Number games preschool
40 Counting Games And Number Activities For Preschoolers
The basic foundation of math is understanding numbers and quantities. One of the best ways to develop these understandings, or number sense, is through handling objects and counting them. We can listen to preschoolers recite numbers in order, but we want them to apply that to counting objects and understand that those numbers represent quantities of items. Counting games and activities encourage preschoolers to “play” with numbers and quantities and build math skills and number sense in natural ways. These ideas can help you build math and counting skills with preschoolers.
Counting Games and Activities
These 40 preschool math games include counting games and various number activities. They are perfect to help build counting skills and math skills in your preschoolers and kindergarten students.
1. Dog Bone Counting Game (Pre-K Pages) – This is a fun, hands-on counting game for students in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom.
2. Farm Animal Counting Activity (Pre-K Pages) – What could be more fun than Counting Feet with farm animals?
3. Printable Counting Book (Pre-K Pages) – Identifying and naming numbers can be a difficult skill for young children in preschool and kindergarten.
4. Homemade Counting Board Game (Pre-K Pages) – This homemade game can help preschoolers develop math concepts while playing a game together.
5. Mouse Counts Game (Pre-K Pages) – Mouse Count inspired this activity that helps children practice counting to ten while also working on their fine motor skills – and it’s lots of fun too!
6. Fire Truck Counting Game (Pre-K Pages) – In this activity, children will explore fire trucks and firefighters with a counting game.
7. Penguin Counting Game (Pre-K Pages) – This Penguin Counting Game is the perfect addition to any winter theme, lots of fun for young children and great practice for counting, number sense, and one-to-one correspondence.
8. Ocean Theme Counting Activity (Pre-K Pages) – The best preschool activities allow children to be interactive and hands on while they explore new concepts. We’ve developed a fun, easy to prepare ocean theme counting activity to do just that.
9. Nursery Rhyme Number Game (Pre-K Pages) – This nursery rhyme activity relates to “Baa Baa Black Sheep” and encourage number recognition and counting, important math concepts.
10. Digital Counting Activities Using Google Slides (Teaching Mama) – This resource has digital counting activities, which is perfect for the preschool and kindergarten age.
11. Button Counting (Busy Toddler) – Grab a deck of cards for this fun button counting math activity.
12. Football Counting Game (Sunny Day Family) – With a die, football printable, and some yogurt Danimals it’s a fun counting game your preschoolers will love.
13. Snowman Hole Punch Counting (JDaniel4’s Mom) – Use your hole punch to create these snowmen and work in a fun counting activity to go along with it.
14. Ladybug Busy Bag (Preschool Inspirations) – Work on counting with your preschoolers with these adorable paper ladybugs.
15. Cookie Counting Game (Still Playing School) – Have your kids practice counting chocolate chips with these paper chocolate chip cookies.
16. Counting Snowballs (Fun-a-Day) – This easy counting cotton balls activity is a great math activity for your preschoolers.
17. Race to Fill the Cup (Mom Inspired Life) – Have fun filling a cup with these adorable erasers.
18. Count and Compare (Stir the Wonder) – Use these fun Farm Animal Rainbow Counters to inspire young children interested in animals or to go along with a farm theme!
19. Little Miss Muffet Path Game (Preschool Spot) – This fun activity is based on the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet.
20. Tally Marks with Pencils (Munchkins and Moms) – Have fun practicing making tally marks with #2 pencils.
Counting Games and Number Activities For Preschoolers
More preschool math games to enjoy! These counting games and number activities will be definitely enjoyed by your preschoolers and build their math skills.
21. DIY Counting Boxes (Parenting Chaos) – Label containers with numbers and then have your preschooler fill each bucket with the labeled number of items.
22. Play Dough Numbers and Counting (Little Pinch of Perfect) – This activity is simple to set up and a great way to expose young kids to numbers and lets them visually see the difference in amounts. The activity can be adapted for different skill levels by making smaller or larger numbers.
23. Passing Car Count (Prekinders) – In this activity, we watched for red & blue cars as they passed by on the street. Children recorded the cars they saw by marking dots on their sheet with a corresponding color crayon.
24. Ways to Teach Counting (Prekinders) – Here are 15 ways to teach counting skills in Pre-K.
25. Ants on a Log Game (Teach Preschool) – DIY “ants on a log” counting game with the children then invite the children to draw their own ants on a log…
26. The Math Box (Teach Preschool) Create a simple math box and then watch as your preschoolers love filling it and practice their counting skills.
27. Counting and Addition Tray (Imagination Tree) – Set up an open-ended maths activity for kids using counting manipulatives, play dough and a dice, in a dip tray!
28. Simple Montessori Counting Activity (My Mundane and Miraculous Life) – This simple counting activity with rocks, your child can work on number recognition.
29. Things to Count With (Pre-K and K Sharing) – Repurpose what you have and count items with your preschooler!
30. How Many Blocks Long? (Brick by Brick) – This is a fun activity where your preschooler can see how many block longs they are and practice counting as they do it.
31. Make Groups of Numbers (Teach Me Mommy) – This simple counting activity is easy to setup, can be played with one or more children and it is fun too!
32. Count and Smash Activity (Stir the Wonder) – The great thing about play dough besides that it is just fun, is that it is also a great way to work on fine motor skills, work in some math skills, and get some sensory input and it can be used in many ways for hands-on learning!
33. Activities with Counting Blocks (Educators’ Spin on It) – These are 8 math and counting activities for your preschooler to enjoy.
34. Where the Wild Things Are Game (Mom Inspired Life) – While playing, children practice counting, learn one to one correspondence and even get some fine motor practice.
35. Listen and Spray Game (Fantastic Fun and Learning) – This activity is great for counting practice but also for fine motor practice.
36. Race to Lose a Tooth Game (Toddler Approved) – This fun dental theme inspired activity with marshmallows is a fun counting game for your preschoolers to enjoy.
37. Roll and Count (Buggy and Buddy) – Here’s a counting math game for kids perfect for practicing one-to-one correspondence. It’s super easy to make and lots of fun for the kids!
38. Count Forward and Back Game (Fantastic Fun and Learning)- This preschool math game would be perfect during St. Patrick’s day and March in your classroom.
39. Build a City Game (Learning 4 Kids) If your preschooler loves playing with Legos then they will love this math game.
40. Mystery Mitten Tactile Counting Game (Preschool Toolbox) – Gather some real mittens and come play a tactile mystery mitten counting game to encourage early math intuition with tactile support!
Also check out the free Winter Play Dough Counting Mats and our other thematic counting mats.
Follow my Counting Pinterest Board for more great ideas!
45 Cool Counting Games and Awesome Activities For Preschoolers
Counting is an essential math concept for preschoolers. Toddlers need to be able to recognize and visualize numbers as well as count sequentially in order to develop the skills necessary to move on to more advanced math concepts. Teaching toddlers how to count at home or preschool is fun and easy, especially when using the cool games and awesome activities below. Here are 45 Cool Counting Games and Awesome Activities for Preschoolers.
This fun activity is great for developing number recognition. Take several toy cars, trucks, or other vehicles and write a number on each of them. Then, make a parking garage on the sidewalk or several pieces of paper and number the parking spots. Kids can then park the numbered cars in the corresponding spots.
Learn More: Empowered Parents
2. Sidewalk Chalk and Water PaintFor this activity, all kids need is sidewalk chalk, water, and a paintbrush. Write numerals on the sidewalk in large font, then have kids trace the numbers with water and a paintbrush over and over again! Children will learn how to write their numbers with ease.
Learn More: Empowered Parents
3. Counting Around the HouseThis activity is a great practice to send home with preschoolers so they can practice counting at home. Teachers can use the free printable, and students can record the number of doors, windows, etc. , that they find at home.
Learn More: Early Learning Ideas
4. Penguin Number GamesThe website linked below has several game ideas to work on counting, number recognition, and other basic math concepts. From penguin matching to penguin patterns, kids will have fun practicing math with a cute penguin theme!
Learn More: Boy Mama Teacher Mama
5. Feed the BirdKids will adore practicing their counting skills while feeding the bird. Kids will practice counting worms in order to feed the bird the correct amount. A counting mat and worm cards can easily be printed from the website.
Learn More: Steamsational
6. Counting Pizza PartyIn this fun, “real world” activity, students will count toppings to complete different pizzas that customers order. This is a gamified version of the activity, but teachers could also make their own pizzas and customer orders for kids to practice.
Learn More: Education
This is another gamified lesson that kids will love. As the character skis down the mountain, the child will have to quickly match the number of snowballs that they jumped over to the visual number on the screen. This helps establish number recognition which is the backbone of math fluency!
Learn More: Education
8. Exploding NumbersKids LOVE to craft, which also helps them practice number recognition and counting. A teacher or parent will help cut out numbers and then tape the number shapes to construction paper. Kids can then paint around each number to create a visual explosion!
Learn More: First Palette
9. Counting CaterpillarThis creative craft will help kids learn to count, recognize numbers, and create a sequence. They will make a caterpillar using colorful construction paper and tracing a circular object like a toilet paper roll. Once they make the circles, they will number them and create a chain for their caterpillar.
Learn More: First Palette
10. Apple Tree Number MatchToddlers can start learning how to match numbers to their symbols using this creative apple tree matching game. Kids will match numbered stickers to their number on the tree. This sticker activity helps to build important math skills.
Learn More: Toddler At Play
11. Trace and CountThis is a great, reusable number project that toddlers will love. Preschoolers will use number cards to place objects. The number of objects fills the number itself. Kids can use household items like buttons or paper clips to practice at home.
Learn More: Modern Preschool
12. Umbrella Counting CraftKids will love making this cute umbrella craft, especially on a rainy day! They will start by creating the umbrella with five sections. Then, they will string the corresponding number of beads to that section. So cute, so easy, and so educational!
Learn More: Preschool Play And Learn
Teachers or parents can use the printable linked below for their kids to practice counting. They will use their thumbprints to paint the number of leaves on the stem to match the number of the flower. This is an active and fun activity for the busy toddler.
Learn More: Hello Wonderful
14. Frog Hop GameThis is a great movement activity that parents can make at home to help toddlers practice counting. Kids will use lily pads and act like frogs jumping on the lily pads to cross the water. They count as they jump, smiling the whole way!
Learn More: Toddler Approved
15. Fall Leaf Number HuntThis is a fun, fast-paced activity that helps toddlers build number recognition. They can make the leaves as part of the activity to practice writing their numbers. Then an adult drops the numbered leaves, and the child has to find the number identified by the adult.
Learn More: Toddler Approved
This song is a great way to motivate kids to get up and move while learning to count. Parents can play this song at home, and teachers can play this at school. The more repetition, the better!
Learn More: Super Simple Songs – Kids Songs
17. Finger CountingFinger counting helps kids practice using numbers before writing and recognizing written numbers. There is a lot of research that backs up the benefits of finger counting. There are many ways to practice finger counting, but simply having kids show you the number as they count is a great place to start!
Learn More:
18. Read to CountBooks are a great learning tool for any age level, but toddlers benefit from the visuals that books provide by learning how to count. Kids can read at home or at school, and there are tons of books that focus on teaching kids how to count, such as those in the link.
Learn More: Scholastic
19. Numbers and Colors Grid GameThis game is so easy to recreate at home or at school, and it helps kids familiarize themselves with BOTH counting and colors. Kids will roll the die; then, they have to place that number of colored items on the grid in separate places. Simple and easy, yet effective!
Learn More: Little Bins For Little Hands
20. Counting Seeds Sensory BinUsing sensory bins is great for preschoolers exploring the world around them. This sensory bin uses beans and mini pots to help kids learn how to count. They will use their hands or a shovel to find the number of “seeds” corresponding to the number for the pot.
Learn More: Fantastic Fun And Learning
21. Counting Practice Board GameMost board games are a little tricky for preschoolers, but this game takes us back to basics, and it’s free to print. Kids roll the die and count the number of spaces on the board. If they land on the star, they get to keep one of the pieces. Play until the pieces are gone.
Learn More: Prekinders
22. Teddy NumbersThis gamified counting activity can be played on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The cute characters and bright colors are engaging and fun for young learners. This game teaches kids to count up to 15 by using the drag-and-drop method.
Learn More: Top Marks
23. Bunny RideThis counting game can again be played on any smart device. Kids can scan the QR code and get to the game easily. In this game, kids will steer the car to collect carrots for the bunny. This game helps kids learn to count to 50 and recognize all the numbers as they go.
Learn More: PBS Kids
24. Play-Doh CountingKids love to play with Play-Doh, and now they can play with purpose using numbered playmats. Kids will use the play mats to make the numbers out of Play-Doh as well as break that number of pieces out of Play-Doh. Once they complete the grid on the mat, they have enough pieces!
Learn More: Teaching 2 and 3-Year-Olds
25. Dump Truck CountingThese counting mats are perfect for the truck or Lego lover. These mats help toddlers count loads of Legos to transport in each truck. This is a great motor practice game and a fun counting activity.
Learn More: The Measured Mom
26. Ice Cream CountingKids love ice cream, and this is a great activity to pair with an ice cream treat. Kids use circular items that are found around the house or classroom to demonstrate scoops of ice cream on the counting mat. Using manipulatives also helps build motor skills.
Learn More: Schooltime Snippets
27. Straw and Pom Pom CountingThis is another fun math-focused and motor skill counting activity. Kids will use a straw to move pom poms into numbered cups. They have to move the same number of pom poms printed on the cup.
Learn More: Nurture Store
28. Dinosaur CountingThis is a fun and reusable crafting activity requiring construction paper, dinosaur cut-outs, and clothes pins. Toddlers will use the clothes pins to create dinosaur spikes on the numbered dinosaurs. They have to use the same number of clothes pins as the number on the dinosaur.
Learn More: Glued To My Crafts Blog
29. Counting CrocodilesThis activity uses the book Counting Crocodiles and numbered crocodile cutouts to help toddlers learn how to count and sequence numbers one through ten. Read the book, then help the toddler line up the crocodiles in order!
Learn More: I Heart Crafty Things
30. If You Give a Mouse a CookieAnother activity uses a classic kid’s book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Toddlers will make a paper plate mouse with a slit for a mouth and then practice feeding the mouse the number of cookie cutouts; so fun and so easy!
Learn More: The Pinterested Parent
This is perhaps the EASIEST activity to make on this list, and kids can do it during snack time! Kids will put the number of animal crackers (or other snacks) on the designated number on the mat. Once they get the numbers correct, they can enjoy their snack!
Learn More: I Can Teach My Child
32. Play StoreKids love to role-play shoppers and store assistants, and this is a great opportunity to team this activity with counting skills. Have the toddler count the number of items that are being “bought,” have them count the cost of the items, etc. There is a myriad of ways to count while playing!
Learn More: Kindercare
33. Make a RecipeInvolving kids in the cooking and/or baking process is another great way to use daily activities as opportunities to teach number recognition, counting skills, and other math skills like measuring. Kids will love spending time in the kitchen as they learn math concepts.
Learn More: Kindercare
34. Paper Bag CountingUse numbered paper bags to help toddlers learn to count. Toddlers can put any items in the bag to match the number written on the bag. To extend the activity, you can have kids take out the items and count them as they remove each item!
Learn More: Happy Toddler Playtime
35. Uno DotsKids can practice counting and number recognition using sticker dots and Uno cards. They will draw an Uno card and place that number of dots in the square. This is an easy activity that is fun and engaging.
Learn More: Happy Toddler Playtime
36. Speaking of Uno…Play Uno! Uno is a classic card game that families love. Kids can play Uno to learn numbers and colors. As an added bonus, kids will get to spend time making memories with their family and friends.
Learn More: Amazon
37. Counting Dinosaurs Grab BagThis game helps toddlers work on numbers, counting, colors, and motor skills. They will use the flashcards to determine which color and how many dinosaurs to pick up with the tongs. This active math game is worth every penny!
Learn More: Amazon
38. Magnet CountingThis is another great buy that helps kids use fine motor skills and magnets to learn how to count. This active math game also helps kids practice their colors as they move the magnetic balls into the appropriate cups.
Learn More: Amazon
39. Number/Picture MatchThis basic game helps kids recognize numbers and match numbers to the amount shown on a picture card. These matching flashcards can be printed, or kids can make them for an added craft.
Learn More: Learning Without Tears
40. Sing and SignThis singing and signing activity helps toddlers memorize and show the numbers using movements. Each number has a different corresponding hand movement. This tactile counting activity is a fun and active math game that toddlers will love!
Learn More: Learning Without Tears
Toddlers will love this fun number recognition and counting game. Kids will roll the dice and then use a sticker to mark off the appropriate number on the paper. Kids can do this individually or make it a fun game similar to Bingo!
Learn More: Fun Learning For Kids
42. Number StripsUsing number strips is another great way for preschoolers to practice counting and to recognize numbers visually. In this activity, they count the number of bears, then use the number strips and sticker dots to show the number of bears.
Learn More: Fun Learning For Kids
43. Number LinesNumber lines are a great resource that can be used for a variety of counting and number sense games and activities. Toddlers can show their understanding of numbers using objects, fingers, food, etc. They can count using the number lines as well!
Learn More: File Folder Fun
44. Building Block Visual CardsThese visual cards are a great way for kids to practice spatial reasoning as well as counting. They use the visual card to imitate the construction using Legos or other similar blocks.
Learn More: File Folder Fun
45. TangramsTangrams use geometric shapes to help toddlers develop number sense and practice their counting skills. This active math game can be used over and over again to build number sense. Toddlers can also practice spatial awareness and colors!
Learn More: Amazon
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Getting to know numbers in the game
I have already told you how to introduce numbers to your baby. But still, I am more inclined to believe that the best way to teach something to a preschooler is a game. In addition to interesting exercises, a very effective method of getting to know numbers is the use of special and no less exciting games. In didactic games for getting to know numbers, the learning task is hidden, and thanks to this, the child solves the game task and learns at the same time. There are many similar games, the most common and simple I would like to bring to your attention.
"Identify the number by touch."
Many children like this game because of its mystery. It is carried out according to the type of game "Wonderful bag". To play, you will need a set of volumetric numbers (you can use numbers for the magnetic alphabet or make it yourself, for example, from salt dough) and a bag or box. The child puts his hand into the bag and by touch tries to determine what number he is holding. In addition to the fact that the educational task of this game is to fix the external signs of numbers, tactile sensations and fine motor skills of the hands also develop.
"Make a number."
For this game you will need multi-colored plasticine. The child is asked to make the number he wants (from memory) from plasticine and describe it. You can make the whole set of numbers from 0 to 9, for example, for Dunno.
"Transformation of numbers".
This game can be classified as a visual game. For her, you will need images of different numbers on paper and drawing tools, it is better to use felt-tip pens or colored pencils, you can also paint. The child is presented with a picture of a number. He must name what number he got. Then the installation is given that this figure is not simple, but magical, you just have to take a closer look and see what the number looks like, who or what is hidden under its guise. Then the child adds some details to the figure and “turns” the figure into some kind of picture. In the picture, an example with the number "2"
Find your number.
For this game you will need cards with numbers from 0 to 9. One set of cards for the child, and the rest of the cards are laid out around the room. The child pulls out a card with a picture of a number and must find as many of the same numbers as possible laid out in the room. You can complicate the task by introducing another participant into the game, then they will look for numbers for speed, each with their own. For each incorrect figure, a penalty point is awarded, which is then subtracted from the total number of points.
Find your neighbors.

For this game you will again need number cards. The cards need to be shuffled. The child takes out one card with the image of a number, calls it, then the rest of the cards are laid out. The task of the child from the remaining cards is to find the previous and subsequent numbers. You can also complicate the conditions of the game, introduce a second participant with his own set of cards, then they will look for "neighbors" at speed.
"Perform the move."
You will need two sets of cards. Some cards should show numbers, while others should have a picture indicating some kind of movement, for example, jumping, squatting, steps, etc., you can use the words: jump, sit down, take steps, raise your hands, etc. Thus, the child pulls out two cards, thanks to one of them he determines what he needs to do, and with the help of the other - how many times.
"Pick a pair."
This game can be classified as outdoor games. The more participants in the game, the better, so it is very good to play this game with a group of children. A number is attached to each child's clothes. Initially, each participant sees only his own number. Players with the same numbers - a pair. Participants need to find their number among others playing and create a pair. Whoever completes the task the fastest is the winner.
Describe the number.
This game does not require special training. It can be classified as a word game. Any number of participants can play. This game is good on the go to pass the time while traveling. One of the participants thinks of any number from 0 to 9and describe it verbally. The task of the other participants is to guess what number they are talking about.
"Find the same one."
This game is more about attention games. The child is offered a card with the image of numbers. Numbers of different sizes, colors, style of writing. The task for the child is to find as many identical numbers as possible and circle them.
To this list of common games for children to get acquainted with numbers, I would add the mobile game of our childhood - "Classics". In this game, dexterity is really not only developed, but the names of numbers are also fixed.
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