One little ducky

Duck songs by Jean Warren

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Little baby ducklings – dash, dash, dash.
Jumped in the duck pond – splash, splash, splash!
When their Mother called them – quack, quack, quack!
Little baby ducklings – swam right back.
                                                Adapted Traditional

Four little ducks went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck, said, “Quack, Quack, Quack”
But only three little ducks came waddling back.

Three little ducks went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck, said, “Quack, Quack, Quack”
But only two little ducks came waddling back.

Two little ducks went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck, said, “Quack, Quack, Quack”
But only one little duck came waddling back.

One little duck went out one day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck said, “Quack, Quack, Quack,”
And no little ducks came waddling back.

Mother duck went out that day,
Over the hill and far away.
Mother duck said, “It’s time to come back”
And the four little ducks came waddling back.
                                                Adapted Traditional

Tune:  “Down By The Station”

Down at the pond, early in the morning,
See the little ducks swimming in a row.
See the Mother duck, dive for her breakfast,
Up, down, up, down, watch her go!

Down at the pond, early in the morning,
See the little ducks, swimming in a row.
See the Mother duck, flap her wings just so,
Up she flys, her ducklings in tow!
                                                Jean Warren

Tune:  “Old Mac Donald Had A Farm”

Old Mac Donald had a farm –E, I, E, I, O.
And on this farm he had a duck – E, I, E, I, O.
With a quack, quack, here and a quack, quack there.
Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack.
Old Mac Donald had a farm – E, I, E, I, O.

Little baby ducklings, all brand new,
Fat ones, skinny ones, short ones, too.
But the biggest duck, with feathers on his back,
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack,
Quack, quack, quack,
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
                                                Adapted Traditional

Ten little ducklings, running at a dash,  
(Have children run in place)
Jumped in the pond, with a great big splash! 
(Pretend to jump and splash)
Then their Mother called them, quack, quack quack! 
(Have children turn halfway around)
And the ten little ducklings, came swimming back. 
(Have children pretend to swim back)
                                                 Adapted Traditional

A family of ducks, every day would go
Out for a walk, wobbling two and fro.
The Mother duck with feathers on her back,
Kept them in line, with her quack, quack, quack.

When they came to a lake, they jumped right in,
Padding around for their daily swim.
When it was time to go home, she gave a loud, “quack, quack!”
And all of her ducklings, came swimming back.

                                                                Adapted Traditional


Five Little Ducks - Kids Environment Kids Health

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Five little ducks went to play
Wibble wobble, wibble wobble to and fro
But the one little duck
With the feather on his back
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack.

The following lyrics are also called "Five Little Ducks," but this version has a different tune, and no music has been located for it.

Written by Dorothy Aldis (Copyright Unknown)

Five little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack. "
But only one little duck came back.

One little duck
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack, quack."
But none of the five little ducks came back.

Sad mother duck
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away
The sad mother duck said
"Quack, quack, quack."
And all of the five little ducks came back.

Alternate verse

Five little ducks
went out to play
Over the hills and far away
Papa duck said,
Five little ducks came swimming back.

For parents

You may remember images of ducks and other wildlife covered with oil after the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010. Volunteers and workers pitched in on the clean‐up. But what might that have done to their health? NIEHS is leading a long-term research to understand the effects on clean-up workers and volunteers.

For kids

Do you like ducks (and other web‐footed friends)? How about becoming a wetlands ecologist? Learn about what a wetland ecologist does and how to become one from Dr. Lief Sigren.

For teachers

The Duke University Superfund Program’s Learning Barge is considered the world’s first floating wetlands classroom, powered by sun and wind and equipped with live wetlands to study. The program has provided opportunities for students, with a focus on fourth‐graders, as this article about the "Learning Barge" describes.

For teachers

L'Oie Toulouse? Qui, Moi?
About three years ago, a white Canada goose (Branta canadensis canadensis) or perhaps an imposter appeared on our NIEHS campus.

For teachers

Being Single is "Not for the Birds"! – Canada Geese
This update is for those of you who are still young enough to remember. The White Goose (WG), known around campus and in the local press, as Toulouse, has spent many hours at NIEHS over the course of 4 plus years.

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90,000 Operation “Salvation of the Duck”: the Vladimir residents found the lost chick and took home

Komsomolskaya Pravda


Valeria Rudometova

May 25, 2019 1:00

Now the wild duckling will turn into


to itself, and what is taken away, and that what what to do next? Photo: from the archive of the hero of the publication

A couple of days ago, residents of Vladimir were walking along the Klyazma and saw a very tiny duckling on the shore - it was smaller than a palm. We decided not to touch it, because a mother duck could swim nearby. But two hours later, when they returned from a walk, the duckling was swimming in the same place. Then he heard voices and ... ran to the people.

- Lost! Fought off the pack, thought Elizaveta Pchelyakova. - We ourselves did not notice how he ran after us to the city: such a smart one! Sadly, I had to take it home. He was born about 6 days ago.

They took him in, but what to do next? How to feed? Does he need water? Elizabeth began to ask for help on social networks dedicated to animals. Some wrote right away that it was not necessary to take it into the house. How will he survive in such conditions? It turns out that ducklings can feel fine in the apartment.


- True, he squeaked at night, could not calm down. But still he fell asleep. We fed him millet and boiled eggs, ate with pleasure. The next day, a girl wrote to us, told us that she was running a household with her mother - they breed ducks and chickens, which had already raised chicks and left them for themselves. Of course, we asked why you are taking our duckling away: is it not for slaughter? It turned out that they had a small farm for the soul. There is no one they are not going to. We thought about another option: attach it to a wild duck. But it is not known whether she would accept him?

Elizaveta says that if the duckling had not followed them, they would have left him on the Klyazma, because there are all the conditions there, and he could perfectly grow up alone.

Specialist of the exhibition department of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve Denis Dudenkov says that you can feed ducklings at home. Just do not delay this matter, otherwise the chick will get used to it.

- Everything is easier with ducklings than with fledglings. They begin to feed themselves, as they are born, and walk well. If you have taken such a “pet” to yourself, then feed it with duckweed - a small grass that grows in water. The plant can be caught with a net. This is the main food. You can also give a chopped boiled egg, a mixture of breadcrumbs. Be sure to pour water into the basin or bath and put the duckling. But let the chick not stay with you for a long time: try to attach it to another flock. I often see ducklings with their mother on the pond near the sports building of the VlSU. Sometimes I notice that when someone scares them, they immediately scatter. This duckling, found on the Klyazma, could lag behind for the same reason.

The specialist says that it is not necessary to make a pet out of a duck, it is better to return it to nature.

- I can't say that ducklings should not be taken at all. There are some cases when they are near the road or there are animals nearby. It is clear that we need help here.

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→ Dream Interpretation №❶ → U

Dream Interpretation Ducklings

What does sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday mean?

Felomen's dream book

Why do ducklings dream in a dream book?

Ducklings in the dream book Felomena - a symbol of the coming happiness and prosperity in family relationships. Single people will have a great opportunity to start a married life, and the union promises to be successful. Married couples will find harmony and mutual understanding, the atmosphere in the house will become softer, cozier, warmer.

What ducklings were in the dream?

How many ducklings did you dream about?

What did you do in your dream with ducklings?


Which ducklings were in the dream?

Little ducklings dreamed▼

If in a dream you watched little ducklings, get ready for a pleasant surprise, it will bring great joy to your family.

It can be news of the imminent birth of a child or a special gift from a loved one that will move you to tears. In any case, you will get even closer to each other.

Yellow ducklings that appear in a dream reflect your childish naivety and innocence. Such traits are touching for a child; for an adult, they rather prevent them from making responsible decisions and fulfilling serious obligations.

However, the yellow plumage of ducklings in a dream also indicates an internal readiness for decisive changes.

If you dreamed about how you were chasing tiny ducklings, trying to catch them, the dream book portends good news. If you still managed to pick up at least one duckling, then fabulous luck will accompany you.

Why do black ducklings dream?

A dream in which black ducklings appear symbolizes a period of uncertainty. For the first time, you will encounter a problem that you cannot understand and solve. Moreover, your mental balance will be greatly shaken - you will have to deal with your own thoughts and feelings before putting things in order.

How many ducklings did you dream about?

A lot of ducklings in a dream▼

If you dreamed of a lot of ducklings walking in the yard without being accompanied by a mother duck, this is a sign of a strong creative impulse that you are ready to realize.

The dream characterizes you as an independent and strong personality, able to start and complete projects, overcoming obstacles on the way to what you want.

What did you do in your dream with ducklings?

To steal ducklings according to the dream book▼

Why dream that you had to steal ducklings? What you see speaks of your balanced decision to build a happy family. The interpretation of sleep promises: soon you will meet a person in whom you will find a reliable life partner. Your dream will begin to come true.

How do other dream books interpret?

Oracle Dream Book▶

one 2 Continue reading →

Theme of sleep:

Tatiana Miller


The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

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