Math classes for kindergarten

Kindergarten Online Math Lesson Plans

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The Time4Learning kindergarten math lessons put a fun spin on learning important foundational skills for the youngest of students. In addition to engaging, interactive activities that teach the lessons, each of the chapters features an overarching theme such as safari, playtime, and cooking.

This page provides information on what kindergarten math a student should know, math objectives for the year, and why Time4Learning is the best choice to help your child reach all of the kindergarten math goals and objectives.

What Math Should a Kindergarten Student Know?

Kindergarten math is all about becoming familiar with the basics and setting a solid foundation. Students will learn to count and recognize numbers, identify shapes and their attributes, add and subtract numbers, and complete patterns.

Below are some of the other skills that a student should know in kindergarten math.

  • Create, describe and compare 2-D and 3-D shapes
  • Compare groups using the terms greater, less, fewer, more
  • Use tally charts and picture graphs to represent numbers
  • Recognize that larger numbers are made up of smaller numbers
  • Order events in a sequence

Kindergarten Math Objectives

For most students, kindergarten is their first official year of schooling. Gaining a solid understanding of basic concepts now, will help them feel confident and prepared as they learn new math skills in the years to come. That’s why it’s so important that students use a comprehensive curriculum, like Time4Learning, to help them master these concepts and reach all their kindergarten math goals and objectives.

Below are some of the math objectives a kindergarten math curriculum should help your child achieve.

  • Count objects up to 20
  • Use an analog and digital clock to identify time to the nearest hour
  • Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and know their value
  • Compare the length and weight of objects
  • Explore properties of addition and subtraction

Time4Learning’s Kindergarten Math Lesson Plans

Chapter 1: “Tutorial”

Lesson 1: Tutorial –
1 Activity

Functionality of buttons and interactions, and practice questions from lessons based on objectives.

Chapter 2: “Under the Sea”

Lesson 1: Adventures Under the Sea –
4 Activities

Recognize likenesses and differences between pairs of items.

Lesson 2: Searchers of the Sunken Ship –
4 Activities

Sort objects by appearance (e.g., color, size, and shape). Recognize items that are the same and different. Extend and identify a repeating pattern.

Lesson 3: Sea Sorting –
4 Activities

Sort representations of living things by appearance. Create items with given attributes. Recognize one-to-one correspondence.

Lesson 4: Fantastic Fish –
4 Activities

Align sorted objects to determine whether a one-to-one match exists. Determine which set has more or fewer members when a one-to-one match does not exist. Create and interpret picture-graph displays.

Lesson 5: Sea Symphony –
4 Activities

Copy, continue, and complete patterns involving two attributes.

Chapter Test: Under the Sea

Chapter 3: “Playtime in the Park”

Lesson 1: Moose Park Footrace –
4 Activities

Use positional words to describe vertical and horizontal relationships. Recognize that more than one term may be appropriately used to describe a positional relationship. Create a positional relationship by following directions.

Lesson 2: Digby Hide-and-Seek –
4 Activities

Use positional words to direct investigations that occur in different locations. Use positional words to describe locations.

Lesson 3: A New View –
4 Activities

Recognize that vertical and horizontal relationships are often determined by point of view. Recognize that individual items may each appear different from different perspectives.

Lesson 4: Shape Hunt –
4 Activities

Investigate the features of a circle, triangle, square, and rectangle, and identify their presence in contextual settings. Identify likenesses and differences between pairs of shapes. Construct shapes.

Lesson 5: Shapes, Shapes, Everywhere –
17 Activities

Analyze, compare, create, and compose two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts, and other attributes.

Lesson 6: Photo Finish –
8 Activities

Construct and/or complete simple scenes formed with plane figures. Construct, complete, and describe patterns formed with plane figures.

Chapter Test: Playtime in the Park

Chapter 4: “Let’s Go On a Safari”

Lesson 1: Jungle Safari –
6 Activities

Recognize that objects can be counted and represented by numerals. Recognize that cardinal numbers represent a quantity (numbers 1-5). Read and represent numbers 1-5. Recognize that different arrangements represent the same quantity (numbers 1-5).

Lesson 2: Safari Tales –
6 Activities

Compare groups to determine more/greater/less/fewer. Use one-to-one correspondence when comparing sets. Recognize the concept of zero as representing an empty set. Construct and interpret picture graphs.

Lesson 3: Wild Animals –
10 Activities

Recognize that objects can be counted and represented by numerals (0-20). Recognize that cardinal numbers represent a quantity (numbers 0-20). Read, write, and represent numbers 0-20. Recognize that different arrangements represent the same quantity (numbers 0-20).

Lesson 4: Sounds Wild! –
8 Activities

Use one-to-one correspondence to represent and compare quantities of 0-10. Use tally charts and picture graphs to represent 0-10. Recognize sequence of numbers on a number line. Describe position in a sequence of whole numbers on a number line up to 10.

Lesson 5: Animal Keeper at Work –
10 Activities

Recognize that larger numbers are formed from combinations of smaller numbers. Explore addition models. Recognize that smaller numbers are formed by taking apart sets. Informally explore subtraction models.

Chapter Test: Let’s Go On a Safari

Chapter 5: “What’s Cooking?”

Lesson 1: Snack Time –
9 Activities

Use a calendar as a tool to identify months, days, and dates. Use a calendar as a tool to identify today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Identify parts of a day (morning, afternoon, evening). Use an analog clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Use a digital clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Order events in a sequence. Identify temperature using a thermometer.

Lesson 2: Harriets Piggy Bank –
5 Activities

Identify penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Identify value of penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Combine coins to make values up to 10 cents.

Lesson 3: Tasty Treats –
6 Activities

Compare the length of objects. Identify and correct common errors in linear measurement. Estimate and measure length using nonstandard units. Measure length using standard units.

Lesson 4: Sharing Snacks –
4 Activities

Separate items into equal parts through an active comparison of their length. Informally explore commonly used fractional parts of a whole (fourths, thirds, halves).

Lesson 5: Measurement Matters –
6 Activities

Compare the weight of objects. Compare the capacity of objects. Recognize tools of measurement. Informally explore the concept of area.

Lesson 6: Writers Corner –
1 Activity

Use a calendar as a tool to identify months, days, and dates. Use a calendar as a tool to identify today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Identify parts of a day (morning, afternoon, evening). Use an analog clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Use a digital clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Order events in a sequence. Identify temperature using a thermometer. Identify penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Identify value of penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Combine coins to make values up to ten cents. Compare the length of objects. Identify and correct common errors in linear measurement. Estimate and measure length using nonstandard units. Measure length using standard units. Separate items into equal parts through an active comparison of their length. Informally explore commonly used fractional parts of a whole (quarters, thirds, halves). Compare the weight of objects. Compare the capacity of objects. Recognize tools of measurement. Informally explore the concept of area.

Chapter Test: What’s Cooking?

Chapter 6: “Numbers in the Neighborhood”

Lesson 1: Number Sense Center –
7 Activities

Read and represent numbers 11-20. Recognize that larger numbers are formed from combinations of smaller numbers (11-20). Demonstrate understanding of conservation of number (recognizing that size does not affect number). Explore numbers 0-100. Explore number patterns, counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Lesson 2: Graphing Data Drive –
5 Activities

Use data to create picture graphs. Use data to create bar graphs. Interpret data from graphs and use it to solve problems.

Lesson 3: Probability Place –
4 Activities

Understand basic concepts of chance and probability. Describe events as likely or unlikely.

Lesson 4: Addition Avenue –
10 Activities

Recognize that larger numbers are formed from combinations of smaller numbers. Explore addition models. Explore properties of addition. Use addition number sentences to record the combining of sets. Solve addition number sentences.

Lesson 5: Subtraction Street –
6 Activities

Explore subtraction models. Explore properties of subtraction. Use number sentences to record subtraction. Solve subtraction number sentences.

Lesson 6: Writers Corner –
1 Activity

Use data to create picture graphs. Use data to create bar graphs. Interpret data from graphs and use it to solve problems. Use data to create picture graphs. Use data to create bar graphs. Interpret data from graphs and use it to solve problems. Understand basic concepts of chance and probability. Describe events as likely or unlikely. Explore addition models. Explore properties of addition. Use addition number sentences to record the combing of sets. Solve addition number sentences. Explore subtraction models. Explore properties of subtraction. Use number sentences to record subtraction. Solve subtraction number sentences.

Chapter Test: Numbers in the Neighborhood

Scope & Sequence Copyright © 2022 Edgenuity, Inc. All rights reserved.

Why Choose Time4Learning Kindergarten Math Homeschool Curriculum

Setting up students for success in math or any other subject starts as early as kindergarten. Helping them master counting, shapes, basic addition and subtraction will have a big impact on their performance in later years.

Time4Learning’s kindergarten math curriculum uses bright, colorful and engaging activities to make math fun and enjoyable for the little ones. Students are able to log in on their time and progress at their own pace. The curriculum is simple to follow and material is presented in a suggested sequence that builds on itself.

Parents have access to lesson plans, student planners, and plenty of resources to make homeschooling simple. In addition, our automated grading and recordkeeping system keeps track of all of your child’s work and makes it simple to print reports and create homeschool portfolios. And if you plan on using the kindergarten math curriculum as a supplement, you will have full access to these features as well.

Interested in other kindergarten subjects? Learn more about our online kindergarten curriculum, designed to teach your student their fundamental concepts.

Kindergarten Math Lessons and Activities for the First 20 Days!

Kindergarten math lesson plans for teaching numbers to 5, 2D shapes, and 3D shapes. This resource provides detailed instruction for your first 4 weeks of math!

Kindergarten Math: The First 20 Days

The first few weeks of school are a hectic time for kindergarten teachers! You are making sure to cover all procedures and routines, all while beginning to teach the kindergarten math curriculum. Many teachers get started with academics right away in order to stay on track for the expected curriculum for the year. Wouldn’t it be nice to have planned out lessons to save you time and stress? You’re in luck! That is just what I have for you – detailed lesson plans and printable resources such as practice sheets to teach all about shapes and numbers to 5.

The First 10 Days…

The lessons start out with students comparing shapes and objects that are the same and different. We like to tie in literature whenever possible to help teach young children academic skills and guide students to make real-life connections. For the first few lessons, you can use this National Geographic Kids book to identify objects that are the same and objects that are different. 

On Day 1, students identify shoes that are the same and different. You can create meaningful learning and complete this activity in your classroom as an interactive lesson with real shoes. Your kindergarten students will think it is the “best day ever” when they get to take off their shoes! 

In addition to everyday objects, students learn different ways that they can compare shapes. They practice sorting by shape, size, and color. 

While making comparisons, students are also counting up to 5 and practicing correct number order on math worksheets.

Days 11-20

Now, you are ready to teach shapes. A great way to read while teaching about 2D shapes is The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns.

We start by introducing 2D shapes and identifying sides and corners. 

Then, students have a great time with this color, cut, and paste activity to practice identifying shapes with curves and no curves. 

These kindergarten sweeties did a shape sort on the SmartBoard. 

Students explore 3D shapes using interactive kindergarten math games

The mathematical practices for shapes and numbers to 5 are provided in unit 1 of our Guiding Math curriculum. Click here:

  • Kindergarten Math: Unit 1

We have center activities and journal prompts to provide additional practice for unit 1.

You can find this resource here:

  • Kindergarten Math Printables Unit 1

Math Assessments 

Of course, when you start thinking about instruction, you also start thinking about assessments. ESGI is the best platform for completing assessments. It is so easy! Plus, we’ve added assessments specifically for our Guiding Math Units… making it so simple for you! 

Administering these assessments is quick and easy! Do they answer it correctly – simply yes or no. 

With assessment trackers ESGI, you can quickly review student progress. 

And print off parent letters to send home with students.


There are so many great features with ESGI! If you are not using this amazing assessment tool, give it a try! I know you will love it! You can access a free trial here:

  • ESGI | Deanna Jump Promo Code

You are covered with math resources for the beginning of the year. Do you need ideas for literacy? Check out this post with alphabet activities for kindergarten:

  • Fun and Engaging Alphabet Activities for Kindergarten plus a FREE FILE!


Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Mathematical Journey to a Fairy Tale" | Plan-summary of a lesson in mathematics (senior group) on the topic:

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5 of the general developing type of the urban district of the city of Novovoronezh"

Lesson in mathematics

"Mathematical journey into a fairy tale"

for older children groups

Prepared by the teacher: Korablina A. V.


Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group

"Mathematical journey into a fairy tale"

Purpose: To continue to form elementary mathematical representations.


  • Educational: Consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of digits in forward and reverse order.
  • Exercise in the ability to sequentially name the seasons, months, days of the week, parts of the day
  • Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.
  • Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.


  • Develop social skills, ability to work in a group, in pairs; find solutions and draw conclusions.
  • Develop attention, logical thinking, memory and speech.


  • To cultivate restraint, perseverance, goodwill, feelings of mutual assistance, a desire to help.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: handout figures, illustrations.

Verbal: conversation, questions, riddles

Practical: physical education.


Illustrations, magnetic board, handout numbers from 1 to 10, sheet of A4 white paper, colored pencils.


Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Would you like to get into a fairy tale and help our heroes?

Today I want to tell you a fairy tale, a fairy tale is not simple, magical, with mathematical tasks.

And to get into a fairy tale, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words “1, 2, 3 turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale!”

We open our eyes. The story begins.

Once upon a time there was a king. And he had a beautiful daughter. Here the tsar somehow left on his royal affairs, but his daughter remained at home. She went out into the garden for a walk, and then the wind came up, picked up the princess and carried her away to the Far Far Away kingdom. The tsar became sad and asked Ivan, the tsarevich, to find the princess. There is Ivan - Tsarevich for a day, for two. Approaches the hut on chicken legs. And Baba Yaga lives there. Tsarevich Ivan told about his misfortune. Baba Yaga promised to help if Ivan Tsarevich answered her questions.

Listen carefully to Baba Yaga's questions:


  • What day of the week is it today?
  • What was the day of the week yesterday?
  • What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
  • What day of the week will the day after tomorrow be?
  • What seasons do you know? Name.
  • How many months are there in a year? Name.
  • What is the first month of the year?
  • Name the parts of the day.

Educator: We coped with the task of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga gave a ball and sent the prince to Kikimora. She has a map. The ball rolled, and the prince followed him. The ball rolled to the swamp. And Kikimora appeared before the prince. She listened to the prince and decided to help, and in order to get a card, you must complete her task.

Educator: Let's help Tsarevich Ivan.

To move on, we need to build a bridge across the swamp, but an unusual bridge, but from numbers. From 1 to 9 and vice versa.

(Children lay out the numbers in order from 1 to 9and vice versa)

  • Name the number greater than 2 by 1 (3)
  • The smallest digit (1), the largest digit (9)
  • The digit that is less than 7 by 1 (6)
  • 7)
  • Show a number greater than 3 by 2. (5)
  • Name the neighbors of number 9. (8 and 10)

Educator: Well done! We coped with the task, and Kikimora gave a map to Ivan - the prince can go further. The ball rolled on and led Ivan Tsarevich into the fairy forest.

-So we ended up in a fairy forest.

Miracles happen in the forest. The forest dwellers prepared a quick wits task:

  • How many ears do two mice have? (4) Why?
  • How many tummies do 5 hippos have? (5)
  • Birds were flying over the river: dove, pike, two tits? How many birds? (3) Why?
  • How many hooves does a horse have when the horse lies in the grass? (4) Explain.
  • How many houses do 100 ants have? (1)
  • How many times a year does Ivan Tsarevich have a birthday? (1
  • What about you? (1)

Problems - riddles:

  • I found in the hollow of a squirrel

Nine pieces of small nuts.

Here is another one,

carefully covered with moss.

Well, squirrel, here is the hostess!

Count all the nuts! (10) (How did the number 10 come about?)

-Children's answers.

  • Six merry piglets,

Stand in a row at the trough!

Pigs left...(5)

  • Six puppies

Plus mom-like.

How much will it be?

Count - ka! (7)

  • With his nose up high

The hare carried six carrots,

Stumbled and fell -

Lost two carrots. How many carrots does the hare have left? (4)

  • One day three chickens,

And with them three mice,

Three merry ones with them,

Washed piglets

Did you run early and play in the clearing? (9)

  • Three hares, five hedgehogs

They go to kindergarten together.

We will ask you to count,

How many kids are in the kindergarten? (8)

Well done, guys! Done with the task!

Are you a little tired?

The inhabitants of the forest advised me to gain strength in order to move on.

Physical education minute

Ivan Tsarevich:

One - bent down, straightened out,

Two - bent down, straightened out,

Three - three claps in his hands,

Three nods with his head,

Spread his hands to the sides and went, went, followed the princess into the wilderness of the forest,

Suddenly he saw a stump, sat quietly and dozed off.

Educator: Children, open your eyes, you see, there is a castle in front of us, in which the princess is hidden. The gates of the castle are closed, there is a high stone wall around the castle! How to get there?

- I came up with it! And let's make a carpet - an airplane, and then Ivan Tsarevich will be able to fly over a high wall on it!

To do this, we need to sit down at the tables and start making magic carpets.

Pencils and paper in front of you. Get ready to listen to the task and draw (Graphic dictation):

  • Draw a red square in the upper left corner;
  • Draw a green rectangle in the lower right corner;
  • Draw a blue triangle in the lower left corner;
  • Draw a yellow circle in the upper right corner.
  • Draw an orange oval in the center;
  • To the right of the orange oval, draw a pink rhombus
  • To the left, a purple trapezoid

Educator: now let's check:

What geometric figure did Yegor draw

in the lower right corner?

Where did Polina draw the yellow circle?

In which corner did Dima draw an oval?


-Children, how did we decorate our carpets?

Children's answers. (Geometric shapes)

Educator: Well done. Ivan Tsarevich flew over the wall and freed the princess!

They returned to the king and began to live, live and make good!

Educator: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and start counting from 1 to 5.

(Children count in chorus)

Here we are in kindergarten.
We visited a fairy tale,
We learned a lot,
We returned back,
Kindergarten is very glad to us.

Summing up:

Where did we guys travel today?

What did you like?

Math class in kindergarten in the middle group

Math class in kindergarten

Math class in the middle group

Tutor Khodeeva S.F.

  • consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting;
  • repeat knowledge about geometric shapes, about lines;
  • to consolidate the ability to navigate in space,
  • navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • consolidate knowledge about parts of the day, about temporary consequences;
  • develop attention, observation, establish similarities and differences.


  • toys (hare, duck, elephant, horse, kitten, dog, fox) ;
  • envelope with riddles, with numbers, with geometric shapes;
  • big bear cub;
  • black sheet of paper, circle, two drawings with balls, sheets - geometric shapes on one side - numbers, on the other - lines;
  • model of parts of the day.

The course of the lesson.

Today Mishka came to visit us. He slept for a long time, and woke up and can not understand what time of year it is? And what time of year did the bear sleep? What will happen after spring? And after the summer?

Mishka brought an envelope with him, and now we will see what is in this envelope. Here lies a leaf, and there are riddles on it:

Bears and elephants are sleeping,

A hare and a hedgehog are sleeping,

Everyone around should fall asleep

Our children too.

When does everyone sleep?

The bright sun is rising,

The cockerel is singing in the garden,

Our children are waking up

They are going to kindergarten.

When does this happen?

The sun is shining brightly in the sky

The children went for a walk.

When does this happen?

And what follows the day? When are the kids exercising?

Mishka also likes to do exercises and built his friends. Who is first? Last? Count how many Mishka's friends lined up for exercise. Who is fifth? Seventh? Third? Who stands between the kitten and the baby elephant? Who is behind the dog? For a horse? Who stands between the hare and the dog? Who is standing in front of the duck? Before the fox?

And now let's play the game "Continue counting". I start counting, and you continue (the game is repeated 3-4 times) .

The bear loves to play football and wants to play with you. Take black cardboard, this will be a football field, and a yellow circle is a ball.

Tasks: put the ball in the middle of the field, in the upper right corner, in the lower left corner, in the lower right corner, in the upper left corner.

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