Learning games that are fun
Word Games | Learning Games For Kids
Word Games
Hangman Games
Unscramble Games
Word Search Games
Hangman Games
Amphibian Hangmouse
Honeybee Hangmouse
Butterfly Hangmouse
Arachnid Hangmouse
Big Cat Hangmouse
Birds Hangmouse
Crustacean Hangmouse
Fish Hangmouse
Jellyfish Hangmouse
Marsupial Hangmouse
Monkey Hangmouse
Octopus Hangmouse
Reptile Hangmouse
David Copperfield HangMouse
Huckleberry Finn HangMouse
Gulliver’s Travels HangMouse
How to Eat Fried Worms HangMouse
Madeline HangMouse
The Black Stallion HangMouse
To Kill A Mockingbird HangMouse
Where the Sidewalk Ends HangMouse
Where the Wild Things Are HangMouse
Wuthering Heights HangMouse
Unscramble Games
Amphibian Unscramble
Salamander Unscramble
Frog Unscramble
Honeybee Unscramble
Butterfly Unscramble
Arachnid Unscramble
Big Cat Unscramble
Birds Unscramble
Crustacean Unscramble
Fish Unscramble
Jellyfish Unscramble
Marsupial Unscramble
Monkey Unscramble
Octopus Unscramble
Reptile Unscramble
Sharks Unscramble
Whale Unscramble
Word Scramble II
Word Scramble
Word Search Games
Amphibian Wordsearch
Honeybee Wordsearch
Butterfly Wordsearch
Arachnid Wordsearch
Big Cat Wordsearch
Birds Wordsearch
Crustacean Wordsearch
Fish Wordsearch
Jellyfish Wordsearch
Marsupial Wordsearch
Monkey Wordsearch
Octopus Wordsearch
Reptile Word Search
Swamp Animal Wordsearch
Huckleberry Finn Word Search
David Copperfield Word Search
Gulliver’s Travels Word Search
How to Eat Fried Worms Word Search
Madeline Word Search
The Black Stallion Word Search
To Kill A Mockingbird Word Search
Where the Sidewalk Ends Word Search
Where the Wild Things Are Word Search
Wuthering Heights Word Search
Word Games
Kids love games and because online games are such a terrific resource, parents and teachers have begun using online games to teach.
Word games like Hangman, Unscramble, and Word Search are only some of the wonderful games that teach kids how to remember new vocabulary words.
Learning new vocabulary is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using word games for a teaching tool. Kids can increase their spelling skills as well. By using a great game like Unscramble, kids can learn to spell new words or can learn to remember all the words on their current spelling list.
Great word search games can increase vocabulary by helping children to expand their knowledge of what words mean. Using a word search game in the classroom can be helpful to teachers as well. Teachers can increase the excitement of students by allowing game time instead of just using a simple list for study time.
Word games build skills that enhance overall writing skills, as well. Sentence writing and paragraph writing begin with understanding how words connect together. Word games remind young writers that words are more than just nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
They are creative tools that can make communication better and FUN, too.
No matter how they are used, word games can increase the learning ability of all types of students.
Free Learning Games for Kids Online
RoomRecess.com is dedicated to providing children with free learning games that are fun. Our online games reinforce important skills that are vital to elementary students and their educational process. RoomRecess.com was developed entirely by an elementary school teacher with the goal of reinforcing fundamental learning concepts in math, reading, spelling, language arts, typing, and problem solving. Because our learning games are free, students do not have to sign up or hold an account with us. Children can simply load up an activity and have fun learning online while they play! |
Our top math learning games for kids to learn math skills.![]() | ||||||
Math learning games provide kids with a fun way to practice essential math skills. Our free learning games will help reinforce important educational skills such as computation, geometry, fractions, decimals, place value, rounding, integers, problem solving and much more. Elementary students enjoy learning through playing games that are fun. | ||||||
Our most popular reading games for children to practice educational strategies. | ||||||
Reading skills are vital to today’s elementary students.![]() |
Free games to help kids learn grammar, spelling, sight words, and other word skills. | ||||||
Kids love word games that are fun. We take word games to a whole new level, encouraging children to go on adventures and solve puzzles.![]() | ||||||
Children of all ages will enjoy these typing games and computer activities. | ||||||
Students of all ages need computer skills. Our educational games for kids provide a variety of ways for children to become more comfortable with the value of computers. Many of our online games encourage accuracy and speed, while other learning games help younger students learn mouse skills.![]() | ||||||
Other educational activities and tools to help learning online in the classroom. | ||||||
We also feature a few classroom tools for teachers and a few extra learning games that are fun. Here you'll find a free random number generator, classroom timer, a social studies game, and a huge trivia game that covers 5 subjects. | ||||||
Learning games sorted into special categories.![]() | ||||||
To help make your educational game searches easier, we chose to create some pages where learning games are sorted into special themes. The themes we chose appeared most often in our search results. | ||||||
Free Online Learning Games for Kids that are Fun
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What computer games can be fun and beneficial for the mind? | Technology and the Internet
Elite cinema, which is undoubtedly a real art, can deliver aesthetic pleasure. Literature, painting, music have the same effect on a person.
Computer games are not considered to be art. However, I do not agree with this. Hollywood blockbusters and comedies are also unlikely to deliver the pleasure that we usually get from a real work of art. The same applies to much of modern literature, painting, photography. It is impossible to judge the value of this or that kind of art by its not the best samples.
Also, computer games cannot be judged only by the notorious shooters and simulators. Some games really deserve to be called a work of art.
The best games, in my opinion, are created in the quest or adventure genre. In games of this genre, the player progresses through the story, interacting with the game world through the search and application of objects, communication with various characters and solving puzzles.
Games in this genre combine several art forms. Literature - these games always have an exciting plot that could be the basis for a good book (some games have already been made based on the plot of famous literary works). Music - gameplay is accompanied by music that matches the atmosphere of the game. Sculpture - the creation of three-dimensional characters requires no less painstaking work than the creation of a stone monument. Architecture - the creators of the game have to "build" houses, palaces, streets and cities. Acting - the voice-over of the dialogues of the characters in the game and much more is of great importance.
I think that a computer game can be called a work of art, those who played the quests created by the Frenchman Benoit Sokal - "Siberia" and "Siberia 2" will agree with me. These are amazing games with an exciting storyline, great graphics, great music.
The game's protagonist, American Kate Walker, is tasked with going to the Swiss Alps to purchase a mechanical toy factory. There she learns the secret of the deceased factory owner and goes in search of her brother Hans to get his signature on a document authorizing the deal.
Having traveled by train to different places, Keith in one of the cities of Siberia finds a sick and old Hans, who is also on the way - he went to the mysterious island of Siberia, where mammoths still live. Meeting them was the dream of his whole life. Having received Hans's signature, Kate can go home, where her mother, fiancé and boss are waiting for her, but ... Kate decides to do things differently. When you watch the final video of this game, you begin to feel a lump in your throat and feel how tears fill your eyes.
The second part of the game (a continuation of the first) is no less interesting. Kate will have to visit the Russian outback (in the town of Romansburg), visit a monastery, take a train ride through the snowy expanses of Siberia, find yourself in the past, and then return to the present, as well as go fishing, climbing and catapulting. And, in the end, to see them - live mammoths!
The finale of the second part, like the first, will make you cry, experiencing something like catharsis. To get this feeling from the game, you need to solve various puzzles and logic tasks. It will not be boring! This game will be interesting for both adults and children.
Not so long ago Sokal's new game "Paradise" was released. It is inferior to the games of the Siberia series both in terms of plot, picture, and tasks, but it is still interesting. Children will also enjoy playing with it.
A good game, interesting for both adults and children from 7 years old, is called "Return to the mysterious island". Its plot is a continuation of the book by Jules Verne. This is a kind, touching story of a girl who ended up on the island of Captain Nemo. She had to go through a survival school on a desert island, make friends with a funny monkey, and solve some interesting logic puzzles and puzzles that allowed her to leave the island and go home.
Many quests have a detective or mystical plot. Among them, too, according to people who are fond of, there are real works of art. These are the games "Post Mortem", "Still life", "Black Mirror", "Resident of Darkness", "Jack the Ripper", "Rustle" and others. In my opinion, the game "Still life" deserves special attention.
A maniac is operating in the city, our heroine is entrusted with the investigation. Together with her, the player will have to examine the scene, collect evidence and make an examination, interview witnesses. While investigating this case, the heroine will stumble upon the memoirs of her grandfather (Gus MacPherson, the hero of the Post Mortem game) and find a lot of similarities between the case she is in charge of and the events that happened many years ago in the life of her grandparents. You will have to play for both Gus and his granddaughter. The player will need to solve many difficult riddles and puzzles. If the player copes with these tasks, then together with the heroine he will solve the case of a maniac and find out who he is, this ruthless killer?
There are also purely children's quests. True, I would not call any of them a work of art. However, there are good games. For example, the game "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent". The plot of the game corresponds to the plot of the cartoon of the same name. However, in order to watch this “cartoon” to the end, the child will need to “work with his head”.
Quests and adventure games are useful in that they develop thinking. By the way, among people who constantly play quests, there are no patients with gambling addiction. This disease appears in those who prefer "shooters" and "walkers", that is, games that do not require intellectual stress.
If a child spends a lot of time at the computer, is passionate about games, it is better that they be in the quest or adventure genre. Adults can get real pleasure from games that capture their story and atmosphere. Great graphics, great music, a fascinating story, an exciting atmosphere, interesting dialogues and entertaining tasks - all this will bring pleasure and help brighten up your leisure time for the benefit of the mind.
Play good games, but remember - experts advise playing no more than one and a half - two hours a day, remembering to take ten-minute breaks every 30 - 60 minutes!
Enjoy your gameplay and know that if you can’t complete a difficult quest on your own, you can find ways to complete it on the Internet!
Tags: pleasure, computer games, development, entertainment, leisure, child
online educational games for preschoolers and primary school children
Preparation for school / Logical thinking / Games
LogicLike has more than 3500 tasks for logic and ingenuity in the game format. Interactive puzzles and puzzles, honeycombs, sudoku, entertaining questions and much more.
Select a student's age to get started
4-5 years old
6-7 years
1-2 class
3-9 grade
15+ for myself
I am a teacher
What educational games do children need?
Good logic games develop mindfulness and ingenuity, the ability to find non-standard solutions.
- Freedom of choice, no adult coercion - one of the key points for the harmonious development of the child.
- The game should bring joy and desire to succeed: find the right way to solve the problem, give the right answer, be the first among the participants.
- Children's games for the development of attention, thinking, observation should have a figurative expression, accompanied by clear and vivid illustrations.
- Tasks for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren should consist of simple sentences, not have a double interpretation and relate to objects, phenomena and processes understandable to the child.
- For the development of cognitive interest and ingenuity, we recommend collection of children's riddles from the LogicLike team. To help parents, teachers, educators, we have chosen the best thematic ones and added our author's riddles suitable for the age of children 4-10 years.
In the game, children learn about the world and constantly develop
A game for a child is a natural, unconstrained activity, the main form of thinking development. and personality. What do children always enjoy doing? Play! alone, with parents or peers, toys or any objects you like.
Through play activity, the child learns the world: learns the properties and characteristics of others his objects, masters social roles and learns to interact with other children and adults acquires skills and proves its viability.
The inquisitive mind of a child is constantly looking for new food for research. And this fact cannot be ignore, on the contrary, it is necessary to use as much as possible for the development and education of toddlers, preschoolers and schoolchildren.
Educational games and tasks online on the LogicLike platform
We have everything you were looking for
Try the LogicLike course!Start the course!
Classes on the site in a game format are fun and effective for development of logic and mathematical abilities.
Logic games, tasks for attention and memory from LogicLike - interesting, interactive. fit for daily activities of children from 5-6 years old.
Each game has its own educational potential: they develop logic, attentiveness and speed of thought.
The best types of logic games for children 5-10 years old
The use of the game format as the main method of developing logic and thinking is very effectively, especially for students in grades 1-5. Among the many games that develop logic, memory and thinking at For younger students, we recommend the following:
- Chess, checkers. These games have long been recognized the best simulators for abstract thinking, logic, mathematical and predictive abilities. Playing chess and checkers, children learn to analyze the opponent's actions, think over possible behavior options, build logical chains and do independent inferences. In addition, chess requires a great concentration attention, good memory and certain volitional efforts, while actively working figurative and strategic thinking. Try entertaining tasks on the chess field.
- Custom jobs . Fulfilling monotonous exercises, the child quickly gets tired, loses interest in the lesson.
To support mental activity at a high level, children need to be offered unusual tasks. Solving tasks makes the child's brain work more actively, be more attentive.
- Olympiad tasks for children. Solving examples, problems, equations, algorithms, using a coordinate system, construction projections and other mathematical actions are directly aimed at the development of logic, spatial thinking, analytical abilities, contribute to the formation systemic thinking and intellectual abilities in general.
- Numeric and other math puzzles. Their use will make the learning process more exciting and varied. For the development of logical thinking, a gradual complication of tasks and lack of uniformity.
- Logic tasks and riddles on logic. Deciding tasks on logic, memory and thinking, the child learns to establish logical connections, analyze and compare data, classify objects, identify their common properties and features, generalize, perform other logical actions. Children love to solve riddles more need to think, reflect, the more excitement and pleasure they get. The clue is not must be obvious.
- Jobs from matches. In children 5-7 years old, visual-figurative thinking prevails, therefore they especially like tasks for moving objects.
- Puzzle - popular kind of intellectual games for both children and adults.
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