Kindergarten adding activities
25 Awesome Addition Activities That All Add Up to Fun
1 + 1 = 2. It’s the basic foundation for every child’s math education and the building block to a whole world of learning. Addition is usually the first of the four operations that kids tackle, and mastering it is key to success for years to come. Try these fun addition activities in the classroom or at home to help your students become math wizards in no time!
1. Build block towers.
Lay out flashcards, and then use blocks to create towers that answer the problems. Addition activities like this incorporate visual and hands-on techniques, honoring a variety of learning strategies.
Learn more: Nurture Store
2. Make a dice calculator.
This is bound to be a ton of fun! Kids drop a die through each cup, then add up the numbers that fall through. So simple, and so enjoyable. Learn how to make a dice calculator here.
3. Play a game of addition Jenga.
Stick addition problems to the ends of Jenga blocks. Kids must solve the equation before they can attempt to remove the block.
Learn more: TeachStarter
4. Create an addition apple tree.
Hands-on addition activities really make learning stick. Learn how to make and use this adorable addition apple tree at the link.
Learn more: CBC Parents
5. Use stickers for hands-on practice.
Sticker dots are inexpensive; you can usually pick them up at the dollar store. Little ones will really get a kick out of using them to answer a series of addition problems.
Learn more: Busy Toddler
6. Park and add some toy cars.
Roll out the toy cars and trucks! Use them as math manipulatives as you work on your addition facts.
Learn more: What We Do All Day
7. Thread beads onto pipe cleaners.
You can use pipe cleaners and beads for a variety of addition activities. In this one, put beads at opposite ends of a pipe cleaner, then bend them together and solve the equation.
Learn more: Creative Family Fun
8. Deal UNO cards.
Use UNO cards or a regular deck with the face cards removed for this addition game. Simply lay out two cards and add them together!
Learn more: Planning Playtime
9. Cut out addition flowers.
This pretty math craft gives kids a chance to work on addition activities like number bonds and mastering math facts. Get the free printable at the link.
Learn more: Fantastic Fun and Learning
10. Clip clothespins to a hanger.
Who doesn’t love inexpensive math manipulatives you can put together yourself in a snap? Grab some hangers and clothespins to create these addition toys.
Learn more: TeachStarter
11. Fingerpaint addition clouds.
What a sweet idea! Write addition problems on clouds, then use finger paints to add the correct number of raindrops underneath.
Learn more: Preschool Play and Learn
12. Use sticky notes to make 10.
Sticky notes have so many uses in the classroom. Write individual numbers on them, then use the notes to “make 10” or any other number you choose.
Learn more: Life Over Cs
13. Practice regrouping with LEGO bricks.
When you’re ready to move onto slightly more advanced addition activities, use LEGO bricks to help kids understand the concept of regrouping. (Find many more LEGO math ideas here.)
Learn more: Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls
14. Toss a beach ball.
Jot numbers all over a beach ball using a Sharpie. Then, toss it to a student and wherever their thumbs land, have them add up the two numbers closest. Ready for trickier addition activities? Add up all the numbers their fingers are touching!
Learn more: Saddle Up for 2nd Grade
15. Twist up pool noodle equations.

Who knew you could use pool noodles for so many cool things in the classroom? We love this interchangeable equation maker, perfect for practicing addition facts. Learn how to create a pool noodle equations maker here.
16. Assemble Play-Doh addition spiders.
Nothing scary about these little spiders! They’re just here to help kids practice their math facts. Insert pipe cleaner legs and find the total!
Learn more: The Kindergarten Connections
17. Try mini-clothespins and wood craft sticks.
Similar to the hanger activity above, this idea uses wood craft sticks and mini-clothespins. It’s a nice way to work in some fine motor skill practice too.
Learn more: Planning Playtime
18. Pull out the dominoes.
Here’s an easy one! Just turn dominoes sideways and they become math problems to be solved. Say them out loud, or write the equations for more practice.
Learn more: Simply Kinder

Kids will like the mystery element in this addition activity. Fill bags with small toys or mini erasers, then have them grab a handful from each and add them together!
Learn more: Susan Jones Teaching
20. Color by number.
Pull out the crayon box—it’s time to color by number! The twist? Kids have to solve the equations first to learn the right colors to pick. Get the free printables at the link.
Learn more: The STEM Laboratory
21. Add and sort dominoes.
You can do a variety of addition activities with dominoes. For this version, lay out a number line, then sort the dominoes by the sum of their two sides.
Learn more: Busy Toddler
22. Battle it out in Double Dice War.
Have you ever seen dice-in-dice? They’re so cool, and kids can’t get enough of them. Play addition war by having each student roll a die and add the numbers together. The one with the higher sum wins. Got a tie? Break it by looking at the number on the outside die. ( Find more dice-in-dice games and activities here.)
23. Pick up some pom poms.
Use double dice or regular ones along with a package of pom poms for this easy addition activity. Or try it with goldfish crackers for a tasty way to learn!
Learn more: Simply Kinder
24. Flip a flashcard pancake.
These pancakes aren’t very tasty, but they’re definitely a clever take on traditional flashcards. Kids will have fun flipping them with a spatula to check their answers.
Learn more: I Can Teach My Child
25. Be the first to fill your grid.
Get the free printable game boards for this addition activity at the link. Kids roll the dice and try to be the first to make sums that fill in their grids.
Learn more: Susan Jones Teaching
Addition and number bonds go hand-in-hand. Discover 20 Terrific Number Bonds Activities here.
Plus, enhance early math skills with these clever 10 frame activities.
12 Hands-On Activities to Teach Addition
Addition & Subtraction | Featured | Math
Addition can be a tricky concept for kindergarteners. After all, they may have just learned how to identify numbers and are still building a foundation of number sense. Now, they are putting numbers together to make new ones. It makes sense that this can be tough for kids. However, with these hands-on addition activities in your back pocket, you can help your students master this concept in a real-world, concrete way.
1: Sticky Note Addition
For this whole group, hands-on addition activity, the teacher begins by writing numbers on the whiteboard. These numbers will serve as the sums for the activity, so you can differentiate them by writing numbers to 5, 10, or beyond.
Next, the teacher passes out sticky notes with addition sentences written on them. Taking turns, students read their addition sentence aloud, find the sum, and stick their addition sentence over it to complete the equation.
2: Addition to 10 Boom Cards
This addition activity is a 2-for-1 when it comes to learning as it’s both hands-on AND digital! These Addition to 10 Boom Cards allow students to practice various addition equations up to 10. Students will count the ladybugs in each jar and use the digital number tiles to build the equation.
They get 30 different digital task cards to practice with. That’s not all, though. They are self-checking, too. Students get instant feedback and you save time grading. What a win!
3: Addition Towers
This hands-on addition activity requires nothing more than plastic math cubes and sticky notes or notecards. Simply prep the sticky notes or notecards with addition equations. You can even use the same sticky note equations from the first activity above. Students will draw an equation and model it using 2 colors of plastic math cubes.
Another way to do this activity in a small group is by laying out all of the sticky notes and having students choose an equation, model it, and place their cube tower on the equation, working together until all of the equations are covered.
4: Flip and Solve
Addition practice mats offer a variety of ways to solve addition problems. Students can use various manipulatives and number lines to model equations. You could also make your own addition mats out of colored card stock or grab some done-for-you Flip and Solve mats.
Flip and Solve is jam-packed with hands-on learning opportunities. There are a variety of mats included, giving students different ways to model and solve equations. Students will flip a card, solve the equation using either manipulatives or a number line, and complete the addition sentence using a magnetic number tile. Recording sheets are also included for students to practice.
5: Ten-Frame Addition
The next of the hands-on addition activities is a great whole group game. You’ll need painters tape and 2 colors of paper plates (like the ones from the party section). Use the tape to make a giant ten-frame on the carpet. Start by making the outside perimeter, then do a long strip down the middle, and then smaller strips to make the 10 sections. Pro tip- evenly space five plates to measure how long your ten frame needs to be, then move one down to measure how tall it should be, then make the rest of the tape strips.
Next, write addition sentences on notecards and turn them over face down. Call a student up to pick a card. They will read their addition sentence aloud and use the colored paper plates to model and solve the addition sentence on the ten-frame. While the student is solving, the other students can write and solve the problem on dry-erase boards and compare their answers.
6: Grab and Add
This hands-on addition activity is a great math center idea for students. Simply fill two containers with different types of objects. You can use anything! Plastic math cubes, counting bears, mini-erasers, or even marshmallows and chocolate candies. Students will reach in and grab a small handful of each object. They’ll count the objects and write an addition sentence and sum on this FREE recording sheet or a dry-erase board.
7: Crack the Code
What kid doesn’t love a good mystery? Your students are going to have a blast with this crack the code addition game! They’ll use the secret code at the top of the page to build addition and subtraction sentences. There are 15 no-prep pages each for addition, subtraction, and mixed practice. These can be used for small groups, centers, morning tubs, etc. Hello math detectives!
8: Addition War
To play this addition game, all you need are regular playing cards. Remove the face cards from the deck. You can use the Aces as ones or remove those as well. Students will play with a partner. They both flip one card, laying them side by side. The first player to add the numbers correctly wins the round and gets to keep both cards. The first player to collect all of the cards wins the game.
9: Addition Story Problems
Story problems require a lot of practice and problem-solving. Students must learn how to solve story problems in a variety of ways. These 40 pages of addition and subtraction story problems will help them do just that! Students will solve 1 problem per page in a variety of ways, helping them practice multiple problem-solving strategies with one fun, no-prep activity.
10: Dice Addition
For this hands-on addition activity, students will roll 2 dice. The jumbo foam dice are fun for this and aren’t so loud! The students will write the addition equation and solve it on a dry-erase board. This is a fun small group or math center game.
11: Domino Addition
Need an engaging addition game for your morning tubs or independent practice centers? Domino Addition is perfect for that. Simply write numbers 1-10 on notecards or use any number card you have and line up the cards. Students will draw a domino from the pile, add the dots on each side, and find the number card that matches the sum, placing the domino on top of it.
12: Addition and Subtraction to 10 Bundle
If you are craving even more hands-on addition activities but aren’t wanting a ton of prep, look no further than the addition and subtraction to 10 bundle! This bundle includes 9 different addition and subtraction resources, all designed to help your students practice these math concepts in a hands-on way. From games and activity mats to mystery worksheets, your students will enjoy practicing all year long!
Addition practice doesn’t have to be a drag. Spice up your curriculum with these hands-on addition activities and watch those light bulb moments come alive!
Post Tags: #addition#math#math centers
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GCD in kindergarten: types, forms and implementation
What is it about? GCD in kindergarten is, in fact, a regular activity, but with a small addition. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, it must pursue a specific goal and requires special training from the educator.
How to organize? Before proceeding, it is necessary to understand the GCD forms. They will suggest the topic of the lesson. It is important to take into account the age of the pupils, since each group has its own GCD load.
From this material you will learn:
- What is GCD in kindergarten
- Types of NOD
- GCD forms in kindergarten
- GCD load in kindergarten
- Preparation for GCD in kindergarten
- Objectives of GCD
- Stages of implementation GCD
- Tips for a teacher on conducting GCD in kindergarten
- An example of an outline of GCD in kindergarten
What is GCD in kindergarten
GCD in kindergarten - direct educational activities. Preschool children remember information better when it is presented during a joint game. Such an approach in the form of joint activity implies the solution of an educational problem by applying various methods.
The topic of GCD in kindergarten is very relevant. At the same time, it differs significantly from classical classes with preschoolers in terms of the structure of educational processes. GCD is aimed at an individual approach when changing the paradigm of the educator. Methods are aimed at the development of any of the types of activities:
- entertainment;
- communicative;
- physical;
- experimental;
- musical and artistic;
- creative;
- labor;
- literary and artistic.
GCD is the main form of education in kindergarten. Deciphering the term implies the interaction of children and the teacher, the purpose of which is to develop the child's educational program in different directions. To do this, the teacher uses various pedagogical methods, taking into account age, level of training and some other factors. We list some types of GCD in kindergarten.
Types of GCD
- Combined . Combining different, unrelated logic actions into one process. With such a GCD in kindergarten, for example, drawing is replaced by a series of outdoor games.
- Integrated . Solving problems using tools of various associative actions. The main role is assigned to one type of activity, for example, GCD on traffic rules in kindergarten, while others have auxiliary functions (the story about traffic on the road smoothly flows into the creation of drawings on this topic).
- Integrated . Combines information from different areas of education without any priority of one of them. With such a GCD in kindergarten, applique, modeling, music help to reveal the concept of "mood".
Forms of GCD in kindergarten
When organizing GCD in kindergarten, classes can be divided into:
Motor :
- Outdoor games according to the rules.
- Dynamic educational games.
- Game exercises, game scenarios.
- Competition.
- Gymnastics to music.
- Sports exercises.
- Attractions.
- Sports holidays.
- Charging.
- Swimming, water games.
Game :
- Story games.
- Simulation of situations (using literary works).
- Games with speech accompaniment.
- Fine motor skills of hands.
- Theatrical performances.
Productive :
- Classes for making products of children's creativity.
- Implementation of projects.
- Children's design.
- Research activities with practical experiences.
- Vernissages, mini-museums.
- Discussion of read works.
- Memorization, retelling.
- Conversation.
- Theatrical activities.
- Contests.
- Question-answer conversation.
- Book presentations.
- Literary festivals.
Research activities:
- Excursion.
- Finding solutions to problems.
- Experiments.
- Collecting.
- Simulation.
- Intellectual games (puzzles, joke tasks, rebuses, crossword puzzles, charades).
- Design.
- Hobby.
- Conversation, situational conversation.
- Speech situation.
- Composing riddles and guessing them.
- Games and scenarios (plot, with rules, theatrical).
- Etudes and improvisations.
- Logarithmics.
- Duty, assignments, assignments.
- Self-service.
- Collective action.
GCD load in kindergarten
Organization of GCD in kindergarten is carried out taking into account the age groups:
- younger;
- second junior;
- medium;
- senior;
- preparatory.
Consider the structure of GCD in kindergarten by age.
- Young children 1.5 to 3 years old
SanPiN regulates the beginning of GCD in kindergarten in the younger group no earlier than 09:00. Children of this age should study no more than 10 minutes. It is allowed to conduct 10 lessons during the week with a total duration of 100 minutes. The second GCD lesson in the kindergarten of the younger group can be organized after lunch and a quiet hour.
- Preschoolers 3 to 4 years old
GCD in the kindergarten of the middle group does not exceed 15 minutes. Unlike the previous category, 11 classes with a total duration of 165 minutes are allowed per week. The next lesson after the first one can be carried out after a break for daytime sleep.
- Age category 4 to 5 years old
GCD in senior kindergarten is 20 minutes. The weekly load increases to 12 lessons with a total duration of no more than 240 minutes.
- Children aged 6 to 7
GCD in kindergarten for the preparatory group of pupils should not exceed 25 minutes. At the same time, the weekly limit of direct educational activities is 14 lessons, the total duration of which should not exceed 240 minutes.
It should be emphasized that the maximum GCD in kindergarten for children of the second younger and middle age groups should not exceed 30 and 40 minutes, respectively. Children of the older age category in the first half of the day can actively engage in up to 45 minutes, and in the preparatory - up to 90 minutes.
At the same time, the teacher should alternate lessons with physical education breaks with a frequency of 15-20 minutes. And the duration of sports "minutes" should be at least 10 minutes.
Preparation for GCD in kindergarten
It is mandatory to take into account:
- Integration of all five areas of education (knowledge from different areas are combined on a parity basis).
- Adequacy of the structure and schedule GCD in kindergarten to the tasks to be solved. Logical alignment of the sequence of stages (and their interdependence) of educational activities.
- Timing efficiency , alternation of mental and physical activity, differentiated approach to the proposed tasks.
- Equipment . The subject-developing environment must correspond to the age category, safety requirements, accessibility, aesthetic perception.
- Target component (trinity of tasks - a clear and unambiguous definition of teaching, educational and developmental tasks, taking into account the integration of educational areas).
Goals GCD
Goal is the end result towards which the teacher's activity is directed and for the achievement of which he chooses the appropriate means and creates favorable conditions. The goal of GCD in kindergarten is to successfully complete the entire program.
The basis for determining the outcome of direct educational activities should be an analysis of existing needs and tasks at the current stage of the program, as well as an assessment of opportunities, methods and resources.
Requirements for setting goals:
- Relevance of and adequacy to the most significant tasks, richness and reality of implementation.
- Clear wording excluding other interpretations.
- Motivation and stimulation of the desire to achieve them.
- The goals of should be such that all participants in educational activities are fully aware of them and strive for implementation.
Goal generation algorithm:
- Make a problem analysis , select a priority task and give its exhaustive definition.
- Make a plan for GCD in kindergarten to solve it, consisting of successive stages.
- State clearly each of the preliminary results of these steps.
- Determine the saturation of with such actions of one GCD and evaluate their quantity and quality.
- Define the purpose of GCD with a detailed description of the effect of the planned actions.
Tasks and conditions for their solution:
- Educational : continuous development of the child.
- Educational : to influence personal growth, beliefs.
- Developing : in the learning process, focus on developing the student's interest in learning and learning, creativity, communication skills (the ability to formulate one's thoughts using competent speech), moral priorities.
Problems are solved by analyzing problems, conducting experiments, learning games, etc. All this is united by a theme or image, the consideration of which is devoted to educational activities.
Stages of GCD implementation
- Motivational. Introduction: organizational measures. The gradual involvement of children in the upcoming process of learning activities, the formation of their strong interest in actions, the creation and maintenance of an emotional atmosphere. GCD in kindergarten should be carried out in strict sequence with fixing intermediate results.
- Informative. This is the main part: practical activities aimed at independent intellectual and physical work. During this phase, the main tasks should be completed in general. GCD is carried out with an emphasis on the independent actions of the student being taught. The teacher monitors this process and, if necessary, makes adjustments with advice, leading questions, demonstrating the correct reaction, etc. Landmark - each preschooler should try to achieve a result.
- Reflective. The final part consists of an analysis of the situation and summing up. The effectiveness of this stage lies in assessing the attitude of children to GCD and stimulating them to continue studying in the program.
Pupils of the younger group should be encouraged for their efforts and dedication in completing tasks, as well as activating their positive emotional mood. In the middle group, the teacher more objectively evaluates the results of the children's actions, tactfully and gently points out mistakes and ways to overcome them. In the senior and preparatory groups, a collective approach to evaluating the results is carried out, in which the students themselves take active action.
Tips for a teacher on conducting GCD in kindergarten
The first half of the day is the most effective time for conducting GCD in kindergarten. At this time of day, it is advisable to organize activities that require increased attention, mental activity of children. In the child, the events taking place in the process of classes should evoke strong associations with personal experience.
This is precisely the meaning of the personality-oriented essence of GCD. The teacher is obliged to respect any statement of the preschooler, and the dialogue should be based on the principle of equality, and not in the form of harsh dictates.
GCD in kindergarten for all age groups is carried out in a comfortable environment at the tables or in the game room using visual aids. The emotional atmosphere that prevails in the children's team has a significant impact on the effectiveness of classes.
A teacher can achieve greater results by demonstrating kindness, sincerity, and mutual respect. Children perceive this as the norm, and they develop a positive attitude towards each other. To demonstrate their respect, the educator must:
- call each child by name;
- maintain an individual approach when talking with pupils;
- to conduct a conversation at the same level with the child, for this you need to squat or use a low chair;
- show interest in the speech of a preschooler, do not ignore the questions posed by him;
- express admiration for the result of children's creativity;
- listen carefully to the pupil's stories about his interests;
- to be polite, etc.
An example of GCD notes in kindergarten
Detailed notes and schedules of GCD in kindergarten should be developed for each specific lesson, taking into account the age group. They may contain an indication of the type of educational activity, for example, "integrated cognitive development using ICT technologies in the second junior group" Visiting Three Bears ".
Program content should then be stated :
- Expand cognitive interest in children.
- To develop motor activity, the desire to repeat the movement according to the model.
- To bring up the desire to bring things to the end, friendly relations between children; ensure the psychological well-being of children.
- Continue work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.
Materials and equipment to be used in class:
- board;
- computer;
- projector;
- set of geometric figures, pencils, paper, counting sticks.
- formation of cognitive skills;
- physical training, development of fine motor skills of hands;
- social and communicative improvement.
The main goal of educational upbringing is the implementation of a comprehensive training program. The main task is to develop in children a knowledge base, skills and abilities. This is achieved by a thoughtful organization of educational activities, the active involvement of pupils in the process, the formation of moral guidelines and a craving for the accumulation of knowledge about the world around them.
The talent and efforts of a teacher largely determine the effect of the ongoing educational and upbringing work. Integral GCD in kindergarten allows children to form a vision of a holistic picture of the world, because with this approach, each object is subject to a versatile analysis: theoretical, practical, associative, applied.
The alternation of activities contributes to the harmonious development of the individual, the development of communication skills, the ability to interact in a team. As a result, a mixed adult-children's community is formed.
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