My favorite color is blue in french
my favorite color is blue translation in French | English-French dictionary
, (British) favorite (US)
[thing, activity, place, person, colour, food] préféré (e) , favori (te)
→ He celebrated by opening a bottle of his favourite champagne ...
→ I love all sports but soccer is my favourite.
→ Her favourite writer is Hans Christian Andersen
Blue is my favourite colour. Le bleu est ma couleur préférée., Le bleu est ma couleur favorite.
(=preferred person, activity, thing) préféré (e) m/f , favori (te) m/f
→ Which one of the band is your favourite?
→ The Liverpool Metropole is my favourite.
(=one most likely to win) (in competition, race, election)
favori (te) m/f
→ The favourite for the race actually came last.
→ The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege.
to be the favourite être le (la) favori (te)
Liverpool are favourites to win the Cup. L'équipe de Liverpool est favorite pour la coupe.
Translation English - French Collins Dictionary  
See also:
favourite, favor, favored, favoritism
Collaborative Dictionary English-French
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"my favorite color is blue ": examples and translations in context
My favorite color is blue, because I like to look at the sky. | Ma couleur préférée est le bleu, car j'aime regarder le ciel. |
I like kung-fu flicks, my favorite color is blue, and I once went four days without a meal. | J'aime les films de kung-fu, ma couleur préférée est le bleu, et une fois j'ai survécu quatre jours sans repas. |
Blue isn't my favorite color. | Le bleu n'est pas ma couleur préférée. |
I also really liked the color: bright blue is my favorite. | J'ai aussi beaucoup aimé la couleur: le bleu vif est mon préféré. |
My favorite color is definitely blue; I'm not so much into grey.![]() |
Ma couleur favorite est le bleu et je n'apprécie pas vraiment le gris. |
He's just painted it for me... because blue is my favorite color. | Il a repeint la chambre pour moi, parce que le bleu est ma couleur préférée. |
favorite color is blue - Translation into French - examples English
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My favorite color is blue, because I like to look at the sky.
Ma couleur préférée est le bleu, car j'aime regarder le ciel.
I like kung-fu flicks, my favorite color is blue, and I once went four days without a meal.
J'aime les films de kung-fu, ma couleur préférée est le bleu, et une fois j'ai survécu quatre jours sans repas.
Well, how come, if your favorite color is blue, you painted the house so pink?
Eh bien si votre couleur préférée est le bleu, pourquoi l'avoir peinte si rose?
Her favorite color is blue.
Sa couleur préférée est le bleu.
My favorite color is blue.
Ma couleur préférée est le bleu.
Taylor's favorite color is blue.
La couleur préférée de Taylor est bleue.
He speaks English - His favorite color is blue
Il parle Anglais - Sa couleur préféré est le bleu
You may have guessed, by now, that Klein's favorite color is blue .
Vous aurez deviné que c'est le bleu, la couleur préférée de Klein.
Her favorite color is blue as it's fresh and soothing, transparent and clear, like the vast expanses of turquoise water of the Bosphorus that marked her childhood.
Et parmi toutes les couleurs, l'artiste a beaucoup aimé le bleu, frais et apaisant, transparent et limpide, comme ces vastes étendues d'eau turquoise du Bosphore qui ont marqué son enfance.
Also, the sentimentality of her character is shown by the love of keeping the unique objects of the past, shows that the girl's favorite color is blue.
En outre, l'amour de garder les objets uniques du passé montre la sentimentalité de son personnage et montre que la couleur préférée de la fille est le bleu.
Favorite color is blue, favorite song is A Walk by Tycho, favorite season is summer. More Nathalie
Son couleur préféré est le bleu, sa chanson préférée est A Walk par Tycho, et sa saison préférée est l'été.
Her favorite color is blue.
Elle préfère le bleu.
Its favorite color is blue.
Sa couleur de prédilection est le bleu.
My favorite color is blue.
Ma couleur préférée est bleue.
Favorite color is blue.
C'est le bleu.
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Colors in French | French tutor
anisova Vocabulary articles
Colors are all around us, so we need to know their names if we want to communicate fluently in French. What are the colors in French? First of all, you need to remember the main French colors:
bleu, bleue - blue
rouge - red
Colors are a very interesting topic in French. There are many set expressions with the names of colors. Let's take a look at some of them:
l'heure bleue - the wee hour
la colère bleue - rage, anger daydreaming
n'y voir que du bleu - to understand nothing here
le poisson rouge - goldfish
rouge comme un coq (un coquelicot, une pivoine) - red like a poppy, like a cancer position
le rouge à lèvres - lipstick
Les Cheveux Blancs - gray hair
être BLANC - it is bad to look
il fait noir comme dans un four - so dark that even the eye gouge out
l'humeur noire - gloomy mood; Black melancholy
Faire Un Tableau Noir de Qch- represent something in the gloomy light
Tout N'EST PAS Rose GRIS GRIS GRIS faire grise mine à qn - meet someone with a sour mine être gris – tipsy I think that you have learned a lot of useful information that you can then use in learning French or communicating with French-speaking people. 0002 Option 5 - Green Option 6 - Yellow Option 7 - Purple Option 8 - Blue 15 sentences / 200 words See you soon!
My favorite color (8 options)
Option 1 - Blue
Dark blue and ultramarine are reminiscent of the depth and calmness of foamy sea waters. These shades set me up for reflection and immerse me in a pleasant bliss of memories of happy moments of a carefree vacation on the sea coast. The azure color seems to be created especially for dreamers. I am ready to endlessly look at the clear blue skies, mentally rising to them and bathing in the streams of golden sunbeams.
A completely different picture can be observed in the evening, when the sky darkens and gradually turns from azure to ultramarine. Bright stars are lit on it, among which the moon shines ghostly. The world shrouded in blue night twilight seems so mysterious and amazingly beautiful.
However, the blue color for me personifies not only the water and air elements. Its shades can often be seen in wildlife. Cute bluebells, charming forget-me-nots and modest cornflowers are my favorite flowers.
Their tender petals dazzle affably in the clearings in the forest, making me stop and bewitched to look at the beauty around me. Sometimes I can't resist picking some of the prettiest flowers to bring home and put in a vase. And after a long time to admire the charm of beautiful blue buds.
Option 2 - Red
20 sentences / 243 words
Everyone has their own preferences for a variety of things: food, clothing, recreation, art and so on. Of course, we all like different colors too.
My favorite color is red. It attracts me with its brightness and expressiveness. So, scarlet roses in the floristry department invariably attract the eyes of buyers. It is difficult to pass by a beautiful coral dress in a shop window without stopping and admiring such an outfit. A person dressed in red is also sure to become the center of attention at a party.
For this reason, I like to wear red things. I think that such clothes not only make me visible to other people, but also give me determination. After all, red is a kind of symbol of strength, struggle and victory. No wonder many banners used to have such a shade.
But my favorite color also has a romantic side. For me it is associated primarily with love. The ability to boldly and openly express their feelings without fear of condemnation and rejection by another person. It seems to me that this is how the knights of the Middle Ages looked after their Beautiful Ladies, performing magnificent feats for them and presenting delightful scarlet roses as a gift.
Sometimes red can look quite peaceful. This is how I perceive it when I admire the calm beauty of the sunset sky or look at the ruby flames in the fireplace. At dawn, the purple rays of the rising sun also gently envelop me, making me forget about all worries.
In a word, red is a real chameleon. In our life, it is represented by a wide range of shades and each of them carries its own special meaning, creating a certain mood in the soul.
Option 3 - Black
22 sentences / 247 words
My favorite color is black. This surprises many of my acquaintances because they find it boring. Some friends will not understand why, among a wide range of various shades, I chose it.
But in my opinion, there is nothing surprising here. Perhaps black seems to someone not as bright and attractive as red or yellow, but it is a universal color. It is a kind of basis, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of other shades.
So, when we paint a picture, we can do without pink or blue colors, but it's hard not to use black. Contours, shadows, the enchanting twilight of the night or the dark pool of the deep sea. We represent all this with the help of black color.
In art, I also like graphic works made with pen, charcoal or black liners. The combination of dark and light shades allows you to concentrate on the main points of the work, without being distracted by less significant details.
The same applies to clothes. Black is the basis of the wardrobe. This is one of the basic shades that goes well with any others. Therefore, I like to wear dark things, complementing them with bright accessories. In my opinion, it always looks stylish and elegant. In addition, black color slims a person, giving elegance to his figure. To top it all off, it's very practical.
Of course, my preference for black is not limited to art and clothing. I also love the thick darkness of the night, when darkness envelops everything around. Being in such an atmosphere, I feel calm. I like that the night, by painting the world around in black, hides all the flaws and takes away the anxieties of the previous day, so that I can start the next one from scratch.
Option 4 - White
16 sentences / 256 words
It is said that a favorite color can tell a lot about a person. I agree with this statement, because I believe that our attachment to certain things is not accidental and always has some kind of basis.
So, I really like the white color and I think there is an explanation for this. First of all, I associate it with the beginning of something new. It's as if I'm putting a blank sheet in front of me, on which you can now draw whatever you want. This opens up space for imagination and allows you to move forward all the time, not stopping there.
White color is also not just something primordial, but also pure, not containing errors and insidious intentions. I think it is important for me to see such purity around me, and often I deliberately look for it in people, choosing for myself good friends who have a big generous heart.
In my understanding, white is also associated with calmness, so I like to look at fluffy clouds running across the sky. Contemplation of their gentle beauty evokes bright peaceful thoughts and gives a pleasant feeling of comfort.
At the same time, this is a touch of magic that exists both in fairy tales and in real life. It is no coincidence that good sorceresses in books appear before the reader in white clothes, and their magic is also called white. Well, in winter, when fluffy snow covers the streets and houses, our world also becomes like a fairy tale.
I love this wonderful time very much. With his arrival, everything around is changing, and people's hearts begin to beat more often in anticipation of the New Year's miracle. And indeed, the onset of this wonderful holiday, first of all, means the beginning of a new life, the symbol of which is invariably the white shade of pure deep snow outside the window.
Option 5 - Green
27 sentences / 246 words
Colors fill our lives with vibrant colors. Each of them creates a certain mood and form their own associations. Yes, I like green the best. This is the color of calm.
Looking at him, I immediately imagine myself lying on soft grass in the middle of a wide forest clearing, surrounded by rustling trees. Centuries-old pines and spruces grow nearby. Insects circle above my head and birds chirp above. Such a picture gives birth to peace in the soul.
I also associate green with the arrival of spring. The time when nature wakes up from a deep winter sleep and comes to life again. The first buds appear on the trees, from which young leaves then grow.
I like different shades of green. And fresh spring, and herbal, as well as rich coniferous or malachite. But I especially love light green and mint colors.
The first one creates a feeling of celebration, it always looks cheerful and refreshing. I try to use things of this shade in everyday life. For example, drinking tea from a light green mug or brushing your teeth with a similar brush. My bedroom is also made in light green colors, so here I am always cheerful and comfortable.
Mint has completely different characteristics. Unlike warm light green, it can be attributed to cold colors. This shade looks original and noble. I love using it in my clothes.
And finally, the color green increases my appetite. Any products of this shade make me have an irresistible desire to eat them. This is probably why I like pistachios and avocados so much, and fresh salads are a real delight. And what can we say about juicy grapes and kiwi! These are my favorite fruits.
Option 6 - Yellow
21 sentences / 228 words
We all like it when the sun shines outside. And if such a sun also shines in clothes or other things that surround us, then this is doubly pleasant. That's why I love yellow so much.
It is bright and positive, it perfectly lifts the mood. Sometimes it is enough for me just to look at something yellow, as it immediately becomes light in my soul. I think that's why I like yellow clothes and accessories so much. T-shirts, socks, rubber boots, an umbrella and a raincoat in my wardrobe have this cheerful shade.
Yellow is also the color of autumn. A time when magical changes take place in nature and the trees growing outside the window are dressed in luxurious festive outfits. I sincerely enjoy walking through lush parks and collecting fallen golden leaves.
Autumn is also a harvest season. Bulk apples, melons and corn can also be called its original symbols. I love having these juicy fruits and vegetables on my table. But most of all I like bright yellow bananas.
Yellow has many shades. And each of them is charged with certain emotions. Lemon, sunny and pineapple are by far the most positive in this range. Gold and honey carry luxury and nobility. Fiery excites the imagination and calls to action, while mustard, on the contrary, inspires melancholy.
I like pure light shades that breathe freshness and create a cheerful mood. These are the colors I prefer to see in paintings when I go to a fine art museum, and I also tend to surround myself with them in real life.
Option 7 - Violet
19 sentences / 247 words
Violet is the color of noble serenity. It disposes to deep philosophical reflections, which often help to cope with life's difficulties and solve problems that concern a person. For this I love him very much.
I also find some mystery in this color. A mysterious lilac haze creeps along the ground morning fog near the river. In the cool purple twilight of a starry night, some secret is also hidden. And the dark amethyst sky before a thunderstorm both frightens and fascinates me with its enchanting beauty.
And indeed, there is a lot of magic, even mystic, in purple. No wonder the witches in science fiction films often wear purple clothes. And the purple pointed hat has become a traditional symbol of a witch's Halloween costume.
However, this color is not devoid of romantic properties. For me, it often becomes a symbol of tender affection that arises between people. Therefore, when I choose a birthday present for my beloved mother, I usually buy her purple irises or asters.
I have noticed more than once that if we like a certain color, we involuntarily tend to surround ourselves with it. This is how it works in my life. For example, this year for school, I chose a purple backpack for myself and ordered a winter hat in the store of the same shade, completely without thinking about why I liked these things so much. I also recently hung a picture of a lavender field over the bed in my bedroom, and then my mother bought sheer lilac curtains for the windows to complete it, which immediately fascinated me.
Even in my gastronomic preferences, I remain true to my favorite color. I consider grapes and plums to be the most delicious fruits, and I prefer eggplants from vegetables.
Option 8 - Blue
15 sentences / 219 words
I love looking at the sky. Its azure hue calms me, evokes pleasant thoughts. I also like to follow the rapid flow of the river, flowing torrents of turbulent waters, and admire the foamy sea waves.
All these natural phenomena have something in common - the color blue. He will captivate me with his tenderness, delight with purity and grace.
Despite the fact that blue belongs to a cold color range and is often associated with snow and hoarfrost, for me it evokes exceptionally warm associations. Looking at some blue thing, I immediately remember the happy moments of a carefree vacation on the sea coast and cheerful sunny summer days.
Since blue is a mixture of blue and white, it seems to combine two principles.