Math songs for kids lyrics
10 Counting Songs to Teach Your Kids
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Counting songs are a fun way to teach your children to count forwards and backwards and can help build their developing number concept and early maths skills.
In this article I’ll share some fun rote counting rhymes to 10, for preschoolers and toddlers.
How Do Children Learn From a Number Song?
Songs with numbers help children to memorise the order of numbers to 10 and beyond, as well as to say the numbers backwards.
Children don’t have to be forced to learn the numbers in a boring way because they will be learning incidentally through singing.
The rhythm in songs and rhymes, as well as the repetitive verses, help children memorise the numbers easily and an understanding of the value of numbers is built.
When children sing a song about 5 of something, which then becomes 4 when one leaves, and then 3, they learn that a number is not just a word but it represents a value. They learn about one-to-one correspondence.
Any form of learning that involves fun and play is effective in early childhood. It is the natural way children learn.
10 Counting Songs for Kids
Here are 10 fun counting rhymes to teach your kids. Some are old favourites and some are newer rhymes.
Some of these teach rote counting forwards or backwards (e.g. reciting from one to 10) and some teach number concepts (e.g. there were 5, one fell off, now there are 4).
Watch the video below for a list of the songs or read on for the lyrics.
1. The Ants Go MarchingThe ants go marching one by one
Hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one
Hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain
Boom boom boom
Repeat the verses, changing the number of ants and the action line:
The ants go marching two by two
The little one stops to tie his shoe
The ants go marching three by three
The little one stops to climb a tree
The ants go marching four by four
The little one stops to shut the door
The ants go marching five by five
The little one stops to take a dive
The ants go marching six by six
The little one stops to pick up sticks
The ants go marching seven by seven
The little one stops to pray to heaven
The ants go marching eight by eight
The little one stops to roller skate
The ants go marching nine by nine
The little one stops to check the time
The ants go marching ten by ten
The little one stops to shout, “The End!”
Listen to the tune on YouTube
Ten green bottles
Hanging on the wall
Ten green bottles
Hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle
Should accidentally fall
There’ll be nine green bottles
Hanging on the wall
Nine green bottles…
Eight green bottles…
Repeat verses until there are no green bottles left:
One green bottle
Hanging on the wall
One green bottle
Hanging on the wall
If that one green bottle
Should accidentally fall
There’ll be no green bottles
Hanging on the wall
Listen to the tune on YouTube
3. One, Two, Buckle My ShoeOne, two
Buckle my shoe
Three, four
Shut the door
Five, six
Pick up sticks
Seven, eight
Don’t be late
Nine, ten
Do it over again!
Listen to the tune on YouTube
4. Ten Little FingersTen little fingers, ten little toes,
Two little ears and one little nose
Two little eyes that shine so bright
And one little mouth to kiss mother goodnight.
There were ten in the bed
And the little one said,
“Roll over! Roll over!”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out
There were nine in the bed…
There were eight in the bed…
Repeat verses until there is only one left in the bed:
There was one in the bed
And the little one said,
“Alone at last!”
Listen to the tune on YouTube
6. Five Fat SausagesFive fat sausages sizzling in a pan
The grease got hot – and one went “BANG”!
Four fat sausages sizzling in a pan
The grease got hot – and one went “BANG”!
Three fat sausages sizzling in a pan
The grease got hot – and one went “BANG”!
Two fat sausages sizzling in a pan
The grease got hot – and one went “BANG”!
One fat sausage sizzling in a pan
The grease got hot – and it went “BANG”!
No fat sausages frying in a pan.
Listen to the tune on YouTube
7. Five Little Speckled FrogsFive little speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs.
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Then there were four speckled frogs!
Four little speckled frogs…
Three little speckled frogs…
Repeat verses until there are no speckled frogs left:
One little speckled frog
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs.
He jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Then there were no speckled frogs!
Listen to the tune on YouTube
Here are more fun animal songs for preschoolers.
8. One, Two, Three, Four, FiveOne, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right.
Listen to the tune on YouTube
9. Five Little SnowmenFive little snowmen standing in a line
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
So fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year
Bye Bye!
Four little snowmen standing in a line
One, Two, Three, Four
So fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year
Bye Bye!
Repeat verses until there are no snowmen left:
One little snowman standing in a line
So fine
Melt in the sunshine with a sigh
We’ll see you next year
Bye Bye!
Listen to the tune on YouTube
10. RabbitsRabbits rabbits 1 2 3
Will you come and play with me?
Camels camels 4 5 6
Why do you have a hump like this?
Monkeys monkeys 7 8 9
Will you teach me how to climb?
When I have counted up to ten
The elephant says now start again.
Listen to the tune on YouTube
Those are 10 of my favourite counting rhymes but there are many more to choose from! Check out this awesome list of preschool songs.
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Teaching Early Mathematics Skills, Shapes, Money and Telling Time
A selection of songs and lyrics from a variety of different albums teaching how to count, recognize shapes, use the concept of zero, use units of measurement and money.
Adding One/Subtracting One
Add 1 More – "Miss Jenny"
Five Green and Speckled Frogs – Kiboomu Music
Five Green and Speckled Frogs – Songs for Teachers
Five Little Caterpillars – Alina Celeste
Five Little Mice – Liz Buchanan
Move Over (4 In the Bed) - Slower Version – Margie La Bella
One Less Penny Blues – Music, Movement & Magination
One More, One Less – Hap Palmer
One More Please – Music, Movement & Magination
Take Away Ones – Michael Hradek
Ten in the Bed – Jim Rule
Ten in the Bed – Kiboomu Music
Compare and Contrast
Ant Comparisons – "Miss Jenny"
Let's Compare Numbers – Music with Mar.
Counting Backwards
Betty Beep – Hap Palmer
Count Up, Count Down – Hap Palmer
The Countdown – Stephen Fite
Countdown to Blast Off – Jack Hartmann
Counting Backwards – Music with Mar.
Counting Forward, Counting Back – Jack Hartmann
Naming Numbers – Hap Palmer
Counting to 5
5 Little Airplanes – Patty Shukla
5 Little Penguins – Patty Shukla
Five Alive – Michael Hradek
Five Cute, Roly-poly Puppies – Music with Mar.
Five Fingers – Music with Mar.
Five Little Kites – Kim Wallach
Five Little Leaves – Kim Wallach
Five Little Snowmen – With Extension Activities from Stephanie Burton
Five Little Seashells – An Addition and Subtraction Fingerplay
Handful of Fingers – Ron Brown
Lady Bug Rap – Music with Mar.
Lions – Music with Mar.
The Number March – Hap Palmer
Counting to 10
Chicken Count – Jack Hartmann
Come to Twelve – Michael Hradek
Counting With My Friends – Music, Movement & Magination
Count to Ten – Jeanne Nelson and Hector Marín
Count Up, Count Down – Hap Palmer
Dancer in the Middle – Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Hide and Seek – Patty Shukla
I Can Count Almost Anything – Jack Hartman
I Can Count to Ten – Music with Mar.
I Like Candy – Patty Shukla
I Like Counting Fruit – Patty Shukla
Jump for Numbers 0-10 – Ron Brown
Number Express – Mrs. Debbie Music
Numbers In A Circle (10) – Colleen and Uncle Squaty
Numbers On My Mind – Ken Whiteley
One Fuzzy Caterpillar – Grin Brigade
One, Two, Three, Four, Five – Kiboomu Music
The Quietest Line – "Miss Jenny"
Show Me 10 – Ron Brown
Stomp For Each Number – Music with Mar.
Ten and Back – Listen and Learn
Ten Little Chipmunks – Songs For Teachers
Ten Little Pencils – Listen & Learn
Ten Little Skeletons – Steve Blunt
Ten Puppies (Diez Perritos) – Jim Rule
10 Silly Monkeys – Jack Hartmann
Ten Twinkling Trees – Listen and Learn
You Can Count on Me – Johnny and the Rockets
Counting to 20
A Counting We Will Go – Music, Movement & Magination
Boom Boom, Count to Twenty – Listen and Learn
Choo Choo Train – Patty Shukla
Count and Workout to 20 – Jack Hartman
Counting 1 to 20 – Jack Hartmann
Count and Work Out to 20 – Jack Hartmann
Follow Along – Hap Palmer
Making 11 Through 20 – "Miss Jenny"
Naming Numbers – Hap Palmer
Native American Counting Song – Music, Movement & Magination
Number Limbo – Stephen Fite
Pop the Bubbles – Patty Shukla
Teens to Twenty – Music with Mar.
Counting to 50
The Counting Creatures – Ron Brown
Rockin' To 50 – Music, Movement & Magination
Counting to 100 & Beyond
Big Numbers (Counting by 100's) – Jack Hartmann
Buford & Bessie Count to 100 – Music, Movement & Magination
Community Count to 100 – Jack Hartmann
Counting by Fives (Hundredth Day Version) – Stepehn Fite
Count from 1 to 100 with DJ Count – Jack Hartmann
Count On – Stephen Fite
Counting On – "Miss Jenny"
Counting to One Hundred – Mary Flynn
Let's Get Fit (Counting to 100 by 1's) – Jack Hartmann
Cowboy Count – Jack Hartmann
Number Limbo – Stephen Fite
The Numbers – Groovy Nate
Double It Up – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Double Up – Stephen Fite
Doubles Facts– Hap Palmer
Doubles? No Trouble! (Addition of Doubles) –Music, Movement & Magination
Merry Carry – Michael Hradek
Switcheroo (Commutative Property)– Hap Palmer
When the Box is in the Front – Kathleen Wiley
When You're Adding Boxes – Kathleen Wiley
Fact Families
Fact Family – Music with Mar.
Family Fact – Michael Hradek
Five Ate Thirteen – Hap Palmer
The Five Seven Twelve Family – Hap Palmer
Begining Fractions
A Fraction is Part of a Whole – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Alligator Fractions – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Greater Than / Less Than
Alligator Greater Than / Less Than – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Let's Compare Numbers – Music With Mar.
Mr. Alligator Can Chomp – Jack Hartmann
Cowboy Logic - Cause and Effect: If...Then – MMMKids
Patterns & Sorting
Block Party –Music, Movement & Magination
Finish the Patterns – Music with Mar.
Hand Clap Rap – Jack Hartmann
Number in the Middle – Jack Hartmann
It's Pattern Time – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Old MacDonald Had a Farm – With Extension Activities from Stephanie Burton
Pattern Shout-Out –Music, Movement & Magination
Sorting (Color, Size, Shape) – Ron Brown
Place Value
Columns – Arnold Rosenthal
Numbers With a 1 – Listen & Learn
Place Value – Michael Hradek
What Place?– Learning by Song
Sequencing - Ordinals
The Ants Go Marching (ordinals) – Stephen Fite
Make a Cake – Patty Shukla
Ordinals – Ron Brown
Thirty Second Challenge – Hap Palmer
What Comes Next? (19 to 49) – Ron Brown
What Number Comes First? – Ron Brown
See all of our Skip-Counting Songs
The Number Zero
Our Hero, Zero – Stephen Fite
The Number Zero – Bryan Johnson
Zero is a Big Nothing – Music with Mar.
Zero's a Hero – Intelli-Tunes
Zero the Hero – Jack Hartmann
Zero the Hero – Miss Jenny
Zero the Hero – Stephen Fite
Zero the Hero Celebrates 100 Days of School – Jack Hartmann
Zero the Hero Exercise and Count – Jack Hartmann
Zero the Hero Numbers Stomp – Dr. Jean & Friends
Zero Zero – Intelli-Tunes
100th Day of School
100 Days of School – Kiboomu Music
100 Days of School Today – Jack Hartmann
100th Day of School – Intelli-Tunes
Community Count to 100 – Jack Hartmann
Counting by 1, 2, 5, and 10– We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Counting by Fives (Hundredth Day Version) – Stephen Fite
Counting to One Hundred – Mary Flynn
Hundredth Day of School – Stephen Fite
Let's Get Fit (Counting to 100 by 1's) – Jack Hartmann
Zero the Hero Celebrates 100 Days of School – Jack Hartmann
A Circle & A Ball & A Box & A Square – Ken Whiteley
Basic Shapes – School Art Theatre Productions
Circle – Ron Brown
Circles Go 'Round and 'Round – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Crazy Polygon Shapes – Music, Movement & Magination
I Spy Attributes – Ron Brown
Rectangles – Ron Brown
Shape Train – Ron Brown
Shape Up – Jack Hartmann
Shapes All Around Us – Music, Movement & Magination
Shapes Are Great – Michael Hradek
Shapes – Patty Shukla
Shapes Song – Kiboomu Music
Space Shapes – Music, Movement & Magination
Square – Ron Brown
Square Dance to Shapes – Debbie Paulsen
Triangle – Ron Brown
You're in Great Shape!!! (Pentagon, Hexagon and Octagon) – Kathleen Wiley
We Know Our Shapes – Music with Mar.
Units of Measurement
Boogie Woogie Measurement – Learning by Song
Cups, Pints, Quarts, Half Gallons and Gallons – Kathleen Wiley
Is It Shorter, Colder, Lighter? – Music, Movement & Magination
The Measurement Song - Centimeter, Millimeter, Inch, Foot, Yard, Mile
– Kathleen Wiley
The Measurement Song - Music with Mar.
The Measurement Song - Musical Recall
Taller/Shorter Longer/Shorter – Ron Brown
Money, Currency, and Budgeting
15 Cents – Scott Goodman
Buford & Bessie Go Shopping (Coin Value) –MMMKids
Business: What About All This Business? – Frank Bruen
Coin Song – Scott Goodman
Coins In a Dollar – Kathleen Wiley
Do You Have Money? – Michael Hradek
Heads or Tails – Gary Rosen
How Many Pennies? – Ron Brown
It Starts with a Penny – Music with Mar.
Jobs: Getting Things Done – Frank Bruen
Lemonade – Patty Shukla
Money – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Money – Ron Brown
Money! Money! – Ron Brown
Money 1¢ 5¢ 10¢ – Ron Brown
The Money Game – Marla Lewis
Money in My Pocket – Marilyn M. Linford
Money: Money, Money – Frank Bruen
Money Counts –Music, Movement & Magination
My Piggy Bank –Music, Movement & Magination
One-Less-Penny Blues –Music, Movement & Magination
Profit: A Frog For Profit – Frank Bruen
Skip by Twenty Fives – Scott Goodman
Trading: A Marigold For Company – Frank Bruen
Units of Time and Telling Time
12 Months by the Numbers Song – Musical Recall
60 Seconds in One Minute – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Clock Rock – Listen and Learn
Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Decade, Century – Kathleen Wiley
Hip-Hop Around the Clock – Jack Hartmann
Morning, Afternoon, Evening – Ron Brown
Moving Around the Clock – Music with Mar.
Smell My Feet (The Time Song) – Tim Pacific
Telling Time – We Love Math with Miss Jenny
Telling Time – Marilyn M. Linford
Tick Tock – Jim Rule
Tick Tock – Ron Brown
What's the Time – Johnny and the Raindrops
Miscellaneous Math Songs
Check Your Work– Professor Larry Lesser
It's Time for Math!– Kathleen Wiley
Numbers Can Tell About You – Hap Palmer
Round it Off– Arnold Rosenthal
Solving Word Problems– Learning Math by Song
Try Again – Ken Whiteley
Math Books or Musical Plays
Mastering Math: A Sherlock Holmes Problem Solving Mystery – Bad Wolf Press
Math Facts to the MAX! – Carl Sherrill
MatheMagical Showtime! – Carl Sherrill
RiddleMath – Carl Sherrill
See more of our Elementary Math, Money, Addition & Subtraction and Math Song Lyrics
90,000 selection of poems and songs about mathematics
Compilation poems and songs in mathematics for extracurricular activities.
MOBU "Novocherkassk secondary school"
Buldakova Lyubov Petrovna
Anthem mathematics
To drive ships,
To fly into the sky,
It is necessary know a lot,
this , and at the same time ,
you mind you,
Very important science
Why ships
Not run aground,
A by course go
through fog and blizzard?
Because that, because,
you mind you,
Captains helps
To doctor, sailor
Or become a pilot.
Important knowledge
B our time to build
and drive the machine,
Before need already at school
Mathematics to know.
On whether modern war,
B years of peaceful labor,
calculations without fail
Mathematics needed. First of all,
Mathematics know.
And on there are no professions in the world
you mind you,
Word about mathematics
Why solemnity around?
Listen, how quickly did the speech stop?
It's about queen of all sciences
Let's start we are tonight.
Not by chance she is so honored.
This it is given to her to give answers,
How good perform calculation
For buildings, rockets.
Yes rumor about mathematics,
What she puts her mind in order,
Because good words
Often people talk about it.
you us, mathematics, give
For victory difficulties hardening,
Learn youth with you
Develop and will and ingenuity.
And for what is in creative work
You help out in difficult times,
We sincerely to you today
Sending thunderous applause.
Important knowledge B our time to build I drive the machine, Before need already at school Mathematics to know. On Is it a modern war, B years of peaceful labor, At calculations certainly Mathematics needed.
Theorem Vieta By rightfully worthy of being sung in verse O properties of roots Vieta's theorem. What better, say, the constancy of this: Multiply you are roots - and the fraction is ready: B numerator c, denominator a, A the sum of the roots is also a fraction. though with a minus fraction - what's the trouble - B numerator in, in denominator a.
| |||||
"Mathematics is in everything," we are told. But one evening it will rain. You look: the light from the lantern The windows of the plane are full of segments... Polygons, squares and circles... |
| ||||
And, as usual, accurate. |
We the solution book was written off,
Everyone thought correct,
A for algebra send-
Two to us put.
I am in class was
Taught Algebra
At passed the test
Couple received.
Computer played
We are on informatics,
Only 2 received
We are on mathematics.
If with algebra problems
Call immediately to Denu,
He is for you solve algebra
And along the way make laugh.
Geometry we love,
We solve it always,
But good ratings
Get sometimes.
Theorems, theorems
What are you brought
x, minus, tasks
you mad me reduced.
Equations love
classroom I answer
When will I go home I will come
Right there I forget.
We are credited sitting
We think solve,
And when hand over -
Twos we get.
Mathematics love
s I'm friends with a calculator
On I am sitting in the control room,
Calculator I get it.
I have problem book
Difficult problems
I always be able to solve
It always seemed to me,
Geometry complex
Couple only received
Complete textbook studied.
I could always count
from one and up to one hundred
Algebra i studying,
Up to a million I really think.
I didn't know never,
The whole theorem angle
Geometry I study,
Any angle I'll draw.
We are all tasks solve,
AND fives we get
But it happens sometimes,
We get number 2.
Equation decide -
Case difficult.
Plus to minus change -
Rule such.
Vertical corners
They say that everyone is equal
Only I don't believe you
Protractor I will measure myself.
I'm in algebra I am sitting,
I am listening carefully.
Task complex my own
I will decide finally.
Equations, equations
What are you up to brought
x, minus, division-
you make me crazy reduced.
I control wrote
Received deuce,
I decide today
I will receive five.
Day and night I am awake
Geometry I teach,
How will I get out to the board
by oneself.
Equations i know
And solve them on 5.
Only I don't understand
Where add where to take away.
We offset wrote yesterday,
Very strongly we are tired,
But Vadya is not tired,
yes, I wrote it down.
geometry I teach,
All I Understand.
Like homemade I write,
Immediately I forget.
I studied geometry
And five received
A for physics came,
turned gray and gone.
To calculate speed -
Need to quickly reason.
Time travel divide
And answer adjust.
Sinus, cosine, square
Like Semyon happy today.
After all, the task he solved
and five received.
We extracted square
From among regular,
Just released result
Very indecent.
Mathematics i know,
computer science I teach.
I'm five I receive,
University, I'll probably get in.
I actually smart guy,
Mathematics I teach.
And not needed my computer -
All tasks so I decide.
Loved programmer,
Head of three parts -
Monitor, keyboard,
Mouse with with mat
Geometry science -
Very difficult friends.
That's why guys
spurs do not allowed here
Mathematics write off
Allowed Lenka,
Well have to kiss
with her on break!
Song “I am strong in mathematics” (to the motive of the song “I won’t brag, dear”)
I brag now I won't,
I know exactly what I sing,
I'm all puzzles solve,
Mathematics I love.
In our class all the guys
Not arrogant and honest.
And at work they will show themselves,
And in studies are good.
We love solve examples,
Yes and equations,
Let's win seventh grades,
Without any doubts.
A boys we have
Very exciting,
Solve everything examples
Fast, great.
Song on the theme of "Little Red Riding Hood".
If long, long, long,
If long and persistently,
Daily and fervently
Mathematics teach,
How much are you you will know everything,
Secrets, riddles guess,
More educated become,
Only, just don't be lazy.
Ah, rules teach you,
Ah, formulas bison,
Ah, not be lazy, repeat everything,
Ah, nothing do not forget.
Of course, well, of course,
If you are lazy,
If you are cowardly,
Nothing you want to know
You can't decide problems,
Not solved an example for you,
Will be for you a problem]
Mathematics learn.
And probably right, right,
very difficult,
And painful, and boring.
Only you don't back off.
You go your way dear
To the end with keep up with science,
Everything will be you understand,
I wonder so know.
Above us the sun is shining
Not life, but grace.
Those who are for us in the answer
It's high time understand.
We are smart children,
We need take a walk.
And us they say that the leg
In short hypotenuse
And we say enough
Tired of this burden
In short hypotenuse
And we say enough
Tired of this burden.
We will stand on dawn
And hide in notebook table.
Those who are for us in the answer
It's high time understand.
We are smart children,
We need take a walk.
And they tell us pyramids,
Must have foundation,
And we are talking in Egypt
See all themselves.
Must have foundation,
And we are talking in Egypt
See all themselves.
words stubbornly these
We will repeat.
Those who are for us in the answer
It's high time understand.
We are smart children,
We need take a walk.
And we say what a long time
we can't solve a problem,
And to become man
You must walk in step with the century.
We can't solve the problem,
What would become human
step with the century.
Song to the tune "There is an island of bad luck in the ocean"
All filled with desks, absolutely all,
Cabinet Algebra is in our school.
Cabinet Algebra is in our school.
Posters completely covered.
Studying unhappy children until dawn,
Damn triangles, tormented inside.
How come to know how to find the area here,
After all, they don’t know children of geometry.
Whatever they are do, things don't work.
Seen in Monday their mother gave birth.
Seen in Monday their mother gave birth.
Whatever taught, things are not going.
Graphs and functions curl in places.
Equations difficult for them,
Equations difficult for them.
And the teacher strict will not help us.
To tasks difficult to solve everything on the fly,
Algebra - science needs to be studied,
Algebra - science needs to be studied.
And then we can get five.
Song "School time"
1. In Greece ancient, distant many days and nights
Above I thought about geometry and came up with a theorem . ..
No Pythagoras great in the world wiser!
Together with mathematics to our planet
With a computer under the arm enters progress.
Through the centuries hear the voice of a genius:
"Think and work hard until the world disappears!”
2. Somewhere in Descartes lived in distant Europe, Viet lived.
Algebra correct served, discovered many laws...
Glory great! There are no wiser people in the world!
3. Fast centuries have flown by and today again
Someone decides task, believes in dreams and luck,
Wants to discover your laws!
Song "Winged swing"
Mathematics we love
though we sometimes suffer
she is to all people
Though you fall, even if you stand.
Sometimes she good luck
brings us finally
Can we solve the problem
Dad will say "Well done"!
Dad will say "well done"!
Flying higher cool
not knowing barriers
As you wish better
Know everything be able to decide!
As you wish better
Know everything be able to decide!
V. Shefner
To drive ships,
fly into the sky,
Must know a lot,
be able to do a lot.
I at the same time, and at the same time,
you mind you,
Very important science
Why ships
Not run aground,
A by the course is going
Through fog and blizzard?
Because, because,
you mind you,
Helps captains
To doctor, sailor
Or become a pilot,
above all
Know arithmetic.
And on there is no profession in the world,
you mind you,
where we wouldn't need
* * *
Ballad about Mathematics
M. Borzakovsky
Like air,
Math needed,
One courage
The officer is not enough.
Calculations! Volley!
I target hit
I warrior
I remembered for a moment,
How schoolboy
Dreamed during the hours of teaching
O feat,
O barrages of fire,
O furious
But the teacher was strict,
And every time
He cut off the boy
"Enough dreaming!
Repeat the story
O wheel properties
AND corners of the square!
And a warrior
Love saved
K teacher,
Far, gray.
As air.
Mathematics needed,
Young officer!
* * *
Variety performance
at the math evening
Our young friend!
Today you came to this hall,
so that dream, think, relax,
See our concert and "ball",
With the mind to "look" at everything.
Today remember Heron's formula,
What are you more than once wrote
You remember also Newton,
Binom whom he knew.
Let in Archimedes will rise in your memory,
Struck for great works,
Let Viet, known to everyone, will come to mind,
Discovered the formula for the equation.
You familiar talented Descartes -
System coordinate creator.
You you know Lobachevsky, he is a Russian brother,
Copernicus geometry, creator, sculptor.
Large now Chebyshev titan,
A Sofia Kovalevskaya is a wonderful "mermaid"!
Talent mighty was given to them,
Dana they had a genius mind.
Creators great thoughts and ideas,
Which the human race has nurtured for centuries,
through the storms of hard days,
Will survive for thousands of years.
Remember what Gauss said to everyone:
"Science mathematics is the queen of all sciences”,
Not in vain therefore he bequeathed -
Create in the fire of labor and torment.
Immeasurable her role in the discovery of laws,
B building machines, airships,
Perhaps it would be hard for us without Newtons,
What gave history to the present day.
May you you will not become Pythagoras,
What wish it could be!
But you will be a worker, maybe a scientist,
And you will honestly serve the Motherland.
* * *
about mathematics
M. Borzakovsky
Why solemnity around?
Hear, how quickly did the speech stop?
This is about queen of all sciences
Let's start we are tonight.
Not by chance she is so honored.
This is her given answers.
As good calculation
For buildings, rockets.
Yes math rumor,
What are they puts the mind in order,
Because good words
Often people talk about it.
You are us math, give
For victory hardening hardening,
studying with you youth
Develop both will and ingenuity.
And for that, what is in creative work
You help out in difficult moments,
We are today sincerely to you
Sending thunderous applause.
* * *
K. Ankundinov
At the cat the little kitten has grown up.
- How to be next? - got a question.
Catch mice - such a thing,
What is there we need science now.
Decided mother, just right
Send kitten to school,
And that's for school desk in the classroom
Sitting fluffy Vasya...
C with great zeal, as the mother punished,
cat science to comprehend.
He studied to subtlety by topic
Structure mice (according to graphs and diagrams).
Their effigies made from rags
in a mug "skillful paws".
Solved almost crying,
He is about pool challenge.
(How much sour cream will pour out,
when taps are open.)
Was in geometry at home,
Knew evidence of acuity;
Trigonometry sign
Was diligent cat.
And through ten years old, rich in sciences,
home our cat from school certificate. ..
then time at some hill
Mouse crawled out of the mink,
Though Vaska studied the mouse genus from books,
Aboriginal he recognized the enemy in an instant.
But how grab him?
Impossible jump right away!
Here it is necessary apply
Scientific knowledge base...
here unknown mouse
For x he received very subtly.
Then in CGS
Found it specific gravity.
v — speed, acceleration a.
(A spray pouring from the pen!)
By Pythagorean theorem
He is the way found pretty soon;
Led answers looking into a book,
To logarithmic mind;
Entered last line
AND ready to jump...
Bye the scientist cat fought over the equation,
The ignorant mouse hid in a mink.
Remember, friends, the salt of truth is this:
Theory dead without practice alive.
Song "We wish happiness you"We are without mathematics is impossible,
Mathematics for important to us -
Makes us She is strong and wise.
All again she rallied us,
In this hall collected together.
Everyone is welcome we greet
and sing friends.
Chorus. We We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world.
Like the sun in the morning let it come to the house.
We wish happiness to you, and it should be like this -
When you are happy share your happiness with others.
Math everywhere needed,
Helps in life us she,
sea, build cities.
We will be with be friends with mathematics,
It will be more interesting live in life.
(Little country)
From the first grade children learn the right one lesson,
And not a single person in the world can live without him smog.
Here are theorems and examples, fractions and integrals.
Here are sinusoids and spheres, and a differential.
Such a lesson is needed, such a lesson is needed,
All people know, people know, life without it is not for the future.
Such a lesson is needed, such a lesson is needed,
So that not a single currency seller cheats us smog.
Poems about mathematics
All these poems found by me at different times on the expanses of the World Wide Web. I share with you what I found and I warn you: unfortunately, I can’t always indicate the real author of the works. I would be grateful if we are with you establish authorship.
Other joke, bad word
Wise than a hundred pounds book.
After all, it is not the multiplication table
Sometimes insight comes to us?
(From poems by Vladimir Mikhanovsky "Dream")
This a lie that there is no poetry in science.
B reflections of the great world
Hundreds colors from sounds the poet will catch
And the magic lyre will repeat.
Per halls of formulas, forgetting about spring,
B wandering around the world of numbers like a sleepwalker,
Suddenly gives the harmony of conclusions to the string,
K sonorous violin, clinging, mathematician.
Real scientist, he is also a poet,
Forever thirsty to know and foresee.
Who said that there is no poetry in science?
Required just understand and see.
K. Ankundinov
The cat has a little kitten.
- How to be next? - got a question.
Catch mice - such a thing,
What now we need science.
Decided mother, that fit
Send kitten to school,
And now at a desk in the classroom
sitting fluffy Vasya...
C great zeal, as the mother punished,
cat science to comprehend.
He studied to the subtlety on topics
Structure mice (according to graphs and diagrams).
Their made stuffed animals from rags
B mug of "skillful paws".
Decided almost crying,
He pro pool problem.
(How much sour cream will pour out when the taps are open.)
Was in geometries at home,
Knew evidence of acuity;
Trigonometry familiar
Was diligent cat.
I ten years later, rich in sciences,
Pones home our cat from school certificate...
then time at some hill
Mouse crawled out of the mink,
Though Vaska studied the mouse species from books,
Aboriginal he recognized the enemy in an instant.
But how to grab it?
Not allowed jump right away!
here need to apply
Scientific knowledge base...
Here is an unknown little mouse
for X he took very subtly.
then in CGS
Found its share.
v — speed, acceleration a.
(A splatter from the pen!)
Po Pythagorean theorem
He found the way pretty soon;
Led answers looking into a book,
K logarithmic form;
Entered last line
AND ready to jump. ..
Bye the learned cat fought over the equation,
The ignorant mouse hid in a hole.
friends, the salt of truth is this:
Theory dead without practice alive.
Path difficult to the truth,
And therefore, in pure thinking
Daring courage is needed
No less than climbers."
"Thinkers" Evg.Vinokurov
D. Kedrin
, not always funny and narrow
sage, deaf to the affairs of the earth:
Already on the roads in Syracuse
Roman ships.
Above curly mathematician
Soldier brought a short knife,
And he on the sandbar
Circumference included in the drawing.
Ah, if death is a dashing guest -
To me also meet lucky
How Archimedes drawing with a stick
B the minute of death is a number!
Poetic minutes at math lessons
Height, median and bisector triangle
Three maidens, three sisters
They live in a triangle.
They speak like this:
- The height is the most important thing!
I tell you for a reason.
Everyone sees how the sides
Need a perpendicular.
Then they, having changed their names,
Are called proudly - foundations!
- No, - said the median, -
I will not stop arguing.
And there is a reason for this:
I connect the top of the triangle
with the middle
Sides. In addition, I
Divide the entire area in half!
The bisector has entered into an argument:
- There is no point in arguing!
If three get together,
At the point we will meet.
This point is not easy.
Golden middle;
If you own a compass,
You will be able to write off the circumference!
So, I'm more important than all of you!
A triangle intervened in the dispute:
- What are you, every schoolboy knows,
That you are all equal to me.
Be always friendly!
But I warn you:
Everyone has their own mission!
Every schoolboy knows,
How to build me.
Where they won't lead me,
I am perpendicular to everyone.
Guess the question is simple,
What is my name? (height).
First you must find
the middle of the side.
You will connect it with the top,
And you already got me.
Just everything and without cheating.
What is my name? (Median).
Definition of cosine, sine, tangent and cotangent of an acute angle in a right triangle
What spins, what falls
Both on the ground and on the roofs,
And what the poet is talking about in winter
Does he write poems at night?
This is the first word.
And the second one is just “on”.
Well, what about the third? Guess
What's running through the wires?
Write what happened,
And read the other way around.
Don't get confused by reading
The word backwards!
(Snow-on-current... cotangent).
With trigonometry now
Even animals are familiar.
Everyone speaks the rules
Clearly and confidently.
And we will ask the animals
Tell them for the guys.
How do we calculate the cosine,
You ask the jellyfish.
- We divide the adjacent leg
into the hypotenuse.
The sine will be able to calculate
The beast of any of the forest thicket:
The opposite leg into the hypotenuse.
To get the tangent,
You need to divide the legs.
You take in the numerator
The one for the opposite corner.
The one that is adjacent,
Write in the denominator.
If the fraction is reversed,
This is also the right way!
You read from the end, my friend,
How "snow falls on the current."
- What was the name given to the ratio of the leg to the hypotenuse?
We ask no one,
They answer: "Cosine".
We all thought and wondered:
What kind of leg did they take?
Areas of polygons
S trapezoid you know.
Count, I'll wait.
Half the sum of the bases
You multiply by the height.
(S = (a + b / 2) h)
Area of a triangle
Of course, you need to know:
We multiply a by ash
And divide by two.
The most ancient theorem
I can't forget.
There is a triangle, like a mentor,
And there is a right angle in it.
And all its elements
Peace and honor everywhere.
Charming hypotenuse
Ascended so boldly up!
And with her in eternal union
Two legs also ascended.
She reigns in the squares
And she sings a song.
That song attracts somewhere
Geometers of the ancient wave.
And everyone is in the marketplaces of light,
As in a ring of fire,
And everyone repeats this:
Ah, a, c, s!
And even in the cold jellyfish
This song lit the fire,
And all these hypotenuses
And the legs of two things!
Will be eternal truth, how soon
A weak person will know it!
And now the Pythagorean theorem
is correct, as in a distant century.
Plentiful was the sacrifice
To the gods from Pythagoras: a hundred bulls
He gave to the slaughter and burning
For the light a ray that came from the clouds.
Therefore, always since then,
A little truth is born into the world -
The bulls roar, sensing it, following.
They are unable to interfere with the light,
And they can only tremble with their eyes closed
From the fear that Pythagoras instilled in them.
As a symbol of eternal union,
As an eternal symbol, a simple sign,
Tied the hypotenuse
Forever legs with itself.
Avoiding detours
And faithful to the ancient truth,
You are direct by nature
And by custom you are accurate.
You hid a secret, but soon
A certain wise Greek appeared
And by the Pythagorean theorem
he glorified you forever.
Keeps you, silently, decorously
Angled guard outfit,
And spears - sharp peaks
Both sides are threatened.
And if the loser, embarrassed,
Goes numb in front of your face.
Pierce him, hypotenuse,
With her sharpened spear.
Like air, mathematics is needed,
Courage itself is not enough for an officer.
Calculations! Volley! And the target is hit by
Mighty Metal Strikes.
And the warrior remembered for a moment,
As a schoolboy he dreamed during the hours of training:
About a feat, about flurries of fire,
About the furious impulse of the offensive. .
But the teacher was strict,
And each time he interrupted the boy rudely:
— Enough dreaming, repeat the story
About the properties of a circle and the angles of a square.
And the warrior kept love
To a distant, gray-haired teacher.
Like air, mathematics is needed
Today a young officer.
Many people used to think that
Zero meant nothing.
And oddly enough, they thought
That zero is not a number at all.
But on the axis, among other numbers
He still got a place.
And all real numbers
Divided into two digits.
If you add zero to a number,
Or you subtract from it,
In the answer you immediately get
Again, the same number.
Having hit, as a multiplier, among the numbers
He instantly nullifies everything.
And therefore in the work
One for all bears the answer.
A regarding division
First, you need to remember that
What has long been in the scientific world
Dividing by zero is prohibited.
The reason is obvious to everyone,
And the reason is that
That there is no sense in such a division
The contradiction itself is in it.
Proud Rome trumpeted victory
Over the stronghold of Syracuse,
But the works of Archimedes
I am much more proud.
We need to get busy today,
Show honor to the old man.
So that we do not make mistakes,
So that the circle is correctly calculated.
You just have to try
And remember everything as it is:
Three-14-15-92 and six.
(n= 3.1415926)
FROM 1 TO 10
(fun count)
Here is one or one
Very thin, like a knitting needle.
But this is the number two,
Admire what it is!
The deuce arches its neck,
The tail drags behind it.
And behind the deuce - look -
The number three appears.
Troika - the third of the badges -
Consists of two hooks.
Three are followed by four,
Sharp elbow of a bulge.
And then she went to dance
Number five on paper.
Stretched her arm to the right,
Sharply bent her leg.
Number six - door lock:
Hook at the top, circle at the bottom.
Here is a seven - a poker,
She has one leg.
The figure eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.
Number nine or nine -
Digital acrobat:
If you stand on your head,
Number six
nine will become.
A number like the letter "O" -
This is zero or nothing.
Round zero is so pretty,
But doesn't know anything at all!
If, on the left next to him,
We will fit one,
He will weigh more,
Because this is ten.
Write these numbers in order
in your notebook.
Almost alive to deep gray hairs,
I understood arithmetic out of spite,
That people have the simplest number "one"
Truly the most complicated number.
Threefold measure of space:
Infinitely extends into longitude,
Infinitely spills into breadth,
Into depths it sinks bottomlessly!
Imitate this measure in your deeds.
In a world where everything is a border,
Everything is just a limit and a barrier,
Bottomless infinity -
You are my only reward.
Therefore, measure is inherent in society.
And everything that is in heaven, in the soul, on earth,
Can be expressed as well.
There were ten eccentrics,
Those tired travelers,
That they decided to knock on the door
The Nice Guy Tavern.
- Let me go, master, to spend the night,
You will not be at a loss.
We only sleep through the night,
We got wet to the skin.
The owner was happy with those guests,
But the trouble is inopportune:
He has only nine rooms
And only nine beds.
Eight guests I will offer
Bed honor by honor.
Two will have to sleep through the night
In the same bed together.
Then, returning again to "A",
Where two were waiting for him,
He was glad to hand over the key to "I"
To that hero.
Although many years have passed since then,
Unknown to anyone,
How could the owner accommodate
Guests one at a time.
Or old arithmetic,
Or a miracle before us.
Understand what, how and why,
You try yourself.
Oh Peter, because you built the city
Not for the dead - for the living?
Heavy rain runs behind the gate
Petrified sentinels.
The alleys of the parks are motionless,
The avenues are straight as an arrow,
Stronger than the divine monarchs
Geometry was here.
He was gentle in the towers of the citadel
And the meek babble of doves,
And the terrible ones looked at the world
The eyes of regicides through the window!
Stone Finns are walking,
Pipes of beards are smoking,
So they built Athens
Among the swamps of the northern swamps!
The lions to the left and the lions to the right,
And at the outpost the invalid
The bayonet holds vertically straight,
As geometry dictates!
A lad in a frock coat, not rich, came in,
To buy tobacco and Madeira in the shop.
Kindly invited, like a younger brother,
Broken hostess to continue to come.
Walked to the door, sighing wearily,
Waving her hands after him: "Eccentric."
I again miscalculated by 4 centimes,
And now 4 centimes is not a trifle!
Someone told me, like a prominent scientist,
Some Monsieur Galois, a mathematician,
How can he discover the laws of the world,
This, if I may say so, head?
But he went up to the attic, deceived by it,
He took the cherished sketch in the attic dust,
And proved again with all ruthlessness,
That the owners of full stomachs are zeros.
Once upon a time two brothers:
Triangle with a square
Senior - square
Good-natured, pleasant
Junior - triangular,
Eternally dissatisfied.
He began to question the square:
— Why are you angry, brother?
He shouts to him: - Look,
You are fuller and wider than me,
I have only three corners,
You have four of them!
But the square answered: — Brother!
I'm older, I'm a square:
I said even more tenderly:
- It is not known who is needed more!
But the night came, and to his brother,
Stumbling on the tables,
The younger climbs furtively
Cut corners for the elder.
Leaving said:
- I wish you pleasant dreams!
To know, went to bed - was square,
And you wake up without corners!
But in the morning the younger brother
was not happy about the terrible revenge.
He looked - there is no square,
He was dumb, stood without words ...
That's revenge! Now my brother has
Eight brand new corners.
Apples fell from the branch to the ground.
Wept, wept, shed tears
Tanya collected them in a basket.
She brought as a gift to her friends
Two Earrings, three Antoshka,
Katerina and Marina,
Olya, Sveta and Oksana,
The largest - to my mother.
Speak quickly,
How many Tanya's friends?
An asterisk fell from the sky,
She ran to visit the children.
Two shout after her:
"Don't forget your friends!"
How many bright stars have disappeared,
Has fallen from the starry sky?
The holiday is coming soon. New Year,
Let's get up in a friendly round dance.
Let's sing a song loudly,
Congratulations to everyone on this day.
Let's prepare gifts for everyone,
This holiday is very bright.
Katya, Masha and Alenka
We will give Burenka,
And Andryusha and Vityusha -
A car and a pear.
Sasha will be happy with Petrushka
And a big colored cracker.
Well, Tanya - Tanya -
Brown bear in a gray plush.
You, friends, count 9 guests0435 Call them names.
An old woman decided to bake cheesecakes.
I put down the dough and fired up the oven.
The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes,
And how many they need - she completely forgot.
Two things - for the granddaughter,
Two things - for the grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Neighbor's daughters ...
I counted, counted, but lost my way,
But the stove was completely heated!
Help the old lady count the cheesecakes.
In the fish kingdom to sturgeon
Three young pikes,
to clean the cheeks,
A four Chebaka
On logarithms
, therefore like foam,
fall our rhymes.
And greatness is power-like
Recedes into logarithms.
Boris Slutsky
Friends, believe me: the most interesting, useful and lyrical
This is a logarithmic function.
You ask: “What is interesting about?”
And the fact that it is inverse exponential
And relative to the straight line y = x, as known,
Their graphs are symmetrical necessarily.
The graph passes through the point (1; 0)
And in addition, the graph has a salt,
And he does not hope to hit the left one.
But if we change the arguments,
Then, according to the rules, we move,
Stretch if necessary, or compress
And displayed relative to the axes.
The function itself sometimes decreases,
Sometimes it increases on command.
And her meaning is her commander α,
And she always obeys him.
Variety of applications exponential (or as it is also called exponential) functions inspired English poet Elmer Breal, he wrote " Ode to the exhibitor ":
As our
Anglo-Saxon ancestors used to say.
The power of her offspring
In advance is due to her
By her own beauty and strength,
For they are physical embodiment
Her abstract idea.
English sailors love and know her
Under the name "Gunter".
Gunter's two scales -
This is the miracle of ingenuity.
Exponent generated
Slide rule:
The engineer and astronomer didn't have
A tool more useful than her.
Even the fine arts feed on her.
Isn't the musical scale a network
A set of advanced logarithms?
And thus abstract beautiful
Became an ancestor of one of the greatest
human achievements.
V. Vysotsky songs for the performance "Alice in Wonderland"
Everyone must up to one
Numbers to know up to the number five -
Well, at least in order to
To distinguish between marks.
Someone came home there
And he is afraid to raise his eyes:
This is one, this is a stake,
This is one.
Barely stepped over the threshold,
And he got a brainwasher:
So a pair is two
Or just a deuce.
Eh, once again,
We have one head,
Well, in this head
there are two ears and two thoughts.
So the people are teasing
And laughing muffledly
Look - here comes
Head, two ears
Head, head, head, two ears.
Alexander Gorodnitsky
O, plastic squares red,
And twisted baroque patterns,
Slender clarity of geometry,
What attracted me from school!
Medians and chords in a notebook,
And graceful dreams of Pythagoras!
I was born and grew up in Leningrad,
Where the city taught geometry.
Showed me Vasilyevsky Island
Parallels in the nearest district.
I remember five sharp corners
And granite arc channels.
Every autumn brought back to me
Semicircular arched glow
And Rossi's lemon street,
What a square forms in cross section.
In this world where everything is different,
Where you can't knock out a wedge with a wedge,
I'm homesick like a wanderer,
According to the naive system of Euclid.
There the answers are always impartial,
The proofs are clear and strict,
And the straight lines go into space,
Like railroad tracks.
Arithmetic of love
So it happened that in vain we multiplied
We are fleeting moments for eternity,
Denying the probability that in the final
This function will end in division.
The path to the solution is now simple and short,
There will be no place for sorrow in this formula:
They are reduced easily and without a trace
Our funny feelings are improper fractions.
Joint calculation completed,
And the results are completely equivalent:
You are leaving the equation for the unknown,
I am looking for another variable.
The harmony of our world
Associated with the number THREE.
Not a beech, not a nitpick -
You look the facts in the face! –
"Biblical Trinity" means:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
(From here arose, not otherwise,
Triple Cologne).
Who was spinning under the window of the room?
Don't think, but look at the root:
Naturally - three sisters!
... And in the field, heroes -
In the amount of three - fought
With a dragon with three heads!
Men* were born on earth,
Standing on three elephants...**
And Olesha's "Three Fat Men"?!
And the king? After all, he, after all,
bore three sons, no less!
(Two smart ones, one is a fool.)
And remember the three tankmen,
And also "Three Men In A Boat"!***
With a dog. .. But everything is clean here:
They don't count dogs .****
And the three little pigs too
Contributed to history!
Truly immutable
The threefold law of the earth.
But suddenly I read THIS,
That the sick mind boiled,
I am in shock! I have no rest!!
And my shock is triple:
The statistics are grossly spoiled
I sink my teeth into my elbow,
My eyes grow cloudy like a puddle!
Increased the peak of depression
The legend about the Negro children:
There are not even seven of them! There are TEN!!!
Garzon, bring me poison...
* not to be confused with - "husbands"
** Some say three whales.
Not the point - still in rhyme!
*** original title of the novel,
translated into Russian as
"Three in a Boat (not counting the dogs)"
**** neither among the tankers, nor among the three in the boat
Oh, our endless spaces! -
Here, no matter how parallel, the wires
With stubbornly close with constancy.
And Lobachevsky - extreme. As always.
A word about mathematics
Why is solemnity all around?
Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent?
This is about the queen of all sciences
We begin tonight.
It is no coincidence that she is so honored.
It is given to her to give answers,
How good it is to perform a calculation
To build a building, a rocket.
There is a rumor about mathematics,
That it puts the mind in order,
Therefore, good words
People often talk about her.
Mathematics, you give us
Hardening to overcome difficulties,
Youth to study with you
Develop both will and ingenuity.
And for the fact that in creative work
You help out in difficult moments,
Today we sincerely send you
a thunder of applause.
Hymn to Mathematics0435 You need to know a lot,
And at the same time, and at the same time,
You will notice,
A very important science
Why ships
don't run aground,
And go
on course Through fog and blizzard?
Because, because,
You notice,
Helps the captains
To become a doctor, sailor
Or become a pilot.
You must first of all
Know mathematics.
And there are no professions in the world
You notice,
Wherever you need
Mathematical songs - Mathematics
Song to the tune “There is an island of bad luck in the ocean”: Everything is full of school desks, absolutely everything, Unfortunate children study until dawn, Whatever they do, things don't go well. Graphs and functions scroll around. To solve complex problems on the fly, To the tune of the song "My Bunny". 1. You are my plus, I am your minus, You are an axiom, I am a theorem, Corollary is you, and I am a lemma. Chorus: I've loved mathematics for so long, long time. I love mathematics so much, I don’t sleep even during the day, 2. Knowledge is you, I am a cheat sheet, If you are zero, then I am a stick. You are the ordinate, then I am the abscissa, 3. You are the quotient, I am the divisor, You are my module, I am your vector. 4. My sum, and I - the difference0435 We have enough terms with you. |
I'm tired of solving algebra,
I just lost time
I didn't understand anything anyway,
I'd rather take a walk.
Problems in mathematics
Like failures in life
And I'll tell you guys.
How to solve them is unclear.
Mathematics is a science
Of all sciences - they tell us,
But in life sciences
Never hurt us
The bisector is a rat,
Only I didn't understand
Why is this rat
Divides the angle in half.
Pythagorean pants
Equal in all directions,
Don't try to put them on
No place to put your feet.
I am an exemplary student
I know the whole table
6*6 - I don't know.
Mathematician Pythagoras
Super jeans invented
They say his pants
Equal in all directions
We copied from the solution book,
We thought everything was right,
And they came to algebra -
We got a deuce.
I was at the lesson
I studied Algebra
I spent time on the test
I got a couple.
Played on the computer
We are in computer science,
Only 2 received
We are in mathematics.
If there are problems with algebra
Call Dan right away,
He will solve your algebra
And make you laugh along the way.
We love geometry,
We always solve it,
But sometimes we get good grades
Theorems, theorems
What did you bring
X, minuses, problems
You drove me crazy.
I love equations
In class I answer
And when I get home
I immediately forget.
We are sitting on the test
We think, we decide,
And when we pass it -
We get deuces.
I love mathematics
I am friends with the calculator
I am sitting on the test,
I take out the calculator.
I have a problem book
Difficult problems
I can always solve
With a hint.
It always seemed to me,
The geometry is complex
I only got a couple
I studied the entire textbook.
I could always count
From one to one hundred
I study Algebra,
I count up to a million.
I never knew,
The theorem of the whole angle
I teach geometry,
I will draw any angle.
We solve all the problems,
And we get fives
But it happens sometimes,
We get the number 2.
Solve the equation -
It's not easy.
Change plus to minus -
The rule is this.
Vertical angles
They say everyone is equal
But I don't believe you
I'll measure myself with a protractor.
I am sitting in algebra,
I am listening carefully.
My difficult task -
I will finally solve it.
Equations, equations
What did you bring
X, minus, division -
You drove me crazy.
I wrote a test
I got a deuce,
I decide today
I'll get a five.
Day and night I don't sleep
I study geometry,
And when I go to the blackboard
I will feel uneasy.
I know the equations
And I solve them in 5.
But I don't understand,
Where to add, where to subtract.
We wrote the test yesterday,
We were very tired,
But Vadya was not tired,
I took the test, and wrote it off.
I study geometry,
I understand everything.
As I write at home,
I immediately forget.
Taught geometry
And I got a five
And I came to physics,
Turned gray and left.
To calculate the speed -
You need to think quickly.
Divide the path for a while
And drive it to the answer.
Sine, cosine, square
How happy Semyon is today.
After all, he solved the problem
And he got a five.
We extracted the square
From the usual one,
Only the result came out
Very indecent.
I know mathematics,
I study computer science.
I get fives,
I will probably get into the university.
I'm actually a smart guy,
I teach mathematics.
And I don't need a computer-
I'll solve all the problems this way.
I fell in love with the programmer,
Three-piece head -
Monitor, keyboard,
Mouse with a pad with it.
Geometry science -
Very difficult friends. This is why guys.0435 With her at recess!
Song “I am strong in mathematics” (to the motive of the song “I won’t brag, dear”)
In our class, all the guys
Not arrogant and honest.
And they will show themselves in work,
And they are good in studies.
2. We love to solve examples,
Yes, and equations,
We will win the seventh grade,
Without any doubt.
3. And the boys we have
Very exciting,
Solve all the examples
Fast, wonderful.
Song to the motive “Little Red Riding Hood“.
1. If long, long, long,
If long and hard,
Daily and provocatively
Learn mathematics,
How much you will learn,
Secrets, riddles will solve,
You will become more educated,
Just, just don’t be lazy.
Ah, learn the rules,
Ah, the formulas of the bison,
Ah, don't be lazy, repeat everything,
Ah, don't forget anything.
2. Well, of course, of course,
If you're so lazy,
If you're so cowardly,
You don't want to know anything,
Can't solve problems for you,
Can't solve an example for you,
Will be a problem for you]
Mathematics learn.
3. And, probably, right, right,
It is very difficult to study,
Both painful and tedious.
Just don't back down.
You go your own way
To the end with science in step,
Everything will be clear to you,
Interesting, just know.
The sun is shining over us
Not life, but grace.
Those who are responsible for us
It is high time to understand.
We are smart kids,
We need to take a walk.
And they tell us that the leg is short
Shorter than the hypotenuse
And we say that enough is enough
Tired of this burden
Shorter than the hypotenuse
And we say that enough is enough
Tired of this burden.
We will rise at dawn
And hide the notebook in the table.
Those who are responsible for us
It is high time to understand.
We are smart kids,
We need to take a walk.
And they tell us the pyramids,
Must have a foundation,
And we say in Egypt
See for yourself.
Must have a foundation,
And we speak in Egypt
See for yourself.
These words are stubbornly And we say that for a long time
We will repeat. We will not be able to solve the problem,
To those who are responsible for us And to become a man
It is high time to understand. You have to keep pace with the times.
We are smart children, Pair-pair-pair
We need to take a walk We can't solve the problem,
And to become a man
You have to keep pace with the century.
Song to the motive “There is an island of bad luck in the ocean”
Everything is filled with desks, absolutely everything,
There is an algebra room in our school.
There is an algebra room at our school.
Absolutely all over with posters.
Unfortunate children study until dawn,
Draw triangles, tormented inside.
Well, how do they know how to find the area here,
After all, children do not know geometry.
Whatever they do, things don't go well.
Apparently, on Monday their mother gave birth.
Apparently, on Monday their mother gave birth.
No matter how you teach, things don't go.
Graphs and functions scroll around.
Complex equations are too tough for them,
Complex equations are too tough for them.
And the strict teacher will not help us.
To solve complex problems on the fly,
Algebra - science needs to be studied,
Algebra - science needs to be studied.
And then we can get five.
Song “School time”
1. In ancient Greece, many days and nights far away
I thought about geometry and came up with a theorem ...
There is no Pythagoras the Great in the world wiser!
Along with mathematics to our planet
Progress enters with a computer under the arm.
Through the centuries we hear the voice of a genius:
“Think and work before the world disappears!”
2. Somewhere in distant Europe lived Descartes, Viet lived.
Algebra was faithfully served, many laws were discovered...
Glory to the great ones! There are no wiser people in the world!
3. Centuries flew by quickly and today again
Someone solves a problem, believes in a dream and luck,
Wants to discover his laws as soon as possible!