Objects that look like the letter t
100+ Objects That Start with T -
Activities | Elementary | Homeschool | Kindergarten | Preschool | Printables
Are you wanting a list of objects that start with T? If you do, I’ve got a terrific list of over 100 things that start with the letter T.
From tacos and tortillas to tissues and toilet paper, there are tons of tremendous T words that can be used for preschoolers through adulthood in writing, alphabet activities, vocabulary building and more!
Continuing on, let’s jump right in. Here are 100+ objects that start with the T:
The Complete List of Objects that Start with T
Foods that start with T:
- Tobasco Sauce
- Tacos
- Taffy
- Tangerine
- Tapioca Pudding
- Tea
- Thyme
- Toast
- Tofu
- Tomatoes
- Tortilla
- Tortilla chips
- Tuna
- Turnip
Animals that start with T:
- Tadpole
- Tarantula
- Tiger
- Toad
- Tortoise
- Toucan
- Trout
- Tuna fish
- Turkey
- Turtle
Household Objects that start with T:
- Table
- Table cloth
- Tablet
- Tack
- Tag
- Tank
- Tape
- Tape recorder
- Target
- Tassel
- Tea cup
- Tea pot
- Teddy bear
- Telephone
- Television
- Tennis ball
- Tent
- Textbook
- Thermometer
- Thimble
- Thread
- Tin
- Tinsel
- Tissues
- Toilet paper
- Tongs
- Toolbox
- Toothbrush
- Top
- Tote
- Towel
- Toy
- Toy box
- Trampoline
- Trap
- Trash
- Tray
- Treadmill
- Treasure
- Tricycle
- Trophy
- Tub
- Tweezers
- Typewriter
Clothing items that start with T:
- Tap shoes
- Tie
- Tiara
- Tennis shoes
- Tunic
- Tights
- Top
- Tank top
- Trench coat
- T-Shirt
- Trousers
- Top hat
- Turban
- Tuxedo
Outdoor items that start with T:
- Talc (mineral)
- Tanzanite
- Tea Rose
- Texas Black Walnut Tree
- Thorn
- Torrey Pine Tree
- Tiger Lily
- Topaz
- Tree
- Trumpet Vine
- Tulip
- Turquoise
Transportation objects that start with T:
- Taxi
- Totem Pole
- Tower
- Train
- Train track
- Trolley
- Truck
Space items that begin with T:
- Taurus (Constellation)
- Telescope
- Titan (largest moon of Saturn)
- Triton (largest moon of Neptune)
Instruments that start with T:
- Tamborine
- Timpani
- Tin-whistle
- Tuba
- Trombone
- Trumpet
Body parts that start with T:
- Tailbone
- Teeth
- Thigh
- Throat
- Thumb
- Toe
- Tongue
- Torso
- Tummy
- Temple
- Triceps
Random objects that start with T:
- Torch
- Trapeze
Objects that Start with T for Kindergarten and Preschool
Need some common objects that start with T for preschoolers and kindergartners who are working on letter recognition and alphabet awareness? If so, I’ve got a handy, short list for you to draw from. These are familiar items that most kids will easily be able to identify and associate with the letter T.
*Note: Do your kids need help with letter recognition and other concepts? If so, check out these printable resources: The Preschool Daily Skill Builder OR the Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder. These resources are great for daily skill-building in six different areas including math, reading, and writing.
Objects that start with T for Kindergarten and Preschool:
- Tiger – The large tiger at the zoo was orange with black stripes.
- Tent – We slept in a tent when we went camping.
- Tree – There is a tall Oak tree in front of our house.
- Taco – I ate a taco and a burrito for dinner tonight.
- Train – The train blew its whistle as it chugged along the railroad tracks.
- Turtle – We found a turtle hiding inside of a hollow log.
- Tub – My mother soaked our dirty clothes in a tub of hot water.
- Turkey – We always eat turkey with our Thanksgiving dinner.
- Tractor – My grandpa has a green and yellow tractor.
- Ticket – We have two tickets to tonight’s show.
- Trap – My dad set a mouse trap out in the garage.
- Tomato – I ate a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich for dinner.
More T words PLUS a free letter T activity pack
Would you like more nouns that start with T, as well as, some verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that start with T? If so, check out the Complete T Words for Kids List. This list also comes along with a free, downloadable T Words for Kids learning pack that includes letter T tracing cards, handwriting practice pages, and vocabulary words, and a printable word list.
Furthermore, check out ALL the Words for Kids by Alphabet Resources! Visit this Words for Kids by Alphabet list and get all the word lists, as well as, the free printable learning resources for each letter of the alphabet.
Vocabulary Activities for Objects that Start with T
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- Do a Scavenger Hunt for Objects That Start with T– Put together a scavenger hunt for finding items that begin with the letter T! (Note: This activity would be best for kindergarten through early elementary.) To do a scavenger hunt, you can strategically hide some T objects around the room, OR you can simply set a timer and see how many items they can find that start with the letter T.
- Read Picture Books That feature Objects That Start With T– If you have preschoolers or kindergarteners, a great way to learn letter recognition for letter T, is to read picture books that feature T words and repeat them throughout the text. So, print off a Letter T books list and head to the library or look through your shelves at home and pick a few and start reading! (One book that highlights the letter T for preschool is The Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle.
- Write Poetry Using Objects That Start with T – For older kids, you can combine vocabulary and poetry into a delightful afternoon of creative writing. Challenge your students to write an acrostic style poem or even a simple couplet using only T words as their nouns.
- Play The Categories Game Using T Objects – To prepare for the categories game, begin by jotting down a few different categories up on a whiteboard or chalkboard for everyone to see. (Some category ideas are: foods, clothes, items in space, music, household objects, animals etc.) To play, set a timer and have your kids see how many T objects they can put into each category before the timer goes off. .
What would you add to this ‘Objects That Tart With T’ list?
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$ 7.50
This Montessori language alphabet object lot is one of several I have available. This listing is for T word alphabet miniatures
These can be used at home for those who homeschool or in a classroom. This activity includes multiple miniature objects you can use for pre-readers to advanced (examples include pulling a few random objects for pre-readers and asking if they can find x, or play I-spy with the objects (I spy something that starts with the letter a, or red, or an animal))
Objects in this set are TINY. Objects are a mix of beads, charms and miniature objects including tiny Safari LTD animals.
What is included:
- Prepackaged set includes 12 objects if you buy the letter bundle OR you can buy objects individually, or add to the bundle
Colors and styles may vary slightly from shown.
- Turtle - 1.75" x 1"
- Treasure Chest - 1.5" x 1"
- Track - 2.5" x 1"
- Tag Wood - 2.5" x .125"
- Top - (Small Plastic - 1.25" // Small Wood- 1.25" // Jumbo Wood 2.75" x 2")
- Treat - Large Plastic Ice Cream - 4" x 2"
- Tree - (Small - 1.75" x .75" // Jumbo Wood - 3.25" x 2.25" x 2.25" // Bead - .5")
- Train - (Hard Plastic - 1.5" // Soft Plastic - 1.5")
- Thumb - 1"
- Test Tube - 5.5”H x 1.25" in diameter.
- Tiger - 1.5" x .5
- Taxi - 1.5" x .5
- Tail - 2.5" x 1.5"
- Thread - 1"
- Tooth - (Small - .75 // Small Acrylic - 1.75" // Eraser - 1.25")
- Trophy - 3"
- Tennis Shoe - 1.
- Toucan - 2.75"
- Tongue - 2"
- Tank - 1.5"
- Toilet with Poop - 4" x 3.25" x 2.25"
- Tweezers - 4" long and 1" at widest.
- You can get a turtle in the ocean animal sets #1 and #2.
- You can get a turtle in the pet eraser set. Tiny .75"
- You can get a larger tiger in the safari animal set.
- You can get a tapir and tree kangaroo in the rainforest animal set.
- You can get a tooth in the human organs set.
- You can get a Tasmanian devil and tiapan in the large Australian animal set.
- You can get a turtle in the pets set.
- You can get a triceratops and tyrannosaurus rex in the dino set.
- You can get a tiger in the endangered species set.
- You can get a toucan in the tropical birds set.
***** Tropical Bird Animal Set includes: White Ibis, Parakeet, Green Parrot, Flamingo, Keel-Billed Toucan, Cockatoo, Hummingbird, Quetzal, Yellow Macaw, and Snowy Owl.
***** Endangered Species Animals Set includes: African Elephant, Black Rhinoceros, Bengal Tiger, Mountain Gorilla, Giant Panda, Amur Leopard, African Wild Dog, Bornean Orangutan, Spider Monkey, and Snow Leopard.
***** Dinosaur Animal Figurine Set includes dimetrodon, stegosaurus, pteranodon, diplodocus, spinosaurus, triceratops, velociraptor, iguanodon, anklyosaurus, and tyrannosaurus rex.
***** Pets Animal Figurine Set includes - hedgehog, iguana, mouse, parakeet, cat, dog, goldfish, rabbit, turtle, hamster, ferret and frog.
***** Large Australian Animals Set - includes 11 miniature realistic animals. (2"- 3" Long) Platypus, frilled lizard, dingo, kangaroo, koala, Tasmanian devil, emu, crocodile, wombat, taipan, and cockatoo.
***** Human Organs Set includes: brain, stomach, intestines (both), colon (large intestine), liver, lungs, eye, tooth, heart, and kidneys. (approx 2" - 3").
**** Rainforest Animal Set Includes: Tapir, Lemur, Sloth, Tree Kangaroo, Sun Bear, Macaque Monkey, Zorilla, Kinkajou, Spotted Genet, Coati, Lynx and Koala.
***** Safari Animal Set includes 12 miniature toy animals. Animals replicas measure 2'' 3.5'' long and are made of plastic. This set includes: elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, cheetah, tiger, lion, ostrich, gorilla, gazelle, gnu, zebra and giraffe.
***** Sea Animal Set #1 contains: Octopus, stingray, turtle, lobster, shark, starfish, crab, sea lion, dolphin, orca, walrus, and seal.
***** Sea Animal Set #2 contains: Octopus, Sea Lion, Seal, Shark, Dolphin, Starfish, Stingray, Turtle, Crab, Lobster, Penguin and Eel.
These bags contain small parts that may not be appropriate for children under the age of 3. Adult supervision is required.
All bags ideas and graphics copyright Curious Minds Busy Bags, Please do not modify for commercial use.
Learning Letters in Action!: Letter T
Letter T (_)
Words starting with T: tractor, grass, telescope, TV, tiger, slippers, telephone, pipe, basin, cloud, tank, body, test, silence, hold, rope, ink, tulle, three , yours, work, thousand, dance, waist, taxi, calf, tower, ax, heat, sharpener
Words ending in T: brother, slope, mole, bow, rope, pomegranate, raccoon, elevator, port, parachute, leaf, elevator, hood, cross, flight, whistle, giant
T in the middle of a word: island, fire, morning, table, chair, woodpecker, wind, razor, children, subway, dream, mint, glass, flock (of birds) , structure, duck, veil, shorts, atlas, Anton, Anyuta, ataman, battle, wind, doctor,
(taken here)
Lots of words starting with the letter "t".
You can't count everyone at once:
Stool, tram, fog,
TV, slippers, father-in-law.
All students are friends with the letter T,
After all, they write letters in a notebook.
Days without study notebooks -
Would be simply boring and unthinkable!
Having looked, we can easily
We can make sure,
The trumpet begins
From what it looks like. (picture here)
The letter T stands on the roof:
TV in the house vol.
T turned into an antenna
And found herself on the roof.
Hammer knocks: "Knock knock!
Letter T, I'm an old friend!"
The letter T will cover you
from rain, snow, heat.
Looks like a T-antenna
And looks like an umbrella too.
A tiger is a ferocious beast, but still
A tiger can also be quiet:
A tiger can be quiet with a tigress,
Because he himself is afraid of her.
T - antenna - above the roof -
He sees everything, hears everything.
We turn on the TVs,
We don't get bored at the screens.
Clean tongues (here, here)
So-and-so - we played loto.
Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness in our house.
Ti-ti-ti - they ate almost all the porridge.
You-you-you - cats ate all the sour cream.
Tu-tu-tu - pour milk to the cat.
Tyo-tyo-tyo - we put aside sewing.
At-at-at - we will go for a walk with you.
At-at-at - we take a scooter with us.
I am the opposite of noise, knocking,
Without me, you will suffer at night.
I am for rest, for sleep,
I call myself .... ( silence )
Our friend is right there.
He will drive everyone in five minutes.
Hey, sit down, don't yawn,
Departing .... ( tram )
She dies in the autumn,
And comes to life again in the spring.
Cows without her are in trouble,
She is their main food.
( Grass )
Letter T in pictures (here)
What the letter T looks like (source 1, 2)
Automation of the letter T (source)
2. As soon as Tanya gets up in the morning, Tanya is drawn to dance.
What is there to explain for a long time! Tanya loves to dance.
4. Under a tree, a black grouse met a black grouse: “Black grouse, black grouse! How are your heifers?" A black grouse answered a black grouse: "My cubs are healthy guys."
5. A black grouse sat in Terenty's cage, and a black grouse with black grouse in the forest on a branch.
6. Dust flies across the field from under the clatter of hooves.
7. A weaver weaves fabric for shawls (on a dress) for Tanya.
8. Don't be hasty, but be patient.
9. Where there is a bungler and a black grouse, there is not a profit, but a loss.
10. He ordered to weave canvas for a spider from a cobweb.
11. Three chocks, three geese, three ducks in the stove.
12. Our guest took away the cane.
13. Three ravens on the gate, three magpies on the fence.
14. Tanya has a secret, this is Tanya's secret, And Tanya hides this secret.
15. Petya and Anton strayed on the planet Pluto.
16. For a long time the raccoons looked at the notes, the notes are incomprehensible, the notes are incomprehensible to the raccoons.
17. Tanya and Nata are young naturalists.
18. Tony has a ton of music.
19. The hobbit has no trunk.
20. Tom has a volume, and Tom has a volume; Toma's volume is about the wrong Tom, Tom's volume is about the wrong Tom; Toma's volume is not about that, and Tom's volume is not about that.
21. The painting is entangled in cobwebs, in the painting Lilliputians in the web.
22. The photo shows a python, tapir, sea anemone, newt, rooster, termite, panther, cat, orangutan, act, aphid, raccoon, tarantula, black grouse, coyote.
23. This is Fedya, this is Petya, this is Nadya, this is Katya, this is Vitya, this is Mitya. Children, these are children.
24. That Tit is here, and Aunt Tita is here, and Taya is here, and Tut is here.
25. Shade-shadow-sweat, all day, where the stump is - I braid the wattle fence and unwind it.
26. A Turk smokes a pipe. The cock pecks at the grits. Don't smoke, Turk, pipe! Do not peck, trigger, grits!
Tale about the letter T (source)
On the floor where the letter T lived, there was always a shadow, darkness. But it was not scary there, because bright lights and flashlights were flashing everywhere, because in the dark the light glows very brightly and beautifully! The letter T was responsible for all the clouds. She checked the weather and, if there was a drought, she sent clouds to that place.
And now she woke up and ran into the forest to check how things were going there. She cheerfully walked along the path and hummed her favorite song:
- Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
Clouds are beautiful!
She saw a bush with berries and asked the berries:
- How are you?
But the berries are all dried up. They squeaked plaintively:
- Drink! We are hot! We completely withered in the sun...
- Well, well, well, - said the letter T, - we'll have to call the clouds.
And then the magic began...
The letter T looked like a hammer, didn't it? And then she took out a small silver hammer from her pocket and began to knock on the ground with it and sing:
- Knock-knock-knock! Clouds-clouds-clouds!
- Knock knock knock! Right there, the clouds are coming!
And as soon as she said this, suddenly the wind came from all sides and began to drive all the clouds from different places to the place where the letter T stood. Now the whole sky was covered with clouds, it became completely dark.
- Bang! lightning flashed.
- Fuck! thunder boomed. These clouds in the sky collided with each other.
And it started pouring down… Rain poured down from the clouds on the ground. Water ran from the sky, and the letter T barely managed to hide under a large poplar, and droplets dripped from branch to branch - drip, drip, drip ... And how delighted all the plants, all the flowers, berries, all the bushes and all the trees! After all, they cannot live without life-giving water, just as they cannot live without the sun! And the rain gave everyone a drink, washed away the dust, and everything around came to life, blossomed and smelled delicious . ..
The rain stopped falling heavily and was drizzling a little. Then the letter T got out from under the poplar that covered it, and slowly walked along the path - top-top, top-top, top-top ... She walked and thought about how important it is to keep balance in this world. And wise nature always keeps everything in balance. It is light and sunny during the day - everyone warms up and grows, and at night it is dark and cool - everyone sleeps and rests. And the clouds always carry healing moisture.
But there are different kinds of clouds. There are also clouds that run into people, run into their inner little sun. And then you look at them, and you can’t see them at all, you can’t see the sun, but only the clouds swear, thunder and sparkle. But you and I know that these are just clouds! And behind all the clouds, the sun always shines! And if a cloud that got lost suddenly runs into you, then don’t be scared and don’t cry, but just blow as hard as you can! Like this:
- F-F-U-U-U-U…
Make the wind and help the cloud fly where it needs to go. Let go of your cloud!
So the letter T walked and thought. And slowly she reached her apartment, where she never turned on the light. Because she always had flashlights on everywhere. She entered, went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There she had a magical inedible cake. No matter how much you cut off from it, it grew back in the morning. All letters, if they wanted a cake, then went to the letter T. And at the same time she helped them to inflate the clouds, if there were a lot of them. So, the letter T ate her cake, and went to sleep and rest, pleased with her work. And she had a dream, as if she was flying on a cloud high, high above the mountains, over forests, rivers and valleys, flying across the sky on a cloud, like on a ship ...
If you want to fly like that, then close your eyes, fall asleep, and fly!
Author — Daria Luch
Project "What does a letter look like..."
In grade 1, after studying all the letters of the alphabet, children are asked to complete the project "What does a letter look like". In the poems of Soviet writers, letters begin to come to life before the eyes of astonished first-graders. The letter A turns into a rocket, the letter Zh - into a beetle, the letter M - a swing, etc.
While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings their own project to the class and it turns out a fun ABC.
Let it start with a stork
Like the alphabet,
Start with A
Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head
Knows Vova, Knows Light,
A looks like a rocket.
Letter B with a big belly
In a cap with a long peak
Letter B will wake up early.
Letter B - a barrel with a tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy,
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!
Two arms side by side
Here are
glasses for the frog
is worth like a poker
Here, During the smoke,
letter d pipe
, instead of a rake, this letter was wide
And it looks like a beetle
And at the same time it looks like a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound
This is F,
And this is K
A whole beetle
And half a beetle
White field
In fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram horns (Letter Z)
Look at the gate:
How is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay down obliquely
The signalman holds two flags
With flags he is like the letter K
The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - a forest hut
Letter M!
Swing here
Everyone can
On the letter N
I'm like on a ladder
I sit and sing
There I will find the letter H,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.
Look at the wheel
And you will see the letter about
on hockey, on football
letter n - Gate in the field
Letter P - on the MAST MAREN,
SAMS, Heaven Regarding
Cremes in the sky of a dark
The letter C hung over the house
The hammer knocks: "Knock knock!
The letter T I'm an old friend"
U - knot. In any forest
You will see the letter Y
Fedya walks with his arms to his sides
So, he learned the lessons
We are not horned,
Not evil
We are goats
And not goats′
The letter C - 09 At the bottom hook 0 faucet tank
Yes, you made the right decision: we write
H as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We must not confuse letters
Shura ted the hay
Forgot the pitchfork in the hay
Looks like a comb
Shch looks like
Three prongs in total
Well then!
Poor little letter Y
Wandering with a stick, alas
The letter R turned over
Turned into a soft sign
Over the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies
To prevent the O from rolling on a strong0 column,
Oh, look,
What happened:
It turned out .