Kids letter i words
Words That Start With I For Kids
I isn't a particularly common initial letter, but when it shows up, it counts. The short, simple words beginning with I form much of the foundation of English; the language wouldn't function without I, it and is. In addition, prefixes like im- and in- begin many words and, better yet, are a starting point for students to break down words into their meaningful components. We've written this list of I words to empower educators. Use our definitions and activities to help your students, preschool to 4th grade, enhance their vocabulary with I words for kids.
i words for kids example of ice
Preschool Words That Start With I
The first priority of pre-literate readers is to get them to recognize the letter. You can do this by giving them fun words they can easily remember with pictures. And, I gives you ample fun words like ice cream and Iron Man.
ice | ice cream |
icicle | icing |
igloo | iguana |
inch | ink |
insect | Iowa |
Iron Man | island |
itchy | ivy |
Trace the I Worksheet
Activities for this age should focus on the vital link between the spoken sound and the written symbol I. We've created a trace-the-letter exercise with that in mind.
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Words That Start With I for Kindergarten
When it comes to early literacy, it’s important to have a solid foundation. Kindergarten I words are going beyond easy sight words to beginning words to build sentences and phonics. Teaching foundational words like I, it, in, and is are important. You'll also begin to delve into the short vowel sound found in igloo and long vowel sound found in
ice. Explore this list of I words for kids.
- I: Me, the person you are
- I'll: Short for I will
- I'm: Short for I am
- Idea: A thought, belief or concept, especially if it's new
- If: In case of
- Ill: Sick, not feeling well
- In: Enclosed by, like being in the car
- Inside: To be within
- Into: Going inside something
- Is: Exists is real
- Isn't: Short for is not
- It: Any nonliving thing
- It's: Short for it is, different from its
- Its: The possessive form of it
Match the Word to the Picture Worksheet
Since kindergarteners are just starting to get a good grasp on phonics and early reading skills, it’s important to test their knowledge through fun, colorful worksheets.
Use this worksheet to see if your kindergarteners can match the word to the picture.
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Early Elementary Things That Start With I
Many of the words on this list for 1st and 2nd grade students require specific distinctions: a spider is not an insect. Get students talking about what a word isn't, and you'll have established a more detailed and specific idea of what it is. To get you started, look at these I words for kids.
- Illegal: Against the law
- Imagine: To make a mental image; to think of something
- Important: Mattering a lot, having a big effect
- Indeed: Truly, definitely, for sure
- Index: A list of where to find certain subjects in a book, or to make such a list
- Instead: In place of
- Instrument: A tool for doing work, in particular, a tool a musician uses to make music
- Invent: To create or think of something for the first time
- Iris: A flower, or the colored part of the eye around the pupil
- Iron: A metal used to make steel
- Itself: A form of the word it that adds emphasis
Draw the I Word Activity
Drawing exercises can be very useful, as they anchor some of the abstractions to meaningful images. After going over the words a few times, students could draw the words without including the words themselves, then have other students guess what they represent.
Letter I What Am I Quiz
Build an is/isn't worksheet for your students to help them firm up their understanding of words and their definitions. Download the example PDF below to get started.
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Late Elementary Words That Start With I for Kids
Several of our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade words are multisyllabic ways of stating concepts your students likely already understand. Link these words to ideas and idioms they already use — intend to mean to or imitate to act like — to engage their associative capacity and drive home meaning. This is also where students can begin to engage with the text as a whole, comparing and contrasting what they're learning with what they already know.
- Ignorant: Lacking in knowledge, unaware of
- Imitate: To copy or act like
- Immediate: Now; happening right away
- Impact: The effect one thing has on another, often by crashing into it
- Impossible: Something that cannot be done
- Impulse: Strong, sudden urge
- Increase: To make larger or make more of, to grow
- Independent: Free, unaffected by anything else
- Indicate: To point something out or show it
- Individual: Only one of, single
- Inference: An educated guess, the answer you give after you've thought something through
- Influence: How much power someone has over something
- Injure: To hurt someone physically or mentally
- Inspire: To motivate, to make excited
- Instant: A very short period of time or something happening quickly
- Intend: To plan to do or have a purpose for something
- Interest: To pay attention to something or draw someone else's attention to something
- Interpret: To understand and explain what something means
- Invisible: Unable to be seen
- Item: A particular object or idea
Another Way to Say Activity
Linking activities could include a participatory game of Another Way to Say. Each student could receive our list of I words, and the teacher could ask "What's another way to say 'mean to'?" seeking the answer, intend.
I and You
As noted above, words beginning with I serve a unique role in English. Our I words list is built for students to engage with I words on that level and come away with a richer understanding of the language. In need of even more interesting I words? Use WordFinder's list of words that start with the letter I to build from the words above. You can fill out the advanced search to ensure that your words are the correct length for each individual's skill level. For more vocabulary, complete with fun activities, check out our list of vocabulary words beginning with J!
Staff Writer
Letter I Words for Kindergarten & Preschool Kids
As we know that there are 26 letters of the alphabet. Sometimes we get a lot of word examples to teach children about the sound and spellings.
This list of words starting with ‘i’ is of common words & things. It consists of right words to help kids start their learning.
Following is a list of words that start with letter ‘i’ and are useful for teaching kindergarten and preschool kids.
- Igloo: an igloo is also known as snow house
- Ice-cream: I love eating ice-cream
- Insect: I got an insect bite
- Island: we all went to an island
- Ice: I love watching ice mountains
- Ink–pot: I have a ink pot at home
- Infant: a very healthy infant
- Iron: we have iron windows
- India: India is a beautiful country
- Ink: I use black ink
- Inside: I am inside my house
- Infrastructure: a big infrastructure
- Instrument: I play with musical instrument
- Ill: I fell ill after eating mango
- Italy: Italy is a beautiful country
- Injury: I got an injury while cycling
- Injection: I am scared of injection
- Infection: I received infection from mosquito bite
- Improve: I will improve to work hard
- Immediately: I ran immediately to my friend place
- If: if I don’t go to school, I will miss the classes
- In: in am in grade 1
- Is: my friend is very intelligent
- It: it is my friends day
- Into: we both suddenly came into the discussions
- Isn’t: it isn’t the right time to discuss
- Its: it’s a long day today
- Ice: we both enjoyed ice cream
- Imp: it is a very imp day
- Ink: i broke the ink pot
- Inn: we stayed in the best inn
- Ire: he provoked the ire of both teams
- I: I am with my friend
- Iron: I left an iron on the table
- Inch: my friend is an inch taller
- Idle: I can’t sit idle
- Icon: my father is an icon
There are a lot of sight words that start from ‘I’ therefore, you must select words that are easy for kids to read and comprehend.
Practice letter i worksheets to build your child’s confidence.
- Letter I Coloring Book
- Letter I Recognition Worksheet
- Cursive I Tracing Sheet
It would be crazy for you to know that the words that start with ‘I’; makes for only 3.7% words of the entire English Dictionary.
Quick Links
- 2-Letter Words for KG
- 26 Letters of English A to Z for Kids
30 poems about the letter I for children: learning the alphabet
Poems about the letter I for children. We continue our selection of poems about the letters of the Russian alphabet.
This article contains poems about the letter I for easy memorization of the letter I by a child.
⇐ Poems about the letter Yu
Poems about the letter A ⇒
A selection of poems about the letter Y for preschool children who want to easily memorize the alphabet.
Letter I
Always been
Sweet to everyone,
But we advise you, friends,
Remember the place
Letter I!
Author: Zakhoder B.
The letter Ya shouts: “Friends!
I'm the most modest of all, of course!
Author: Krasnikova I.
Everyone knows: the letter Ya
The most boastful.
I am on the branch Apples
Sit down like butterflies.
The sun has rounded sides
Browned slightly.
Author: Zelenaya K.
Letter “I” to everyone in the world
Ready to report:
— Do you know who I am.
I am not only the letter "I" -
And the Word!
Author: Shibaev А.
Eat with her for a year
Ripe Apples,
Sweet Berries.
January will come to us with her
Together with the New Year,
With her we will find Amber —
Bright gift of nature.
Without the letter "I" Eggs,
Therefore, birds,
Spring and Barley
Do not sting,
Do not raise Anchors for us,
Do not sow the beds ...
In the Language without the letter "I"
There would be a mess.
Author: Radchenko N.
Do you like poems about the letter I?Do you want poems about all the letters of the Russian alphabet always at your fingertips?
So that you can reinforce the material with your child?
Look at our Mini-book "Poems about the Alphabet"
It is made in .pdf format, it contains bright pictures from the articles of our site in good quality.
The hawk flew like a stone from the sky,
The hawk I wanted to steal the letter,
The hawk, I don't take the letter,
We need it just so you know.
On the last page of the Primer
There is such a beautiful Letter Ya.
You listen to what mom says:
- Well done! Now you know the alphabet!
Author: Manzhos N.
There are no berries sourer than cranberries,
I know the letters from memory.
Author: Samuil Marshak
Hawk, ide, core, tongue,
Skiff, yacht and coachman.
If you say to yourself,
Everyone will hear the letter… Ya. How many apples!
Everything is clear! The ship sailed.
We have arrived, friends,
The letter Y meets us.
Author: Manfish A.
Author: Varteresyants E.
The yacht reproached the anchor,
What rides without freight.
Anchor jumped off the ship,
Turned into a letter ... I.
The hawk flies high,
The hawk flies far,
The hawk sees everything around,
The hawk is a friend to man.
Author: Tselishchev А. the sun was shining,
The yacht entered the bay,
Anchor was thrown in the port,
I am the captain on that board.
Author: Beshentsev A.
I am a tramp with a backpack,
Travels on foot.
A whole basket of apples
I bring Zina as a present.
Bright apple outfit -
They burn with amber.
Author: Lavrova T.
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I am I, and who else
Looks so much like a brother?
He calls me Snake,
It's a shame - so what!
The sun is shining brightly.
The yacht carries fruits to children.
Brought us
Berries and apples from the fair.
Author: Gorenburgova R.
On a clear October morning,
Amber-colored apples,
Sweet, spicy, real,
I assembled a heavy box.
Author: Smiles D.
9000 ***See also:
Top-123 The best children's puzzles with answers
Poems about the alphabet from A to M
The lizard of the tail lost,
The first letter I learned about this,
The letter I told everyone, everyone,
We need to call the lizard,
To give her a tail.
Yasha and Yana dug holes
apple trees, berries were planted in holes!
Author: Melnikov S.
Ripe apples
Hanging on a tree.
Apples are tempting
They are looking at you and me.
Love, love apples
Adults and children.
These fruits are ripe
The best in the world!
Author: Goryunova I.
The little lamb is very brave:
He managed to drive the wolf into the forest.
Author: Ditkovskaya I.
Sharp claw, keen eye,
And the hunter is the highest class!
It's a hawk, that's a bird!
Even the beast is afraid of him.
Like all cats - graceful,
And as a predator - very formidable.
Claws are creepy! Fangs are a nightmare!
In a word, just a JAGUAR.
Magic apple
I will find in the garden
And, perhaps, I will fall into a fairy tale
Author: Slutskaya L.
⇐ Poems about the letter U
Poems about the letter A ⇒
Did you like the verses about the letter Y?
Letter Ya - general information, examples, materials for studying
Ya, I - The letter of most Slavic Cyrillic alphabets; 30th in Bulgarian, 32nd in Belarusian, 33rd in Russian and Ukrainian, last in all four; it was excluded from Serbian in the middle of the 19th century; it was not introduced into Macedonian, built on the model of the new Serbian. It is also used in most Cyrillic scripts of non-Slavic languages. In the Church Slavonic alphabet, “I” is also called, but it looks twofold: and, since it combines two different Old Slavonic letters, known under the conditional names “Yus small” and “A iotized”, in which the sound value coincided a very long time ago and only the formal spelling remained. difference.
General information
- Last name:
- I
- Letter:
- Sound:
- [YA]
- Positions in the alphabet:
- 33rd from the beginning of
1st. From the end of - Old name:
- I
- 16
- 10139085 9085 9085 Calligraphy In the language of the deaf In the language of the blind In Morse code
In the radio alphabet
As examples, we will also give words from different areas that begin with the letter "I". Among them are proper and common nouns, well-known and rare.
# | Words |
I, apple tree, anchor, amber, poison | |
Words ending with "I" | fairy neck army storm share |
With the letter "I" in the middle of the word | Ball, accordion, water, boyar, row |
Words containing several letters "I" | Uncle, any, apple tree, ninth, appear |
Countries | Jamaica, Japan. See all countries starting with the letter "I" |
Cities | Yalta, Yaroslavl, Yakutsk, Yangon. See all cities starting with the letter "I" |
Animals | Jaguar, lizard, hawk. See all animals starting with the letter "I" |
Vegetables, fruits and berries | Apple |
Professions | Coachman |
All names beginning with "I" with meanings and origins | |
Male names | Yakim, Yaroslav, Yakov, Jan.![]() |
Women's names | Yana, Yanina, Yarina, Yaroslava, Jadwiga. See all female names starting with the letter "I", as well as their meaning and origin |
Materials for study
* * *
So that O does not roll away,
I will beat him firmly to the post.
Oh, look,
What happened:
It turned out ... the letter Y.
Poems about the letter "Y"
* * *
We took "H" and the right leg
We stretched a little,
Yes, they turned the letter "O" -
Well, what happened?
Riddles about the letter "I"
Tongue twisters
* * *
I bought the letter Yulu,
So that Yulia would not be sad.
Yulenka took the top,
The top spun in an instant.
Tongue twisters with the letter "I"
Fairy tales
About the letter I
Once upon a time there was a letter Yu.