Letter e songs preschool
Letter E Songs & Rhymes Mini-Book
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I created these mini-books when my little guy was just over 2. He has always loved music, and I wanted a way to help the letters stick (because they weren’t). He wasn’t too interested initially, but I made it a habit to sit down and read/sing these with him.
Before long he was bringing his “wittle books” to me. Now (2 years, 8 months) he carries them around and knows many of the songs and rhymes by heart. We hear them in the playroom, car, bathtub… Read on for Letter E songs and rhymes!
Letter E Rhymes & Songs mini-book
You will find these songs and rhymes in the Little Letter “E” Book:
E is for Echo
(to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)
Be my echo,
Be my echo,
E says /e/,
E says /e/,
Elephant and enter,
Eggs and elevator,
/e/, /e/, /e/,
/e/, /e/, /e/!
E is for Elephant
(if you need to hear the melody, click here)
One elephant
Went out to play
Upon a spider’s web one day
He had such enormous fun
He called for another elephant to come.
Two elephants…
E is for Elsie Marley
(this is a nursery rhyme that was new to me)
Elsie Marley’s grown so fine,
She won’t get up to feed the swine.
But lies in bed ’til eight or nine,
And surely she does take her time.
E is for Eeenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe
Eeenie, menie, miney, moe
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go —
Eenie, meenie, miney, moe
E is for Eggs
(to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)
I love eggs,
I love eggs,
Yum, yum, yum!
In my tum!
Scrambled, boiled or fried,
Any way I’ve tried,
Yum, yum yum!
E is for Ears
(if you need the tune, click here)
Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them o’er your shoulder
Like a continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?
To assemble a Little Letter Book:
- Print the document in color (if you desire) on cardstock.
Be sure to print pages 2-3 (the first page is my Terms of Use) front to back. You will need only one piece of paper.
- Cut a even line across the center of the page.
- Fold the two sheets to make a book. Make sure the cover is in front, and insert the other page inside.
- Staple with a long arm stapler.
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Filed Under: General Tagged With: preschool, kindergarten, little letter book, nursery rhymes, Pre-K, rhyming
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Teaching the Letter E - Crafts, Printables, Songs, & More for 2023
You aren't burnt out on teaching the alphabet yet, are you? We've only made it to the fabulous Letter E!
If you put in just a teeny bit of effort ("E" is for effort, no pun intended), you can have a great time teaching your child this letter. It can be
Enjoyable, and even
Easy-as-pie! 🙂
I've compiled some fun ways to do that to get your creative juices flowing. You can check them all out below..
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can learn more about that here.
Phonics Letter E ActivitiesTime to start thinking of awesome letter E activities! Here are a few ideas I'm coming up with off the top of my head, and I'm sure you can come up with your own creative ways. (Let us know yours all the way down the page in the comments).
How about:
Doing a mini-study on letter E animals? (Elephants, Eagles, Emus), and then taking the kids to the zoo to explore and see the animals up close?
Cooking or baking a Letter E snack or meal? (Eggs, Eggplant parmesan, Enchiladas, Eggrolls, Edamame)
or even
Explore the World for the Letter E? Take pictures with your phone, print out, then make a Letter E page. You can search for things like an envelope, someone's ears or eyes, the number eleven, an eraser, an elevator (or escalator), anything that is empty, or even a place to go out to eat! I'm sure you can come up with many more.
Here's a quick Letter E Craft I found for you on YouTube you can do with very little prep:
Letter E Preschool WorksheetsWorksheets and Letter E printables are great for reinforcing and practicing reading and writing the Letter E. I have a freebie printable that you are more than welcome to print out and use! You can grab that Letter E worksheet here:
Things that start with letter E for preschoolFor Letter recognition of the Letter E, make sure you have examples of the Letter E all around your home or classroom.
I've already mentioned quite a few above. You can print out pictures of all these items and put them up all around as you teach the letter.
You can also specifically have your children pick out things that start with the Letter E so that they are recognizing it for themselves.
Here are a few more: Earplugs, Earmuffs, Earth, Earthworm, Electricity, Elmer's Glue
Show and tell letter EDo you guys still do show and tell in your classrooms? I know it can be interrupting to all the many things that need to be done in a school day.
BUT don't you remember how much fun it was for you as a child? It's a gift to kids to be able to bring something meaningful from home.
So, be specific and ask your kids to bring something for show and tell as you are teaching the Letter E. You can do this for whatever letters you like!
Quick Public Service Announcement! Are you teaching the alphabet your kiddos? I just put up some fun activities and games for alphabet learners. And I bundled many of them together for only a few dollars. Posted here for you!
If you want to get crazy, you can specifically look for toys to have in the class or at home that start with the letter E. Here are some that you can grab from Amazon:
Letter E BooksA trip to the library to grab some Letter E books will GREATLY benefit your little E learner!
It's an excuse to get some wonderful reading in, and some read-aloud time taken care of.
You can choose picture books for independent reading, as well as more difficult Letter E books for when you read aloud. Check out this one - super easy - a little egg the children can color in and fold to have an "E" pop out of the egg.
Craft Ideas for Letter EYou can always come up with a really fun craft project that shows off the Letter E. Here is a super-cute craft for the Letter E you can consider:
Letter E Videos and SongsSongs are one of the very best ways to teach those letter sounds. Look on YouTube for examples. Here are a few you can try:
Here's a cute little Letter E story for preschool, or any letter learners you have. It's a read aloud, so you can kick back and prepare the next lesson or cook dinner while your child is hearing a story:
Teaching the Letter E
I hope you are able to use these ideas as you are teaching your amazing kids all about the Letter E.
Also, don't forget to head over to check out your free Letter E Printable!
Magazine "Music Director" — 09/2017
Buy magazineBuy electronic version
Our holiday
E. Pavlova. Music director - what kind of profession is this?
Y. Chekmareva. I am a music director!
E. Pishchikova. With music through life
Author's methods
G. Klimova. National Unity Day. Thematic musical lesson using TCO. Senior preschool age
Music in correctional work
A. Shcheglovitova. Horses of Santa Claus. A fragment of the New Year's holiday for children with visual impairments. Senior and preparatory groups for school
Scenarios for holidays and entertainment
N. Grigoryeva. Beautiful is my Motherland. Leisure for children of senior preschool age
The purpose of leisure - to form children's ideas about the nature of Russia, showing all its diversity, to instill a sense of responsibility for their native land, to involve children in theatrical activities, to consolidate basic singing skills, to teach them to convey the nature of music in dance movements, develop creative imagination, memory, attention and other qualities. nine0048
T. Salenko. Teleconference of friendship. Entertainment in the pre-school group. Ending
With music supplements.
A. Lukina. Mom is my sunshine. Mother's Day holiday in the senior group
N. Tulina, T. Knyaginina. Tricks of bark beetles. New Year's holiday in the senior group
Video application 1
Video application 2
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V. Stolyarova. Thinking together!
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Balakchi. Egg with a surprise. Junior preschool age
Surprise moment at the autumn matinee.
N. Karelina. nine0010 Pies, piping hot from the oven. Middle preschool age
Surprise moment at autumn f folklore entertainment.
I. Sazhina. Falling leaves. Middle preschool age
Plays, songs, dances, poems
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Video recording
Order soundtracks and sheet music for the song
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E. Filippova, L. Podran. Song about mother
P. Kretov, N. Karpova. What happened to the rainbow?
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E. Plakhova. Tarantella
Lagzdyn. Lullaby
V. Stepanov. Tangle
L. Kirillova. Wrinkles
0 0 votes
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Choir songs for preschool children
Iskorki - Choir songs for preschool childrenGuselki
- Issue 4
- Edition 6
- Edition 7 nine0183 Issue 8
- Issue 9
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- Edition 11
- Issue 12
- Issue 13
- Issue 14
- Issue 15
- Edition 16
- Issue 17 nine0183 Issue 18
sheet music and lyrics for preschool children
Edition 4
Songs for preschoolers
for voice (choir) accompanied by piano (bayan)
compiled by V. Vitlin
"Soviet composer", 1974
number s310k
Wonderful cannon. Music by S. Banevich, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Kind words. Music by R. Kotlyarevsky, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
In the evening. Music by N. Agafonnikov, lyrics by R. Krasilshchikova
Pineapples and bananas. Music by V. Kladnitsky, lyrics by M. Narinsky
Clouds. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
We invite you to the forest to the Christmas tree. Music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by K. Ibryaev
We are playing train. Music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Two green shoes. Music by N. Pirkovsky, lyrics by S. Marshak
Funny carousels. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Winter picture. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by S. Kogan
And we have July. Music by J. Weisburd, lyrics by M. Narinsky
Autumn walked through the forest. Music by M. Kochetova, lyrics by V. Shumilin
Mushrooms sleep quietly. Music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by S. Skachenkov.
Round dance of flowers. Music by V. Boyashov, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Swan geese. Music by O. Evlakhov, lyrics by A. Prokofiev
Cucumber. Music by A. Ashkenazy, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Merry goslings. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by B. Kezhun
Doll Masha. Music by I. Rosenfeld, lyrics by V. Shumilin
The tree is slender. Music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by A. Usanova
Pancakes. Music by S. Wolfensohn, folk lyrics
Bye-bye, I need to sleep. Music by M. Ferkelman, folk lyrics
Skinny Timka. Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by V. Suslov
Kukushka's work. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Let's dance! Music by A. Yusfin, lyrics by I. Titova
Jump ropes. Music by M. Ferkelman, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Cheerful ball. Music game. Author I. Lepko, music by S. Banevich
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Issue 6
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N.A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1976
number c399k
We are going to the parade. Music by E. Vevrik, lyrics by V. Suslov.
New Year's. Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by I. Reznikova
About the donkey. Music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Tsap-scratch. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev. nine0225 About the giraffe Music by S. Wolfenzon, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev.
Hamster. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by M. Narinsky
Oh, I'm afraid! Music by J. Vais6urd, lyrics by V. Suslov
Conscious cat. Music by B. Kiyanov, lyrics by S. Skachenkov
Extraordinary football. Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by I. Reznikova
The song is being cooked. Music by R. Kotlyarevsky, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Crabs. Music by E. Barybin, lyrics by M. Narinsky
Uchi-uchi. Music by Y. Litovko, lyrics by A. Barto
Shepherd boy. Music by I. Elcheva, folk lyrics
Mushrooms sing. Music by I. Rosenfeld, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Cheerful guests. Music by S. Banevich, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Chauffeur. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Autumn song. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by S. Kogan
Stubborn. Music by A. Yusfin, lyrics by S. Eidlin
Tram. Song game. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by E. Sapozhnikova
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Edition 7
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N. A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1977
number s494k
Day of the seventh of November. Music by S. Wolfenzon, lyrics by S. Marshak.
The first of May. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by A. Shatkin
Carlson song. From the performance "Carlson in the Circus". Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by I. Turichin
My goat. Music by R. Kotlyarevsky, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
The best artist. Music by A. Yusfin, lyrics by N. Goldin.
We will always help. Music by B. Glybovsky, lyrics by I. Reznikova
Kitty grief. Music by A. Petrov, lyrics by B. Zakhoder.
Cut out leaf. Music by B. Kiyanov, lyrics by S. Skachenkov
Doll City. Music by A. Zhurbin, lyrics by I. Reznikova
Lullaby. Music by J. Weisburd, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Lumberjacks. Music by M. Ferkelman, lyrics by S. Skachenkov.
Skvorushka, Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by V. Shumilin.
Squirrel and wolf. Music by A. Ashkenazy, lyrics by V. Shumilin
Drops and sea. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev.
Sparrows-Chivchirishki. Music by Y. Shchekotov, lyrics by V. Shumilin
We have harvested. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Driver. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by M. Narinsky
Calf. Music by I. Rosenfeld, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Miracles on the 8th of March. Music by I. Elcheva, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
We have quiet time. Music by A. Boyarsky, lyrics by A. Brodsky
Spoon. Music by L. Balai, lyrics by M. Narinsky
At the Soviet mooring (musical game). Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by I. Lepko
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Edition 8
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N. A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1976
number c581k
Hello holiday! Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Forest friends. Music by R. Kotlyarevsky. Words by R. Korotkova
May Day. Music by Y. Shchekotov. Words by V. Shumilin
My business is good. Music by S. Wolfensohn. Words A. Prokofiev
Gloomy ferret. Music by Y. Dubravin. Words by V. Suslov
Dreamer. Music by M. Matveev. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Little hedgehog. Music by V. Chistyakov. Words by M. Narinsky
Iron. Music by B. Glybovsky. Words by I. Reznikova
Green night. Music by A. Yusfin. Words by M. Rykhlova
Cowardly goose. Music by J. Weisburd. Words by I. Reznikova
Dance. Music by I. Elcheva. Words by A. Fatkin
Sparrow. Music by B. Kiyanov. Words by V. Shoshin
Pilot. Music by Y. Litovko. Words by A. Fatkin
Master Woodpecker. Music by S. Banevich. Words by E. Ruzhentsev.
On patrol. Music by E. Vevrik. Words by V. Shumilin
Let's be sailors. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by A. Fatkin
Up-chi! Music by V. Solovyov-Sedogo. Words by E. Gvozdev
Silence. Music by V. Uspensky. Words by E. Ruzhentsev. nine0225 Traffic light (musical game). Author I. Lepko. Music by Y. Kornakov
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Edition 9
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N.A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1979
number c683k
October holiday. Music by N. Osetrovo and Kovleva. Words by A. Fatkin
Conductor. Music by D. Zapolsky. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Dandelions. Music by S. Wolfensohn. Words by V. Suslov
Brook. Music by A. Yusfin. Words by L. Kvitko
I have a ball. Music by L. Balai. Words by E. Gvozdev.
Well, catch up! Music by M. Matveev. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Christmas tree. Music by Y. Shchekotov. Words by A. Fatkin
Forest stream. Music by Y. Litovko. Words by V. Shumilin
Spider. Music by V. Solovyov. Words by I. Reznikova
My ball. Music by B. Kiyanov. Words by S. Skachenkov
We are waiting for the starlings. Music by Y. Kornakov. Words by S. Skachenkov
Icebreaker. Music by A. Ashkenazy. Words by V. Suslov.
Music in the forest. Music by Y. Dubravin. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Dressmaker. Music by N. Osetrovo and Kovleva. Words by N. Goldin
Bear. Music by J. Weisburd. Words by S. Skachenkov
Thank you. Music by S. Banevich. Words by A. Fatkin
Frog. Music by B. Glybovsky. Words by I. Reznikova. nine0225 Storks and Frogs (Musical game). Author I. Lepko. Music by I. Elcheva.
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Issue 10
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N. A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1980
number с810к
Olympic Kindergarten. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by L. Kuklin
Mosquito song. Music by Y. Kornakov. Words by G. Goppe
Telegram. Music by V. Uspensky. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Lighthouse. Music by A. Ashkenazy. Words by I. Reznikova
Magic town. Music by S. Banevich. Words by V. Shumilin
Funny word "Plim". Music by M. Matveev. Words by I. Tokmakova
At the pier. Music by V. Sorokin. Words by Y. Pishumov
Resentment. Music by B. Arkhimandritov. Words by V. Orlov
Duck, come! Music by R. Kotlyarevsky. Words by R. Korotkova
Fireman. Music by B. Glybovsky. Words by I. Reznikova
Before departure. Music by B. Kiyanov. Words by S. Skachenkov.
What a hunter. Music by S. Wolfensohn. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Assistant. Music by E. Sirotkin. Words by L. Dymova
I've been busy all day. Music by J. Weisburd. Words by I. Reznikova
When friends are known (a musical game for older preschool children). Author I. Lepko. Music by A. Yusfin.
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Edition 11
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N.A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1981
number s878k
Our Leningrad. Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by I. Lepko
Little hostess. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by L. Kuklin
There were ducklings. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by I. Reznikova
Cockerel. Music by S. Wolfensohn, lyrics by M. Raikin
Dr. animals. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by I. Reznikova
Cart. Music by I. Elcheva, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Couch potato. From the music to the Polish fairy tale "How a lazy miner bargained with the owner. " Words and music by G. Portnov
Circus! Circus! Circus! Music by B. Kiyanov, lyrics by I. Reznikova
Captain. Music by A. Ashkenazy, lyrics by N. Goldin. nine0225 April rain. Music by V. Neskorodov, lyrics by S. Pogorelovsky
The song is a mystery. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Three snub-nosed toddlers. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Song of Knut the musician. From the musical performance "Knutmusikant" based on the fairy tale by C. Topelius. Music by B. Archimandritov, lyrics by A. Klenov
At the forest path. Music by S. Banevich, lyrics by R. Korotnova
I want to go home. Music by A. Yusfin, lyrics by A. Kushner
Snowflakes, Santa Claus and Wind (music game). Music by V. Solovyov, author I. Lepko
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Edition 12
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N. A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1982
number s989k
Drummer. Music by N. Antos, lyrics by A. Barto
Switch. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Song of Captain Vrungel. Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by I. Reznikova
I'll go for the berry. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by R. Korotkova
Brook. Music by J. Metallidi, lyrics by I. Tokmakova
Jenny. From English folk songs. Music by O. Petrova, lyrics by K. Chukovsky.
Kotausi and Mausi. From English folk songs. Music by D. Zapolsky, lyrics by K. Chukovsky
About the girl Ainek and the moon. Based on Kyrgyz folk poetry. Music by V. Gavrilin, lyrics by O. Pavlova
Who we have a good (game). Music by V. Gavrilin, lyrics by O. Pavlova
Forest elders. Music by I. Elcheva, lyrics by B. Polyakov
Mystery. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by N. Goldin.
Five years. Music by N. Agafonnikov, lyrics by A. Barto
I will be a polar explorer! Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
By the sea. Knut's song from the television play "Knut the Musician" based on the fairy tale by Topelius. Music by B. Arkhimandritov, lyrics by A. Klenov
Lullaby couplets. Music by V. Solovyov, lyrics by G. Gorbovsky
Listen to the birds. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
A dog dog lived in the world. Music by S. Vazhov, lyrics by B. Zakhoder
Piggy is sick. Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by Eph. Efimovsky
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Edition 13
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N.A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1983
number s1035k
When they are waiting at home. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by R. Korotkova
First snow. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by R. Korotkova
You can't do without friends. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by V. Suslov
Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Windy. Music by J. Metallidi, lyrics by I. Tokmakova
February. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by S. Vyatkin
Forest spring. Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by G. Davletov, translation from the Bashkir Sun. Lessiga
It would be nice to learn. Music by S. Bazhov, lyrics by M. Yasnov
Heavenly shower. Music by I. Elcheva, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Vacuum cleaner. Music by L. Balai, lyrics by A. Petrov
Tic and Tac. Music by O. Khromushin, lyrics by Y. Pishumov
Good to have. Music by A. Yusfin, lyrics by A. Kushner
Carrot. Music by S. Wolfensohn, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
I am a postman. Music by E. Sirotkin, lyrics by V. Shumilin
Hen. Music by D. Zapolsky, lyrics by K. Chukovsky
Letters from friends. Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by L. Barbas
Fawn. Music by V. Neskorodov, lyrics by V. Agapov
Cat hunting (musical game). Music by M. Matveev, text by I. Lepko
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Edition 14
Songs for preschoolers
compiled by N.A. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1984
number c1159k
Letters from friends. Music by Y. Kornakov, lyrics by L. Barbas
Tram driver. Music by S. Bazhov, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Snowflakes. Music by G. Portnov, lyrics by V. Suslov
Ship. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by A. Barto
The song is a mystery. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva, lyrics by N. Goldin
Quiet hour. Music by J. Metallidi, lyrics by G. Sapgir
Funny ducks. Music by S. Banevich, lyrics by R. Korotkova
Ku-ku and qua-qua. Music by V. Neskorodov, lyrics by V. Suslov
Traveler couplets. Music by V. Solovyov, lyrics by G. Gorbovsky
River. Music by S. Wolfenzon, lyrics by L. Popov, translation from Yakut by I. Fonyakov
The chimes sounded at midnight. Music by V. Uspensky, lyrics by A. Kryukov
Brook. Music by I. Elcheva, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
Pathfinder. Music by E. Sirotkin, lyrics by E. Avdeenko
Kitty grief. Music by D. Smorgonskaya, lyrics by B. Zakhoder
Owl. Music by L. Balai, folk words
In the carpentry workshop. Music by M. Matveev, lyrics by A. Fatkin
Wheat Man. Music by B. Archimandritov, lyrics by O. Driz, translation from Hebrew by G. Sapgir
Glasses. Music by A. Britsyn, lyrics by F. Grubin, translation from Czech by N. Voronel
Sing with us. Music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by E. Ruzhentsev
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Edition 15
Songs for preschoolers
for voice or choir with piano accompaniment (bayan)
compiled by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1985
number s1228k
Mother's day. Music by S. Banevich. Words by M. Sadovsky
It's time to get up. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by B. Polyakov. nine0225 Erunduk. Music by V. Gavrilin. Words by E. Gai and F. Lev
Summer song. Music by Y. Kornakov. Words by A. Kryukov
We are visiting grandma. Music by V. Uspensky. Words by R. Korotkova.
Brave ducks. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by G. Selyanin
Smeshinka. Music by M. Matveev. Words by A. Kryukov.
I'm in pain. Music by I. Pustylnik. Words by A. Barto
Mitya lazy. Music by E. Sirotkin. Words by A. Barto
Bullfinches. Music by G. Portnov. Words by V. Suslov
For blush. Music by J. Weisburd. Words by S. Skachenkov
Spring is coming. Music by S. Bazhov. Words by A. Fatkin
A song about how the people of the baron taught a lesson. Music by B. Arkhimandritov. Folk words. Translation from English by I. Marshak
Musicians. Music by L. Balai. Folk words
Letters in the snow. Music by Y. Dubravin. Words by E. Ruzhentsev
Lioness and lion cub. Music by N. Obolskaya. Words by V. Lapin
Rain. Music by I. Elcheva. Words by Y. Degutite. Translation from Lithuanian by A. Sanin
Sandwich song. Music by D. Smorgonskaya. Words by K. Chukovsky
I so want. Music by A. Yusfin. Words by I. Malkova
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Edition 16
Songs for preschoolers
for voice or choir with piano accompaniment (bayan)
compiled by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva nine0225 "Soviet composer", 1986
number c1324k
One, two, rainbow! Music by O. Khromushin. Words by V. Semernin
Friends-comrades. Music by S. Wolfensohn. Words by S. Marshak
Cricket. Music by M. Matveev. Words by A. Kryukov
Nest. Music by V. Uspensky. Words by A. Fatkin
Blue boat. Music by S. Banevich. Words by R. Korotnova.
Swing. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by V. Azbukin
Bear. Music by G. Portnov. Words by V. Suslov
Wonders. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by M. Ostashova
Serious illness. Music by E. Sirotkin, Lyrics by V. Shugraeva, translation from Kalmyk by O. Pauli
This is how April works. Music by Y. Kornakov. Words by E. Evstrachik
Turtle. Music by O. Petrova. Words by B. Zakhoder
It's cold outside. Music by I. Elcheva. Words by A. Fatkin
Storks flew by. Music by B. Arkhimandritov. Words by I. Georgita, translated from Moldovan by V. Korzhikov
May song. Music by J. Metallidi. Words by Anfisa Kalinina, 6 years old
Where do finches winter? Music by E. Zaritskaya. Words by L. Kuklin
Meadow meadow. Music by Y. Dubravin. Words by V. Suslov
Snowstorm. Music by V. Solovyov. Words by V. Shefner
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Thanks to Anna for the collection!
Issue 17
Songs for preschoolers
for voice or choir with piano accompaniment (bayan) nine0225 compiled by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1987
number s1400k
The sun, the world and the Aurora. Music by Y. Kornakov. Words by A. Kryukov
Red flag. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by V. Lebedev-Kumach
Honestly. Music by E. Irshai. Words by V. Suslov
A song about everything. Music I. Tseslyukevich. Words by O. Yurieva
Horse. Music by E. Sirotkin. Folk words. Arranged by I. Karnaukhova
Penguin song. Music by M. Matveev. Words by A. Kryukov
Crocodiles. Music by V. Zapolsky. Words by I. Tokmakova.
Favorite fairy tales. Music by O. Khromushin. Words by V. Kuznetsov.
Ryzhik cat. Music by S. Banevich. Words by N. Svetokhina.
Hoopoe. Music Vl. Solovyov. Words by B. Akhmadulina.
A story about a mouse Mimoshka and a white cat. Music by S. Bazhov. Words by L. Nebrat
Baker. Music by G. Portnov. Words by V. Suslov
Gnome. Music by A. Mylnikov. Words by M. Topolskaya. Translated from Slovak by E. Kotlyar
Little hostess. Music by N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Words by L. Kuklin
Ship. Music A, Britsyn. Words from English Folk Poetry. Translation by S. Marshak
Music lives everywhere. Music by Y. Dubravin. Words by V. Suslov.
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Edition 18
Songs for preschoolers
for voice or choir with piano accompaniment (bayan)
compiled by V. Model and N. Osetrova-Yakovleva
"Soviet composer", 1988
number s1484k
Large round dance. Music by B. Savelyev. Words by Lena Zhigalkina and A. Khait
Tired toys sleep. Music by A. Ostrovsky. Processing V. Model. Words by 3. Petrova
Rubber hedgehog. Music by S. Nikitin. Processing V. Model. Words by J. Moritz
Four cockroaches and a cricket (Italian folk song). Processing V. Model. Russian text by R. Vickers
Dream cinema.