Learning number games
Number Sense Games for Kids Online
Learning Numbers Games for KidsThe idea that kids are uncomfortable with numbers is a myth. A lot of it actually depends on how they are exposed to the world of mathematics. Kids develop number sense gradually and with practice.
To understand numbers better, kids need to visualize them in multiple contexts. When students are able to take the numbers outside of their textbooks and apply them in real-life scenarios, their understanding becomes concrete. Math games for number sense accelerate this process by providing children with an interactive environment and using cases that they can connect with.
Number recognition games, number sequence games, counting games, writing numbers games, skip counting games, place value games, etc. can help improve your child’s understanding of numbers greatly.
Some other math games that you can explore are: addition games, fraction games, decimal games, geometry games, measurement games, algebra games, etc.
Number sense is a concept that some people can find challenging to define. In today's time, children are exposed to a variety of concepts and activities that help them develop more clarity.
Number sense includes knowing the relationship between the number and the quantity, understanding the concept of more or less, and larger than and smaller than, understanding the order of numbers in a list and identifying if there are any missing numbers, understanding symbols and number vocabulary. Number sense math games for kids can be used to introduce and teach number sense related concepts in a way so that children can have absolute mastery over the subject.
How can we make number sense fun for kids?Number sense can be made fun for kids by using gamified learning tools. These tools enhance the learning experience by making it more immersive and relatable. Through math games for number sense, children are encouraged to practice number sense using real-life situations in order to have a more practical knowledge of the concept.
Number sense math games for kids help students to deepen their understanding of number sense. They help children to identify and recognize numbers, count and compare objects, sequence numbers, compose and decompose numbers, recognize patterns, match numbers and use math operations like addition and subtraction to enhance their number sense skills.
FAQs1. How do you practice number sense for kids?Several times, parents may not be as comfortable with number sense and may lack the teaching methods to help their kids develop this skill. This is where gamification can make a considerable difference. Interesting online games can help your child develop a natural liking for the subject. Number sense games are wonderful to learn and practice the concept of number sense with ease.
2. How to teach number sense?In the absence of number sense, kids tend to rely on lengthy procedures and can get unnerved when they see a new problem.
They are also unable to figure out if their answer is reasonable and logical or not. In such scenarios, there are high chances they may start disliking math. Learning numbers games can be used to teach and develop a strong number sense. They can help children become more comfortable with numbers, their relationships, and calculations.
Number sense math games can be used to teach your child the concept of number sense. They help children visualize numbers in different contexts and make your child comfortable with numbers and their values. Online number sense games gently take kids out of their comfort zones only to make them more confident in their mathematical skills. They make practicing number sense easy while making learning fun and enjoyable.
4. How can kids play games on number sense?Online games help students to apply the concepts of number sense better. Children need considerable practice to become comfortable with number sense, spotting patterns, and predicting outcomes. Math games for number sense help in building these skills with ease. As kids move across levels, their learning gets reinforced. These games provide a platform for children to explore numbers at a pace they’re comfortable with.
Math activities to practice number sense may include counting and grouping a set of objects, using a number chart or flashcards, solving number puzzles, building numbers using ten-frames, etc.
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Number Recognition Games for Kids Online
Number Recognition Games from SplashLearn bring out the hidden talent of kids in a fun and exciting way. Learning tricky maths becomes easy with these games. And, for a parent, nothing can be more soothing than watching kids practice maths on their own. Since these games are self-explanatory and fun, kids engross themselves in activity, and their educational needs get fulfilled. Grab a comfy seat, as you will soon explore some best ways to make your kids love mathematics.
Mathematics is one of the most challenging subjects your child will ever encounter in life. Maths is all about numbers. The faster kids recognize the numbers, the easier it will be for them to understand mathematics. SplashLearn Number Recognition Games help the kids learn numbers in an exciting and fun way. Check the following sections to know more.
Fun and Games with Numbers!SplashLearn's interactive and educational Number Recognition Games encourage your kids to learn mathematics and improve their grades. The following are some unique ways to make learning fun:
- Click Pictures & Match - Let your kids click pictures of various objects like monkeys, pigs, etc., in a photo farm. The visual images are attractive and funny. After clicking the pictures, they count the number of objects in each image and match the number with its corresponding written number. This is an excellent educational and fun game for recognising numbers.
- Match The Number Cards - Match The Number Cards is a unique game that hooks your child's attention through vivid imagery. As the character in the game throws a number card, kids need to match it with the displayed number. They can proceed to the next step only after matching the correct number.
Besides these games, kids can also play games like Spot The Numbers and Identify The Number Cards to sharpen their mathematical skills in a fun way.
Overcome your kids’ Challenges via Games on Number RecognitionWhile it is true that Number Recognition Games are attractive and straightforward, kids may feel overwhelmed by the vivid imagery. They may also confuse numbers like 6 and 9, 2 and 5, 1 and 7, etc. Another challenge they may face is retaining the numbers in their memory.
The best way you can help kids overcome these challenges is by supporting them as they perform fun tasks. Encourage them as much as you can, as a bit of encouragement can make them stay focused.
Another technique that may help them remember the numbers is through repetition. Since SplashLearn allows you unlimited access to these games, you can make them play frequently. Remember, the more they practice, the better they remember.
ConclusionRecognizing numbers is a crucial mathematical skill that kids learn at an early stage. If your child has been struggling to grasp the concept of numbers, allow them to play SplashLearn's interactive online Number Recognition Games. These games enrich their knowledge in a fun and exciting way.
Let us know how you teach the concept of number recognition. Write to us at [email protected] with your feedback and comments.
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90,000 development games Learn numbers for childrenContent
- Cards with “Learn numbers”
- Cose-ciphera
- Cover the correct numbers
- numbers
- of the game “Learn numbers” for children
- Make a number
- Numbers by numbers
- Finders
- Pantomime
- Laughter
- Gymnastics by numbers
- Find the mistake 900 with numbers 5 Memory 0005 Tangram “Figures”
- Coloring numbers
- Table games “Learn numbers” for children
- Mixed Domino
- Print tasks “Learn numbers” for children
- Digital Labyrinth
- We count on fingers up to 10
Developing games “Developing games” Learn numbers" for children: a selection of fun games and tasks. Print out children's tasks with numbers for preschoolers.
Children aged 2-5 usually do not yet know all the numbers, but only name or “recognize” some of them. Kids confuse a number and a number, a number and a letter, they confuse numbers with each other: zero and the letter 0, G and 1, 2 and 5, 9and 6, 1 and 4, etc. Often violate the sequence between adjacent numbers from a series.
Certain difficulties arise in some children when the result of the count must be indicated by a number or the figure must be correlated with the required number of items.
Lessons "Learn numbers" for preschool children will allow you to easily and quickly eliminate such problems in a playful way.
Here: games for children "Let's learn letters".
Cards with sheep "Learn numbers"
Educational cards - visual material, convenient for explaining any topic. Therefore, it is successfully used in the study of numbers.
Copy-book numbers
Here: Print additional copy-book numbers for children.
Circle the correct numbers
Lego numbers
Learning numbers games for kids
Name it!
Numbers made from different materials are considered: paper, cardboard, fabric, printed on cards of different sizes and colors, written or printed, etc. In the process of such a lesson, you can find out what numbers the child knows and where he saw them.
Make a number
It is proposed to lay out numbers from circles, sticks, cubes, triangles, mosaics, mold them from plasticine, clay. You can cut out numbers from velvet or plain paper, old newspapers or magazines, fabrics and stick them on.
For plasticine figures there is a wonderful manual - Plasticine account. It will teach a child to sculpt a number and help to remember it by creating an illustration for it from plasticine.
Numbers by cells
It is necessary to paint over the cells, as in the sample, and get numbers from 0 to 9.
Cards with numbers are laid out on the table. The child receives a card with a number. You have to find yours.
The adult draws a number in the air with his finger, and the child guesses it, then they switch roles.
By drawing or drawing, the figures turn into "little men", "animals" or other funny figures.
Gymnastics by numbers
An adult offers (squat, jump) to a child as many times as the number indicates.
Find the mistake
The child is shown two cards. The kid needs to determine whether the image of the number on one card matches the number of circles, triangles or objects on the other card.
Memory with numbers
The child examines cards with numbers and memorizes them. The adult swaps them. The kid points out what has changed. If any card is removed, the child guesses which number is gone.
Tangram “Numbers”
Sensorics will help you remember writing numbers: write numbers, mold from plasticine, lay them out from buttons, pompons, figurines, sticks . .. Here are the numbers from the tangram.
More tangram tasks here.
Coloring pages for numbers
You can take coloring pages with numbers and invite your child to color them. The child will be interested in creativity, and at the same time consolidate knowledge about the new figure.
Here: Print out the number coloring tasks.
So that the coloring process does not bore the child, you need to use various interesting techniques for this
- paint numbers not only with pencils, but also with paints, wax crayons, stamps;
- lay out numbers from sticks, cubes, mosaics, buttons, peas, pebbles;
- model numbers from plasticine,
- color with fingers using finger paints;
- use non-traditional drawing techniques: cotton buds, crumpled paper, blots, etc.
Board games "Learn numbers" for children
Any walking board games teach counting. Children must understand the number corresponding to the number of dots on the top face of the die that has fallen out, and make the corresponding number of moves forward.
When your child has learned to easily count up to 6, play with two dice at the same time, so you will train not only numbers and numbers up to 12, but also addition.
Download and print board games for free!
Mixed domino
The difference between this domino and the classical one is that the child must quickly analyze and correlate the written number and the number of dots.
It is difficult to play with paper dominoes;
Includes 36 dominoes.
Print tasks "Learning numbers" for children
Digital maze
Counting on fingers up to 10
And what tasks for children for learning numbers from the proposed did you like ?
10 Number Learning Games in English
Today we will talk about numbers. What can be done with them? Yes, anything - draw, invent associations, paint, cut, sculpt, decipher (my children love to play translators of secret magical languages) and so on!
The main task of teachers is to motivate children, arouse interest in English, love it and love the learning process. What do children love? Children love to play and have fun. I propose to use this method to memorize English words and anchor the English language with positive emotions, so that for the child it would be like a mini-holiday, so that he would run to the lesson with pleasure!
How to memorize numbers in English?
Decoding of magic signs
The top position is always played by transcripts from magical languages.
I "encrypt" English letters, the children translate. For example,
JI☼ - what is it?
Below they are given a “translator”
J— o
I— n
☼- e
And the children make words (only icons in the translator, of course, for each letter of the English alphabet).
Here are some more examples of how to teach numbers in English.
1) Thumb up! Down!
I use this technique both for memorizing the alphabet (if you are interested, here is the article: “How to learn English letters and sounds”), and for memorizing the numbers of the English language. Thumb up - pronounce numbers in English in order, thumb down - in reverse order.
2) Forbidden number
We stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, but each new circle we assign a forbidden number. When the turn of the forbidden number comes, instead of saying it, you need to perform some action that you discuss together during the game (clap your hands, stomp, crouch, jump, etc.). Great for memory development and fun for kids!
3) 2 balls
There are two balls this time. For example, green - count in order, yellow - in reverse order. We throw not in turn, but the balls work in a circle at the same time ... Even my brain breaks down 🙂
4) Match
For speed in two teams, you need to compare the numbers with the words denoting them.
5) Cut and put together
We write the learned numbers in English on the cards in capital letters, cut them into pieces of different sizes and shapes, and the children must collect these pieces for a while.
6) Bingo!
We also already wrote about this game in the article "Games for children to memorize words." The meaning is the same, but we only use numbers in English instead of letters.
7) What's missing?
We lay out the cards with numbers, first in order, then in a scatter. The children close their eyes and the teacher hides one of the cards. Opening their eyes, the children say what is missing.
And it's not enough just to guess, you also have to find it, the children look around the class, and the teacher says where it's warm and where it's cold.
8) Songs, chants
The songs are usually very simple, but the children like them and stick to their memory. When the lesson ends, everyone continues to sing songs. And so am I. 🙂
9) Maths
Many children don’t like math at school, but for some reason they love English math!))
10) Energizing numbers
Children get tired of sitting for a long time, nothing energizes them like movement !
We come up with (all together) funny moves for each number (for example, “one” – jump on one leg and shout “Hurray”!).