Is pancake a compound word
Compound Words - our list contains over 500 words
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What are Compound Words?
Compound words are made by joining two or more words; the combination creates a new word. They can be formed using two nouns, e.g. basketball, two non-nouns, e.g. blowup, or a noun and non-noun, e.g. sunrise. It is important to note that the words do not always keep their original meaning, e.g. breakfast. Our list of compound words contains 500 words.
There are three types of compound words:
- Closed compound words, e.g., football, peanut,
- Open compound words, e.g., cell phone, high school, and
- Hyphenated compound words, e.g., in-depth, runner-up.
List of Compound Words
To determine if a compound word is one word, two words or hyphenated, use a dictionary to look up the word or our lists below. The list below excludes both fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. These words are hyphenated, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, thirty-nine and ninety-one.
able-bodied | girlfriend | sandpaper |
A-frame | goldfish | scarecrow |
afternoon | grandchildren | scatterbrain |
afterthought | grandfather | school day |
airborne | grandmother | school year |
airline | grandparent | screwdriver |
airmail | grapefruit | seacoast |
airplane | grass roots | seafood |
airport | grasshopper | seagull |
airtight | gridlock | seaport |
anchorperson | groundwater | search engine |
another | grownup | seashell |
anybody | haircut | seaside |
anyone | hamburger | seaweed |
anyplace | handcuff | seesaw |
anything | handlebar | self-concept |
anytime | handshake | self-service |
anyway | hanky-panky | shipwreck |
anywhere | haystack | shoelace |
applesauce | headache | shortstop |
audiotape | headlight | showdown |
awestruck | headquarters | showoff |
backache | headset | showroom |
backboard | heart attack | shrink-wrap |
backbone | heartwarming | sidewalk |
backbreaking | heat lightening | silverware |
backfire | heath care | single-minded |
background | help desk | sister-in-law |
backlash | herringbone | skateboard |
backpack | herself | skyscraper |
backup | high school | sleeping bag |
backyard | high-tech | snowball - |
ballpark | highway | snowfall |
ballroom | hilltop | snowflake |
barefoot | himself | snowman |
baseball | hockey puck | snowplow |
basketball | ho-hum | snowshoe |
bathroom | home page | snowstorm |
bathtub | homemade | softball |
bedrock | homeowner | somebody |
bedroom | homesick | someday |
bedspread | homework | somehow |
beforehand | hot dog | someone |
benchmark | however | someplace |
birdhouse | hush-hush | something |
birthday | ice cream | Sometimes |
blackbird | in-depth | somewhat |
blackboard | indoor | somewhere |
blowup | infield | spacewalk |
blueberry | in-law | sports drink |
blueprint | inside | spotlight |
bookstore | into | spreadsheet |
bottled water | itself | springtime |
boyfriend | jellyfish | square root |
brainstorm | key pal | starfish |
breakdown | keyboard | statewide |
breakfast | kickoff | stepbrother |
breathtaking | know-how | stepfather |
briefcase | know-it-all | stepmother |
broadcast | knucklehead | stepsister |
brother-in-law | ladybug | storyteller |
buildup | landlord | straightforward |
bulldog | leapfrog | strawberry |
burnout | leftover | strong-arm |
butterfly | life span | sugarcoat |
buttermilk | lifeboat | suitcase |
byproduct | lifeguard | summertime |
campfire | life-size | sundown |
cannot | lifestyle | sunflower |
car pool | lightheaded | sunlight |
caregiver | lighthouse | sunrise |
carpool | lightweight | sunset |
carryover | lipstick | sunshine |
cash flow | longshoreman | sunstroke |
catcher’s mitt | loudspeaker | suntan |
cell phone | makeup | superhighway |
chalkboard | marketplace | sweatshirt |
chat room | maybe | sweetheart |
check-in | meantime | tablecloth |
checkout | meanwhile | teammate |
child care | memory stick | tennis court |
Christmas tree | merry-go-round | textbook |
churchgoer | miniskirt | Thanksgiving |
citywide | moonlight | theme park |
civil rights | mother-in-law | themselves |
classmate | motorcycle | thirty-nine |
clean-cut | myself | three-dimensional |
cleanup | nationwide | thunderstorm |
clipboard | network | time line |
close-up | nevertheless | time savor |
cockpit | new world | timetable |
colorblind | newscast | tip-off |
comic strip | newspaper | tiptoe |
common sense | nightgown | today |
cookbook | nitty-gritty | toenail |
co-op | nobody | together |
cooperative | notebook | toothbrush |
copperhead | not-for-profit | topsy-turvy |
copyright | nowhere | toss-up |
countryside | oatmeal | touchdown |
course work | off-site | trailblazer |
cowboy | one-sided | tree house |
crosswalk | ongoing | tryout |
crossword puzzle | online | tugboat |
cupcake | on-site | turnaround |
database | ourselves | turnpike |
daydream | outcome | turtleneck |
daylight | outfield | two-thirds |
daytime | outfit | undercover |
desktop | outlaw | underdog |
dirt bike | outline | underground |
disc drive | outside | understatement |
disc jockey | outsource | undertake |
doorbell | outstanding | uproot |
doorknob | oven mitt | upset |
downpour | overalls | upstairs |
downstairs | overcoat | uptown |
drawbridge | overexposure | u-turn |
driveway | overkill | vice president |
drugstore | overlook | videotape |
dugout | overpass | vineyard |
dump truck | pancake | voice mail |
earring | paper clip | waiting room |
earthquake | paperback | walking stick |
earthworm | paperwork | warm-up |
easygoing | payoff | wastebasket |
editor-in-chief | payroll | watercolor |
empty-handed | peanut | waterfall |
energy bar | peppermint | waterfront |
everybody | percent | watermelon |
everyday | photo ID | weatherperson |
everyone | pinball | web site |
everything | pinpoint | webpage |
everywhere | pitch hitter | weekday |
extracurricular | playground | weekend |
eyeball | playmate | well-being |
eyebrow | ponytail | well-to-do |
eyelid | popcorn | wheelchair |
fact sheet | post office | whenever |
father-in-law | postcard | whirlpool |
fine arts | pothole | whiteboard |
fingernail | prime minister | wholesale |
fingerprint | printout | windmill |
firefighter | proofread | windpipe |
fireplace | quarterback | windshield |
fireproof | quicksand | windsurfing |
firewood | railroad | wingspan |
fireworks | rainbow | wiretapping |
flashback | raincoat | without |
flashlight | rattlesnake | woodland |
flowchart | rawhide | woodpecker |
flowerpot | real estate | word processing |
folklore | redhead | word wall |
follow-up | redwood | word-of-mouth |
football | remote control | work boots |
forever | rock band | workday |
for-profit | role play | workforce |
free-for-all | rollerblade | workload |
freelance | rollout | workplace |
french fry | roly-poly | workshop |
freshwater | run-in | workstation |
front-runner | runner-up | worn-out |
frostbite | runway | wristwatch |
fund-raiser | safety glasses | wrongdoing |
gentleman | sagebrush | x-ray |
get-together | sailboat | yourself |
gingerbread | salad dressing |
Closed Words
These words have no spaces. Our list contains hundreds of words, so we organized them in alphabetical order. Click on a letter below to obtain a list of those compound words.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |
A | |||
afternoon | afterthought | airborne | airline |
airmail | airplane | airport | airtight |
anchorperson | another | anybody | anyone |
anyplace | anything | anytime | awestruck |
anyway | anywhere | applesauce | audiotape |
B | |||
backache | backboard | backbone | backbreaking |
backfire | background | backlash | backpack |
backup | backyard | ballpark | ballroom |
barefoot | baseball | basketball | bathroom |
bedrock | bedroom | bedspread | beforehand |
benchmark | birdhouse | birthday | blackbird |
blackboard | blowup | blueprint | bookstore |
boyfriend | brainstorm | breakdown | breakfast |
breathtaking | broadcast | buildup | bulldog |
burnout | buttermilk | byproduct |
C | |||
campfire | cannot | caregiver | carpool |
carryover | chalkboard | checkout | churchgoer |
citywide | classmate | cleanup | clipboard |
cockpit | colorblind | cookbook | cooperative |
copperhead | copyright | countryside | cowboy |
crosswalk | cupcake |
D | |||
database | daydream | daylight | daytime |
desktop | doorbell | doorknob | downpour |
downstairs | drawbridge | driveway | drugstore |
dugout |
E | |||
earring | earthquake | earthworm | easygoing |
everybody | everywhere | everyone | everything |
everyday | extracurricular | eyeball | eyebrow |
eyelid | everywhere |
F | |||
fingernail | fingerprint | firefighter | fireplace |
fireproof | firewood | fireworks | flashback |
flashlight | flowchart | flowerpot | folklore |
football | forever | freelance | freshwater |
frostbite |
G | |||
gentlemen | gingerbread | girlfriend | goldfish |
grandchildren | grandfather | grandmother | grandparent |
grapefruit | grasshopper | gridlock | groundwater |
grownup |
H | |||
haircut | hamburger | handcuff | handlebar |
handshake | haystack | headache | headlight |
headquarter | headset | heartwarming | herringbone |
herself | highway | hilltop | himself |
homemade | homeowner | homesick | homework |
however |
I | |||
iceberg | icebox | icebreaker | inchworm |
indoor | infield | inside | into |
itself | innkeeper |
J | |||
jackknife | jackpot | jackrabbit | jawbone |
jaywalk | jellyfish | jigsaw | jumpsuit |
K | |||
keyboard | kickoff | knucklehead | keepsake |
kettledrum | kickball | keyhole | keynote |
killjoy | kindhearted | kneecap | knighthood |
knothole | knucklehead | keystone |
L | |||
leapfrog | ladybug | landlord | leftover |
lifeboat | lifeguard | lifestyle | lightheaded |
lighthouse | lightweight | lipstick | longshoremen |
loudspeaker |
M | |||
makeup | marketplace | maybe | meantime |
meanwhile | miniskirt | moonlight | motorcycle |
myself |
N | |||
nationwide | network | nevertheless | newscast |
newspaper | nightgown | nobody | notebook |
nowhere |
O | |||
oatmeal | ongoing | online | ourselves |
outcome | outfield | outfit | outlaw |
outline | outside | outsource | outstanding |
overalls | overcoat | overexposure | overkill |
overlook | overpass |
P | |||
pancake | paperback | paperwork | payoff |
payroll | peanuts | peppermint | percent |
pinball | playground | playmate | ponytail |
popcorn | postcard | pothole | printout |
proofread |
Q | |||
quarrelsome | quarterback | quartermaster | quicksand |
quicksilver |
R | |||
railroad | rainbow | raincoat | rattlesnake |
rawhide | redhead | redwood | rollerblade |
rollout | runway |
S | |||
sagebrush | sailboat | sandpaper | scarecrow |
scatterbrain | screwdriver | seacoast | seafood |
seagull | seaport | seashell | seaside |
seaweed | seesaw | shipwreck | shoelace |
shortstop | shutdown | showoff | showroom |
sidewalk | silverware | skateboard | skyscraper |
snowball | snowfall | snowflake | snowman |
snowplow | snowshoe | snowstorm | softball |
somebody | someday | somehow | someone |
someplace | something | sometimes | somewhat |
somewhere | spacewalk | spotlight | spreadsheet |
springtime | starfish | statewide | stepbrother |
stepfather | stepmother | stepsister | storyteller |
straightforward | strawberry | sugarcoat | suitcase |
summertime | sundown | sunflower | sunlight |
sunrise | sunset | sunshine | sunstroke |
suntan | superhighway | sweatshirt |
T | |||
tablecloth | teammate | textbook | Thanksgiving |
themselves | thunderstorm | timetable | tiptoe |
today | toenail | together | toothbrush |
touchdown | trailblazer | tryout | tugboat |
turnaround | turnpike | turtleneck |
U | |||
undercover | underdog | underground | understatement |
undertake | upstairs | uptown | uproot |
upset |
V | |||
venturesome | videocassette | videotape | vineyard |
viewfinder | viewpoint | volleyball | vouchsafe |
W | |||
wastebasket | watercolor | waterfall | waterfront |
watermelon | weatherperson | webpage | weekday |
weekend | wheelchair | whenever | whirlpool |
whiteboard | wholesale | windmill | windpipe |
windshield | windsurfing | wingspan | wiretapping |
without | woodland | woodpecker | workday |
workforce | workload | workplace | workshop |
workstation | wristwatch | wrongdoing |
Y | |||
yardarm | yardstick | yearbook | yourself |
Z | |||
zookeeper |
Open Words
Open compound words have a space between the words. The following are open compound words:
bottled water | car pool | cash flow | cell membrane |
cell phone | chat room | child care | Christmas tree |
civil right | comic strip | common sense | course work |
crossword puzzle | dirt bike | disk drive | disc jockey |
dump truck | energy bar | fact sheet | fine art |
French fry | grass root | health care | heart attack |
heat lightning | help desk | high school | hockey puck |
home page | hot dog | ice cream | jigsaw puzzle |
jungle gym | junk food | jumping jack | key pal |
killer whale | Labor Day | labor union | laser printer |
land mine | lance corporal | landing field | landing strip |
light bulb | life jacket | life raft | life vest |
life belt | life buoy | Little Dipper | little finger |
life span | memory stick | new world | oven mitt |
paper clip | photo ID | pinch hitter | post office |
paddle wheel | passenger pigeon | past tense | past participle |
peace pipe | physical education | picture graph | planet kingdom |
prime minister | radiant energy | radio wave | real time |
report card | respiratory system | rib cage | right angle |
right triangle | ring finger | rock dove | rocking chair |
rocking horse | role model | roller coaster | Roman Catholic |
root beer | real estate | remote control | rock band |
role play | safety glasses | salad dressing | school day |
school year | search engine | sleeping bag | sports drink |
square root | tennis court | theme park | time line |
time capsule | tree house | vacuum cleaner | Valentine’s Day |
vampire bat | vanilla bean | vending machine | vice president |
video camera | videocassette recorder | video game | videotape recorder |
virtual reality | vocal chords | voice box | voice mail |
waiting room | walking stick | web site | word processing |
word wall | work boots |
Hyphenated Words
The list below excludes spelled out fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. Please note you hyphenate all spelled out fractions, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, and compound numbers from 21 to 91, e.g., thirty-nine, ninety-one. The following are hyphenated compound words:
able-bodied | A-frame | brother-in-law | check-in |
clean-cut | close-up | co-op | editor-in-chief |
empty-handed | father-in-law | follow-up | for-profit |
free-for-all | front-runner | fund-raiser | get-together |
hanky-panky | high-tech | ho-hum | hush-hush |
in-depth | in-law | in-line skate | jack-o’-lantern |
jet-propelled | king-size | know-how | know-it-all |
life-size | merry-go-round | mother-in-law | nitty-gritty |
not-for-profit | off-site | one-sided | on-site |
pitch-black | pitch-dark | play-off | quick-tempered |
roly-poly | run-in | runner-up | self-concept |
self-service | shrink-wrap | single-minded | strong-arm |
three-dimensional | tip-off | topsy-turvy | toss-up |
two-dimensional | u-turn | warm-up | well-being |
well-to-do | word-of-mouth | warn-out | X-ray |
Source: Fry, E. B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary, 3rd Edition 2008.
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[ pan-keyk ]
/ ˈpænˌkeɪk /
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Definition of pancake
a thin, flat cake of batter fried on both sides on a griddle or in a frying pan; griddlecake or flapjack.
Also called pan·cake land·ing. an airplane landing made by pancaking.
verb (used without object), pan·caked, pan·cak·ing.
(of an airplane or the like) to drop flat to the ground after leveling off a few feet above it.
verb (used with object), pan·caked, pan·cak·ing.
Informal. to flatten, especially as the result of a collision or other mishap: The car had been pancaked by the bus.
to cause (an airplane) to pancake.
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of pancake
First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English; see origin at pan1, cake
regional variations of pancake
1. Pancake, hot cake, griddlecake, and flapjack, with its derived slapjack, are used interchangeably by many people, regardless of whether a pan or griddle is used for cooking, and each term is widely used throughout the U. S. Flannel cake, however, is confined chiefly to the North Midland U.S. and battercake to South Midland and Southern U.S. The following terms have limited regional use and may refer to flat cakes with different recipes or cooking methods: johnnycake, which is used in the Northeastern U.S.; corn cake in the Midland and Southern U.S.; and hoecake in the South Midland and Southern U.S.
Words nearby pancake
panatheism, Panathenaea, Panathenaic, Panay, pan-broil, pancake, Pancake Day, pancake ice, pancarditis, pancetta, Panchaia
Other definitions for pancake (2 of 2)
[ pan-keyk ]
/ ˈpænˌkeɪk /
a brand of cosmetic in a semimoist cake of compressed powder, usually applied with a moist sponge. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to pancake
cake, crepe, waffle, blanket, flapjack, hotcake, johnnycake, sourdough, wheat, wheat cake
How to use pancake in a sentence
So while there are minor differences here and there, at the end of the day, they're all the same in my book — delicious fried shredded potato pancakes.
How to make crispy shredded hash browns part of your breakfast rotation|Aaron Hutcherson|March 19, 2021|Washington Post
When noon rolls around, I’ve frequently found myself turning to spaghetti pancakes, a favorite of my latchkey-kid childhood that involves frying up a mixture of noodles, eggs, and parmesan into perfectly crispy comfort food.
Our weirdest WFH snacks|Sarah Todd|March 10, 2021|Quartz
A few hours before, he had eaten a breakfast of pancakes, two bowls of cereal, no milk, his final meal in prison.
He was locked up at age 15. Almost seven decades later, he’s reentering an unfamiliar world.|Karen Heller|February 19, 2021|Washington Post
Shaped like a pancake, it’s been around for billions of years.
Oldest disk galaxy puts a new spin on galaxy growth|Lisa Grossman|June 30, 2020|Science News For Students
A little more than a billion years later, there’s this pancake galaxy.
Oldest disk galaxy puts a new spin on galaxy growth|Lisa Grossman|June 30, 2020|Science News For Students
Green reportedly served more than a million pancakes and took 50,000 orders for the pancake mix.
The Tragic History of Southern Food|Jason Berry|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Cook pancake in pan, add chopped chocolate toaster pastry, and drizzle with chocolate sauce.
Epic Meal Empire’s Meat Monstrosities: From the Bacon Spider to the Cinnabattleship|Harley Morenstein|July 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On the northeasternmost point of the U.S., pancake-like ployes are a daily staple, whether covered in syrup or soaking up gravy.
On the Canadian Border, It's Pancakes for Every Meal|Jane & Michael Stern|July 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“[The gluten-free one] is smaller and more money,” she laments, pointing to a box of pancake mix.
The Gluten-Free Diet Has Two Faces|Andrea Powell|May 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Later, in Kathmandu at a reception feting her fourth summit, Lakpa tried to mask the bruises with pancake makeup.
Breaking Mount Everest’s Glass Ceiling|Amanda Padoan, Peter Zuckerman|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That something saved you from being smashed flatter than a pancake, Janet said wisely.
The Adventure Girls at K Bar O|Clair Blank
Julie picked up the battered box, disclosing the cake within crushed to a pancake.
Those Dale Girls|Frank Weston Carruth
A straw "pancake" softened the asperities of her granite couch.
The Opened Shutters|Clara Louise Burnham
You will find the same principle illustrated by a cook with a pancake.
The Complete Bachelor|Walter Germain
The first tavern here was kept by George Pancake, and hence the name given the place.
The Old Pike|Thomas B. Searight
British Dictionary definitions for pancake
/ (ˈpænˌkeɪk) /
- a thin flat cake made from batter and fried on both sides, often served rolled and filled with a sweet or savoury mixture
- (as modifier)pancake mix
a Scot name for drop scone
a stick or flat cake of compressed make-up
Also called: pancake landing an aircraft landing made by levelling out a few feet from the ground and then dropping onto it
to cause (an aircraft) to make a pancake landing or (of an aircraft) to make a pancake landing
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with pancake
see flat as a pancake.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Why do they say “damn”, does this word really belong to the category of censorship, and what does it mean?
March 15, 2021 10:56
Tags: pancake meaning maths why the little one origin word euphemism language
Why do they say “damn”, how did the word become slang, and is it considered a curse word?
Versions explaining the use of the word as slang
A source:
A word used in speech other than baking is a variant of a euphemism, that is, a word or expression used to refer to other words that are unpleasant, rude, or swear words. It is believed that in the case of the "pancake" this happened between 1960 and 1990 years.
The word is used to replace the obscene, representing a promiscuous woman. And a number of linguists believe that this happened due to consonance and approximately the same length of words.
Other researchers are inclined to a more neutral and harmless version and believe that the word is an abbreviation of the expression "burnt pancake", which is used to denote an unsuccessful, unsuccessful business, plan, idea.
And, finally, the last assumption is not very logical, but it also has a right to exist. It may well be that someone once, in a fit of frustration from failure in the culinary field, while throwing out a failed pancake, simply shouted out this word: “Well, damn it!” As if complaining to the universe about failure. After all, it seems that there is nothing complicated in their frying, but in reality it is not quite so. Someone from those around him picked him up and carried him away, as they say, to the people. nine0003
Censor mat
A source:
In the Russian language there is a special category - censorship obscenity, used, as they say, to release emotions without open foul language. For the most part, people who use the words and expressions that form it are not even fully aware of what they are doing. And those who know, reassure themselves that they use ordinary, not swear words, without polluting their speech and soul. Experts consider this a manifestation of weakness, slow thinking, disrespect for others. After all, it is difficult to imagine the greats of this world - educated and cultured people, screwing slang words into their speech. Although, on the other hand, the same Pushkin, Yesenin and other authors who went down in history did not shy away from this technique. And neither they nor their works became worse from this. nine0003
By the way, until the middle of the century before last, foul language in Rus' was a criminal offense, since obscene words offended God, parents and mother earth. Violators caught in this indecent deed, without further ado, were flogged with rods right in front of the crowd. For swearing and foul language in the USSR, the violator was entitled to 15 days of arrest. How do you feel about obscene expressions and words? Do you consider it acceptable to use ordinary and censored obscenities in speech?
A source: nine0003
Related links:
- A sticky pancake: why can't you remove it from the pan and turn it over?
- Why do liver pancakes break and fall apart?
- How to cook dough for pancakes that do not break when frying?
- Pancakes are not lumpy: what to do so that pastries in milk do not stick to the pan?
- Funeral food: why are pancakes a ritual dish? nine0043
Tags: pancake meaning maths whymuchka origin word euphemism language
Partner news
TRIANGLE? Why not a TRIANGLE? The corner is THREE, damn it, not TRE.

I'm Good
Triangle? Why not a TRIANGLE? The corner is THREE, damn it, not TRE. What the heck? pancake heck corner triangle nine0003
Cat on a Hot Roof.
Triangle is a compound word. Three and a corner. The letter I was absorbed by the connecting vowel E in the compound word TRIANGLE.
Helen Brown
TRE (x) square - the word includes the Genitive case of the numeral THREE: THREE-THREE-THREE-THREE-THREE-THREE-ABOUT THREE. nine0003
Mikhail Gekht
And, interestingly, there are both options: TREuh, TRIptych, TRIsection, Trepanation
I Vera
The root does not include (s). E - connecting vowel
Valeriy Sonin
like this - it didn't work out smart...
Pancake like round? Or are you talking about sliced pizza?
Write a triangle, everyone will understand about you!
Nikola Mahkov
-just--rub hard--three! . ...............--
Yuri Surovegin
.....what is 2+2 times 2....?
And patamushta, three and three, there will be a hole.
Oleg No matter
And if the first corner, the second and third.
Strongly infuriates, but to hell with him.
Babaikin Yuri
Goga Vanin
And in general fse kazly.
Alexander Leonov
There are two obtuse corners.
Elena Valerievna
this is the machinations of enemies
Nikolai Dubinin
nine0256 This is a question for Dahl.
Vika Rodionova
Great mighty))))
Alexey It doesn't matter