Memory game with numbers
Play Numbers memory game - Online & free
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- Match game with numbers
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88 Reviews
Play Numbers memory game
You can change the color of the cards thanks to the "Design" buttons below the game.
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Numbers memory game
Numbers memory game
Online numbers memory game where you need to match the pairs of identical numbers. A free game, so come and play!
Discover also our Number Matching game and match the pairs of numbers in the shortest time possible.
How to play this online number memory game:
In this free game online, the numbers are laid in rows. You can change the number of cards on the board, and so the level of difficulty, thanks to the buttons located below the game.
You have to match the pairs of numbers by turning them 2 by 2. If the numbers are identical, it's a pair and you win!
Every time you start a new game, a random selection of the numbers ensures a different game, so you can replay endlessly.
This game is compatible with all devices: desktop, tablets and smartphones. The content and the game adjust automatically to your device, so do not hesitate to play on a tablet or a smartphone.
Why play to this numbers memory game:
This numbers memory game is a working memory exercise to train your short-term memory, especially your memory of numbers, in a playful way. This game will also improve your concentration. It's an ideal game for the people who find it difficult to recall the numbers such as phone numbers, the age of people close...
More in this category: « Numbers memory game - list of numbers to remember (1 - 100) Numbers memory game - light up numbers »
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Numbers memory games - Online & Free
- Memory Games
- Unique Memory Games
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63 Reviews
Author: Emmanuelle ROUGER / Published by Memozor
Published on 17 June 2019 / Last modified on 01 November 2021
Play our Numbers memory games. There are several types of games, some are timed, so the numbers are displayed for a limited time and you have to memorize them before the countdown is over. In other games, you have find the pairs of identical numbers... The common feature of all these memory games is that you have to memorize and remember the numbers
New in 2021: a New Version of these games is now available. You now have the possibility to choose the level of difficulty that suits you best thanks to the buttons below the game. So you can choose the level according to your recall ability, and gradually increase the difficulty according to your progress. We have also added a New game mode Without Countdown, by choosing this mode you can play quietly at your own pace.
All these memory games are compatible with all your devices: computer, tablets and smartphones (Iphone or Android). The content and the games adjust automatically to your device, so do not hesitate to play the games on your tablet or your smartphone, you can play wherever you are! Moreover, these Online Numbers memory games are Free and unlimited, so choose the game you prefer from the list below and train your memory while having fun!
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267 Reviews
Memorize the Phone Number and then Dial it- 1
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194 Reviews
Memorize the sequence of Numbers that light up and reproduce it- 1
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88 Reviews
Matching game - Find the Pairs of Numbers- 1
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41 Reviews
Memorize the list and then type the Numbers (1-100)- 1
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109 Reviews
Memorize and Drag and Drop the Numbers to the right place- 1
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136 Reviews
Matching game - Find the Pairs of Colored numbers- 1
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27 Reviews
Memorize the list and then type the Numbers (100-1000)Mind game: Ribbon of numbers
Mental game: "Ribbon of numbers": what is it?
Number Ribbon is a brain training game that promotes various cognitive skills. To pass the level, we must shoot the numbers from the cannon into the numbers on the tape so that these numbers add up to the indicated number. The higher the level of this educational game for the brain, the higher the requirements for cognitive abilities.
As you practice, the game adjusts to the required difficulty level . Number Tape is a scientifically designed program that measures player performance and automatically adjusts task difficulty to optimize cognitive training. Brain Game "Ribbon of Numbers" suitable for training the basic cognitive skills of children, adults and the elderly .
How can I improve my cognitive abilities with the smart game "Ribbon of Numbers"? nine0003
When we practice with smart games such as Tape of Numbers , a certain neural activation pattern is triggered in our brain. The repetition of this pattern may help create new synapses and neural networks capable of reorganizing and repairing the most weakened and damaged cognitive functions .
Brain Game "Ribbon of Numbers" is designed to enhance the adaptive capacity of the nervous system and help the brain cope with structural disorders, lesions or injuries that affect our cognitive abilities. nine0009
CogniFit Neural Connections
Which cognitive skills can I train with Number Ribbon?
Cognitive skills that can be improved with this brain training game:
- Visual Scan: In order to pass the level in the Number Ribbon game, we need to find the numbers we need, adding them up to get the target amount.
In this exercise, we scan the screen, thereby stimulating our ability to visually scan. Improving this cognitive skill will allow us to be more efficient at identifying important information. For example, it will be easier for us to find mistakes in our work or find the right person in a crowd of people. nine0048
- Processing Speed: Brain Training Game Number Ribbon was designed to allow us to think quickly and evaluate situations while playing it. The conveyor belt is in constant motion. We need to quickly process all the data that appears on the screen and give a prompt response. By doing this exercise, we train the speed of information processing. Strengthening this ability will help us quickly grasp any information we receive and respond to it. People with impairments to this cognitive ability may have difficulty responding and reacting to unexpected situations, planning, setting goals, and making decisions. nine0048
- Short-term memory: at advanced levels of the game, the ball numbers will be temporarily hidden, so you need to remember them.
Holding information for a short amount of time can help us process more complex information, such as when reading a long sentence in a book: in order to understand the meaning of the whole phrase, you need to remember its beginning.
Other relevant cognitive abilities:
- Monitoring: to complete a level in this game, we need to make sure that the numbers we shoot from the cannon hit the target and that the mathematical operation is correct. By doing these activities, we thereby activate and train our ability to monitor. Strengthening this cognitive ability can improve our performance in numerous daily situations (at work, at school, in the family), allowing us to understand when our behavior and course of action needs to be corrected. This happens, for example, in an exam, when we find an error in the text and correct it. nine0048
- Divided attention: In order to make progress in this smart game, you need to simultaneously monitor various stimuli and coordinate your actions.
By doing this exercise, we activate and strengthen the neural structures involved in the ability to divide attention. Improving this skill allows us to be more efficient with multiple tasks and minimize various distractions. For example, skillfully park a car while talking to a passenger in your car. nine0048
- Hand-eye Coordination: In order to progress in this smart game, you need to point the cannon at the target and fire accurately to hit the right number. By doing this exercise, we stimulate and strengthen the neural connections involved in visomotor coordination. Improving this important cognitive ability will allow us to be more accurate in everyday tasks that involve the simultaneous use of our eyes and hands. For example, doing manual work, sewing, playing sports, using the Internet. nine0048
- Working Memory: This brain game was created to test our brain's ability to store and manage information. To pass the level, you need to keep in mind the various numbers that appear on the screen, as well as correctly make calculations.
By doing this exercise, we stimulate and strengthen the neural networks involved in working memory. Improving this important cognitive ability will help us deal effectively with complex cognitive tasks in everyday life. For example, speech comprehension, reading, math, learning, or reasoning. nine0048
- Focused attention: this brain training game tests our attention. In order not to lose, you need to carefully analyze what number you need to shoot. When fired incorrectly, a projectile with a number is added to the conveyor belt, lengthening it and thereby reducing the game time. Doing this exercise helps to strengthen the ability to focus attention. Improving this skill helps us focus our attention on one stimulus or activity while avoiding distractions. People with attention problems can be easily distracted, and their performance is reduced in almost any activity. nine0048
- Cognitive flexibility: This mind game tests our ability to adapt to change.
As the game progresses, the target amount will change, so we need to change the strategy. By doing this exercise, we activate and strengthen the neural networks involved in cognitive flexibility. This critical cognitive skill is linked to the ability to solve complex problems. Improving this skill can help us find the right strategy most effectively, adapting to the various situations we may face, as well as better deal with mistakes and change of plans. nine0048
- Inhibition: This brain game was designed to help control our impulsive and automatic responses by encouraging the brain to think carefully about responses. In order to make progress in the game, we must "slow down" the impulsive shot at the wrong target. By doing this task, we activate and stimulate the capacity for inhibition. Improving this important cognitive ability can help us control behavior and be attentive. People with inhibitory control problems may have difficulty controlling impulsivity or hyperactivity.
- Spatial perception: In order to progress in the game, you need to observe the various elements on the screen and point the gun accurately at the target. By doing this task, we activate and stimulate spatial perception and test our ability to perceive the environment through shapes, sizes, distances, etc. Improving this cognitive skill will help us reproduce objects from memory in both 2D and 3D, as well as be prepared for various changes in the surrounding space. nine0048
- Planning: This brain game was created to test our ability to plan a task. In order to pass the level, you need to think over the possibility of "combo" shots in advance and plan the blows with maximum accuracy. By practicing with this exercise, we activate and stimulate the skill of planning. Strengthening this cognitive ability will increase our efficiency in choosing the necessary actions and developing a plan to achieve the goal. People who have trouble scheduling are not good at prioritizing and managing their time, so they may have difficulty both at school and at work.
What happens when I don't exercise my cognitive skills?
Our brain is designed to save resources, it destroys unused neural connections. Thus, if some cognitive ability is not used , the brain does not allocate resources for this pattern of neuron activation, and therefore it gradually weakens . Thus, this cognitive ability deteriorates, making us less efficient in daily life.
Playing with numbers, training of vision, memory and attention
A variety of methods are used for training of vision . Morning and evening exercises can greatly improve it, and for those who spend a lot of time at the computer, they are simply necessary.
In addition to dynamic exercises, there are also static exercises aimed at developing peripheral vision - the so-called tables of Shulge . The essence of the exercises with them is that we look at the center of the table, while with peripheral vision we find numbers located on the periphery. nine0009
There is another version of tables for training vision, which is sometimes called a game of numbers - this is a modified Shulge table, in which the numbers have different sizes.
Most visually impaired people who start playing this game notice that their eyesight begins to improve as they play.
Rules of the number game
You need to find and press all the numbers in order, from the first to the last, as quickly as possible. In the upper left corner, you will see the number that you clicked last - this is a kind of hint in case you lose count. When pressed correctly, a red frame appears, when pressed incorrectly, nothing happens. At the end of the game, a window will appear, which will indicate the time spent on the game. Game difficulty, from 35 or 90 numbers, you can choose at the very beginning.
The most important rule is not only to find all the numbers, but also to do it as quickly as possible.
Vision improves during the game because almost all people have it is not static. Our vision gets better or worse, depending on the circumstances. During the game, there is an intense training of vision, and it gets better, in the most literal sense. on the eyes.
Unlike Shulge's tables, in this game the gaze can be actively moved around the table. The eyes are actively moving, and the brain in the process of searching must quickly switch from large numbers to small ones, which is a kind of analogue of switching focus from close to distant objects. In addition to directional vision, peripheral vision is also active. Due to all these processes, progress occurs - vision improves. nine0009
For maximum progress, it is best to combine the number game with the Shulge tables, and in addition, do not forget about dynamic exercises for the eyes.
In addition to training vision, the game of numbers is an excellent simulator for training memory and attention . Looking through the numbers. You involuntarily, or purposefully memorize them, and then find them faster. Thus, your visual memory develops rapidly.
And to find all the numbers as quickly as possible, you need maximum composure and concentration. nine0009
For even better results, you can also use another game - playful brain age test .
If you want to achieve good results and improve your eyesight, memory and attentiveness, you need to play numbers regularly. Play a hard game at least once a day, up to 90. And several times a day you can play up to 35. Bookmark this page, or the full-screen version of the game, and play whenever you get a chance.
Please share in the comments what are your results in the game of numbers, and what are your impressions of it. nine0009
How not to forget anything
In addition to the ability to remember the right things, people also need to be able not to forget anything. Sometimes it is this skill that becomes critical when, for example, a person forgets to turn off the kettle before leaving, or close the front door. Or when he forgets where he put certain things.
There are methods to overcome this kind of forgetting.
- Speak your actions . If you perform actions on autopilot, then the likelihood of forgetting something increases. Therefore, if you are afraid to miss something, pronounce your actions. Say out loud: “I turned off the gas on the stove”, “I turned off the light in the kitchen.” nine0048
- Musical way . Do the same thing, just sing it, don't talk it out. In the melody you sing, put in phrases what you are doing. A big plus of this method is that singing is good in itself. It strengthens health, gives a positive charge, develops the voice, improves breathing.
- Prepare everything in advance . In order not to forget anything, do all possible preparatory activities early: put money in your wallet, documents in your pocket, keys in a conspicuous place. Iron your clothes in the evening, not before going out.
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