Math games for kinders
Kindergarten Math Games That Make Learning Fun from the Start
Looking for ways to make math fun for young learners? Check out these kindergarten math games! They teach all the basic math skills kindergartners need to master and are sure to engage every kid in the learning process.
(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)
1. Conquer cardinality with penguin dominoes
Kindergarten math students work to master cardinality, understanding that written numerals correspond to the number of items pictured. These free printable penguin dominoes make the concept fun to practice.
Learn more: Playdough to Plato
2. Put together puzzles to gain number sense
Kindergarten math students learn to understand that numbers can be represented in a variety of ways. These free printable puzzles help them practice those skills.
Learn more: Tickled Pink in Primary
3. Play teen-number bingo
This free printable game helps little ones master their numbers from 11 to 20, both as numerals and represented on ten-frames.
Learn more: The Measured Mom
4. Stack cups and count to 100
Kids love stacking things, so they’ll get a kick out of kindergarten math games that make use of stackable cups. This one has them doing it with 100 cups while they count! Turn it into a competition by putting them in teams and timing them to see who can finish the task the fastest.
Learn more: Kindergarten Smorgasboard/100 Cups
5. Visit the skip-counting store
How fun is this? Grab some toys and label them with price tags in increments of 10 cents. Give kids a handful of plastic dimes, and have them count out the amount needed for each “purchase.”
Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Skip Counting Store
6. Have a rubber duck race
In this game, kids race to see who can be the first to get their rubber duckies to 10 (or any number you choose). They roll a die and lay out tiles to move their duck. The twist? To get to 10 at the end, they must roll the exact number they need—no going over! Kindergarten math games like this one are terrific for practicing counting on, basic addition, and making 10.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime
7. Practice counting on with cards and dice
Remove the face cards from a deck of playing cards and grab a pair of dice. The first player turns over a card and then rolls the dice. The number on the dice indicates how far they “count on” from the card. (For example, a player turns over a three and rolls a four. They say, “Three: four, five, six, seven.”) If the player gets it right, they keep the card, and the other player(s) get a turn.
Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Counting On
8. Skip-count with craft sticks
There are endless ways to use craft sticks in the classroom. For this game, number a series of colorful sticks by fives, as shown. Kids can practice by putting them in order first.
Then, have a student draw a stick and count on by fives from that number to 100—if they draw 75, they then count 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100. If they get it right, they keep the stick, and the next player takes a turn.
Learn more: Simply Kinder
9. Match teen numbers
Once they’ve mastered the numbers 1 to 10, it’s time to understand how those numerals add up to make bigger numbers. These free printable cards show numerals and matching bundles of sticks that deconstruct each teen number into tens and ones.
Learn more: The Kindergarten Connection
10. Compare numbers with dominoes
Kindergartners learn to compare numbers to determine which is larger and which smaller. Stacking math cubes based on the numbers on dominoes is a fun, hands-on way to compare the two numbers side by side, making it easier to see the difference.
Learn more: My Fabulous Class
11. Face off and compare numbers
You’ll need some small toys for this game, as well as polyhedral dice.
Kids roll and place the number of items on their side. Then, they compare the two to see which is bigger.
Learn more: Natalie Lynn Kindergarten
12. Make 10 with two-sided chips
You’ll need counting chips that are a different color on each side for this activity. Kids shake up 10 chips in a cup and pour them out on the table. Then they see how many they have of each color and write that number bond to make 10.
Learn more: First Grade Fairytales
13. Throw snowballs to make 10
Make “snowballs” from paper (or any way you like), then place them in a bucket at one end of the room. Start kids out by having them toss snowballs into another bucket until they reach 10 (or any target number). Then, up the challenge by placing some snowballs in each bucket and have kids figure out how many more they need to toss in to make 10.
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Snowball Math Games
14. Use Uno cards to play addition war
In the card game War, players each flip an Uno card, and the one whose card is greatest takes them both. In this twist on one of our favorite kindergarten games, players each flip two cards. They then use counting blocks to represent the numbers and count on or add to find the sum. The largest sum wins the hand, and play continues.
Learn more: Planning Playtime—Addition Game
15. Roll and add for fluency within 5
Kindergarten math students work to become fluent in adding and subtracting within 5. This free printable board game makes it fun!
Learn more: Liz’s Early Learning Spot
16. Get four in a row and learn place value
This customizable game helps teach the early place-value concept of tens plus ones. Get it for free at the link.
Learn more: Two Boys and a Dad
17. Bowl and subtract within 10
Set up a toy bowling pin set (or make one from plastic bottles or toilet-paper tubes). Kids bowl and see how many pins they knock down, subtracting that number from 10. Then they repeat, this time subtracting from the previous answer. First to get to zero wins!
Learn more: Planning Playtime—Subtraction Worksheets
18. Get off my boat!
So simple, so engaging, so fun! Use tape to outline a boat shape on the floor (or try this outside with sidewalk chalk). Let some kids board the “boat,” then make some get off. Use those numbers to write a subtraction number sentence and solve the equation!
Learn more: Kindergarten Smorgasboard—Get Off My Boat!
19. Drive and compare numbers to music
Prep for this game by using dot markers on paper plates as shown (visit the link below for more examples). Each kid takes a plate then uses it to “drive” around the room as you play music. When the music stops, they find a nearby partner and compare what they see on each other’s plates (e.g., “8 dots is more than 4 dots. 1 green dot is less than 4 green dots.” Then start the music up and repeat!
20. Build a weigh station
Use a hanger and plastic cups to build a super-simple weigh station. Kids will love dropping items into the cups to see which weighs more or less. Turn it into a game by having them try to guess which object weighs more first or how many of one item equals another.
21. Battle it out in ribbon war
Looking for kindergarten math games that teach non-standard measurement? This idea is fun and easy. Cut colorful ribbons into a variety of lengths and place them in a bag. Each student pulls a ribbon from the bag. Then, put students in pairs and have them compare their ribbons to identify the longer one. The student with the longer ribbon keeps both, and the game continues.
22. Hold a shape scavenger hunt
Kindergarten math students are learning to recognize shapes in their environment and also to categorize and sort. This scavenger hunt does it all! Send them out to find objects in the room that match the shapes. Then count and compare to see how many you have in each category.
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Shape Scavenger Hunt

Use sidewalk chalk to lay out a shape maze on the playground or driveway. Choose a shape and hop from one to the next, or call out a different shape for every jump!
Learn more: Creative Family Fun—Shape Maze
24. Make a match to learn shapes
Grab these free printable memory cards at the link. Then play and learn the basic shapes.
Learn more: Life Over C’s
25. Guess the mystery shapes
Work on geometry terms like “sides” and “vertices” when you sort shapes using these attributes. Start by placing 3D shapes into paper bags and asking students questions like “The shape in this bag has 4 sides. What could it be?”
Learn more: Susan Jones Teaching
Love these kindergarten math games? You’ll also enjoy these 50 Kindergarten Math Word Problems of the Day!
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Math Games for Kindergarten Online
Kindergarten Math GamesMath games for kindergarten primarily focus on two critical areas: (1) number names and counting sequence (2) describing shapes and space. Children begin their math journey in kindergarten and this forms the basis of all known mathematics. It is important to make learning fun, engaging and interactive at this stage so that the child develops an early interest in math.
This can be easily done using fun-filled math games that are visually appealing and captivating. There is no better way to teach your little ones about numbers and shapes! Games like sorting games, matching games, counting games, etc. help increase the child’s understanding of numbers.
- Developing cognitive skills: Learning math through games in kindergarten helps to develop children’s cognitive skills. Their brains are like sponges at this stage, so it is important to stimulate their minds with the right assets. Games engage multiple areas of the brain and allow the learner to interact with concepts like number sense and sequence, addition, subtraction, etc.
at their own pace. These games also promote math talk and enhance reasoning abilities.
- Making math learning fun and engaging: Online math games eliminate rote learning from a young age and incorporate a more practical approach to learning. Children can start their math journey by singing the number song or by counting objects along with a friendly character using colorful images. This holds their attention and interest in math right from the start!
- Building curiosity: Children are naturally curious and it is important to nurture this natural inquisitiveness. Math games are a brilliant way to foster their curiosity by engaging their imagination and creative skills. Sorting games, finding and matching shape games, aligning and comparing length games, etc. all boost curiosity and learning.
- Building motivation, memory and motor skills: Math games allow children to practice their concepts repeatedly that increase their proficiency and boost their motivation.
Math games are also amazing at developing motor skills as they involve actions like tapping, clicking, dragging on the screen at the right time at the right place, etc. Memory and concept retention are also increased with repeated practice.
- Play on multiple devices: Math games can be played online on multiple devices like; iPad, laptop, phones, etc.
- Engaging and rewarding games: Children can purchase assets for their characters and more through the coins they win through practice.
- Easy Connect for Parents: Parents are instantly notified about their child’s progress.
- Offline access: Games can also be played offline through apps for an interruption-free experience.
Counting, writing numbers in words, and identifying shapes are some concepts taught in kindergarten which are useful in everyday life. Math games make these concepts fun and easy to comprehend for the youngest learners out there!
Yes! They can help build an interest right from the start. They not only teach concepts effectively but also relate them to the real world with a touch of wonder and fascination. As such, kindergarteners are able to develop as well as practice necessary math skills to take their learning forward.
3. Are math games for kindergarten easy to use and understand?Yes, they are extremely age and user-friendly and perfect for little learners. They come with interactive characters and colorful imagery that help retain the attention of your child. Patience with young children is extremely important and interactive games allow streamlined productive learning to be fun and simple simultaneously.
4. How can I make my kindergarten math learning fun through games?Incorporating games is a wonderful method to keep the spark of learning alive. Kindergarten math games online cover a wide range of topics that are aligned with Common Core Standards that will make learning hassle-free and enjoyable.
The best way to teach math to children is to let them experience and play with math around them. Make them feel that math is everywhere. Whether you are explaining them counting sequences or telling them about days and months, math is always involved. Online games can be inculcated in their learning routine to make learning exciting and relatable.
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Math games for preschoolers and first graders
The development of a child's mathematical abilities is one of the aspects of preparing for school. It can be difficult for a preschooler to operate with numbers, so experts advise starting a child’s acquaintance with numbers and mathematical calculations from games. Complex and sometimes boring examples and tasks do not cause rejection in the baby when they are presented in the form of interesting colorful tasks.
If a child understands at an early age that mathematics is exciting and fun, it will be much easier for him to master the school subject. By the way, mathematical games develop not only the skills of working with numbers, but also logic and non-standard thinking. What are the mathematical games for preschoolers - in our material.
Math games for children 4-5 years old
Math games for preschoolers 4-5 years old include simple math examples for addition and subtraction within 10.
1. Math game "Labyrinth"
In this math game the child is faced with the task of seeing the pattern, going through the maze and helping the squirrel find the acorn.
Print the picture. Give the child a pencil. Let him draw a path along which the squirrel can get to the acorn.
The squirrel has started its journey. She took two steps. What is the difference between 3 and 1? How much more is it? And the number 5 compared to 3? It is desirable that the child himself see the pattern (adding 2 to each previous number). But if it doesn’t work out, don’t worry — explain. Calculate the next step together, and then let the baby go on his own.
2. Math crossword
If a child can count to 10, they may be interested in doing a math crossword.
Print out the crossword. Tell your child how to work with a mathematical crossword puzzle, how the numbers fit into it. You can explain such concepts as "horizontal" and "vertical".
Explain that each row and column must have correct equalities. Emphasize that a mathematical crossword puzzle differs from the usual example in that an unknown number can appear anywhere in it.
Show that in a crossword it is better to solve the examples not in an arbitrary sequence, but by moving from one intersection to another. And it is very important to do everything right, because a mistake in one place will lead to inaccuracies in another.
3. Mathematical game "Count the beads"
As in other examples, the picture can be printed.
There are two different tasks here.
On the left picture there are beads that you need to count and write the answers below, as shown in the first picture. Do not give the child the task right away - invite him to think about what the numbers below (in the first picture) mean. Perhaps he himself will find a correspondence between the number of beads and the number below. In this case, he will easily enter all the correct answers.
On the second, right, block of pictures, the number of beads is the same everywhere, and the number of filled beads is signed below. The kid can also guess about this on his own. After that, he will gladly color the required number of beads in each picture.
With this activity you can explain to your child what an abacus is and how to use it.
4. Mathematical game “Take the bear to the bear cub”
Examples are written on the ice. In this game, the child must complete each task and write the answer on the ice. After that, you can pave the way of the bear to the bear cub along the ice, on which the numbers 1, 2, 3 are written, and then in order up to 10.
Math games for preschoolers 6-7 years old
Math games for children 6-7 years old are a bit more difficult and suitable for kids who can count to at least 20 and solve addition and subtraction problems in two steps.
1. Mathematical game "Insert the missing number"
The meaning of this mathematical game is to insert numbers into empty cells that come in sequence before, between or after a given number.
Thus, the child's idea of the "number line" is formed.
For convenience, you can first draw this line, on which numbers are indicated from left to right, increasing each time by one. Then the baby will understand what “before”, “between” and “after” means, and will easily do all the exercises.
2. Mathematical game “Put fruits in baskets”
Print the picture, cut out all fruits and baskets separately. The kid must solve a mathematical example that is written on a fruit and "put" it in the correct basket.
These examples show the child that the same number can be obtained in several ways.
Note that the example does not show the same number of ways to get different numbers. So, 7 is obtained by five options: 4 + 3; 7 - 0; 1+6; 2+5; 14 - 7. And 18 - three: 9 + 9; 20 - 2; 12 + 6.
Explain that there are other ways to get the number 18. Give an example or have the child come up with their own.
3. Mathematical game "Find a suitable umbrella"
In this math game, you need to match an umbrella to each cloud. To do this, the child must solve the examples written inside the cloud and the umbrella, and then place the cloud over the desired umbrella.
In this task, you can not cut anything, but simply connect pictures with the same answer. Each cloud corresponds to one umbrella.
Math games for 1st grade
Math games for schoolchildren are suitable for children who can count up to 30, complete examples in several actions and have a basic understanding of fractions.
1. A chain of mathematical examples
On the path of the butterfly to the flower, do all the suggested actions. Some of the numbers are already in circles, others must be entered by solving the examples given above.
This math task is not for the little ones: here you need to be able to count to at least 30.
2. Math game "How much does a salad cost?"
The picture shows vegetables and their "value". Below are plates with a different set of vegetables. Invite the child to calculate how much each salad “costs”.
3. What is the fraction in the picture?
Pictures will help explain to your child what fractions are.
The images show circles divided into equal parts. Some of them are painted over. First you need to calculate how many parts there are. Next - how many of them are painted over.
The essence of a fractional number is easy to explain in this way.
For the first example: the circle is divided into 4 parts; three out of four are shaded, i. e. three-fourths. This is referred to as 3/4.
Second example (below): there are 6 beats in the circle, four of the six are shaded - four sixths, 4/6.
Such an algorithm will allow the child to choose from the options presented the answer corresponding to each circle. To check how the kid understood the material, ask him to show an integer (not a fractional) number on one of the circles, painting over the required number of parts. He will cope with the task if he figured out how a fractional number is formed and how a fraction differs from a whole.
Umnasia offers a large number of mathematical problems for logic and ingenuity for primary and secondary school students. All tasks are presented in the format of an interactive story game with pleasant voice acting and colorful illustrations:
- logic tasks for grade 1
- logic tasks for grade 2
- logic tasks for grade 3
- logic tasks for grade 4
- logic tasks for grade 5
Mathematics and logic for children 7-13 years old
We develop logical thinking through solving plot mathematical problems in an interactive game format
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Math games for children from 4 to 6 years old
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- For children from 4 to 6 years old
- Math games
Math games are designed for children from 4 to 6 years old to prepare a preschooler for the first mathematical knowledge and the ability to count. Here you will find interesting colorful games in which the child will need to find and count the specified number of objects or living beings. Children of this age really like to count, especially in a playful way.
Math games online - this is the best way to instill in your child a love of mathematics. Indeed, in the form of a game, children receive any knowledge more easily, freely and with interest. The game "Find the smallest number" is designed for children from 4 years old. You need to choose the smallest number out of five...
The math game "Find the biggest number" is designed for children aged 4 and over. In this game, the child must choose the largest number out of five. The circle with the largest number must be dragged onto the square with the question mark...
Educational online math game "Put it in the basket" is made for children from 4 years old. The game is based on the child's ability to distinguish between the taste and tactile properties of objects. For example, salty, bitter, sweet, sour, soft, hard. There are 10 tasks in the game...
New Year's game for kids "Examples up to 10" is a great opportunity to make a little fidget solve examples. It is necessary to choose only those stars in the starry New Year's sky, the numbers on which are the solution of the examples presented ...
The math game "Find the numbers" is one of the favorite games of all children. Here you must find all the letters hidden in the room. To do this, you are given a magnifying glass that will enlarge any corner of the room to which you direct it. But don't forget, you can't press the same number 2 times - you will lose all points!
The math game "Let's learn numbers from 1 to 10" is designed for children from 2 to 5 years old. Have a child sit next to you and ask him to solve these tasks. The game is more difficult because the numbers in the circles are arranged randomly, and not in order.
Educational online math game "Learn numbers from 1 to 10" is designed for children from 2 to 5 years old.