Kindergarten spelling activities
8 Activities To Improve Spelling Skills
Spelling skills are very important, especially for children in younger grades. Good spelling skills improve reading ability, vocabulary, and language fluency and set your child up for future educational success.
Make Spelling Practice More Engaging
Has your child’s spelling practice become dry? As important as it may be, it can be hard to motivate your child to practice spelling skills if it isn’t an engaging activity. Writing out spelling lists is repetitive (and boring!), and may not be the most effective way for your child to learn.
There are many ways to practice spelling other than simply rewriting spelling lists. Trying a variety of spelling activities with your child encourages him or her to practice different kinds of spelling strategies to use while writing.
Keep reading to learn 8 fun ways to study spelling words with your child.
8 Fun Spelling Activities For Kids (And How They Help Build Spelling Skills)
First, create flashcards that have one word per card. You can use your child’s spelling list, or create your own. Have your child pick a card, read the word aloud, and say each of the letters in the word. Then, have him or her place the card face down and write the word on a piece of paper.
This activity encourages: memory recall and spelling aloud.
2. Sound It Out:
Say a word out loud to your child, have him or her repeat it back to you, and then write out what he or she heard. For younger children, try to stick to words that are spelt as they are heard. For older children, include more complex words that are a bit more difficult to spell.
This activity encourages: identifying phonetic patterns in words and spelling words using these patterns.
3. Create A Puzzle:
Write a word on paper and cut the letters into individual pieces (refrigerator magnets work great, too). Mix up the letters and have your child spell out the word by putting the letters in the correct order.
This activity encourages:
logic skills to determine the spelling of a word.
4. Try Rainbow Writing:
Have your child spell words by using a different color pen, pencil, or crayon for each letter. Then have your child spell the same words using a different color for each word.
This activity encourages: learning how letters work together to form complete words.
5. Trace, Write, And Remember:
Create three columns on a sheet of paper. Label one column ‘trace’, one ‘copy’, and one ‘remember’. Using your child’s spelling list or one you’ve created, write a list of words in the first column. Have your child trace the letters you have written, then copy them in the next column. Lastly, cover the first two columns with a sheet of paper and have your child write the word in the third column from memory.
This activity encourages: word identification and spelling memory.
6. Try Staircase Spelling:
Have your child practice writing words in a staircase pattern. Start with the first letter of the word on one line, add one more letter on the next line, and continue until the word is complete.
For example:
This activity encourages: understanding spelling logic, especially for more complex words or words with more than two syllables.
7. Create Word Swatters:
Create a ‘word swatter’ for your child using a fly swatter or kitchen spatula. Working from a list of words, have your child look through books, magazines, and other print materials and ‘swat’ the words using the word swatter when he or she spots them. Keep track of the words your child has found by crossing them off as they are found.
This activity encourages: active reading, word identification, and spelling memory.
8. Fill In The Missing Letters:
Create a list of words on a piece of paper with blanks replacing some of the letters. Have your child work through the words, filling in letters to complete them. If your child needs help identifying the word, try drawing a simple picture next to the word, or include a ‘word bank’ at the bottom of the page.
This activity encourages: spelling logic and word identification.
Keep Your Child’s Spelling Practice Interesting
Get creative with your child’s spelling practice at home by using some of the above suggestions. Trying a variety of activities with your child will help keep him or her engaged in learning and motivated to improve his or her skills. Remember: good spelling skills translate into better reading skills!
Check out these other resources to help improve your child’s writing ability:
6 Vocabulary Building Activities For Kids
Building Better Writing Skills: Tips For Students Of All Ages
50 Hands-On Spelling Activities {for Phonics and Sight Words}
Has your spelling practice become dry or boring? Well, brush off the dust and try some of these hands-on spelling activities!
Since readers need to have BOTH phonics and sight words understanding to become good readers, focusing on both phonics AND sight words during spelling instruction is a great way to help words “stick” in a child’s memory.
When words are taken out of the context of a book and their patterns, letters, and parts are studied, it forces readers to slow down and really take it all the word has to offer them. This, in turn, helps them become better readers.
So today, I’d like to share 50 of my favorite hands-on spelling activities for phonics and sight words. Many of these are included in the back of my ebook, Teaching Kids to Spell.
Did you know you can find 700+ pages of printable spelling activities and games in my ebook? Yes! That’s enough to cover an entire year of spelling fun!
50 Hands-on Spelling Activities
Most all of these activities can be adapted for either phonics OR sight words. You can also insert your child’s spelling list into the activity instead of using the specific words shown in the post.
1. Scoop & Spell {This Reading Mama}
2. Sidewalk Chalk Spelling Hop {Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational}
3. Stamp Your Words {Lessons Learnt Journal}
4. Go on a Word Treasure Hunt {Hands On: As we Grow}
5. Make a Spelling Word Search Puzzle {This Reading Mama}
6. Use a Spelling Dictionary {The Measured Mom}
7. Dot Sticker Spelling {School Time Snippets}
8. Post-a-Word {This Reading Mama}
9. Make a Giant Crossword Puzzle {A Mom with a Lesson Plan}
10. Phonics Jumping Game {Learners in Bloom}
11. Play Word Rocket {Playdough to Plato}
12. Spell with Beads {Frugal Fun 4 Boys}
13. Spell with LEGO Letters {This Reading Mama}
14. Spell the Most Words Game {No Time for Flashcards}
15. Spinning Straw Spellers {Still Playing School}
16. Build Words with Rocks {Sugar Ants}
17. Glitter Spelling {Here Come the Girls}
18. Play Word Bump! {This Reading Mama}
19. Roll a Sight Word {I Can Teach My Child}
20. Making Words {Buggy and Buddy}
21. Paint your Words {Childhood 101}
22. Oversized Letter Cards for Spelling {This Reading Mama}
23. Seek and Find Spelling Game {What Do We Do All Day?}
24. Rainbow Write Your Words {Nurture Store}
25. Words 3 Ways {Teach Mama}
26. Use Crayon Resist {This Reading Mama}
27. Spell with Pipe Cleaners {Make and Takes}
28. Spell with Your Fingers {Home School Innovation}
29. Use Word Sorts {This Reading Mama}
30. Spell with Cereal {A Mom with a Lesson Plan}
31. Finger Tap Spelling {This Reading Mama}
32. Car Track Delivery Spelling Game {Stay at Home Educator}
33. Make a Chalkboard Refrigerator Game {Enchanted Homeschooling Mom}
34. Visual Spelling Practice {Home Literacy Blueprint}
Roll & Cover Game
35. Roll & Cover Spelling Words {This Reading Mama}
36. Make a Spelling Garage {123 Homeschool 4 Me}
37. Roll and Spell {Well-Nurtured Plants and Pillars}
38. Letter Lacing {Mama Miss}
39. Roll & Write Words {This Reading Mama}
40. Spelling Hangman {Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas}
41. Waffle Words Spelling Game {The Homeschool Post}
42. Use a Board Game {Teach Beside Me}
43. Spell with a Word Family Dictionary {guest post on The Measured Mom}
44. Play a Word Stretching Game {The Pleasantest Thing}
45. DIY Spelling Word Puzzles {This Reading Mama}
45. Allow Invented Spelling {1+1+1=1}
46. Spelling Puzzles {No Time for Flash Cards}
47. Missing Letter Spelling Game {Imagination Soup}
48. Ride to Spell {This Reading Mama}
49. Spelling Battleship {Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational}
50. Clip a Word {Sugar Ants}
51. Bottle Cap Spelling {This Reading Mama}
More Spelling Activities and Resources:
- Short Vowel Word Study
Go digital with spelling! Read all about my educational apps or purchase them on iTunes or Google Play!
All About Spelling is a fantastic spelling program using the Orton-Gillingham methods. Hands-on work is a big part of All About Spelling!
Using Words Their Way to Teach Spelling
5 Things Struggling Spellers Need
Enjoy teaching!
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The average cost of individual spelling lessons in Krasnogorsk is 917 rubles.
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3 private spelling tutors are available to help you gain new knowledge and skills.
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7. From sentences 10 - 11 write down the word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on it ...
hugging their ladies, they work hard with their feet like a polisher and whisper in unison to the whole audience: “Chu-choo-choo!” (11) We sat, turning halfway to the dancers, and with a smile, and maybe with pleasure, watched this exotic action. Answer ( ) 8. From sentences 1–4, write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is determined by its meaning - “approximation”. (1) Even in kindergarten, Oleg learned the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." (2) That's where the trouble started. (3) The grandmother decided that her grandson had a wonderful ear and that with such “perfect pitch” it was absolutely necessary to learn music. (4) Oleg was solemnly and noisily led to an exam at a music school. Answer ( ) 9. From sentences 17–18, write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is determined by its meaning - “attachment”. (17) One evening, when a warm torrential rain, unexpected for autumn, poured with thunder and bright lightning, and the pilots decided to have an “evening of rest”, around eleven, Yarovoy appeared in the dugout. (18) Obviously, after dinner, he wandered somewhere along the forest edges, because autumn leaves stuck to the tops of his boots. Answer ( ) 10. From sentences 28–30 write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is determined by the value of the approximation that it has. - (28) And you, then, came third? – (29) Dad smiled, and I was very pleased. - (30) Third place is also a prize, a bronze medal! (31) Well, who stayed on the fourth? Answer ( ) 11.
From sentences 52–59, write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is determined by the rule: “If a prefix is followed by a voiceless consonant, then C is written at the end of it.” (52) Sanka was about to rush into the hut, but on the threshold he ran into his mother, who was holding a cast-iron in her hands. - (53) Wait, boys ... (54) Take some boiled potatoes. - (55) Mom, don't take money! - Sanka hurried. - (56) Hey, don't! (57) They didn’t want to buy bread for themselves, the doctor! .. (58) She, they say, refuses, but she goes hungry herself! (59) Mother put the iron on the railing, straightened up. Answer ( ) 12. From sentences 17–18 write out the word in which the prefix has the meaning of incomplete action. (17) But here he again raised his hands and hit the keys - the crowded hall instantly fell silent. (18) At that moment, an old man entered, carefully looked around the crowd, seized by one feeling, directing burning glances at the blind man. Answer ( ) 13. From sentences 26–28 write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / sonority of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.