Need rhyming words

236 best rhymes for 'needs'

1 syllable

  • Seeds
  • Leads
  • Deeds
  • Beats
  • Sheets
  • Streets
  • Feeds
  • Seats
  • Bleeds
  • Eats
  • Meets
  • Weeks
  • Weeds
  • Reads
  • Freaks
  • Cheeks
  • Speeds
  • Speaks
  • Treats
  • Keeps

  • Peeps
  • Breeds
  • Beads
  • Pleads
  • Creeds
  • Steeds
  • Heeds
  • Meads
  • Sweets
  • Cleats
  • Feats
  • Cheats
  • Heats
  • Geeks
  • Leaks
  • Creeps
  • Fleets
  • Greets
  • Seeks
  • Skeets

  • Pete's
  • Deets
  • Teets
  • Pleats
  • Sneaks
  • Peaks
  • Sleeps
  • Reeks
  • Streaks
  • Teeth
  • Greeks
  • Creeks
  • Shrieks
  • Squeaks
  • Tweaks
  • Wreaths
  • Meeks
  • Sheiks
  • Sheeps
  • Seeps

  • Leaps
  • Heaps
  • Weeps
  • Leagues
  • Sweeps
  • Breathe
  • Jeeps
  • Beeps
  • Reaps
  • Beefs
  • Leafs
  • Scenes
  • Leaves
  • Ears
  • Dreams
  • Teens
  • Means
  • Schemes
  • Jeans
  • Seems

  • Screams
  • Feels
  • Wheels
  • Briefs
  • Chiefs
  • Thief's
  • Peirce
  • Reefs
  • Bees
  • Trees
  • Leaf
  • She's
  • He's
  • Breeze
  • Squeeze
  • Cheese
  • Knees
  • Chief
  • Beef
  • Ease

  • V's
  • Keys
  • Freeze
  • Please
  • Leave
  • Sees
  • These
  • Deals
  • Debes
  • Sleeve
  • Fiends
  • Tease
  • Nice
  • Peace
  • Cease
  • Eve
  • Hears
  • Steve
  • Queens
  • Grief

  • Heath
  • Heels
  • Beans
  • Keith
  • Breathes
  • G's
  • Thief
  • Teams
  • Beams
  • Meals
  • Thieves
  • Sneeze
  • Weave
  • Beer's
  • Sheath
  • Wreath
  • Screens
  • Meath
  • Leath
  • Greens

  • Sleeves
  • Keef

2 syllables

  • Proceeds
  • Succeeds
  • Exceeds
  • Recedes
  • Misdeeds
  • Precedes
  • Misleads
  • Impedes
  • Repeats
  • Defeats
  • Elites
  • Athletes
  • Heartbeats
  • Beliefs
  • Completes
  • Receipts
  • Techniques
  • Depletes
  • Competes
  • Retreats

  • Deletes
  • Deadbeats
  • Backstreets
  • Mistreats
  • Worksheets
  • Backseats
  • Spreadsheets
  • Beneath
  • Critiques
  • Antiques
  • Boutiques
  • Workweeks
  • Thirteenth
  • Sixteenth
  • Fifteenth
  • Eighteenth
  • Fourteenth
  • Motifs
  • Nineteenth
  • Umpteenth

  • Babies
  • Disease
  • Worries
  • Bodies
  • Degrees
  • Receive
  • Pussies
  • Ladies
  • Movies
  • Stories
  • Achieve
  • Believe
  • Panties
  • Always
  • Intrigues
  • Fatigues
  • Colleagues
  • Bullies
  • Zombies
  • Release

  • Unleash
  • Police
  • Parties
  • Parties'
  • Relief
  • Chinese
  • Nikes
  • Increase
  • Theses
  • Belief
  • Cities
  • Relieve
  • Believes
  • Louis'
  • Countries
  • Deceive
  • Bequeath
  • Honeys
  • Pennies
  • Cookies

3 syllables

  • Supersedes
  • Parakeets
  • Overheats
  • Underneath
  • Seventeenth
  • Enemies
  • Memories
  • Families
  • Masterpiece
  • Mercedes
  • Melodies
  • Overseas

4 syllables

  • Apologies

5 syllables

  • Opportunities

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Words That Rhyme with Need - Need Rhymes

We found 118 rhyming words for Need. These rhymes are great for any poet, rapper, singer, songwriter,etc who is struggling to find words that rhyme with need. You can click on the word you like for more information or for fun you can Unscramble need

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We found 118 rhymes for Need

You can browse the rhymes for Need below. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Accede 6 2 verb
Agreed 6 2 adjective satellite
Aidid 5 2 noun?
Airspeed 8 2 noun
Alwaleed 8 3 noun?
Aniseed 7 3 noun
Appleseed 9 3 noun?
Aristede 8 3 noun?
Aristide 8 3 noun?
Bead 4 1 noun, verb
Bede 4 1 noun
Beede 5 1 noun?
Bleed 5 1 verb
Brede 5 1 noun?
Breed 5 1 noun, verb
Cede 4 1 verb
Centipede 9 3 noun
Concede 7 2 verb
Cottonseed 10 3 noun
Creed 5 1 noun
Decreed 7 2 adjective satellite
Dede 4 1 noun?
Deed 4 1 noun
Degreed 7 2 noun?
Disagreed 9 3 noun?
Duckweed 8 2 noun
Ede 3 1 noun?
Exceed 6 2 verb
Fede 4 1 noun?
Feed 4 1 verb, noun
Fireweed 8 3 noun
Flaxseed 8 2 noun
Frede 5 1 noun?
Freed 5 1 noun?
Freid 5 1 noun?
Fried 5 1 adjective satellite
Friede 6 1 noun?
Gaede 5 1 noun?
Ganymede 8 3 noun
Gilead 6 2 noun?
Glede 5 1 noun?
Gleed 5 1 noun?
Greed 5 1 noun
Guaranteed 10 3 noun?
Hamid 5 2 noun?
Heed 4 1 noun, verb
Impede 6 2 verb
Inbreed 7 2 noun?
Indeed 6 2 adverb
Intercede 9 3 verb

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Synonyms of Need

No Synonyms Found.

Antonyms of Need

No Antonyms Found.

Homophones of Need

  • Knead
  • Kneed
  • Nied

Helpful Info

These are word lists that we think you may find interesting.

  •  Longest English Words
  •  Most Common English Words
  •  History Of Rhymes
  •  How To Find Rhymes

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Versification-4. Why is rhyme necessary? | Culture

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Sound repetitions are the most common in poetry. Words, as it were, echo each other, are connected with each other not only by meaning, but also by phonetic similarity. Standing out sharply against the background of other words, overlapping words become more expressive and meaningful.

The most effective sound repetition is, of course, rhyme - cement on the rhythmic frame of the poem. The rhyme firmly binds the lines, taking both the poet and the reader with it. The poet, as it were, is looking for where - to which word, image - his expected consonance will lead, and the reader is already set to receive this consonance from the poet, as the final aesthetic prize. K. E. Makovsky, “Poetry. Panel-picture for the concert hall hugging S.P. von Derviz in St. Petersburg, 1886

It's hard to believe, but rhyme - a feature of a poem so familiar to us - appeared in world poetry rather late. The ancient Greek "Iliad" and "Odyssey", the Anglo-Saxon epic "Beowulf", the Finnish "Kalevala", the old French "Song of Roland" and much more are written without any rhyme. Arabic poets were among the first to use rhyme (somewhere in the 7th century). Then the troubadours of Provence took over the baton, and in their hands rhyme flourished, although it did not supplant unrhymed verse.

Classical Russian poetry generally began with rhyme and is not going to part with it. At the same time, many Western poets have long turned up their noses at rhyme as something vulgar and banal. It must be said that such thoughts about versification visited Pushkin in our country.

I think that over time, we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The "flame" inevitably drags the "stone" behind it. Art emerges from feeling. Who is not tired of "love and blood", "difficult and wonderful", "faithful and hypocritical", and so on.
A. Pushkin "Journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg"

V. A. Serov, "A. S. Pushkin on a garden bench, 1899

Almost a hundred years have passed and the great innovator Mayakovsky, although he threw all his strength into the fight against banal rhyme, categorically refused to get rid of the rhyme itself.

Of course, you
know the phenomenon of "rhyme".
Let's say
ended with the word
and then
through the line, 9Repeating 0007 syllables, we put
some kind of
Speaking your way,
rhyme -
promissory note.
Consider every other line! -
here is the order.
And you are looking for
small things of suffixes and inflections
in an empty box office
and conjugations.

... In our language,
rhyme -
Barrel of dynamite.
Stitch -
The line smokes,
the line explodes, -
and the city
flies into the air
in a stanza.
Where can you find,
at what rate,
so that they kill at once, aiming?
unprecedented rhymes
only remained
that in Venezuela…
V. Mayakovsky

… without rhyme the verse will crumble. The rhyme brings you back to the previous line, makes you remember it, makes all the lines that form one thought keep together.
V. Mayakovsky “How to make poetry”

A. M. Nurenberg, “Mayakovsky”, 1929

But what is this familiar rhyme?

  • In a broad sense, rhyme is understood as a certain complex of sounds repeated in lines in the same position. In a narrow and more familiar sense, this is the repetition of similar consonances at the endings of lines (it was not without reason that in the old days rhyme was called "territory agreement").

It is very important that it is the consonances (phonemes) that should repeat and coincide, and not the letters. Otherwise, you, like Dunno, will start to rhyme "herring stick" . For a good rhyme, letter coincidence is unimportant: "believe - a tree", "a kite - thrown" . In Russian, stressed vowels must first coincide, and only then all other sounds as they move away from the stressed vowel. The more these coincidences, the more accurate the rhyme.
Photo: Sergey Kuriy, collage

For example, "height - head" . The stressed vowels match here, but the consonants do not match well, so the rhyme fails. Rhymes sound much better "height - golden" or "height - beard" . Even better sounds "height - beauty" , where even more sounds match.

It is important to note that after the stressed syllable, the coincidence of sounds is no longer so important: "Relentlessly - under the bridges", "you do not need - a pearl" . The last sounds do not match here, but no discomfort is felt by ear.

It is especially good if many sounds match up to the stressed syllable - "head - naked" , "oath - squat" . Hissing consonances are perfectly combined in rhymes - "powder - discarded - leather" . In this example, it is easy to see that the middle rhyme is transitive. It rhymes perfectly with both others, while “powder-leather” blends worse.

Now consider the variety of rhymes and their classification.

  • So, if the rhyme ends with a vowel sound ( "tear - thunderstorm - heaven" ), it is called open . If consonant ( "sunset - peal - agate" ) - closed .

Rhymes are also distinguished by the position of the stressed syllable from the end of the line.

  • If the stress is on the last syllable, the rhyme is called masculine ( "muzhik - tajik - coachman" ). If on the penultimate - female ( "lady - mama - drama" ).

The combination in one poem of a sharp male rhyme with an accent at the end of the verse and a gradually “fading” female rhyme gives the poem rhythmic expressiveness:

I love my homeland, but with a strange love!
My mind will not defeat her,
Neither glory bought with blood,
nor peace full of proud trust ...

If the rhyme is on the third syllable from the end, it is called dactylic ( "dAktyl - pterodAktyl", "mArevo - glow" ).

Sow reasonable, good, eternal,
Sow, a heartfelt thank you
The Russian people…
N. Nekrasov

A. A. Naumov, “Belinsky before his death (Nekrasov and Panaev at the sick Belinsky)”, 1883 Photo:

Can the stress be on the fourth or fifth syllable from the end? - you ask. Maybe, but this rhyme is rare and requires good diction when reading. It is called hyperdactylic ( "pleasant - falling", "beats - turns" ). Here is an example of a poem by V. Bryusov, where the stressed syllable is already the fifth from the end.

Cold, the body is secretly binding,
Cold, the soul is charming.
Rays are stretched from the moon,
Needles are touched to the heart.

Many of us are used to the fact that rhymes are located at the ends of lines (they are called - final ). It is thanks to them that the end of the line is emphasized not only by a pause, but also phonetically. And rhyming words at the end of lines take on greater significance.

However, the beginnings of lines can also rhyme - then this rhyme is initial . It often comes across in folk poetry, although the ends of the lines do not rhyme.

They ate they were full,
They got drunk they were drunk,
The heroes began to rest here to keep their rest,
The heroes slept here three days.
All birds flew away beyond the clouds,
All animals fled beyond the dark forests.

Even more refined are internal rhymes, when words rhyme with each other in the middle of a verse or with an end rhyme.

. .. Life is deserted, homeless, bottomless ...
A. Blok

Alexander Blok

In sweat - writing , in sweat - plowing !
We are familiar with a different zeal:
A light fire dancing above the curls —
A breath of inspiration !
M. Tsvetaeva

And here is an excerpt from A. Blok’s poem “12”, where all the words rhyme in two lines:

Gentle tread over the blizzard,
Snowy scattering of pearls...

Write these lines as a poet

Step by step

- and internal rhymes would become terminal. As in the poem by M. Tsvetaeva:

Rowan -
Bitter ...

or in S. Marshak's nursery rhyme:


Nikolai Nikolayevich Aseev

We can observe a brilliant example of rhyming in N. Aseev's poem "The Black Prince", where the poet successfully rhymes nearby words, and at the same time the rhymes themselves do not seem far-fetched. Here is an excerpt:

White tusks
Noisy Foam
Are you saying
storm is
nonsense? -
No time to prolong

You see -
rope has grown into fingers
, -
so this
is simple: -
hardly ever saw
thunderstorms, -
did not leave
post . ..

to be continued ...

Tags: rhyme, versification, poetry, Russian poetry

GDZ, Russian language, Ladyzhenskaya 5th grade. Exercise No. 317 What rhyming words suggest the correct pronunciation .. - Rambler / class

GDZ, Russian language, Ladyzhenskaya 5th grade. Exercise number 317 What rhyming words suggest the correct pronunciation .. - Rambler / class

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Explain, is it true that parents will now be informed about the decline in school performance?


When is the main period of the USE scheduled for 2018?


Will the system of checking and organizing final essays be somehow improved?


Tell me, why did they close the admission to the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino"?

What rhyming words suggest the correct pronunciation of the underlined letters?
1. Everyone's work is needed equally.
2. Present the documents and you will receive the tools.
3. The engine is buzzing, and the driver is happy.
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everyone’s work is needed equally
present documents (m.e.) and you will receive tools (m.e.)
the engine is buzzing and the driver is happy (f , o)

your answer is

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