Learning book for preschoolers
Best Preschool Books for the Classroom
Reading preschool books aloud to students is the best—the excitement, the comments (both related and unrelated, of course!), and the magical hush that falls over the classroom when you share the perfect title. A preschool classroom that’s fully stocked with diverse, top-quality books makes a huge difference for kids. Read on for 50+ of our recent top picks!
Psst: Don’t think we forgot about all our old favorite preschool books—many are included on this list of Books That Will Make You Nostalgic for Preschool.
(Just a heads up! WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)
1. Luli and the Language of Tea by Andrea Wang
There are lots of kids in the childcare room while their adults attend English as a Second Language classes, but none of them speak to each other. That is until Luli makes a plan to bring them together to share tea and cookies. This is an adorable, heartwarming story about connecting with others that could definitely inspire many preschool tea parties!
Buy it: Luli and the Language of Tea on Amazon
2. Berry Song by Michaela Goade
A young girl and her grandmother gather berries together and thank the earth, celebrating Tlingit traditions and the seasons. Definitely add this lovely, relatable book to your preschool books that represent indigenous cultures.
Buy it: Berry Song on Amazon
3. Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder
This title belongs in every single classroom collection of preschool books. It’s hands-down the most positive and inclusive book we’ve ever seen about physical appearance. No matter your shape, size, hair, skin color and markings, features—bodies are amazingly cool.
Buy it: Bodies Are Cool on Amazon
4. Circle Round by Anne Sibley O’Brien
There’s so much to talk about in the pictures of this sweet counting book. At the park, more circles (a ball, bike wheels, Hula-Hoops) mean more chances to play with friends!
Buy it: Circle Round on Amazon
5. Ice Cream Face by Heidi Woodward Sheffield
We can’t have enough preschool books about feelings. This one explores emotions through the best context: ice cream! Kids can easily imagine how it would feel to be waiting in line for ice cream, eating ice cream, even dropping ice cream. Lots of fun follow-up project possibilities too!
Buy it: Ice Cream Face on Amazon
6. Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle by Nina LaCour
Family stories are staple preschool books. When Mommy goes away for the week, a little girl and her Mama make their own fun. Then they are happy to be reunited when Mommy returns.
Buy it: Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle on Amazon
7. Everybody in the Red Brick Building by Anne Wynter
Preschool books with fun sounds make great read-alouds. Late at night, a series of noises wakes up everyone in an apartment building one by one.
What will lull them back to sleep? Illustrations by one of our favorites, Oge Mora, make this book sing.
Buy it: Everybody in the Red Brick Building on Amazon
8., 9. & 10. Baby Bear Counts One, Baby Bear Sees Blue, and Where, Oh Where, Is Baby Bear? by Ashley Wolff
There are plenty of sweet bear stories, but it’s the gorgeous linocut illustrations that really make these concept books stand out. They build children’s vocabulary and content knowledge about a bear’s habitat too.
Buy it: Baby Bear Counts One, Baby Bear Sees Blue and Where, Oh Where, Is Baby Bear? on Amazon
11. Mrs. Peanuckle’s Alphabet series by Mrs. Peanuckle
Everything about this series is downright adorable. Each book marches through a nature-themed version of the ABCs with engaging facts about bugs, birds, veggies, fruits, trees, or flowers—all while using cheerful mixed-media art.
Buy it: Mrs. Peanuckle’s Alphabet series on Amazon
12. Bear Is Awake! An Alphabet Story by Hannah E.

We love preschool books that combine the alphabet with a great picture story. Hearing kids’ reactions as the narrative about a hungry bear unfolds is a treat. A is for “awake. …”
Buy it: Bear Is Awake! An Alphabet Story on Amazon
13. The Peas Series by Keith Baker
The original title in this series, LMNO Peas, is a longtime preschool book favorite because it combines two preschool loves: the alphabet and exploration of occupations. (Plus, could those little peas be any cuter?) We love having the latest installment, LMNO Pea-Quel, on hand for our pre-K kiddos as they start to tune in to lowercase letters, which are highlighted in this book.
Buy it: The Peas Series on Amazon
14. Again, Essie? by Jenny Lacika
Big brother Rafael wants to protect his toys from his toddler sister Essie. He fits together boxes and other found materials to make a wall. Will it work? Explore vocabulary like “tall,” “skinny,” “wide,” and more. We think every preschool classroom should have a full set of the Storytelling Math series books because they are SO good. Many are also available in Spanish, and each one includes “Exploring the Math” activity ideas.
Buy it: Again, Essie? on Amazon
15. Five Hiding Ostriches by Barbara Barbieri McGrath
Five little ostriches wonder what to do when they spot a lion. This adorable spin on “Five Little Pumpkins” is such fun to read aloud and act out as a class.
Buy it: Five Hiding Ostriches on Amazon
16. Circle Under Berry by Carter Higgins
Explore shapes, colors, and prepositions with this most inventive of preschool books that’ll really get your class talking. It starts out simple but ramps up as the book goes on, making it a great multi-age concept book. Extension ideas abound, from offering it with loose parts for kids to explore or creating your own class version with cut and glued shapes.
Buy it: Circle Under Berry on Amazon

Most preschool classrooms engage in some kind of study of families, and this book is a must-have to encourage an inclusive view on the topic. Illustrations are colorful and engaging and sweetly portray many different variations on family structure.
Buy it: Love Makes a Family on Amazon
18. Kindness Makes Us Strong by Sophie Beer
Kindness is a universal theme in preschool, and this title brims with optimism and age-appropriate examples. Share it with kids and then celebrate their own kind ideas and actions.
Buy it: Kindness Makes Us Strong on Amazon
19. House: First Words Board Books by Michael Slack
We’ve used this collection of little label books—each features contents of a room in a home—in so many ways. Share them to get kids talking about their own homes or as examples to inspire kids’ own label books. The little books fit into the box like a puzzle, so they make for a great item for independent exploration during quiet time too.
Buy it: House: First Words Board Books on Amazon
20. Wheels by Sally Sutton
Sally Sutton earned a special place in our construction book-loving hearts with Roadwork. This more recent title has a guessing game structure, which makes it perfect for reading aloud to kids who love vehicles.
Buy it: Wheels on Amazon
21. Penguin Bedtime Classics illustrated by Carly Gledhill
These are not your typical fairy tales! This board book collection distills classic tales down to a few basic—but still engaging—short sentences and fills in the gaps with diverse, fresh-feeling illustrations.
Buy it: Penguin Bedtime Classics on Amazon
22. If You Find a Leaf by Aimee Sicuro
A girl finds a leaf and imagines all the different things it could be. Gorgeous illustrations are so fun to pore over with kids. Add this to your preschool books for inspiring fall projects!
Buy it: If You Find a Leaf on Amazon
23. A Very Big Fall by Emmy Kastner
Here’s one for every kid who’s every worried over an upcoming change—even those that are supposed to be exciting. When the squirrels really talk up the fall changes to come, the little leaves get uneasy, especially Maple. This would be such fun to act out with puppets or flannel board pieces!
Buy it: A Very Big Fall on Amazon
24. A Spoonful of Frogs by Casey Lyall
A witch heats up her cauldron for making a delicious soup, with plenty of wholesome ingredients and topped off with frogs. But she can’t keep the frog from jumping off the spoon! This is a hilarious read-aloud with fun pretend-play connections.
Buy it: A Spoonful of Frogs on Amazon
25. The Winter Bird by Kate Banks
A nightingale with a broken wing can’t fly south for the winter. Luckily, the kind winter forest animals help it adjust to the unfamiliar cold and snowy weather. This is one of our new favorite preschool books for talking about both seasonal changes and kindness towards others.
Buy it: The Winter Bird on Amazon
26. & 27. What Color Is Night? and What Sound Is Morning? by Grant Snider
These poetic titles celebrate the nuanced colors of night and the sounds of the very beginning of the day. Bedtime and early mornings are preschooler prime times, of course, so these are highly relevant preschool books. They’re great springboards for activities about looking and listening carefully and describing colors and sounds in your school environment too.
Buy it: What Color Is Night? and What Sound Is Morning? on Amazon
28. What’s the Weather? by Shelley Rotner
Since we love every single one of Shelley Rotner’s gorgeous photo essays, it was hard to choose one to feature, but this title is particularly interactive for classrooms having conversations about the weather.
Buy it: What’s the Weather? on Amazon
29. Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party by Kimberly and James Dean
Obviously, Pete the Cat is a preschool classroom’s best friend. We love this new fave—next to our all-time #1 Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, of course—for talking all things pizza and all things starting with the letter P. Preschoolers giggle endlessly over Pete’s pals’ silly topping choices.
Buy it: Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party on Amazon
30. Pizza Day by Melissa Iwai
This realistic narrative about a family who makes pizza from scratch—think growing veggies and making homemade sauce—gives kiddos lots to talk about! After reading, it’s definitely time for some pizza-making of your own.
Buy it: Pizza Day on Amazon
31. Every Color Soup by Jorey Hurley
Soup is a close second to pizza for preschool cooking and food conversation possibilities. Elegant in its simplicity, this title features a single color word matched to a soup veggie on each page. We love pairing it with a paint color exploration, painting full sheets of paper, and chopping them up into “soup” pieces.
Buy it: Every Color Soup on Amazon
32. & 33. Good Morning Yoga and Good Night Yoga by Mariam Gates
Yoga story time is one of our favorite ways to incorporate yoga in the preschool classroom, and these are two of our go-to’s for energizing or winding down our littlest yogis.
Buy it: Good Morning Yoga and Good Night Yoga on Amazon
34. Find Fergus by Mike Boldt
Kids just love this book! Part story about a bumbling bear, part seek-and-find challenge, it’s perfect for sharing with a small group. Fergus wants to hide, but he needs a lot of guidance, which of course, young hide-and-seek experts find hilarious. We love preschool books that encourage pre-writers too—this one’s good for inspiring some list-making!
Buy it: Find Fergus on Amazon
35. Boxitects by Kim Smith
This is our newest favorite spirited STEAM tale. First of all, the amazing made-up words: Boxitect. Blanketeer. Spaghetti-tect. Kids want to be all of them. There is a nice underlying message about the value of teamwork, and tons of cardboard-box creation inspiration too.
Buy it: Boxitects on Amazon
36. Kitten and the Night Watchman by John Sullivan
The dad in this touching story works night shift security at a construction site. Its hushed descriptions of his rounds—complete with repeated sightings of a small, gray kitten—mesmerizes kids. The text is richly detailed without being too much for preschoolers, and we love the nod to families in which parents work varying schedules.
Buy it: Kitten and the Night Watchman on Amazon
37. Alphonse, There’s Mud on the Ceiling! by Daisy Hirst
Monster sibs Natalie and Alphonse love playing outdoors but are frustrated to live in a tall apartment building. Creativity wins, though, and the story is full of their imaginative adventures both indoors and out. We like sharing a story about playing outside that also acknowledges the diversity of kids’ homes.
Buy it: Alphonse, There’s Mud on the Ceiling! on Amazon
38. A Story for Small Bear by Alice McGinty and Richard Jones
Small Bear is eager for her story time before settling in for winter’s sleep, but Mama tells her there’s preparation to be done first. Will they finish getting ready in time? This is hands down one of the sweetest preschool books we’ve read recently and weaves in so many preschool curriculum topics—family relationships, seasons, forest animals—and, of course, the power of stories.
Buy it: A Story for Small Bear on Amazon
39. Ruby’s Sword by Jacqueline Véissid
When preschoolers discover stick swords, our impulse can be to squash them in the name of safety. Imaginative Ruby shows us another path, though—one of ants rescued, apples procured, and fictional dragons challenged by a fearless knight, along with a satisfying, friendship-filled ending. Bookmark this for sharing each year when talking about using sticks in safe—but fun—ways.
Buy it: Ruby’s Sword on Amazon
40. Green on Green by Dianne White
This delightful journey through the colors of the seasons is particularly nice to share if you have a child in your class who’s expecting a sibling. The mother in the book subtly grows with each change in season, and by year’s end, the family celebrates a new arrival.
Buy it: Green on Green on Amazon
41. Penguin series by Salina Yoon
Penguin had our hearts back with Penguin and Pinecone, one of our favorite tales about the power of friendship that evokes amazing reflections from kids. In each subsequent story, Penguin sensitively grapples with a new social-emotional challenge, and we—and our penguin-loving preschoolers—are here for all of them.
Buy it: Penguin series on Amazon
42. Bird House by Blanca Gómez
A young girl finds an injured bird while on a walk with her abuela. They nurse it back to health and release it—and receive a surprise visitor the following spring. If you’re looking to add to your collection of gentle preschool books for reading aloud again and again, this is a good choice. It’s also available in Spanish.
Buy it: Bird House on Amazon
43. Natsumi! by Susan Lendroth
Natsumi has tons of energy, just like many preschoolers we know. Her grandfather helps her channel it into the perfect pastime: drumming! We like to pair this book with … you guessed it: plenty of percussion invitations.
Buy it: Natsumi! on Amazon
44. & 45. Daniel Finds a Poem and Daniel’s Good Day by Micha Archer
If you think poetry isn’t for preschoolers, think again. They dictate the most perfect poetic lines, and this pair of titles is the best springboard. Daniel is an honest, observant, caring delight of a character.
Buy it: Daniel Finds a Poem and Daniel’s Good Day on Amazon
46. Mommy’s Khimar by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow
This feel-good story tells of a little girl who plays dress-up with her mother’s headscarves. We love sharing it when talking about families or when conversations about head coverings arise among students.
Buy it: Mommy’s Khimar on Amazon
47. I Really Want To See You, Grandma by Taro Gomi
This story is for every kid who fiercely misses a special relative. Yumi desperately wants to see her grandma, so she sets out for her house. What she doesn’t know is that Grandma has also decided to make a visit, causing some frantic back-and-forth.
Buy it: I Really Want To See You, Grandma on Amazon
48. Being Frog by April Pulley Sayre
April Pulley Sayre’s photos are unparalleled for encouraging kiddos to study nature and observe like scientists. We love all her titles, but this one is particularly helpful for classrooms that study frog life cycles.
Buy it: Being Frog on Amazon
49. What Happened to You? by James Catchpole
This is one of our new favorite preschool books for building empathy around differences and disabilities. Joe just wants to play pirates at the playground, but the other kids can’t contain their questions about why he has only one leg. It’s a great #OwnVoices story for opening discussions about balancing curiosity with respect for privacy.
Buy it: What Happened to You? on Amazon
50. Listen by Gabi Snyder
We love preschool books that encourage mindfulness and wonder, and this does both. A girl practices listening to the myriad small sounds around her, naturally encouraging preschool students to do the same.
Buy it: Listen on Amazon
Looking for more book recommendations? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletters so you can get our latest picks.
BIG List of Best Preschool Workbooks Your Kids Will Love
Finding the best preschool workbook for your child is a bit magical…these top workbooks for 2 year olds, 3 year olds and 4 year olds are playful learning that kids enjoy. Preschool workbooks aren’t just for the classroom. Parents can use them for enrichment learning, to catch up on preschool skills kids might be behind on, teach new Kindergarten-ready skills and for just plain entertainment!
Best Preschool Workbooks for Kids
Here are best-selling preschool workbooks we love…
Related: Check out our free Kindergarten readiness checklist
Starting early reading with preschool workbooks will give your children confidence for their first day of school! This will ready them for grade level skills that will set them up for success. They can build skills, new skills using these workbooks created by top brands in the field.
This article contains affiliate links.
Workbooks for Kids Ages 2-5
Speaking of preschool, it is hard to ever feel ready, as a parent. I still remember how nervous I was for my son’s first day of school! It hasn’t gotten any easier as the years have gone on, with each of my children.
One thing I have found is that preparing for the first day makes it easier. So, my favorite way to prepare is with preschool workbooks and have “play school”. Play school builds confidence in their early reading and learning skills as well as how classrooms work.
Why Use Preschool Workbooks?
Preschool workbooks books can be one of the best ways to develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and more for school readiness.
- Building writing muscles. During these activities, your child will use their pencil to follow paths and draw different shapes. This helps them to build their fine motor skills. For additional information on how to hold a pencil, be sure to see these cool pencil holders that can help little hands – 2 year olds, 3 year olds and beyond…
- Engaging. Beautifully illustrated preschool workbooks brings the skills to life, with helpful – and silly – pictures your child will love.
- Build confidence.
Having a physical marker of progress can be super affirming for young ones!
- Get Ahead in School. Mastery of writing skills opens children’s minds to learning new and exciting things, instead of frustration.
Spiral vs. Bound Workbooks for Younger Kids
If you are trying to figure out how to homeschool preschool, I suggest buying the SPIRAL versions of each of these books.
It makes it much easier to make copies of the worksheets so that they can be done multiple times to develop basic skills, throughout your homeschool schedule. The spiral design keeps you from destroying the book’s spine by trying to press it flat enough to get a good copy.
Best Preschool Workbooks
While these are labeled as preschool workbooks filled with preschool essential skills, kids of all ages may benefit from using these preschool activity books: Toddlers, grades Pre-K & Preschool and beyond…older preschoolers, Kindergartners needing early learning activities and even adults learning English for the first time.
1. #1 Best-Seller – My First Learn-to-Write Workbook!
Let’s learn to write with this ABC workbook!You can set your kids up to succeed in school with a easy jump-start to their handwriting! This guide teaches them letters, shapes, and numbers and makes it fun. I like that it is spiral bound which gives kids the ability to lay the book flat.
My First Learn-to-Write Workbook introduces your child to proper pen control, steady line tracing, new words, and more. This preschool workbook contains dozens of exercises that will engage their minds and boost their reading and writing comprehension skills.
Recommended ages: 3-5 years old
2. My Preschool Workbook
My Preschool Workbook is great for ages 4 & 4Kickstart your kid’s education! Bursting with exciting challenges, this best-selling preschool workbook combines the best features of preschool workbooks. My Preschool Workbook makes it tons of fun for your young scholar to develop the skills and abilities necessary to begin their scholastic journey.
From connecting dots and matching pictures to following paths and tracing shapes, this book has it all! It’s like getting several preschool workbooks worth of activities in one! You can always make the lessons even stronger with a wide variety of preschool reading games, we have found!
Recommended ages: 3 & 4 years old
3. Number Tracing Workbook for Preschoolers
Let’s trace some numbers in this workbookThis super fun preschool workbook is all about numbers! It starts with teaching the basics of how to write each number. This is done both as the number, as as the word, which helps build vocabulary!
As your child progresses, early reading skills are introduced alongside the numbers. The Number Tracing Workbook for Preschoolers is a great way to build preschool skills, before the first day!
Recommended ages: 3-5 years old
4. Big Preschool Workbook from School Zone Publishing
Oh so many fun activities for learning!Help your child take their first steps in learning how to read & write alphabets and numbers with the Big Preschool Workbook. This is one big fun preschool workbook full of colorful & engaging workbook is filled with fun activities for preschoolers. It truly makes language arts feel like play.
Easily one of the best books for 3 year olds out there! Lessons include an intro to colors, shapes, some early math, alphabets & more. The progressing difficulty level keeps the challenges coming until the very end of the big book. Learning has never been so much fun while doing a little hard work!
Recommended ages: 3-5 years old
5. My Sight Words Workbook
Let’s learn 101 sight words!Give your children the building blocks for early reading with My Sight Words Workbook. Pictures, examples, and a little monkey helper make this book friendly and fun for preschoolers to get ahead and learn the top 101 sight words. Kids can color in a star for every word they master and see their progress in real time.
This will increase their reading skill and confidence.
More Pre-Reading Fun for Preschoolers
- Practice with other early reading activities will help the lessons stick!
- One of our favorite activities is reading blocks!
- Sight words are common words like “of”, “the”, and “you” that don’t fit standard phonetic patterns and can only be learned through memorization.
- Sight word activities will have kids say each word, trace each word, write each word, and use it in a sentence. Then, they can tackle puzzles and games to reinforce what they’ve learned.
- Check out our brand new Baby Shark Sight Word Printables – available now!
Recommended ages: 4-6 years old
6. Another #1 Best-Seller! Preschool Math Workbook
Let’s learn math!This preschool workbook put together a variety of different activities that are both fun and educational! The Preschool Math Workbook for Toddlers Ages 2-4 is a great way for your little one to learn basic mathematical skills such as number recognition, number tracing and counting.
All of the activities involve a variety of magical creatues and animals to keep your child engaged.
Recommended ages: 2-4 years old
7. Wipe Clean – My Big Activity Workbook
Love this wipe clean practice workbook!Endless practice is the best way to set your little learner up for success! The bright colors are engaging and the wide variety of challenge levels makes it perfect to encourage growth even in areas like social studies.
The ability to wipe clean this preschool workbook means that a wrong answer isn’t forever! It has a good amount of activities for each subject which we think keeps their interest.
Recommended ages: 3-5 years old
8. Over 9K Ratings on this Preschool Basics Workbook
Let’s cover all the preschool basics with this colorful workbookThis Preschool Basics workbook by School Zone include skills for reading readiness, math readiness and more with 64 pages. No writing required as this workbook will prepare kids for handwriting skills with a series of skill building activities.
School Zoe books have won The Parents’ Choice Foundation Award, Brainchild Award among others.
Recommended ages: 2-4 years old
- The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments
- 101 Kids Activities that are the Ooey, Gooey-est Ever!
- 101 Kids Activities That Are the Bestest, Funnest Ever!
- Our latest book: The Big Book of Kids Activities
Free preschool worksheets?
- A timeless favorite is our princess worksheet for preschoolers!
- Bunnies and baskets! Who wouldn’t love our Easter preschool worksheets printable pack!
- Pack a lunch to snack on while you enjoy these picnic activities for preschool!
- Keep the fun going with our robot printables for kindergarten and more!
- Build fine motor skills even more with Zentangle Coloring Pages for any ages!
- It is never too early for preschool activities for two year olds!
- We have literally thousands of learning activities for preschoolers and beyond.
- If you are working on reading for kids <–check that out for your preschooler!
- Looking for more book ideas for kids, we’ve got ya covered with your 2-5 year old.
- Also, don’t miss out on over 500 free printable coloring pages you can download & print right now which includes a bunch of color by number worksheets perfect for your age child.
- And if you are in the middle or just getting started on learning the letters, we have everything you need to learn the letter a, letter b, letter c…all the way to letter z! Letter sounds are fun!
Have you tried any of these preschool workbooks? Do you have any recommendations of workbooks we should add to the list?
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Educational books for children 3-4 years old
Children's books are my weakness. I can't miss a single sale in the Labyrinth. Fortunately, my daughter supports my book passion and listens with pleasure to everything that I choose for her, and already reads some of it herself. As usual, I want to share with you my successful book finds, so my long wanderings in the open spaces of bookstores should not be wasted. So, this article is dedicated to everyone who is also obsessed with books or is simply in search of interesting and useful literature for their baby. nine0003
I remind you that educational books for younger children can be found here: 1-2 years old, 2-3 years old. A complete selection of our books for different ages is here:
So, let me present a list of the most interesting, in my opinion, educational books for children 3-4 years old. By developing, I mean books that will help a child learn a lot about the structure of our world and its inhabitants, contribute to the development of speech, and teach him to reason. nine0003
1. L. Stovell Secrets of Man (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom)
to look for books on the structure of a person, but naturally I came across rather complex anatomical encyclopedias that were in no way suitable for a three-year-old. When I finally discovered The Secrets of Man, the entire print run of the book was already sold out in every store I knew. I had to buy the book on some godforsaken site for double the price. And I'm still happy that I did it, because it's hard to imagine a book that would so intelligibly satisfy the thirst for knowledge in anatomy in a three-year-old child! nine0003
It's amazing how the authors were able to present such complex information about the structure of a person and about the processes occurring in the body in such an accessible playful manner. Of course, opening doors can transform even the most unfortunate book, but when the content is still excellent, the book immediately becomes a hit with the child. And how happy it is when a child does not let go of such a useful educational book.
After this book, the daughter shocked everyone around with phrases like “Mom, my stomach is already signaling to the brain that it is hungry”
From the book, the child will learn about how food travels through our body, how we breathe, what bones are for, get the first idea about the work of the brain and sensory organs, and much more. You can watch all the spreads of the book on the video.
2. R.L. Jones "Car Secrets" (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom) ,
"Transport Secrets" (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom) ,
"Airport Secrets" (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom)
In the Magic Doors series, I would like to highlight these three great books. Despite the fact that they have completely different age restrictions, I think they are all great for children from 3 years old. I would also like to note that the presence of the words “transport” and “cars” in the titles does not mean at all that the books are only for boys. Girls will also be very interested in understanding how and what works around us. Well, the opening windows will automatically transfer these books to the category of favorites. nine0003
Before buying, I was worried that the books "Secrets of Machines" and "Discover the Secrets of Transport" would overlap in content, but they turned out to be completely different. “Secrets of Machines” mainly tells about the life cycle of cars: how they are assembled on a conveyor, how they are repaired in a workshop, how they are taken to a landfill, etc. train, plane, cruise ship, etc. If you choose between these two books, then I probably still would have stopped at the first, but if you can buy both, then know that they complement each other perfectly. nine0003
Well, "Secrets of the Airport" is an extremely useful acquisition if you have to travel by plane (well, in general, to develop your horizons, of course). It tells in detail what and why people do at the airport, what procedures they go through, where their luggage goes along the moving belt, etc.
You can see all book spreads on video.

After reading this series, Taisiya began to regularly play rescuers, with even greater enthusiasm began to help me with cooking and decided that she wanted to become an artist. Indeed, it seems to me that the series will not leave any child indifferent, because it is very accessible , in bright interesting pictures it is told about professions that are closest to children's understanding. At the moment, there are books in the series about a baker, an artist, a tailor, a driver, a lifeguard.
The books describe what a representative of a particular profession does, what he uses during work, how he learns, and examples of the results of his work in real life are given. You can also learn many interesting nuances from books, for example, in a book about a baker we are told about traditional breads from different countries, in a story about a tailor you can learn how clothes were sewn many, many years ago, etc. There is a lot of information, but it is presented in a very entertaining way.
4. R. Scarry City of Good Deeds (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
Another great book designed to tell a child about how our world works. The city of good deeds is inhabited by funny characters who find themselves in the most ordinary everyday situations on the pages of the book. Thanks to them, it is funny and interesting to learn about how the post office, the railway station, the hospital works, how bread is made, roads, houses are built and corn is grown. You can even get the first idea about the circulation of money in the economy! Everything seems to be so familiar and understandable, but for a child this is a whole world of discoveries. And what a fascinating world! There are so many interesting details here that you can look at for a long time. But most importantly, when you go out into the street, you can see what was read about and discuss it together. nine0003
Residents of the city always have something going wrong: the waiter spills the soup on the way to the client, or the pig mixes the dough so diligently that it falls headlong into it. This kind irony, on the one hand, attracts children very much, and on the other hand, it carries a very valuable message - the world is not perfect and people can make mistakes too.
One can find fault with the quality of the book's printing, and even with the text (the text is rather clumsy, and I have to tell a lot from myself). But I am not a picky person, and if a book captivates a child so much, then I simply stop noticing its shortcomings
I would like to note that this book is very similar to another work by Richard Scarry - "From morning to evening in the city of good deeds" (I wrote about it in a selection of educational books for children from 2 years old) - it deals with life in less detail situations, and fewer areas of our lives are affected, so for a child over 3 years old, it is definitely better to choose the "City of Good Deeds".
5. G. Sapgir "The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic or Merry Mathematics" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
There are many, many books and manuals with simple math games and puzzles for kids. Moreover, as a rule, most of them are focused on memorizing numbers (like "Learning to count" from Kumon, for example). The book about Kubarik and Tomatic is not like all the others. Firstly, there are no such concepts as a number and a sign in it at all. She does not teach the child to solve examples and even count to ten. But she teaches to UNDERSTAND mathematics. And, secondly, this is not even a textbook or manual. This is an adventure tale, the plot of which is organically woven into simple logical and mathematical puzzles. Such a unique artistic and mathematical fairy tale
Kubarik and Tomatic during their adventures, together with the little reader, learn such important concepts as one-many, more-less, the same, longer-shorter, front-back-middle, learn to divide objects into two equal and unequal parts , recognize forms, etc. You must be saying that most children at the age of 3 are already familiar with these concepts. And I agree with you. We also read this book, when Taisiya already perfectly mastered all these concepts. But this book was an excellent opportunity to consolidate our knowledge and put it into practice, which is worth a lot! But it seems to me that it is not worth reading a book before the age of 3, since the plot of the fairy tale itself will not be very clear to a two-year-old child. nine0003
Recently, the second part of Kubarik and Tomatic's adventures has finally been released, it already contains an acquaintance with both numbers and ordinal counting. In my opinion, it is also great for children 3-4 years old. And, by the way, the stories in the books are not related, so if you wish, you can buy the second part without the first.
6. "SDA for children" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
It is unlikely that I would have guessed to buy a book about the rules of the road three-year-old Taisiya. But at this age, she began to bombard me with questions about traffic on the roads so actively that I just had to do it. “Why aren’t we driving now?”, “Why did you honk?”, “Why are we letting pedestrians through?”. Well, after a little educational program: “Are we on the main road now?” nine0003
For a long time I was determined between Shalaeva's "Rules of the road" and "SDA for children". In the end, I couldn't resist and bought both. In general, both books are good, but Shalaeva’s rough illustrations and less clear presentation of the material scare her a little. I have no complaints at all about the “SDA for Children”. It reveals all the basic rules of behavior on the road that a child may need, briefly describes some traffic signs, and analyzes the incorrect behavior of the characters. The age limit of the publisher, in my opinion, is clearly overstated. It will be interesting from 3 years. Both girls and boys. nine0003
7. E. Kachur "If you want to be healthy" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
Elena Kachur's audio encyclopedias with the famous Chevostik and Uncle Kuzey are our faithful companions in traffic jams and on a long journey. Some discs were almost memorized ( DOWNLOAD DISCS ). And, of course, we were very happy when the opportunity arose to see Chevostik "live". Despite the fact that the disc about health was listened to many times, we also got a lot of pleasure from reading the paper version. nine0003
The book tells about exercises, hardening, washing, maintaining a straight posture, useful and harmful products (I must say right away that the book does not correspond to the ideas of vegetarians about healthy food). All material is presented in an artistic form, in the form of a dialogue between Chevostik and Uncle Kuzey. The funny little boy is interested in everything, he tirelessly asks questions, of course, he regularly makes mistakes, which makes Taisiya smile. All in all, an interesting and informative read.
8. E. Karganova "What time is it?" (Labyrinth)
After 3 years, I began to slowly introduce Taisiya to watches. So far, without mentioning the minutes and other difficulties. Only the most basic ideas about which hand is needed for what, and how to find out what time it is. For three years, this task is quite feasible. And the book "What time is it?" excellent helper in this matter.
In poetic form, it tells what the guys do at one or another hour of the day: they wake up at 7 and have breakfast, have lunch at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, etc. I must say that not all references to time correspond to our regime, but it seems to me that this is not so important. The main thing is that the main essence is clear - the day passes, and as the day progresses, the arrow on the clock also moves. And the most interesting thing here is that while reading, we can scroll the hands of the clock on the cover ourselves, using the wheels on the side. nine0003
The illustrations in the book, of course, are not the most highly artistic, but they cope with their main task - you can clearly see all the daily worries of the guys. The book is made of thick cardboard.
Here is another book, very similar in its idea, from the publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis" - "Tick-tock". In it, we can track the routine of the bear's day and also turn the hands of the clock.
9. Why? From what? Why?" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop) and "Why and why for children" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
A good children's book is one that parents are BORED! No, really, it seems to me that over the past year I have re-read the book "Horses and Ponies" from the series "Why? From what? Why?" cover to cover at least 50 times! My daughter, like many girls, is a big fan of horses, so this book was just a dream come true for her. The information about horses here is exhaustive: from the equipment of the horse to how the foal is born. The drawings are beautiful and detailed. nine0003
In general, the whole series “Why? From what? Why?" very worthy. Thanks to the opening windows and magnificent illustrations, the books capture the attention of the child and reveal different topics intelligibly. True, for some reason, the same books are not consistently published in the series, the publishing house constantly releases books similar in content, but by different authors. And recently they even created a very similar series - "Why and why to children." So, for example, our book “Horses and Ponies” is no longer on sale, but there are such analogues: “Pony”, “Horses and Ponies”. nine0003
Also from this series we had the book "Dinosaurs", from which we got our first ideas about these ancient lizards. At the moment, there is such an analogue on sale - "Dinosaurs".
10. "Such different dinosaurs" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
Continuing the theme of dinosaurs, I cannot but tell you about this masterpiece. This is the funniest educational book I've ever read, it's easy to make out all the quotes! We laughed with the whole family, honestly. And then we played out stories from the book for a very long time in our games with dinosaurs. nine0003
The authors approached the process of creating the book creatively and in addition to boring facts (which are also found in the second half of the book), they added many funny scenes where dinosaurs, having voices, talk to each other and express their opinion on a particular issue . Moreover, the plots are kind of funny, but at the same time, from them we learn absolutely real facts from the life of dinosaurs. For example, about how triceratops unite to defend themselves from predators, how oviaraptors steal eggs from herbivores, etc. nine0003
I heartily recommend this book.
11. L. Tarasenko “Cognitive Tales” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
To my shame, I didn’t know anything about the life of ants before. Who would have thought that they have nurse ants, guard ants, and even a queen. I only remotely guessed about the very thoughtful structure of the anthill. Now I understand how many discoveries I made for myself with the advent of my daughter! For some reason, these discoveries passed me by in my childhood. Fortunately, my daughter was more fortunate, now there is so much well-thought-out literature that simply will not let you remain in blind ignorance. nine0003
This series is a prime example of this. The most interesting natural and animal phenomena are described here in the form of fairy tales, understandable even to a three-year-old. The illustrations are very high quality. In general, you will have to try very hard to remain ignorant
In this series, we liked the books “Gnome in the Ant Hill”, “The Appearance of the Ant”, “Ship of the Desert”, “Kangarong House” the most in this series.
0115 (Ozon, My-shop)
It took me a long time to find an animal encyclopedia that met all my requirements. The creators of baby encyclopedias often sin by overloading their creations with boring facts that only a very big animal lover wants to read. I liked this encyclopedia with a small amount of text and wording that is accessible to children's understanding. Yes, and a selection of facts is quite high quality.
All text is accompanied by colorful, clear photographs and fun drawings. All this is perfectly combined and looks attractive to the children's eyes. nine0003
Here is our book, here is the same one, only with a new cover.
13. M. Anvin “Who lives in our country house” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
that knows about this or that animal, but creates a real intrigue. Once on the page, we see that someone has just been here and ran away (or hid), and we have to figure out who it is, focusing on all sorts of clues (footprints, an image of a part of the body, pieces of leftover food). nine0003
Turning the page, we get the answer, and with it a brief information about this mysterious animal.
14. T. Muller "A Year with Swallows" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
At first glance, this book may seem very simple. But upon closer examination, it becomes clear that this is much more than just a book about swallows. There is a whole range of natural phenomena here. From the book, we learn about the change of seasons, and about climatic conditions in different parts of the earth, and even about the internal compass. A pleasant translation, the text flowing like a song, allows you to really immerse yourself in the life of migratory birds, to feel all their worries and vicissitudes of life. nine0003
You can learn about the life of urban birds from the second book of T. Muller - "A Year with Sparrows" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop).
15. T. Laval "Find and show" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)
And, of course, this review will not do without peepers. Books from the Find and Show series differ from ordinary Wimmelbuch books in that they also have an educational function. The material in them is selected on various topics and can be a great help in studying topics such as dinosaurs, transport, animals, etc. I liked the books “Around the World” and “5 Continents” the most, we used them in thematic classes on the Arctic, wilderness and other "geographical journeys". From these bright, detailed and even very funny pictures, you can learn a lot about the life of people and animals in a particular area. And you can invent different stories about them. nine0003
Books of an unusual size - when folded they are narrow and long, but unfold into large colorful pictures. This was done for a reason, but on purpose so that we could peek on the sides of the cheat sheets - they indicate who else can be found on the page.
16. Books on the development of speech
Having finished this article, I remembered that I completely forgot to write about good manuals for the development of speech and articulation. I won’t write about them in detail here, the article turned out to be huge anyway, I’ll leave them for a post on the development of speech.