Kindergarten reading sample
FREE Kindergarten Reading Fluency Passages
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It’s so amazing to watch your little learners learn to read! After they become more confident with reading, they can start building their reading fluency. Learning to read fluently takes a lot of practice, but is super important for your students’ reading success.
These reading fluency passages are a great way to help your budding readers practice reading a variety of common word families. I’m excited to share some fun reading fluency passages with you for FREE!
All About the Reading Fluency Passages
Providing kindergarten students with short reading passages to practice their reading skills helps with their reading fluency. My kids love sitting with me at my reading table to practice their reading and comprehension skills. We work on reading short vowel words, long vowel words, and simple texts.
But, our favorite thing to read together is short passages with simple comprehension questions, like the ones I am sharing with you today.
Each of these reading fluency passages is centered around a common short vowel word family, digraph, or blend. The students read the words at the top of the page and then we read the passage together three times. If students are at a level that they can read the passage on their own, we chat about it after they are finished.
I let my students use a highlighter or crayon to highlight the word family, blend or digraph any time they see it in the text. Then, we read the passage two more times.. to practice fluency of course. After they have colored all three stars, we choose our favorite sentence from the text and write it on the dotted lines to practice our handwriting. Students also illustrate their favorite part of the passage. This is a great time for us to chat about what we read and get to know each other more. My students enjoy using our small group reading time as a little bit of a social period.
Sharing Reading Passages at Home
I love letting the kids take these passages home to read to their parents or loved ones. I even email the guardians to let them know their child will be bringing home a reading fluency passage we have been working on. This gets the parents and the students excited to share their learning. I love hearing how it went the next day and creating a sense of community with my families.
Download the Free Reading Passages
This FREE download includes 9 reading fluency passages for you to provide intervention with your young readers. They provide a focus on short vowels, long vowels, blends, and digraphs. They also include common sight words to help build reading fluency.
Free Decodable Passages
Help your students make the leap from decoding words to reading with fluency! These fluency passages are designed to give kids successful reading practice to help students become strong readers!
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Sight Word Practice
Reading sight words in context improves reading fluency! Use these teacher-tested and student-approved activities.
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Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheets
These are worksheets that were created for Kindergarten students that are just getting started with reading. This is the level where pre-readers and sentence-level readers collide a bit. Many Kindergarten teachers are usually the first wave of the assault on getting kids to love to read. It is a seemingly impossible task that many veteran teachers handle like a BOSS. This is a critical skill that follows people all the way through life. Parents need to realize the importance of this year and do everything in their power to support the teachers' effort in the classroom. Reading is a lifelong skill that is often overlooked in a society that is dominated by 140 character thoughts from random people with some level of fame. If you scroll down you will see many Kindergarten level reading sheets that you can print.
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Click the buttons to print each worksheet and answer key.
Ken goes on a ski trip. Ken loves to ski. He
skis down a hill. Ken thinks that the best
thing is that he goes very fast.
Lynn and her mother go to the animal shelter. They want to adopt a pet. They see cats and kittens. They see big dogs. They see little dogs. They see rabbits.
If I had a wagon I’d pack up all my stuff I’d bring a bag of cookies and a chocolate cream puff
Hank was home sick from school. Sam called him after school.
There was a new indoor golf course in town. Don went with his father. It was dark in the golf course. Many things glowed in the dark.
Katy is planning a birthday party. She wants a big gorilla to play the guitar at her party!
Joe and Marty are dressing up like cowboys. Joe puts on a cowboy hat. Marty puts on a cowboy hat. Joe puts on boots. Marty puts on boots.
Mary and her mother go to the zoo. They see monkeys. They see bears. They see lions.
Don has a fish tank. Inside the tank there are many fish.
There are big fish. There are small fish. There are red fish.
There are blue fish. But one fish has many colors.
If Joe could only eat one thing For the whole rest of his days He would choose a turkey sub With a whole lot of mayonnaise.
Frank woke up. It is Mom's birthday! Frank wants to give Mom a gift. I will pick Mom some flowers, Frank says.
It is summer. It is time for the county fair! Penny wants to go to the fair. She wants to see the pigs. She wants to see the cows.
A baby frog is called a tadpole. Tadpoles have gills and live in water. When tadpoles grow into frogs, they have lungs. Frogs live around water.
In spring, there is a lot of rain. The weather gets warmer. Flowers bloom. Trees get leaves. Grass grows. Many animals, like birds and rabbits, have babies in the spring.
The duck ran into the mud. He got dirty. The
duck did not want to be dirty.
The last question to previous reading worksheet.
What Reading Skills Do Kindergarteners Need?
When a student is prepared for kindergarten there are several skills that are often present as far as reading goes. They should be able to recognize and even read their name. Hopefully, they know their alphabet and can recite it from memory. They may know some sound that letters make, but not all. They can easily hear a rhythm whether it be in a song or a voiced sentence. Students that are ready understand that they should read a cover of a book from right to left. They also inheritably understand that everything should be observed from the top to the bottom. Ready kindergarteners can almost always retell their favorite story that they heard or saw. Many times, a student is lacking in a few of these qualities and that is not an alarm, but a subtle caution that they may need more time to develop their skills.
Helping Kindergarteners Become Better Readers
Reading is like taking an inexpensive yet fulfilling vacation. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by problems piling up in your life, you can become someone else, be a part of someone else’s story and escape the real world, if only for a little while, simply by picking up a book.
Reading is an excellent pastime; not only does it enable you to shake off stress, but it also benefits you cognitively by increasing your knowledge, attention span and memory. You get to learn from characters in stories as they witness life situations that are quite relatable at times. The best part is that hardcovers and eBooks allow you to read in both online and offline settings. It’s no surprise that some of the most successful innovators in the world today are readers. However, it’s easier to make reading a habit when it is done from a young age.
While it can be challenging to make kindergartners better readers, it isn’t impossible. The primary motivation behind helping kindergarteners become better readers is that once they start to enjoy reading, the chances are that they will continue this habit for the rest of their lives. Keep reading to discover how you can help kindergarteners become better readers at school or at home.
Let Your Kindergartener Choose the Book They Want to Read
As an adult, you may feel responsible for guiding children, but sometimes you need to let children make their own choices in order for them to learn. It doesn’t have to be a big decision that may impact their health, like deciding to have candy for breakfast, but something small like choosing the book they want to read is harmless. When a child picks a book from the options that are set out for them, you need to let them read what they want. A kindergartener will enjoy reading a story they picked instead of one picked for them by someone else because the reason why they picked the book in the first place is that they felt interested in it. You have to fuel that very interest by granting them the independence to choose the story they’d like to read. Brownie points for adding picture books or comics to their options, stories they’d actually enjoy to encourage repetition.
Keep them in Close Proximity
Children feel more comfortable when someone they recognize is in close proximity to them, which is why placing your child in your lap, sitting next to them or on opposite sides is a good option. Your kindergartener will feel less nervous about reading if you’re near them physically and they enjoy your presence. If you remain in close proximity to your child, you can help them pronounce difficult words and use hand gestures to guide them if they get stuck on a particular sentence. Whether you’re helping a kindergartener learn to read or pick up another habit, proximity helps by making children feel more connected to you.
Read Aloud Together
You can start the book by reading the title with your kindergartener and asking them to repeat it for you. When you read aloud the first time, your kindergartener will repeat certain words; then they will repeat entire sentences and eventually, they will lead you through the book. It is your responsibility to make the activity feel fun and exciting, so take your time between reading different passages to let them soak in the new knowledge. Reading aloud may make your kindergartener nervous at first, but it helps diminish social anxiety in the long run. Plus, when you read aloud together, you take the immediate attention off the child and share the spotlight with them, enabling the child to become comfortable while reading.
Information for parents
Blanks of documents:
Blank application for admission to a preschool group
Blank Application for admission to school in the order of transfer from another educational organization
Instructions for working with the portal www.gosuslugi
Instructions for registering on a single portal of state and municipal services
How to enroll a child in a kindergarten (placement on the waiting list)
How to enroll a child in a kindergarten and apply for compensation
- Application form for admission to preschool group
- Receipt for the provision of documents
- Application form for training in an adapted educational program for preschool education
- Application form for refusal of a seat
- Application form for expulsion from the preschool group
- Vacation application form
- This link takes you to the Department of Education's website, which contains regulations on catering and compensation for care and maintenance, memos for parents and an email address for questions.
- ORDER dated 08.08.2019 No. 34-np "On amendments to the order of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region dated 03.25.2014 No. 34-np"
Dear parents! You can see your children's daily menu here: Hot meals at school
Parent information corner
Dear parents! Today we will talk with you on an interesting and exciting topic: “How to form an interest in communicating with a book, reading in preschool children”?
I don't think it's worth mentioning that there is a tendency in society to reduce the interest and need for reading. Especially worryingly, this affects children, who are more attracted to watching TV, playing games on tablets and computers. Yes, and many parents prefer electronic games of a developing and educational nature, rather than reading fairy tales to their child or doing them. But it is precisely the preschool age that is distinguished by curiosity and emotionality. It is at this age that interest in the book is born, the reader's experience is acquired. Therefore, to form a need for reading in a preschool child is a very important task for teachers and parents.
The process of forming a child's interest in a book and its content at preschool age is largely determined by the extent to which parents are involved in this process, what is the attitude of the family to the book, how the process of reading at home is organized, and how much interest in what is read in kindergarten is maintained. From talking with children about whether parents read books to you, I came to the bitter conclusion that some parents do not attach much importance to the role of books in the development of the child, while others hope that the child will acquire the necessary reading experience in kindergarten. However, if this issue is not dealt with in a timely manner, it will be difficult to form an interest in reading in elementary school, and in some cases it is impossible.
One of the important ways to solve this issue is the systematic work of introducing the child to reading children's literature both in preschool and in the family. It is the family with its unique atmosphere of kindred, intra-family relations, the love of parents that provides children with psychological comfort. And the child's love and trust in his parents make him particularly susceptible to their influence. It is necessary to maintain constant cooperation between the family and the kindergarten and be a logical continuation of the work.
- An appropriate subject-developing environment is organized in kindergarten groups, at home there should also be a corner with books selected by the age of the children. There, the child, together with his parents, gets acquainted with new books and shares what he has read with the children in a group (with a demonstration of the book).
- If possible, take your children to the nearest library.
- Spend more time to familiarize the child with his native land, with his small homeland (tell us about the traditions of our ancestors, the history of the village, its culture, introduce the art of our fellow countrymen, introduce the heroes of our village, spend more time in nature, each time paying attention to its characteristics). This will keep you in child interest in knowledge, motive to search for new information.
- It is necessary to help the child to be realized in independent creative activity. Read a fairy tale or story, draw the characters of the work or plot, bring the work to the garden, show and tell grandmother, etc.
- Choose a book together in the store, jointly discussing the need to choose a particular book, getting acquainted with its contents.
- Encourage and support the desire and participation of the child in various creative competitions (competition of poems, songs, dances, drawings; theater activities, dramatization games, role-playing games ...) while not forgetting to refer to additional information that can be found together in books (about the author of poetry, about the artist, the history of the origin of dance, tell about the theater and its work, play a fairy tale plot together, etc.).
- Ask every day about what you read today? What poem did you learn? And let's remember the verses that you know with you! I like them so much. Showing your interest in the activities of the child, you thereby stimulate him to the manifestation of greater cognitive activity.
Dear parents! Try to be an active partner in all creative endeavors of the kindergarten. Take an active part in all activities with your children. Live this period (preschool childhood) together, not side by side. It is during this period that you need to have time to lay down and develop all the best, to form all the most valuable.
To form a child's interest in reading at this age through various activities means taking care of his intellectual, moral, spiritual potential, opening the way to the most important source of information - a book!
7 secrets of cultivating interest in reading.
1 secret. Read for yourself.
It is not our words that bring up a child, but deeds and the environment. A family where parents often read and discuss books is likely to grow up to be a good reader. Want to instill an interest in reading in your child? Read for yourself and read to your child, talk about what you read, discuss books.
2 secret. Learn by playing.
A person will never love what is given to him with difficulty. He will endure, but not love. If you teach a child to read, teach in a way that makes it easy and interesting for him, teach while playing. Only in the game can a child learn without feeling pressure, without experiencing stress and negativity. It is in the game that the best results are achieved at the lowest cost.
3 secret. All through interest!
The interest of the child comes first, not what you want or need. Read those books that your child likes, that are interesting to him. Read books by age! And if, in fact, you need to read something that does not delight the child, then help the child read and understand, read it together.
4 secret. Book design.
Pay attention to the design of the book. Children simply need illustrations in the book, good quality paper and clear type. It is very good if each page has a large illustration and some text. Because a large amount of text causes fear, tires the child and reduces the ability to understand the text.
5 secret. Use the Cassil method.
Find an interesting book and start reading. Get to a very interesting moment, where some kind of intrigue is created, a turning point in events, and suddenly remember that you need to do something urgently - stop reading. Leave the book with a bookmark and tell your child that he can wait until tomorrow or try reading on his own. Of course, the child will want to know the sequel, but not everyone will pick up a book and start reading. Someone will wait until tomorrow. But if the child took the book and began to read, then it is worth praising him and offering to read it together (line by paragraph). The next time the child will again take the book and begin to read it in the hope that you will immediately come to the rescue. But don't rush. Of course, it is necessary to praise him for his desire to read, but it is not immediately possible to come to the rescue. Let him read a little. And only then you offer to read alternating. And so every time you praise the child for the desire to read, but help to finish reading later and less. So gradually you will reach the moment when the child finishes everything himself.
6 secret. Read to a child!
Read to your child, even if he can already read. In any case, you will read better than the child, show him an example of correct and expressive reading, and help him better understand the meaning of the text. By reading with your child, you will get to know the interests of the child, his thoughts and desires better. And the child will feel your support and interest, which contributes to the development of mutual understanding. Joint reading also contributes to the development of mindfulness, because an adult can always ask a clarifying question, and the child needs to answer it.
7 secret. We develop interest through the situation of victory.
Ask your child problematic questions, provoke an argument and offer to find out who is right with the help of a book. Of course, the child wants to prove that he is right, and most likely, he will look for proof of his innocence. At first, of course, it is necessary to adjust the question so that the child is still right. This forms success and reinforces the feeling of pleasure from the process of finding evidence. The child understands that he read not in vain. There are many such controversial questions. For example: children from kindergarten know that a swallow is a migratory bird. And you say no, the swallow hibernates, only she hides under the bark of trees or burrows into the ground. And show that it is written in this book. Most children will prove what they were told in kindergarten or school. And you stand your ground and offer to find the answer in the book. Of course, you need to know in advance where you can find the answer and show the child this page or chapter. But how much joy the child will have when it turns out that he is still right! Be sure to praise your child for wanting to find the right answer and admit that you were wrong.
Tell the child. Retell the most interesting moments from the books to your child and show where you can read the sequel. Tell interesting facts about the life of animals and plants, about transport and weapons - all this can be easily found in encyclopedias and show where you can read it. Come up with various tests based on the works of children's authors, for example, on Pushkin's fairy tales. Compose stories and fairy tales with him, write them down in the form of books and give them to friends.
If you rely on these secrets in communicating with your child, you will definitely interest him in reading. A reader is always an interesting and successful person.
Reading to children is wonderful, reading correctly is productive (effective) reading. The process of reading is carried out by teachers in regime moments, at GCD using one or another technology.
- What is technology? This is a sequence of steps.
- What is productive reading? Productive from the word "product".
- What can be the product of reading? Result.
- And what result can be from reading? Perception of the text - emotional response - reasoning - a series of questions and understanding of the meaning of what was read!!!
And in order for a child to understand the meaning, it is necessary:
- Read emotionally, expressively, make logical stops;
- pay attention to unfamiliar words and immediately explain them without making long pauses and not distracting the child's attention;
- in the course of reading, you can ask, as it were, a question to the author. These are short questions - answers that can be learned in the process of reading, for example: “What will happen now?”, “How can this be explained?”, “Why exactly?”, “Why did he do this?” and a number of other questions. The question, as it were, “hangs” in the air, it does not need to be answered, but this question, questions begin to activate thought processes in the child’s head.
Attention is activated, internal reasoning begins, interest in listening to reading appears.
- reading commentary is a reading that is accompanied by explanations, interpretation of words, expressions, subtext in the form of explanations, reasoning, assumptions. Commenting is carried out in the course of reading, only this work with the work becomes motivated. Dear parents! I hope that this information will be useful to you. But this does not mean at all that every work must be read that way. Even if you take a book after a working day, just relax together, look at the illustrations, read and fall asleep, it will be wonderful. And if then, the next day, you talk about what you read, share your impressions with each other, then this will be 100% success.
1. Read with children and keep a reading diary. Bring it to the group and tell the children before a quiet hour about what they have read, retell and show the illustrations.
2. Daily repeat the poems learned in the garden with the children.
3. Organize a children's book corner at home.
Article The child and the book from the kindergarten experience
Best pedagogical experience in the kindergarten
Article “The child and the book” from the kindergarten experience
Timofeeva Tamara Vladimirovna, Chernukha Irina Alekseevna,
kindergarten teachers №6 "Solnyshko" Zhigulevsk
“A child does not only learn conventional sounds by studying his native language, but he drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of his native word. It explains nature to him as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society in which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could acquaint him with; it introduces it into popular beliefs, into popular poetry, as no aesthetician could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could communicate to a child.
K. D. Ushinskiy
It is unlikely that anyone will challenge the assertion that today there are fewer and fewer conditions for cultivating a love for reading fiction. According to Rospechat, mystical literature, romance novels, detective stories and melodramas are read in modern Russia; poetry and serious fiction are practically of no interest. The loss of the status of the most reading country, the rejection of reading as a way of mastering universal meanings and values, the attitude to reading as a form of consumption - all these facts are so obvious that they do not need special proof. Definitely, familiarization with fiction must begin from childhood.
Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. And in preschool childhood, the foundation is laid, on which all subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will be based. Reading books to children is one of the conditions for the development of hearing, and on this basis, language acquisition.
Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic education of children, has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech. It enriches emotions, nurtures the imagination and gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language.
These samples are different in their effect: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.
Children of preschool age are listeners, not readers, a work of art is conveyed to them by an adult.
The instilled love for the book at preschool age will remain with him forever. The one who reads knows a lot. If the child understands the content of what he has read, then he thinks, analyzes, and reasons.
Acquaintance of children with fiction gives the best results if the efforts of educators and parents are combined.
Our task is to introduce pupils to children's literature and children's reading, interacting with parents. We want our children to be literate readers. However, it is not very easy: to perceive the text according to the author's intention.
In order to educate a reader in a child, an adult himself must show interest in a book, understand its role in a person’s life, know those books that will be important for a child, follow the latest in children’s literature, be able to talk interestingly with a child, be sincere in expressing his feelings.
Introducing children to literature, adults should be ready for painstaking, long-term work, which will certainly bear fruit in the future.
Reading should be daily. The duration of reading depends on the perseverance of the child, his interest in the works being read.
As usual, children like fairy tales, absurdities, because they like humor, and they also take great pleasure in turning events around, restoring real connections and relationships.
In order for children to love, know and be able to use jokes, counting rhymes, incantations, tongue twisters, poems, adults in a particular situation: the educator, the parents who surround the children, educate them, must themselves know a lot of literary material by heart. So that children do not forget what they have learned, literary material must be repeated. Repetition should not be boring, but rather entertaining.
If the children already know the poems of Russian poets, you can offer to listen to the recorded reading on a tape recorder, and then remember the names of the poets, talk about what the poems are about, what words the poet chose to describe.
In order for children to listen carefully to each other, a storytelling technique is used in a chain. In this case, each child lives the event from beginning to end. Familiar stories, fairy tales for repetition can be offered to children in the form of dramatization games, dramatizations, performances in other groups. This form of work requires a lot of preparation, but on the other hand, it is the preliminary work: the manufacture of paraphernalia, decorations, costume elements that makes you want to see the result.
In the future, when the children move on to independent storytelling, they will use the learned words and expressions in their speech, easily transferring them to other content. All these activities will definitely increase interest in fiction.
Our kindergarten is constantly working to introduce children to reading fiction. Kindergarten teachers have decorated literary centers, which have: specially equipped places for reading and literary creativity “Let's sit and read”; "Library", where literature is selected by genre: (poems, stories, fairy tales, educational and educational books) ; the presence in the book corner of different types of books (books - toys, books - pictures, books - cuttings, books - panoramas) . The colorfully decorated library zone of the group, the literary center - attracts the interest and attention of children.
The library hosts tours, exhibitions and special "library classes" that help children develop the ability to use the library fund, as well as the assimilation of a certain amount of library information ("library", "rack", "reader's form", etc.) .
In accordance with the new Federal state requirements, educational activities in kindergartens consist of direct educational activities, educational activities carried out in sensitive moments, independent activities and work with the family. In this regard, we have revised long-term plans for educational work and brought them into line with these requirements.
One of the methods of educational work with children, in the process of familiarization with fiction, is the modeling method. When introducing children to fairy tales, stories, poems, the educator models them together with the children from an early age, which makes it possible to increase interest in the work, to understand its content, the sequence of events in fairy tales. In groups of middle and older preschool age, the models become more complicated. Mnemonic tracks and mnemonic tables are already in use.
One of the modern methods of introducing children to fiction is the project method, which opens up great opportunities in organizing joint cognitive and search activities of all participants in the educational process: children, teachers and parents. The project activity is based on a special style of interaction of all participants in the educational process, denoted by the word "cooperation". Everyone cooperates: teachers with parents and children, children - with each other, with parents and a teacher.
As part of the project, an action plan was developed for children and parents: "Literary Evenings", "Literary Lounge", "Poetic KVN", a joint visit to the City Library, an invitation to a library worker to the literary event "Hello Book", selected visually - information material.
In order to enrich the literary center, in the groups of the kindergarten, the campaign "Book for Children" was held, in which the parents of the pupils took an active part.