Letters capital and small
English Alphabet | Writing | EnglishClub
An alphabet is a set of letters or symbols that we use to represent the basic speech sounds of a language in writing.
This page looks at writing the English alphabet. You can read about pronouncing the English alphabet here.
The English word "alphabet" comes from the Latin word "alphabetum". The Latin word "alphabetum" came from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, "alpha" and "beta".
Letters of the English Alphabet
The English alphabet has 26 letters, starting with a and ending with z. Below you see the whole alphabet.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
The letters above are "small letters". But they can also be written as "large letters" - see below.The letters of the alphabet are also sometimes called "characters".
Small and Large Letters
We can write each letter of the English alphabet as a "small letter" (abc) or as a "large letter" (ABC). Large letters are also called "capital letters" or "capitals".
Below you see the whole alphabet with small letters on the left and capitals on the right:
a A b B c C d D e E f F g G h H i I j J k K l L m M n N o O p P q Q r R s S t T u U v V w W x X y Y z Z
In informal English, we sometimes call capitals just "caps".
Small letters are sometimes called "lower case" and large letters "upper case". This is because in the old days of printing, before computers, the metal blocks for setting type were kept in two different boxes or "cases": small letters in the bottom or lower case, large letters in the top or upper case.
Font Styles
Printed letters of the alphabet come in different styles or designs. Each style is called a "font". This page shows all 26 characters, as small and large letters, in 5 different styles. Each column displays a different font style, in this order:
- Serif: with serifs, or little projections, at the end of most strokes
- Fixed-width: like old typewriter lettering - each letter is about the same width, so "i" takes up the same space as "w"
- Sans-serif: with no serifs
- Cursive: like handwriting
- Fantasy: fancy, artistic
Alphabetical Order
The English alphabet starts with the letter a and finishes with the letter z. We always write the alphabet in the same order:
This order is called "alphabetical order". We often write lists in alphabetical order. For example, to write a list of countries in alphabetical order, we start with countries that begin with the letter A, then with countries that begin with B, and so on. For example:
- Australia
- Brazil
- Canada
If more than one word begins with the letter A, we put them in order based on the second letter, and then the third letter, and so on:
- Algeria
- Argentina
- Belgium
- Benin
- Bermuda
We use alphabetical order for many things, for example:
- dictionaries
- indexes of books
- telephone directories
When you write any list, it is a good idea to use alphabetical order. This makes it easy for your reader to find a particular item in the list.
English Alphabet - Worldometer
- W
- Languages
- English Alphabet
The English alphabet consists of 26 letters. Each letter has an uppercase ("capital letter") and a lowercase ("small letter") form.
# | Capital Letter | Small Letter | Phonic (pronunciation) | Name |
1 | A | a | /eɪ/, /æ/ | a |
2 | B | b | /biː/ | bee |
3 | C | c | /siː/ | cee |
4 | D | d | /diː/ | dee |
5 | E | e | /iː/ | e |
6 | F | f | /ɛf/ | ef |
7 | G | g | /dʒiː/ | gee |
8 | H | h | /(h)eɪtʃ/ | (h)aitch |
9 | I | i | /aɪ/ | i |
10 | J | j | /dʒeɪ/ | jay |
11 | K | k | /keɪ/ | kay |
12 | L | l | /ɛl/ | el |
13 | M | m | /ɛm/ | em |
14 | N | n | /ɛn/ | en |
15 | O | o | /oʊ/ | o |
16 | P | p | /piː/ | pee |
17 | Q | q | /kjuː/ | cue |
18 | R | r | /ɑːr/ | ar |
19 | S | s | /ɛs/ | ess |
20 | T | t | /tiː/ | tee |
21 | U | u | /juː/ | u |
22 | V | v | /viː/ | vee |
23 | W | w | /ˈdʌbəl.![]() | double-u |
24 | X | x | /ɛks/ | ex |
25 | Y | y | /waɪ/ | wy |
26 | Z | z | /zi/zɛd/ | zee/zed |
- Five of the letters in the English Alphabet are vowels: A, E, I, O, U.
- The remaining 21 letters are consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z, and usually W and Y.
Written English includes the digraphs: ch ci ck gh ng ph qu rh sc sh th ti wh wr zh. These are not considered separate letters of the alphabet. - Two letters, “A” and “I,” also constitute words.
- Until fairly recently (until 1835), the 27th letter of the alphabet (right after "z") was the ampersand (&).
- The English Alphabet is based on the Latin script, which is the basic set of letters common to the various alphabets originating from the classical Latin alphabet.
Old English
- The Old English alphabet letters were 29: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z & ⁊ Ƿ Þ Ð Æ
- The Old English alphabet was recorded in the year 1011 by a monk named Byrhtferð and included the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet (including ampersand) and 5 additional English letters: Long S (ſ), Eth (Ð and ð), Thorn (þ), Wynn (ƿ) and Ash (ᚫ; later Æ and æ).
- With respect to Modern English, Old English did not include J, U, and W.
See Also:
- NATO Phonetic Alphabet
Uppercase and lowercase letters: usage, rules, examples
Is a capital letter large or small? If you can not immediately answer this question, then read the article. In it, we will see what an uppercase letter means and how it differs from a lowercase letter. And also we will analyze the rules of lowercase and uppercase letters and give understandable examples.
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What do uppercase and lowercase letters mean
What are lowercase and uppercase letters? The examples are not always clear, so let's start with definitions:
Capital or uppercase letters are graphic characters used in writing that are larger than line boundaries. They are also called the big ones.
A lowercase letters are graphic characters that do not exceed the size of a line in writing. They are also called small letters.
The very name "capital letters" arose in Russian from the verb "prescribe". In ancient texts there were no capital letters, all words were written from lowercase. And only at the beginning of the chapters, the first letter, which was called the “letter letter”, was depicted more than all the others. It was written by hand. Therefore, now capital letters are also called uppercase.
In Russian, every lowercase letter has a capital counterpart. Even "b", "y" and "b", although it is difficult to imagine where they can be used. However, not all experts support this opinion and prefer to consider that the Russian language has 33 lowercase and only 30 capital letters.
Another feature of the Russian language is that the spelling of large and capital letters does not always coincide. So, for example, the letter differs:
- capital " A " and lowercase " a ";
- capital " B " and lowercase " b ";
- capital " D " and lowercase " d ";
- capital " E " and lowercase " e " and some others.
Uppercase and lowercase letters in different languages
Capital letters are used in many languages of the Indo-European family: Greek, Slavonic, Germanic and Romance.
What does the capital letter mean in these languages? It can mean the beginning of a new phrase, a proper name, a geographical name, and much more. Below we will analyze in detail in which cases a capital letter is written.
However, not all language systems can observe the use of capital letters. Hebrew, Arabic, Indian, Thai and other languages use only lowercase alphabetic characters.
There were no capital letters in the Glagolitic alphabet, the first Russian written language. Capital letters firmly came into use only in the 18th century and all thanks to the great reformer Peter I. He not only brought reforms to Russia, but also introduced a civil typeface that contained both small and large letters.
There are many words in Hebrew that are spelled the same but read differently and have different meanings. For example, the word "דוד" can sound like "dod" and mean "uncle" , as "dud" - "bak" and as "David" - a male name. How do the Israelis understand where is the meaning? Exceptional context.
Uppercase and lowercase letters: spelling rules
Let's see what rules to follow when using uppercase and lowercase letters in Russian. And to make it easier to remember, let's give examples of uppercase and lowercase letters in words.
Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence
The basic rule is: always write a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
Example: It is not difficult to make a term paper. It is necessary to choose a topic, write the text and check for errors. Pay special attention to words with -Н- and -НН-, conjugation of verbs and spelling of particles "not" and "neither" with different parts of speech.
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It is customary to capitalize not only the first word in standard sentences, but also every new line in poetry. This rule works even when the author didn't finish the sentence:
Night, street, lamp, pharmacy,
Meaningless and dim light.
Live at least another quarter of a century -
Everything will be like this. There is no exit.
If you die, you start over again
And everything will repeat, as of old:
Night, ice ripples of the channel,
Pharmacy, street, lamp.
Alexander Blok
Capital letter in proper names
Another rule that always works: capital letters are written in proper names. It remains to figure out what applies to them.
Earth with a capital letter is a planet, and with a small one - a common nameProper names are the names of objects or phenomena that are unique and stand out from the general mass of homogeneous concepts.
On the contrary, common names are names that apply to entire groups of similar objects. Such nouns always begin with lowercase letters.
Let's look at specific cases when a capital letter is written in proper names. And also remember the exceptions, without which it is impossible to imagine the Russian language:
Rule | Example | Exception |
Surnames, first names and patronymics of people | Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Pushkin, Mashenka, Marina Ivanovna. | If proper names are used as a common noun, they are written with a lower case: Pikapers are modern don Juans and womanizers. |
In pseudonyms, nicknames and nicknames | Maxim Gorky, Bolbes and Experienced. | If nicknames are used for a whole group of people: Why are balls dangerous for society? |
Animal names | Dolly the sheep, Barbos the dog, Murka the cat.![]() | If the nickname is used as a common name for the group: In the morning, any watchdog barks just like that. |
In the names of fairy-tale characters | Princess Nesmeyana Mermaid, Puss in Boots. | |
In the names of gods | Jesus, Allah, Mara, Poseidon, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl. | The word itself "god" can be written with both capital and lowercase letters. In church texts, they often write with a capital letter, but in popular literature - with a small letter. |
In religious names | Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Holy Scripture, Koran, Mother of God, Wailing Wall. | |
Place names | Arctic Ocean, Kilimanjaro, New York, Serpukhovo. | |
In street and avenue names | Alexander Nevsky Square, Tsvetochnaya Street, Raduzhny Lane. | |
In the names of astronomical bodies and objects | Planet Venus, satellite of Jupiter, Halley's comet, Milky Way galaxy.![]() | If this is not an astronomical object, but a homonym: planet Earth and native land. |
In the names of historical eras and events | The Renaissance, the October Revolution, the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. | |
In the names of holidays | Walpurgis Night, Independence Day, Victory Day, First of May, but May 1st. | If this is the date of the holiday, then it is written with a small one: New Year is celebrated on December 31st. |
In the names of awards | Title of Hero of Russia, Order of the Legion of Honor, but Order of the Red Star. | |
In legal official names of companies and brands that are quoted | Suzuki Auto Concern, Gorbunov's Bureau Creative Agency, Orlovsky Park Hotel. | The name is not quoted if it is written in Latin letters: Hilton hotel, Pixies creative agency, BMW concern.![]() |
In the names of organizations and institutions | Federation Council, United Nations, European Union. | |
In unique titles and positions | President of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister. | All other positions are written with a small one: NATO Secretary General, EU Minister, Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. |
Abbreviated | CIS, IAEA, UN, PE, MIA, USA. | Some abbreviations are always written with a small letter: university, college, dot, bunker, bum, interim, spa. |
In the titles of scientific articles, literary titles and other works | The novel "War and Peace", the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", the article "Why sleep should be a priority for every student". |
What are capital letters in street names? Examples may vary depending on the literary norm. So, in the names Chistye Prudy, Kuznetsky Most, Nikitsky Gates , only the first word was capitalized. Now the norm has changed and both words are capitalized: Chistye Prudy, Kuznetsky Most, Nikitsky Gates . If in doubt about spelling, refer to dictionaries.
Capital letter in adjectives
There are several cases in which adjectives are written with a capital letter, and they also need to be remembered:
- If the adjective expresses belonging to a specific person. For example, Misha's shirt, Vanka's stories.
- If the adjective refers to the memory of a famous person. For example, Pushkin Evenings, Spring Tolstoy Readings.
If the expression has become a common noun, then it is written with a lowercase letter: Sisyphean labor, Turgenev young ladies, oatmeal porridge.
Capital letter after colon
What other words are capitalized? Those with which direct speech begins. In the text, this is formalized as follows:
- the words of the author come first;
- then put a colon;
- in quotation marks write the words of direct speech.
Example: Ivanov sighed and said to the teacher: “You shouldn’t want to expel me for absenteeism, but I can refund my record book and student card.”
A special case: with what letter to write the appeal "YOU"
In official documents, letters and business correspondence, the appeal "YOU" and its derivatives are often written with a capital letter. It is believed that this form shows maximum respect for the interlocutor.
In letters to a respected person, it is appropriate to write "You" However, the rules of the Russian language do not impose strict norms. They recommend using "you" only if the author intentionally wants to emphasize his special relationship to a particular person. But if he addresses a group of people, then writing “You” with a big one is definitely not worth it. This will be a mistake.
Example: Petr Sergeevich, we wish you a Happy New Year and good health! Dear Anna and Vasily, we send you greetings and best wishes!
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Now you know all the rules for uppercase and lowercase letters. It remains to actively use the knowledge in practice in order to consolidate it. And if you need help in writing any kind of work, feel free to contact the student service.
CAPITAL LETTERS - what are they (large or small)? Example
Capital letters are uppercase letters that are larger than lowercase letters.
What are capital letters?
In Russian writing, letters differ in their graphic design: some are large, others are small or lowercase. Large letters are often referred to as capital letters. As you can understand from this “speaker” name, they begin headlines, that is, they denote the beginning of
- sentences
- of the period
- paragraph
- stanzas
- of someone else’s speech, etc.
9000 from , from , from , from , from the deaths from the deaths. early (V. Arseniev).
- By everyone is born for some work, - objected E. Hemingway and added:
- By everyone who walks the earth has his duties in life.
In an old style heals me.
E There is charm in ancient speech.
About is not your words
And are more modern and sharper.
Bella Akhmadulina
Capital letters are a common name. In Russian, a special linguistic term is used - capital letters. Once upon a time, at the dawn of handwriting, they were really carefully written at the beginning of a line, and decorated in every possible way to distinguish them from other ordinary letters. Emphasizing the initial letter of the first word is the oldest writing technique that was used before the invention of printing. When typography appeared, the tradition of using capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and to highlight proper names survived.
Let's consider in detail the cases in which uppercase or lowercase letters are used in modern Russian.
The use of capital letters
Capital letters are used not only in headings, at the beginning of sentences, but also to highlight some words found anywhere in the written language. These special words include
- proper names;
- items.
In Russian orthography, proper names must be written with a capital letter:
1. names, patronymics, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames of people, names of gods, mythical creatures, fairy-tale and literary heroes
- Tanya, Vasilek, Andryushka;
- Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin;
- Gaius Julius Caesar;
- Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko;
- O'Henry (William Sidney Porter)
- Curly, Chernysh, Beetle, Top;
- Zeus, Hera, Apollo;
- Vasilisa the Beautiful, Cinderella, The Nutcracker.
2. animal names
- Tortilla turtle;
- cat Marquis;
- dog Oliver;
3. geographical names, except for generic words (krai, region, district, city, settlement, village, river, lake, mountain, sea, bay, etc.)
- Krasnodar Territory;
- Saratov region;
- City of Mosty;
- Veliky Ustyug;
- Sokol settlement;
- Ponizovye village;
- Volga river;
- Lake Seliger;
- Red Sea;
- Everest.
4. astronomical names
- Cygnus constellation;
- Solar Galaxy;
- Alpha Centauri.
The words "Earth", "Moon" and "Sun" as the names of celestial bodies are written with a capital letter and with a lowercase letter if they are used as common nouns. Compare:
Recently, astronomers have difficulty distinguishing spots on the Sun.
Rosehip stood with large flowers turned towards the sun, covered with many buds (K. G. Paustovsky).
Note that in proper names all words , their components, are capitalized , except for nouns denoting generic concepts and service words, for example:
- city of Rostov-on-Don;
- Ludwig van Beethoven;
- Vicomte de Bragelonne;
- Vasco da Gamma.
In this way, proper names differ from the names of organizations, institutions, industrial associations, architectural monuments, etc.
Capitalize only the first word in titles, for example:
- Socio-Political Research Foundation;
- Research Institute of Road Engineering;
- Main Department of Internal Affairs;
- House of scientists;
- Bronze Horseman.