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Learning to Read - Free Kids Books
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A fun rhyming book for young children and a perfect early reader. Bookbot provides a series of decodable readers for children learning to read. See more of BookBots books at www.bookbotkids.com/phonics-books. or here on Free Kids Books below:
Reviews (3)
Turtle Dove a lovely story about what a turtle dove can and cannot do. This simple early reader features a series of phrases with simple verbs and nouns related to a turtle dove’s activities. This book is rated as an English Level 1 story, suited for young early readers who want to learn how to …
Reviews (7)
The BIG Red Balloon Have you seen the BIG red balloon? Oh NO! Where could it be? Where is the beautiful big red balloon? This book is perfect for young readers and beginner English learners to improve their vocabulary and learn new words.
The book provides a rhyming repetition of sentences then adds a new …
Reviews (5)
¿Cuáles son los colores? is the spanish version of 7 Colours Of A Rainbow. In this picture book young children will learn the different colours of the rainbow and where these colours could be seen in everyday life. Perfect for young children to learn new words and name and identify colours. This is a Spanish Level …
Reviews (1)
I Like to Read – A short story about a boy who wants to read a book to someone but everyone is busy and unavailable, will he ever find a way to read? This is an English Level 1 Book brought to us by Story Weaver Pratham Books. I Like to Read is perfect for …
Reviews (1)
Bo Go Up is one in a series of a single letter, three letter, and, two letter stories from Bo Books. If you were learning to read a new language, you’d start with short words. When we teach children to read, we should do the same. Bo Books teaches children to read using short words …
Reviews (2)
In the My Name is in the Story series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining personalised early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to the child’s name! This collection is boys personalised stories, with the male pronoun, see also his collection for girls. Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy …
Reviews (1)
In the My Name Is In This Story Stories and eBooks series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to a child’s first name! Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy reading these girls personalised stories and ebooks. Every collection featured (64 stories and 6 ebooks in total!) …
Clark Ness has an amazingly large set of learning to read books available. His site includes literally thousands of easy readers, phonics based readers, sight word books, and much, much more.
This set here is just a sample of some of his work using the open dyslexic font. The set in this post contains the …
Reviews (5)
ABC’s of Biodiversity is a truly amazing alphabet. With 260 images – 10 for each letter, each with a high quality photograph, but the amazing thing is what is featured for each letter. Older children learning to read will have fun both learning to sound out words that are unlikely to be familiar to most …
Reviews (7)
➤Free Stories and Free eBooks for the Kindergarten, First Grade, and Beginning Reader; Edmark 1 Stories, Read Well Stories, Children Stories, Libros de español gratis para el lector principiante
Free Stories and Free eBooks for the Kindergarten, First Grade, and Beginning Reader; Edmark 1 Stories, Read Well Stories, Children Stories, Libros de español gratis para el lector principiantewww.clarkness.com
Free Stories and eBooks for the Beginning Reader
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and Read |
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Easy to Read Picture eBooks - 339 ebooks |
Beginning Reader Story Collections - 39 Collections
More Beginning Reader Story Collections - 160 collections
Beginning Reader Story Collections - C - 12 collections
My Name Is In This Story Stories and eBooks
Easy to Read Picture eBooks With OpenDyslexic Font - 339 ebooks
Easy to Read Picture eBooks that feature diverse characters |
Easy to Read Picture eBooks that support The Daily 5 - 47 ebooks
Español - Easy to Read Picture eBooks in Spanish - 74 ebooks
Dolch Sight Word Stories - 45 collections
Single Sheet Books - 128 books for printing |
Math eBooks aligned with the Common Core State Standards - 28 ebooks
Advanced Beginning Reader Stories - 27 stories
Advanced Beginning Reader Stories: Put Me in the Story versions - 27 stories
Beginning Reader Chapter eBooks - 4 ebooks
Reading Hawk's eBooks
Beginning Reader Stories Available for Translating or Editing - 176 stories
Easy to Read Picture eBooks Available for Translating or Editing - 15 ebooks
Lusoga Language Stories for Beginning Readers in Uganda - 36 stories
Lusoga Language eBooks for Beginning Readers in Uganda - 4 ebooks
I am a former special education teacher from Spokane Valley, Washington USA and have created these free stories, ebooks and other materials for use in the classroom and at home. I hope your beginning readers will be helped by what I am able to share with you on this website.
I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and the International Literacy Association.
Please feel free to let other teachers and parents know about www.clarkness.com and www.readinghawk.com.
Thanks for stopping by.
Clark Ness
e-mail: [email protected]
(Email addresses are not shared with any other person, company, or organization.)
Here are a few ways to view the stories and ebooks that are all in an Adobe PDF file format:Read online with a computer, tablet computer, or smart phone.Download to a computer, tablet computer, or smart phone to read.Download and print using a computer printer. Make additional copies on a copy machine.Staple printed pages together or put them in a three ring binder or report folder. For free software needed to read Adobe PDF files visit:
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All stories, ebooks and other material on this website are covered under the following copyright:Text Copyright © by Clark Ness. Images are from Microsoft Office Images unless otherwise noted. PERMISSION IS GRANTED for printing, photocopying, emailing, recording, storing in a retrieval system, and transmitting these stories, ebooks and other materials in any form, or by any means, mechanical and/or electronic. Sale of these stories, ebooks and other materials and/or uploading them to a commercial bookstore or commercial website is strictly forbidden without prior written permission.
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App Store: Learn to Read (full version)
Learn to Read - Save the Animals full version. Supports learning to read in Russian and Ukrainian. Also, the application has a transition to a version of learning to read in English.
The Evil Snow Queen froze the magic letters of the alphabet and the animals were trapped in ice. And only your smart kid can save them, for which he must learn the letters of the alphabet and make words - the names of animals.
Collecting words from the letters of the alphabet, the child hears the sound of each letter of the alphabet, which allows the child to subconsciously remember the letters and their sound. And after your smart little fellow saves all the animals, a smart kid will have an educational game - a quiz in which a preschooler can consolidate his knowledge of letters and reading skills.
At the end of the quiz, the joyful bunny will dance to the kid in an incendiary dance, stimulating the child to continue the fun preschool reading!
The application uses an effective sound method of teaching reading, similar to the "Zaitsev's cubes" method and the principles of the Montessori method, namely:
To learn to read, the baby does not need to know the names of the letters. A common phenomenon: a mother bought an alphabet for children or a primer, the child learned the letters, even learned the alphabet, but cannot read. His words don't stick.
The well-known teacher Nikolay Zaitsev claims that the alphabet is harmful for kids! In the alphabet and primer, for each letter of the alphabet, a picture is given: A - stork, B - hippopotamus, etc. When we learn to read the alphabet, the baby will remember both the letter and the picture, but how then to explain to him that the zebra - stork - lizard - heron, flashing in his mind, should form the word "hare"? How to teach a child to read?
Instead, in the application "Learn to read - Save the animals" the child does not learn the alphabetic names of the letters, but their "sound" or sounds, from which the child can easily form a word.
The game has 2 modes of learning to read:
1. Learn to spell - great for a child to learn letters and understand the basics of reading. It is recommended to start with this learning mode - it is very effective for memorizing letters and learning to read short words.
2. Learning to read by syllables (warehouses) - for children who already know the letters. By "syllables" the method "Zaitsev's cubes" means "warehouses" - i.e. a combination of a consonant and a vowel: for example, ko-ro-va, ko-sh-ka. Learning to read in such short syllables is much easier for a child than in complex "school" syllables. And the easier it is to learn to read, the more effective!
• Learn the letters of the Russian alphabet in a fast and fun way
• Develop phonemic awareness by collecting letters and listening to their sound
• Expand your vocabulary with many new words in Russian
• Learn to read by syllables and spell by letter
• Learn lots of new animals
• Reinforce your reading skills with a fun quiz
• We don't teach kids the alphabet, we teach them to read!
• Preschool and pre-school education for children aged 4+ free of charge
The interface of the educational game for children is built in accordance with the principle of the Montessori learning system - "Help me do it myself!". It is so simple that a kid from 3 years old will figure it out in a minute and will learn the letters of the alphabet with joy and a smile, and his happy parents will be able to take a break!
Learning to read has never been such an informative and interesting activity!
This full version contains all 16 learning levels, arranged in order of increasing word difficulty. If at the first level words consist of 2-3 letters, then at the last level of 7-8 letters.
Brief, short stories for children. Learning to read and retell
Brief, short stories for children. Learning to read and retell content
List of short stories with the help of which you can easily teach a child to retell texts
Two comrades
as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear, as a bear0023 Fire dogs
Grandmother and granddaughter
New toy
What is not possible, it is impossible
Three sons
Funny Christmas tree
simply old23 house
Heralds of spring
A short story about autumn
Autumn has come
Winter has come
In the forest
In the zoo
Four butterflies
Alien egg
Stork and nightingale
Pine tree
Master's lesson
Clock without a hand
Short stories by Yakov Taits
Aha - Geese
Fox and Grandpa
Dice per Dice
How much?
Animal Short Stories
wild boar
Story about Squirrel
Story about owl
Story about moose
Story about deer
Story about fox
Story about bear
Raven and forty
Two goats
Read other stories for children
We bring to your attention short stories with which you can easily teach your child to retell texts.

When selecting texts for retelling, it is necessary to take into account the individual abilities of children. Texts should be accessible to the child in terms of their content and form of presentation, so short stories should be used at the initial stage.
Before reading the story, explain to the child the meaning of difficult words, say them. If the child is not familiar with what will be discussed in the story, then have a short conversation that brings the child to the content of the work.
After reading the short story, ask questions to see if the child understood it. Only then ask them to retell what they have read. At the same time, different types of retelling are used at different stages of teaching retelling:
You retell what you have read and the child inserts a word or sentence.
If the child retells with long pauses, then ask leading questions.
Before you start retelling, you plan the story.
Retelling is organized in turn, when the child starts to retell, you continue, and he finishes.