Learn spellings games
HangMouse - Online Hangman Game
About this Game
Free Activity
The standards correlation for this activity is coming soon!
The standards correlation for this activity is coming soon!
HangMouse is a traditional hangman game that provides students with the opportunity to name each term by filling in letters one at a time.
Try HangMouse
with a sample word list!
- 2nd-3rdScience Words - Earth
- 3rd-5thMath Words
- 3rd-5thHomophones
- 6th-8thScience words
Note: Although this activity is designed for the grade levels above, it can also be used as a remediation or enrichment activity at any grade level with an appropriate word list.
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- Foundational Skills
- Spelling
What?Although many people are now dependent on spell check, spelling remains a foundational skill that needs to be explicitly taught and independently practiced. Hangmouse, our online hangman game, is a perfect tool for practicing spelling without relying on spell check. More...Less
Spelling helps with reading and language proficiency, as the connection between letters and sounds is explored and students begin to decode words. In addition, spelling is a necessary skill in writing as students become more proficient with encoding words. This skill does not stop when students move on from elementary school.
When? Spelling instruction is a key component of the English Language Arts block. More...Less
It is a foundational skill that should be explicitly taught and practiced. Students in the primary grades study spelling in word patterns and word families and find patterns or chunks that they know. Throughout upper elementary and middle school grades, students are exposed to more difficult spelling patterns. Assigning hangman for kids is a great way to teach students how to recognize and anticipate certain groups of letters that commonly appear together in spelling.
How to teach: Teachers tend to assign weekly spelling words and vocabulary terms to the whole class and assess at the end of the week. More...Less
HangMouse can be an alternative to the typical paper and pencil homework. The engaging, interactive game can also be used in the classroom during literacy centers. VocabularySpellingCity makes it very easy for teachers to differentiate the words that students need to learn to spell.
Play to learn: HangMouse is a variation on the traditional online Hangman game. More...Less
Students have the opportunity to name a letter to spell the spelling or vocabulary word. The game will display the word’s definition or a sentence with a blank on the bottom of the page and students will have seven attempts to guess the correct letters. Students receive immediate feedback when an incorrect letter is chosen, as the cat starts to wake up.
Teaching Tip: HangMouse provides audio features perfect for English Language Learners (ELLs).
ELLs become familiar with the letters that make up the word, the sounds that those letters make, and the pronunciation of the word while playing. HangMouse also lends itself to all subject areas. Science, social studies, or math teachers alike can use this interactive game to review key concepts, as the kids hangman game displays the words’ definitions and shows how they are used in context.
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Spelling TestMe
About this Game
Free Activity
The standards correlation for this activity is coming soon!
Spelling TestMe provides students with the opportunity to take a traditional spelling test independently and receive immediate feedback.
Try Spelling TestMe
with a sample word list!
- K-2ndSight Words
- 3rd-5thPossessive Nouns
- 6th-8thGeography
- 9th-12thScience: Chemistry
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- Foundational Skills
- Phonics
- Fluency
What? Spelling is a foundational skill that is necessary for reading and writing proficiency. More...Less
Spelling instruction begins with phonics and phonemic awareness, two major components in reading instruction. Through spelling, students draw on their knowledge of letter and sound relationships and they can begin to decode and encode words.
When? In kindergarten, students begin to explore letter-sound correspondence and the written English language through inventive spelling. More...Less
Throughout the primary grades, students become familiar with basic spelling patterns, like the CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) pattern. As students progress into upper elementary grades and middle school, they are exposed to more complex patterns, such as root words and affixes.
How to teach: Spelling TestMe can be used as a pretest to identify which words students need to practice, as a practice test before a graded test, or as a formative assessment.
Play to learn: Spelling TestMe provides students the opportunity to practice, review and assess their spelling. More...Less
Each word is read aloud and presented in context. Students have the opportunity to listen again by clicking on the “Word” and “Sentence” buttons. Before the final submission, students have the option of reviewing their words. When words are submitted, the test is immediately graded. Students receive immediate feedback on words spelled correctly and incorrectly. Students have the opportunity to further practice their misspelled words.
Teaching Tip: Spelling TestMe allows for differentiated spelling instruction. Teachers can assign different spelling words for students and assess them at the end of the week using Spelling TestMe. It automates the assessment process, generating and grading tests.
1. Take Test
2. Review Words
3. See Results Including Errors
4. Practice Challenging Words Until Proficient
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4 English Spelling Games
Unnecessary, professor, irresistible, conscientious is just the beginning of the list of words that fall into the category: "Challengers for the maximum number of spelling errors in one word. "
When studying words, students remember their pronunciation, but not their spelling. It is a fact.
So when it comes to writing assignments or dictations, the result leaves much to be desired. The problem of spelling concerns students of all ages and does not depend on the level of language proficiency. These exercises will help your students with vocabulary review and spelling practice.
Is that your final answer?
Step 1 . Prepare pictures with images that match the words from the topics covered. Divide the group into two teams.
Step 2. When everyone is ready, show the first picture. The first team to identify the word gets the first chance to try writing it.
Step 3. After collective discussion, the team announces its final answer. If everything is correct, the team gets a point, if there is at least one mistake in the word, then the second team gets the opportunity to spell this word.
The team with the most points wins.
Spelling circles
Step 1. Prepare a list of words to repeat. Divide the group into two teams.
Step 2 . Divide the board in half and write the alphabet on both sides.
Step 3. At the same time, a participant from each team comes to the board. The object of the game is to circle the letters in the alphabet from the word you have spoken. To complicate the task, you can insist on circling the letters in the order they appear in the word.
For higher levels, instead of saying the word itself, use its explanation so that students first have to guess what it is about before finding those letters in the alphabet.
Step 4. Then the players change and continue to trace the letters of the new words. If none of the players could find all the necessary letters, the teams can help their representatives. But in this case, no team gets a point.
In the end, the team with the most points wins.
Hot potato
Step 1. Prepare a list of words to review. Divide the class into mini-groups.
Step 2. After that you say the word for the first command. Its participants must take turns to name the letters from this word. Teams are not given time to think - everything must happen quickly. Warn students to listen carefully to each other, as it is not possible to repeat the previous letters again.
Step 3. You repeat the same with other commands, using the following words from your blanks. In case of incorrect options, other teams have the opportunity to offer their options, for which they can receive additional points. And, of course, the winner will be the team that can correctly pronounce the most words.
To help students, write all the correct letters of the word on the board.
Body language
Step 1. Prepare cards with the words you want to repeat with students. For example, 5 words for one command.
Step 2. Divide the group into teams and give them time to choose a name.
Step 3. Participants take turns drawing a word and spelling it out to their team without saying anything. The task of each player is to use the whole body to represent the letters of the word. The team, in turn, must guess what the word is, translate it, or pick up synonyms for higher levels and give an explanation.
Step 4. The team that guesses the most words wins.
Thus, the game version of the spelling exercises can speed up the memorization of difficult words. And most importantly, your students will no longer feel embarrassed by the question: “Can you spell it?”
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Game exercises for students of the Russian language at the initial stage: spelling
Game tasks serve as a means of teaching the language, developing students' speech skills and abilities.
At the initial stage, when teaching the Russian language, foreign students accumulate vocabulary, so it is advisable to use tasks in the classroom that stimulate the memorization of language material.
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We offer game tasks as an example, the purpose of which is to train the spelling of the studied vocabulary in a variety of forms.
Preparing for the game. The teacher must prepare several groups of words with mixed letters, each group refers to a topic.
Description of the game. Students work individually or in pairs. To attribute words to a topic, 1 minute is given for each group of words.
The winner is the one who scored the most correct words.
This is what I eat for breakfast:
Olmkoo Kisosis
Yrs Lasat
Aich Efok
(milk, cheese, tea, sausages, salad, coffee)
Alternative. Have each team prepare a list of jumbled words for the other teams to try to guess. Each group of words should be united by one topic. This is a good way to get students to learn new words in a text.
Description of the game. Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams. Then write the long word on the board as many times as there are commands, spacing more than usual between the letters. For example:
The first member of each team runs out and writes the word below. The word must begin with one of the letters that go into the word well. Number 2 does the same, then number 3, and so on. They all write one word at a time.
For example , after the fourth numbers from each team run out, the following entry should appear on the board:
Score one point for each letter in each correctly spelled word. Give an extra 3 or 5 points to the first team to finish their comb, provided they didn't spend too much time on it.
(A lot of time is wasted because the students are trying to copy the "combs" of their comrades.)
Description of the game. This game is similar to a crossword game, but is easier to adapt to different rules and levels of learning. Each student needs to have several "snakes".
Students correctly fill in the “snake” with words so that there are no free squares and the letters do not go beyond the contours of the “snake”. The competition is to see how many students can complete the "snake" with correctly spelled words in a limited period of time, such as three or four minutes.
In this form, the game can be played once or twice at an early stage.
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The game can also be played in pairs or groups of 3 or 4 people; they compete with each other.
One point given for each correct spelling, one point for each letter and points deducted for spelling errors
(1) Play the game as above, but use words from a single topic - weather, sports, home, garden, geography or clothing.
(2) Work only with nouns, adjectives or verbs.
(3) Divide the class into groups of five or six. Students complete only one word per person, passing "snake" around the group. Two or three students can write more than one word. The group that completes the "snake" first is the winner.
(4) Play the game in pairs. Two students take turns filling in the words in the "snake". The student who manages to complete the "snake" is the winner.