Infants bedtime stories
Bedtime Stories | Free 5 Min Bedtime Stories for Kids Online Bedtime Stories
The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.
The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!
A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth. If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.
A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness. Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.
A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?
The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?
This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning. The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.
A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.
This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.
The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years.
Who can save her?
Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?
A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.
A Cinderella Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!
Pinocchio Story ~ Fairy Tale Bedtime Stories in English for Kids
A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth. If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.
Beauty and the Beast Classic Tale ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids
The classic fairy tale of a beautiful woman and the monstrous beast.
Rumpelstiltskin ~ A Fairy Tale Bedtime Story for Kids
A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm ~ Bedtime Stories
A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
The Sword in the Stone: a King Arthur Legend of the Sword Story
A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness. Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.
The Ugly Duckling Story ~ Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English
A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?
The Frog Prince: The Story of the Princess and the Frog ~ Bedtime Stories
The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
The Little Mermaid Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp from The Arabian Nights ~ Bedtime Stories
This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
Bambi Story: A Life in the Woods ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning. The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids
A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.
Maui from Moana: Tales of the Demi-God ~ Legend Stories for Kids
This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.
The Velveteen Rabbit Story ~ Bedtime English Story for Kids
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.
The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story ~Bedtime Story for Kids
The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?
The Gift of the Magi Story ~ A Holiday Story for Kids
Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?
Pocahontas and John Smith Story ~ Folktales Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.
The Emperor’s New Clothes Story ~ Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. The Emperor is fooled into believing he is wearing magic clothes which can’t be “seen”.
Mulan Story ~ Tale of Hua Mulan Bedtime Stories | English Story for Kids
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. Based on the “Ballad of Mulan” and Disney’s Mulan, this is a legend tale about a girl who goes in disguise as a boy and joins the army in her brother’s place.
Short Stories for Kids ~ Folk tales, Fairy Tales, Riddles, Legends, Poems
More From Stories to Grow By
You will find a story you love. Did you know that Stories to Grow By also provides a collection of World Tales? Folktales, fairytales, fables, and more! Whether you are looking for a story from your own country or culture, or a want to learn about a new one! We have you covered. Check out our special collection of world tales by clicking HERE.
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Teaching Resources from Stories to Grow By
In addition to our bedtime stories, we also offer a multitude teaching resources! This includes over 100 free bedtime stories, fairy tales, folk tales, readers theater play scripts, and performance notes!
You will find the bedtime stories and the materials you need for your classroom with Stories to Grow By.
Baby Bedtime Stories and Songs
As parents, we know that reading or singing to baby is a soothing way to help them sleep. From short bedtime stories to children’s bedtime songs, this bedtime routine is a great way to bond with your little ones and encourage a passion for reading and music. Songs and stories for babies are also specifically designed to help sharpen their memory, improve their language development and encourage more creative thinking. Looking for ideas for bedtime stories? Not sure which bedtime songs to sing? Take a look at our list of soothing baby bedtime stories and bedtime songs to help you get started.
Super Songs and Stories for Babies
Children live very active lifestyles, so it can be hard to settle them down at times. That’s where a selection of great baby bedtime stories comes in handy – having more than one baby bedtime story to hand will keep them interested and help soften the bedtime blow. In fact, baby bedtime story time will become an activity that your child looks forward to each night, making getting them into bed that little bit easier. Need some baby bedtime story ideas to kick off your collection? Check out some of ours below.
1. "What If?"
“What If?” is one of the most charming stories for babies about a little girl called Nandi who uses her imagination to wonder what would happen in different situations. “What if jelly beans made you jump really high?” is just one of the questions she ponders in her baby bedtime stories. The plot features plenty of colourful illustrations that are designed to be viewed on a tablet or smartphone. It’s one of the five-minute stories from Storyberries – a site designed to help parents find children’s bedtime songs stories on the go. You can read “What If?” on the Storyberries website.
2. “Nighty Night Circus”
If reading aloud isn’t your favourite thing to do, then why not take advantage of one of the many bedtime stories for babies on YouTube? Let performances by professional narrators lull your baby to sleep (and who knows, maybe you too!), to take the pressure off. Wondering where to start with the huge selection available? Try "Nighty Night Circus" – this animated baby bedtime story follows a series of animals as they get ready to go to sleep. The magical tale was created by Oscar-nominated animator, Heidi Wittlinger, and is the sequel to one of the most popular bedtime apps ever. We think it has all the right ingredients for a good bedtime story – and more than three million parents agree!
3. “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”
Michael Rosen’s poem about a family on the trail of a bear has become a modern children’s classic since it was first published in 1989 – and yet it remains as relevant and popular as ever. It’s one of Book Trust’s top 100 reads for children under three years old. The repetition of the rhymes make this a perfect pick for your collection of baby bedtime stories. You can learn more about the authors and read reviews from parents on the Book Trust's website
4. “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
We’re all familiar with this popular baby bedtime song – and your little one will soon get to know it too. But how many of the original poem verses do you know?
The poem was first published in 1806 as “The Star”, before later being set to music to become a nursery rhyme. And of course, its popularity endures today.
The original version of this short bedtime story contains four verses – a welcome variation for mums and dads who find themselves having to sing it over and over again to get baby to sleep! You can find the full version on the Poetry Foundation's Website.
5. “Rock a-bye Baby”
Also known as “Hush a-Bye Baby”, this bedtime song is even older than “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”, and was first published in 1765. The fact that it is still so well-known and loved today is testament to its appeal to little ears and minds – and, of course, its ability to soothe babies to sleep.
Singing this to your little one as part of their bedtime routine is a great way to bond with them – as well as helping them to relax. Of course, if singing isn’t your thing, you can play a recording of Rock a-Bye Baby and listen along too.
6. Revisit an old favourite
Sometimes storytime can be a chore – especially if you’re struggling with a little one who just won’t sleep. But it’s also a great opportunity to revisit and share memories from your own childhood. Spend some time rediscovering favourite baby bedtime stories and bedtime songs and sharing them. You could even ask your own parents for a tried and trusted short bedtime story that worked when you were little.
7. Create baby bedtime stories of your own
Feeling creative? Why not make up a baby bedtime story of your own to share with your baby? You could use a family photo book as the basis for the story or use your own childhood for inspiration. If you’re musically gifted, you could even turn it into a bedtime song.
Still struggling to get baby to sleep? Try our snuggly Woolroom Kids bedding range to help your baby benefit from the natural, sleep-enhancing properties of wool.
by Jessica warren
20 Apr 2021
"Baby Storys"
I need help putting my baby to sleep at night so if u have any. Baby musical story’s that would be so helpful
Woolroom's Customer Care Team Wool is great at regulating your temperature throughout the night. If you would like more information, take a look on our website or email us at [email protected]
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Short bedtime stories for children
What do older children remember? Rare moments of trust and open dialogue with parents. Short bedtime stories are author's and folklore works of the world that will allow parents to get closer to their children. Reading kind and magical fairy tales, their general discussion will help to form the correct moral guidelines in the life of a child. Short bedtime stories will develop children's imagination, the ability to empathize and find answers to questions that concern children on their own. nine0027
Russian people's sales on the night of animal men of Bear 2 guests 2 years of 3 years of flyer and zlepro Mashuper Grandmother Group
Alexander Pushkinskazykazi at night of the Saddlya of the senior group of the preparatory group
Russian people -yaguAbout geeseFor schoolchildrenFor grade 1For kindergartenFor the middle group
Russian folktalesBedtime storiesShortAbout the bearFor children 2 years oldFor kidsLev TolstoyAbout good and evil Younger group
Charles Charles Perrosive Writing Science at the Night of Animal Propads of Volkadlya Children 3 Letdo children 4 years of babbled granny pupils 1 class 3 class of the Middle Group
Magic Rules of the 1st class.