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Learn & Grow: The Learning & Education App Kids Love
The app thoughtfully made for (and loved by) kids 2-8
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The Learning App Kids Love
Part of HOMER’s essential early learning program, HOMER Learn & Grow takes kids on a personalized learning journey that boosts their confidence and grows with them.
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To learn more click the seal or go to www.kidsafeseal.comSo Many Reasons to Learn & Grow
Lessons and activities personalized to age, interests, and skill level
Playful learning across subjects: reading, math, social-emotional learning, creativity, and more
“I Did It!” Moments
Builds confidence with skills kids and parents are proud of
Flexible & Fun
Ad-free, kid-friendly navigation for independent play
Designed by experts, backed by research, and tested by kids
A World of Learning to Explore
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Social & Emotional Learning
Thinking Skills
Personalized pathway that builds essential skills on one another—from letters and sounds to sight words, to eventually reading and spelling
HOMER’s reading pathway is proven to increase early reading scores by 74%!
The Learning Journey That Grows with Your Child
HOMER grows with your child throughout their learning journey, teaching them the right skills at the right time.
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We combine your child’s unique interests
with their age and current learning level
to create a personalized learning journey they love
that builds essential skills for school and life!
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The Most Effective Way for Your Child to Learn
Developed by experts, our research-based, four-step approach goes beyond rote memorization to build confidence, promote problem-solving, and foster a lifelong love of learning.

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“Both of my kids use HOMER learning program and have excelled! We’ve tried literally 20+ apps and websites and NONE hold a candle to HOMER.”
Brittany C
Learn & Grow
The latest Training Calendar is now available for virtual and in-person sessions through Spring 2023.
- Use the digital training calendar to view scheduled trainings at-a-glance for the month.
- Use the search feature to find certificate program courses. For example, to find trainings that are part of Thrive@UF program, enter “Thrive” in the search box.
Learning Material Development Inquiry
T&OD’s mission is to improve performance of faculty and staff. Are you interested in creating a learning resource for your area? Do you have an idea to improve performance? Have you noticed a gap in knowledge/skills for your area? Fill out our online intake form & receive a response from T&OD.
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Attend ten required workshops and two electives for certification. Learn More
Whether beginning a career or an established professional, this certificate program gives all employees at the University of Florida the opportunity to build professional skills and maximize performance. Learn More
Designed to increase performance and engagement by creating an inclusive environment for UF employees’ diverse talents Learn More
GBAS is a professional development program designed to help business administrators working in colleges, departments and units be more effective in their jobs. Learn More
A comprehensive training series for UF administrative professionals Learn More
Designed to meet the needs of principal investigators, research administrators and other personnel who play a vital role in UF’s research enterprise Learn More
“Creating an inclusive climate allows all of us to do our best work and together shape a better UF. ” – President’s Office Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access The University of Florida’s Inclusive Hiring Badge is designed to provide faculty and staff with the level of knowledge, skill and abilities needed…… Learn More
Instructor-led and online workshops that describe and demonstrate how to use the myUFL system and execute required business transactions at the university Learn More
Attend three workshops to complete your Business Communications certification. Learn More
We’ve identified key skills that faculty and staff can develop as individuals and as leaders. These skills are critical for navigating working online and for flourishing over the longer-term. For each of the skills, we’ve listed a range of online and virtual learning resources to help our faculty and staff learn and grow. Learn More
What is Human Resources Onboarding? HR Onboarding is a program designed to support new hires working in a Human Resources role. The training welcomes new HR staff or staff new to an HR role, across the University of Florida and provide a high-level overview of important human resources information to…… Learn More
UF Training & Organizational Development partners with other training providers and departments to centralize information and record-keeping related to compliance training efforts. Learn More
Completion of this sexual harassment training is a compliance expectation of employment at the University of Florida. Learn More
Online courses to support your successful career at UF Learn More
Includes a broad range of workshops designed with the UF employee in mind Learn More
The most current information to address your financial and retirement planning needs Learn More
The law of life: constantly learn and grow
"Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood:
it is better to learn late than never"
Man never stands still. He needs to constantly move, because in movement a person acquires more and more new skills necessary for him to realize his vital needs. In this case, we are not talking about movement as a physical component, but about mental, spiritual movement.
Constantly learning and growing - this movement accompanies each of us on the path of life. If a person is content with only what he has, then he will not have the opportunity to achieve something new in this life.
We make the mistake of perceiving all the difficulties and problems encountered on the path of life as a barrier that prevents us from moving on. We need to learn to perceive all the troubles as life lessons, from which we only grow stronger and stronger.
It is a well-known fact that if you do not deal with a child from childhood, he begins to degrade, and if you teach him from an early age, then a genius can grow out of a child. Why is this an example? It's simple, we always forget the simple wisdom: "Live for a century, learn for a century" and this is not about the study that every teenager wants to escape from, but about the lessons of life.
The simple law of life “constantly learn and grow” will help not only during the formative years of a person as a person, but also throughout life. Living individuals have this rule in their genetic code. After all, what distinguishes us, people, from a marble slab is our development. We evolve, we learn, we develop. This is our need.
Again, a simple example is children. Children are constantly looking for something, exploring something, learning, looking at the world that is around them. And adults who allegedly achieved everything and they have everything. But who is happier - adults or children? Children satisfy their need to explore a new world for them, while adults, forgetting about this need, feel that they are missing something, but do not know what and are looking for opportunities to satisfy their other, lower needs. Satisfying his lower needs, a person turns into that piece of granite, which we spoke about earlier. His emotions are no longer so bright, his mood is bad, angry and gloomy, he does the same thing every day. But, judge, if there is development, growth, there is something to learn, then a person is not in the stage of apathy, but is cheerful and ready to conquer the peaks of life.
The law of life “to constantly learn and grow” works everywhere. Not a single religion says that a person should stand still and not strive for knowledge, not a single economic scheme claims that one should be content with the level that is, not a single family can do without further development of their relations. Having once made this or that decision, we must constantly reinforce it with something. For example, you decide to radically change your life and go to a new job. We studied a lot of literature on the topic, went through all the seminars, gathered our thoughts and started a new, difficult for you, but exciting new business. They worked for a year, two, three. The boss is good, he doesn’t shout, he demands something to the point, but still you feel discomfort. You are missing something, some kind of development. “What next?” you ask more and more often.
So here's the fun part - you don't have to stand still! You need to constantly develop and learn! Everything in life accumulates: knowledge, experience, emotions. Naturally, if we get everything at once, we will quickly get tired of it, but if we gradually accumulate everything, then we will get more satisfaction from life.
The rich also cry. It would seem that they have everything, but they still lack something. As you know, greed does not lead to good, therefore, in the pursuit of development, you need to understand that you need to know HOW to develop and WHY. By answering these questions to ourselves, we will avoid the most terrible turn on the path of development - the surface of our knowledge. 9Ol000
3. Satisfy the need for continuous development0031
The best textbook for development is the person himself. Only in communication with others can we come to knowledge and development of ourselves as a person.
Continuing to learn and grow (PUIR) - Mega-tutorial
We have a choice between two life models. The shell symbolizes a person who misses the opportunity to expand his horizons. For this, he has to do the same thing all his life. Napoleon Hill once said: “Some people die early because they eat too much, others because they drink too much, and still others because; that there is really nothing left for them to do.”
Those who want to lead the life of an eagle choose a difficult path for themselves. There is perhaps only one way to go down this road - to rejoice in the fact that we are learning and growing. The more we learn, the higher we grow, the freer we will become. All life's difficulties and problems should be considered as regular lessons.
The life philosophy of ISID is based on four main principles:
1. Growth is in our genetic code. How to distinguish living from non-living? Everything that lives grows. This is what distinguishes the stone from living coral. When growth and change cease, death occurs. Thus, growth is a property of life. However, in this case we are talking not just about growth, but about purposeful evolution. This growth is aimed at developing and increasing vitality.
2. ISID is a basic human need. By observing children, we can understand how deeply rooted in our nature is the need to grow and learn throughout our lives. Toddlers are constantly exploring, learning and improving their abilities. At the same time, they are ready for any adventure and risk. Involuntarily, you will wonder where the children get so much energy for all this. Maybe people actually have extra energy when they strive to satisfy their needs?
For comparison, look at adults who no longer grow and learn nothing. Although they strive to have the best time possible, few of them look happy. The reason is simple: if you stop growing and learning, life becomes empty and meaningless. Unmet needs take away our energy and cheerfulness.
3. There is not a single religion that does not set itself the goal of making a person better
I am not talking here about religiosity as such, but about the fact that all world religions express the deepest needs and dreams of a person - about salvation, insight , light, peace, better life and love. But all this presupposes that man must change and grow. There is no religion that proclaims: "Stay as you are."
4. Any economic system and any company is based on one principle: there can be no stopping.
A company either develops or weakens. Attempts to stay at a certain level lead to defeat in the fight against competitors. Any entrepreneur must learn and grow, otherwise he will become weaker and weaker. Edward Deming formulated the concept of quality as follows: "Quality is not the maintenance of any particular standard, but a living and dynamic process of continuous improvement."
How can you be happy if you violate the law of life, the principle of evolution, act contrary to your needs, aspirations and economic expediency? Learning and growth are integral parts of the meaning of life. No amount of miracles and potions will give us what we can achieve with the PIIR principle.
A constant decision
You may get the impression that it is enough to make a choice in favor of this or that lifestyle once. In fact, we have to reinforce this decision once made every time.
We must constantly force ourselves to read books, keep a diary, attend seminars, communicate with people from whom we can learn something.
There are two reasons why people stop learning and growing.
First, they think they can't get any better. In reality, there are no limits to learning and growth.
Secondly, this is indifference. With all the seeming harmlessness, this is one of the greatest temptations for a person. If we do not constantly learn and grow, we will inevitably slide into a much lower standard of living.
But the biggest danger lies in the thought: "A small step back cannot hurt."
Frog trap
What happens if you throw a frog into a pot of hot water? She immediately decides: “It's not comfortable here. We need to move quickly." And immediately pops up. But what if the same frog is put in a pot of cold water, put on the stove and gradually heated? The frog will relax. Of course, she will notice that it is getting warmer, but she will think, "A little extra heat will not hurt." And it will all end with the fact that she boils.
Moral: much in life accumulates gradually. This happens, for example, with debts. If you woke up tomorrow and suddenly found that you had sixty-eight thousand euros in debt, this would certainly alarm you. But if events develop gradually - today nine euros, tomorrow fourteen - then we are tempted not to take all this seriously. But everything in life accumulates. And one fine day, debts no longer allow you to breathe freely.
Would it bother you if you stepped on the scale tomorrow and found that you had put on thirty kilograms? Certainly. But if you put on a kilogram this month, and another kilogram the next, then you perceive it not so tragically. Think of the frog and think about trends. Don't underestimate the little things. They are constantly accumulating. Any little thing either brings us closer to the goal, or moves us away from it.