My favorite colors
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You? [infographic]
Got a favorite color?
Mine’s purple. Could you tell? 😉
Your favorite color has a lot to say about you. Do the words ring true for you?
Don’t miss the great infographic at the end of this article.
Be sure to save it to Pinterest, along with your favorite color poster from this page!
Seek and find it! If I’m missing your favorite color, give me a shout in a comment.
Plus! Women’s favorite colors.
Men’s favorite colors.
How color in art and design affects emotion.
Lots to see, so let’s get going!
What’s Your Favorite Color Meaning?
Does your color explain your nature?
Knowing these traits can help you to understand your strengths, your weaknesses, how you can influence others, and how to improve your personality.
Favorite Color Purple
You are a perfectionist who requires emotional security in life, and you are a good humanitarian who helps others in need.
You have a good mind, a ready wit, and an ability to observe things that go unnoticed by others. You have a degree of vanity. You display a fine-art creativity. You relish the subtle but recognize the magnificent.
- One of your greatest assets is your intuition.
- That little voice inside your head is especially chatty and clear.
- Your intuition has proven to be right more times than you can count.
- Bursting with charisma, you are like a people magnet.
- Others perceive you as a visionary and are drawn to your innovative spirit.
- Your creativity is contagious, making it easy to build teams to execute your grand plans.
- You take pride in marching to the beat of your own drum and being unique.
- You’ve never cared about fitting in.
- You appreciate kindred spirits who choose to zig when everyone else zags.
Learn more about the purple color meaning and how it affects people, so you can use it well.
Favorite Color Black
You strive for power and control in life, but are often artistic and intuitive and do not share things well with others.
You’re above average, worldly, conventional, proper, polite, and regal. While black may mean “depression” to the clinical psychologist, to you it means “dignity.”
- You value your inner world keep your private life private.
- Only close relatives and friends are privy to your thoughts and feelings.
- You’re articulate and at times dramatic, but not unrestrained.
- You know how to share your point of view with conviction and authority.
- You maintain self-control easily, and can control most situations as well.
- Others perceive you as serious maybe to the extent of intimidating.
- Focusing on the details and getting things right is important to you.
- You are comfortable projecting an air of mystery, which can help mask moments of insecurity.
- People find your juxtaposition of the conventional and unconventional intriguing.
Communicate your message by learning the black color meanings.
Favorite Color White
You are organized and very independent, and you rely on logic to solve every problem.
- You appreciate order and simple elegance.
- Your taste is refined, enjoying things that are well crafted and beautiful.
- You have a special knack for finding treasures in the most unexpected places.
- You are particular and have high expectations for yourself as well as others.
- You don’t always deal well with disappointment when things don’t go as planned.
- Your ability to portray a sense of control no matter what may hide your true feelings.
- People may misread you as aloof because of your self-confidence and naturally reserved nature.
- When people get to know you, they appreciate your mindfulness and wisdom.
- You are often described as an old soul.
Learn more about the white color meanings.
Favorite Color Gray
You are cool and composed and a very reliable person who tends to conform to keep the peace.
Favoring gray shows that you’re cautious and seek to strive a compromise in most situations you encounter. You seek composure and peace, and try very hard to fit yourself into a mold of your own design.
- Your trademark is sophisticated diplomacy.
- Manners and etiquette are important to you.
- You feel polished social graces demonstrate respect for yourself as well as others.
- Professionally, others trust you to set the bar for appropriate behavior and decorum.
- Minding your own business and keeping to yourself is your mantra.
- If asked, you are comfortable playing the role of peacemaker.
- People perceive you as balanced, stable, and trustworthy.
- Others appreciate your gift for identifying alternate avenues and facilitating compromise.
- Naturally fair and objective, you can put personal opinion and feelings aside and see an issue from all angles.
Want to color up the gray world? Check out these fun free coloring pages!
Favorite Color Red
You have drive and determination, and you prefer action and risk-taking behaviors. Your biggest need is for physical fulfillment and fitness.
Red shows that you’re outgoing, assertive, vigorous, and prone to impulsive actions and variable moods. You feel deep sympathy for fellow human beings, and have a strong sex drive. You’re an optimist but also never hesitate to voice your complaints.
- Red isn’t just your favorite color – you’re passionate for red!
- You are in-the-know, present, and always aware of what is going on around you.
- You exude a powerful energy. When you enter a room, your arrival is immediately known.
- You are outgoing and usually enjoy being the life of the party and center of attention.
- When you love, you love big.
- If someone disappoints or steps on your toes, you don’t hesitate to say exactly how you feel and why.
- Not one to hide your feelings, you nip disagreements in the bud.
- You don’t hold grudges and like to move on quickly.
- You’re all about what is next – the next adventure or project.
- You are a natural born leader and easily gain respect from others.
- You lead with optimism and an animated can-do attitude that’s contagious.
Learn about how using red affects others here: red color meaning.
Favorite Color Pink
All you want in life is unconditional love and to be accepted for who you are by your peers.
- You have an easygoing, approachable energy.
- You come from a place of assuming the good outweighs the bad in everyone and every situation.
- Witty and smart, you sparkle socially particularly in small groups.
- Your caring and encouraging demeanor nurtures your longtime friendships.
- You genuinely revel in the success and happiness of others, especially your friends and family.
- Compassionate, perhaps to a fault, you are the one those closest to you depend on when they need a shoulder to cry on or a boost of confidence.
- The saying about seeing life through rose-colored glasses sums up your pink perspective.
- Peace, harmony, and calmness are important to your daily routine.
- You appreciate letting loose on occasion and enjoy embracing all the fun life has to offer.
Fun-loving pink people will also enjoy these rainbow after the storm quotes!
Favorite Color Orange
You love to be with people and socialize with them, as you want to be accepted and respected as a part of a group.
Favoring orange shows that you’re good-natured, enjoy being with other people, and are swayed by outside opinions. You do good work, have strong loyalties, feel good will toward others, and have a solicitous heart.
- The party is wherever you are.
- Forever the optimist, you fully expect something wonderful is about to happen.
- You’ve perfected being present, living in the moment, and focusing on what and who is in front of you.
- You may be described as a social animal, social butterfly, and/or mediator.
- A problem solver at heart, you channel your high energy to inspire and influence others.
- Team building is a natural skill because others are drawn to your zest for life and even-keeled positivity.
- Flying by the seat of your pants usually works out well for you.
- No matter what life throws your way, you don’t fold under pressure or cave to panic.
- You take things in stride because surely something wonderful is about to happen!
Learn the orange color meaning to opt for the optimal orange.
Favorite Color Blue
You want to find inner peace and absolute truth, and you always make an effort to think of others and their needs.
Preferring blue shows that you’re deliberate and introspective. You have conservative convictions, retreat to gentler surroundings in times of stress, and are sensitive to the feelings of others. You’re a loyal friends and lead a sober life.
- You value your close-knit group of friends and family.
- As far as friendships go, you are loyal – perhaps to a fault.
- Recognizing and putting the needs of others first works for you.
- You find being of service fulfilling.
- Yet, you don’t allow being taken advantage of or for granted.
- If tested, you will stand your ground with grace and composure.
- You have a keen sense of fair play and like being in charge of keeping order.
- Because of your reputation for being trustworthy and good with details, you usually end up with the job of scorekeeper.
- You endear yourself quickly with your uncanny ability to recall names and tidbits of info about others.
- People remember you for being warm, friendly, and engaging.
Learn more about the color meaning of blue to use its different shades and tints well.
Favorite Color Green
You are loyal and very frank with others, and you consider your reputation a very important part of your life.
If green’s your color, you’re a good citizen and pillar of the community. You are frank, moral, reputable, and sensitive to social customs and etiquette. You feel deep affection for your family.
- You have a special connection to nature. It feeds your soul.
- Whether it is spending time in the garden or finding creative ways to bring the outdoors in, your favorite activities revolve around all that Mother Nature has to offer.
- You dislike chaos and strive for consistency and balance.
- Time management is a strength because you quickly prioritize.
- You have business savvy because you target what is most important and delegate what is not.
- You rarely sweat the small stuff.
- You are environmentally aware and involved in community affairs.
- You have a knack for seeing the big picture and understanding multiple points of view.
- Others admire your clarity and respect your objective and fair outlook.
Learn how to use the positives and negatives of green by understanding the green color meaning.
Favorite Color Yellow
You enjoy learning and sharing knowledge with others, and you feel a need to always express your individuality.
Love yellow? This shows you have a vivid imagination, nervous energy, neatly-formed thoughts, and a need to help the world.
However, you tend to be aloof and are shy. You long to be respected and crave admiration for your wisdom. You’re a safe friend and a reliable confidant.
- One of your most appealing traits is your consistently sunny and fun disposition.
- Your optimism is resolute and infectious even in the most trying circumstance.
- Ignorance is bliss and you simply refuse to see the glass as half empty.
- You have a reputation of leaping before you look. Your impulsiveness sometimes pays off.
- While others are stalled by indecisiveness, your spontaneity and willingness to take action positions you several steps ahead of the competition.
- Your positive nature should not be misconstrued for extreme extraversion.
- You prefer tight-knit social circles to extended networks.
- Those who know you best describe you as happy, imaginative, and highly intellectual.
Yellow can make some people uncomfortable! Learn how to use it well by understanding the yellow color meanings.
Favorite Color Brown
You are a great friend, and you value a stable and simple life over material things.
Your love of brown shows that you’re shrewd when it comes to money and obstinate in your habits and convictions. You are parsimonious, dependable, and steady. You disdain impulsiveness and are also a very good bargainer.
- You relate to the simplicity of the color brown.
- You tend to be genuine and transparent with your intentions.
- Those who have hidden agendas and ulterior motives confuse you.
- You fail to see the value in twisting the facts when the truth is so much easier to manage.
- You are dependable and punctual and have high standards for excellence.
- Experience has taught you that a solid foundation is mandatory for success.
- You do things slow and steady – do it right or not at all.
- No get rich quick schemes for you.
- You have little patience for the snake oil salesperson types.
- Family comes first and you enjoy the comfort of a stable home-life.
- Your well-appointed and ordered kitchen is the hub of the house where you enjoy cooking.
- You find gardening and growing food for your table very satisfying.
Looking for more colors? The Favorite Color Personality Test includes gold, turquoise, indigo and more on an infographic.
Insights above from Psychology Today
The Land of Color
Color Preference by Gender
There are several different studies on this topic. The color insights directly below are from Live Science.
Blue: Male 42%, Female 29%
Green: Male 25%, Female 19%
Purple: Male 12%, Female 27%
Red: Male 8%, Female 9%
Yellow: Male 5%, Female 6%
Orange: Male 7%, Female 3%
Pink: Male 1%, Female 7%
It’s surprising to me that purple is cited as the third most-liked color for both males and females. But they didn’t include brown, white, gray and black in this study. I’m guessing a lot of men prefer those neutrals over purple!
Women’s Favorite Colors
By reader request, I’m delving deeper into the topic of favorite colors by (binary) gender. I don’t know of any studies that go beyond male / female, sorry.
This data was taken from a color study by Joe Hallock, who polled people from 22 countries around the world.
Among women, the favorite colors were:
Blue 35%
Purple 23%
Green 14%
Red 9%
Black 6%
Orange 5%
Yellow 3%
Brown 3%
Gray 1%
White 1%
You might also enjoy these colorful quotes and pictures.
Men’s Favorite Colors
And in the same order as the women’s, we see a much different breakdown for men’s favorite colors.
Blue 57%
Purple 0%
Green 14%
Red 7%
Black 9%
Orange 5%
Yellow 1%
Brown 2%
Gray 3%
White 2%
Quite different results from the study above, where 12% of men said purple was their favorite color. I will guess that the Live Science study focused on one or limited countries where purple is more popular.
Pastels for Girls, Brights for Boys
If that sounds sexist, it’s not exactly. It’s based on what men and women said they preferred in this study.
The results showed that women strongly prefer soft tints of colors (such as pink) whereas men prefer bright, pure tones (such as ruby red) or shades (such as burgundy).
A tint is a color plus white. A shade is a color plus black. So although red is shown as a favorite color for both men and women, the actual reds they like are very different.
Pink wasn’t called out as a separate color in this study, as it was considered a form of red – pale red.
It’s also known that women can see more differentiations in color than men.
That’s because color vision depends on three types of cones, two of which are carried on the X-chromosome: L-cones that are more sensitive to the longer wavelengths of light; and S-cones, to shorter wavelengths. The third cones, M-cones, are sensitive to middle wavelengths.
Thus, men’s brains require slightly longer wavelengths of light to experience the same colors. This may be why men prefer colors with short wavelengths, like darker shades of blue and green, or they prefer shades without any wavelengths at all, like white, black, and gray.
The fascinating study for this difference is found here.
Least Favorite Colors
Regardless of gender, brown, orange, and yellow are most people’s least favorite colors.
But even though 20% of women hate brown most, and 17% hate gray most, we still love to see the UPS truck or Amazon Prime stop at our house! I’m a believer that all colors are wonderful in the right context or combination.
Women’s least favorite colors
Orange 33%
Brown 20%
Gray 17%
Yellow 13%
Men’s least favorite colors
Brown 27%
Orange 22%
Purple 22%
Yellow 13%
5 Fascinating Color Facts
Here are some random facts about color that might surprise you! From UCreative.
40% of people worldwide say their favorite color is blue, by far the most popular color.
Red is the first color a baby sees, at around 2 weeks of age.
Pink is the most calming color, and is used in some prisons and mental health institutions to calm worked-up prisoners and patients.
White is considered the safest color for a car. I’ve seen studies on this – it’s the color that’s most visible both day and night.
Red and yellow together are the most appetizing colors. That’s why they’re used in a lot of fast food signs.
P.S. You might also enjoy learning more about business colors for branding.
Meaning of Colors in Art and Design
Color theory is a collection of guidelines regarding the use of color in art and design, and it has deepened in interest since Isaac Newton’s conceptualization of the color wheel in the early 18th century.
It has been scientifically proven that different colors and hues have a significant impact on our emotions and the way we react, which is why brands spend rigorous amounts of time developing their branding to impact the way consumers feel.
Invaluable created a helpful infographic on the science of color, and how each can affect our emotions differently.
Refer to the visuals below to help guide your branding and accomplish the goals you seek to create from your business.
Blue color meaning
Blue has different meanings depending on the culture, and the specific tint or shade used.
In Western cultures, blue is generally considered calming and serene.
In Asia and the Middle East, blue represents immortality in connection. In Ukraine, it is a healing color.
Blue can also evoke sadness or aloofness. See the graphic below!
Green color meaning
Green is seen as refreshing or tranquil and can often represent luck, health, and prosperity.
Whole Foods and Starbucks utilize the color green to induce feelings of freshness and health.
Here are two examples of green color used in art to evoke ether serenity or prosperity.
Purple color meaning
Purple is reputed to awaken creativity and imagination.
It can be associated with royalty since historically, only the rich could afford expensive items made with this hard-to-produce pigment.
Lighter hues of purple tend to exude more peaceful, tranquil emotions.
Red color meaning
The color red can exude different emotions depending on its use.
It has intense characteristics that elicit strong reactions, and many brands and advertisers try to capitalize on its visibility and stimulation.
YouTube, for example, uses red in their logo as a way to accent their brand name and attract viewers.
Red also tends to fuel passion, whether it be in an aggressive sense, or that of love.
You might also enjoy these quotes about the color red.
Orange color meaning
Like its color wheel neighbor red, orange is an attention-grabbing hue.
Orange can be used to signify extravagance and command attention.
Sports teams often use orange in their logos and mascots because it has an energetic undertone.
Though it’s bright and jovial, be careful of overusing orange, as it can get harsh.
Yellow color meaning
Yellow is bright and intense, so it triggers strong emotions.
Though it can be cheery and warm, it can also seem abrasive or cause frustration or anger when used in the wrong context.
While too much yellow overstimulates, a dash of yellow can stimulate your appetite. This is why fast food restaurants like McDonald’s incorporate it into their branding.
Black color meaning
Black appears heavy from a visual standpoint. That’s why it’s used sparingly in art.
Artists looking to evoke a “darker” feeling rely on generous amounts of black.
Black is usually associated with power, authority, and mystery.
White color meaning
As the absence of color, white has a pure, clean feeling – thus it’s used in hospitals and spas to suggest sterility and cleanliness.
While in Western cultures, white represents purity and elegance, in various Eastern societies, it’s closely associated with death and used in mourning rituals.
Be sure you know your audience so you use colors appropriately!
I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about color meanings, and gained some insight into yourself and others.
Share with friends! Pin your favorite color poster, or one of the infographics.
Graphic below submitted by for publication here.
Your Turn
So, what does your favorite color say about you? Let me know in a comment if the hue fits!
What Your Favorite Color Really Says About You?
By Danni Peck |Updated October 7, 2022
Our preferred color choice can say more about who we are than we may think. It can indicate something about our personality or perhaps give insight into what makes us feel calm, happy, angry, or sad.
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About Your Personality?
Click Here To Learn More About Your Inner Self In Online Therapy.
What Does Favorite Color Mean?
Did you know there are certain meanings behind what color you deem is your favorite? You may have picked your favorite color for a reason, even if it changes as you grow up. Color meaning can be used to convey a lot of information, depending on the context in which we use a color.
Preferred Colors in Media
Whether in fashion, product branding, or in art, a certain color can radiate a surge of energy and emotion, while conveying a particular meaning or message to those viewing the color. And your favorite color to wear, decorate with, or just look at can say a lot about you.
Your favorite color may also tell you what your color personality is, which is something that is utilized in the psychology of color, or the understanding about how a color can make you feel.
There may have been times when you found a particular color alluring, in which case, the color meaning may be representing your mood in that moment. However, if you remain attracted to a single color for a long period of time, then this could be an indication that that color reflects a portion of your personality.The preferred color choice you make can give you a sneak peek into how you are truly feeling inside.

In everyday life, hues may seem important, but not necessarily impactful. However, with the theory of color psychology, color is a very important factor in how the brain works. For instance, researchers have looked at how the color of medication affects how effective patients think it will be.
Other interesting studies have analyzed which hues have a proven track record of increasing image distribution via social media. The link between psychology, favorite colors, and feelings can take you down a rabbit hole of interesting findings.
Color Psychology
One important aspect of color psychology, which we must always bear in mind, is that any analysis of a person's personality based on their favorite color (or on which colors they like or dislike) must itself be colored by some basic knowledge about that person. Factors such as age, gender, past experiences and the culture we grew up in, for instance, must all be taken into consideration.
For example, it is often highlighted that in Western cultures, brides wear white as a sign of innocence and purity. But in Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning. Brides in those regions would more likely select outfits in a brilliant red—a very unique choice by Western standards! Color meaning varies across cultures and backgrounds.
What Do These Colors Mean?
Do you associate certain hues with moods or things? This is what is known as a color meaning. What you associate a color with describes its meaning. The meaning of each shade varies between cultures, as indicated above. However, most people in a particular culture can agree on the feelings they associate with a particular color.
Additionally, your favorite color and the meaning behind it can say a lot about how you feel. Big companies have paid close attention to colors and meaning, which is why marketing messages are so colorful. For example, you purchase things that are your favorite color, which is to be expected. This is no reason to think that when you enjoy these things that you are unable to express your individuality. You are, and this is something you should do, if it makes you feel good about yourself.
Marketing And Your Preferred Color
Did you know marketers use color meanings in their advertisements? In fact, the psychology of color has been used in marketing for decades. Businesses have routinely based their choice of brand colors or colors they use in logos and advertising on our perception of color. They tend to rely on studies, which look at how our preference for and response to a particular color can be used as a way to predict our reactions in certain situations, based on intrinsic color meaning and cultural perception. Marketers will also consider what colors are associated with in a particular culture. For example, the color green is typically associated with natural, clean products. Similarly, the color blue is typically associated with water, purity, and cleanliness. But, the color black is associated with darkness, edginess, and sadness. Now that you know this, are there any advertisements you have seen using these colors? You may want to investigate color meaning to learn more about not only your favorite color, but all colors, so you can overlook some of these marketing tactics.
Speaking with a licensed therapist can help you uncover truths about yourself, and can help you deepen your understanding about your personality.
In general, we tend to associate shades of blue, green, and purple with being cool and inviting. These color meanings can convey a sense of professionalism and help those viewing them to feel more at ease with whatever the color is helping to depict. On the other hand, shades of warmer colors like red, orange, and the color yellow, suggest creativity and are often associated with high energy and intense emotions such as love and anger. Yellow is one of the most commonly used colors in marketing, as it feels warm, happy, and energetic. You may have noticed many fast food chains use yellow and red in their logos. This is because the color meaning of yellow is energetic and happy, which is what they want you to feel at their restaurants.The neutral shades are white, black, brown, and gray tones. Neutral hues each carry their own broad meaning, with white typically referencing openness and black giving off a sense of power or sadness. Gray tones most often come across as smooth and modern, which is why this is a common home shade.
On the other hand, brown is frequently associated with down-to-earth traits and a sense of security. Of note, is the point, which is often made that varying shades of the same color can carry significantly different meanings.
According to Incredible Art and College Match Up, which draws its information from multiple sources, what your favorite color is can represent the following general information about your personality. Your favorite can be quite important and tell you things about yourself.
Black. Many attribute black with darkness, but those whose favorite color is black are most likely expressing their depression or are mourning over a loss. On a brighter note, the color black can also indicate power, creativity, elegance, and sexuality.
Black, then is a shade frequently donned to suggest a person’s nature as mysterious, aloof, or independent. If black is your preference, you may like how it makes you feel powerful and mysterious.
White. Those whose favorite color is white may be aware that the meaning of white includes purity, birth, and innocence. However, having the preference of white or simply liking the color white can also mean that you are organized, independent, and logical.
White is very clean feeling, as it is bare and bright. So, you are likely a very clean and organized person if your favorite color is white.
Red. As most people know, red is the color that symbolizes intense desire and aggression; therefore, if your favorite color is red, you are someone who is driven, adventurous, and active. To some, red can feel angry or evil, as many villains in movies or cartoons wear red and black.
But, for others, it can represent love because of the primary colors associated with Valentine’s Day. In other words, red can mean positive or negative things, depending on who is looking at it.
Purple. Purple is a favorite color among many. In fact, it’s one of the top favorites amongst people. And, this hue's meaning goes far back in history. This color symbolizes mystery and spirituality, as well as royalty. Purple dyes used to be so rare and expensive that only monarchs could afford to wear them.
They require great emotional security, but are helpful to others. Many people who have the preference as purple have several purple things whether they be pens, pencils, and shirts. This is because purple can be used to express individuality because of its deep roots to royalty. People whose favorite is purple are generally unique and want to stand out.
Pink. Pink is the color of romance. Anyone whose favorite color is pink expresses themselves well and shows the world that they believe in and want to be loved unconditionally or accepted by society. If pink is your color, you are probably a romantic at heart. Many glasses are pink-tinted, which can put a romantic filter on life.
When your preference is pink, you may also be more flirty and feminine, while some people think that when their preference is pink, and they see it, they feel euphoria.
Orange. If your favorite color is orange, you are a social person with a vibrant personality, as this shade represents energy, warmth, and enthusiasm. Orange is typically seen as happy, often associated with sunshine and the Spring season. If your preference is orange, you may blend the characteristics of red and yellow personalities; as orange is a blend of red and yellow.
Blue. The most popular favorite color is blue, which symbolizes peace and tranquility.This may be why blue is commonly used as wall paint in bedrooms. If your preference is blue, you are a calm, trustworthy, and loyal person as you promote unity and security. Loving blue may be because you enjoy the peace it brings.
Green. A more common symbol of jealousy and greed, green’s meaning can also signify nature, good luck, fertility, and rebirth. Overall, if you love green, you are committed to others, but can be conceited or preoccupied with your reputation.
Yellow. If you love yellow, you are likely very energetic and happy.
Gray. Gray can be seen as depressing, sad, or moody. However, when it comes to home décor, this shade can be chic, modern, and stylish. But, if your favorite color is gray, you may have a low mood at times or enjoy neutral tones because they don’t draw too much attention to you. When your favorite color is gray, this may also indicate that you have a hard time making up your mind.
Brown. Brown is, as mentioned above, a natural shade that represents earthy and organic materials. So, if your preference is brown, you may be drawn to nature or enjoy a simpler way of living. Brown preference also implies you enjoy security in life.
Does Everyone Have a Favorite Color?As with pretty much everything else, each of us will have a favorite color, no matter how subtle. There are some people, however, who might not be able to readily identify a favorite color.
If this is the case with you, a quick look at the clothes in your closet or the shade palette of your home may provide some clues; it is not uncommon for someone to subconsciously surround themselves with items in the color they prefer the most, whether that means literally surrounding themselves in their preferred color via their clothing, or including tones of their preferred shade in their decor.
In fact, the people closest to you are probably already well aware of the color you are most drawn to! When you identify which color you surround yourself with, you will likely see the hue your color personality aligns with! If you look into different color meanings for each, this may help you determine your preference, especially after you look at the things in your home and see what the most common shade is.
You may be surprised at what you find. Perhaps you discover that your preference is orange, but that you were unaware it was orange, you love cheese and oranges though. This means there was a clue as to your favorite color all along!
Are Favorite Colors Forever?
Our personalities are dynamic, so a shift in color preference in not completely unheard of or even that unusual. The meaning of each shade represents a personality style. Our personality styles can change over time, especially if we are subject to a drastic change. Some people will report liking a particular color above others in childhood, but feel more drawn to a different shade in adulthood.
For example, during childhood maybe your preference is pink. But, fast forward 10 years, your favorite color is orange. This is a very common occurrence. The color itself may not change from childhood to adulthood, but you may find that, over time, your preference shifts to prefer a different shade of the same color, such as switching from loving baby blue to loving royal blue.
Can You Have More Favorite Colors?
It is possible to feel intensely drawn to more than one color or have more than one favorite. If you simply cannot decide on which is your absolute favorite hue, then a good idea is to consider what each color says about personality, and see how it all comes together for you.
If the color meaning of your two favorites clash substantially, it could indicate that you are in the midst of an identity crisis, of sorts, or could indicate that you need to develop a greater sense of balance in your life. On the other hand, you may find that the meaning for each favorite hues go together, which can be a good thing. If your favorite is blue, but then you also love green, this is not a cause for concern. These hues can go together and the meaning for both mesh well.
What About Those You Dislike?
A dislike of certain hues is perfectly natural. Just like our favorites, the hues we dislike may be dependent on factors such as past experiences, predetermined biases, and natural inclinations. Examining why you dislike a particular color may be able to help you to better understand your personality. Some commonly disliked hues are black, dark gray, deep red. This is likely because these hues are associated with scary situations, as they are often portrayed in horror movies. If you hate yellow, this may mean that you don’t want to be cheery sometimes, since it may remind you of happiness and sunshine.
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About Your Personality? Click Here To Learn More About Your Inner Self In Online Therapy.
How Can You Use Them To Your Advantage?
It is likely that you will use the colors that appeal to you most in a wide variety of ways. Surrounding yourself with colors that positively affect you is always a good idea. It is suggested, however, that in order to achieve balance, you should make a conscious effort to incorporate small samples of colors you are not so fond of in the color scheme of your life.Life comes with both sweet and sour, joy and pain, and reflecting that natural balance in your living space can promote a healthy acknowledgment of the need for balance.
Favorite Color and Personality
Conclusion on Your Preferred ColorResearchers generally agree on the existence of a connection between color and psychology, even if not fully understood at the present time. In reviewing research in the area of color psychology, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, Andrew J. Elliot, points to "considerable promise in research on color and psychological functioning."Like many others, however, he cautions that while it is an intriguing concept, the study of the relationship between color and psychology is still in the developmental stages. It may be hard to prove how your favorite color affects you and your personality, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t a link.My favorite color (8 options)
Option 6 - Yellow
Option 7 - Purple
Option 8 - Blue
Option 1 - Blue
15 sentences / 200 words
I like blue the most out of the entire color palette. It is represented by a wide range of shades, and each of them evokes its own associations in me.
Dark blue and ultramarine are reminiscent of the depth and calmness of foamy sea waters. These shades set me up for reflection and immerse me in a pleasant bliss of memories of happy moments of a carefree vacation on the sea coast. The azure color seems to be created especially for dreamers. I am ready to endlessly look at the clear blue skies, mentally rising to them and bathing in the streams of golden sunbeams.
A completely different picture can be observed in the evening, when the sky darkens and gradually turns from azure to ultramarine. Bright stars are lit on it, among which the moon shines ghostly. The world shrouded in blue night twilight seems so mysterious and amazingly beautiful.
However, the blue color for me personifies not only the water and air elements. Its shades can often be seen in wildlife. Cute bluebells, charming forget-me-nots and modest cornflowers are my favorite flowers.
Their delicate petals are affably dazzling in the clearings in the forest, making me stop and bewitched to look at the beauty around me. Sometimes I can't resist picking some of the prettiest flowers to bring home and put in a vase. And after a long time to admire the charm of beautiful blue buds.
Option 2 - Red
20 sentences / 243 words
Everyone has their own preferences for a variety of things: food, clothing, recreation, art and so on. Of course, we all like different colors too.
My favorite color is red. It attracts me with its brightness and expressiveness. So, scarlet roses in the floristry department invariably attract the eyes of buyers. It is difficult to pass by a beautiful coral dress in a shop window without stopping and admiring such an outfit. A person dressed in red is also sure to become the center of attention at a party.
For this reason, I like to wear red things. I think that such clothes not only make me visible to other people, but also give me determination. After all, red is a kind of symbol of strength, struggle and victory. No wonder many banners used to have such a shade.
But my favorite color also has a romantic side. For me it is associated primarily with love. The ability to boldly and openly express their feelings without fear of condemnation and rejection by another person. It seems to me that this is how the knights of the Middle Ages looked after their Beautiful Ladies, performing magnificent feats for them and presenting delightful scarlet roses as a gift.
Sometimes red can look quite peaceful. This is how I perceive it when I admire the calm beauty of the sunset sky or look at the ruby flames in the fireplace. At dawn, the purple rays of the rising sun also gently envelop me, making me forget about all worries.
In a word, red is a real chameleon. In our life, it is represented by a wide range of shades and each of them carries its own special meaning, creating a certain mood in the soul.
Option 3 - Black
22 sentences / 247 words
My favorite color is black. This surprises many of my acquaintances because they find it boring. Some friends will not understand why, among a wide range of various shades, I chose it.
But in my opinion, there is nothing surprising here. Perhaps black seems to someone not as bright and attractive as red or yellow, but it is a universal color. It is a kind of basis, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of other shades.
So, when we paint a picture, we can do without pink or blue colors, but it's hard not to use black. Contours, shadows, the enchanting twilight of the night or the dark pool of the deep sea. We represent all this with the help of black color.
In art, I also like graphic works made with pen, charcoal or black liners. The combination of dark and light shades allows you to concentrate on the main points of the work, without being distracted by less significant details.
The same applies to clothes. Black is the basis of the wardrobe. This is one of the basic shades that goes well with any others. Therefore, I like to wear dark things, complementing them with bright accessories. In my opinion, it always looks stylish and elegant. In addition, black color slims a person, giving elegance to his figure. To top it all off, it's very practical.
Of course, my preference for black is not limited to works of art and clothing. I also love the thick darkness of the night, when darkness envelops everything around. Being in such an atmosphere, I feel calm. I like that the night, by painting the world around in black, hides all the flaws and takes away the anxieties of the previous day, so that I can start the next one from scratch.
Option 4 - White
16 sentences / 256 words
It is said that a favorite color can tell a lot about a person. I agree with this statement, because I believe that our attachment to certain things is not accidental and always has some kind of basis.
So, I really love the white color and I think there is an explanation for this. First of all, I associate it with the beginning of something new. It's as if I'm putting a blank sheet in front of me, on which you can now draw whatever you want. This opens up space for imagination and allows you to move forward all the time, not stopping there.
White color is also not just something primordial, but also pure, not containing errors and insidious intentions. I think it is important for me to see such purity around me, and often I deliberately look for it in people, choosing for myself good friends who have a big generous heart.
In my understanding, white is also associated with calmness, so I like to look at fluffy clouds running across the sky. Contemplation of their gentle beauty evokes bright peaceful thoughts and gives a pleasant feeling of comfort.
At the same time, this is a touch of magic that exists both in fairy tales and in real life. It is no coincidence that good sorceresses in books appear before the reader in white clothes, and their magic is also called white. Well, in winter, when fluffy snow covers the streets and houses, our world also becomes like a fairy tale.
I love this wonderful time very much. With his arrival, everything around is changing, and people's hearts begin to beat more often in anticipation of the New Year's miracle. And indeed, the onset of this wonderful holiday, first of all, means the beginning of a new life, the symbol of which is invariably the white shade of pure deep snow outside the window.
Option 5 - Green
27 sentences / 246 words
Colors fill our lives with vibrant colors. Each of them creates a certain mood and form their own associations. Yes, I like green the most. This is the color of calm.
Looking at him, I immediately imagine how I am lying on soft grass in the middle of a wide forest clearing, surrounded by rustling trees. Centuries-old pines and spruces grow nearby. Insects circle above my head and birds chirp above. Such a picture gives birth to peace in the soul.
I also associate green with the arrival of spring. The time when nature wakes up from a deep winter sleep and comes to life again. The first buds appear on the trees, from which young leaves then grow.
I like different shades of green. And fresh spring, and herbal, as well as rich coniferous or malachite. But I especially love light green and mint colors.
The first one creates a feeling of celebration, it always looks cheerful and refreshing. I try to use things of this shade in everyday life. For example, drinking tea from a light green mug or brushing your teeth with a similar brush. My bedroom is also made in light green colors, so here I am always cheerful and comfortable.
Mint has completely different characteristics. Unlike warm light green, it can be attributed to cold colors. This shade looks original and noble. I love using it in my clothes.
And finally, the color green increases my appetite. Any products of this shade make me have an irresistible desire to eat them. This is probably why I like pistachios and avocados so much, and fresh salads are a real delight. And what can we say about juicy grapes and kiwi! These are my favorite fruits.
Option 6 - Yellow
21 sentences / 228 words
We all like it when the sun shines outside. And if such a sun also shines in clothes or other things that surround us, then this is doubly pleasant. That's why I love yellow so much.
It is bright and positive, it perfectly lifts the mood. Sometimes it is enough for me just to look at something yellow, as it immediately becomes light in my soul. I think that's why I like yellow clothes and accessories so much. T-shirts, socks, rubber boots, an umbrella and a raincoat in my wardrobe have this cheerful shade.
Yellow is also the color of autumn. A time when magical changes take place in nature and the trees growing outside the window are dressed in luxurious festive outfits. I sincerely enjoy walking through lush parks and collecting fallen golden leaves.
Autumn is also a harvest season. Bulk apples, melons and corn can also be called its original symbols. I love having these juicy fruits and vegetables on my table. But most of all I like bright yellow bananas.
Yellow has many shades. And each of them is charged with certain emotions. Lemon, sunny and pineapple are by far the most positive in this range. Gold and honey carry luxury and nobility. Fiery excites the imagination and calls to action, while mustard, on the contrary, inspires melancholy.
I like pure light shades that breathe freshness and create a cheerful mood. These are the colors I prefer to see in paintings when I go to a fine art museum, and I also tend to surround myself with them in real life.
Option 7 - Violet
19 sentences / 247 words
Violet is the color of noble serenity. It disposes to deep philosophical reflections, which often help to cope with life's difficulties and solve problems that concern a person. For this I love him very much.
I also find some mystery in this color. A mysterious lilac haze creeps along the ground morning fog near the river. In the cool purple twilight of a starry night, some secret is also hidden. And the dark amethyst sky before a thunderstorm both frightens and fascinates me with its enchanting beauty.
And indeed there is a lot of magical, even mystical, in purple. No wonder the witches in science fiction films often wear purple clothes. And the purple pointed hat has become a traditional symbol of a witch's Halloween costume.
However, this color is not devoid of romantic properties. For me, it often becomes a symbol of tender affection that arises between people. Therefore, when I choose a birthday present for my beloved mother, I usually buy her purple irises or asters.
I have noticed more than once that if we like a certain color, we involuntarily tend to surround ourselves with it. This is how it works in my life. For example, this year for school, I chose a purple backpack for myself and ordered a winter hat in the store of the same shade, completely without thinking about why I liked these things so much. I also recently hung a picture of a lavender field over the bed in my bedroom, and then my mother bought sheer lilac curtains for the windows to complete it, which immediately fascinated me.
Even in my gastronomic preferences, I remain true to my favorite color. I consider grapes and plums to be the most delicious fruits, and I prefer eggplants from vegetables.
Option 8 - Blue
15 sentences / 219 words
I love looking at the sky. Its azure hue calms me, evokes pleasant thoughts. I also like to follow the rapid flow of the river, flowing torrents of turbulent waters, and admire the foamy sea waves.
All these natural phenomena have something in common - the color blue. He will captivate me with his tenderness, delight with purity and grace.
Despite the fact that blue belongs to a cold color range and is often associated with snow and hoarfrost, for me it evokes exceptionally warm associations. Looking at some blue thing, I immediately remember the happy moments of a carefree vacation on the sea coast and cheerful sunny summer days.
Since blue is a mixture of blue and white, it seems to combine two elements. White symbolizes purity and primordial nature, and blue symbolizes spiritual wisdom, fidelity and kindness. All this gives me the opportunity to perceive blue as the color of a noble human soul. Some ideal to strive for.
Perhaps that is why I love people with kind and clear blue eyes. Such a person immediately wants to trust, to tell all his secrets, knowing that he will never betray you.
I also really like the blue bed linen, because it also inspires confidence. At the moment of sleep, we are most vulnerable, but having covered myself with a blue blanket and touching my cheek to the same pillow, I feel safe, knowing that now I will have only the most wonderful dreams at night.
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- My favorite color is Green
My favorite color is, of course, green! At home I like everything green to be. In nature, I also like green most of all. That's why I like cool summers the most.
When I was visiting my grandmother, I saw that there was nothing green in her house. Only flowers on the windows, but even those are a little dried up - yellowish. I bought her green napkins, a couple of towels with my own money ... She appreciated that I bought my pocket something for the house, and not sweets for myself. She then also bought a green service and a vase. We have freshened up the apartment!
I like all the green: malachite, emerald, marine… I don't understand these names!
I have a favorite green sneaker. They have several green T-shirts. Until I was allowed to buy a green jacket. Mom says that something dark, non-staining is needed for autumn. But someday I will definitely buy it. And the green car is cool too.
Why green? But it's just the best color ever! There is so much greenery in nature! Green is known to be relaxing. The eyes rest when you look at it. It brings good luck, in my opinion. For example, on St. Patrick's Day, everyone wears green, clover is worn for good luck. I really like this holiday!
But green is also a symbol of other holidays. For example, for the New Year, of course, a green beauty tree. Or on the Trinity - green birches in the church. Green means life! Not a dried tree, but covered with young leaves. And then there is the Green Party. They do good - protect nature. And here's another - at the traffic light, this color means freedom! That is, you can pass, it's not red for you - a dangerous color. There are also green lamps, from which there is a pleasant light at home ... In general, this is really the best color!
I recommend it to everyone. If you make a green wallpaper, then your well-being will immediately improve, your mood will rise! Tested on my relatives!
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