Long interesting story
A long and interesting story
Timothy lived in a cottage high on a mountain with his aunt Lucretia. Lucretia was a wizard s daughter and made potions and magic spells for the villagers below. One morning she said to Timothy, "I want you to gather some of the yellowroot that grows up by the stream. It's for a potion I'm making, so don't dawdle along the way."
"I won't," said Timothy.
Lucretia sighed. Timothy always meant to do the things she asked, but he was as curious as a puppy and he often forgot. Then there would be no wood for the fire or butter for the bread.
"You'd better not," she said, "or I might turn myself into a crow and snip off your nose."
Timothy grinned. Aunt Lucretia was teasing, but he knew that she really could change herself into a crow or a frog or whatever else she wished.
"I won't dawdle," he promised again and set off up the slope, whistling.
But instead of going straight to the stream, he remembered a nest of robin eggs he wanted to look at. Then he followed a bee until he lost track of it in a bush. When at last he came to the stream, he was surprised to see an old woman wading across it barefoot. She wore a long, ragged skirt of red velvet, and her snow-white hair fell in braids over her shoulders. She looked almost like Aunt Lucretia, except that Lucretia had hair the color of beech leaves in autumn.
Timothy scrambled down the bank and helped the old woman up.
"Thank you, sonny," she said in a creaking voice as she sat down on a large rock.
Timothy stared at her curiously. "Excuse me," he said, "but where have you come from? And why were you wading across the stream?"
"Well, sonny," said the woman, flapping her skirt to dry it, "that is a long and interesting story. If you have the time, sit down, and I'll tell you about it."
Timothy quickly sat down on a rock.
When I was a young girl (said the woman, looking at Timothy), I had a pet dragon. My father was a great king and could afford to buy me anything I wished. It was a very small dragon and probably would have made a very nice pet. But I was rather a nasty child, and when found out that my dragon hated to be teased, I spent all my time thinking of new ways to torment it.
"Supper's ready, Dragon, dear," I would call, and then put out a dish full of mud. I hid its rubber ball in a bucket of tar and one night I tied pillows on its back and made it look like a camel. The next morning my dragon had disappeared.
I pretended not to care, but I remembered a great golden tear the last time it had looked at me.
"Poor little dragon!" I cried. "I'm going to find you and I'll never mistreat you again!" And I set out to look for it.
Nobody I met on the road had seen a lost dragon, but after many miles I heard strange snuffling noises coming from behind a hedge. Eagerly, I ran to look and was surprised to see--not my dragon--but an old man sitting by a fire and crying into a large red handkerchief.
"Oh, you poor man," I said. "Why are you crying?"
The old man looked up and blew his nose.
"That," he said, "is a long and interesting story. If you have the time, sit down, and I will tell you about it."
So I sat by the fire next to him, and he began.
Many years ago, I was a soldier in the King's Guard (he said). I was young and eager for adventure, but guarding the king was about as exciting as oatmeal. He was never in any danger. Just when I was beginning to wonder if I would ever draw my sword, word came from a nearby village that a terrible monster was making mincemeat of the population. Seeing my chance for adventure, I rode to the village and followed the trail of burned cottages and uprooted trees to the mouth of a large, dark cave. I tied my handkerchief over my horse's eyes and drew my sword.
"Monster," I cried, "come forth and fight!" With a roar like an exploding cannon, it leaped out of the cave. My horse threw me to the ground and ran for his life.
I remained where I was, for I did not have the strength to rise. The monster towered over me.
Its nine heads--three dragon, three lion, and three snake--breathed fire. Its tail rattled with glistening spines as long as spears.
"Monster," I cried, "can you explain your wicked deeds?"
The nine heads glared at me. Then the middle one--a lion--roared, "That is a long and interesting story. If you have the time, sit down, and I will tell you about it."
"I am sitting down," I said. "Go on with your story."
Very well (said the monster, settling itself on its fifty haunches). Long ago, I was human, the only daughter of a poor, widowed stonecutter. My father and I had little, but we loved each other dearly. One day a rich merchant asked my father to cut the stones for a house he was building. The man liked my father's work so much that when he died, he left my father his house and all the treasures in it.
My father and I were overjoyed, but our good fortune soon turned bad. The merchant had a sister who was an evil witch. When she heard that she had got no share of her brother's treasures, she stormed down from her cottage in the mountains and burst into our new house.
"A curse on you, stonecutter," she cried. "My brother was a fool, but you shall be a bigger one!" She waved her hands with a noise like thunder.
Suddenly my father forgot everything that had happened. He became frightened at finding himself in the merchant's house drinking from gold cups, and he insisted that we put on our ragged clothes and go back to our shabby little hut.
"No, Father, it's a trick," I cried, clinging to his hand.
"Get out, girl," the witch snarled, pointing her bony finger at me. "If I ever see you again, you will bring a more terrible curse upon yourself!"
Three weeks later, my poor father died, penniless. I went back to the merchant's house, but the witch had left it as bare as an eggshell.
Furiously, I set off for the witch's cottage. But the path I was following began to behave strangely. It kept leading me to the edges of cliffs, or into tangles of thom bushes. Finally I became completely lost. I wandered for days, nearly dead with hunger and thirst.
At last I came upon a little stone cottage and collapsed on the doorstep. A short, chubby man with a curly beard carne out to see what the trouble was.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I whispered, trying to sit up. "Please, who lives here?"
The little man looked at me with eyes like shiny black buttons.
"That is a long and interesting story," he said, "but it's none of your business. And will you please tell me why you're sitting there instead of picking yellowroot for your aunt as you were asked to do?"
Yellowroot! Timothy nearly fell off his rock. The chubby man, the daughter, the monster, the soldier, and the princess disappeared like smoke.
"Aunt Lucretia!" he cried. For the white-haired old lady had turned into his autumn-haired young aunt.
"Yes, it's me," she laughed. "I believe you would have sat listening to that story for the rest of the week! Do try not to dawdle so much, won't you?"
And Timothy did try."
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A very long story about a History that never ends
A very long story about a History that never ends
Soft snow.
And outside the window frosts,
Suddenly came.
Quietly, quietly the snow falls
Framing the circle.
Softcover, pages
They rustle in silence
A string jumps for a long time
Letters that are waiting in the wilderness.
The binding rattle again,
And the door is closed
Into that beautiful story,
What is hidden in it.
But here again opens
Someone this door,
Again, again plunging into the depths of the seas.
Sailing past
Blackened letters again,
Our reader is hurried
Closes the way.
The path to history, which
No end,
Someone breaks again
An endless circle.
A story that has no end - it's really a long journey of almost five hundred pages. In some places the road was easy and clear, and in others it was prickly and illegible. I tried to let the book pass through me, delve into it and make the spikes of shortcomings not so sharp. But until the end, she could not figure out her attitude towards her.
I think we should start with the plot. It is truly unique, although at first it does not seem so. Usually, even in the most interesting works, you skip some descriptions, trying to cut your way to the dialogues and the long-awaited denouement. But this number will not work here. Opening the first pages, you do not suspect that the work is a real trap. You read the first letter, the word, then you swallow the whole page and away we go. Moreover, each letter is not an oiled piece of a word, but a small burdock. He literally clings, not letting pass by. And you go on and on, and there are more and more thorns, but they do not cause inconvenience, but on the contrary, they cling to the soul and heart, leaving a feeling of fullness and some kind of warmth, kinship with the author. This is a huge plus.
The next point is the imaginary simplicity of the plot. From the first pages of the book, a plump, ugly and stupid boy with a difficult fate looks at us. Further, it is even more obvious: the mother died, and since then the heart of the father, a dentist, has been covered with hard enamel. And now he loves false teeth more than his own son. Classic.
The adventure begins. A quiet boy, Bastian Balthazar Bux, steals a book from an old gentleman. Where does he decide to hide? Correctly! In the attic at the school. And it doesn't matter that the school closes, and the attic is on the top floor. The boy is sure to become a hero by the end of the book and get out.
Then the main character fades into the background, making room for the real hero from the magical land of Fantasy - Atreyu. His name means "son of all". That is, all the people of the tribe brought him up. Bottom line: he is independent and hardy. Here the path of my sensations forked. As much as I dislike Bastian, I also liked Atreyu. For the second I put half a plus.
Next comes the classic utopia. The Land of Fantasy is ruled by the autocratic ruler Girl Queen, who makes no sense to overthrow, because she created everything and the state of the country depends on her health. Interesting idea. But here's the problem - the Queen fell ill. And the utopia collapses in an instant.
On the one hand, the reader has not yet had time to get used to this world to regret it, but on the other hand, everything was so naive, with soul, like children's drawings on the margins of notebooks. Funny long names or, conversely, simple and short, like the first children's words. Perhaps this is the author's trick: to show that fantasy is mainly a child's privilege. That is why this world and its people are so wonderful, clumsy.
But the Queen's illness destroys all the bright sensations. No one knows what and why she is sick. Everyone sees only black holes in Fantasia, sucking in its inhabitants. Fear comparable in our world except perhaps with a global catastrophe. But every problem has a solution.
And that decision turned out to be a decree to find Atreyu and hand over to him the care of finding a cure. The decree of the ruler looked something like this: “Look for that medicine, I don’t know what, where you want. This is your search. From now on, no one can help you. So do you agree, honey? No, you can, of course, refuse, but then the whole world will perish, including you. But the choice is yours." And he's like this: "If you give me a sign of power that can protect me, then I, perhaps, agree." So, at the wave of the royal hand, all responsibility falls on the fragile shoulders of the boy. And no one was able to help him, except for a couple of hundred people who do not want to die, a protective amulet and a dragon that brings good luck and happiness.
I don't like it when a hero is helped in every possible way, but they themselves say otherwise. Minus for unoriginality.
I'll put one more minus for the fact that the text is heavily overloaded with names and events. In the entire book, I remember only five, and that was because they were repeated at intervals of several sentences.
But what brightens up this work is the presentation. Just think about it. We read how a boy steals a book and reads it. There is also a boy in it, to whom a great secret has been revealed: he and all his kind are just a fiction that someone is sitting and reading now. Bastian was surprised at this, unaware that I was looking at him through the black letters. You, too, are now looking at me through the thread-like letters. Gently part them like curtains. And you see that I am smiling, and a bald cat is licking my heel. And you, in turn, sees someone else. So it turns out that this story is endless, and even if the circle breaks, it closes again, but from a different angle.
All this splendor is interrupted only by the comments of Bastian Balthasar Bux. He would either express short thoughts or say what time it was. Like the white rabbit in Alice. The same tremulous and punctual. At first it was fun. But then the author inserted the text mentioning the time too late, and it started to get annoying. You know, when you are abruptly awakened after sleep, you immediately want to bite off half the arm of the person who wakes you up. Well, you get the analogy. But I upvote the idea.
While reading the book, I bookmarked many interesting ideas and thoughts. One of them turned out to be very useful. Caught in an unforeseen situation, Atreyu listened to the dying words of a creature whose goal was to kill him. This animal said that the black holes that form throughout Fantasia are not only the fault of people, but also of other inhabitants of the country. All creatures in Fantasy are not divided into good and bad, but as soon as they enter the world of people, they become lies. Some whisper evil thoughts to people, others become white lies, others live in books, creating fictional worlds, putting thoughts into human hearts. And almost all of these lies say that the world is grey, cruel and faceless, which means that the country of Fantasy does not exist, and there is no need to believe in it. Conclusion: there will be no faith, there will be no Fantasy. Black holes that devour the country from the inside are just a side effect of the universal lie. Vicious circle. You jump into the hole, escaping from destruction. You become a lie. You are destroying your country.
In the meantime, our good old "red-eyed rabbit" Bastian turned out to be the "irreplaceable medicine". He must come into fantasy and give the Girl Queen a new name. But he is afraid to go. Nobody loves a poor unfortunate boy, nobody needs him. I don't know, maybe it's a commercial move to develop the plot. He just needed to say her new name from his attic and that was it. But no, you have to be straight. And I, the poor reader, had to look at the dances aimed at luring the boy. If I understand correctly, the whiny boy put the life of the queen of an entire country in danger, and as a reward for his appearance, he was given a sign of power that protects him from all misfortunes and allows him to do whatever you want. Where is this world going? Anyway.
The main thing is that the hero has deteriorated even more, because now he can do anything. I wanted to be strong. Voila. The next day he is strong. I wanted to be beautiful. So after a couple of hours, he no longer remembers that he was as “beautiful” as a newly hatched chick in lumps of shell and mucus. Endurance. Get it. You can try your hand.
It's easy to be hardy and brave in the desert, when you just wish - and you have a bottle of water, and in the evening the dense shady ferns open again. I think that if you want to be smart, study, hunch your back, earn a reputation. If you want to be brave, first raise your hand in class or go to the blackboard. If you want strength, wash your hands in blood, climbing the rope.
But there is also a moral here. For every wish, a piece of the memory of the house was taken away from the boy. It would seem that to remember? No friends, no hobbies either, only father. But without memory, he cannot return. And he, of course, forgot everything, even his name. And then finally deteriorated, imagining himself the best. He quarreled and fought with his best friend, inflicting a bloody wound on him. Even before that, in my eyes, he was no higher than weeds, and now he has completely withered. True, he found living water for his father's heart, which was rotten like a milk tooth. And that's fine.
But what really surprised me was the boy's sacrifice. Yes, not that, the other - Atreyu. Knowing all the sins of a friend, all the dark spots on his heart and wearing a sword wound from him, the boy agreed to finish all the stories for Bastian. And there are millions of them. For sacrifice - a huge plus.
In the end, everyone went their separate ways. Bastian ended up in the attic of the school, from where, less than a day later, he climbed out through the window along the scaffolding. He brought living water to his father and SAM apologized to the seller for the loss of the book.
And I wonder: if there were no forests, then the boy would have problems with the director, the head teacher and the cleaner. If the seller had not been a previous fantasy traveler, there would be no words: “Oh, it was you who stole my most valuable book from me, lost it and personally saved the Girl Queen? Yes? Then let's have some tea and discuss your extraordinary adventures. " In general, no fines, no life-long work off of damage, and sweets - at the expense of the seller.
By the way, let's count the pros and cons. There were more cons than pros.
I would call this story a parable. A moralizing tale, it is not clear for whom and why it was written. This is the story that has no end. You read a day, two, a month, a year. You close the book, and she goes on with her life. Personally, I went to eat my stress with strawberry flavored licorice sticks. I advise you to seize my very long review of the story, which has no end.
Daria Ponomareva, 14 years old, Kemerovo
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We are launching a challenge for the whole year 2022! The collection contains the longest stories. From the classic novels of Tolstoy and Hugo to the fantasy of Martin and Tolkien, Rowling-Galbraith detectives that make up entire series. Different genres, heroes unlike each other - everyone will find something to their liking! Set a goal - to read or listen to more books, and our book challenges will stimulate you! Important: to join the challenge, click the "Participate" button. What to do? Read or listen to one ebook or audiobook by December 31, 2022. You will receive a push notification that the passage of the challenge is counted as soon as you complete the required number of works. Most importantly, do not forget to transfer books to the "Read" status. Take a look at this genre multi-page variety. Detective "The Mystery of Number 622" is about an old murder, the loss of a friend and love, and the price of a new beginning. Series "Chronicle of the Cazalet Family" - to understand something about relationships with relatives and stop quarreling over trifles. The mystical cycle "Cemetery of Forgotten Books" - to escape from Groundhog Day and immerse yourself in solving puzzles. The dystopia "Atlas Shrugged" is perfectly on topic, but not for the faint of heart, there is too much in common with what is happening. The love story "Never Never" is about teenagers who have lost their memory and must figure out not only their feelings, but also strange events. The saga "Russian Canary" is about the amazing fate of two families: one from Odessa, the other from Alma-Ata. "Gruffed Swans" by Igor Guberman is a collection of ironic, caustic and topical poems that will give you a great mood.
Intellectual prose
Book challenge 2022
Launching a challenge for the whole year 2022! The collection contains the longest stories. From the classic novels of Tolstoy and Hugo to the fantasy of Martin and Tolkien, Rowling-Galbraith detectives that make up entire series. Different genres, dissimilar characters - everyone will find something to their liking! Set a goal - to read or listen to more books, and our book challenges will stimulate you!
Important: to join the challenge, click the "Participate" button.
What should be done? Read or listen to one eBook or audiobook by December 31, 2022.
You will receive a push notification that the passage of the challenge is counted as soon as you complete the required number of works. Most importantly, do not forget to transfer books to the "Read" status.
Take a look at this genre multi-page variety. Detective "The Riddle of Number 622" is about an old murder, the loss of a friend and love, and the price of a new beginning. Series "Chronicle of the Cazalet Family" - to understand something about relationships with relatives and stop quarreling over trifles. Mystical cycle "Cemetery of Forgotten Books" - to escape from Groundhog Day and immerse yourself in solving puzzles. Dystopia "Atlas Shrugged" - as well as possible in the subject, but not for the faint of heart, there is too much in common with what is happening. Love story "Never Never" is about teenagers who have lost their memory and have to figure out not only their feelings, but also strange events. Saga "Russian Canary" is about the amazing destinies of two families: one from Odessa, the other from Alma-Ata. "Grusty Swans" by Igor Guberman is a collection of ironic, caustic and topical poems that will give you a great mood.