Lesson plans for math in kindergarten
Kindergarten Lesson Plans | Teacher.org
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Kindergarten is often a child's first experience with formal education. With that said, kindergarten teachers are always looking for new and interesting ways to introduce curriculum to their excited students. The lessons below span across multiple subject areas and objectives. Each lesson is written by an experienced teacher. The kindergarten lesson plan section will continue to grow as more teachers share their lessons with the Teacher.org community. We encourage you to contact us if you have lessons that you are proud of and would like to share! You have the power to inspire our future.
Kindergarten Arts Lesson Plans
Chinese New Year
Length of Time: 50-60 minutes
This highly engaging Social Studies lesson on Chinese New Year is integrated with elements of performing arts (drama). This lesson is appropriate for students in K-3, as it can be easily modified.
Chinese New Year - Fan Dance
Length of Time: 50-60 minutes
A hands-on lesson which integrates Social Studies concepts with performing arts (dance). Students will delve into customs of Chinese New Year by exploring traditional artifacts and dance.
Chinese New Year - Lion Dance
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is great for grades K-2. It integrates Social Studies with elements of visual and performing arts as the children create a Chinese lion and a dance.
Foil Printing
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes
In this visual arts lesson, students will create a print using paint on foil then add detail to the print.
Friendship - Accepting Differences
Length of Time: 40-50 minutes
This lesson on "Friendship" integrates Social Studies standards along with Music, Dance, and Visual Arts. The lesson focuses on "accepting differences" and is great for grades K-2.
Friendship - Conflict Resolution
Length of Time: 30-40 minutes
This lesson on Friendship and Conflict Resolution integrates Social Studies content along with Visual and Performing Arts (Theater) content.
A highly interactive lesson that is great for kindergartners as well as first graders.
Shaving Syllables
Length of Time: 20-45 Minutes
In this visual arts lesson, students will use a unique medium to create letters, words, and pictures that are easily erased and altered.
Upside Down Art
Length of Time: 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on grade level
This lesson will allow students to practice creating art from a unique perspective while learning about Michelangelo.
Water Color Butterflies
Length of Time: About 30 Minutes
In this visual arts lesson, students will create a tye-dyed or water color butterfly to show how colors mix.
Yarn Painting
Length of Time: 20 to 60 minutes depending on grade level and design
This lesson will allow students to practice creating art using a unique medium, yarn.
Kindergarten English/Language Arts Lesson Plans
Beginning Sound Match
Length of Time: 30-45 minutes
This lesson will allow students to practice both writing names and identifying beginning sounds for common item names.
Fairy Tale
Length of Time: 40-50 minutes
This lesson is great for students who have already been introduced to the concept of "real" and "make-believe" characters. The lesson take students through the elements that make up a fairy tale.
How to Take Care of Our Oceans
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to teach students how and why it is important to take care of our ocean environments.
Learning About Adjectives
Length of Time: 30 - 40 Minutes
Students will be able to name adjectives by describing their favorite characters from the teacher’s story and their own favorite stories.
Rainbow Fish
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to teach students understand the importance of being a good friend through literature and art activities.
Rhyme Time
Length of Time: 20 - 45 Minutes
This lesson will introduce or reinforce word families and rhymes for young children and/or struggling readers.
Rhyming Words
Length of Time: 30-40 minutes
A very fun and engaging rhyming lesson for kindergarten students on rhyming words. Students will have the opportunity to work as a class, with partners, and individually. This lesson comes with modifications and ongoing suggestions for students who might need further assistance.
Story Sequencing
Length of Time: 40-50 minutes
This lesson takes students through the process of sequencing a story using the words first, then, next, and last. The lesson provides opportunities for students to write, draw, listen, act, and speak. The lesson include individual work as well as group work.
Tearing Into Vocabulary
Length of Time: 15-30 Minutes
This is a quick activity to allow students to work cooperatively while increasing awareness of vocabulary for a given lesson.
What is a Verb?
Length of Time: 30 - 40 Minutes
Students will be able to define and give examples of verbs by telling about how they celebrate their birthdays.
Kindergarten Environmental Lesson Plans
Bird Feeder Fun
Length of Time: 10-15 Minutes
Students will create an all natural bird feeder to hang near the school to feed birds during the various seasons.
Classroom Garden From Trash
Length of Time: 10-15 per day for several weeks
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally thrown away.
Keeping Warm in Winter
Length of Time: About 30 Minutes
Students will understand why animals store fat for the winter or colder months and how this affects how temperature is felt. How does the environment and our protection of it help this?
Window Garden
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes. Several more days to watch growth process.
Students will plan, experiment, and observe as seeds grow in a window garden. Students will explore why this is important to the sustainability of our environment.
Kindergarten Math Lesson Plans
Big and Small
Length of Time: 30 - 40 Minutes
A fun lesson to help students understand the concept of big and small and how to compare the two. The lesson involved hands-on activities to make the learning fun and engaging.
Counting Backwards (20-0)
Length of Time: 30-40 minutes
Students will learn how to count backwards from 20-0 in a very fun and exciting way. The lesson includes a hands-on/interactive component where students will be asked to hop backwards while counting. This lesson is great for kindergarten through first grade.
Measuring Length
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to teach students how to measure lengths indirectly and by alternating length units.
Measuring Up
Length of Time: 15-20 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to demonstrate knowledge of length as compared to other objects.
Ocean Animals
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to help students identify and sort common words in basic categories.
Odd or Even
Length of Time: 20-30 minutes
This engaging lesson will help students determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members.
Representing Addition and Subtraction
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to help students represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Skittles Graph
Length of Time: About 30 Minutes
Students will learn to create a small bar graph using candy for information.
Sort It Out
Length of Time: 20 - 30 Minutes
Students will learn to categorize in various ways.
Kindergarten P.E. Lesson Plans
And Freeze!
Length of Time: As Desired
Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class. Students will also work on balance and coordination.
Animal Laps
Length of Time: 1 class period
Combining information about the speed of animals, the students will run laps in the gym or outdoors.
Bear Hunt Obstacle Course
Length of Time: About 30 Minutes
This plan will combine reading with balance and coordination skills to allow students to navigate a simple obstacle course.
Coordination Course
Length of Time: 10-40 Minutes
This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical.
Music Movement
Length of Time: 1 class period
The students will move to the music based on its beat, words, tune, and other variables.
On Top of Spaghetti
Length of Time: 10 - 40 Minutes
This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical.
Plate Aerobics
Length of Time: As Desired
Students will practice basic aerobics moves while trying to stay positioned on paper plates, this aids in coordination.
Ride ‘Em Cowboy/girl
Length of Time: 20- 30 Minutes
This lesson will allow students to practice gross motor skills.
Simon Says
Length of Time: As Desired
Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class.
Ski to the Finish Line
Length of Time: 10 - 40 Minutes
This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical. Students will demonstrate moving straight, backwards, and in a zig-zag pattern.
Kindergarten Science Lesson Plans
All About Our Senses
Length of Time: About 40 Minutes
Students will use their senses to try to identify common objects found in or around the classroom.
All About the Moon
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed for help students understand the importance of the moon. Through multiple activities and demonstrations, students will learn the phases of the moon, what they look like, how it’s lit, and how long it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth.
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to help students understand the concept of outer space and astronauts. Through multiple activities and discussions, students will learn who astronauts are, where they go, and how they get there.
Bird Feeder Fun
Length of Time: 10-15 Minutes
Students will create an all natural bird feeder to hang near the school to feed birds during the various seasons.
Classroom Garden From Trash
Length of Time: 10-15 per day for several weeks
Students will create several plants (a garden) from parts of a plant that are normally thrown away.
Keeping Warm in Winter
Length of Time: About 30 Minutes
Students will understand why animals store fat for the winter or colder months and how this affects how temperature is felt. How does the environment and our protection of it help this?
Learning About Plants
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to teach students understand the elements of what a plant needs to grow, plus the maintenance involved for upkeep.
Learning About Sand
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to help student’s discover what sand look like, how it’s made, and how can we describe it.
Learning About The Sun
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed for help students understand day and night; daily changes in the length and direction of shadows; and different positions of the sun, moon, and stars at different times of the day, month, and year.
Learning About the Five Senses
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to help students “observe common objects by using the five senses, describe the properties of common objects, compare and sort common objects by one physical attribute, communicate observations orally and through drawings.
Salt Water and Fresh Water
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to help students Communicate observations orally and through drawings.
Solar System
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to help students understand that “the orbits of Earth around the sun and of the moon around Earth, together with the rotation of Earth about an axis between its North and South poles, cause observable patterns.
The Earth
Length of Time: About 45
This lesson is designed to help students understand Earth in relation to the Solar System. Through a series or activities and interactive teaching, students will learn that the orbits of Earth around the sun and of the moon around Earth, together with the rotation of Earth about an axis between its North and South poles, cause observable patterns.
Weather In A Bottle
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes
Students will discuss types of weather and create their own tornado in a bottle.
Window Garden
Length of Time: About 20 Minutes. Several more days to watch growth process.
Students will plan, experiment, and observe as seeds grow in a window garden. Students will explore why this is important to the sustainability of our environment.
Kindergarten Social Studies Lesson Plans
Chinese New Year
Length of Time: 50-60 minutes
This highly engaging Social Studies lesson on Chinese New Year is integrated with elements of performing arts (drama). This lesson is appropriate for students in K-3, as it can be easily modified.
Chinese New Year - Fan Dance
Length of Time: 50-60 minutes
A hands-on lesson which integrates Social Studies concepts with performing arts (dance). Students will delve into customs of Chinese New Year by exploring traditional artifacts and dance.
Chinese New Year - Lion Dance
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is great for grades K-2. It integrates Social Studies with elements of visual and performing arts as the children create a Chinese lion and a dance.
Friendship - Accepting Differences
Length of Time: 40-50 minutes
This lesson on "Friendship" integrates Social Studies standards along with Music, Dance, and Visual Arts. The lesson focuses on "accepting differences" and is great for grades K-2.
Friendship - Conflict Resolution
Length of Time: 30-40 minutes
This lesson on Friendship and Conflict Resolution integrates Social Studies content along with Visual and Performing Arts (Theater) content. A highly interactive lesson that is great for kindergartners as well as first graders.
Holiday Traditions
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to help students understand what holidays and festivals are important parts culture through multiple activities, discussions and research surrounding holidays.
Land and Water
Length of Time: About 45 minutes
This lesson is designed to help kindergarten students “distinguish between land and water on maps and globes”.
Rules and Laws
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to help students evaluate rules. It is important since not all rules are necessarily good or appropriate. Sometimes, school rules are arbitrarily imposed, other times they are arrived at as the result of consensus.
Truth and Consequence
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes
This lesson is designed to help students understand the importance of telling the truth, through lessons from history.
How To Create Guided Math Lessons in Kindergarten – KindergartenWorks
Guided math lessons in kindergarten can be easier if you set up a lesson plan format to follow. Let's learn how to set up an easy-to-use format so you can create guided math lessons successfully.
In kindergarten, guided math means that I'm teaching math lessons to small groups of students while the rest of the class is learning independently.
This may mean that I have a lesson plan per small group to create.
But before we throw up our hands and claim that it's "too much work" to create more lesson plans in order to reach multiple levels of students - let me share a lesson plan format with you that makes planning for multiple groups easier and not necessarily more work.
If you're new to guided math, you may want to read How to start guided math first.
Break down your instructional time into 3 parts
Let's break down the time you have to teach your small group of students into three parts.
We'll start with a warm-up activity, have a main lesson and finish off with a wrap-up task or activity.
These are meant to give you flexibility as the teacher to get in more content and allow you to teach all that you need to.
The three parts of your time with a small group do not all have to be on the same standard. They can be, but it's not needed.
If you can plug in a lesson idea, activity or exploration task into each part of the time you have with a group, you're set to go! It makes lesson planning so much easier.
Plug activities into each part of your plans.Let's look at each part and see what you can plug into these times to make your time with each group successful.
Think of the warm-up as an activity or task that the students can do to get started learning - almost without you.
When you're teaching math in small groups, often you may need to finish directing another child, tie someone's shoe or handle a distraction before you can settle in to actually start teaching the small group of students in front of you.
The way around just making them sit and wait for you is to create a warm-up activity.
Set up an activity that they can start doing independently and you can slide in and join them just shortly thereafter.
You can change the activity, after a while, to something new but always pick something basic that they can start without you.
Students can start working without the teacherHere are some ideas:
- Write their numbers in order on the table using dry-erase markers and baby socks for erasers to see how high they can get before you call "Time!" but also get interrupted by counting aloud for you to 30 one-on-one (so you can assess them) while the others are still working
- Start counting to 100, touching each number on their individual counting chart workmat. Then go through a page or two of math workmats as a group (once the teacher joins) in to build up fluency for naming 3D shapes, counting to 100 or tracing numbers 11-20 when called out.
- Play flashcard flash with a partner - using their own set of flashcards
This is also a great time to cover "fluffy" standards that don't need as much time or focus to master. (I'm thinking of you 2D shapes)
A warm-up could be 5-10 minutes long. You can pretty much just call time and move right into your main lesson.
How to differentiate
These warm-ups are relatively easy to adapt to different group levels.
In most cases, you don't have to plan an entirely different activity or task for each group. Adjust the number range, amount of support materials or expectation to differentiate your warm-up activity.
Higher students could have to start writing at a number you have left on the table... say 57. Or they have to count backwards from 100 using the counting chart... or count to 100 first and then count by tens starting at 3. Their flashcards could be a higher range of numbers than your other groups are using.
Lower students could have access to a number line, or ten frames to help them build numbers and then write them. They could use a dry erase marker to color in how high they counted before needing to start over and try again to get closer to 100. Their flashcards could be a lower range of numbers than your other groups are using.
Keep lesson materials that are specific to each group (like flashcard sets) in a basket nearby with their group name(s) so they can get materials without you.
Leave materials out on the table that are not specific to each group (like your dry erase markers, baby sock erasers, and workmats) so they can get started without you.
Main lesson
The biggest chunk of time you set will be for your main lesson.
This is where you want to dig deep and spend time.
You'll be:
- talking a little
- asking questions often
- listening a lot
- and watching even more
Teach the standards that make the biggest impact on creating mathematical thinkers.
For us this meant we were usually focused on:
- Composing and decomposing numbers 11-19 (and beyond) using tens and ones
- Making 5 and 10
- Subitizing numbers 1-9 (especially 1-5)
Sometimes this part of your lesson time will be a game, an exploration or a task.
Example: use a math game to develop subtraction strategies >>
Example: use exploration to find out why teen numbers start with a 1 >>
Example: Create ten frame flashcards to make teen numbers as a task. Use them later in subsequent lessons.
Whatever you choose, focus on mastering the standards or going above and beyond the standards with advanced students.
How to differentiate
To differentiate what you do with your groups, you'll want to think about the amount of support you give, the number range students are working with and the expectations.
You may need to alter or completely change those for each group.
You have the flexibility to do that to meet their needs.
Think of the wrap-up as an activity or task that closes out your time together that capitalizes on the small audience you have in front of you.
Here are some ideas:
- learn a new activity that will be in the games and activities center (the practice zone)
- explain the new warm-up activity (for the next time they come to the teacher zone)
- play a quick game to review a previously learned concept
Before you transition to see another group or end math for the day, use this time to quickly hit something that extends their time with you.
And if you don't use the wrap-up every day - that's okay. It's your classroom. Sometimes we ran out of time and I didn't get to what I had planned for it.
When it comes to planning guided math lessons it can be easier if you set up a lesson plan format to follow. Hopefully, you can use this three-part plan as your easy-to-use format so you can create guided math lessons successfully.
Remember what we're going for:
- Have a good chunk of time to dig deep in the main lesson, explore, make mistakes and talk through what we're learning
- Have a little time to cover more basic "fluffy" stuff or have time to teach a new related game or activity students will use independently
Want to see a sample guided math group with all three parts?
Continue reading: Composing and decomposing numbers: a guided math lesson plan flow >>
Entertaining mathematics | Planning to a lesson in mathematics (senior group) on the topic:
Summary of an open lesson in mathematics in the senior group No. 5
“Letters from the Kingdom of the All-Union”
9000:1. Stimulate the development of mental abilities, curiosity, cognition. Develop the ability to clearly and quickly answer questions.
2. Refine knowledge of forward and backward counting; knowledge of geometric shapes, continue to learn to solve examples for addition and subtraction.
3. Learn to determine the location of objects in relation to the plane of the sheet.
4. Develop children's visual perception and attention.
5. Instill interest in solving entertaining problems with mathematical meaning.
6. Activate children's vocabulary.
7. To cultivate friendly relations between children, the desire to please the elders with their achievements, to cultivate interest in mathematics.
Lesson material :
demo - drawings of geometric shapes, a cardboard house for geometric shapes.
handout - simple pencils, 4 envelopes (red, purple, yellow, and fill the largest envelope with stickers for the number of children).
Course of the lesson:
Educator : Guys come to me, stand in a circle. I want to give you very important information. This morning the postman came to us and left a letter from the Queen of all sciences - Mathematics. And 4 more envelopes. Are you wondering what is written in the letter?
Children : Yes!
Hello guys, I really want to invite you to my wonderful kingdom of Mathematical Sciences. Only those guys who have strong knowledge in the field of mathematics, who can count, know geometric shapes and geometric bodies, who can solve problems and can explain the location of objects on a plane, can visit me.
And that's why I want to test your knowledge and invite the most intelligent and inquisitive guys to visit. Complete all the tasks presented in the envelope and you will receive an invitation to my Kingdom, and a pleasant surprise awaits you in the largest envelope! I wish you good luck and look forward to visiting!
With love, Queen Mathematics…
Educator : Good! But, before we start reviewing them, let's do a little warm-up before the difficult tests?
I'll ask questions and you answer quickly.
- What season is it?
- Is it morning or evening?
- How many fingers are on one hand?
- How many angles does a triangle have?
- What about the circle?
- How many times a year is a birthday?
- How many ears does 1 mouse have?
- How many noses does 1 cat have?
Educator : Well done, you are very attentive and answered all the questions correctly. And now we will all sit down together at the table and look at the letters sent by the Queen of Mathematics.
Place envelopes in front of the children.
Educator : How many letters did the Queen of Mathematics send? Correct-4. Let's open the first envelope. What colour is he? (red) . What do you see here?
Children : rectangle!
Educator : What do you think, what is his mood like? Children : Sad, sad.
Educator : Why is he sad?
Children : We don't know!
Caretaker : He is sad because he is alone and his friends are not around.
Educator : Who do you think the rectangle is friends with?
Children : with other geometric shapes : with circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle.
Educator : Wonderful! And let's find his friends in the objects that surround us. I will name the object for you, and you must depict it with a geometric figure.
To complete the next task, children are given blank sheets of paper and simple pencils.
Educator : Guys, so that you can rest a little, we will play a little.
DIDACTIC GAME “Say the opposite”
The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child, throwing the ball back, names the opposite of the named concept.
Long - Short
Large - small
High - low
wide - narrow
Far - Close
at the top - at the bottom of
Ahead - back
One - many
quickly - Slowly - Slowly - Slowly - Slow
Heavy - light
Educator : Children, let's go back to your papers. What figures did you get? Name them.
Educator : How can they be called in one word?
Children : Geometric figures.
Educator : Well done, and you coped with this task without any problems.
Educator : open the next envelope. What colour is he?
Children : Violet!
Educator : Reads out the content of task : And now it is necessary to settle all geometric shapes in one house, then they will be neighbors and will never lose each other. The oval will live in the center of the sheet. The square is to the left of the oval, the rectangle is to the right of the oval, the circle is above the oval.
Children take turns placing pre-prepared figures in the house following instructions (geometric figures are laid out in a given sequence.) .
Educator : Guys, I have an idea, let's name our house?
Children : “House of Geometric Figures” , “House of Joy” , “Family” , “House of Friendship” .
Educator : Who can count how many figures live in the House of Friendship?
Children: 4
Educator : right 4, well done, they did the job! And now I suggest you take a break.
Physical education minute:
Days of the week
I went swimming on Monday, Depicting swimming.
And on Tuesday I drew. Depicting drawing.
On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time, We wash our faces.
And on Thursday I played football. Running in place.
On Friday I jumped, ran, We jump. We circle in place.
I danced for a very long time. Handclaps.
And on Saturday, Sunday Children sit down squat, hands
I rested the whole day. under the cheek - fall asleep.
Educator : Are you wondering what is in the other envelopes?
Children : Yes!
Educator : Then let's open the orange envelope. What is there?
Educator : And here are the numbers. Do you know what numbers are? These are the symbols by which we denote numbers. Now let's play with numbers.
Task : Stand in Order or Find Your Place . Rules of the game : while the music is playing, the children take one number at a time. On command “stand in order” , the children must line up in order. Or for a time of 1-2 minutes, each of the participants must stand in their place. The last digit is considered lost. (Numbers from 1-10)
This quest may have different conditions, depending on what goals you are pursuing. For example : you can choose two guys and set them the task of putting the numbers in order for speed, the one who completes the task faster wins. Game-reinforcement).
After completing this task, preschool children can be asked to name the neighbors at the indicated numbers.
Task "Who is my neighbor?"
- Number 3, what are your neighbors? (2, 4)
- Number 5, what are your neighbors? (4, 6)
And then we offer the game "On the contrary" or "Rocket launch" .
To do this, we need to repeat the countdown. You need to connect the numbers in the opposite direction from 5 to 1. After the numbers are arranged in order, you need to call them together. (Reinforcement game) .
Educator : Well done, you did a very good job with the numbers.
Educator : Well done guys! You did an excellent job with all the tasks. And very soon we will certainly go to the country of Mathematical Sciences. In the meantime, let's open the last envelope in which, as you remember, the Queen of Mathematics hid a surprise for you.
Children are given stickers.
Lesson plans for teachers of Kazakhstan, updated KSP, SSP 2022-2023
Editor | 07/28/2021
Baynakova Ainur Bagdyanov, teacher of the State Municipal Enterprise Nursery / Kindergarten No. 10 "Altyn Besik" Aksay, West-Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan “To incite a student to learning is a much more worthy task of a teacher than to force him” K.D. Ushinsky Kindergarten – Read more
Editor | 20.04.2021
Vlasenko Marina Nikolaevna Primary school teacher KSU "Basic secondary school" p. Akimovka, Astrakhan region, Akmola region, Kazakhstan Mathematics. Lesson 144 Short Term Plan Subject: Math Lesson: 144 School: Read More
Editor | 12/11/2020
Kurtmalaeva Liliya Yusufovna M. Lermontovas. Tastumsyk, Tyulkubas district, Turkestan region, Kazakhstan Cross-cutting topic: My school School: school named after M. Lermontov Subject: mathematics Section 2A - Addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. Read more
Editor | 11/22/2020
Minakova Lyubov Vladimirovna KGU Secondary school No. 8 named after. U.Atambaevag. Atyrau, Kazakhstan Read more
Editor | 10/13/2020
Bugaeva Oksana Nikolaevna teacher of mathematics KSU "Harvest secondary school" p. Harvest, district them. Gabita Musrepova, North-Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan Section 5.3.B “Decimal fractions and actions on them” School: KSU “High yield Read more
Editor | 09/21/2020
Sagynbaeva F.M. Kazakh language teacher Sayapina M.V. Informatics teacherKazmagambet E.G. Mathematics teacher at the State Institution "Secondary School No. 1" Tobyl, Kostanay district, Kostanay region, Kazakhstan Lesson Study method in secondary school (from work experience) Modern Read more
Editor | 08/10/2020
Vovzhalova Ekaterina Pavlovteacher of mathematics State University "School-gymnasium No. 1" Shchuchinsk, Burabay district, Akmola region, Kazakhstan Read more
Editor | 06/11/2020
Mukanaliyev Sayadil Kurgenalievich KSU "Azgir basic secondary school"s. Azgir, Kurmangazinsky district, Atyrau region Read more
Editor | 06/11/2020
Mukanaliyev Sayadil Kurgenalievich KSU "Azgir basic secondary school"s. Azgir, Kurmangazinsky district, Atyrau region Read more
Editor | 06/11/2020
Lukyanova Galina ViktorovnaPrimary school teacher №27 im. Ybyray Altynsarina s. Betkainar, Kordai district, Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan Read more
Editor | 04/16/2020
Bektursinova Gulnar MadievnaMathematics teacher secondary school №7 Kazakhstan, WKO, Burlinsky district, Aksai Read more
Editor | 04/06/2020
Dukenova Aizhan Alpysovna teacher of mathematics, KSU "School-gymnasium No. 75", Astana, Kazakhstan Read more
Editor | 03/12/2020
Abdrashitova Irina Khasanovna KSU "OSh No. 157" Almaty, Kazakhstan Read more
Editor | 03/09/2020
Terlikpaeva Jasmine KSU "Basic school named after. Kuibyshev" with. Tolagay, Kokpektinsky district, East Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan Introduction. This research work is devoted to the study of the history of the appearance of numbers, sacred numbers, which have been used for centuries Read more
Editor | 02/18/2020
Yakupova Dilyaram Zhalaldinovna Primary school teacher KSU "Secondary school with a preschool mini-center named after. D. Konaeva "p. Koktal, Panfilovsky District, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan Lesson Learning Objectives: recognize equality, Read more
Editor | 02/17/2020
Menshova Oksana AnatolyevnaPrimary school teacherKSU "Secondary school with a preschool mini-center named after. D. Konaeva "p. Koktal, Panfilovsky district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan Learning objectives of the lesson within the framework of the curriculum in the subject Read more
Editor | 02/17/2020
Menshova Oksana Anatolyevna Primary school teacher KSU "Secondary school with a preschool mini-center named after.