You eat like a baby dinosaur
YARN | You eat like a baby dinosaur. You don't even chew. | No Strings Attached (2011) | Video clips by quotes | c8f61a10
YARN | You eat like a baby dinosaur. You don't even chew. | No Strings Attached (2011) | Video clips by quotes | c8f61a10 | 紗Advertisement:
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You eat like a baby dinosaur. You don't even chew. No Strings Attached (2011) Search clips of this movie |
You eat like a baby dinosaur. You don't even chew.
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Spy (2015)
You eat like a baby.
Crooklyn (1994)
You eat like a pig. You chew like a cow. [ Grunting ]
Hannah Montana (2006) - S01E02 Family
Like a train. Chew, chew, chew.
The Goldbergs (2013) - S02E16 The Lost Boy
Baby, if you don't eat,
Cheers (1982) - S02E11 Just Three Friends
Ozark (2017) - S04E03 City on the Make
You don't chew,
- Eew. - Looks like a baby to me.
Community (2009) - S06E02 Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care
1. 2s
You, you don't even eat carbs.
# Baby don't eat #
Kevin Can Wait (2016) - S01E08 Who's Better Than Us?
Incredible. You don't even have to chew them.
- It's a shame you don't like kids. - Nasty little vermin.
- Things like that eat things like us as snacks!
Star Trek (2009)
You don't eat anything! You can eat, like, a bean,
Master of None (2015) - S01E02 Parents
You don't even eat spicy food.
The Simpsons (1989) - S11E03 Comedy
I could even eat a baby deer
The Simpsons (1989) - S13E17 Comedy
I could even eat a baby deer
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Diet | Dinosaur Simulator Wiki
in: Mechanics, Gameplay, Carnivores,
and 3 more
View sourceDiet are a type of food that Dinosaurs and playables eat. There are 3 types of diets: Carnivore, Herbivore, and Omnivore.
- 1 Carnivores
- 2 Herbivores
- 3 Omnivores
- 4 Trivia
CarnivoreCarnivores eat small lizards, other dinosaurs, and fish. Some of the strongest creatures in the game are CarnivoreCarnivores. All aquatic creatures are CarnivoreCarnivores, except for Jack O Lantern Archelon, which is a Herbivore. Animals like Pteranodon can climb, and are scavengers which can only kill very small babies, eat fish and lizards, and steal from the true hunters. The medium CarnivoreCarnivores like Allosaurus or Prognathodon can try attacking bigger animals and swim to lakes to ambush animals. Finally, the apexes like Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus are not subject to mess with due to their damage, health, and bleed damage. You should run away from these instantly if you can't fight well.
HerbivoreHerbivores eat ferns and trees. Trees are only consumable in spring and summer. Some HerbivoreHerbivores like the Yandusaurus are easy prey. Most of these prey items are quite speedy, while on the other hand, you have the ones that a small or medium-sized animal shouldn't mess with like Therizinosaurus, Futalognkosaurus or Styracosaurus. Towering over all of these by the means of damage, health, and height are the sauropods. They shouldn't be messed with and you should stay away from them if you aren't experienced in fighting.
OmnivoreOmnivores eat both meat and plants, meaning all the food sources listed above are valid sources of food. When an omnivore inspects a fern, it will provide the carnivore tooltip. Omnivores are the weakest of the three diet classes. The Gigantoraptor and Deinocheirus are both the most powerful of all the Omnivores. They are all bird-like, non-avian dinosaurs and are extremely fast. Animals like Avimimus are fast and weak, making them scavengers and unable to fight. The Gallimimus can hunt instead of scavenging, making it a nightmare for babies.
The gigantic Deinocheirus and Gigantoraptor are the only ones besides the Gallimimus able to defend themselves from large predators.
- Diets are a way to classify dinosaurs, based on a food source.
- Diets can also change the play style for certain animals.
- Some of the remodeled skins were updated to be an OmnivoreOmnivore.
- Some skins have a different diet than their original creatures. For example, Pteranodon has Decomposer skin (Herbivore), Stegoceras has Thanksgiving skin (Carnivore), and Therizinosaurus has Wendigo skin (Omnivore).
- Some dinosaurs used to have an OmnivoreOmnivore diet but were later changed to a certain type of diet. Dinosaurs such as Rakemother Brachiosaurus (Was changed to a herbivore diet), and Balaur (Was changed to a carnivore diet)
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Tyrannosaurus rex cousin ate grass and leaves
Chilean geologists Manuel Suarez and Rita de la Cruz (Rita de la Cruz) was found in the south of his country, in Patagonia, the skeleton of a unique dinosaur, which accounted for enough a close relative of the tyrannosaurus, but despite this was herbivores. Details tells the site of the journal Science .
Interestingly, the first bone of a previously unknown fossil the lizard was found by the son of a couple of geologists, 7-year-old Diego, who played next to parents when they explored the rock fragments of the formation Toki, rich in dinosaur remains. In honor of Diego the dinosaur named Chilesaurus diegosuarezi .
In the course of further excavations, geologists managed to collect almost a complete the skeleton of this dinosaur, 1.5 meters long. The study showed that the bones belong to the cub, adults were almost two times longer.
Identification of a new dinosaur conducted by an international team of experts, including Martin Ezkurra (Martin Ezcurra) from the University of Birmingham (Great Britain).
The analysis showed that Chilesaurus diegosuarezi belongs to suborder Therapoda ( Therapoda ), which was included in mostly predators - including the famous tyrannosaurus rex ( Tyrannosaurusrex ). However, the Chilean "foundling", to to the surprise of experts, it turned out to be a herbivore. In the structure of his body typical vegan features are present, such as a long neck, small head and flat teeth for grinding vegetable food. At the same time, the structure of his spine and joints is typical for carnivorous theropods.
Paul Barrett, Museum Dinosaur Expert Natural History in London, which quoted by Guardian newspaper , calls Chilesaurus diegosuarezi "an incredible mixture of anatomical features" and says that in the field of dinosaur research, this is the most interesting discovery in the last 20 years.
Scientists believe that the ancestors of the newly discovered dinosaur were, like relies on therapods, predators, and he himself switched to a plant food due to some vicissitudes that forced him to change his ecological niche. "I don't know how dinosaur evolution led to the appearance of such an animal, what mechanisms of ecological pressures were involved in this,” admitted Fernando Novas (Fernando Novas) from the Museum of Natural Sciences. Bernardino Rivadavia in Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Scientists continue to discover new interesting types of dinosaurs Every year. Over the past three years they have already found four-winged dinosaur, small dinosaur with unusually large fangs (but also a herbivore!) and one more with unusually long nose and horns. Truly, against the backdrop of creations Mother Nature pales Bosch's most bizarre fantasies.
chilesaurus diegosuarezi dinosaurs paleontological finds
Information provided by the Information Agency "Scientific Russia". Mass media registration certificate: IA No. ФС77-62580, issued Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications on July 31, 2015.
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Teeth Clack: Why do we love dinosaurs so much? | Nostalgia on 2x2
The animated series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will be released on Netflix on September 18th, which, of course, you will watch avidly. Why do you think? What is the reason for such a love for dinosaurs? Film critic Ivan Afanasiev survived the meteorite fall and tried to figure out why we are so drawn to these leather bastards with sharp teeth, including in movies, cartoons and games.
The history of dinosaurs as part of popular culture began in 1912, when Arthur Conan Doyle (yes, the one who invented Sherlock Holmes) wrote the novel The Lost World, which was read by both old and young. The first dinosaur movie came out in 1914 with Getty the Dinosaur. After these two works, prehistoric lizards became a little more popular - they appeared, for example, in Buster Keaton's comedy "Three Ages" and in the famous "King Kong" in 1933.
The "Silver Age" of dinosaurs in movies falls on 1950-1970s, when every decade a dozen films like Journey to the Beginning of Time and the Soviet Planet of Storms were released. Especially in this field, the Japanese were noted with their Godzilla and its variations. The “golden” era can be considered the 1990s-2000s - then more than fifty films were released, where in one way or another there were “terrible lizards” - not only “Jurassic Park”, but also “Carnosaurus”, which also grew into a trilogy .
And now the question is why do we still love dinosaurs so much?
They are scary
They really look scary and cool: huge size (at least as large as a person, and even with a multi-storey building), clawed paws and sharp teeth. Just remember the most impressive moment of Jurassic World, when the heroes are chased by a huge genetically modified dinosaur the size of a Ferris wheel, and they are bitten by an even heftier whale-sized mosasaurus. Cool! By the way, this comes from childhood: remember how you, sitting on the floor with a book about prehistoric creatures, went nuts for the first time, imagining a tyrannosaurus rex.
They are cute
Despite their menacing nature, not all dinosaurs are actually that scary. There are, after all, diplodocuses, touching with their serene beauty and long neck, who are herbivores and calmly chew grass and eat leaves. Even the formidable Triceratops is still cute and does not want to eat anyone (although it can gore)! Just remember how many cartoons there are - from "The Land Before Time" to "The Good Dinosaur", and kids love them!
Here, by the way, there is one more point: using the example of herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs, it is easy for a child to demonstrate how our cruel world works, in which either you eat grass or you are being eaten.
There are many
Paleontologists say that the love of dinosaurs really comes from childhood - the study of unknown disappeared animals often becomes the first hobby of the child. After all, there are about two thousand varieties of dinosaurs, and many are radically different from each other - take at least an outlandish ichthyosaur that looks like a toothy dolphin.
And how fun it is to remember their names - you can play the game "say "jinphengopteryx" in two seconds without ever stuttering." There is something to brag to friends and parents!
Source: Universal PicturesThey look like dragons
Since childhood, everyone loves fairy tales, and what monster comes to mind first when any fantasy comes to mind? Of course dragons! And who, if not some kind of hybrid of allosaurus and pterodactyl, is ideally like them? And in general - it's so unusual and mysterious. An extinct community of prehistoric reptiles that we will never see again (or help us Chris Pratt) - how cool! Even look at the titles of the films: "The Lost World", "An Extraordinary Journey to the Center of the Earth", "The Land Forgotten by Time" . .. Yes, even "Nymphomaniac Wild in Dinosaur Hell"!
They look like us
"What do you mean?" the reader will say. Well, yes, they are similar: after all, we are interested, in fact, in a dead prehistoric civilization, with its own society and laws. Dinosaurs died (it seems) from a meteorite that fell on Earth - and we, in turn, are drawn to what was lost a long time ago, trying to restore the distant past from fragments ... destroying the planet in the present, destroying the ecology and polluting the environment.
In fact, the death of dinosaurs is a metaphor for the future of mankind: let's continue in the same spirit, and maybe in a couple of tens of millions of years, some clots of pure energy will dig up the bones of strange creatures with pieces of iron with an apple logo in their hands.
Concept art for the canceled Jurassic Park 4 Bottom line: Dinosaurs evoke forgotten and sincere emotions in us, despite their outwardly formidable nature.