Kindergarten dra levels

DRA Reading Assessment Levels |

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Instructor: Bill Sands

For the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA), students are classified into distinct reading levels, which are based on their overall performance. Read on for more information on the standards and groupings for this assessment that tests reading comprehension skills.

DRA Reading Levels

Based on a student's performance on the DRA, he or she will be given a score that corresponds to their reading abilities. These numbers range from 1 to 80, and are classified as the following:

  • Kindergarten: 1-3
  • First Grade: 3-16
  • Second Grade: 18-28
  • Third Grade: 30-38
  • Fourth Grade: 40
  • Fifth Grade: 50
  • Sixth Grade: 60
  • Seventh Grade: 70
  • Eighth Grade: 80

DRA Grade-Level Expectations

The DRA scoring system explicitly defines exactly what skills and abilities readers should possess at each grade level.


This is the most basic level and refers to students with only a rudimentary reading ability. Students at this level understand fundamental concepts such as left-to-right progression and word identification but will require extensive support when reading new texts. Though students will know the sounds and names of most letters, they may need to use picture or oral language clues to understand important ideas in the text.

First Grade

Early readers show signs of progress but still require significant support. Students at this level know the sounds and names of all letters and typically read one word at a time. These students may require support when encountering new texts, but they possess basic problem-solving skills for dealing with unfamiliar content and should be able to read and understand familiar texts without any assistance.

Second Grade

This level is for students who have developed enough skills to read independently. These students are capable of selecting their own reading materials and are able to self-correct any mistakes during the reading process. Students are able to read text silently and possess the focus and concentration to begin reading longer passages. At this level, students also begin to pick up on expression and punctuation and draw connections from a story to their own lives and experiences.

Third Grade

This level is reserved for students with exceptional reading comprehension skills. These students are able to select their own reading materials, including those that require background knowledge in order to be fully understood. These students can read longer texts and are able to take breaks and continue in multiple sessions without losing focus or track of the story. Students at this level also begin to draw connections between the story they are reading and other texts they may have encountered.

Fourth Grade

Students at this level are expected to comprehend multisyllabic words using a combination of morphology, orthography, and word relationships. These students should also be able to fluently read persuasive and informational texts.

Fifth Grade

By the end of elementary school, students should not only be able to read literary, informational, and persuasive texts with ease, but they should also be able to use a variety of reading strategies to analyze these passages and compare them to other texts.

Sixth Grade

At the start of middle school, students will need the ability understand the structure of a text and how it can be used to gather information. When encountering unknown words, students are able to use context and word design to determine the meaning.

Seventh Grade

Once students reach seventh grade, they have surpassed the simple ability to read and understand texts and have begun to acquire the ability to look for literary concepts such as tone, purpose, and meaning. Students at this level can use literary components to analyze texts.

Eighth Grade

The most advanced level features a combination of new skills and previously-acquired talents. When analyzing text, students can use old skills such as word choice along with new skills such as context and grammar to understand and evaluate a given passage. Students at this grade level have the ability to monitor and self-assess.

Resources for Literacy Instruction

If you're a teacher helping students improve their reading skills, you may want to check out this Instructional Reading Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension course, which contains plenty of helpful lessons and creative ideas to help you create an effective and informative learning experience.

You may also benefit from this Literacy Instruction in Elementary School course. Featuring more than 100 lessons, this course offers a comprehensive review of important teaching strategies that are sure to be an enormous benefit to your teaching efforts.

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Understanding Your Child's DRA Reading Level | Scholastic

The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is an individually administered assessment of a child’s reading capabilities. It is a tool to be used by instructors to identify a students reading level, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. Once levels are identified, an instructor can use this information for instructional planning purposes. 

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DRA Testing
The DRA test is traditionally administered on an annual or semi-annual basis. The test measures nine categories of reading behavior and six types of errors. It was developed in 1986 (and revised in both 2000 and 2003) by a committee of educators and is intended to evaluate certain aspects of your child’s reading level. 

How DRA Levels and Testing Work Together
Tasks measured by the DRA test are divided into several skill sets. Rhyming, alliteration, segmentation, and phonemic awareness are tested in the phonemic awareness section. Letter naming, word-list reading, spelling, decoding, analogies, structural analysis, and syllabication are tested in the alphabetic principle/phonics portions. Oral reading fluency or words per minute for contextual reading are tested under fluency. Vocabulary, comprehension, and reading engagement skills are also measured in the test.

After the test is evaluated and scored, your child is assigned a numeric (or alphanumeric for very early readers) DRA level A1 through 80. Children with stronger reading abilities yield higher numbers. Teachers are easily able to give children books they can read by choosing a text with the corresponding DRA level.   

How to Find Books on Your Child’s Level
Once your teacher gives you your child’s level, you can search for books at a particular DRA level on Scholastic’s Book Wizard. By providing your child with books on his level at home, you are ensuring reading advancement and success with materials that will not cause your child stress or discouragement. 

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Level of education

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 38"

is a link in the municipal education system of the city of Yaroslavl, providing assistance to the family in raising children of early and preschool age, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities.

The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

  • preschool education;
  • primary general education;
  • basic general education;
  • secondary general education.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 10 of Chapter II of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" 273-FZ, MDEI "Kindergarten No. 38" implements the level of PRESCHOOL EDUCATION of general education.

Pre-school education is the first stage of education in general.

Education and education in kindergarten is secular, generally accessible and conducted in Russian, taking into account the national-cultural, demographic, climatic and other features of the educational process.

The educational process is conducted according to the main educational program.

Education - a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant good and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests;

Education - activities aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state;

Learning - a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies, gain experience in activities, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in everyday life and form students' motivation to receive education throughout their lives.

The educational process is based on the main educational program of the MDOU, developed taking into account the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education (Order No. 1155 of 10/17/2013).

The implementation of the main educational program ensures the rights of the child to physical, intellectual, social and emotional development, equal opportunities for all children at the preschool level and during the transition to education in primary school.

Forms of education.

As forms of organization of the educational process, the following are used:

  • excursions,
  • target walks,
  • conversations,
  • educational projects,
  • entertainment,
  • holidays,
  • contests,
  • games (role-playing, didactic, mobile, etc.).
  • Features of the organization of the educational process:

    Directly educational activities are carried out in accordance with the calendar - thematic plan, schedule, age and individual characteristics of children.

    The activities of adults and children in the implementation and development of the Program are organized on a daily basis in two main models:

    1. joint activities of an adult and children;
    2. children's independent activities.

    Joint activity of an adult and children is organized in the form of directly educational activities and educational activities carried out during regime moments. It is implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities (game, motor, cognitive-research, communicative, visual, musical, labor, as well as the perception of fiction and folklore) or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work.

    Self-employed - takes place in the conditions of a developing subject-spatial environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities according to interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

    How to assess the level of kindergarten | Choosing a garden for a child | Forbes Education


    Natalie Kaminsky
    founder and director of the English kindergarten network MAGIC CASTLE

    Choosing a suitable kindergarten is a task that requires serious involvement on the part of parents, and it cannot be solved remotely. Set aside time to visit your chosen gardens, and during the middle of your work day. So you can not only talk with the head, manager or administrative staff, but also see the children and teachers, see how they communicate and interact, what happens in the classroom or during playtime. On the basis of such a visit, you will be able to understand how life works in kindergarten, how professional the staff is, how young students feel.

    In this article, we will list nine important aspects that you need to pay special attention to when visiting your chosen preschool.

    1. Staff

    It is best to come to kindergarten with your child. You will immediately be able to assess the actions of employees: are they trying to interact with the baby or are they ignoring him and communicating only with you? In a good garden, they will definitely talk to the child, they will find an approach to him literally in the first minutes.

    If you can observe how the class is going, evaluate whether the teacher keeps the group's attention. A good teacher knows how to interest, feels at what point his wards are tired and they need to warm up, regularly changes the type of activity - after all, the lesson should be dynamic and varied. During playtime, the teacher should be involved in communication and games with children, and not sit on a chair, stand aside or be distracted by the phone.

    All kindergarten staff must treat children with respect. Shouting, raising your voice, pulling hands are unacceptable. 9

    In a friendly and comfortable environment, students behave confidently, communicate openly, and are not afraid of visitors. For example, if you peek into a classroom where a class is taking place, the children may turn around, say “Hi!” and go back to their daily activities. In their free time, they get to know guests, ask questions, and show curiosity. If you see sincere smiles on the faces of the person who meets you, and teachers, and children, this is the first sign that this kindergarten can be trusted.

    3. Control and discipline
    a very important safety element Observing the life of the garden, as a rule, one can understand the extent to which employees control what is happening.

    Children should respond to the teacher, fulfill his requests, behave correctly towards each other. For example, if the teacher said, “Let's say hello,” everyone should turn around and say hello, and not continue to go about their business.

    Children cannot be left to their own devices, otherwise they will copy unwanted patterns of behavior from each other. This is a fairly common problem in kindergartens with large groups: when there is one teacher for 30 children, it is physically impossible to track all the negative situations. That is why we limit the number of groups to 15 students and two people work with children at once: a teacher and an assistant.

    Kindergarten must have clearly defined rules. Children are just learning to live and trying different models of behavior - not always acceptable and acceptable. Our task is to anticipate them.

    To explain the rules, we act out different situations with subsequent discussion, help the children to come to the conclusion themselves, what is good and what is bad. If the child nevertheless behaved incorrectly, we do not “beat him on the hands”, but show him how to act differently, gently lead him to change his behavior.


    Starting kindergarten is a significant change in a child's life that can be stressful if not properly prepared. During the first visit, it is worth asking the manager or head of how the kindergarten is adapting. The priority of the kindergarten should be the psychological well-being of the child. In a good kindergarten, you will hear a detailed story about the features of organizing the adaptation process in the first weeks of your visit, the specialists who will conduct it, and you will also receive a complete list of necessary actions from the parents.

    Kindergarten should not shift responsibility for the success of adaptation to the child (his readiness for kindergarten, character or temperament). Any child can be adapted within a month, subject to competent actions on the part of adults.

    5. Program

    Carefully study the class schedule. If the garden offers a wide variety of activities, you will not have to look for auxiliary circles, spend time and effort on additional trips.

    The program must necessarily include creative, sports and developmental activities. One of the primary tasks of the kindergarten is to create an opportunity to try as many different activities as possible, to help the child find what he likes best. We strive to ensure that, in addition to academic subjects, each of our students try their hand at dancing, art, modeling, music, ballet, football, karate, anti-gravity, break dance, sand therapy and many other activities.

    If you decide to send your child to a kindergarten with a foreign language, we advise you to make sure that the right environment is really created in it: language learning cannot be limited to scheduled lessons, it should be the whole life of the kindergarten. The fact is that young children learn a foreign language only if they communicate in it, use it for practical purposes.

    6. Activities

    The daily life of an ordinary kindergarten is quite monotonous. Classes, of course, differ from one another, but nothing radically new happens in them, at some point visiting the garden becomes a routine. In order to maintain motivation and retain an element of novelty, weekdays must be “diluted” with bright and exciting events: holidays, festivals, excursions, unusual meetings. Therefore, pay attention to the richness of the extracurricular program.

    Every two weeks something extraordinary and memorable happens in our kindergartens. For example, in addition to traditional holidays, we monthly arrange "cultural" days in Spain, India, America, Italy and other countries. We decorate the room, dress up in costumes, try unusual food, get acquainted with the culture and music of the country. In addition to holidays, we go to exhibitions, to parks and museums, to a pottery workshop, to a fire station. Interesting guests perform in front of the guys: a dentist, a policeman, an actor, a firefighter, a yoga instructor, a rock climber, etc. - and everyone talks about their work in an interactive format, with games and the involvement of children. We hold "meetings" with musical instruments, when musicians come to the kindergarten and play mini-concerts. Finally, we have the so-called "fun days" when everyone is just having fun, doing something stupid and fun: pajama day, hibernation day, different socks day, crazy hair day.

    It is very important to introduce an element of celebration into the life of the kindergarten, to show children that they can have fun, come up with extraordinary things, behave differently than usual. This approach helps to open up, overcome constraint, be yourself, not be afraid of the new.

    7. Communication with parents

    117 Properly built communication between kindergarten staff and parents is the key to a long and comfortable relationship. Find out in advance if there is an employee in the garden who is always in touch with parents and is ready at any time to answer questions, tell what the child is doing and how he feels, how and in what detail the garden informs parents about the life of children. We regularly send photos and videos from classes, talk about the small and big successes of the child.

    In our kindergartens, they try to minimize communication in general chats: interaction is much more comfortable if it is individual. We use groups in messengers only to inform about upcoming events, concerts and holidays.

    8. Diseases and kindergarten how to start going to kindergarten. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict in advance how the situation will develop, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. However, when choosing a garden, it will be helpful to clarify the disease policy.

    We have a rather strict approach: we do not accept children with a runny nose, cough or, for example, rashes, and if symptoms appear during the day, we isolate the child, call the parents and ask them to pick them up. This is a matter of safety - we are doing everything possible to prevent an endless series of diseases. In Europe, there is a more liberal approach: there, neither fever, nor cough, nor runny nose are an obstacle to attending kindergarten. For example, we had to “accustom” families from France to the new rules for a long time.

    One can argue about which approach is correct for a long time. But, regardless of internal policy, any kindergarten must comply with SanPiN standards: the temperature in the room must be kept at 22 ° C, regular ventilation and disinfection are required. Subject to the basic rules of hygiene and safety, even in spring and autumn, which account for the peak activity of viral infections, there should not be a general incidence in the garden.

    . 9000 This problem can be avoided if the kindergarten keeps in touch with absent children.

    When a long break is planned, we send educational materials to the older children, and to the little ones - songs, short educational cartoons, interesting tasks that can be done together with their parents. In case of illness, the whole group gathers together with the teacher and records short videos with greetings. It is very important that the child does not forget kindergarten, feels that he is remembered and expected.


    Adaptation to kindergarten: from the very first day a child should be happy

    When is it time for a child to go to kindergarten?

    Kindergarten: selection guide

    Why do we need a kindergarten?

    A special project created with the support of experts from the Magic Castle network of English kindergartens.

    For more than 10 years, Magic Castle has been one of the leading international schools in Moscow. Education in an English kindergarten begins at the age of 1.5 and continues in a British school for children from 5 to 18 years old. Magic Castle students have the opportunity to choose from more than 30 sports, creative, intellectual activities.

    Magic Castle has Teddy Bear Club - an English club for children from 6 months to 2 years old, where the child begins to get acquainted with the English language in the classroom with their parents.

    Learn more


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