therefore, memes can be considered the cultural equivalents of genes.
An extremely creative person can change a meme. And if society accepts this, then the meme will enter the culture. New songs, ideas, technologies - that's what creativity is. However, memes do not appear spontaneously, as in biological evolution with mutated genes. To change the tradition, you need to make an effort, as well as educate future generations. Everything new requires attention, and this is a very limited resource. We are not able to process too much data at once, and constant employment makes it difficult to come up with something out of the ordinary. Most of the time is spent on daily activities at work and at home.
In other words, to become more inventive in any area, you need to "free up" the lion's share of attention.
If we are busy all the time, we are unlikely to come up with ideas that can change or improve a product, a song, or a way of life idea or action. This is the destruction of habitual, well-established patterns of thinking, which happens to everyone, with some more often, with others less often. The novelty and value of ideas aimed at changing paradigms and memes within a particular tradition, culture or science are determined by experts in this field or discipline. Thus, the innovation receives a social assessment: "This is really unusual." Creativity is not limited to thoughts in the head, it manifests itself through the interaction of ideas with the socio-cultural context. It's more of a social phenomenon than a personal one.There are other definitions of creativity. A creative person is an interested and inspired person with non-standard thinking; a person with an original view of the world; a versatile person without prejudice, who, through insight, is able to invent products and generate ideas or techniques that lead to important discoveries.
New ways
Let's imagine for a moment: we are on the top floor of a skyscraper, a night city spreads out in front of us. Somewhere in the windows the light is on. Cars scurry through the streets, lighting the way with headlights, and lanterns flicker. Our brain is like a city in the dark, in which individual avenues, streets and houses are always lit.
To continue this metaphor, the brain is 'illuminated' in a variety of ways. We can "light" a huge number of "lanterns" - create neural connections, but only some of the "streets" (nerve pathways) will be illuminated throughout them. Therefore, we tend to use the same data to solve different problems, as if we were walking along illuminated streets in search of familiar information or sensations. However, there are other, unbeaten paths where unusual ideas and solutions await.
We live as if in a semi-automatic mode, solving most problems based on experience, reliable data and culture. These are three large, always lit avenues.
Remember, I said: due to entropy, the brain tries to conserve energy? He conserves strength to survive in the event of an unforeseen flight or battle. That is why, when solving an intellectual problem, we first of all turn to existing knowledge.
Our experience is a constant source of information. But if we need unhackneyed forms or ideas, if we crave inspiration or revelation, we will have to make an effort and light new “lanterns” (in other words, form new neural micronetworks). Effort requires energy. With luck, we find different answers to the same question, different solutions to the same problem. Let's call it a creative challenge.
The more precise the formulation of the creative problem, the easier it will be to find its solution. Imagine: a creative task is a drawing on a box, without which it is difficult to assemble a puzzleWhich way to work, school, university or somewhere else that we have to go every day do we choose? Always, or almost always, unchanged.
The same avenue, the same streets, the same metro or bus. I would venture to suggest that we can change our morning route a maximum of two, three, four times. Why walk down a different street or take a different bus if we're sure ( knowledge ) that our usual path will lead us to the goal ( culture and experience )? The brain does not want to make extra efforts and waste energy on what is already established. Time passes, experience accumulates, and models and structures of thinking are formed in neural networks - illuminated avenues of a big city. As we shall see later, the creative process will destroy these models and structures, opening the way for what does not fit in them.
Answer 10 questions
Write it down as you remember. It is better to answer in more detail.
1. What is neuroplasticity?
2. What can be used to change the structure and anatomy of the brain?
3. How did mankind survive?
What is evolution?
5. What centers in the brain are stimulated by the discovery of something new?
6. What is the paradox of brain impulses?
7. Why does the motivation for creativity quickly fade away?
8. Who can change a meme?
9. Why do we tend to use the same data to solve different problems?
10. Why might we not get ideas?
Check your answers
If you answered correctly, give yourself one point, no - zero. If you answered rather correctly, you can put 0.5 points. But we advise you not to ascribe too much to yourself, so that the result is true. Sum up the scores and write it down on a piece of paper.
Correct answers:
1. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to learn and change until death.
2. It is possible to change the structure and anatomy of the brain with the help of consciousness, thinking
3. We survived, in particular, thanks to two continuous processes: biological evolution and the development of culture.
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