How to spell important
How Do You Spell Important? — a Quick Spelling Guide
Before we dive into the topic “how do you spell important?“, let’s properly define the term “important.”
The term “Important” refers to the essential parts of something. Important means that something has significant value, carrying great consequences. It can be used in cases of valuable interpersonal connections.
Synonyms for important include major, meaningful, weighty, significant, ample, etc. Some antonyms for important are trivial, small, insignificant, minor, etc.
In this article, we will look at its spelling and etymology and comparing the derivatives of ‘important’. This is to give you a well-rounded view of the subject.
Shall we start? Let’s dive!
How Do you Spell Important?How Do You Spell Important?
How do you spell important? We pronounce and spell the English word “important” as [ɪmpˈɔːtənt], [ɪmpˈɔːtənt], [ɪ_m_p_ˈɔː_t_ə_n_t]. The derived form of important is ‘Importantly’. We spell important as i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t.
Let’s break ‘important’ into three syllables for easy recall.
– important (Port and ant are relatively easy. Just add ‘im’ as prefix).
You can also use mnemonics to remember how to spell important. Let’s try this:
– I’m in Port for Ant (Cancel ‘in,’ ‘for’ and the apostrophe before ‘m’). I hope I haven’t confused you! Easy right?
Origin of Important
(1400-1500) French Old Italian importante, from Medieval Latin importāre to signify, be of consequence, from Latin: to carry in;
Difference Between Important and Importance
There’s a lot of overlap between the terms: important and importance.
As a verb, importance refers to the fact that something is significant enough to warrant attention. The significance, value, or necessity of something in a specific circumstance is its importance.
To use the term important, we mean that something is relevant and necessary.
Sentence Examples of Important
- Sleep, diet and exercise are important for good health.
- In the editorial review, several important points were highlighted.
- Archeologists have discovered an important and rare material.
Grammar: “More Important” or “more Importantly?”
Different well-known writers use both “more important” and “more importantly” in the same way, so there’s no reason not to use “importantly.” Grammar-wise, both forms are correct.
Most American grammarians object to the adverb (importantly) and favor the adjective (important).
It is fine to use the words “more important” and “more importantly” in a sentence without altering the meaning.
As far as we know, it’s impossible to tell which one came first. Search results indicate that “more important” is older, but experts insist “more importantly” is entirely standard and at least as popular as “more important,”
“More important” and “more importantly” are both categorized as “sentence adjectives.
To use the example of “most importantly,” is like the prepositions “thankfully” and “surprisingly.” They can be found at the beginning of a phrase. They don’t change a single word but the statement’s meaning as a whole.
If you write, “Thankfully, we didn’t lose the tournament,” you’re thankful for the entire sentiment of the rest of the sentence.
The phrase “more importantly” is criticized time to time. Be careful not to use it when drafting a cover letter or other document where your character will be judged in your absence.
Which Is Correct: “Most Important” or “Most Importantly”?
There is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the most important and most important terms. You may observe that some people always use the phrase most importantly, while others only use the phrase most important.
The distinction between these two brief statements depends on the context in which you speak. Most importantly is an adverb, whereas the term most important is an adjective.
The usage will depend on the intended meaning of the communication.
This expression shows that something is much superior to other things. The phrase is an adjective.
If you consider using ‘most important,’ you should say it out loud to ensure that it is grammatically proper.
For example, if you were to say,
- (Wrong) Most important, the traditionalists didn’t mind the foreign music we played.”
- You aren’t wounded, and that’s what is most important. (right)
- The most important thing is that you are taking action against him. (right)
The phrase ‘most importantly’ expresses anything superior to or beyond everything else. The expression ‘most importantly’ is an adverb.
‘Most importantly’ is used far less frequently than ‘most important’. However, one of the most frequent uses of this phrase is “but most importantly.” If you use this expression, it is acceptable to begin a sentence with “but” and still be grammatically accurate.
- When electricity is restored, everyone will benefit, but most importantly you.
- Most importantly, how do we ascertain she’s telling the truth?
The same principles apply to both more important and more importantly. More importantly is an adverb, while more important is an adjective.
To Wrap Up
The word “important” is a frequently used English word. It can be a noun and an adjective, among other possible meanings.
It is essential to ensure that you use its derivatives in the proper context to avoid misinterpretation. Say the words aloud to check for ‘flow’ when in doubt.
Frequently asked questions
What is the spelling What is the spelling of important?
The Cambridge English Dictionary defines meaning and definition.
What words should a 7 year old know how do you spell?
- Cold (kohld)
- Glass (glas)
- Always (awl-weyz)
- Dock (dok)
- Ball (bawl)
- Mother (muhth-er)
- Sing (sing)
- Pull (poo l)
How well should a 7 year old spell?
An average 7 to 8 year old can spell words they read and use frequently. By this age, children are spelling many high-frequency words (words we see written commonly) correctly. Additionally, they are spelling correct a list of personal words, including names of their suburbs, family members, friends, and pets.
What is the fastest way to learn spelling words for adults?
- Read a lot. Reading.
- Use spellcheck, but don’t rely on it. Use spell check to keep your words accurate.
- Quiz yourself frequently. Take a test.
- You should practice 15 minutes a day. Practice.
- Create mnemonic devices
- Look up the etymological relationship with words.
- Play word games
- Keep a journal
What are the 3 great spelling rules?
The Three Great Spelling Rules (The 1-1-1 Doubling Rule, The Magic-E Rule, and The Y Rule) pose difficulties to many students, often requiring additional practice sessions to master these rules. It is critical to teach each rule in a multisensory manner.
What is the fastest way to learn spelling words?
- Let them create
- Handwriting is an important step.
- Encourage reading
- Please spell out this word.
- Display your words
- Play games for practice.
- Teach typing
- Explain mnemonics
How can I learn English spelling fast at home?
- (Good) dictionary
- Use British or American spellings in your writing.
- Check certain “troublesome” suffixes in your dictionary before using them.
- Make your own lists with difficult-to-spell words.
- Learn the standard pronunciations of frequently misspelled words.
What is the difference between important and importance?
Both are correct. In the first sentence, however, the word importance is an adjective that describes the pronoun It; in the second sentence, it is the noun form of the word and the object of the sentence. Is there a difference between “it is important to me” and “it’s important for me”?
What is the full meaning of important?
The meaning of the word important 1 : marked by or indicative for significant value or consequence : valuable in content or relationship. 2 : evidence of an attitude of self-importance. 3 obsolete : importunate, urgent.
What words should a 12 year old be able to spell?
able, aftermath, afternoon, appear, attack, attend, bicycle, breakfast, brightly, cabbage, cable, carpenter, channel, circle, climb, comfort, comical, confirm, construct, curtain, customer, damage,.
What kind of word is important?
Dictionary of Macmillan Dictionary: IMPORTANT (adjective) definitions and synonyms.
What are the 100 most misspelled words?
correct spelling | notes | misspelling |
achieve | i before e | acheive |
across | one c | accross |
aggressive | -gg- | agressive |
apparently | -ent- | apparantly |
How can I learn to spell hard words?
- Separate the Word into chunks.
- These terms could be easily identified as rootwords and affixes.
- Learn the Words Etymology.
- Problem words list
- Colors are great for remembering difficult words.
- Making Up Mnemonic Devices.
- Use commonly misspelled words (and learn how to identify them).
- Increase Your Reading
How do you use important in a sentence?
- With him, I had to talk about something very important.
- Having a life is important.
- What else could be more important to us than saving lives?
- It is important to us that we maintain credibility.
- You should contact him immediately on this very important matter.
What are the 5 spelling rules?
- 3 The silent e
- 5 Plural suffixes
- spelling rules you should know. After C, except before E.
- 4 Double consonants
- 2 Add suffixes to words that end in y.
If you add a suffix starting with e (such as -e, -er, or -est) to a word that ends in y, the suffix usually changes to an i.
How do you make easy spelling?
- Practice makes permanent
- Try not to learn all the words at once.
- You must review more and more.
- Make sure you spell those words right when you write.
- Practicing words is important.
- Remember, trace and copy.
- Letter chaining
How do you spell the word 40?
40 is the number after 39 and precedes 41. Although it’s related to the number “four” (4), the modern spelling of 40 is forty. A misspelling is used today to denote forty. A historical pronunciation change may have led to the modern spelling.
Why is spelling important in primary school?
Teaching spelling also supports reading and writing (Adoniou, 2016, p. 11). Learn how words and language work helps vocabulary development. Reading comprehension is aided by this and is enhanced as well by the choices made when composing written texts.
How do you spell all words correctly?
- Start by speaking out the words.
- Remember the old saying, “I am before E except after C.”.
- Add a prefix doesn’t change a word’s spelling.
- If you are searching for smaller words within a larger, more complex word, you should.
- When two vowels are next to each other, the second vowel is silent.
What are the easiest words to spell?
Children’s easy spelling words for children include tree, bee, doll, chair, mother, father, piece, peace, camel, horse, family, friend, pony, jump, forest, deer, clouds, earth, moon.
Important Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
im·por·tant im-ˈpȯr-tᵊnt
especially Southern US and New England -tənt,
: marked by or indicative of significant worth or consequence : valuable in content or relationship
: giving evidence of a feeling of self-importance
obsolete : importunate, urgent
Importantly vs. Important: Usage Guide
A number of commentators have objected to importantly as a sentence modifier (the use defined above at sense 1) and have recommended important instead. Actually, both the adverb and the adjective are in reputable standard use in this function. Important is always used with more or most.
had bronze weapons and composite bows; more important, they utilized the horse and war chariot Harry A. Gailey, Jr.
second and most important, the book contains no important woman character F. Scott Fitzgerald
Importantly is commonly used in similar contexts, but it is somewhat more flexible in not requiring more or most.
sticks and, just as importantly, unsticks easily Phoebe Hawkins
importantly, the leaven in the mixture is quality George O'Brien
- big
- consequential
- earthshaking
- earth-shattering
- eventful
- historic
- major
- material
- meaningful
- momentous
- monumental
- much
- significant
- substantial
- tectonic
- weighty
See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus
Example Sentences
Diet and exercise are important for health. In his editorial, he made several important points. Scientists have made an important discovery. Doing her job well is important to her. He's one of the most important scholars in his field.
Recent Examples on the Web No matter the weather or season, having clean, fresh air in your home is so important. Annie Burdick, Peoplemag, 7 Nov. 2022 In an October Washington Post/ABC News poll, 79 percent of Democrats said climate change is at least very important to their vote. Grace Segers, The New Republic, 7 Nov. 2022 But showing them their faults on defense was the most important thing. Los Angeles Times, 5 Nov. 2022 Modern accounting is so important that some consider double-entry bookkeeping one of the great innovations of all time. Alex Tapscott, Fortune, 4 Nov. 2022 And Baker carefully curated the memento with the words so important to Houston's success - Verlander P - that the starting pitcher would cherish forever. Gabe Lacques, USA TODAY, 4 Nov.
2022 For Sadiq, the film’s perspective is very important. Naman Ramachandran, Variety, 4 Nov. 2022 That little tiny plastic syringe of silvery goo is very important for this next step. Jaina Grey Louryn Strampe, WIRED, 4 Nov. 2022 Players are obviously very important to an organization like the San Antonio Spurs. Mark Inabinett | [email protected], al, 3 Nov. 2022 See More
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'important. ' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
Word History
Middle English importante, from Medieval Latin important-, importans, present participle of importare to signify — more at import entry 1
First Known Use
15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of important was in the 15th century
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“Important. ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 17 Nov. 2022.
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Kids Definition
im·por·tant im-ˈpȯrt-ᵊnt
: having great meaning or influence : significant
an important day to remember
our most important product
an important change
: having power or authority
an important leader
: believing or acting as if one's importance is greater than it really is
importantly adverb
More from Merriam-Webster on
importantNglish: Translation of important for Spanish Speakers
Britannica English: Translation of important for Arabic Speakers
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How to spell the word important?
If you want to know how a word is spelled correctly, you need to know what part of speech it is. Then find the rule of the Russian language. Let's figure it out.
Correct spelling:
Few people can pass this test in Russian the first time! Try your hand!
Other spellings
Here we give all possible forms of the word, case declension (if possible from the point of view of Russian rules), singular and plural of the word important
Base form of IMPORTANT
Unit number | Mn. number | ||||
male genus | Female genus | Neutral | |||
Im. | norms. | important | important | important | important |
prev.![]() | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Gen. | norms. | important | important | important | important |
prev. | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Ref. | norms. | important | important | important | important |
prev. | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Vinit. shower | norms.![]() | important | important | important | important |
prev. | most important, most important | essential, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Vinit. inanimate | norms. | important | important | important | important |
prev. | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Tv. | norms. | important | important, important | important | important |
prev. | most important, most important | most important, most important, most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Prev.![]() | norms. | important | important | important | important |
prev. | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | most important, most important | |
Cr. adj. | important | important | important | important | |
Comp. Art. | more important, more important, more important, more important |
Examples with “important”
It seemed to me that a lot of important work had not yet been done there.
The following questions occupy the most important place in this chapter.
Therefore, it is much more important to have a higher degree of motivation.
Particularly important documents were attached to them in separate folders.
The phrase "vital" how to spell correctly?
- 1 Correctly written
- 2 What rule
- 2.1 Morphology
- 2.2 Value
- 2.3 Synonyms
- 3 Examples business correspondence or personal records. Sometimes we meet words, expressions, the spelling of which we cannot explain. For example, the phrase vital, as it is spelled correctly: together, separately or through a hyphen. This is a persistent lexical unit, formed by combining two independent parts of speech. In Russian vocabulary, new words and phrases are formed in different ways, they are written differently. Therefore, neoplasms must be approached carefully, especially their composition, lexical meaning. Many of them are persistent lexical units that cannot be broken during morphological analysis. It is desirable to learn how to solve vital problems not only in life, but also in grammar.
Correctly spelled
Let's analyze the lexical unit by composition. The morpheme vital is unchangeable, refers to adverbs formed on behalf of the adjective vital, which in turn comes from the name of the noun life. The root of the word will be the morpheme zhi-, the suffix -zn-, -enn-, -o-, is divided into three syllables, the stress is on the first.
The word important refers to adjectives with the root important- and the ending in the nominative singular -y, consists of two syllables, the stress is on the first. The adjective is declined by number, gender and case. It is correct to write a phrase consisting of an adverb and an adjective separately.
Don't forget about the spelling of the letter -i- after hissing, despite their strong pronunciation (animals, live, residents).
What is the rule
To be sure of the phrase vital, how to spell it correctly, you need to remember the simplest school rules.
They explain the spelling of lexical units consisting of adverbs of degree and adjectives. According to grammatical norms, their spelling is separate, for example: excessively high, extremely slow, too fast. In declension, only the endings of the adjective change. According to them, we determine the number, gender and case. The adjective also has a short form: important.
You should also remember the rule about the spelling of the letter -i- after words hissing at the root. We pronounce correctly firmly, but we write through the letter -and-.
In the sentence, this expression acts as a single lexical unit. Therefore, the question arises about its spelling and role in the sentence. The lexeme in the sentence acts as a single secondary member of the sentence, the definition.
The phrase is used in the meaning of the degree of importance, referring to a person, process, action, object, place. This decision or problem must be carried out first of all, without delay, and then other events and facts should be considered.
The state of events has a great influence on a person's life, his health, well-being, relationships in society. These are significant processes in politics, culture and ecology. This condition cannot be ignored. The expression is suitable in many cases of communication.
Synonyms often help us out in difficult grammatical situations. When a person is not sure of his knowledge, does not have the opportunity to check the spelling in a dictionary, then it is necessary to choose words that are close in meaning and replace the dubious spelling. The following synonyms are suitable for our expression vital: fundamental, key, essential, most important, of paramount importance, most essential, and many others. It all depends on the content of the sentence, to whom or what the expression refers to, which member of the sentence acts, which member of the sentence explains.
Sample sentences
- First, Petr Ivanovich planned how to solve his vital issues, and then help everyone else.
- Cardiology is a science that studies the vital cardiovascular system of the human body.
- The meeting of the labor collective was held in an organized manner, vital issues on the reorganization of the enterprise were resolved, everyone was worried about this situation.
- Each of us has experienced difficulties in solving vital issues related to study, choosing a profession, determining a place of work or residence.
- Each person should carefully treat drinking water as a vital component for a person, its reserves are rapidly declining.
Wrong spelling
It would be incorrect to write a phrase in one word or with a hyphen as independent parts of speech. It is possible to make a mistake by writing the vital letter -ы- in the lexeme, after the hissing -zh-.
The greatness of the Russian language lies in the splendor, diversity, liveliness of its vocabulary. Language features allow you to quickly respond to changes in the socio-economic development of society.
Learn more
- First, Petr Ivanovich planned how to solve his vital issues, and then help everyone else.