Nursery stories for toddlers
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
None HOMER is an early learning program for kids ages 2-8. It includes access to hundreds of interactive stories and a personalized learn-to-read plan. Try it free for 30 days! Goldilocks has sproingy, golden locks and loves to skip! One day, she skips her way to the cutest, coziest cottage she's ever seen, where she smells the yummiest porridge from inside! This makes her already-hungry tummy rumble even louder! Join Goldilocks in this new take on a beloved classic as she gets carried away in the three bears’ cottage. What do you think the three bears will do when they find the girl who’s eaten their porridge, sat in their chairs, and fell asleep in the bed that’s “just right”? show full description Show Short DescriptionFairy Tales
Browse our collection of fairy tales including those made famous by The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen
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Jack and the Beanstalk
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Harold's Fairy Tale
Little Red Riding Hood
The Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
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This is Goldilocks. She is called Goldilocks because of her sproingy locks of golden hair. Goldilocks is an expert at skipping. Usually Goldilocks likes to skip around the pond, but today she decided to skip through the forest. Along the path she noticed the cutest, coziest cottage she had ever seen. “I wonder who lives in such a cute, cozy cottage,” Goldilocks thought. Goldilocks skipped to the cottage for a closer look. She knocked on the door and was disappointed when no one answered. Then it hit her—the most wonderful smell she had ever smelled! “Porridge!” Goldilocks said dreamily as her stomach rumbled. “That smell is making me hungry! I don’t think anyone would mind if I went in for a quick taste.” She opened the door to the cottage. After all that skipping, Goldilocks was starving. Goldilocks went to the table, where she found three bowls of porridge. She tasted the first bowl. “Too sweet!” she said. Then she tasted the middle bowl. “Too cinnamony!” she said. Finally she tasted the last bowl. It was just right! “Wow! This is delicious porridge!” she said. After all that skipping and eating, Goldilocks wanted to sit down. Goldilocks looked around the cozy cottage and noticed three chairs. She sat in the first chair. “Too hard!” she said. Then she sat in the middle chair. “Too cushiony!” she said. Finally she sat in the last chair. It was just right! “This is the most comfortable chair ever!” she said. After all that skipping and eating and sitting, Goldilocks was feeling sleepy. She went into the next room and saw three beds. She flopped onto the first bed. “Too firm!” she said. Then she flopped onto the middle bed. “Too pillowy!” she said. Finally she flopped onto the last bed. It was just right! “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!” she said. Meanwhile, three bears came in the door. “That was a fine skip through the forest,” said the papa bear. “It’s good to be home,” said the mama bear. “I’m hungry!” said the little bear.
The bears went over to the table, where they noticed something was different about their porridge. “Somebody’s been eating my porridge,” said the papa bear. “And somebody’s been eating my porridge,” said the mama bear. “Hey, my porridge is almost gone!” said the little bear. The bears ate what was left of their porridge and then went to sit down. They noticed something was different about their chairs. “Somebody’s been sitting in my chair,” said the papa bear. “And somebody’s been sitting in my chair,” said the mama bear. “Hey! My chair looks like a person!” said the little bear. After all that skipping and wondering about porridge and chairs, the bears were sleepy, and they headed to bed. They noticed something was different about their beds. “Somebody’s been flopping in my bed,” said the papa bear. “And somebody’s been flopping in my bed,” said the mama bear. “Hey! There’s a girl in my bed!” said the little bear. Goldilocks opened one eye, then the other. She saw three bears staring at her.
“Hello,” said the little bear. “We’re the bears that live here.” “You are?” said Goldilocks, wide eyed. “Did you know that you have the best porridge, chair, and bed in the whole world?” “I think so too!” said the little bear. “You don’t mind that I tried them?” asked Goldilocks. “No, I don’t mind!” said the little bear. “Let’s play!” The little bear invited Goldilocks to stay, and they laughed and had pillow fights all morning long.
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That teaches them to read and love reading
Kitten's First Full Moon
None HOMER is an early learning program for kids ages 2-8. It includes access to hundreds of interactive stories and a personalized learn-to-read plan. Try it free for 30 days! When Kitten wakes up to her first full moon, she thinks it’s a bowl of milk in the sky.
Bedtime Stories
Find your child's favorite bedtime stories. With a collection of animated stories, you are sure to find a story your child will love. From classics like Kitten's First Moon to new favorites like Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site.
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Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
Kitten's First Full Moon
Night Boy
Happy Birthday Moon
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
Full Text
It was Kitten’s first full moon. When she saw it, she thought, “There’s a little bowl of milk in the sky.” And she wanted it. So she closed her eyes and stretched her neck and opened her mouth and licked. But Kitten only ended up with a bug on her tongue. Poor Kitten! Still, there was the little bowl of milk, just waiting. So she pulled herself together and wiggled her bottom and sprang from the top step of the porch. But Kitten only tumbled— bumping her nose and banging her ear and pinching her tail. Poor Kitten! Still, there was the little bowl of milk, just waiting. So she chased it— down the sidewalk, through the garden, past the field, and by the pond. But Kitten never seemed to get closer. Poor Kitten! Still, there was the little bowl of milk, just waiting. So she ran to the tallest tree she could find, and she climbed and climbed and climbed to the very top. But Kitten still couldn’t reach the bowl of milk, and now she was scared. Poor Kitten! What could she do? Then, in the pond, Kitten saw another bowl of milk, and it was bigger. What a night! So she raced down the tree and raced through the grass and raced to the edge of the pond. She leaped with all her might— Poor Kitten! She was wet and sad and tired and hungry. So she went back home. And there was a great big bowl of milk on the porch, just waiting for her. Lucky Kitten!
We take your child's unique passions
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That teaches them to read and love reading
Fairy tales for the little ones - read for free online
Fairy tales for kids - fascinating and instructive works of folklore and famous authors, whose work can attract attention and interest even the most restless kids. A variety of stories dedicated to heroic heroic deeds, the world of magic and witchcraft, animals, will awaken the imagination of even the smallest. Through these fairy tales, kids will comprehend the world around them, learn kindness, justice, honesty and responsibility.
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Wolf and seven Kozlyat - Read the Image of online Tales> Copyrgetable > Tales of the Brothers Grimm > The Wolf and the Seven Kids
The Brothers Grimm
The Wolf and the Seven Kids is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, familiar to children all over the world. It tells about the adventures of goats and their mother, who confront the wolf. The gray bandit comes to the kids and sings the goat's welcome song as their mother grazes to eat them. They do not open to him, as they recognize by a rough voice. When he changes it, the kids are deceived, let the wolf in, and only one of them managed to escape and tell everything to mother. By cunning, the mother saves her kids and destroys the wolf. The tale teaches independence, courage, resourcefulness and the fact that sooner or later deceit will be revealed.
Reading time: 3 min.
Once upon a time there was a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass, to drink cold water. As soon as he leaves, the kids will lock up the hut and won't go anywhere themselves.
The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings:
- Goats, kids!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came - she brought milk;
Milk runs along the notch,
From the notch to the hoof,
From the hoof to the cheese ground!
The kids will open the door and let the mother in. She will feed them, give them a drink, and again go into the forest, and the kids will lock themselves tightly.
Once a wolf overheard a goat singing. Once the goat left, the wolf ran to the hut and shouted in a thick voice:
- You, kids!
You goats!
Open up,
Open up,
Your mother has come,
She brought milk.
Hooves full of water!
Goats answer him:
- We hear, we hear - yes, this is not mother's voice! Our mother sings in a thin voice and laments not so.
The wolf has nothing to do. He went to the smithy and ordered his throat to be reforged so that he could sing in a thin voice. The blacksmith cut his throat. The wolf again ran to the hut and hid behind a bush.
Here comes a goat and knocks:
- Goats, kids!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came - she brought milk;
Milk runs along the notch,
From the notch to the hoof,
From the hoof to the cheese ground!
The kids let their mother in and let's tell how the wolf came and wanted to eat them.
The goat fed and watered the kids and severely punished:
- Whoever comes to the hut, will ask in a thick voice and not go through everything that I lament to you - do not open the door, do not let anyone in.
As soon as the goat left, the wolf again walked to the hut, knocked and began to lament in a thin voice:
- Goats, kids!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came - she brought milk;
Milk runs along the notch,
From the notch to the hoof,
From the hoof to the cheese ground!
The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut and ate all the kids. Only one kid was buried in the stove.
A goat comes, no matter how much she calls or laments, no one answers her. She sees - the door is open, she ran into the hut - there is no one there. I looked into the oven and found one kid.
How the goat found out about her misfortune, how she sat on the bench - she began to grieve, cry bitterly:
- Oh, my kids, kids!
What they unlocked, opened,
Did the bad wolf get it?
The wolf heard this, enters the hut and says to the goat:
- Why are you sinning against me, godfather? I didn't eat your goats.