Jack and the beanstalk seeds
10 Giant Sword Bean Jack and the Beanstalk Bean Seeds
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Jack and the Beanstalk Plants – Clippings from Susie's Garden
StandardOne of my childrens’ favorite fairy tales was “Jack and the Beanstalk”. To refresh your memory, the story goes that Jack sold his mother’s last cow for some magic beans which grew into a giant beanstalk that reached the giant’s homestead in the sky. At some time or another we want a little magic–a bean plant that grows to heaven overnight. In the gardening world, we do have a few plants that grow so fast it seems like it must be magic.
Courtesy of Peter Tasker, Head Gardener, Hill Top
I was reminded of Jack and the Beanstalk during a trip that my daughter, Callie, and took to England a couple of years ago. We visited Hill Top, the home of Beatrix Potter, who you probably know as the author of the Peter Rabbit childrens books. In the books, Peter was always visiting Mr. McGregor’s garden and “enjoying” his vegetables. Potter’s country home, Hill Top, was beautiful and idyllic, with rabbits hopping through the meadow and a vegetable garden with the most amazing green beans. Each bean pod was about 8 to 10 inches long, filled with giant beans about the size of marbles inside. I had never seen beans like this, so I contacted Hill Top’s gardener, Mr. Pete Tasker (alias Mr. McGregor), and he told me they were a variety of broad beans called Masterpiece Green Longpod. If you have children, it would be worth growing these to have a few “Jack and the Beanstalk” seeds.
Hyacinth bean vine is another plant straight from the fairy tale. It is an annual vine with pretty heart shaped leaves that have purple veination as they mature. Purple, sweet pea-shaped blooms appear on the tips of the runners in the summer. Bees and butterflies love them. Later in the season, the flowers become glossy magenta seed pods, which are as attractive as the blossoms. Hyacinth bean vine a vigorous grower that when planted in full sun with some water can grow up 15 to 20 feet in a year. A strong fence or arbor is required because of its growth potential.
The botanical name for hyacinth bean vine is Lablab purpurea, which is quite unique (try saying out loud). And you don’t have to sell the cow to buy the vine. Hyacinth beans can be propagated from seed packets bought in garden centers and mail order catalogs, or sometimes as small container plants. After the first year, you just let a few of the seed pods dry, and you have plenty of seeds to grow and share the next year. A final note–the raw beans are POISONOUS.
One of my favorite vining plants is a cousin of the morning glory. It is the moon flower, Ipomea alba. As the name implies, moon flower is nocturnal. The vine’s huge 4 to 5 inch flowers start blooming around dusk and stay open until the first rays of daylight. The buds unfurl in just a matter of minutes, so it can be quite relaxing after a hard day’s work to sit on the patio with a glass of wine and watch the flowers bloom.
The fragrance of the moon flowers are quite intoxicating, so be prepared to sit awhile. While you do, you may have another wonderful surprise. Moon flowers are pollinated by night moths, and you may be visited by the luna moth, a huge lime green moth with a wingspan of 3 to 4 inches. Luna moths have “eyespots” on the upper and lower wings to scare away predators. The “eyespots” are concentric rings similar to the rings of the planet Saturn, hence the family name of Saturniidae. Even though they are night flyers, the moths emerge from their pupae in the morning because it takes new moths’ wings several hours to “harden” before they can fly. The beauty of the flowers and moths and the magic of the garden in the “bewitching” hours is like being in a fairytale.
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- Date November 22, 2013
- Tags England, gardening, gardening with children, Hill Top, Peter Rabbit, vegetable gardens
Description, Contents, interesting facts and much more about the film
Ryzhik in 40003
Ice history
Winged horse (in Kazakh)
Aidar (in Kazakh language)
Beautiful hat
Mashkins of horizons
Stars of the seventh heaven
Three bogatyrs and Queen of Shamakhan
Three bogatyrs and Heir to the Throne
Red and Violet (in Kazakh language)
Spruce brooms
Chess Kingdom (in Kazakh)
Mary Poppins, goodbye
Orange cow
Malyshariki. Let's dance and eat!
Dragon Tosha
Legends of the Eaglet
Back to back
Masha and the Bear. Songs
Adventures of Petya and the Wolf
What dreams does the bear see (in Belarusian)
Three heroes: Knight's move
Little mouse ran through the grass
J. Tannikliff
Grace Motorets
films for children from 13 to 16 years old
In a chic noir atmosphere, a little boy pursues a villain in a metropolis at night and rescues a beautiful girl from captivity. But these are just fantasies: in reality, schoolboy Jack is sitting at the most ordinary lesson in an ordinary school for fairy-tale characters.
A strict teacher threatens to leave him for the second year, because the negligent student did not dare to do a real feat.
Confused Jack gets beans by chance. One of them is eaten by Grace's pet goose and becomes magical, the rest grow into giant stems. nine0003
The boy and the goose go up into the clouds and meet the girl Gillian. Together they must free her friend, who has been turned into a harp by an evil giant. A new acquaintance turns out to be a traitor and leads them straight into the clutches of a giant.
The villain admits that he manipulated the girl, so she goes over to Jack's side, this time for good. Children learn the truth about their own fathers, who languished in the giant's dungeon, the common pain brings them together.
Meanwhile, Jack's mother is doing everything possible to prevent the town authorities from cutting down the mysterious stems: she understands that this is the only way home from heaven for her son. nine0003
Together, the children kidnap the harp and release it from the spell, then descend to the ground. Goose Grayson retains his magical abilities and demands that the stern teacher Jack count the school year. A just wish is granted and the boy accepts congratulations from his friends.
When a movie is in good quality, it's already a pleasure to watch! Comedy is great, very funny!
February 18, 2012
American comedy aimed at children under 9years. Well, it’s not at all interesting for an adult to watch, the simplicity and primitivism of the plot even surprises a little, it’s just some kind of unsuccessful movie.
February 20, 2012
is the most lame children's movie I've ever seen. stupid and pointless, with grimacing actors who think it's funnier. only to show it to morons for free...
March 2, 2012
The movie Jack and the Beanstalk always makes me incredibly happy for some reason. I watch it online from time to time and enjoy the atmosphere of this amazing fairy tale that has gone through millions of interpretations. nine0003
April 14, 2012
I think or the giant's servant - Shrek?)))
April 19, 2012
Good fairy tale, I liked the movie. But how the Americans made a human children's film is still a mystery to me...
June 5, 2012
stupid American plot ... the same actors. movie sucks!
June 8, 2012
Chloe Moritz will soon grow into a talented actress. I don’t even know why Jack and the Beanstalk is so popular abroad: there are many other interesting fairy tales, I personally don’t understand this hobby, but it’s even fascinating to watch in places.
June 29, 2012
for them Jack and the beanstalk - like our Little Red Riding Hood, one of the main children's fairy tales. nothing, I liked the movie, the children came to visit their son, turned them online - they sat quietly all evening, they didn’t interfere with us. nine0003
June 30, 2012
What does "for them" mean??? Do you think that children in the West are different? Open your eyes, smart guy! They are the same everywhere, just like people in general. So you can watch online for children and adults all over the world, and everyone will find something of their own in this.
July 4, 2012
is an American classic in a very good production. This film can be safely shown to children - they will definitely enjoy watching it.
July 6, 2012
I watched it online with my kids, I honestly expected something like an old movie about Jack and the Beanstalk, but this is a very childish video. I didn't really like it, but the kids seem to be delighted.
March 23, 2013

App available for download on iOS, Android, SmartTV and set-top boxes
Connect devices
Jack and the Beanstalk 1994 5.

6.3 nine0003
Fantasy, Comedy, Family
Michael Davis
Michael Davis
J.D. daniels, Amy Stock-Poynton, Patrick Renna, Richard Moll Richard Paul Katie McAuley, David Noton, Dominic Adler, Cindy Sorenson, Stuart Pankin
December 21, 1994 in the world
Funky and visionary little Jack Taylor is not having much fun living in the small town of Rockville.