Love funny stories

Short Love Stories - Funny Jokes

Will and Guy have searched the internet and have found the best love stories
to entertain our readers.  Some are true; others are from history or
from famous works of fiction.

All the stories are touching, moving and amazing tales of love.

  • A Truly Beautiful Tale of

  • Profound Love from China: The Tale of Liu and Xu

  • Odysseus and Penelope: A Story Commitment to Love
  • Sad Love Story Of
    Antony And Cleopatra

  • Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere: A Medieval and Tragic Love Story

  • The Incredible, Tragic and Moving Love Story of Laila and Majnu
  • Helen of Troy: A Love Legend
  • True Love
    Story - Flybe Airline Plays Cupid
  • An Ugly Duckling Story of

A Truly Beautiful Tale of Love

A middle-aged gentleman walked into the make-up section of a department
store. The salespeople approached him assuming he was buying goods for his
significant other.

To their surprise, he begged them to teach him how to put on make-up.
They were a bit taken aback, but seeing as the store was not particularly
bustling at that hour, indulged him. He took detailed notes throughout the
rather thorough lesson, and finally at the end they simply couldn't hold it
in any longer, and asked what had inspired him to learn this art.

He replied, 'My dear wife recently lost her sight in a terrible accident,
and so she can't put on her own make-up anymore. We've been married over two
decades, and she knows I think she's the most beautiful woman in the world
no matter what, but when we go out nowadays she doesn't have the confidence
she used to have. I came here because I want to be able to put her make-up
on for her so she can feel as beautiful on the outside as I know she is on
the inside.'

A Story of a Deep and Profound Love from China: The Tale of Liu and Xu

An incredible love story has come out of China recently and managed to
touch the world.

It is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love
each other in peace for over half a century.

Over 50 years ago, Liu, a 19 year-old boy, fell in love with a 29
year-old widowed mother named Xu. At that time, it was unacceptable and
immoral for a young man to love an older woman. To avoid the market gossip,
the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in
Southern Chongqing area of China.

In the beginning, they had nothing, no electricity or even food. They had
to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene
lamp that they used to light up their lives. In the second year of living in
the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the
steps [over 6000] so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.

The couple had lived quietly together for over 50 years until recently.
Liu, now 72 years, returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat
and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms.

So in love with Xu, was Liu, that no one was able to release the grip he
had on his wife's hand even after he had passed away.

Will and Guy have discovered that the local government in the area has
decided to preserve the love ladder and the place they lived as a museum, so
this love story can live forever.

Love Story - The Proposal

How to Make A Wedding Proposal Bus Driver Risks Embarrassment Primary
school teacher, Miss Alex Hyde was left almost speechless after her
boyfriend proposed to her in front of the entire school.

A risky proposition you may well think. Romantic bus driver Bob Doyle
popped the question at a specially arranged assembly. Bob, 49, even made a
video of himself singing the couple's favourite love song which was showed
on a giant screen in front of 700 pupils and staff.

He then took Alex, 38, onto the stage of Newbridge Preparatory School,
Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK where he went down on one knee and asked
her to marry him. The pupils then erupted into cheers when she said "yes"
during the assembly recently. A brave man, we think, as he might have been
turned down.

Sad Love Story Of Antony And Cleopatra

The true love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable,
intriguing and moving of all times.

The story of these two historical characters had later been dramatized by
William Shakespeare and is still staged all over the world.

Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor

The relationship of Antony and Cleopatra is a true test of love. They
fell in love at first sight. The relationship between these two powerful
people put the country of Egypt in a strong position. However, their love
affair outraged the Romans who were wary of the growing power of the
Egyptians. Despite all the threats, Anthony and Cleopatra got married.

It is said that while fighting a battle against Romans, Antony got false
news of Cleopatra's death. Shattered, he fell on his sword.

When Cleopatra learned about Antony's death, she was distraught and later
she took her own life.

Great love demands great sacrifices.

Odysseus and

Penelope: A Story Commitment to Love

Few couples understand sacrifice quite like this Greek pair say Will and

After being torn apart, they wait twenty long years to be reunited. War
takes Odysseus away shortly after his marriage to Penelope. Although she has
little hope of his return, she resists the 108 suitors who are anxious to
replace her husband.

Odysseus is equally devoted, refusing a beautiful sorceress's offer of
everlasting love and eternal youth, so that he might return home to his wife
and son.

We feel that this story, written by Homer, reminds us all that true love
is worth waiting for.

Cartoon by Kaufman

Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere: A Medieval and Tragic Love Story

This love story of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere is probably one of
the best-known stories of Arthurian Legend.   Incidentally, it's only
recently that I made the connection between Gwen Fawr (Gwen the Great in
Welsh) and Guinevere.

Lancelot falls in love with Queen Guinevere, King Arthur's wife. Their
love grows slowly, as Guinevere keeps Lancelot away from her. Eventually,
however, her love and passion overpowers her and the pair became lovers.

One night, Sir Agravain and Sir Modred, King Arthur's nephew, led a band
of 12 knights to Guinevere's chamber where they burst in upon the lovers.
Discovered, Sir Lancelot makes a fighting escape, but poor Guinevere is not
so lucky. She is seized and condemned to burn to death for her adultery.

However, fear you not say Will and Guy; Sir Lancelot returns several days
later to rescue his beloved Guinevere from the fire.

This whole sad affair divides the Knights of the Round Table and
seriously weakens Arthur's kingdom. Poor Lancelot ends his days as a lowly
hermit and Guinevere becomes a nun at Amesbury where later she dies.

The Incredible, Tragic and Moving Love Story of Laila and Majnu

Laila was a beautiful girl born in a rich family. Being no less than a
princess, she was expected to marry a wealthy boy and live in grandeur and

Inevitably, some might say, she fell in love with Majnu, a poor lad.
Their passionate love for each other knew no bounds and as fate would have
it, the two lovers were banished from seeing each other.

Laila's parents married her off to a wealthy boy and she lived in a big
mansion. She couldn't bear the separation and committed suicide.

Majnu bereft and saddened by her death became insane and ultimately died
on Laila's grave.

The star-crossed lovers immortalized their feeling of love for each other
by giving away their lives in the name of love. Their agony is felt by many
in their hearts even today, when the heart-rending saga of Laila and Majnu
is narrated to them.

The story of Laila-Majnu has several variations. In India, it is believed
that Laila and Majnu breathed their last in a village in Rajasthan, where
they took refuge. Their graves are believed to be located in Bijnore
village, near Anupgarh in the Sriganganagar district.

Another, a rural legend in the area holds that Laila and Majnu originally
belonged to Sindh, from where they escaped to these parts of India and
finally, died in the Indian territory.

Another variation of the romantic tale of Laila and Majnu pictures both
the lovers meeting in school for the first time. Majnu is captivated by
Laila's beauty and falls in love in her. He is beaten by the schoolteacher
for being more attentive to Laila than studies. As their families learn
about this, the lovers are separated.

However, they meet again when they grow older. Laila's brother Tabrez
warns her against marrying Majnu. So deeply in love with Laila, Majnu
murders Tabrez, and is arrested.

Laila is married off to some other man, who challenges Majnu to death as
he gets to know Laila's inclination towards Majnu. While Majnu is killed by
Laila's Husband, she kills herself on learning of Majnu's death.

Helen of Troy: A Love Legend

Recounted in Homer's "Iliad", the story of Helen of Troy and the Trojan
War is a Greek heroic legend, combining fact and fiction.

Helen of Troy is considered one the most beautiful women in all
literature. She was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta.

Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, fell in love with Helen and abducted
her, taking her back to Troy.

The Greeks assembled a great army, led by Menelaus's brother, Agamemnon,
to retrieve Helen. Troy was destroyed. Helen returned safely to Sparta,
where she lived happily with Menelaus for the rest of her life.

A Collection of Modern Short Love Stories

True Love Story -

Flybe Airline Plays Cupid

Michael Young fell in love with a fellow passenger on a Flybe flight from
Belfast to Newcastle.  The girl who caught his attention was Juliet Lever,
who was sitting next to him in row 2.   Sadly, Michael was too shy to ask Juliet for her
phone number.  He confirmed this on the Victoria Derbyshire show on BBC
Radio 5 Live today.

He pined for her so much after they parted that he contacted the airline and begged bosses to ask her to get in touch
with the girl in seat 2C.  They obliged and Juliet, 29, phoned him and they agreed to go out to dinner.  A
whirlwind romance followed and they got married the next month.

Juliet, who now lives with Michael in Manchester, said, 'Every girl dreams of a fairytale romance and you couldn't
get better than

Head of Customer Relations, Ella Jones commented, 'Michael's
tale pulled heart strings so we played cupid.'

An Ugly Duckling Story of Love

There once was an ugly duckling..............a story of true love?

A male swan shunned by females
because of his deformed neck may finally have found a girlfriend after
seven years.  'Crinkly' the ugly swan became well-known at bird sanctuary
in Gloucester UK.   Each winter he would flying in from Russia, conservation workers
and visitors have watched with dismay as Crinkly
failed miserably to attract a mate. Experts at Slimbridge were amazed when Crinkly first arrived as a cygnet with parents Lucius and Coletta, with a strangely deformed neck probably caused by a birth

'We were worried about Crinkly because he is such a strange-looking bird,' said Jools Mackin, spokesperson for Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Until now,  none of the females at the
sanctuary was
prepared to mate with him but conservation workers say they can see signs of a budding romance.

'We are delighted because we think Crinkly has finally found a girlfriend,' commented Ms Mackin.  'He appears to
be loosely associating with another Slimbridge Bewick's swan called Taciturn. It is too early to say whether or not they are mates, but we'll be monitoring them over the next few days to see.  At the moment they
are associating on Swan Lake. They are flying in and out together and we do hope they will become mates.'

Please send us your short love stories.

Eight Sweet Love Stories That Will Make You Laugh

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If you’re like me, sometimes you’re in the mood for a sweet love story to make you laugh. After all, life can be hard, and laughter is the best medicine (Proverbs 17:22).

I highlight some of my favorite funny but romantic reads below. Whether you’re a fan of historical fiction or prefer a more contemporary setting, the clean, classy love stories listed here are sure to make you giggle as you read.

If you like books by Jan Karon–such as her hilarious Mitford series–then you might like these!

When a dressmaker who values beauty tangles with a liveryman who condemns vanity, the sparks begin to fly!

Hysterically funny and well-researched, A Tailor-Made Bride is an engaging historical read that will leave you thinking about the characters long after you’ve turned the last page–which in my estimation makes it the best kind of book.

The love story at turns unfolds like a rose and whirls like a waterfall. The clashes between the characters made me laugh, and the author’s signature witty style shines. Also, the bit of intrigue woven in added a dash of adventure.

When Charlotte and Joel are coerced into planning a fundraising gala for the hospital, will this combustible pair explode?

Lorna Seilstad writes in an engaging, humorous, but heart-stirring style. That’s a talented combination. When the OCD tendencies of the hero, Joel, were revealed in early chapters, I could relate–and laugh at him. Charlotte, on the other hand, is a free spirit. The combination made for highly entertaining reading.

About two-thirds through the book, the pacing picked up significantly, and for a short while I felt a little lost with all that was happening. But toward the end, I found my way again and Seilstad expertly steered me toward a satisfying ending.

Everyone else may think them a match, but nothing could be further from the truth–until Agatha finds herself in real trouble.

Jen Turano’s writing style is uniquely funny and kept me reading about Agatha’s adventures long after I should have turned out the light on my nightstand. Jen writes in a fresh and amusing way that doesn’t distract from the intriguing storyline. Not only is Agatha a talented journalist, she’s one with an assassin after her!

By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where the hero was laid up pretty much the entire time with a broken leg. That made for some interesting escapades. At the end, even the twist on the assassin’s real identity caught me by surprise–twice. Even with all the suspense, A Match of Wits is one of the funniest books on my bookshelf.

When a recovering romantic goes to work for a handsome ranch owner, her heart’s not the only thing in danger!

Yes, another Witemeyer book! Let me tell you why I love this author’s humorous style: featuring the hero as an English nobleman turned sheep farmer, this book is filled with all sorts of silly conundrums and ironic twists of phrase. The glimpse on the cover of the heroine, Adelaide, about to tumble off the front porch is in every way indicative of the adventure to be found within the pages of Head in the Clouds.

For Christian fiction lovers, this book presents the faith-filled life in a way that is neither over-the-top or under-done. And for romantics like myself, Adelaide’s oft-addlepated escapades in the name of love are hysterical.

Will they want to spend the rest of their lives keeping one another out of trouble?

One more Turano book! I’ll never forget how I burst into laughter in the middle of my college campus while reading this book on a study break during senior year. Another time when I was reading over breakfast, something so hysterical happened in a scene that I almost dropped my book into my cereal.

But what I liked best about this book was that it wasn’t just funny. It has depth, too. Turano weaves in a Christian message that never once drowns out the story–or the humor.

It comes naturally to want a man of your very own, to want babies of your own. You scoff at it, but it’s as natural as breathing to a woman to want these things.” – Kylie in Tried and True

Mary Connealy has a fresh writing style that is capable of both tickling my funny bone and touching my heart with an inspiring theme. Connealy is probably best known for writing cowboy stories set in the Wild West. Tried and True, a story about the three Wilde sisters, is no different–except for the gender of the cowboys! Kylie Wilde, the main character, is not too wild to relate to, though. I loved that she is not so much tomboyish as she is a fan of pretty things.

Still, she lives in Idaho Territory. Pretty things are scarce, so Kylie settles for dreaming of returning to “civilization.” Enter Aaron, and the plot takes crazy twists that only added to the hilarity.

Kat Varland has had enough of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

Although historical romances may be my favorite, Betsy St. Amant has written this contemporary love story to be as delightful as the cupcakes her main character creates. The first thing I loved about this book was the main character, Kat. She’s brave, but only in the comfort of her own kitchen, because her family doesn’t support her entrepreneurial ventures.

But her best friend is about to change all that by entering her into a cupcake competition! Which provides the perfect setting for Kat to discover just how brave she can be, and for Lucas to learn a few things about being the hero, too. The way Betsy brought it to a close was masterful. If you’re looking for a sweet, Southern summer read with an encouraging message, pick up All’s Fair in Love and Cupcakes.

I’m currently reading the sequel (Love Arrives in Pieces) about Kat’s sister, Stella, and finding it just as fun (and funny!) as the first.

How many times can a girl discover someone else’s gown without dreaming of the day it’ll be her turn to wear one?

Witty and full of asides that made me laugh out loud, Joy crafted a humdinger of a contemporary love story sure to make you laugh. I have the privilege of sharing a publisher with Joy. We’re both the youngest writers in the WhiteFire stable, and I’ve so enjoyed getting to know Joy.

I also enjoyed getting to know Izze, Joy’s main character in Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations! She’s delightful, real, and quirky. If you love the show “Say Yes to the Dress,” you’ll adore this book.


I heartily recommend these books above if you’re in search of some light summer stories to read on the front porch swing on breezy evenings. Be prepared to laugh!

Have you read any of them? I’d love to hear what you think in the comments section below.

All my best,

Rachelle Rea Cobb


Here at Club31Women, we recognize that not everyone has the same taste or point of view on books, music, or movies, but we offer these short reviews for your consideration. Our hope is that you will find something new and wonderful on this list of recommended resources!
~ Lisa Jacobson, Club31Women

Rachelle Rea Cobb is a freelance editor, an author of six books, and a voracious reader. She married a man with the same name as her first fictional hero, and they are now living their happily ever after with their baby daughter in a fixer-upper by the sea. She’s a fan of chai and lemonade (though definitely not together). You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, and on her blog.

100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear

Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.

These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.

So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.

Affirmation Books Available here!

Four love stories, or How life is unpredictable


Four love stories, or How life is unpredictable

Four love stories, or How life is unpredictable - RIA Novosti, 03.03.2020

Four love stories, or how unpredictable life can be

While some people only dream of finding their soul mate, someone has already found it. There are no identical love stories, despite the fact that ... RIA Novosti, 02/14/2018





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social navigator, Russia

Social navigator, Russia

While some people only dream of finding their soul mate, someone has already found it. There are no identical love stories, despite the fact that there are similar plots. Someone was lucky to meet the same one at school, and right away on the solemn line, someone learned the name of their future husband long before they were married, and someone realized that true love knows no time and distance and say " I agree it's never too late.

For Valentine's Day, "Social Navigator" has collected four incredible love stories that will help you believe in a miracle.

Together from school, or Copper rings

Elena and Konstantin met when they were only seven years old. They ended up in class 1 "B" by a lucky chance - they forgot about Lena and several girls during the distribution, and then the class teacher took the students to her place.

© RIA Novosti / Sherstennikov The school gave the characters of this story not only knowledge, but also love

© RIA Novosti / Sherstennikov

Several school years passed, and Kostya nevertheless gathered his courage and handed over to his beloved an encrypted note in which he confessed his feelings. Then they were 12 years old.

From the 6th grade, they began to spend time together - they went for walks and went to the cinema, and in the 8th grade they sat down at the same desk. Elena recalls that none of her classmates bullied or teased the young couple, everyone treated their relationship very reverently and carefully, even the teachers.

Grade 7 played an important role in their future family life - then 13-year-old teenagers decided that they would definitely get married, and Kostya even made wedding rings from copper nuts. Of course, it was impossible to wear them, but Elena still remembers this gift with special warmth.

As often happens, the last call could separate the lovers, because Lena entered the university, which was located in another city, but the distance only strengthened the already strong feelings. Despite the fact that the young people were separated by four hours on the bus, they met once every two weeks - either she went to him, or he went to her.

February 2, 2018, 4:33 PM

Gender relations. What will the family and school teach?

But the test of the strength of feelings did not end there - in 1987 Konstantin was drafted into the army. Ahead were two years apart, the lovers were already separated by 10 hours on the train. But even this could not weaken the love between them. During the entire time of her service, Elena came to her young man eight times.

Konstantin was demobilized in 1989, and now the lovers no longer parted - they got married on February 15 of the following year. Elena says that if they had known about Valentine's Day then, they would have gotten married a little earlier, but this does not upset her at all, because tomorrow they will celebrate the 28th anniversary of their marriage, and in September their daughter will turn 28 years old.

Love stories are always a miracle, but some are based on real mystical events, when a fortuneteller or a gypsy sees the name of the future groom in coffee grounds or on Tarot cards, a meeting with whom will take place in a few years.

The fortune-teller turned out to be right, or there is only one surname, and there are many applicants

Masha was 12 years old when a gypsy came to their village in the Penza region and began to guess. Village girls brought her some bread, some milk, and held out their palms. Of course, first of all, everyone was interested in the name of the groom. “Your last name will be Penkina, remember. And your husband will be called Nikolai,” said the gypsy to Masha.

The girl confidently objected that neither in their village nor in the neighboring one there are people with such a surname, so the gypsy should read the data from her palm more carefully. Then she said that she would live in Ryazan. "There is no such city. Maybe Kazan?" - Masha was not all right with geography. The gypsy took a closer look and cut her off: no, it’s Ryazan after all, and don’t argue with a medium.

February 13, 2018, 6:30 pm

"I'll prove that I love you!": the most striking actions for love

This is how this story began at 1949 year. Then Masha's mother died, and her stepmother hinted that she already had two hungry mouths and that she and her brother and sister needed to look for a new home. And it was not so easy to leave the village at that time. Having received a passport, Masha wrote an application to the Penza Library College and entered. She took her younger brother and sister, some money and left, but not to Penza, but to Moscow. For a year she worked as a tracker on the railway and moved to Ryazan.

The family settled in the dormitory of the ceramic factory, slept on the same bed, across, with their feet on stools. In that hostel, Masha met a man whose name was Anatoly Penkin.

"The gypsy made a little mistake. Anatoly, Nikolai - the difference is small," the girl thought.

Anatoly began hitting on her, and great love could have grown out of this, if not for a stupid case. Anatoly was going to an important event and asked for neighborly help, to iron his trousers, since he himself did not know how. Masha didn’t know how, either, but she happily agreed. “I then stroked such shooters for him that I had to buy new trousers,” she recalled. Anatoly in new trousers soon married a neighbor. And Masha moved to the dormitory of a brick factory.

© From the personal archive Having met several Penkins, Maria nevertheless found her Nikolai

© From the personal archive

In order for the guardianship authorities not to take the children to the orphanage, Masha wrote a letter to Kliment Voroshilov and even got to see him. Nothing could stop this woman. Gradually, the problems with the placement of children were resolved, it remains to build your family happiness. In the new hostel there was again a man named Penkin, only his name was Victor. It turned out that he had eight brothers, among whom, of course, was Nikolai.

At that time, he had just returned from the army to his native Lipetsk village. The young man did not know anything about the gypsy woman's prediction, so he did not look for love and was going to get a job on a collective farm. A hard-working guy with golden hands had a great future, even at the wheel of a bulldozer, even as an educated agronomist. But fate brought him to his brother in a hostel in Ryazan. There he noticed the girl Mary.

In the spring of 1956, the entire dormitory went out for Saturday work. The work was distributed according to the availability of tools. If you have a shovel, you will dig; if you have brushes, you will paint. Masha had a crowbar.

"Why did I pay attention to her? It was painfully good at breaking the ice, the crowbar flew like that! And she was joking and laughing all the time. Then I thought that I had to be a fool to miss such a woman," Nikolai tells his grandchildren.

Last year, surrounded by a large family, they celebrated the 60th anniversary of their life together. Masha put on a veil that her great-granddaughter made from tulle, and Nikolai put on a jacket with a tie.

© From the personal archive Maria and Nikolai, September 3, 1957

© From the personal archive

Many people say that it is impossible to forget the first love. In everyone's heart there is a special place for joyful, warm and even sad memories. It happens that only after a while you realize that true love has always been there, and feelings have not yet subsided.

Because you have Alyoshka, or And then the bell rang

The story of Natalia and Alexei began more than twenty years ago. Young and inexperienced schoolchildren did not think about relationships at all then.

February 13, 2018, 03:48 PM

In Moscow, more than 320 couples will get married on Valentine's Day

Spring came, the warm sun appeared on the street, and Natasha and her friend decided to go for a walk. That day they met three guys. Vitaly, the most mature, brave and arrogant, immediately began to actively care for the main character, although at that time she did not even think about relationships. Sasha was carried away by her friend, and the modest and not very sociable Lesha was left alone. Natasha did not tell anyone that even then she liked Alexei.

Time passed, and the modest, silent Lyosha nevertheless confessed to the girl his feelings, which turned out to be mutual. The young people were in love, happy, and did not even think of leaving until Natalya got ready for Moscow. It was too early for the heroes to think about living together, so they decided to leave.

After the move, the girl's life changed. The rhythm of the big city captivated Natalya, she made new friends, began to go out more often, met a guy.

Young people have been together for a long time, and it seemed to her that here she is - real, adult love. But subconsciously, the girl every time compared her young man with Lesha, she never forgot about him.

Mutual friends said that everything was not going well with Alexei in his personal life, that he always spoke about Natalya, although she continued to believe that youthful love was in the past, that it was all just an illusion.

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Sergeev The lovers thought about each other even when apart . And then fate knocked on her door, or rather, called on the phone.

February 14, 2018, 10:00

Kind, unusual, eternal. Three love stories that make you want to live after

Sitting on suitcases, waiting to return to her small homeland, Natalya heard a phone call - it was Alex. He got her number from mutual friends. They talked all evening, as in the old days, when everything was just beginning, and it immediately became clear to them that their destiny was to be together.

The lovers got married in a few months, and soon they will have a long-awaited child. The first daughter of Natalia treats Alexei as an older friend.

It happens that halves know each other all their lives, but for some reason it seems that this is only friendship, but one fine day you realize that he is the only one.

Quest in the dark, or Parents got married

Maxim was two years old when he went with his parents to the sea. Everyone was having a great time until the boy got a stomach ache. And so much so that the family had to interrupt the vacation and urgently return home. Someone advised taking the child to the hospital to see a doctor he knew. There, he was quickly diagnosed and operated on, which literally saved the boy from death - then his appendicitis burst.

The surgery was successful, so Maxim's dad decided to meet the doctor. It turned out that the doctor also has children - one-year-old Dasha and her two-year-old sister. The joke suggested itself: "Let's marry them?".

© From the personal archive Then no one thought that after a comic proposal their children would get married

© From the personal archive

Families began to be friends: they rested together and went to each other on holidays, but a real friendship between Dasha and Maxim began, when they were six or seven years old.

Years passed, the young man got another girlfriend, both families warmly accepted her and already married the couple in their heads, and Dasha began to fly abroad often.

Returning from another trip, the heroine of this story and her friends decided to go on a quest, and she invited Maxim there as well. Then he told that he had parted with his passion. It was decided to reconcile them, but Maxim was categorically against it.

After this incident, childhood friends began to see each other more often: almost every day they went to the cinema, cafes and again gathered for another quest - scary, in complete darkness, which Dasha was always afraid of. Everyone was supposed to split up in pairs, and the girl instinctively grabbed Maxim's hand. There, in the darkness, the starting point of their nascent relationship appeared.

Then followed the New Year, which the lovers spent first with their parents, and then with friends. Everything between them was very innocent and even childish - they just held hands.

February 14, 2018, 07:00

For Valentine's Day. "For the sake of love, even Napoleon will oversleep..." Napoleon's "Hundred Days" did not begin at all with his decision to return to the throne. And with the love of a British colonel and an Italian countess. And, of course, Saint Valentine is to blame for everything.

A few days later, at 2 am, Dasha's phone rang — Maxim asked her to come downstairs. Half asleep, she thought it was a joke, but then she went down anyway and saw him on the threshold of the house with her favorite scarlet roses in her hands. The guy kissed her on the cheek and just left.

Dasha did not want to change her life at that time, she did not want to give up trips abroad, she was afraid of the unknown. Therefore, when in February, friends suggested that Maxim go to Sochi to snowboard, the girl persuaded Maxim to go out with friends. In addition, his ex went to the company, and everyone suggested that there they could get back together. But fate decreed otherwise.

© From the personal archive The long-awaited girl gave birth to both families

© From the personal archive

Even at a distance, young people were in touch 24 hours a day, and when Maxim returned, it seemed that everything between them became clear. But the series of separations did not end there - a week later Dasha flew away. It still seemed to the girl that after such a time the feelings between them should subside, but the lovers, but desperately not admitting it to themselves, talked almost every day.

On the day Dasha returned, they decided to move in together, and six months later they got married. As the heroine herself says: "Our families are reunited." Nine months ago, their daughter was born, and in the spring a boy will appear.

Interviewed by Yesenia Blandova

"You must love" - ​​The official website of the Theater "On Liteiny"

Press "All Life Ahead" by Emil Ajar
Author: Dmitrevskaya M. //PTZh No. 40. 2005

It happens.

In the autumn of 2004, Emile Azhar's novel All Life Ahead suddenly turned into a theater fact. It was staged according to his own staging by Nikolai Kolyada in Yekaterinburg, at the same time Anatoly Praudin began rehearsing (based on the staging of Alexander Hetman) in St. Petersburg, they said that there would be another performance by Viktor Kramer with Leah Akhedzhakova in Farces and a performance by Andrei Zholdak with Galina Volchek in Sovremennik "…

It seems that Zholdak will still be released in the new season, Kramer was hushed up, but it is clear that the theater (not the theaters, but the Theater) had some good reasons to take the old book by Romain Gary off the shelf, at the end of its glory who hid under the pseudonym "Emile Azhar" and received the Goncourt Prize for the novel, which cannot be received twice (and he, Gary, had already been its owner for twenty years for the novel "The Roots of Heaven"). The hoax lasted for five years, Gary played the role of Uncle Emil Azhar, then he had to "materialize" the new winner, passing off his nephew Paul Pavlovich as a real writer. The game ended tragically: at 19In the year 80, having left the article “The Life and Death of Emile Azhar” to posterity, Romain Gary shot himself, writing in his suicide note: “Everything can be explained by nervous depression. But in this case, it should be borne in mind that it has been going on since I became an adult, and that it was she who helped me to adequately engage in literary craft. The article came out a year after his suicide.

The book does not belong to the number of desktop books in Russia, why did the theater suddenly take on a story written on behalf of a fourteen-year-old teenager Mohammed, Momo, an Arab, brought up by an obese Jewess Madame Rosa, a former prostitute who, in her declining years, organized a shelter for the “non-aborted” in time the children of prostitutes? The "colored" quarter of Paris, the neo-realistic Babylon, the world of modern "Les Miserables" - this is the space in which Momo lives. This world is saturated with a mass of details, “objects”, chaotically, with repetitions, as is characteristic of the children's consciousness, memorized and reproduced by Momo. He protests against Rosa, passionately wants to find out who his parents are, and gradually realizes his love for the fat Jewish woman, who every day curses the stairs to the seventh floor more than Auschwitz, where she ended up in the war (Madame Rosa keeps in the basement, in her " Jewish lair”, a portrait of Hitler, because when you look at it, you understand that there is one less trouble in the world . ..). Momo takes care of the sick Rosa, who gradually becomes a “vegetable”, a plant, and then for three weeks, in the “lair”, she makes up the deceased, cares for her corpse, pours perfume - just so as not to part with the only creature she loves and loves him, so that as to extend the life that has ended, to be with Madame Rosa not to the end, but after the end ...

We should use the word "humanistic" in connection with Azhar's book. The humanistic pathos of compassion really lives in her, the Muslim Monsieur Hamil and Dr. Katz coexist, Rosa brings up the Jew Moishe and the Arab Mohammed at the same time - and Momo reads her a Jewish prayer. In the finale, Momo ends up in a prosperous French family, Azhar clearly wants to believe in the tradition of Hugo and Dickens, his “educational romance” ends with a seemingly prosperous, precisely humanistic, ending: nobility overcomes the horror of life.

Everything in the novel is built on oppositions, contrasts. Jews and Arabs. Elderly Rose - and teenager Momo. A woman who has become obsolete - and a man who enters into life. All this, of course, is theatrical in its own way, but I think the need for Azhara is dictated by others. The book is, of course, about love. And love as such, tortured by our art, inverted, perverted, shown this way and that, could return to its very pure incarnation in Azhar's performances. He really is in love. Sensual and at the same time platonic, selfless, but not for show. The bottom of life, on which the heroes live, is elevated to the seventh (!) Floor, here the prostitutes are noble and there are no scoundrels.

From one novel, two insanely different performances were born.

In the little basement theater near Kolyada, where the theatrical bell calls “May there always be sunshine” and homespun rugs are laid out, a homely, warm, stuffy, like Rosa’s small apartment in a densely populated quarter, a provincial world has been built. It endlessly, ad nauseam, repeats the Jewish song “To make it not boring, we will dance songs ...”, they drag aluminum basins in which candles float, and if the holiday means sparkles of foil ... At the very beginning, a few characters are bandaged for a long time to the wall-column : here they are all together, forced to drag out a common invalid fate, outcasts ...

The provincial nature of the relationship described in the novel and the provincial nature that Kolyada adheres to programmatically, understanding and remembering the nature of just such a life, coincide here. The performance is called chamber - "Madame Rosa".

In Praudin's Theater on Liteiny, there is a global human dump unrolled to the full extent of the stage. Roughly sewn human carcasses-monsters are thrown at her: from aborted babies to obese women with sharply protruding breasts. The slum of life, the garbage heap, sprouting on which it is difficult to imagine that some kind of life is ahead, all the more so - all of it. Here she is all. Behind a huge magnifying glass, like behind the lens of an old TV, there are shots from the films of Godard, Truffaut, Jacobi. Mise-en-scenes from films are sometimes repeated in stage compositions, "that" life - unreal, cinematic - will give the form of life to "this one".

It would be more correct to call Kolyada's performance “Baby Momo”. Although the staging (compact, dramatic, not flowing with novel details) is centered on Madame Rosa, little Momo takes all the attention, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted. He is excellently played by Oleg Yagodin. Even if the whitewash is washed off his face (the characters are whitewashed like circus clowns, Momo looks like a pale Pierrot), he will still be pale, as if faded, light-eyed, sharp, incorporeal. From role to role, Yagodin becomes an excellent actor, because he is able to broadcast (God forbid that this gift does not disappear) some kind of trouble for his characters. It's something you don't play on purpose. Loneliness, the persecution of Momo, he also does not need to play. When Momo's frail body is dog-like pressed to Madame Rosa's feet, and her eyes are somewhere else, any explanations for the total loneliness in which this boy lives become superfluous. "I was never small, I had other things to worry about." He speaks the truth, he is a child who has never been small.

Praudin's performance is also centered on Momo, but the director subtracts two of his fundamental themes from the novel. He makes a performance about the formation, masculinity, resistance of a teenager. About how a baby (Oleg Abalyan) becomes a man. This Momo does not cuddle up to Madame Rosa, he stands firmly on his feet, neither drug dealers nor pimps will tempt him, he is proud (with style he gives the waitress Jeanne a hundred francs that the benefactor left him ...), Madame Rosa managed to raise him as a man. He will wash the sheets for the recumbent Madame Rosa and escort her on her last journey, as befits a real man.

The second theme, native to Praudin, is the idea of ​​saving emigration to art from the horror of life (the recent Cinderella was also about this). Comedians live in the landfill of his Azhar, a doll walks on a wire, Jeanne and the strange boy Mozart sing wonderfully until Mozart injects himself with a lethal dose of heroin, and Momo is saved ... by an umbrella. Hiding behind him and exposing your bare heels, you are no longer you, but someone else, and life is different. Momo-Abalyan doesn't just make money by performing on Pigalle, fictional Arthur really becomes a saving fantasy, and maybe Momo will become a circus performer, an actor - someone who cannot be thrown into a real dump. Because the reality for him is a world that cannot be encroached upon.

The theme of the theater - fundamental to Praudin - was not alien to Azhar either. Romain Gary, French writer of Russian origin Roman Kasev, considered Ivan Mozzhukhin to be his father. In 1917, his mother, a provincial actress, took him, a three-year-old boy, to emigration, and love for his mother was always the theme of Gary, and the passionate thirst of little Momo to find out who his father is, apparently, has autobiographical roots. Gary's mother dreamed: “My son will become a French envoy, a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, a great drama actor, Ibsen, Gabriele D'Annunzio. He will dress like a Londoner!” Gary really became the Consul General of France, during the Second World War he was a military pilot, participated in the Resistance, became a Knight of the Legion of Honor and, finally, an "actor" who achieved complete reincarnation in the greatest literary mystification of the second half of the twentieth century, proving that it is possible born twice and received the Prix Goncourt twice. "My self" is missing. When I remain myself for too long, I feel cramped, I am suffocated by my “…”

There is also a lot of theatricality in the performance of Kolyada. Whitewashed faces, Rose's clown mask, foil glitter. But the real fireworks of theatrical meanings appear in the performance when the prostitute-transvestite Madame Lola appears in it.

No, I really didn't recognize him for a long time. In a silvery dress, in a blue-black wig, someone appeared in whom it was really impossible to determine the gender and genre ... Lola preened for a long time, it took me a long time to recognize ... Vladimir Kabalin. The actor is not just with a masculine, but with a masculine-masculine-masculine beginning, the wiry, thick-set Kolyada was made by Madame Lola. And flirtatious Lola, a former boxer, Kabalin plays brilliantly, easily.

He doesn't pretend to be a woman, he doesn't travesti (I wanted to say he doesn't travesti...), but he doesn't make it clear that he is a man either. “You are not like everyone else,” says Lole Momo. Kabalin plays “not like that”. Not vain. Not happy. Not sentimental. Strange. Different. He does it fearlessly, grotesquely. Actually, the whole drama of this life is in the rebirth, the reincarnation of Lola - a complete reincarnation, but not giving happiness. Actually, two strange people become the poles of the performance: the strange boy Momo and the strange deep-spoken Lola, who was choked and choked by her "I". Lola in this performance seems to take on the function of Madame Rosa ...

There is no Lola in Praudin's performance at all.

The finale of the St. Petersburg performance is opera-style beautiful and opera-like obscure. Rosa (Olga Samoshina) is dressed, made up, put on her red wig, in which she appeared in the first scene, dozens of dolls (unborn children?) are pinned to her white cape - and Rosa climbs up the stairs along the sheets covered with sheets (I just want to say - leading down ...). Like a prima donna.

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