Kindergarten sight words games printable
FREE Sight Words Activities for Kids
Help preschool, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders practice sight words to improving reading fluency with these free sight word printables! We have over 50 fun, creative, and FREE sight word activities , sight word games, convenient sight word list, and sight word books to make practicing fun.
Whether you are a teacher, parent, or homeschooler, you will love how these activities engage children to make them want to practice. Plus these resources were designed to help kids retain what they learn so they will be better readers in no time. These are great for literacy centers, english games, and a supplement for any English curriculum for kindergarten english, grade 1 english, and grade 2 english.
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FREE Printable Sight Word Game To Make For Fall
Home » FREE Printable Sight Word Game To Make For Fall
Are you looking for a fun literacy center activity that you can set up for independent learning? Try our free printable sight word game for kindergarten kids. This free fall-themed game is fully editable and perfect for fall literacy centers.
You may be wondering why we have such an emphasis on sight words for young learners. Sight words are those words that are often used in reading and writing. The goal is for children to recognize these words without having to sound them out. When they can do that, fluency levels rise. But more importantly, they will experience success in their reading.
This activity works well with these resources:
In 1996, Dr. Fry published a book titled “Fry 1000 Instant Words.” In his research, Fry discovered that
- The first 25 words make up approximately 33% of the words found in published items.
- 100 words comprise approximately 50% of all written material.
- 1000 words make up approximately 90% of everything we read.
Sight words play an important part in any balanced reading program. Being able to instantly recognize even the first 25 sight words is going to increase fluency. Pair that with phonic skills and you will have confident readers.
If you are interested, you can download a copy of the first 100 Fry’s words here
There really is only one way to learn those sight words. That is to practice, practice, and practice some more. Children love games, so incorporating sight words into a game is a great way to sneak in some practice.
I would also add that the best way to internalize sight words is to use them in context. Children do this best through writing and reading. The more the children use their words in writing, the easier it is for them to recognize them when reading. There is a huge correlation between reading and writing.
This is a BUNDLE of Sight Word Books with matching printables. Each book is a predictable pattern, so the kids can focus on learning the sight word. (Rather than decoding all the surrounding text!) It includes printables to provide opportunities for students to practice using the words. Get your copy here.
We’ve created a FREE printable sight word game for one or two players. This fall-themed game is perfect for this time of year. Students move to the finish line reading and writing sight words along the way. You can use it in literacy centers, or for early finishers.
Teacher Tip: send the link of this post home to parents, so they can download the game.
You may recognize the similarity between this and the winter sight word game. This is quite intentional and is designed to save you time. Your students only need to learn how to play once. Then you keep their interest by swapping out the theme and /or words at regular intervals.
The game is fully editable. It has space for 24 words so that you can change it to meet the needs of your students. You can choose 24 individual words, or repeat 12, or even 6. It just depends on your needs.
Of course, this game can be used for more than sight words. You can use word families, blends, digraphs. Enter any words your class needs to learn, and those words will autofill all the sheets. It makes preparation really easy.
We have provided color and black and white version of the board. Each game comes with a recording sheet. This ensures that your students practice writing the words as well as reading them.
- Free printable sight word game pdf (below)
- Cardstock
- Copy paper
- Dice
- Game pieces. You can use anything that you have handy, mini erasers would work well. These mini Jack O lantern erasers would be perfect or some more traditional pieces.
- Laminator (optional)
Prepping the editable sight word game is really easy!
- Download the free file (below).
- Use the words we provided or type in your own.
- Take a moment to check the game boards to ensure all the words fit into the squares.
- Print the game boards onto cardstock and laminate for durability.
- Print the recording sheets onto paper.
There are 2 ways to play the game.
- Students can play by themselves. Demonstrate how to roll a dice and move the game piece accordingly. They read the word they land on. They then find it in the list of sight words on their recording sheet and then write it down. Roll again until they reach the finish line.
- Alternatively, have students to play with a partner. Invite them to take turns rolling the dice and moving their game pieces. As before they read the word they land on and record it on their sheet. If they land on a square with a leaf, they get an extra turn.
Once again, we’ve provided a writing sheet. This helps make that connection between reading and writing. Students can choose any one of the sight words they recorded. Then write a sentence about fall and draw a picture.
Ready to play? Click on the download button below to grab your free printable sight word game and bonus sheet.
MORE SIGHT WORD ACTIVITIESClick through for sight word
- Card game
- Sticker Center
- Interactive Notebook
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Games for a holiday in kindergarten | holiday competitions for children, outdoor games
A series of autumn, winter and spring holidays in kindergarten has come, so we have prepared many competitions and outdoor games for children. You can use these games on any holiday - the festival of autumn, harvest, mushrooms, winter holiday, New Year and just a child's birthday. We have selected the best outdoor games and use them ourselves with preschool children in kindergarten.
Outdoor games and competitions for a garden party
Competition game "Soup - compote"
Suitable for the autumn festival and any other holiday in kindergarten.
Description of the game:
Children are divided into two teams. The host scatters dummy vegetables and fruits on the floor and tells the players which team “cooks” the soup and which compote. On a signal, children collect fruits or vegetables, which they put in soup or compote. The team whose players complete the task faster and correctly wins.
Game 2. Poem competition
All children learn poetry in kindergarten for every holiday. To make it more interesting for children to tell them, we will arrange a poetry contest. If the younger children do not want to tell the verse, the older ones will help them to earn a point.
Game 3 mobile. “Who is more likely to take a mushroom” (instead of mushrooms, you can use vegetables, fruits, berries, leaves, etc.

There is a hoop on the floor, inside of which there are dummies of mushrooms or cards depicting edible and inedible mushrooms. From above they are covered with autumn leaves. Children stand around the hoop, following the leader, repeat the text of the poem and perform the appropriate movements.
We're going, we're going, we're going,
We'll find the mushrooms now.
Walk around the hoops.
Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,
On a stump, under an aspen.
They circle around themselves.
Look for an edible mushroom,
Don't look at toadstools!
Here is a mushroom, don't yawn -
You rather choose!
Pointing at mushrooms with both hands.
Children clap their hands and quickly take one mushroom. Whoever gets an edible mushroom says: “Ah!”, puts it back into the hoop and remains in the game. Whoever came across an inedible mushroom says: “Oh!” and leaves the game, taking the mushroom with him. The leader each time reduces the number of edible mushrooms in the hoop. The participant who got the last edible mushroom wins.
Game 4. Competition with umbrellas (for autumn, summer and spring holidays in kindergarten)
Moderator: Guys, do you hear, it seems to be raining!
1st child:
Rain, rain, pour! Don't be sorry for the blue drops!
In a friendly dance, circle, fill the earth with water!
2nd child:
Rain, rain, pour! We have more fun with you!
We are not afraid of dampness - we will only grow better!
3rd child:
Rain, rain drumming on the glass all day,
The whole earth, the whole earth got wet from the rain.
And we'll take umbrellas, let's go for a walk in the rain!
Umbrella game
Children are divided into 2 teams. The first players stand at the start line, put on galoshes, take umbrellas and run around the puddles with a snake. They go back, pass the umbrellas to the next players who have already put on the second pair of galoshes and are ready to repeat the distance. The team whose last member reaches the finish line the fastest wins.
Competition 5. Sing a song dedicated to the holiday in kindergarten
Game 6. “Baking bread”
Children stand in a circle. The facilitator reads the text, the children perform the appropriate movements together with Grandmother.
We went to the mill,
We bought flour for ourselves.
Take each other's hands and walk in a circle.
The dough is kneaded,
Converge in the center of the circle, reducing it.
The dough has risen and is ready.
Move back, enlarging the circle.
They put it in the oven.
We baked fragrant, delicious bread!
Get up. The leader takes out the loaf.
Oh, what a loaf!
The host puts the loaf on the table.
This bread will be enough for both children and our guests!
Sit on chairs!
Narrator: We had a nice trip along the autumn paths, but it's time to return to kindergarten. To do this, you need to say the magic words.
E. Grieg's play "Morning" sounds. Children say magic words
and sit on the chairs. Autumn and Grandmother wave to them and leave.
Children (following the leader) :
Spin around, spin around -
Return to kindergarten!
Outdoor game 7. Track race
Ideal competition for groups with many boys.
Team members take turns putting on a protective helmet and, with a steering wheel in their hands, run to the flag, run around it and come back. The team whose players complete the task faster and without errors wins.
Outdoor game 8. Obstacle race
Team members take turns taking a toy car, loading it with vegetables and dragging it with a rope by a snake, circling cones (4-5 pieces), and return back. The team whose players complete the task faster and without errors wins.
Competition 9. Who is faster
A table is placed in the center, to the legs of which ropes with a stick at the end are tied.
There is a candy on the table. The players on the team begin to wind the rope around the stick. The one who got to the candy the fastest won.
Game 10 Drive the car into the garage
Team members take turns picking up a toy car and approaching the start line. It is necessary to push the car strongly and accurately so that it passes under an arc - “drives into the garage”. The team whose players complete the task faster and without errors wins.
Outdoor game 11. Racing on scooters
Team members take turns standing with one foot on the scooter, pushing off with the other, reach the cone and return back. The team whose players complete the task faster and without errors wins. 9Ol000 containers, on command, The child fills the jars with cucumbers, or tomatoes, or assorted (who has any plastic models of vegetables or berries, fruits, etc. Whoever fills the jar faster, he quickly helped his mother or grandmother.
Merry competition 14.

A large light ball or balloon is placed in the middle of the hall. Children, in turn, blindfolded, go a few steps forward and hit the ball.
Competition 15. Cheerful dance (for all participants)
Competition 16. Sort into 3 baskets
Children are divided into several teams. Each team is given 3 baskets with the inscription "berries", "vegetables", "fruits" and a stack of drawn and cut out pictures (you can just pictures) of various fruits, vegetables and berries, for example, watermelon, apricot, potato, orange, banana, cherry, tomato and so on. On the “start” command, all the guys begin to lay out pictures about the corresponding baskets. Whose team is the fastest to complete the task correctly, that team receives a prize, for example, some delicious fruit set.
Competition 17. Snowfall or leaf fall
Players are divided into two teams. Each team receives a pack of paper of a certain color. A line is drawn in the center of the site. Each team tries to crumple up as many snowballs as possible out of paper, and then throw them at the other team without stepping over the line. At the first stage, the team that threw the most snowballs wins. And at the second stage - the one that quickly collected snowballs of its color in a bag. (
Download contests and games for the holiday for free
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Didactic Games
on the development of
"Which? Which? Which?"
Purpose: to learn to agree adjectives with nouns on the topic "Food"
Material: food pictures.
The course of the game: the child chooses a subject picture, the teacher asks questions (what? what? what? what?), the child answers.
Porridge (what?) - delicious, hot, semolina ...
Tea (what?) - sweet, warm, fragrant . ...
Apple (what kind?) - sour, round, ruddy...
“Call me affectionately”
Purpose: to teach children to form words using diminutive-petting suffixes.
Equipment: ball
Game progress: the teacher calls the phrase and throws the ball to the child. The child must return the ball to you and change the phrase so that the words in it sound affectionate:
Cold winter - cold winter
Clean hands - clean hands
Gray cat - gray cat
Red tomato - red tomato
"Learn by description”
Purpose: to learn to make descriptive riddles about fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms.
Material: subject pictures depicting fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to choose a picture and independently compose a descriptive riddle about what is shown on it:
“There is a leg, a hat, it grows on stumps with whole families ...”
“Edible - poisonous”
Purpose: to fix knowledge of edible and poisonous mushrooms. Material: cards with pictures of mushrooms; basket.
Game progress: the teacher offers the children to choose a picture and determine what kind of mushroom it is, if the edible one is put in a basket, if the poisonous one is left on the table.
“My. My. My. My”
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use possessive pronouns and divide words according to generic characteristics.
Material: cards with subject pictures.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to choose a picture and determine which pronoun is suitable for the object depicted on it, and say out loud:
My glasses
My doll
My chair
My apple
"Who lives where?"
Purpose: to fix the habitat of animals, to exercise in the use of the prepositional case of a noun.
Game progress: the teacher starts the sentence, and the children must finish it:
The fox lives in ....
The bear winters in ... .
A wolf in the forest. ..
A squirrel lives in... .
Dog house - …
Pig lives in ….
Viet bird…..
Starlings have….
“Finish the sentence”
Purpose: to practice using the right word in a certain case so that the sentence makes sense.
Game in progress. The teacher calls the word and offers to change it according to the meaning of the sentence:
A truck … was driving along the road.
The wheel was punctured at ……
I will get home by …..
My dad is a driver ….
Soft seat in our ….
"Who does what"
Purpose: to consolidate the use of verbs in people's professions.
Equipment: ball.
Course of the game: the teacher throws the ball to the child and names the profession, the child returns the ball and names the actions of people of this profession:
Doctor treats.
“What dish?”
Purpose: to practice the formation of relative adjectives.
Move: the teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children finish according to the meaning, relying on the key words:
Pea soup…..
Fish cutlets…..
Beetroot salad…….
Chicken goulash…..
Apple stuffing…..
“The birds have flown away”
Purpose: to exercise in inflection: the use of the genitive case of nouns in the singular and plural.
Move: the teacher asks the children questions, they answer.
No (who?) – no swan, duck, sparrow, dove…
No (who?) – no swans, ducks, sparrows, doves….
"Name it in one word"
Purpose: to teach to establish the similarity and difference of objects according to essential features, fixing words-generalizations.
Game progress. Four pictures are laid out on the table, three of them belong to one thematic group, and the fourth to some other group. The children are given a task: look at the pictures and determine which one is superfluous. Turn over the wrong picture, and name the rest in one word.
Each participant eliminates the extra picture one by one. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correct execution they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins.
Purpose: To expand the vocabulary of children on the topic "Zoo". Continue to introduce children to the variety of words.
Move: Children name animals, birds, fish that live in the Zoo. The teacher each time focuses the attention of the children on the term "word". For the named words, children are encouraged with chips. Whoever has more chips is the winner.
"Find a rhyme"
Purpose: To develop children's phonemic hearing, the ability to select words similar in sound.
Move: The teacher calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children, the child calls the rhyme and returns the ball back:
Purpose: To activate children's vocabulary on the topic "Sport". Form the sound-syllabic structure of the word. Develop the grammatical structure of speech, the formation of words in the masculine and feminine.
Game progress:
Goes in for sports (who) - athlete, athlete
goes in for gymnastics - gymnast, gymnast
goes in for figure skating - figure skater, figure skater
goes in for tennis - tennis player, tennis player
goes in for acrobatics, 03 - acrobatics
skiing - skier, skier
skating - skater, speed skater
playing football - football player, football player
playing hockey - hockey player, hockey player
plays chess - chess player, chess player
shoots from a bow - archer, archer
rides a bicycle - cyclist, cyclist
rides a motorcycle - motorcyclist, motorcyclist
jumps high, long jump - jumper, jumper
jumps with a parachute - parachutist, parachutist
swims - swimmer, swimmer.
“What (who) was before?
Purpose: To develop thinking, expand vocabulary.