Pig keeps falling down
Dippity Pig Syndrome – North American Pet Pig Association
It’s spring. I can tell because the calls about Dippity Pig are coming in. The medical term for Dippity is Erythema Multiforme. Literally translated it means: a superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, that takes many forms. Personally, I like “Dippity Pig” better!
While Dippity can vary in character and severity from pig to pig, there are certain definite symptoms. These include, but not necessarily all at once:
A sensitivity to being touched around the back end of the pig sometimes to the point that the pig squeals when touched
A “hunkered-down” stance with the tail tucked between the back legs and clamped to the body
Weakness of and/or inability to use the back legs to the point of falling down
Pain, restlessness, distress
The above symptoms may or may not be accompanied by moist, red areas appearing over the rump region and extending halfway up the back toward the head. These moist areas sometimes turn into actual lesions that can ooze serum or blood. They usually run from side to side, not head to tail.
Lisle George, D.V.M. from the University of California at Davis, describes Dippity as:
“The clinical signs include squealing and inability to walk without falling down in the rear limbs. Affected pigs suddenly howl painfully, and fall with the rear limbs extended backward, and the back arched. They may pull themselves forward with the fore limbs while keeping the rear limbs extended behind them. The skin over the lumbar area is extremely painful, and the pig resists vigorously whenever the back is touched lightly. Severe responses can be evoked by blowing on the back. The skin thickens over twelve hours, and begins weeping. This forms an oval wet patch over the lumbar area measuring 5 by 10 cm.”
The onset of symptoms of Dippity is often quite sudden. The weakness and sensitivity in the back legs can occur in a matter of hours. A perfectly normal pig can be incapacitated three hours later. Any skin eruptions or lesions can occur in a matter of minutes. Depending on the pain threshold of the pig and the severity of the case, the animal ends up anywhere from uncomfortable to screaming with pain.
The primary cause of Dippity appears to be stress. It is not clear whether the stress is external or internal in nature, or whether it can be self-induced. External stress could include a pig show, a trip to the vet, the introduction of a new pig or owner, a violent thunderstorm or a sudden deviation in normal routine.
There also appears to be some correlation between Dippity and exposure to the sun. A friend of mine acquired ten, white, commercial pigs who were about ten weeks old. They had been in a total confinement system, therefore, had never been out in the sun. Upon their release into the great outdoors, these white pigs all developed the “dipping” and “squealing” symptoms of Dippity, without the lesions. Was this just a case of severe sunburn or Dippity Pig?
Internal stress could mean an inappropriate diet or a change in diet, inadequate water supply, a sudden drastic change in body temperature due either to illness or climate, even the onset of a particularly hard heat cycle for the female pig.
Often the triggering of a Dippity episode can be traced back to an unusual, recent event in the pig’s life.
There is no treatment for Dippity, nor is there any preventive medication available at this time since the exact causes have not been determined. Topical creams or sprays can encourage healing of the sores and lesions. Injectable drugs can be used to alleviate discomfort or pain. However, once Dippity occurs, no drugs will prevent it from running its course. The onset of Dippity is quite spontaneous. Duration of symptoms can be anywhere from 24-72 hours. Complete recovery is just as spontaneous and mysterious. Spring and summer seem to be the most common times of year for Dippity to occur. More often than not it is younger pigs who are affected – that is pigs under two years of age.
The most important thing you can do for your piggies if Dippity strikes, is to immediately reduce stress, both internal and external. Confine your pig in a suitable temperature for the time of year. A quiet, dark place does a lot to calm your pig. Low music helps to soothe also. Keep your pig well hydrated during the episode. Reassure and comfort your pig often, but complete rest is a must. Prevention of sunburn can be accomplished by using a sun screen on your pig. If lesions are present, liquid vitamin E or aloe vera gel are soothing and healing. Some vets prescribe topical 1% hydrocortisone cream. Consult your veterinarian as to the appropriateness of drugs to alleviate discomfort or pain.
Dippity can occur as a single, one-time event, or a pig can suffer multiple attacks. Seldom does it occur in older pigs, even though they may have been affected as younger kids. Perhaps they outgrow it. In seven years, I have never heard of any lasting ill effects from this mysterious condition.
For pigs who have had Dippity more than once, there is a check list available to help determine the causes and possibly provide preventive measure. For further information, contact Jenny Blaney.
Dippity Pig Syndrome: How This Affects Mini Pigs
Dippity Pig Syndrome can present differently in different pigs. It may present differently in the same pig at another time.
Dippity pig syndrome, also often used interchangeably with "Erythema Multiforme" or bleeding back, is a neurological disorder, but, not all pigs get it. Dippity is probably the most frightening thing most pig owners ever see. It's often prevalent in the spring time, but can be seen any time of the year. Dippity can be exacerbated by the sun/sunburn, stress; such as a violent thunderstorm, a trip to the vet, deviating from the normal routine or other things like moving furniture, having guests over, etc. It is not clear whether the stress is internal or external or whether it can be self-induced. Examples of external stress could be a sudden deviation in normal routine or excessive sunlight, internal stress could include dehydration or drastic changes in body temperature due to climate or other illness. There really is no specific treatment, but rather pain control and no preventative treatment either. (However, if sunburn or excessive sun is the trigger, using sunscreen can help lessen the chances of your pig getting dippity pig syndrome) Most often, the pigs affected are under 2 years old although there have been reports of pigs older than 2 years old getting it too. This illness appears suddenly and most times an area of "weeping" blister like sores are seen (usually the actual moisture is what is seen, it resembles a wet spot on the side or back), typically these lesions run side to side, not head to tail usually starting near the rump (butt area) or midway on the back and move towards the head and these lesions can form in a matter of minutes. An example of a common situation when dippity has been positively diagnosed: A young or baby pig who was fine last night that gets up in the morning with long “gashes” across his back and when he trying to walk his hindquarters just seem made of rubber and he almost falls, “dipping” down to the floor with his belly.
He hurts and cries out if you touch him and the gashes ooze a reddish fluid of thinly diluted blood (serum). This was actually what happened to one pig parent who reached out to us on our Facebook page. We also have a video near the bottom of the page that shows a pig with classic symptoms of dippity who was also positively diagnosed with this illness.
The overall symptoms vary from pig to pig, some have all the classic signs, some only have one or two. Some of the symptoms include: a sensitivity to being touched around the back end of the pig sometimes to the point that the pig squeals when touched a “hunkered-down” stance with the tail tucked between the back legs and clamped to the body, weakness of and/or inability to use the back legs to the point of falling down pain, restlessness, and distress. Some pigs can take a few steps before their legs seem to give out causing them to fall or stop walking. This condition is very painful for pigs and because they often "dip" down when you pet the back the unofficial name given to this disorder has been dippity pig syndrome. The onset is very sudden and leaves just as mysteriously/abrupt. The typical timeframe is 48-72 hours. It is both scary and heartbreaking to see a pig with dippity, and once a pig gets it, they are prone to get it again. (the video below shows a pig with dippity pig syndrome) Sometimes people think their pig was the victim of a predator attack, while sometimes this may be the case, usually, it is a case of dippity pig syndrome. All other diseases need to be ruled out, because there are some that resemble the symptoms of dippity, so look for the weeping areas on the back and sudden onset along with the "dipping" when you touch the back to point towards a positive case of dippity pig syndrome. Do diligence by checking your pig for a fever and making notes on any recent injuries or falls. Some other serious illnesses can cause neurological symptoms that are similar such as meningitis and paralysis of the rear end can indicate a spinal or back injury. (You can click here to read more about paralysis in pigs and how to handle that.
) Pigs can slip on a tiled floor or one they cannot seem to get traction on and fall resulting in a spinal or back injury. Since pigs and steps don't seem to be a great combination, there have been several cases of pigs falling down a few steps also resulting in a back or spinal injury.
**Please check with your vet before giving your pig any medications**
Assuming there has been no recent surgeries, enteric coated baby aspirin (5mg per lb of body weight, this comes in 81mg/baby aspirin and 325mg full strength) or children's Tylenol, 5mg per pound (160mg per 5ml is the usual concentration, the actual dose is 1ml per 6 lbs of pig) either one can be given every 8 hours as needed for pain for 3 days with food. Do NOT give both medications at the same time, you can choose one or the other. You can also give Benadryl to help them rest, that dose is 1mg per lb (the normal pill comes in 25mg tabs) and the total dose should not exceed 75mg no matter how much your pig weighs. The most important thing you can do for your piggies if dippity strikes, is to immediately reduce stress, both internal and external. You can help control the symptoms by placing the pig in a dark quiet room set to an appropriate temperature for that time of the year. A dark, quiet area does a lot to soothe and calm a pig, You can also play soft music as this has been proven to help calm a stressed pig as well. Keep your pig hydrated during this time, and reassure and comfort your pig often. We know these things help. Because of the short life of the disease and the fact that it goes away on its own without any intervention, there hasn't been a lot of research done to determine if there is any kind of treatment that truly helps. What we do know is that this illness is painful, and this is why pain meds are recommended, but again, please don't medicate your pig unless you've cleared it with your vet. Some will also use cream on the affected areas, if lesions are present, liquid vitamin E or aloe vera gel are soothing and healing.
Some vets prescribe topical 1% hydrocortisone cream. Consult your veterinarian as to the appropriateness of drugs to alleviate discomfort or pain. If you're not seeing any weeping sores (and not all present with the same symptoms) and there is no "dipping", it's likely not dippity, especially if your piggy isn't having any difficulty walking/standing either. These symptoms are what helps to draw the conclusion that it's dippity. Dippity is usually pretty easy to spot, other diseases aren't, so if you're not sure that your pig has dippity pig syndrome, call your vet. If you don't see any of these symptoms or only one, I personally, would call a vet. Does your pig have a temperature? Eating, drinking, peeing and pooping ok? What are the symptoms your pig is having? Any behavioral changes? Lethargic? Answering those questions would better help in finding out possible problems with your pig. Pigs can have various injuries resembling dippity pig syndrome and although dippity isn't life threatening, some of the other possibilities can be.
It is much easier to spot Dippity on a dark pigmented pig, often it presents like a wet spot, other times it will look like drainage from the back. Sometimes there are no lesions there, other times the lesions show up hours after the symptoms begin. Each pig is different and each will present different. Always call your vet if you are unsure. Below are all examples of this acute illness in various pigs that have been shared with us.
This is a pig with Dippity. Thanks to Emily Anderson for allowing us to share your video. Each pig may present differently, some may have all the classic signs while others may have only the pain, or only the lesions or a combo of everything. It's the symptoms collectively that will determine if your pig has a case of Dippity. Be sure to use our health form to help you rule out other illnesses. Dippity should not affect eating, drinking, peeing or pooping and there should not be a fever associated with it.
China: Slow but Steady Pig Sector Recovery - Latest news in pig production
Read this article in: Economics Pig herds are recovering and African swine fever outbreaks are declining. When will China fully restore pig production?
2 April 2020
Pig stock is recovering
According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in February this year, the number of pregnant pigs increased by 1.7% compared with the previous month, this is the fifth consecutive month of growth, compared with September last year, an increase of 10% is seen. In 27 provinces of the country, the number of sows continues to grow.
In terms of the number of piglets born, more than 500 farms across the country saw a 3.4% increase in the number of piglets in February this year, the first increase in monthly figures since September last year.
Historically, the number of pigs has been declining in the month following the Spring Festival, but pig inventories in February showed an anti-seasonal increase of 2.8% compared to the previous month.
African swine fever on the decline
African swine fever (ASF) in 2019 led to a significant decline in China's pig production with a production of 42. 55 million tons, a decrease of 21.3%. In general, the intensity of the ASF epidemic has decreased significantly compared to last year. This year, four reports have been received so far, one of which is about a wild boar case. Three outbreaks occurred in domestic pigs, with 324 deaths. During the same period last year, 13 outbreaks and 197,000 deaths were reported. Comparing these two periods, the ministry believes that the overall situation is improving. However, the risk remains, the population is recovering, but everyone should remember that ASF circulates in every province of the country.
March 20, 2020 / Chinese government / China.
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Restricted to 333 users. To post a comment , you need to log in0005 Since March of this year, 13 outbreaks of ASF have been reported, most of them associated with the illegal transportation and sale of live pigs.
First quarter statistics show that pork prices continue to fall as China increases its pig herd. The number of breeding sows increased by almost 10%.
Authorities are optimistic as the number continues to increase and ASF outbreaks become smaller and longer between them.
In China, for the fourth month in a row, there has been a strengthening recovery in the number of pigs that fell due to ASF.
description, content, interesting facts and much more about the movie
An unkemptly dressed man with long, dirty tresses and a beard (Robin "Rob" Feld) walks through the forest in Oregon. He digs a truffle out of the ground with a knife, tastes it.
Rob walks up to a cabin in the middle of the woods, whistles, a pig runs out of the house. Rob goes with her to the forest. The pig discovers the truffle, Rob digs it up, inspects it, rewards the animal with the smaller truffle he discovered on his own.
Rob returns to the hut. He prepares a pie, sits on the porch, eats the dish he has prepared, puts the pig in a bowl of her portion.
Rob is sitting on the doorstep of the hut, darning a hole in his pants right on himself. A bright yellow sports car pulls up. A fashionably dressed guy in dark glasses (Amir) comes out of there. A pig runs up to him, Amir drives away a friendly animal. He hands Rob a box of supplies. He points Amir to the plastic container where the truffles he has collected are stored. Amir opens the lid and examines the mushrooms, sniffs them. He turns to the pig: and how do you manage to find them, you rascal?
Rob carries the supply box into the hut, arranges the supplies on the shelves. Amir asks: maybe you can bring a shower cabin that runs on gas? You will have hot water. Or phone? And then I'll come to you and find a corpse here. There are wild animals here, but anything can happen. Rob silently closes the door. Amir: That's what we're talking about. All right, you old bastard, see you Thursday. He gets into the car and leaves.
Rob inserts the batteries brought by Amir into an old cassette recorder, turns it on, inserts a cassette into the device, on which it is written with a pen: for Robin. It sounds like a woman's laugh. Rob turns off the tape recorder and puts it on the shelf.
Rob settles into bed for the night. Nearby, on the same bed, a pig is laid to sleep.
A howl is heard from the forest, the pig wakes up, gets out of bed, goes to the front door, starts grunting nervously. Rob wakes up to her, he calms the animal: it's just coyotes, go to bed. The pig does not let up. Rob goes to the front door, unlocks it, sees the headlights of the car. Someone breaks into the house, Rob gets hit on the head with something heavy, two aliens (they talk to each other, one voice is male, the other is female) stuff the heart-rendingly squealing pig into a bag and drag it to their car.
Rob wakes up in the morning. The right side of his face is covered in gore. On the doorstep is a frying pan that the raiders used as a strike weapon.
Rob removes film from an old pickup truck, fills the tank with fuel, gets behind the wheel. He drives slowly along the forest road, but after a while the engine stalls. Steam is coming out from under the hood. Rob gets out of the car and continues on foot.
Rob walks into a roadside cafe. What do you want? Is Marge working today? Marge died ten years ago. What will you order? Nothing. Is there a phone? The waitress puts the phone on the bar.
Amir drives up to the cafe and honks. Rob comes out of the cafe and gets into the car.
Amir takes Rob to a woman (Mac) who accepts mushrooms from truffle pickers to sell to wholesalers. She tells Amir that she doesn't want to see buyers at the truffle takeover. Rob turns to her: a pig was stolen from me. What pig? Truffle. Do you know anyone in the green pickup truck? Mac leaves work, gets into the car and, together with Amir and Rob, arrives at an old trailer standing in the forest. Mac knocks on the window. She, Amir and Rob are let inside. The trailer is inhabited by a man and a woman of the most marginal kind. Mac says they have invaded her territory. The couple makes excuses: we didn’t do anything like that. Mac: Since you've kidnapped the truffle pig, you've invaded. Who did you give it to? Some guy came from the city with money. The name of? We don't know. What car? Black, shiny.
Rob tells Amir that he has to take him to town. Why else? Rob: who will collect the truffles for you?
There is a radio program about the importance of classical music. The announcer in an enthusiastic voice announces that the classics have not died for 200 years. And she will be alive for another 400 years. Rob turns off the receiver. Amir turns it on. Rob turns the music off again.
Amir brings Rob to Portland. Following his instructions, he arrives at the site, where there are tents selling takeaway food. Rob enters one of the tents and addresses a man (Edgar) sitting at a table there. I need my pig. Edgar: Once upon a time your name meant a lot, but now you are nobody. Rob leaves the tent and gets into Amir's car. He asks: how do you know Edgar? I used to live here. How many now? I don't have a watch. Amir: nine. What do we do? Rob: Wait until midnight.
At midnight, Rob tells Amir to drive to the restaurant he has indicated. They go to the kitchen, enter the warehouse. Amir demands to know what Rob is going to do next. I care about my reputation in this city! Rob, pushing aside a rack full of boxes, shows Amir the secret passage. He explains to his companion that they are going to the basement, where Edgar organizes underground fights for restaurant employees.
Rob and Amir enter the hall where the fights are taking place. Rob submits his candidacy for the endurance competition. He lets his opponent beat him up. The stopwatch measures the time Rob manages to stay on his feet. Visitors to the fights make bets. Finally, Rob falls to the ground. The enemy is pulled away from him. Rob rises from the floor and walks over to the table where Edgar is sitting, looking straight at him. Edgar hands Rob a piece of paper.
Amir takes Rob to his house and puts him to bed. In the morning, he treats Rob to breakfast: sorry, I'm not good at cooking.
Rob asks Amir can you take us to the Eurydice restaurant? Of course, this is my father's estate. Can you reserve a table for us? Yes.
Amir starts reminiscing. My parents didn't get along very well. My father was completely immersed in his business, he came home late, he and his mother constantly fought, rarely went out together. But one day they went to the same restaurant. They came home very happy and cheerful, the mother laughed. I had never seen her like this before she died. She committed suicide. I myself remember the chef of this restaurant: so big. Was that you? Then Amir begins to speak very unflatteringly about his father. Rob says that such statements should not be allowed. After all, soon none of this will matter. People in these parts showed up ten thousand years ago. And every 200 years there were catastrophic earthquakes. There will be another earthquake soon. A seismic shock will destroy Portland to the ground, all the houses will collapse, all the bridges will fall apart. People will look up and in five minutes they will see how a wave as high as a ten-story building is approaching them. And soon they will all be at the bottom of the sea.
Rob leaves Amir's apartment and walks through the city streets. He comes up to the house, a little boy is sitting on the porch, playing the drum. Rob sits down next to the boy. He lets him play the drum. Does your face hurt? Rob: Yes, it hurts. I used to live in this house. Tell me, where did the tree go, persimmon grew here. The boy says that he has no idea what he is talking about. What is persimmon? Rob: These fruits are orange, they look like tomatoes. Only they should be eaten after they are completely ripe, otherwise they just taste terrible. But when the persimmon ripens, the substances called “tannins” leave. Delicious!
Amir is rehearsing a conversation with clients in front of a mirror: if you want good black truffles, you will only find them at my place. And if you want truffles that have been in the fridge for three days, welcome to my father.
Amir comes to the kitchen of the Eurydice restaurant and asks one of the butchers to assist in booking a table. The butcher says that at this time all the tables are booked. Amir offers half price truffles to the butcher, who still refuses. This is your father's restaurant. Amir: I don't want to ask him, this is not a business meeting, I will bring my friend. I can't help. Amir: A friend's name is Robin Feld. You can do it, they listen to you here.
Amir and Rob are sitting at a table. The waitress places a covered dish in front of them. These are scalloped scallops smoked with the smoke of Douglas pine cones. This dish reflects the harmony of land and sea. The waitress lifts the lid. Rob tries the dish. I would like to speak to the chief.
Rob asks Amir why he doesn't want to see his father. Amir says that his father is in charge of buying truffles. And we agreed not to interfere in someone else's business. Why don't you work for him? Someday I will. But I don't think I need his help right now.
The chef comes up to the table and introduces himself as Derek Finway. Amir asks him about truffle dishes. Finway says he's going to start preparing meals for the winter season. Rob says he needs his pig. Sorry, I did not understand? Amir: tell him who you are. Finway recognizes Rob: Chief Feld! You haven't been here for ten years. Rob: fifteen. And you worked for me for two months, after which I fired you, your pasta was always overcooked. Rob questions Finway about his culinary concept and criticizes it harshly. You wanted to open a pub. When I fired you, that's exactly what you said. Why didn't you do it? And here you have everything fake, and you yourself are not real here. Tell me who has my pig? Finway gulps down a glass of wine: it is better not to anger this man.
Rob goes outside. Amir runs after him: it's not me! I didn't even tell my father! Rob demands that Amir tell him his father's address. He fulfills this requirement. Rob: It's over between us. He turns and walks away, leaving Amir by his car.
Rob comes to the house of Amir's father (Darius). He demands that the pig be returned to him. Darius is offering $25,000 for the animal. Rob refuses. Darius chases him away.
Amir is waiting for Rob on the street. Rob tells Amir that he can find truffles on his own: I know which trees to look for them near. I just love this pig.
Rob asks Amir to get the food he listed. He cooks exactly the same dinner that he once treated Amir's parents.