Nice words that start with the letter c

Positive Words that Start with C (Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns) • 7ESL


This list focuses on positive words that start with C. There are so many positive words, and they’re fantastic to use in countless situations. Positive words can help with creativity, cooperation, and celebration. It can be hard to find positive words that start with C or any other specific letter, but we’re here for you! The list is sorted into three categories based on the part of speech each word belongs in. Each word also comes with a definition for easy reference.

Table of Contents

Positive Words that Start with C

List of Positive Words that Start with C

  • Calm
  • Calming
  • Candid
  • Capable
  • Captivated
  • Captivating
  • Carefree
  • Careful
  • Caring
  • Cautious
  • Ceaseless
  • Celebrated
  • Celestial
  • Centered
  • Cerebral
  • Ceremonial
  • Certain
  • Certified
  • Changeable
  • Charismatic
  • Charitable
  • Charmed
  • Charming
  • Chatty
  • Cheeky
  • Cheerful
  • Cheery
  • Childlike
  • Chivalrous
  • Choice
  • Chuckling
  • Cinematic
  • Civil
  • Civilized
  • Classic
  • Classical
  • Classy
  • Clean
  • Clear
  • Clearheaded
  • Clever
  • Close
  • Coachable
  • Cognitive
  • Coherent
  • Cohesive
  • Collaborative
  • Collegial
  • Colloquial
  • Colorful
  • Comely
  • Comfortable
  • Comforted
  • Comforting
  • Comical
  • Commanding
  • Commemorative
  • Commendable
  • Committed
  • Communicative
  • Compact
  • Compassionate
  • Compelling
  • Competent
  • Complete
  • Completed
  • Complex
  • Complimentary
  • Comprehensive
  • Conceivable
  • Concerted
  • Concise
  • Confident
  • Confidential
  • Confirmable
  • Confirmed
  • Congenial
  • Congruent
  • Connected
  • Conscientious
  • Conscious
  • Consensual
  • Consenting
  • Conservative
  • Considerate
  • Consistent
  • Consoling
  • Conspiratorial
  • Constant
  • Constructive
  • Consummate
  • Contemplative
  • Contemporary
  • Content
  • Contented
  • Contributive
  • Convenient
  • Conventional
  • Conversational
  • Convincing
  • Cool
  • Coolest
  • Cooperative
  • Coordinated
  • Copious
  • Coquettish
  • Cordial
  • Correct
  • Correctable
  • Corresponding
  • Cosmic
  • Courageous
  • Courteous
  • Coveted
  • Cozy
  • Creamy
  • Creative
  • Credible
  • Crisp
  • Crucial
  • Crunchy
  • Cuddly
  • Cultured
  • Cunning
  • Curable
  • Curative
  • Curious
  • Current
  • Customary
  • Cute
  • Calibrate
  • Care
  • Caress
  • Charm
  • Choose
  • Comfort
  • Compliment
  • Congratulate
  • Construct
  • Contribute
  • Cooperate
  • Cope
  • Cuddle
  • Capability
  • Celebration
  • Charity
  • Cheer
  • Chuckle
  • Consciousness
  • Constant
  • Contentment
  • Courage
  • Courtesy
  • Creativity
  • Credit
  • Cushion

Positive Adjectives that Start with C

Adjectives describe a person, place, or thing. They add additional detail to a sentence.

  • Meaning: Not experiencing upset, anger, anxiety, or other emotions that are perceived as negative.
  • Example: The city is calm again after yesterday’s riots.
  • Meaning: Sure, or without doubt.
  • Example: Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs.
  • Meaning: Behaving well with someone, regardless of past hurts or arguments.
  • Example: They were married in a civil ceremony in May.
  • Meaning: Being able to appear high class, poised, or polished.
  • Example: That’s one classy vehicle you’ve got there.
  • Meaning: Pretty. Sometimes handsome.
  • Example: A nervous, comely – dressed little girl stepped out.
  • Meaning: Funny.
  • Example: He looked highly comical wearing that tiny hat.
  • Meaning: Able to do things with knowledge of the ability to succeed.
  • Example: She was in a relaxed, confident mood.
  • Meaning: Friendly, appealing to your own taste.
  • Example:  He is back in more congenial company.
  • Meaning: Thoughtful, especially of others.
  • Example: I think he’s the most charming, most considerate man I’ve ever known.
  • Meaning: Common slang for neat or popular.
  • Example: The grass was cool and pleasant underfoot.
  • Meaning: Friendly, sometimes absently so.
  • Example: We maintain cordial relations with our neighbors.
  • Meaning: Something being right.
  • Example: Your clear reasoning is quite correct.
  • Meaning: Comfortable. Often warm and surrounded by soft things.
  • Example: The room glowed cozy and warm in the firelight.

Positive Verbs that Start with C

Verbs are action words and let us know what’s happening.

  • Meaning: To mark or measure, typically in attempt to balance or make work correctly.
  • Example: The next is to calibrate the gain, using a pair of Helmholtz coils.
  • Meaning: To feel interest, concern, or to be otherwise invested.
  • Example: My weakness is that I care too much.
  • Meaning: A soft, gentle touch.
  • Example: He didn’t even begin to caress her bare leg.
  • Meaning: To make someone become delighted or feel flattered.
  • Example: She could charm the birds from the trees!
  • Meaning: To pick the thing you want.
  • Example: It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious foods.
  • Meaning: To make someone feel better about something.
  • Example: It suffices to comfort her with only a few words.
  • Meaning: To say something positive.
  • Example: I must compliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation.
  • Meaning: To tell someone they did a good job or deserve recognition.
  • Example: Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation!
  • Meaning: To make something.
  • Example: Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.
  • Meaning: To take part in making, creating, or furthering.
  • Example: Would you like to contribute to our collection?
  • Meaning: To work with others.
  • Example: Let’s all cooperate to get the work done quickly.
  • Meaning:  To be able to handle things, even if they’re bad.
  • Example: She’s struggling to cope with the heavy workload.
  • Meaning: To be close to a person, animal, or thing, typically touching, sometimes in an embrace.
  • Example: They used to kiss and cuddle in front of everyone.

Positive Nouns that Start with C

Nouns are people, places, and things. They’re generally the subject of sentences.

  • Meaning: What you are able to accomplish or achieve.
  • Example: Does the company have the capability to change to meet market needs?
  • Meaning: Sometimes a party, this is a recognition of something positive.
  • Example:  A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.
  • Meaning: A gift or organization designed to help those who need it.
  • Example: This charity aims to help people help themselves.
  • Meaning: Happiness, joy.
  • Example: A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.
  • Meaning: A small laugh.
  • Example: He gave a chuckle in response to her question.
  • Meaning: Being awake OR what you’re aware of.
  • Example: Happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it.
  • Meaning: An unchanging fact. Also an adjective meaning steady or permanent.
  • Example: His constant sniffing annoys me.
  • Meaning: A state of being calm, happy, and lacking in desire to change things.
  • Example: She gave a deep sigh of contentment.
  • Meaning: Bravery, and the ability to do what is right even if it is scary.
  • Example: He mustered up enough courage to attack the difficulty.
  • Meaning: A pleasant thing to do for or give to someone, often something earned or something included in a purchase.
  • Example: It’s a matter of common courtesy to acknowledge letters.
  • Meaning: The ability to make things using imagination.
  • Example: She felt her creativity was being strangled.
  • Meaning: Acknowledgement of work done.
  • Example: She got no credit for solving the problem.
  • Meaning: A soft buffer between you and hard things
  • Example:  His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems.

Certainly, you found this list creative and composed. Refer to it as often as you need to for positive words that start with C!

Positive Words that Start with C Infographic


Categories Words

Positive Words That Start With C


    Positive C words examples


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Yes you can! Having a positive, can-do attitude makes you seem confident, cheerful, and capable. If you’d like to include more positive words in your life, check out a classy and clever list of complimentary words that start with C.

Positive Words That Have 4 or Fewer Letters

Feeling chic today? Or maybe just cute and cozy? No matter how your day is going, you can find a use for these nice words that start with C and include 4 or fewer letters.




can (v.)

to be able to

is capable

coo (v.)

to speak softly


calm (adj.)

free from stress


care (v.)

to have feelings for another person


chic (adj.)

someone who adopts fashion trends


chum (n.)

good friend


cool (adj.)

popular; good


cozy (adj.)

comfortable and safe


cute (adj.)

little and lovable


Positive Words That Have 5 Letters

It’s time to cater to your charm, champ! Whether you’re full of cheer or you’re feeling chill, these positive words are sure to clean up your day.




can-do (adj.)

happily takes on challenges


cater (v.)

to help someone


cheer (n.)

joy, gladness


clean (adj.)

not dirty


cutie (n.)

nickname for a cute person


champ (n.)

person who excels


charm (v.)

to win someone over


chill (adj.)

not stressed or dramatic


Positive Words That Have 6 Letters

Chances are, you’re not exactly content with your positive vocabulary. Keep it classy with these C words that include 6 or more letters!




caring (adj.)

empathetic, showing feeling


caress (v.)

to touch gently


classy (adj.)

fashionable and high-class


clever (adj.)

thinks quickly and intelligently


comely (adj.)



content (adj.)

happy with what you have


cuddle (v.)

to hold close in a loving way


Positive Words That Have 7 Letters

Time to prove that you’re a capable wordsmith. Let these positive words with 7 letters cascade through your sentences. You’ll cherish the comfort they bring!




capable (adj.)

has the ability to do something


cascade (v.)

to fall in a beautiful way


charity (n.)

goodwill towards others


cherish (v.)

to treat someone fondly


chuckle (v.)

to laugh softly


classic (adj.)

valuable, traditional


comfort (v.)

to console someone


Positive Words That Have 8 Letters

Even cultured champions could use a little more charisma. Keep these C words in mind when describing charming characteristics.




carefree (adj.)

having no worries


champion (n.)

a person who is undefeated


charisma (n.)

an attractive quality


charming (adj.)

a likeable person


chivalry (n.)

protectiveness, courtesy


composed (adj.)

calm and patient


creative (adj.)

having original ideas


cultured (adj.)

refined, polite


Positive Words That Have 9 Letters

Everyone has that confident, convivial friend who is the life of the party. Keep these words with 9 letters in mind for civilized, congenial conversation.




civilized (adj.)

behaving properly


committed (adj.)

dedicated to a person or cause


congenial (adj.)

easy to get along with


convivial (adj.)

full of life


confident (adj.)

sure of oneself


courteous (adj.)

puts others’ needs ahead of their own


Positive Words That Have 10 or More Letters

Character count can’t keep you down! Check out these captivating compliments for commendable chums.




captivating (adj.)

endlessly interesting and attractive


celebrated (adj.)

known for their accomplishments


compassionate (adj.)

feels empathy for others


communicative (adj.)

communicates well


commendable (adj.)

deserving praise


compliment (n.)

a kind word for others


considerate (adj.)

respecting others’ feelings


conscientious (adj.)

following a moral compass


courageous (adj. )

showing bravery


Words That Start With C in a Sentence

Having a list of positive words is cause for celebration – but how can you use them in casual conversation? Keep reading for examples of positive words that start with C in different situations.

  • The theme for Esther’s wedding is classic and elegant, like a wedding from the 1940s.
  • Thank you so much for the cookies; you’re so considerate!
  • Robert and Esteban have always had a friendly, congenial relationship.
  • You’re an excellent employee because you are so committed to getting results.
  • Sean’s 25 years of faithful service as a firefighter is commendable.
  • After a year apart, Hannah’s caress was instantly calming for her husband.
  • The new spy thriller is completely captivating – I was on the edge of my seat!
  • Isla’s outfits are always so stylish and chic.
  • We encourage team members to be communicative with management when they see a problem.
  • I cherish our precious time together.

The Importance of Positivity

Having a positive outlook can make even the most difficult situations seem sunny. It’s also helpful to use positive words when you’re describing yourself or other people. For more ideas on how to talk about yourself, check out these helpful career tips for describing your personality.

Compliments with the letter C

Rubric: In alphabetical order

A collection (the most complete on the net) of affectionate, kind, pleasant words and compliments beginning with the letter "C". The collection is divided into 2 lists: for a girl and for a man.

You can learn similar words starting with other letters of the alphabet by selecting the desired letter from the list (click on it): A, B, C, D, D, E, F, Z, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, C, H, W, W, E, Yu, Z

For a girl

  • self-sufficient
  • Independent
  • Fresh (like May rose)
  • Fresh
  • Value
  • Supernatural
  • Light man
  • Light (person)
  • 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9,000
  • sexy
  • sex bomb
  • sex symbol
  • sex idol
  • sensational
  • compassionate
  • Heartbreak
  • Serious
  • Strong (spirit, psychologically, mentally, strong woman in all respects)
  • Cute
  • Fairytale
  • Folding
  • Modest
  • Sweet 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 sweet
  • bold
  • funny
  • smart
  • stunning
  • seductive
  • Seducer
  • Perfect
  • Perfection
  • Treasure (mine)
  • Solnechny
  • Sunny (mine)
  • Conscious
  • Juicy
  • Sports
  • 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 passionate
  • swift (like the wind)
  • slim
  • super (girl, beauty, super curvy, super leggy, etc. )
  • Light (person)
  • Bright personality
  • peculiar
  • Reternate
  • Sexy
  • Sexy
  • Sex symbol
  • Cardon
  • 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 strong
  • handsome
  • handsome
  • fabulous
  • modest
  • nice
  • savvy
  • 0009 Shtilyaga
  • Persistent
  • Passionate
  • Super (man)
  • Super sexy
  • Supermine
  • Super (guy)
  • Suprostile
  • Super giant (in bed)
  • 9000 9000
  • lucky
  • the happiest

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Words starting with the letter A for children

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the picture word. Do you want your child to be easily given schooling and you do not have to constantly supervise him? Then it is necessary to make sure that he learns all the letters before he goes to school. In order for them to gain a foothold at the level of automatisms, you need to start getting to know them correctly and further study, memorizing letters will be easy and enjoyable, like a game.

Contents of the article:

  • How easy it is to learn the letter A to a child of 3-4 years and 5-6 years?
  • Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?
  • Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?
  • Words with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word - 23 pictures
  • Pictures for coloring with the letter A
  • Cartoon about the letter A , And from Teremok TV
  • Poems about the letter A

How easy is it to learn the letter A for a child aged 3-4 and 5-6?

The child has an absorbent mind. This is confirmed by Maria Montessori, who devoted her life to raising children. The period of a person's special susceptibility to learning letters is from 0 to 6 years. However, the child must be ready to learn and tune in to it. There are children who, as soon as they start speaking, are already interested in letters, of course, if their parents offered them to study them and created a positive reinforcement for this event, that is, they were overjoyed when the child first began to show interest in letters.

There is an opinion that initially a child should master physical training, learn how to deftly control his body, that is, master climbing, crawling, walking on stairs - to develop large motor skills, as well as develop fine motor skills - movements with fingertips: modeling, drawing, sorting out small items. And only then can you teach letters. That is, by the age of 5-6 it will be just fine.

Based on my personal experience, I believe that everything should be done simultaneously and in parallel, following the desire and interest of the child. That is, you can start learning letters and show them even when the child is not even a year old. At 3-4 years old, a child should normally already have a fairly large vocabulary and keep up a conversation. Perhaps this period will be suitable for starting acquaintance with letters?

Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?


More details on the page:

It is important to arouse interest in the child and support him on the path of knowledge. Start learning letters as early as possible in a simple game way. When walking with a child, talking, playing with him, pay his attention to the letters. They surround us everywhere. Pay attention to what the letter A looks like. It looks like a stepladder, two logs and one more between them. Maybe some kind of tree grows in the shape of a letter or something else? Eiffel Tower?

It is important that the child has positive emotions while learning letters. He may be glad that mom or dad tells him something important. Tell him how letters help people. What you can read yourself, determine which street you are on, find which cartoon to watch yourself.

Each person has several channels of information perception: auditory (by ear), visual (picture), kinesthetic (by touch) and motor (scheme, algorithm). Which channel of perception is more developed in each individual person will help to determine special tests. It is not yet clear whether this is genetically based or is formed depending on the environment surrounding the child. I agree with the opinion that a child can be helped to develop all channels of perception, so it is very important that he:
- heard a letter;
- saw an image - a picture;
- touched it in the real world;
- drew it.

Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?

For a child, letters are an abstraction, something incomprehensible. It is important that in addition to the letter itself, he also remembers the image - the picture. We all remember our first alphabet, there was a picture next to each letter. It is even better if the child has a real-life example. For example, on our card there is the word Lampshade. Find it in your home and let your child see it. You can literally touch and check “by the tooth” something edible with the letter A, for example, watermelon, apricot, pineapple, orange. Astra can be smelled. Cars and buses surround city dwellers everywhere, and they drive on asphalt. Draw the letter A with chalk on the pavement while walking.

Actors and actresses act in films, acrobats and arena in the circus. Do you have an aquarium in your house? Find exactly the practical application of the abstract letter. Have your child paint with watercolors and note that the watercolor starts with A. Let him paint A with watercolors, with your help or on his own if he can. Such an experience will penetrate into the very depths of the child's consciousness and his brain will absorb this important information about the first letter of the Russian alphabet, which also begins with A.

Does your child like to look at animals: the words stork and shark are suitable. Modern houses on the street are full of antennas, pay attention to them and the child will automatically remember the letter A when he sees the antenna. There are also many inscriptions around containing the letter A, for example, Pharmacy. Or maybe your child likes to listen to music? Then draw his attention to musical instruments on A, for example, Harp, Viola. And what methods of easy memorization of information do you use yourself?

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of a word - 23 pictures

If the picture is bright, it will attract the child's attention more and remain in his memory forever. Check out our selection of pictures below.

In the magazine you will find words with the letter A: Lampshade, Apricot, Bus, Car, Stork, Watercolor, Aquarium, Acrobats, Actor, Actress, Shark, Alphabet, Album, Pineapple, Angel, Antenna, Orange, Pharmacy, Watermelon, Arena , Harp, Astra, Asphalt.

Flip through the magazine and study words starting with A.

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Pictures for coloring with the letter A

Creative work with letters will help you remember letters even better. If the child himself can color the letters, he will remember them better. Print ready-made stencils and color the letter A with your child!

A cartoon about the letter A

You can also show a video with pictures to your baby if you have no time to read to him on your own, but remember that live communication is most effective and preferable when communicating with your baby. When you tell something personally, parental authority and your relationship with the child are strengthened, which is an undoubted contribution to the future. And you can watch the video together! Teremok TV