Instructional reading strategies

6 Research-Backed Elementary Reading Strategies

We know that learning how to read is essential for success in school. Students need to be able to close read, annotate, and comprehend assignments and texts across all subjects.

So we looked through our archives and consulted the research to arrive at a list of strategies that could develop strong reading skills and confidence for all students—including struggling readers.

Try Choral Reading or Partner Reading

There are better alternatives to round-robin and popcorn reading: “Of the 30-odd studies and articles I’ve consumed on the subject,” says Todd Finley, a professor of English education, “only one graduate research paper claimed a benefit to round-robin reading or its variations.” It simply doesn’t benefit students to have poor fluency skills and pronunciation modeled, and asking students to take turns reading aloud in front of the whole class can stigmatize struggling readers.

Choral reading—when the teacher and class read a text aloud together—takes the spotlight off of struggling readers while encouraging them to participate. Research suggests that it improves reading fluency, expands vocabulary, and increases students’ confidence.

Partner reading is another low-stakes, research-backed strategy. A pair of students alternate reading a text aloud, then taking the role of the listener. The listener asks probing questions to check that the reader comprehends the text. Having the stronger reader go first benefits struggling readers because they hear the difficult words before reading them aloud themselves. This form of peer monitoring and questioning improves reading fluency, according to a 2007 study.

Assign Cross-Grade Reading Buddies

Pairing students from upper and lower grades to read together has academic and social and emotional benefits that flow both ways. The little kids see greater reading fluency modeled and profit from the one-to-one attention of a mentoring relationship; the upper elementary kids learn by answering questions and develop crucial skills like empathy and patience. Additionally, for older kids who struggle with grade-level reading, the experience allows them to access simpler texts without shame—all the while increasing their confidence by taking on a leadership role.

Student pairs can meet at least once a month for 30 minutes. At first, let the younger students choose the books to increase their engagement; later, have older students share their favorite reads. As the younger kids’ skills develop, they can start reading too, instead of just listening.

Make Ear Reading Available to Your Class

Ear reading, listening to an audiobook while reading, is a great approach—at least periodically—for all students, but it has particular benefits for struggling readers and students with dyslexia. In a 2010 study, students with dyslexia who listened to audiobooks showed significant gains in reading accuracy, improved behavior and school performance, and greater motivation and school involvement. You can get human-read audiobooks and textbooks from Learning Ally, a nonprofit focused on supporting K–12 struggling readers. OverDrive, Bookshare, and Audible also provide audiobooks.

Although ear reading is an effective strategy for supporting students with dyslexia, it doesn’t replace explicit, step-by-step phonics-based instruction, also known as structured literacy, which remains one of the most effective reading strategies for students with the condition. Structured literacy focuses on teaching phonemic and phonological awareness, among other skills like encoding and comprehension.

Teach Academic English

A 2014 report from the Institute of Education Sciences looks at how teaching academic English—general and domain-specific vocabulary for a subject area or a unit, for example—empowers students, particularly English language learners (ELLs), to understand the content better. Acting out the words in a skit, creating physical gestures for challenging words, and coupling challenging language with images are some useful strategies for teaching vocabulary.

But students need more than vocabulary to become successful readers. Regular formative assessment is important, especially in supporting ELLs, who now make up almost 10 percent of K–12 students in the United States. In kindergarten and first grade, check in regularly to assess students’ understanding of the alphabet and ability to sound out words. For second through fifth graders, look for their ability to read accurately, with expression, and on pace. Walking around the room while students read in pairs can be an easy way to assess students; you can ask pairs to discuss what they read to assess their comprehension in real time.

Give Students Choice in the Books They Read

Allowing students to choose what they read and offering choices that reflect their experiences increases their engagement. A kid may have no desire to read The Boxcar Children but be eager to get her hands on Hansel & Gretel & Zombies: A Graphic Novel once she gets home. Giving students choice doesn’t mean lowering your expectations. Yes, kids may choose books that don’t challenge them, but you can manage that. Bring in options that are rigorous and also meet their interests, or rotate between choice books and whole-class reading.

When it comes to ensuring that your bookshelves are stocked with stories that will interest your students, having a diverse classroom library matters. Asking your students what books they want to read and what categories they are interested in is a good place to start, suggests Meredith Kimi Lewis, a K–5 program specialist for Seattle Public Schools.

Have Students Read the Same Text Multiple Times, in Multiple Modalities

Fluency-oriented reading instruction (FORI)—when students read the same text multiple times over the course of a week as a class, in pairs, and alone, for example—significantly improved word pronunciation and reading comprehension for a diverse group of second graders, according to a 2010 study.

And at New York–based Concourse Village Elementary School, composed of a predominantly Latinx and black student population in the poorest congressional district in the nation, a schoolwide, cross-discipline reading approach that emphasizes repeated exposure to the same text has the school outscoring the citywide average by as many as 40 points for the English state exam. Their five-step reading strategy—one of several approaches in the school—also emphasizes repeated access to the same text in different modalities. Students echo and choral read the same text every day over the span of a week, and each day they focus on honing a different skill: identifying the main point, annotating, identifying key details, analyzing the author’s craft, and drawing conclusions. 

Classroom Strategies | Reading Rockets

Strategy focus

AnyComprehensionFluencyPhonicsPhonological awarenessPrint awarenessVocabularyWriting


AnyBefore readingDuring readingAfter reading

Especially helpful for

AnyAcademic languageDecoding / encodingGrammarEnglish learnersOrganizing ideasSelf-monitoring

Strategy Focus B/D/A Template
Alphabet Matching Phonics
Anticipation Guide Comprehension
  • Before reading
Audio-Assisted Reading Fluency
  • During reading
Blending and Segmenting Games Phonological awareness
Choral Reading Fluency
  • During reading
Concept Maps Comprehension
  • During reading
Concept of Word Games Phonological awareness
  • During reading
Concept Sort Comprehension
  • Before reading
Descriptive Writing Writing
Dictation Writing
Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Comprehension
  • During reading
Elkonin Boxes Phonological awareness
Exit Slips Comprehension
  • After reading
First Lines Comprehension
  • Before reading
Framed Paragraphs Writing
Inference Comprehension
  • During reading
  • After reading
Inquiry Chart Comprehension
  • During reading
Jigsaw Comprehension
  • During reading
List-Group-Label Vocabulary
  • After reading
Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) Comprehension
  • Before reading
  • During reading
  • After reading
Matching Books to Phonics Features Phonics
  • During reading
  • After reading
Onset-Rime Games Phonological awareness
Paired (or Partner) Reading Fluency
  • During reading
Paragraph Hamburger Writing
Paragraph Shrinking Comprehension
  • During reading
Partner Reading Comprehension
  • During reading
Persuasive Writing Writing
Possible Sentences Vocabulary
  • Before reading
Question the Author Comprehension
  • During reading
Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) Comprehension
  • After reading
RAFT Writing
Reader’s Theater Fluency
  • During reading
Reading Guide Comprehension
  • During reading
Reciprocal Teaching Comprehension
  • During reading
Revision Writing
Rhyming Games Phonological awareness
Semantic Feature Analysis Vocabulary
Semantic Gradients Vocabulary
Sentence Combining Writing
Shared Reading Fluency
  • During reading
Story Maps Comprehension
  • During reading
  • After reading
Story Sequence Comprehension
  • Before reading
  • During reading
  • After reading
Summarizing Comprehension
  • After reading
Syllable Games Phonological awareness
Think-alouds Comprehension
  • During reading
Think-Pair-Share Comprehension
  • Before reading
Timed Repeated Readings Fluency
  • During reading
Transition Words Writing
Visual Imagery Comprehension
  • During reading
Word Hunts Vocabulary
  • During reading
Word Maps Vocabulary
Word Walls Vocabulary
  • During reading
Writing Conferences Writing

Methods for teaching the strategy of semantic reading and working with text

1. Introduction

The global processes of informatization of society, the increase in the amount of textual information every year, the presentation of new requirements for its analysis, systematization and processing speed have put theorists and practitioners of education in front of the need development of new approaches to teaching reading.


- children have low reading speed, as a result of which they spend a lot of time doing homework,

- they often do not understand the meaning of what they read due to reading errors and incorrect intonation,

- they cannot extract the necessary information from the proposed text, highlight the main thing in the read,

- they find it difficult to briefly retell the content,

- when performing independent work, tests of different levels, students make mistakes due to misunderstanding of the wording of the task,

- rarely refer to cognitive texts. nine0007

That is, a serious contradiction arises: on the one hand, the modern world brings down a huge amount of information on us, on the other hand, our children do not read much, do not have the skills of semantic reading, and do not know how to work with information.

It is not so important to read a lot, it is much more necessary to process what you read in your mind in a quality manner. Having comprehended and structured the text in a certain way, it is much easier to convey its content and learn the main thing.

The current interdisciplinary curriculum, provided for by the new educational standards, is the program "Fundamentals of semantic reading and working with text." The program is aimed at forming and developing the foundations of reading competence necessary for students to implement their future plans, including continuing education and self-education, preparing for work and social activities. Today, reading, along with writing and computer skills, is one of the basic skills that allow you to work productively and communicate freely with different people. Reading is a universal skill: it is something that is taught and something through which one learns. As scientists have established, about 200 factors affect student performance. Factor #1 is reading skill, which has a far greater impact on academic performance than all of them combined. Research shows that in order to be competent in all subjects and later in life, a person needs to read 120-150 words per minute. This becomes a necessary condition for the success of working with information. Reading is the foundation of all educational outcomes. nine0007

2. Semantic reading in the context of the new Federal State Educational Standards

Federal standards include in the meta-subject results of OOP mastering as a mandatory component "mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives."

Semantic reading is a type of reading aimed at understanding the semantic content of the text by the reader. For semantic understanding, it is not enough just to read the text, it is necessary to evaluate the information, respond to the content. nine0007

In the concept of universal educational activities (Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A., etc.) actions of semantic reading associated with:

- understanding the purpose and choosing the type of reading depending on tasks;

- definition of primary and secondary information;

- by formulating the problem and the main idea of ​​the text.

For semantic understanding, it is not enough just to read the text, it is necessary to evaluate the information, respond to the content. The concept of "text" should be interpreted broadly. It can include not only words, but also visual images in the form of diagrams, figures, maps, tables, graphs. nine0007

Since reading is a meta-subject skill, its constituent parts will be in the structure of all universal learning activities:

- personal UUD includes reading motivation, learning motives, attitude towards oneself and school;

- in the regulatory UUD - the student's acceptance of the learning task, arbitrary regulation of activity;

- in cognitive UUD - logical and abstract thinking, working memory, creative imagination, concentration, vocabulary volume. nine0007

- in communicative UUD - the ability to organize and implement cooperation and cooperation with a teacher and peers, adequately convey information, display subject content.

The diagram shows groups of meta-subject results related to semantic reading.

3. Strategies for semantic reading

To work with the text at each stage, the reader chooses his own strategies. Learning strategies are a set of actions that a learner takes to facilitate learning, make it more efficient, effective, faster, more enjoyable, aim and bring learning activities closer to their own goals.0007

The term "reading strategies" was born at the dawn of psycholinguistics, and its appearance is associated with the work of Kenneth Goodman and Peter Kolers (70s). (slide 14) The most general definition of J. Bruner became fundamental for all subsequent works: “A strategy is a certain way of acquiring, storing and using information that serves to achieve certain goals in the sense that it should lead to certain results.

In case of success, the student remembers the ways of his actions, operations, resources used, transfers the strategy to other situations, makes it universal. The number of strategies and the frequency of their use are individual. nine0007

Strategy No. 1. Directed reading

Purpose: to form the ability to purposefully read the educational text. Ask questions and lead group discussions.

1. Update. Reception "Associative Bush": the teacher writes a keyword or title of the text, students express their associations one by one, the teacher writes down. The use of this technique allows you to update knowledge, motivate subsequent activities, activate the cognitive activity of students, set them up for work. nine0007

2. Pupils silently read a short text or part of a text, stopping at the indicated places.

3. The teacher asks a problematic question on what has been read.

4. The answers of several students are discussed in class.

5. The students make an assumption about the further development of the event.

Strategy #2. Reading in pairs - generalization in pairs

Purpose: to form the ability to highlight the main thing, summarize what was read in the form of a thesis, ask problematic questions. nine0007

1. The students silently read the text or part of the text chosen by the teacher.

2. The teacher puts the students in pairs and gives clear instructions. Each student alternately performs two roles: speaker - reads and summarizes the content in the form of one thesis; the respondent listens to the speaker and asks him two substantive questions. Next comes the role reversal.

3. The teacher invites all students to the discussion.

Strategy No. 3. Reading and asking

Purpose: to form the ability to work independently with printed information, formulate questions, work in pairs.

1. Students silently read the proposed text or part of the text chosen by the teacher.

2. The students work in pairs and discuss which key words should be highlighted in the reading. (Which words appear most often in the text? How many times? Which words are in bold? Why?

If you read the text aloud, how would you make it clear that this sentence is the main thing? It is about highlighting the phrase voice, which hides an unobtrusive but reliable memorization.)

3. One of the students formulates a question using key words, the other answers it.

4. Discuss key words, questions and answers in class. Correction.

Strategy No. 4. Double entry diary

Goal: to form the ability to ask questions while reading, critically evaluate information, compare what is read with one's own experience.

1. The teacher instructs the students to divide the notebook into two parts. nine0007

2. In the process of reading, students should write down on the left side the moments that struck, surprised, reminded of some facts, caused any associations; on the right - write a concise commentary: why this particular moment surprised you, what associations it caused, what thoughts it prompted.

Strategy No. 5. Reading with notes

Purpose: to form the ability to read thoughtfully, evaluate information, formulate the author's thoughts in your own words.

The teacher gives the students the task to write information in the margins with icons according to the following algorithm:

  • V Familiar information
  • + New information
  • - I thought (thought) otherwise
  • ? This interested me (surprised), I want to know more

The essence of semantic reading strategies is that the strategy is related to choice, functions automatically at the unconscious level and is formed in the course of the development of cognitive activity. Teaching reading strategies includes the acquisition of skills:

- Distinguishing types of message content - facts, opinions, judgments, evaluations; nine0007

- recognition of the hierarchy of meanings within the text - the main idea, theme and its components;

- own understanding - the process of reflective perception of the cultural meaning of information.

Mastering strategies occurs mainly in groups or pairs, which allows students to develop not only speech, but also communicative competence.

4. Techniques for teaching the strategy of semantic reading and working with text

The strategy of semantic reading provides understanding of the text by mastering the techniques of mastering it at the stages before reading, during reading and after reading. Working with any text involves three stages: pre-text activity, text and post-text activity

Stage 1. Work with text before reading.

1. Anticipation (anticipation, anticipation of the upcoming reading). Determining the semantic, thematic, emotional orientation of the text, highlighting its heroes by the title of the work, the name of the author, key words, illustrations preceding the text based on the reader's experience.

2. Setting the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the general (educational, motivational, emotional, psychological) readiness of students for work. nine0007

Purpose of stage 1: development of the most important reading skill, anticipation, that is, the ability to guess, predict the content of the text by title, author's name, illustration.

Techniques of pre-text activity:

If earlier, according to the traditional method, only one task “Read the text” was given at the stage of pre-reading the text, and the main attention was paid to control of reading comprehension, now we know that the better organized the stage of pre-reading, the easier it is for the student to read the text and the higher the result achieved by him. nine0007

Pre-text orienting techniques are aimed at staging reading and, consequently, at choosing the type of reading, updating previous knowledge and experience, concepts and vocabulary of the text, as well as creating motivation for reading.

Most common techniques:

  • Brainstorming
  • Glossary
  • "Landmarks of anticipation"
  • Preliminary Questions
  • "Dissection questions".

Brainstorming, headline prediction. nine0039

The goal is to update previous knowledge and experience related to the topic of the text.

The question is asked: what associations do you have about the stated topic?

Associations are written on the board.

The teacher can add various information.

Reading text. Comparison of information with that learned from the text.


The purpose of is to update and repeat the vocabulary related to the topic of the text. nine0007

The teacher says the name of the text, gives a list of words and suggests marking those that may be related to the text.

Having finished reading the text, they return to these words (this will be a post-text strategy) and look at the meaning and use of the words used in the text.

"Landmarks of anticipation"

The purpose of is to update previous knowledge and experience related to the topic of the text. Students are given judgments. They should mark the ones they agree with. After reading, they mark them again. If the answer has changed, then the students explain why this happened (post-text strategy)

“Dissections of the Question”

The goal of is a semantic guess about the possible content of the text based on the analysis of its title. It is proposed to read the title of the text and divide it into semantic groups. What do you think the text will be about?

"Preparatory questions"

The purpose of is to update existing knowledge on the topic of the text.

Detailed reception algorithm:

1. Scan the text quickly. (Review reading.)

2. Answer the question asked in the title of the text.

Stage 2. Working with text while reading.

Purpose of stage 2: understanding of the text and creation of its reader's interpretation (interpretation, evaluation).

1. Primary reading of the text. Independent reading in the classroom or reading-listening, or combined reading (at the choice of the teacher) in accordance with the characteristics of the text, age and individual abilities of students. Identification of primary perception (with the help of a conversation, fixing primary impressions, related arts - at the teacher's choice). nine0007

2. Rereading the text. Slow "thoughtful" repeated reading (of the entire text or its individual fragments). Text analysis. Statement of a clarifying question for each semantic part.

3. Conversation on the content of the text. Summary of what has been read. Identification of the hidden meaning of the work, if any. Statement of generalizing questions to the text, both by the teacher and by the children. Appeal (if necessary) to individual fragments of the text.

Text activities include:

  • Read aloud
  • "Reading to yourself with questions"
  • Stop Reading
  • "Reading to yourself with a mark"

"Reading aloud"

The goal is to check the understanding of the text read aloud .

1. Reading text paragraph by paragraph. The task is to read with understanding, the task of the listeners is to ask the reader questions to check whether he understands the text being read.

2. Listeners ask questions about the content of the text, the reader answers. If his answer is incorrect or inaccurate, the listeners correct him. nine0007

“Reading to yourself with questions”

The goal is to teach you to read the text thoughtfully by asking yourself increasingly difficult questions .

1. Reading the first paragraph. Questions are being asked.

2. Reading the second paragraph to yourself. Work in pairs. One student asks questions, the other answers.

3. Reading the third paragraph. They change roles. They ask questions and answer.

Stop Reading

Goals - managing the process of understanding the text while reading it.

Reading the text with stops during which questions are asked. Some of them are aimed at testing understanding, others - at predicting the content of the following passage.

“Reading to yourself with notes” (“Insert”)

The goal is to monitor the understanding of the text being read and its critical analysis . This strategy is most often used to work with complex scientific texts. It is used to stimulate more careful reading. Reading becomes an exciting journey. nine0007

1. Individual reading.

While reading, the student makes notes in the text:

  • V – already knew;
  • + - new;
  • - thought differently;
  • ? - I do not understand, there are questions.

2. Reading, the second time, fill in the table, systematizing the material.

Already knew (V)

Learned something new (+)

Thought otherwise (–)

Questions (?)

Records - keywords, phrases. After completing the table, students will have a mini-outline. After the students fill in the table, we summarize the results of the work in the conversation mode. If the students have any questions, then I answer them, having previously found out if one of the students can answer the question that has arisen. This technique contributes to the development of the ability to classify, systematize incoming information, highlight the new. nine0007

“Creating a question plan”.

The student carries out a semantic grouping of the text, highlights the strong points, divides the text into semantic parts and titles each part with a key question

Stage 3. Working with text after reading .

Purpose: correction of the reader's interpretation in accordance with the author's intention

1. Conceptual (semantic) conversation on the text. Collective discussion of the read, discussion. Correlation of readers' interpretations (interpretations, evaluations) of the work with the author's position. Identification and formulation of the main idea of ​​the text or the totality of its main meanings. nine0007

2. Acquaintance with the writer. Story about a writer. Talk about the personality of the writer. Working with textbook materials, additional sources.

3. Work with the title, illustrations. Discussing the meaning of the title. Referring students to ready-made illustrations. Correlation of the artist's vision with the reader's idea.

4. Creative tasks based on any area of ​​students' reading activity (emotions, imagination, comprehension of content, artistic

Techniques for post-text activities.

  • "Relationship between question and answer"
  • "Time out"
  • "Checklist"
  • "Questions after the text"

"Relationship between question and answer"

The goal is to teach understanding of the text . One of the most effective post-text techniques. It differs from the rest in that it teaches the process of understanding the text, and does not control the result (understood - did not understand), shows the need to search for the location of the answer. nine0007

The answer to the question can be in the text or in the reader's word. If the answer is in the text, it can be in one sentence of the text or in several of its parts. To answer the question, you need to find the exact answer in one sentence of the text. If it is contained in several parts of the text, such an answer must be formulated by connecting them.

If the answer is in the reader's head, then in one case the reader constructs it by connecting what the author says between the lines or indirectly and how the reader interprets the author's words. In another case, the answer is outside the text and the reader is looking for it in his knowledge. nine0007

"Time out"

Objectives - self-test and assessment of understanding of the text by discussing it in pairs and in a group.

Reception implementation algorithm:

1. Reading the first part of the text. Work in pairs.

2. Ask each other clarifying questions. They answer them. If there is no confidence in the correctness of the answer, questions are submitted for discussion by the whole group after the completion of the work with the text. nine0007


This strategy is quite flexible. It lays down the conditions for the qualitative performance of any task. The “checklist” is compiled by the teacher for students at the first stages of applying the strategy.

Checklist "Brief retelling":

1. The main idea of ​​the text is named. (Yes / No.)

2. The main thoughts of the text and the main details are named. (Yes/No.)

3. There is a logical and semantic structure of the text. (Yes/No.)

4. There are necessary means of communication that unite the main ideas of the text. (Yes/No.)

5. The content is presented in one's own words (language means) while preserving the lexical units of the author's text. (Yes/No.)

“Questions after the text”

The classification of questions, known as the “Taxonomy of questions”, involves a balance between groups of questions to:

- the factual information of the text, presented verbally; nine0007

- subtext information hidden between lines, in subtext;

- conceptual information, often outside the text.

These three groups of questions are now being supplemented by a fourth one - a group of evaluative, reflective questions related to the critical analysis of the text.

"Thin" and "thick" questions

After studying the topic, students are asked to formulate three "thin" and three "thick" questions related to the material covered. They then quiz each other using tables of thick and thin questions. nine0007

Thick questions

Subtle questions

Explain why….?
Why do you think....?
Guess what happens if...?
What's the difference...?
Why do you think....?

Who..? What…? When…?
Maybe...? Could...?
Was it...? Will…?
Do you agree...?
Is it true...?

    Question Tree

    Crown - what? where? when? Barrel - why? How? Could you? Roots - how to relate the text to life? With current events? What is the author trying to show? nine0007

    "Bloom's Cube" (Benjamin Bloom is a famous American teacher, author of many pedagogical strategies = technician).

    The beginnings of the questions are written on the sides of the cube: “Why?”, “Explain”, “Name”, “Suggest”, “Think up”, “Share”. The teacher or student rolls the die.

    It is necessary to formulate a question to the educational material on the side on which the cube fell.

    The “Name” question is aimed at the level of reproduction, that is, at the simple reproduction of knowledge. nine0007

    The question "Why" - the student in this case must find cause-and-effect relationships, describe the processes that occur with a particular object or phenomenon.

    "Explain" question - the student uses concepts and principles in new situations.

    Question Tree

    Options for working with text.

    "Questions to the text of the textbook"

    The strategy allows you to form the ability to work independently with printed information, formulate questions, work in pairs. nine0007

    • Read the text.
    • What words occur most often in the text? How many times?
    • Which words are in bold? Why?
    • If you were to read the text aloud, how would you make it clear that this sentence is the main one?

    We are talking about highlighting a phrase with your voice. Here lies an unobtrusive but reliable memorization.


    I use clusters for structuring and systematizing material. A cluster is a way of graphic organization of educational material, the essence of which is that in the middle of the sheet the main word (idea, topic) is written or sketched, and ideas (words, pictures) associated with it are fixed on the sides of it. nine0007


    These are words that can be used to compose a story or definitions of some concept.

    "True and False Statements"

    has a universal device, which contributes to the actualization of students' knowledge and the activation of mental activity. This technique makes it possible to quickly include children in mental activity and it is logical to proceed to the study of the topic of the lesson. Reception forms the ability to assess the situation or facts, the ability to analyze information, the ability to reflect one's opinion. Children are invited to express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: true - "+", not true - "-". nine0007

    "Do you believe..."

    It is carried out in order to arouse interest in the study of the topic and create a positive motivation for independent study of the text on this topic.

    Conducted at the beginning of the lesson, after the announcement of the topic.


    Develops the ability of students to highlight key concepts in the reading, the main ideas, synthesize the knowledge gained and show creativity.

    Sinkwine structure:

    • Noun (subject).
    • Two adjectives (description)
    • Three verbs (action).
    • Four-word phrase (description).
    • Noun (paraphrasing of the topic).

    "Mental maps" (graphic technique for organizing text),

    Mind Mapping is a mind visualization technique. The applications of mental maps are very diverse - for example, they can be used to fix, understand and remember the content of a book or text, generate and write down ideas, understand a new topic for yourself, prepare for making a decision. nine0007

    In the center of a landscape sheet, one word indicates the subject, which is enclosed in a closed outline. Branches are drawn from it, on which keywords are located. Sub-branches are added to branches until the topic is exhausted.

    Mind maps activate memory. Lists, solid text, trees, and diagrams are the same. Mind maps, on the other hand, use every possible means to activate perception through diversity: different line weights, different colors of branches, precisely chosen keywords that are personally meaningful to you, the use of images and symbols. The technique of mental maps helps not only to organize and organize information, but also to better perceive, understand, remember and associate it. nine0007

    5. Diagnosis of educational outcomes using semantic reading techniques

    The network project "Techniques of Semantic Reading" [1] describes the model of V.V. Pikan, in which all cognitive levels are illustrated by exemplary examples of key questions and tasks that make it possible to diagnose the quality of mastering knowledge and ways of students' activities. Each of the cognitive levels (knowledge, understanding, application, generalization and systematization, value attitude) is assigned the number of points received for completing the tasks of the mastered level. The table below shows examples of questions and tasks, assessment criteria. nine0007

    Cognitive levels and assessment criteria

    Sample key questions and tasks (beginning of wording)

    Knowledge - 1 point

    Name. .., Define..., Formulate... . Retell ... List .... Choose the correct answer…. Complete the word…. Show…, Find out...etc.

    Comprehension - 2 points

    As you understand... Explain the relationship. Why ... Connect in semantic pairs .... Show on the graph...

    Application - according to sample 3 b.
    in a changed situation - 4 b.
    in a new situation - 5 b.

    Make an offer…. Identify Traits character…. Apply the appropriate rule.... Compare…. Draw conclusions.... Present your point of view...

    Generalization and systematization
    6-8 b.
    6 b. – local;
    7 b. intrasubject;
    8 b. interdisciplinary,

    Make a summary…. Make a table.
    Classify…. Give arguments for and against....
    Make a report…

    Value attitude - 2-10 b.

    What does it matter…. What do you think…. Do you like….
    Describe the advantages and disadvantages…. What role does the... nine0007

    6. Implementation of semantic reading technology techniques

    1. Work with text before reading. Reception dissection question.

    It is proposed to read the title of the paragraph "Compound sentence", the title of the scientific style text, and divide it into semantic groups; answer the question: what do you think the text will be about?

    2. Working with text while reading.

    Primary reading . Review reading or introductory reading:

    • How many paragraphs of the text?
    • Pay attention to the words in thinned and bold type.
    • Write out keywords.

    1. Compound

    2. Communication

    • Coordinating conjunctions
    • Intonation

    3. Additional communications

    • general minor member
    • nine0151 Explanatory words

    4. Punctuation marks

    • Comma
    • Semicolon
    • Dash
    • No comma

    Learning reading . Rereading text

    • Reading 1 paragraph.
    • We ask questions to the reader, he answers them.
    • Reading in pairs to yourself 2 paragraphs, one student asks a question - the other answers. nine0152
    • Reading 3, 4 paragraphs - students change roles.

    3. Work with the text after reading.

    Work in groups: 1 group, using keywords, makes up a story about a compound sentence; Group 2, based on the plan for syntactic analysis of a simple sentence, draws up a plan for characterizing a complex sentence.

    General job:

    • Give an example of a complex sentence, give a description according to the plan, draw up a diagram; nine0152
    • make a mind map.

    Fig.1. Mind map "Compound sentence" of a 9th grade student Samara D.

    7. Conclusion

    Semantic reading forms cognitive interest, the ability to compare facts and draw conclusions, activates the imagination, develops speech, thinking, and also teaches how to work with information. The active implementation of semantic reading strategies, technologies by all teachers of various academic disciplines will make our graduates full members of the new information society. nine0007

    References and references
  1. Project "Techniques of semantic reading" Auth. Dozmorova E.V., Director of the Center for Innovations in Education, FPC and PC TSPU, Ph.D. -
  2. Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education //
  3. Variable learning technology / under. ed. Pikan V.V. / Teaching aid.: UTs Perspektiva, 2008
  4. Dozmorova E.V. Development of creative thinking of students in mathematics lessons. Methodological guide for teachers of mathematics - Tomsk 2008.
  5. Rozhdestvenskaya L., Logvina I. Formation of functional reading skills. A guide for the teacher. –
  6. Fisenko T.I. Development of semantic reading skills when working with various texts in classes in grades 5–11 -
  7. Sapa A.V. Formation of the foundations of semantic reading within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education.

Effective strategies for working with text in the classroom at school

The ultimate goal of teaching Russian is practical literacy and language competence. The basis of the content of literature as an academic subject is reading and textual study of works of art. nine0007

Work with text as the main didactic unit allows students to combine the activities of developing practical skills of literate writing and speech development.

Every teacher dreams that all students come to the lesson prepared: they have completely read this or that work or paragraph. And not just read, but understood the meaning of the text read. During the final certification, the graduate must also understand the meaning of the read text. Whether it is a task to the text or the text itself. nine0007

Teachers working in grades 9 and 11 know that most mistakes are made due to misunderstanding of what is read, as well as when reading the assignment itself.

Teaching a child to read “correctly”, “effectively”, “productively” is an important task for a teacher. That is why the technology of productive reading (PRT), developed by Professor N. Svetlovskaya, acquires a leading role and contributes to the achievement of the results that are mentioned in the new standards. nine0007

The technology is universal and can be used in lessons of any cycle.

It is aimed at the formation of all universal educational activities: cognitive, communicative, regulatory, personal.

The technology of productive reading differs sharply from the traditional technology of transferring ready-made knowledge to a student. The teacher organizes the children's research work in such a way that they themselves "think" about solving the key problem of the lesson and can themselves explain how to act in new conditions. The teacher becomes a partner, a mentor, an observer. nine0007

The developed technology includes three stages of working with text, a three-stage process.

The goal of is the development of anticipation (the ability to guess, predict the content of the text). Task - to develop motivation for reading the text

1. Strategy "Forecast by headline".

Task: think about what can be discussed in the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Warm bread", in the work of P.P. Bazhov "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", etc. nine0007

– Try to predict the content by the first line of the story…Remember the name of the story….Does the content of the story match the title?

Give examples of such discrepancies.

Associative bush (circle, row). Today we will read and discuss the topic… What associations do you have about the stated topic?

2. Strategy "Brainstorm" ("Basket of ideas").

Task: answer the questions before reading the text (fairy tales "Warm Bread") - What do you know about K. G. Paustovsky? What do you think the story will be about? Who can be the main character? What event in the story can be described. nine0007

3. Strategy "Image of the text".

Task: check your assumptions. Based on the words taken from the text, try to make a short plot story. The title of the story is given.

4. Strategy "Battery of questions".

Task: make up questions to the text according to the title, according to the illustrations.

5. Glossary strategy.

Task: look at the list of words and mark those that can be related to the text. When you have finished reading the text, go back to these words and look at their meaning and the use of words used in the text. nine0007

6. "Competing with the writer" strategy.

Task: try to predict the content of the book by looking at the illustrations. One student offers his version, the rest complete it.

7. Strategy "True and False Statements".

8. Strategy I know, I want to know, I found out.

Stage 2 - stage of text activity.

The purpose of is to understand the text and create its reader's interpretation, summarizing part of the read text, asking questions of a general nature, making assumptions about the further development of the plot and the role of characters in the composition of the text, etc.). nine0007

The main task of is to ensure the full perception of the text. The main strategies at the stage of text activity are dialogue with the author, commented reading.

1. Strategy "Reading in a circle". The text is read in turn (each "circle member" reads a paragraph). After this, a stop follows: everyone asks questions to the read passage. If the question cannot be answered (it does not correspond to the text), then the question is considered incorrect. * All correct questions can be recorded. nine0007

2. Silent reading with questions strategy.

3. Strategy “Reading to yourself with notes. (Insert)" . Marginal notes: + - knew; - - new; ? - interesting; V is unclear. Others are possible: B - question; O - answer; Z - I know; N - new; And - interesting; X - I want to know; C - ask; U to clarify.

4. Strategy "Reading with stops". Reading the text with stops, during which tasks are given in the form of questions: some are aimed at checking understanding, others - at predicting the content of the next passage. nine0007

5. "Pose a problem - offer a solution" strategy. Remember what problems the heroes of the work face (the problem is formulated and written down in an oval). Next, the children can name several problems, students are divided into groups and offer all kinds of solutions to problems.

6. Strategy "Creating a question plan". The student carries out a semantic grouping of the text, highlights the strong points, divides the text into semantic parts and titles each part with a key question……. nine0007

Stage 3 - the stage of post-text (post-text) activity.

The purpose of is to correct the reader's interpretation in accordance with the author's meaning.

The main task of is to provide in-depth perception and understanding of the text, raise a question to the text as a whole, followed by a conversation, the result of which should be an understanding of the author's meaning. Re-addressing the title, illustrations, performing creative tasks.

2. Question tree strategy Crown – what? where? when? Barrel - why? How? Could you? Roots - how to relate the text to life? With current events? What is the author trying to show?

3. Strategy "Bloom's Cube" (Benjamin Bloom is a famous American teacher, author of many pedagogical strategies = technician).

The beginnings of the questions are written on the faces of the cube: “Why?”, “Explain”, “Name”, “Suggest”, “Think up”, “Share”. The teacher or student rolls the die. nine0007

It is necessary to formulate a question to the educational material on the side on which the cube fell.

The “Name” question is aimed at the level of reproduction, i.e. at the simple reproduction of knowledge.

Question "Why" - the student in this case must find cause-and-effect relationships, describe the processes occurring with a certain object or phenomenon.

“Explain ” question – student uses concepts and principles in new situations. nine0007

All of the above strategies involve serious work with the text, its deep analysis and understanding, the organization of independent cognitive activity of students on educational material. socially moral experience and makes you think, knowing the world around you.

Technology Advantage:

1. Applicable in the lessons of any cycle and at any level of education.

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