How to teach magic e
How To Teach Silent E Words
ByDelilah Orpi
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Next up in my syllables series is the vowel-consonant-e syllable, also known as CVCe, Magic E, Silent E, Sneaky E, Bossy E, and a few other fun names. In this post, I’ll explain what the vowel-consonant-e syllable is and how to teach it using multisensory methods so your students can read silent e words.
If you missed the previous syllable posts, you can find them all here.
What is the vowel-consonant-e syllable?
Vowel-consonant-e syllables end in a final silent e with a consonant just before the silent e. This silent e makes the vowel before it have a long sound.
How to teach Silent E Words
Other Reasons for Silent E
Before I get into how to teach VCE words, I want to point out that silent e does not only appear in words to make the previous vowel make its long sound. It also has 6 other jobs, such as making c and g soft, showing that a word isn’t plural, and more.
Therefore, it’s important that you don’t tell students this is the ONLY reason they’ll see a silent final e.
Read more: The Many Jobs of Silent E
The Magic E Story
My favorite way to introduce VCE words to my students is to tell them the Magic E story. The gist is that the Magic e has special powers and it jumps over the consonant to help the vowel before it say its name. They really like this story and it sticks with them.
One thing to point out to them is that Magic e can only jump over 1 consonant. So if they come across a word like edge, they’ll know not to apply the Magic e rule because there are two consonants between the first vowel and the e.
Marking Vowels and Consonants
It’s also very important to get students into the habit of marking the vowel and consonants. I usually have them ‘spot and dot’ the vowels above and label the consonants and vowels below the word.
This means they put a dot over the vowels to mark them. Then they write V or C under the letters in the word as shown below. This helps them to clearly see the pattern vce.
Introduce 1 long vowel at a time
This is more for struggling readers as it always helps to focus on one sound at a time. Start with a-e words like lake, fame, ate.
From there go on to the other vowels only adding one at a time and continuing to review the previous.
Silent E Words List
I like to have this handy printable silent e words list, which you can download below.
Vowel-Consonant-E Activities
There are a variety of multisensory activities you can use to teach and reinforce the vce syllable. Below are a few easy options.
Create CVCe words from CVC words
Transform CVC words into CVCe words. I like to do blending drills with CVC words and I just add an E to the end to see if my students can read the new silent e word.
Using phonogram cards, letter tiles, blending boards is an easy way to do this. It’s also very helpful to use nonsense words.
Here is an example with a nonsense word:
- Show the word sen
- Have the student read the word. They should pronounce it as s/e/n with a short e sound.
- Add an e to the end to make the nonsense word sene
- Have the student read the new word which would now read as s/ee/n with a long e sound.
Play games using Silent E words
You can transform any game into a VCE game by having students read CVCE words during their turn. For example, I sometimes use Connect 4 along with a deck of CVC and VCE words. On each turn, you pick up a card and read it aloud, then add or delete the final e to make a new word.
I created the Long Vowels Bundle below full of activities for all long vowels, including silent e words.
You can also search for or make VCE board games for 2 or more players. My students love this quick Magic E game and it’s easy to add to any lesson.
Search Teachers Pay Teachers for silent e, cvce, vowel-consonant-e, or Magic e activities and you’ll find many free and paid options.
Create a deck of CVC and CVCe words with corresponding words like cam/came and have students match them or play memory.
Regardless of the game you play it’s very important to have students always read aloud as the focus is learning the VCE pattern. Make students read the target words aloud and change them from CVC to VCE or VCE to CVC.
Diagram VCE words
Students can diagram VCE words by marking vowels and consonants, then drawing the little arrow from the e jumping over the consonant to the vowel and drawing the horizontal line over the vowel (macron) indicating the long sound it has.
Make this even better by having students say the story as they do the action. “The e jumps over the consonant to help the vowel say its name”. Then of course have them read the word aloud.
Another tip is color coding vowels and consonants . Choose a color for each and stick to that color for every activity. I like to do red vowels and black consonants. When my students label the vowels and consonants they have black and red markers to write the V and C underneath in the corresponding color.
Make sure to download my free 6 syllable types posters for your classroom from my freebies library, which includes the VCE syllable poster shown above. I like to print out the reference sheet with all 6 syllable types for my students and place it in a plastic sleeve for them to reference as needed.
Check out all my syllable posts here.
If you’re looking for more tips on teaching reading to struggling learners, check out these other posts:
- Reading Strategies for Struggling Readers – Elkonin Boxes
- Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies – My Secret Tip To Improve Reading Comprehension
- Multisensory Strategies for B & D Reversals – Dyslexia Intervention
- Multisensory Spelling Strategy for Struggling Learners – Dyslexia Spelling Strategy
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Delilah Orpi
Delilah Orpi is the owner and founder of Thrive Literacy Corner. She has a Bachelor's degree in Special Education, a Master's degree in TESOL, and is a member of the International Dyslexia Association. She is an experienced educator and literacy specialist trained in Orton Gillingham and Lindamood Bell. Delilah creates literacy resources for educators and parents and writes to create awareness about dyslexia and effective literacy instruction based on the science of reading.
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Silent E Words (Free Printables) Plus Ways To Teach Silent E
Oh, those pesky Silent E words. They’re one of the first big challenges for emergent readers. Whether you call it Silent E, Magic E, Sneaky E, or Super E, an E at the end of the word changes things in so many ways. It can affect pronunciation as well as meaning and even add another syllable to a word. Mastering words with Silent E takes time and practice, so use our free printables with your students as you try some of the activities below.
Silent E Word List
These free Silent E Words printables include common three-letter words, four-letter words, and longer words with a Silent E.
Three-Letter Silent E Words
ace, age, ale, ape, ate, bye, cue, die, doe, due, dye, eke, eve, eye, foe, ice, lie, lye, owe, pie, roe, rye, sue, toe, use, woe
Long A Four-Letter Words
babe, bade, bake, bale, bare, cage, cake, came, cane, cape, care, case, cave, dare, date, daze, face, fade, fate, fake, fame, fare, fate, faze, gale, gate, gave, gaze, hare, hate, have, haze, kale, lace, lake, lame, lane, late, made, make, male, mane, mare, mate, maze, name, nape, pace, page, pale, pane, pare, race, rage, rake, rare, rate, rave, raze, safe, sage, sale, same, sane, save, take, tale, tame, tape, vane, vase, wade, wage, wake, wane, ware, wave
Long E Four-Letter Words
cede, here, meme, mere, mete, we’re, we’ve
(Note that there just aren’t very many silent E words with a long E sound. )
Long I Four Letter Words
bike, bile, bite, dice, dime, dine, dire, dive, fife, file, fine, fire, hide, hike, hire, hive, jive, kite, lice, life, like, lime, line, live, mice, mike, mile, mine, mire, nice, nine, pile, pine, rice, ride, ripe, side, site, tide, tile, time, tine, tire, vile, vine, vise, wide, wile, wipe, wire, wise
Long O Four Letter Words
bone, bore, code, coke, cone, cope, core, cove, doze, fore, hole, home, hone, hope, hose, joke, lobe, lode, lone, lore, mode, mole, mope, mote, node, nope, note, poke, pole, pope, pore, robe, rode, role, rope, rose, rove, sole, tore, tote, vote, woke, wore, wove
Long U Four Letter Words
cube, cure, cute, dude, duke, dune, fume, huge, lure, mule, muse, mute, nuke, pure, rude, rule, sure, tube
Longer Silent E Words
adore, blame, blare, brave, bride, calculate, close, clothe, crane, crime, cupcake, dance, drive, evoke, extreme, fable, fleece, fluke, flute, frame, gauge, goose, grace, grate, grave, grove, handle, hence, loose, moose, orate, plane, scene, skate, slate, spite, state, stove, stripe, tadpole, whine, wrote
Grab Our Free Silent “E” Printable!
Silent E Rules for Pronunciation
Source: Latoya Burrows on Pinterest
Silent E is known for “making the vowel say its name,” and that’s one of its most important jobs. But that final E has other pronunciation effects on words too. Here are some to teach your students.
1. Silent E makes the vowel before it long
Examples: Think CVCe words like cap vs. cape or mop vs. mope. There are also a handful of 3-letter silent e words where it changes pronunciation, like do vs. doe.
2. It makes C and G soft
Examples: Dance, wage, or stage
3. Silent E makes TH soft
Examples: Bathe, soothe, or lithe
4. When it appears with an L at the end, it adds a syllable to words
Examples: Bundle, simple, or handle
See more ways that Silent E can affect words at All About Learning Press.
Activities and Ideas for Teaching Silent E
These Silent E activities, songs, and videos will help your students master this challenging concept.
Vintage Silent E
Here’s a throwback to share with your kids! Tom Lehrer wrote this one back in the 1970s for The Electric Company, but the message (and the song) are just as relevant today.
Silent E is a Ninja
For a more updated take on Silent E videos, try this clip with Lin-Manuel Miranda, also from The Electric Company. Silent E is definitely sneaky!
The Mighty Silent E Read-aloud
This read-aloud tells the story of Silent E, as he learns just how special he truly is.
The Bossy E
Here’s one more Silent E video, this one starring the Bossy E!
Wave the Magic E wand
Play off the idea of “Magic E” with these fun Silent E wands! Add it to the end of CVC words and watch the magic happen.
Learn more: Playdough to Plato
Go on a word hunt
Send kids on a word hunt through a book, magazine, or newspaper to find Silent E words. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the “oddballs” that don’t fit the rules.
Learn more: The Measured Mom
Hang a Sneaky E anchor chart
A colorful chart like this one will look terrific hanging in your classroom, and it will help students remember how the sneaky Silent E works.
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Add a sticky note
This is such a clever anchor chart! Add a sticky note Silent E to each word to see how the sound changes (and sometimes makes a whole new word).
Source: @thekinderheartedclassroom
Make Silent E flip strips
These smart strips demonstrate the power of a Magic E. Have kids write their own on paper strips, or buy a set from Tickled Pink in Primary.
Line up and add an E
Get students up and moving with this fun activity. Make your E sparkly for extra impact!
Grab Our Free Silent “E” Printable!
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What are your favorite tips for teaching silent e words? Come share in the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.
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How to learn to read Tarot | Publishing house AST
Tarot cards will help you solve personal problems and sort out relationships with loved ones, discover new facets of your personality and hidden talents.
We present an excerpt from Vadim Bezdelev's book "Tarot: How to Learn to Read". In this chapter, you will learn the basic rules and subtleties when working with a deck of Tarot cards, which at the initial stage of your knowledge of the art of reading images will create a solid foundation for your future success.
There are three rules for filling a deck of Tarot cards with your energy. The deck that you constantly carry with you is charged with your energy. How does this happen?
The first rule: you must hold the entire deck in your hands and imagine how the energy passes from the right hand to the left. Since the cards are in your hands, they are saturated with your energy.
The second rule: take each card in your hand one by one and examine it to the smallest detail. You look from top to bottom and from left to right, studying every detail. The color of the clothes, what is worn on the head, what objects are in the hands, what the depicted hero is sitting or standing on, what background he is on. At the same time, you feel your heart and observe the emotional reactions that arise when looking at this card. Memorize them and create a kind of mental anchor in your head. Each card has its own feeling.
You have a deck of 78 cards, and you need to energize it consistently every day for at least 40 days. This applies even to professionals. You must completely memorize the cards of the deck you are working with, down to the smallest detail.
Third rule: when you pick up a card, be sure to touch, feel the paper from which it is made. It should be smooth and pleasant. And when you touch it, mentally say "How nice you are, how I like you" , referring to this card.
The more emotional reactions and anchors you have, the more you will fill the deck with energy. Therefore, when you look at a card, you mentally salute it. For example, looking at the card of Arcana 5, you say to it:
"Hello, High Priest."
You can, of course, ask:
“How are you?”
- or you can ask a purely professional question that sounds like this: “What do you want to tell me today?” - or - "What do you want to tell me today?" Having established mental contact (dialogue) with the card, you observe what emotions, feelings and sensations you have, this will help you strengthen contact with the deck.
With each day of practice, the feeling of the cards will increase. If you do not do this and take the cards in your hands only for work or when dealing with issues that are important to you, then this is very bad. Because you are a human consumer who consumes all the time and does not give back. This is your tool, which can be compared to a car. You drive it, but you fill it with gasoline, take care of it, wipe it and wash it, make it more comfortable for yourself. It should be the same with the deck. She must have a bag (her own “home”) where she will be stored. She should have an altar cover on which you will do the alignment, which will limit the deck from the client (the questioner), from the place where the alignment takes place, so that it is as safe as possible (including for the deck, that is, your instrument). Because if you study questions of interest in dirty places, the deck will have bad energy, because of which it will begin to “lie” to you. How to understand it? When the deck "lies", you get the same cards in the layouts, but you cannot read the information in the correct way, that is, the reading is erroneous.
It is also best not to keep several Tarot decks in one box. Each of them should have their own "home" - a place where they are stored.
Every morning after waking up, clear your information channel, tune in to the seven-pointed star (the practice described in the following sections), then take the deck in your right hand and ask yourself the question in the process of shuffling the cards:
"What brings me a day coming?"
Then you draw a card and interpret it. She will tell you about what will happen to you today. This must be done within 40 days.
When you are customizing your deck for 40 days, you are by no means reading interpretations from a textbook. In no case should you look at the interpretations in the textbook, when you got the card of the day for yourself, please follow this rule. You should feel the card with your heart, relying only on your feelings. The technology is very simple. You need to draw out a card, look at it and ask yourself:
"What feelings do I get when I look at this card?"
There is nothing to worry about if the value is incorrect. The main thing is to make it as easy as possible for you. Get and track your feelings. It is very important when working with Tarot cards at the very beginning to show yourself that the cards really answer. The answer really comes from within.
That is, it is very important to “pull” interpretations from your heart. This is something that can be mastered and must be learned. And after 1-2 months you will understand how different you are from fortune-tellers, other tarologists, if you really feel, read the cards with your heart.
Among the huge number of interpretations, you will understand with your heart which one is applicable to this particular situation with this particular person.
The same card can have different meanings. For example, when the third Arcana (Empress) comes out as a card of the day, this can mean passive income (the card means passivity), and a quiet pastime, and a meeting with the authorities (or a check from him), because this card also means a person in power, either you or someone else.
In the process of learning, the exercise "card of the day" helps you learn to control yourself, as well as to know at what "temperature" the day will pass. And since each card can be interpreted differently, it helps you learn to see the variety of interpretations of each of them.
When you interpret any card, making a deal for yourself (including the card of the day), you immediately learn to be in a state of a disinterested person. Some people look at their card of the day and, even if they feel the correct interpretation of the heart, they doubt it. Because they want only the best for themselves and more. Develop the state of an outside observer by interpreting cards for yourself and your loved ones. This is one of the golden rules of a successful tarot reader.
Below are some examples of interpretations of the card of the day that the students had during the course.
Knight of Swords can speak of dynamic work processes or operations.
10 of Swords may indicate that some work or project has ended, or that there was fatigue or a painful state of fatigue. It can also talk about the fact that there were some cases with a fatal outcome at work, or a person fell down from the amount of work. Because Swords are a sphere of work in the usual sense of the word.
Ace of Wands - a person received a small amount of money, paid off a loan. Therefore, this card can indicate the arrival of fertility or the appearance of some kind of opportunity. The 8 of Pentacles is the tree of prosperity. It is also a job where you have to earn money by doing physical labor. That is not an investment.
3rd Arcana (Empress) may indicate that you will have to wait all day or interact with people who have power in the material world.
In this section you will find frequently asked questions that I received from my students during the course. They are specially published in their original form in order to convey their true meaning. I am sure that by the time you have read this book to the end, your inner foundation of knowledge will become solid not only from the bricks of theory, but will also be firmly held together by the cement of practice that you will receive from this and other practical sections of the book.
“I take the card of the day, but then I don't see its reflection in my life. In general, I do not understand this. Or I don’t understand the map, what should I do?
There are two "medicines" for this condition.
The first - take out the card of the day and then just take it clearly according to the interpreter, see what it can carry. What events and phenomena. Then in the evening, check the information on this interpreter. Ask yourself what was your day today? What happened in your life today, on this day? And simply, as if retelling, say to yourself: “I woke up early this morning, had breakfast, made tea for myself on the road, went to conduct a training in another city, returned, then I have a lesson with a group” — and so on. And a card fell out, for example, the Knight of Pentacles. That is, she showed that I went on a trip. In this way, analyze simply according to the interpreter, without inventing anything, without feeling anything, but at least analyzing and comparing what is happening during the day.
The second "medicine" - take out the card of the day, look at it and feel it. That's with all your heart. You can close your eyes, imagine this card. And ask yourself how does it make you feel? Positive, negative, light, dark, good, evil? What's happening? Write everything down in your diary. Then in the evening, when you returned home, take out a notebook in which you made notes about your morning feelings from the card, and see: did you have them during the day today? When you were engaged in creativity, relationships with people, work and so on. Have you had similar events, communications with other people, or not?
For example, today the card Chariot fell out. She says that a person has to achieve success, go on a trip, use his penetrating power, think about good and evil (the black and white sphinxes talk about this).
The person who drew this card went to college today to deal with his daughter's questions. The chariot in this case, most likely, speaks of a trip to college. The fact that a person wanted to succeed in solving the issue. And in fact, today says that a person has achieved this success.
Although the situation has not actually been resolved, but has become suspended, the daughter is not expelled, nothing is deprived, everything is potentially solved. Plus, on card 7 Arcana , two sphinxes are depicted, symbolizing "good" and "bad". This speaks of a certain duality. The man tried to “break through” this question, and the 7th Arcana just speaks of penetrating power.
“I got the 8th Arcana as the card of the day – Strength, but at the end of the day my card value did not match what is written in the interpreter, why?”
Another reminder! We do not look at the meaning of the card of the day according to the interpreter. Your task is to learn to perceive the cards with your heart, to learn how to feel them. We took out the card of the day, look at it carefully and ask yourself the question: “What do I feel when I look at this card? What day will I have today? You read the image of the card and understand what exactly he wants to convey to you. You already know all the interpretations, they are already in your head. You feel that today it's about strength, or lightness, or sickness, or doubt, and so on. You should feel exactly what the interpretation is in this case, because the card fell out correctly for you. And the very first sensation, as a rule, is the answer to your question.
Tarot cards do not give an answer, prophesy, or predict the future, no, a person always answers. Tarot cards are a tool of a person who reads the symbols depicted on them, his own special language. But the conclusion is always made by the tarologist, and the responsibility is always on him, not on cardboard boxes with pictures, not on them.
“Can I laminate my favorite deck?”
Possible, but not recommended. After all, you need to touch the card, it must absorb your energy. And when you laminate it, you seem to conserve it, close it. The map itself will simply be displayed graphically, and nothing more.
"Is the card of the day chosen from the entire deck or only from the Major Arcana?"
What do you want? If you want only on the Major Arcana, do so. If you want on the whole deck, do it on the whole deck. I advise you to do it on the whole deck, because we charge it all and sooner or later you will have to work with it. So let it come early. You knead it all, pay attention to it all - to each card of the Major and Minor Arcana, and pull it out and feel it. This is how you will quickly come to the Minor Arcana. They will open in your head, consciousness, heart very easily.
Every time you interpret cards without looking at a textbook (you can find all the correct interpretations of Tarot cards in a special edition dedicated to the meaning of the Tarot arcana and their combinations), you can experience a certain feeling from the card. And every time this sensation comes to you, close your eyes and ask yourself: “What is this sensation about? What is it trying to convey to me? - and see if there really is such an interpretation of the card you drew or not.
Let's talk about choosing a profitable working deck. What does profitable mean?
Profitable deck is the one through which you get only positive energy, that is, only pluses, no minuses. When you can work safely, get more and more new clients and correct answers, get positive energy from the interpretation process. In order to choose such a deck, you need to learn to listen to your heart. And among the variety of decks on the bookshelves, choose the one to which you feel an inner response. I sincerely hope that the deck that you have now was chosen in this way.
Now try this practice - experiment. Sit up straight. Place your deck so that it is in the middle, between your left and right hand. Take a deep breath in through your nose and a deep breath out through your mouth, exhaling in all directions. Do this twice. Now place your hands in the chest area and imagine how you mentally stretch and push your Anahata heart chakra apart. Your fingers should rest on the chest. Imagine how you stretch your green heart to the very limit of the width of your torso. Repeat inhalation-exhalation and stretching of the heart one more time.
Then start rubbing your hands until they are tanned (hot) and take the pack face down in your right hand. Put the left one on top and bring the deck to your heart. Now sit for a while with your eyes closed, listening to your feelings and emotions. Watch the vibration in your hands, deck and heart. Mentally create the intention to connect with your whole heart and soul with your deck. When you have the sensation of connection, you will feel that your heart has expanded in size, stretching forward, as if it had fallen out. In fact, of course, it didn’t fall out anywhere, just a feeling of enlargement appeared.
Once the heart has been opened, it is time to begin the preparatory practice. Sit up straight, posture straight. Hands can be lowered, but continue to hold the deck in any of them. Now, from the heart, raise your attention up to the top of your head. As if connecting them with a thin wire. Keep your attention on the top of your head, imagining that there is a purple glowing ball. You should feel like the deck of cards is on the top of your head. This should be done for about a minute and a half. You should feel your warmth rise through the central channel along the spine and fill the head, rush to the ears and sit on the top of the head. Stay in this state for a few minutes, and then proceed to the practice.
The picture shows a seven-pointed star. Your task is to remember this image. The practice is that you concentrate all your attention on the top of your head. Spin your ball vertically up the pipe and join the information field of the planet. Once you've entered it, it's important to do one more thing: imagine a seven-pointed star. This star is visualized at the level of space, as if you saw it among the variety of stars, but only seven-pointed. You tune in to it, direct all your attention, like an arrow shot from a bow, to the center of this star, and the center of this star is like a kind of button. You press it with your consciousness and attention.
After that, you feel a flow of blue-violet energy rushing towards you, filling you, your whole body and consciousness. And you are fully included in the information field of the planet, in the complete base of all knowledge.
Try this practice right now.
Sit up straight, relax and you can literally listen to relaxing music for 30 seconds. Take a few deep breaths, exhale. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Exhalation is done in all directions. At the same time, your back is even, your legs touch the floor, your arms and legs are not crossed. Feel how with every breath you take your body fills with energy, prana, relaxes and releases all the clamps, blocks, unpleasant feelings, emotions, memories and unfulfilled tasks. That is, all information garbage falls down, is washed away. It goes through your legs, goes down to the center of the Earth for processing. At this point, you may feel coolness in your feet. Feel how your whole body is now as relaxed as possible. Allow yourself to take care of yourself during these few minutes. Make time for yourself.
Bring all your attention to the top of your head. Imagine how above your head, above the Sahasrara chakra (a purple ball, located on the top of your head), an energy pipe goes vertically upwards - your information channel. And on the top of your head, a bright purple ball glows. Start lifting this ball from the crown along the inside of the pipe, as if along a thread. In a spiral, lift this ball vertically upward until you hit a certain space / plane at the top. Thus, you clear all blocks - all informational garbage in the form of obsessions, thoughts, negative emotions. That is, you are cleared of all the garbage that affects your consciousness, pushing it up into the information field, where it all dissolves.
At some point, you will definitely feel that you are up against something, like a wall. At this moment, be sure to relax and, just as a knife penetrates melted butter, very easily and calmly, as if pass your attention, turn up vertically. You are included in the information field of the planet, its "brains", consciousness.
Now you are in close contact with the information field. Imagine with your eyes closed, as if you were in space right now. You seem to be hovering above the planet in space now, and all the stars surrounding you: in front and behind, above and below, left and right, these are different information bases. Various files. Information that is stored in the consciousness of our planet. And one of these stars stores information about Tarot cards.
Imagine a bright blue seven-pointed star and be sure to feel it in the space around you, in this space. This star will now shine brighter than anything in the world, brighter than the Sun. Direct all your attention to this star.
When it appears before your inner eye, try to penetrate with your attention to its very center - as if there were some kind of button. Your task is simply to connect your consciousness with the middle of this star. Thus, you will tune in to the information base about Tarot cards. And you can always get the right information for your question. When you have done this, slowly, gently begin to bring all of your attention into your body, into your head, through your energy tube. You will definitely feel how the blue-violet color energy descends with you. Return to the body without opening your eyes. Be literally a minute or two in your body and remember your sensations.
After that, slowly return to your consciousness and observe your sensations. Did you manage to feel something, tune in to the seven-pointed star, tune in to the information channel? Record your observations in your tarot diary.
Do this practice whenever you are going to work with tarot cards. You do this immediately, before laying out the cards. That is, if you, for example, do several sessions - in the morning, afternoon and evening - then do this practice every time you start.
Now about the technology. Take the deck in your right hand, substitute the left one next to it. Before you start shuffling the deck, you need to create an intention inside, at the level of the heart - to understand why you are doing this. Try creating the next intention to shuffle the deck now to learn how to do it right.
Shuffle the cards from your right hand to your left. Do this calmly, easily and confidently, mentally saying: "I am doing this now to learn how to shuffle correctly" . Start touching your cards, getting used to them and this process. Feel how energy is mixed in your deck. As you have in your hands are not cards, but like a stream of water. You mix this water, energy with your hands. There should be a light, comfortable (perhaps even elegant) feeling that can be compared to the stirring of water in the sea.
You can do this with your eyes closed, feeling the energy flowing through you. How absolutely white and pure energy flows into you through the top of your head, filling the deck through your hands, and exits the body through your legs. In this case, there is a feeling of warmth along the spine and throughout the body. And in a moment you will feel that you have learned that it is enough to interfere. When this happens, collect the cards in your left hand. Then you shift the deck back to the right, and it becomes ready for practice and layouts.
Your task is not to do everything mechanically, but to learn how to be a psychic, that is, turn on extrasensory perception of energy. Much more important are the feelings and states in which you are, rather than shuffling 78 cards and laying them out on the table. Feel the difference between mechanical actions and extrasensory perception. You must get the energy circulating through your body.
Next step. You must draw cards from the deck. This is done with the left hand (for left-handers - with the right) from absolutely any part of the deck. You will have layouts in which you will need to pull out cards only from the middle - such a rule. But during the shuffling of the deck, the distribution of energy occurs. Tarot cards (small Arcana) symbolize elemental energies, large Arcana speak of the energy of a person that is in his mind.
All 78 cards reflect the energy aspects of the life of all living beings and mechanisms in this world. When you shuffle cards, you are shuffling energy. It must flow easily through you, you must be able to flow in order to feel how it is done and know how to do it correctly. When you have finished shuffling and the “Stop” signal has worked inside you, this indicates that the energies in the deck have been distributed correctly. And obviously the brain received a signal about how and in what sequence it is necessary to pull out the correct card - exactly the one that is the answer to the questions.
At the moment when a person asked you a question, you accepted it and started thinking about it, the brain sends an impulse to the information field, receives an answer from there, which is already in the head. The brain already processes it and gives a signal to your muscles to pull the card out of a strictly defined zone.
When should a question be asked? There are two nuances here.
When you shuffle the deck for the first time, you set it up and enter the information field. That is, first they cleared the channel, turned on the seven-pointed star, felt the incoming energy, shuffled the cards, entering into a working state. You mix the deck with the intention of making a layout for a certain person in order to help him deal with his life situation. Then you need to turn to the questioner, tell him: "Ask your question" . At this point, he should formulate the question as specifically as possible. That is, to voice what specifically it is important for him to know.
Let's say you received it. Let's do a little experiment. You have already shuffled the deck for the first time by entering the flow state. Now we turn to the questioner. When he created a question, you start thinking about it and tell the questioner to do the same: "Please think about your question" . In turn, you take the deck and start shuffling it a second time, already tuning it to the questioner and his question. By holding a zero, pure state, thinking only about the question, you shuffle the cards until an internal sensation of “Stop” arises. At some point, you will feel that the deck has fallen into place.
Again, transfer it to your right hand and randomly draw a card from any place. Pay attention to how you draw the card. For example, from the middle. You hold the deck vertically, with the back facing the client, and when you take out the card, you open it like a book - from right to left.
For example, the question in this case is: “How to wish your son a happy birthday?” . Drawn card (World) 21st Arcana. She talks about birth, it depicts a pregnant woman. The question asked is about a birthday, and the card drawn is a pregnant woman. This is very symbolic. Arcana Peace means that the questioner will be able to congratulate his son on his birthday. The best way to do this is out of love, harmoniously, calmly and peacefully. You need to trust your intuition, because on an intuitive level, the questioner knows how best to congratulate his son so that this has a positive effect on relations with him. The Major Arcana came out of the deck, which means that the question is very important for the questioner.
When you have conducted a Tarot session and received an answer, the card must be removed to any place in the deck - to the beginning, end or middle, it does not matter. And before proceeding to the next question, you need to shuffle the cards. That is, for each question of the client, you need to shuffle the cards. Pay attention to such little things. These are very important nuances if you really want to become a specialist. A professional is distinguished by knowledge of all the little things and subtleties, while a layman is simply an interested and non-practicing person.
The next aspect - is gratitude . When you have finished working with the deck, you can press it to your heart or just hold it in your hands and mentally thank yourself, the deck and the universe (cosmos) itself, in order to thereby perform a conditional energy exchange. You can say things like: "My beloved and dear deck, thank you for the work you have done, for the fact that I had the opportunity to answer my client's questions and help him." Be sure to give thanks and have the intention of gratitude. It is very important. This will mean that you value your time, the work you do, and respect the cosmos, the universe, that is, the world in which you live.
Gradually, when all your energy moves correctly and you have the right mindset, you will notice more and more miracles happening in your life. You will begin to see things that you have not seen before. And just start living a truly happy life.
The biggest difficulty of is, of course, making the deal for yourself. When you make a layout for yourself and then analyze it, you have some kind of internal state. Let's say, conditionally, good, conditionally say, not very good, pessimistic. And when you look at the cards from this state, you read them pessimistically. For example, the interpretation of 8 Cups from a student: "Emotional fatigue, desire to leave." 8 of Cups is a card of joy.
Yes, it means "sleep" - it has that meaning. She also talks about a holiday - a party, for example. It's not always fatigue. But since the person is tired, he interprets the card as emotional fatigue.
Conclusion: please do not be an interested person when interpreting the cards. Interpret them as if you were doing a alignment not for yourself, but for another person who came to you. Your task is to impartially explain everything. Then it will be a skill, it will be right. Otherwise, you broadcast your state again onto yourself and cannot feel a reliable, correct interpretation.
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Learn how to learn magic. Spells
The world of mysterious, magic, magic has been attractive to mankind at all times. Control the elements and destinies, subdue people and events, dominate, get what you want with a wave of your hand, become omnipotent and omnipotent, learn the secrets of nature and the beyond - who would not want this? Strange question, right? And therefore, esotericism and the occult to this day arouse burning interest throughout the world.
Awareness of responsibility
Remember the biblical expression that knowledge “multiplies sorrow”? In our case, discussing how to learn magic, let's rephrase it a little. The knowledge associated with the occult greatly increases a person's sense of responsibility for his every step and deed, for every action. After all, magic is power. And it must be managed wisely.
Many think about how to learn magic in order to get a loved one, great wealth, and easily deal with ill-wishers. What a wonderful life, it would seem, then it will come! Alas, this point of view is too superficial and short-sighted. After all, you have to pay for everything, including secret knowledge. More precisely, for their use.
Knowing how to learn practical magic, not all people can resist the temptation to use it for not too plausible purposes or to avoid looking where the human eye and consciousness should not go at all. In this case, the Law of Karma may turn on, and not only the curious will suffer, but many members of his family, relatives and loved ones. Therefore, when trying to find out how to learn magic, first of all think about whether you have enough endurance, seriousness, a cold, sober mind and elementary decency to bear this heavy burden of knowledge with dignity. For for a real practicing magician, the same covenant applies as for a doctor: “Do no harm!”
Magic of the Elements
Modern man, more or less aware of the history of earthly civilization, remembers how in the days of paganism people deified the forces and elements of nature. It was believed that they were controlled by spirits that could help in witchcraft. The energies possessed by the 4 most important elements - water, earth, fire, air - are truly unlimited in their power. Primitive shamans and medieval alchemists were able to subjugate the forces of nature to themselves, put them at the service of their own needs. And with their help, they did the seemingly impossible. Calling a thunderstorm, taming a typhoon, incinerating at a distance - these are not fairy tales, but the very “miracles” that magicians associated with the elements are capable of. You, in order to manage them, it is important to remember a few universal rules.
Master of Fire: Step One
How to learn fire magic?
- In addition to special knowledge, you must firmly believe in yourself, in your abilities and that you achieve the desired result (without faith, any knowledge is dead).
- To be able to make an effort of will, that is, to give one's thoughts and desires a strong energy impulse.
- Have a well-developed imagination, visualize the development of events that you need.
To begin with, try to develop your skills in these areas. And only then can you go to the next step on how to learn the magic of fire, air, etc. This is the first step that brings you closer to the desired goal - rapprochement with the elements.
Master of Fire: step two
The next step that initiates into masters of occult sciences go through is establishing direct contact with the elements. How should this happen? In the case of fire, do this: left alone in the room, light a candle. At first, just look at the flame, absorb its warmth, study the shades of the glow, feel the elements as you feel the person close to you who is close to you. You must tune in to the fire like a receiver antenna tunes in to radio waves. Feel the vibrations of the flame. This is especially necessary in cases where you are interested in how to learn magic at home, on your own, and not under the guidance of a mentor.
The element of fire is all-consuming, purifying and destroying at the same time. Subdue her, tame your fear of her - then you will succeed. Stretch your hands as close to the flame as possible. With your eyes closed, imagine how you merge with the fire, become one, how it begins to live inside you. When you feel complete identity, cast a spell, putting into it the maximum of your will, desire, faith. Its text can be different - read from books or invented by you. For example: “The sacred fire, the eternal source of heat and light, the enemy of darkness, the spark of life and renewal! Give me the knowledge of truth, illuminate the path of life, become a reliable companion in business, so that I can conquer the unconquered spheres! So be it, my word is strong, tenacious!
Lord of the Waters
Let's move on to the next stage of establishing contact with the elements and tell you how to learn to master the magic of water. To some extent, it is similar to the previous one. Water is the source of life and energy information. With its help, it is good to remove the negative, because this is the first purifier not only of the body, but also of the soul. Water is also an almighty healer, especially holy water. Therefore, almost all healers and healers speak it for a variety of needs: for the beauty and attention of others, for love, repayment of debts, for death - yes, and they do such dirty tricks too.
Where do you start when joining the water element? Perhaps, from contemplation, from an attempt to find in oneself some similarity with its eternal fluidity and renewal. No wonder Leo Tolstoy noticed that a person is like a river: always the same and every moment different. And one should turn to the elements with such a spell: “The smooth surface of the transparent sea of \u200b\u200bthe boundless, the fundamental principle of all living things, become a help to me, give strength to conquer the rebellious! So be it, my word is strong, tenacious! As already mentioned, in order to achieve real results, you must work hard on yourself!
Perseverance and purposefulness
Even if you know how to master magic, you should not think that you will succeed the first time. Only long training, persistent, with the use of all your mental strength will ultimately lead to the desired result. It is important to achieve harmony with at least one element. Then it will become easier and easier to interact with other forces of nature. And your power will be truly limitless.
White and black magic
Suppose that you are a kind person, you do not accept evil by definition, you want to conjure, but you do not want to deal with dark forces. That is, you are concerned about how to learn white magic. Alas, we are disappointed. Magic - and the word "witchcraft" is a synonym - is only one, and it is black or white, depending on who uses it and for what.
Using rituals and incantations, soothsayers and healers, shamans and sorcerers turn to "that" world, to demonic forces. And even if Christian symbols are used - prayers, church candles and icons - the texts of conspiracies and the actions of the sorcerer themselves are far from having religious significance. After all, all these rituals are associated with paganism, communication with the dead, spirits, the use of energy of a completely different plan than human.
Why a magician needs them is another matter. If for the treatment of patients, removal of damage, love spells, to improve the life of the one who turned to him for help (but not to the detriment of others!) - yes, such magic has a positive effect. In a different scenario, the occultist spoils his karma so much that his soul will have to pay for everything over the course of many reincarnations.
What to learn, how to learn
Along the way, the following question arises: "If damage, love spells, spells and curses are bad, then should an esotericist know this, does he need such magic?" How to learn to conjure - yes, you should know! And be able. Otherwise, he will never be able to fight evil, in whatever forms it may appear. Without mastering the technique of love spell, it is impossible to remove it. Getting acquainted only in theory with a cemetery conspiracy to death, you will never help the patient save his life. And so it is in every case connected with the “other” world. However, being able does not mean practicing! You should hone your skills only on good deeds and deeds. And in no case do not even think about how to quickly learn magic. This matter is so subtle and complex, multifaceted, that it does not tolerate fuss. As well as serving the muses.
Talents and inclinations
In any kind of activity, there are two types of attitude to one's work: amateurish and professional. For those who are thinking about how to learn how to wield magic, the first is unacceptable. However, magic, by and large, requires talent, inclinations, and a special gift from a person. Mozarts and Salieri are not only in art. If a person is not marked by anything significant from birth, then one can memorize the texts of conspiracies by heart, know by heart all the subtleties of magical rituals, but one cannot become a true sorcerer.
Magic, more than any other area of application of our strength and knowledge, requires dedication, discipline, diligence, responsibility and Talent. Yes, it is Talent with a capital letter. A true medicine man must combine the genius of Mozart with the industriousness of Salieri. Only then can he achieve something.
Practical tips
And finally, a few practical tips. The most correct way to learn magic is to find a master who would pass on his knowledge to you. These can be village "grandmothers" and "grandfathers" who inherit their power and join the sacraments from representatives of their own kind (inherited) or other practicing magicians. First-hand information, as well as practical lessons, can be an invaluable treasure for you on the way to mastering this complex science. And, which is very important, only a practicing healer will tell you and teach you not only magical wisdom, but also how to protect yourself from negativity when dealing with "dark forces".
Naturally, try to acquire special literature, preferably publications from the beginning of the last century or even older ones. There you will find texts of conspiracies, descriptions of rites and rituals, explanations on how to use magic items, talismans, etc.